Abstracts Statements Story

Kandyba history. The terrible story of a child abandoned on the playground: no one needs it

Question: “Why does your point of view on Russian History not coincide with the generally accepted one?”

Answer: “The Russian people have been deceived for several centuries by calling Russian people “Slavs.” From point of view modern science“Slavs”, or rather “Slovenes”, are a small Russian people who settled many thousands of years ago in the Ilmen region. The Rus-Slovene tribes had as their capital the city of Slovensk, and then Novgorod, which was built by the Slovenes next to the ancient capital of their Land.
The deception consists in replacing the History of the Russian People with the history of a small union of tribes in the northern Lands. Slovenes (Slavs) are only a small and very young part of the Russian People. The history of the Rus-Slovenians is only 20-30 thousand years old, and the History of the Russian People is millions of years old. In addition to the Slovenes (Slavs), the Russian Empire also included all their hundreds of neighbors: Krivichi, Ves, Merya, Polochans, Golyad, Meshchera, Vyatichi, Drevlyans, Northerners, Volynians, Radimichi, Dregovichi, etc. Therefore, the history of any of these ancient Russian peoples is interesting, but it is just a small part of the History of the entire Russian People, consisting of hundreds of tribes, and not just the “Slavs” (Slavs), or Krivichi, or anyone else.
However, tying the beginning of Russian History to Novgorod allowed our enemies to cut off the entire History of the central, southern, eastern and western Rus. Kiev, Bulgar, Troy, Ur, Byzantium, Rome, Arkaim, Rusa, Sur, Vineta, Sigtuna, Olvia, Khora, Rusalim, Uyghur, Uruhansk and other ancient city-states of the great Russian Empire disappeared from Russian History.

The manipulations of our enemies made it possible to present Russian History only as the history of Novgorod and Moscow, these two young Principalities that were formed relatively recently.”

Question: “So, do you think that the Russian state existed before Rurik was called to Novgorod?”

Answer: “Your question is incorrect. It’s not me who thinks so, but all Russian science thinks so. Not a single Russian scientist has any doubts about this, and as for foreign scientists, they are openly hostile towards us, therefore their historical “opuses” have nothing to do with science.”

Question: “You imagine History as an eternal struggle: first the Northern Rus with the Southern, and then the East and the West, and you designate the Southern Rus, or, as you call them, “Rusalim,” as bearers of the dark nature of man. Is this really true from a scientific point of view?

Answer: “I treat all people and all nations well, without exception, very well; Moreover, I love people. Most of my friends also never confuse true patriotism and love for the Motherland with false patriotism, when instead of love for the Motherland, a false patriot hates someone, some people or nation. It is difficult to create something on hatred; only Love creates and creates, therefore all world religions are built on Love as the highest human feeling. The Russian Religion is also built on Love, so I, as its creator, simply have neither the moral nor the legal right to hate anyone, much less an entire nation. Therefore, I treat everyone well, including the Southern Rus or Rusalims, but this does not mean that if someone commits a crime, regardless of nationality, then I, as a scientist, must hush up these crimes so that someone can accuse me then suddenly he wasn’t offended. Truth is more valuable! This is the specificity of scientific thinking, and nationality has nothing to do with it!”

Question: “What is the main idea Your book?

Answer: “The main thing I wanted to say is that the fate of not only planet Earth, but also the fate of our entire Universe depends on the fate of the Russian People! This is our main Secret, our main Truth and the Main Key Essence for understanding everything that is happening around us now and will happen in the future!”

Question: “And yet, please clarify, the Rusalim - what kind of people or peoples are they?”

Answer: “In the most ancient times, when the formation of white Northern humanity and Southern black humanity was underway, then in the North-South confrontation we called the southernmost Russians - Egyptians, Libyans and others who lived in North Africa, this southern region of the former Old Russian Empire - rusalim . The most developed country of the Rusalims was Ancient Egypt, which, according to the priestly secrecy that existed at that time, encrypted ideas and words by pronouncing them exactly the other way around. So, for example, it was the first Rusalim-Egyptians who read the word “Rus” in reverse into the word “Sur”, the word “Yog” into “Goy”, etc. That's why the capital ancient Egypt The Rusalim called it “Sur”, and their entire country was called “Suriya”. This ancient Russian priestly encryption custom is the simplest and most ancient.

So, the first Rusalim were Egyptians. In subsequent millennia, after the retreat of the glaciers, the centers of the Russian Empire shifted from Mesopotamia and Asia Minor to the Dnieper region and the Volga. Then the southern border of the Russian Empire shifted from Egypt to the upper reaches of the Tigris and Euphrates. Today's Armenians and Syrians began to be called Rusalim. After another millennium, this ancient Russian priestly word began to spread to Palestine and Israel, because it was to these places that the Rusalim came from southern Armenia (from the area around Lake Van), who directly named their capital - Rusalim (on the Ie River), and Their kings were called 5-7 thousand years ago - Rusa I, Rusa II, etc.

After another millennium, the southern Rus (or rusalim) from the region of Armenia, Palestine, Syria and Egypt settled in Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Germany and even the USA. Therefore, the confrontation between the Northern Rus and the Southern Rus (Rusalim) was replaced by the East-West confrontation.

So, at present, by the word “Rusalim,” Russian priests understand all the peoples of Western Europe, but the ideology of the southern Rus, who became the “West,” is most strongly expressed in the following modern countries: Poland, the USA, Spain, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and England.

Modern Russian scientists have many questions about the fact that modern scientific history, which our children study at school, was entirely written exclusively by foreigners. Here is a brief information about them:

1) Miller Gerard Friedrich (1705-1783) - German historian. In Russia - since 1725. He collected a collection of copies (the originals have disappeared) of documents on ancient Russian history (the so-called Miller portfolios), on the basis of which he wrote the first complete “scientific” history of the Russian Empire, which is still taught in Russian universities and schools.

2) Bayer Gottlieb Siegfried (1694-1738) - German historian, philologist (did not know Russian), member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences since 1725. Founder of the famous “Norman theory”, according to which the Russian people never had their own state until the Western ( Norman) Prince Rurik did not come to Rus' and did not create the first Russian state.

3) Schletser August Ludwig (1735-1800) - German historian, philologist (did not know Russian); in Russian service from 1761 to 1767. Since 1769 - foreign honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (since he returned to Germany in 1768). He was the first to officially investigate the “original” of the oldest Russian chronicle - “The Tale of Bygone Years” (Radziwill Chronicle). He created a version of Russian history from the beginning of time until 1206, the so-called History of Kievan Rus.

So, the concept of official Russian history that is familiar to us today was created exclusively by foreigners! Natural questions arise: where were our historians? What other countries have national history written entirely by foreigners? Why are all subsequent “historians” strictly followers of the falsified by the West, extremely humiliating for any Russian, anti-scientific version of Russian history?

So, as we see, the need to write the true history of mankind is long overdue. Therefore, the most important scientific battles are about what real story humanity, I think, is still ahead. In the meantime, my book is the first truly scientific history humanity, based exclusively on the strictest scientific facts and the most important discoveries of recent years... (academician Kandyba V.M.)

“We don’t need food, toys, or gifts, just mom.”

In the city of Shchelkovo, behind house number 7 on Komarova Street there is a cozy children's playground. Now it is noisy: a bunch of kids are happily running along the stairs of the houses and slides under the watchful gaze of their mothers and grandmothers. It was on this site a few days ago that the little boy Sasha ended up inexplicably. The very same parents, relatives or people who know at least something about the child are now being sought through social networks and wanted posters.

Yes, we saw him,” says the mother of the wonderful girl Katya, who is playing nearby. - I don’t know when and how he appeared here. We arrived at about five o'clock, and he was already here, playing with other children. I couldn’t even think that there was something wrong with him, an ordinary child. Very sociable, smiling, well dressed. When they left, he was still on the site. But there’s nothing strange here either - I thought that maybe the parents had let go and were looking out of the window or left the child with other mothers who were sitting on the playground. I learned that he was a “lost” only the next day from neighbors. This is, of course, a nightmare.

Sasha's further movements also remain a mystery. Residents of the surrounding houses believe that someone took pity on the crying baby and let him warm up in the entrance of the house, where he was later found by those who had already sounded the alarm.

Our neighbor Lyudmila from the second entrance found him,” says a local resident. - I was returning home from work at about eight o’clock, I walked into the entrance, and there was a crying child. She approached him, and he extended his arms to her and said: “Mom!” He calmed down in her arms. Well, Lyudmila, of course, immediately began going around the neighbors, asking if anyone had lost a child, but no one responded. Then a group of concerned people gathered and began to walk around all the surrounding courtyards, house to house, interviewing people. On the way we came across the police, they also got involved. We walked and walked, but didn’t find anyone. Then they called the police and described the situation. The staff arrived, took the baby, checked him in, and then his temperature rose! It turned out that he caught a cold somewhere. They took him to the Monino hospital, where he is now recovering.

There are now very different versions of how little Sasha, who still barely even speaks, ended up in the Shchelkovsky yard.

“I don’t think he ran away and got lost,” says another resident of the seventh house. - He was very calm, played with the children. He began to cry only when evening came and he realized that they would not take him away. The fact that he is not a street child or from an orphanage is also a fact. The boy is well dressed, very social, and not afraid of anyone. I think that his parents themselves brought him and left him here. Well, or someone did it for them.

The whole world is now looking for Sasha’s parents or those who could give at least some information about him. In every yard, on every pole, even on regular buses, there are photographs of the baby. And to the entrance where Lyudmila found him, someone had already started bringing toys. However, why is not clear.

Law enforcement officials are also considering all possible versions of where the baby could have come from behind the house on Komarovo Street. There is an assumption that Sasha could have been brought even from another region of our country - investigators have already sent inquiries to the most distant corners to find out if there was a child fitting the description. The situation is further complicated by the fact that there are no cameras either in the yard or in the entrance itself. Employees are trying to work on other cameras located in the city, but so far, unfortunately, to no avail.

Sasha, meanwhile, is in the Moninsky hospital and, according to doctors, is actively recovering and pleases all the staff with her smile.

“We don’t need food, toys, or gifts,” says a hospital employee, “just mom.” He calls her all the time, he calls all women that. He is not capricious, does not cry, just smiles and reaches out to everyone - gold, not a child. He can’t speak yet, he only knows “mom” and “dad,” so he definitely grew up in a family. When he came to us, he was very clean and well-groomed. The only problem is a cold.

Secret capabilities of man Kandyba Viktor Mikhailovich




(according to V.M. Kandyba)

At the request of my students, I will once again briefly tell you about the main stages historical development Russian Russian nation, since the entire history of the Rus before Christianization (988) is deliberately hushed up, as if a huge empire fell from the sky ready-made with the largest cities in the world, a developed culture, a perfect form of democracy and high public organization. Foreigners, by the way, called us “Gardarika” - Country of Cities.

The reason for this attitude towards our history is the 1000-year usurpation by Christians of the ancient Russian Vedic spiritual tradition, which originates from the ancestral home in Western Asia, recognized by most historians and common to all Indo-European peoples.

Great contribution to the destruction of ancient Indo-European historical science contributed by foreigners hostile to the Russians, starting with Herodotus, and anti-Zionists, who are not interested in everyone knowing that Russians and Jews are genealogically, historically and psychologically a single people with a single pedigree history and the oldest spiritual culture in the world, which is the basis of modern civilization.

Much can be explained by the destruction of ancient Russian cities and capitals. The first capital of the Rus, the city of Rusa, is located at the mouth of the Hu (Tigris) River, and went under water without a trace 36 thousand years ago. The second capital, the city of Ur, was located on the Hu River in the Nineveh region and was destroyed by earthquakes and floods 24 thousand years ago. The third capital of the Rus, the city of Nova Rusa, was located in the upper reaches of the Hu and was destroyed by an earthquake and flood 12 thousand years ago. The fourth capital of the Rus, the city of Sur, was located at the mouth of the Sur (Nile) River and died 11.6 thousand years ago from rising sea levels. The fifth capital of the Rus, the city of Trinity, was destroyed by flooding during a sharp rise in sea level 10.8 thousand years ago. Over time, the same fate befell the newly built Troy. Ancient Novgorod (near Sevastopol), Asgard (at the mouth of the Pa River, now the Volga), and Kyiv (on the Indus, now the Dnieper) perished. Both Moscow and Petrograd went up in flames more than once. Particularly painful are the deliberate actions of Christians who destroyed the new Kyiv and specifically destroyed the Main Kyiv Library, led by the holy Prince Bogolyubsky, as well as the destruction by Christians of the Russian Historical Library under Ivan the Terrible.

For tens of thousands of years, events taking place in the Russian Empire determine the entire course of development of civilization on our planet.

Therefore, you should clearly understand that the history of the Rus is the history of the entire civilization, everything was decided here and everything will be decided here. We Russians are generally recognized as the most ancient spiritual and intellectual leader of humanity. Therefore, it is very important in these troubled times for new generations of Russians to rely on our great and glorious history, especially since many even educated people They don’t know our history at all, or they’ve only heard or read something from some Greek monk who hates our people or a foreign historian like Herodotus, who, while traveling around the Black Sea region, allegedly half-heard something from someone about people “from Kyiv.” in Herodotus’s style – “Scythians” or “Scythians”, although he himself knew that “Scythians” never existed in nature, that the people whom he called “Scythians” always call themselves Rus. And the sea around which this half-deaf and always drunk Greek “traveled” was called the Russian Sea, and the steppe through which he passed was called the Russian Steppe. So the word “Scythians” is a personal invention of this “father of history”. And so, at the instigation of this drunkard, our Greek “friends” tried, even under Svyatoslav, to distort Russian history, for which he ordered them to be executed and all their writings to be burned. But now, centuries later, the German academicians of Peter I again dealt a most despicable blow to our history, erasing the entire period of Trojan Rus'. Then the St. Petersburg foreign emperors threw Kievan Rus out of Russian history, and now Kyiv itself has become a foreign city...

So, the Ancient Vedic secret tradition says that from time immemorial, in the foothills of the upper reaches of the Khu (Tigris) River and throughout the entire space up to the Oksur (Amu Darya) River and the Hindu Kush, lived semi-wild tribes of the “sons of the leopard” - the Rus, who gave rise to the common Oriya (Aryan) ) the ancestry of most modern Indo-European peoples, who trace their historical ancestry to our ancestor Oriya (Oreya, or Ariya).

Tradition says that the Middle Eastern lands, connecting Africa with Eurasia, served for millions of years as an isthmus-crossroads where the mixing and transformation of the most ancient pre-humans took place, which led to the appearance of intelligent people in these places about 25 million years ago.

The first black people, after the next warming of the planet and the retreat of glaciers, penetrated FROM AFRICA TO SOUTHEAST ASIA and Europe.

Black people from Southeast Asia then settled Australia, the Philippine Islands, and New Guinea. Then, the yellow people, who lived about 100 thousand years ago near the glaciers receding further and further north, penetrated through the Bering Mountains into America, eventually reaching Patagonia. At the same time, the Japanese islands were also inhabited.

The largest retreat of glaciers was about 30 thousand years ago, therefore, the first modern white people, who appeared about 90 thousand years ago in the upper Mesopotamia, began to displace blacks over time and populate Europe, forming new races: Iberian (Southern Europe), Ligurian (Southern Europe) ), Finno-Ugric (North-Eastern Europe), Celtic (Alps, Pyrenees, Carpathians, Scotland, Ireland, Wales), Baltic (Baltic). In addition, the formation of transitional races took place: the Malays - from black to yellow people; Semites - from black to white; Finno-Ugric and Japanese - from yellow to white.

So, about 90 thousand years ago, in the upper reaches of the Hu (Tigris) River, the world's first modern people appeared, whose migration to different regions of the world led over time to the appearance of modern intelligent people in various regions of the Earth.

About 40 thousand years ago, the Russian ethnos finally took shape. Unlike their ancestors from the foothills, mainly gatherers and hunters who led a nomadic life, moving for the animals that served them as food, the ancient Rus settled in the upper reaches of the Hu (Tigris) River in places very rich in vegetation and game.

4 The Rus eventually tamed animals and domesticated many plants, including cereals, which marked the beginning of cattle breeding and agriculture. In addition, the Rus continued to collect wild plants, cereals, fruits and berries, as well as fishing and hunting.

Sedentary agriculture and cattle breeding sharply accelerated the further development of Russian culture, economic and housing construction. Gradually, household tools, ceramic vessels for storing and preparing food, weaving for making clothes, different types weapons, items made of gold, copper and bronze.

The Rus lived in adobe huts (this type of house was preserved in some places in Trojan Rus and Kievan Rus), sowed barley, wheat and flax; they raised goats, sheep, cows, horses; knew how to build dams and canals. Dogs and cats were kept as domestic animals.

The settlements (fortifications or cities) of the Rus occupied an area of ​​up to 20 hectares; in the center there were large brick complexes on high earthen platforms, surrounded by city walls. The first writing arose on clay tablets in brick complexes that served as temples and public warehouses, which housed all the supplies and all the public property of the Russian community, including prisoners. Writing originated as a need to account for public property.

Therefore, the most ancient Russian written sources on clay tablets look like warehouse reports.

Good conditions of prosperous life led over time to a sharp increase in the population of the entire union of Russian cities, and the Rus began to quickly settle in neighboring territories suitable for agriculture and cattle breeding - first in the areas of fertile river valleys of the Middle East and to India, then along the coast of the Mediterranean and North Africa . Gradually the Russians began to explore the Balkans and the European Mediterranean. At the same time, the development of Iran and Central Asia, India and China was underway.

New settlements of the Rus retained, as a rule, the developed Russian stereotype of existence, including the social-family and communal-tribal organization, ancient Russian Ori mythology, rituals, production skills, customs, laws, etc. But in the new habitats the Rus assimilated new elements local cultures, and sometimes were greatly transformed, significantly different from their ancestral home. The only thing that has not changed is natural belligerence, a tendency towards unlimited freedom, inner goodwill and the custom of taking a good walk on occasion.

Over time, on the basis of developed production and the emergence of a surplus social product, it became possible to support priest-administrators, artisans, keepers of temple property, scribes, slaves, etc. Thus, the first centers of urban civilization with supra-communal social structures and early forms of political administration in the form of a proto-state structure, when the witch-priests of the Temple of Neba performed the functions of Rulers headed by the Chief Priest - the Head of the Russian proto-state.

Moving to the north of the Balkans and higher, the Rus populated the game-rich virgin forests of Eastern, Central and Northern Europe.

By the 30th millennium, large Russian settlements began to emerge on the west coast. The huge sea to the north was called the Russian Sea (we are talking about the Black Sea).

The Russes who settled Galicia (Russian Mountains, now the Carpathians) gradually settled from the Don to the outskirts of Europe. When the first migration to the West took place from the territory of Galicia, these settlers were called “Gauls”, and then “Celts”. Those who went back to the south were called “Galileans.”

However, 25 thousand years ago there was a new major movement of the Rus from Western Asia to the north through the Caucasus and the Balkans, as well as to the south along the sea to the Sur Nile delta). The sea (Mediterranean) was called Surozh. And the settlement of Southern Europe led to the emergence of the Iberian race.

By the 19th millennium, the Rus settled over a vast territory - from the Sur to the Danube, the Indus (Dnieper) and the Pa-river (Volga). And the settlement of Southern Europe led to the emergence of the Ligurian race.

Large settlements of the Rus had to be fenced off with walls and ramparts for military purposes. The largest fortified cities at this time were Sur (on Sur), Russka Oselya (Jerusalem), Nova Rusa (on Hu), Trinity, Asgard (on Ra), Belograd (on the Dniester), Novgorod (in Crimea) and Kiev ( on the Indus). The largest veche city was Sur. It was during these times that the famous Vedic symbol of the sphinx was built in tiers, on which the oldest inscription in Russian is still well preserved.

By the way, many ancient Russian books were deliberately burned by Christians in the Library of Alexandria, since while the ancient culture of the Rus existed, it was impossible to talk about any Christianity, it looked very pale and primitive in comparison. The same goal of Christians explains their burning of the Main Kyiv Library and the library of Ivan the Terrible. Hence the bans on access to ancient book depositories in the libraries of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kyiv and other large modern cities; 99% of their contents still cannot be seen by any mortal. Apparently, non-Russian people have been in power in the country for many centuries. In the meantime, you should know the main thing. Everything that was written on Earth more than 3 thousand years ago, that is, before Christianity, was written in ancient Russian. There was one language, it was the one that all nations spoke. The Alexandrian and Trojan libraries were in Russian, and the libraries of the Egyptians, Etruscans and Greeks were in Russian. The oldest books in the world from Mesopotamia and India were in Russian.

By the way, the sphinx is still standing, and openly, so that anyone can read the ancient Russian inscription “I behold the vanity of vanities” on this world-famous historical monument, and then it immediately becomes clear who “hu” is, as ours (or rather , unknown whose leader is Gorbachev. It should be noted that the ancient phallic custom has still been preserved in the Russian language - to send everyone in every convenient and inconvenient case to their ancestral home to the river and the god Hu. I think that even if the Sphinx is destroyed millions of years later, this oldest custom on the planet will certainly survive. Now let's continue the story...

The Rus have always been very freedom-loving and warlike, so our leaders formed only temporary contractual military alliances led by the Council of Princes and the Veche of Kinsmen (elders). The Council of Relatives supervised the observance of customs, traditions, moral norms and long-term strategic policies of the union, and the Council of Princes resolved all technical issues and was the highest executive and military authority. In each individual city-state, members of the Veche - the most respected citizens and elders - were elected democratically, by open voting of the entire population. The members of the Veche elected the governor of the prince. A relative in each city was elected at a meeting of elders and was considered the Chief Priest of the city.

The conquest of vast territories by the Rus led to the fact that the Rus began to perform strictly military functions in some cities, without mixing with the local population. But in most places, the Rus still assimilated with the local population and gradually, after hundreds of generations, completely lost contact and memory of their ancestral homeland and culture, turning into Jews, Egyptians, Indians, Celts, etc.

By the 15th millennium, the Finno-Ugric race had formed in North-Eastern Europe, and by the 14th millennium the Celts had formed in the Carpathians, Alps, Pyrenees, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. Some conquered peoples had a very high culture, for example, during the conquest of Sur (Nile), the Great Pyramid already existed; tradition claims that it is already 70 thousand years old. There were developed cultures along the entire coast of North Africa and Southern Europe, as well as on the islands beyond Gibraltar, in India and on the islands of the Indian Ocean. Before the Great Flood, Trojan Science. Rus' possessed the following knowledge: there were videophones, computers, televisions, radios, Buran aircraft (a strange mastery, isn’t it!), atomic weapons, biorobots, knowledge of the laws of heredity and their control, brain surgery, precise geographical and astronomical knowledge, mastered the psychotechnics of magic, control of gravity and psychic energy, mastered the technique of obtaining intelligent cosmic matter (elixir of life) in liquid, solid, gaseous and fiery (plasma) states.

I will not list further, as it will seem incredible and strange to the reader, I will simply say - get modern man from the dead-end Neanderthal material that our ancestors had at their disposal, it was not easy, and from the point of view of modern science, it was completely impossible. So judge the level of knowledge before the Flood... I can only say the following. Someday, and I think we all won’t have to wait that long, modern people will also be transformed into new type intelligent beings different from us, that is, we will be treated like Neanderthals. When they succeeded in obtaining the Cro-Magnon man, every last one of the Neanderthals “disappeared.” We would have had to do the same if it weren’t for the Investigative Committee. SK allows you to get a new type of perfect person through SK-2 based on modern races.

When we unveiled SK-1 and filled the whole world with psychics and hypnotists, humanity did not fully understand what had happened. Then I decided to publish the technology of a more radical evolutionary transformation of modern man - SK-2.

Tradition says that much went under water. 10–12 thousand years ago. It is said that during these two thousand years the sea level rose sharply and unexpectedly several times by tens of meters, and a total of up to 130 meters in some regions. Moreover, the ancient Rus claimed that global floods appear on Earth every 22 thousand years. In addition, the glacier was rapidly retreating to the north, and the Earth became so warm that some flourishing places turned into lifeless steppes and even deserts.

Not only that, all these years the Earth has been shaken by geological disasters - volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods and floods, sharp subsidence or rise of huge areas of land. The Russians have a legend according to which at that time there was a period when a huge ocean wave 120 meters high ran around the entire Earth three times and destroyed everything... This happened about 11,800 years ago. During this period, the largest Russian cities perished: Nova Rusa, Sur, Trinity, Belograd, Novgorod, Asgard, Kiev, Ur (Ural) and the Priests, as bearers of the most ancient Vedic knowledge, knew about the onset of the “flood” and therefore took care of the transfer of the Vedas (Knowledge) to in the blind-flood era in the form of encrypted Black rituals of the Mysteries, legends about Belovodye, secret oral tradition, etc. But since this knowledge is too incredible for the unprepared reader, I will keep silent about them for now, especially since there are other important considerations , why can’t we talk about what happened to humanity at the very ancient period the chronicles of Sur - for 630,000 years, the Trojan and Kyiv chronicles for 980,000 years!. For those who are curious, I will say that in my family, on Gogol 9, tel. 219-11-98, they keep the sacred ax ritual knife of my direct great-grandfathers, which is 4 million years old.

Please, anyone can have a look, I allow them to take it for examination, etc. Over time, new cities were built close to the places where these cities were, sometimes with a new name, sometimes keeping the old ones. About 10 thousand years ago, the settlement of the Rus around the Baltic Sea led to the emergence of the Baltic race of white people. By the ninth millennium, Stara Rusa blossomed again - near the former Rusa, at the mouth of the Hu; Troy near the former Trinity on the western Arabian coast; Belgorod - at the mouth of the Dniester near the lost Belograd; Kyiv - much further north along the Indus (Dnieper), instead of the lost Kyiv, etc.

From then on, new Troy became the capital of the Rus. Since these times, the northern and southern Rus began to differ more and more. Due to multilingualism and the increased differences in cultures and peoples inhabiting vast territories and paying tribute to the Rus, the Rus no longer called themselves “Russian people,” but began to say “Russian Land,” that is, lands subject to the Rus. This period of Russian history was named by descendants - Trojan Rus'. In the vast expanses of Trojan Rus', from the Nile to the Dnieper and from Europe to China, lived a variety of peoples, in which the Russians were a military caste and priests. There were even cases when some Russian squads and their allies, representing one territory, fought with other similar Russian squads and their allies defending other territories. There was no pronounced central subordination and subordination to Troy. Democratic coexistence of different cultures, unshakable, ancient principles of democracy on Earth and frequent brutal professional internecine war - these are the main characteristics of the Russian Land during the time of Trojan Rus'. By this time, the Old Russian language had not been preserved in its pure form and had undergone strong changes.

And the territory of Trojan Rus' itself resembled a cross drawn on the Earth from south (Nile) to north (White Sea) and from west (Europe) to east (Pacific Ocean). This gave rise to Russian sorcerers and priests to talk about the cosmic destiny of the Russian peoples - “Holy Heavenly Rus'”, which traces its ancestry from the One Vedic ancestor Oriya (Aryan) - the messenger of the constellation Orion. That is why the Trojan and Kyiv saints claimed that they “see” in special sacred states of spirit “Holy Heavenly Rus'”, located in another – “heavenly” – dimension. Vedic saints still claim that they “see,” as in some strange “movie,” ancient Russian cities and people who lived before the Great Flood, and that the ancient Rus did not die, but knowing the secrets of nature, they simply “translated “their civilization to another space-time dimension and from there they watch us - their descendants...

Since ancient times, Russian churches have been the graves of ancestral leaders in the form of a mound with a sword stuck on top. The heavenly sword on the ancestral mound was the most ancient and only object of mass worship of the main god - Neb. In addition, the Russians also had many other gods, of which there were a lot, for example: Khu-god of the Khu River; Sur - god of the sun and the river Sur; Three heads - the triple hypostasis of the god Neb; Hore – sun god; Rod is the god who gave birth to the Universe; sacrifices were made to him with food and drink; Oriy (Aryan) – the progenitor of the Rus; Dazhbog is the builder of the Universe; Indra is the lord of the planets; Lada is the female hypostasis of Rod (and Rod is the hypostasis of Heaven) and the mother of all gods; Svarog is the male hypostasis of the Rod, and the father of all gods; in addition, he is the Heavenly blacksmith and the ruler of the Heavenly Iria (paradise); Semarglipostasy Nep is included, together with Rod, in the hypostasis of Triglav, is a mediator between the Rus and Heaven and the god of fire sacrifices; Yusha – Heavenly serpent carrying the Earth; Reveal the goddess of bright and active Heavenly forces; Nav is the goddess of dark and passive Earthly forces; Chis-lobog – god of time; Vyshen is the third hypostasis of Triglav, the hypostasis of Heaven; Agni - goddess of the Heavenly First Fire, wife of Oriya Aria); Chernobog black Heavenly serpent, embodying all the dark space force, opposes Svarog and left the subordination of Rod; Perun - the god of war and the god of princes, Perun was revered by constantly carrying battle axes; The message is the goddess of Heavenly Knowledge; Vedi is the goddess of trance, whose stone images - idols were installed on the hol-images - idols mah; Ra - god of the river Ra (Volga: Dnepr - god of the Dnieper river; Diva - goddess of lightning; Viy - god and king underworld; Volkh is the god of war of conquest; Madder - goddess of death;

Veles is the god of wealth and cattle breeding and the guide of the Rus to the heavenly world; Raven - god of mountains and gorges; Yarila - god of agriculture;

Chernomor - underwater god and king; Gamayun – Goddess of birds; Share - goddess of fate: Mokosh - goddess of spinning and weaving; Peraskea - wife of Viy, queen of the underworld; Sirin – bird god, messenger of Sederti; Stratim - god of the wind; Lelya - goddess of love;

Suritsa - goddess of alcoholic beverages; Hops – god – of plants; Odin, the Main God of Victory, guards the gates of Heavenly Iria (paradise);

Finist – god of the rope of warriors, ptrgpp-ppkptt; Stribog is the god of whirlwinds and hurricanes; Frost is the god of cold and many other gods.

The ancient sanctuaries were called “Kamenye”, “Roshchenye”, “Bald Mountain”, etc., depending on the place where they were located.

Relatively recently, the last two large Russian sanctuaries were destroyed: in Kyiv (the Church of the Tithes was built on the sanctuary by Christians) and in Arkona on the island of Ruyan (in 1168 by the Danes).

For many millennia, the Russians celebrated “fertility days” in the summer before the holiday of Troy (Triglav) with girls dressing up. This famous ancient Russian holiday under the name “Rusalia” was later spread throughout the world, now this beautiful holiday is completely forgotten...

The One God (“The One”) personified the infinite intelligent Cosmos, therefore the other deities represented the “forces” and manifestations of the One. The one above the concept of “god” is the rational cosmos, therefore the Trojan Rus were not entirely pure monotheists, they can rather be called believing materialists, k The ancient Rus believed that the world is material and there is nothing in it except matter. But matter was considered to have 12 types of states: solid matter, liquid, air, fire (or plasma) biofield (radiation of living beings), elementary physical radiation and fields (fields and radiation of inanimate space and terrestrial objects), time (chronoparticles), space (purely field uniform and the state of mothers), subtle fields and radiations of the human brain, cosmic psychic radiations (God the Son) and cosmic psychic fields - planetary, stellar, galactic (God the Father), magnetic information field of the Universe (God the Holy Spirit).

The last three in ancient times were composed of: Holy Troy or Triglav, and the uninitiated called it God (the all-present, all-pervading being who controls nature and man).

The nature of God was considered to be threefold and polar, and to be constantly present in and around the nature of man. The Rus believed that knowledge of human nature allows one to fully understand the nature of the entire Cosmos, that is, to know the nature of God within oneself and outside oneself.

Old Russian psychotechniques of cognition of the Supreme or Divine were very complex and in many ways deeply classified in Vedic knowledge and rituals of “transition”. The carriers of ancient and secret knowledge were priest-sorcerers, as a rule, elders of clans. Old Russian images of God had a blue halo, the color of the sky, and the most ancient name of the Russian God was “Sky”.

Leopard, lion, tiger, deer, ram, bull, snake, raven, and wolf were considered sacred animals. In addition to all-Russian ones, various clan and tribal beliefs, often significantly different and very original, were preserved for a long time.

With the greatest priest-elders, after their death, huge sacrificial stones were built with a stone slab-ceiling and a stone altar (alatyr-stone), on which the sorcerers, according to a special ritual, burned their bodies and sent them with smoke to the cosmic homeland of the Rus - straight to Heaven, the eternal the spiritual ancestral home of the Rus, bypassing Iriy (the eternal paradise) and closing the Great Puta. After ritual celebrations, these buildings were preserved and used as sanctuaries, localizing a place on Earth where mortal people can communicate with those who have gone to Heaven. If a governor or an eminent Russian died, then he was burned in a special sacred Heavenly Ark according to a special ritual and buried in a mound. In this case, it was believed that the deceased would only go to Iriy, the heavenly eternal existence. At the top of the mound, if it was a warrior who died, a sword was placed, and if it was not a warrior who died, then a pillar with an inscription was installed. Together with the deceased, according to a special rite, human sacrifices were made and the wife, servants, slaves and animals were buried with the deceased. Many different objects were placed in the grave, and the body of the deceased was mummified and dressed in rich clothes and decorations, many of the objects were made of gold.

The most common funeral custom of ordinary Rus was burning (cremation), if possible in a boat on the sacred river Hu. All the dead were distinguished into two types - clean and unclean. The pure are those who died in battle, from old age or from a non-contagious disease. The unclean are those who died from an infectious disease, suicides, drowned people, and those who died a violent death not in battle. Therefore, the Russians, in order to consider death pure, always tried to put a sword or battle ax into the hand of a dying Russian, so that he would face death with weapons, like a warrior. The cult of dead ancestors was preserved by the Russians for many millennia and has survived to our time, including with the mention of Ur in some modern words For example, many peoples in ancient times called us “Uruses”. The most famous days of commemoration of parents and the dead are before Maslenitsa, before Trinity, on Rainbow Day, in the last week of October and in the last week of December.

In relation to the unclean dead - “Navii” (it was believed that the souls of the Navii after death are controlled by Navya - the goddess of the dark forces of the Earth), the ancient Rus felt fear and tried to make sure that the unclean undead could not come to life and harm the living. To do this, nawis were pierced with a stake in the heart or a stake was driven into them behind the ears; sometimes navias were dug up and drowned in a swamp or the grave was filled with blessed water.

In addition to religious and ritual services, sorcerers were engaged in the preservation and development of traditions, history, customs, morals, laws, knowledge, etc. Among knowledge, medicine, magic, astronomy, astrology, divination, military art, mathematics, pedagogy, etc. occupied an important place. The Rus were fluent in a highly developed trance culture and psychotechnics of spiritual self-realization through complex ceremonial initiations of “death” and “transition.” For predictions, sorcerers and priestesses-soothsayers used the ancient technique of “clairvoyance” and “clairaudience” of information from the goddess Vesti through the psychotechnics of “automatic writing” and “automatic speech”.

Concentration and trance were induced by drugs and by focusing the gaze on fire, a drawing, a shiny mirror, a metal magic plate with or without a drawing, etc. The word “vesti” has survived to this day, which meant information coming during a trance from the goddess Vesti herself , when a sorcerer or priestess “tells” this information, it is as if they “hear” (clairaudience) or “see” (clairvoyance), or “speak” (automatic speech), or “write down” (automatic writing).

About 9 thousand years ago the Russians had two capitals - Troy and Kyiv. The northern part of the Russian Land received special development, and Kiev became the capital of the largest Russian religious and military union, which united a huge region, which included the Balkans, Apennines, Central Europe, the Lower and Middle Danube, the Carpathians, the Northern Black Sea region and the Dnieper region. During this period of Russian history, the Russians, who were inclined to agriculture and a sedentary lifestyle, acquired the nickname “veny” (from the agricultural word “venit” - to knit sheaves). Some Russian cattle breeders, constantly wandering around the Russian steppe in search of ever new pastures, began to be called “monasteries” - from the word “to wander,” and the northern Rus, who often cultivated the glorification of God, began to be called “glorifying God” or “Slavs,” and the sentinel Rus - the soldiers guarding the country’s borders were called “gets” from the ancient Russian word “get” - to watch (by the way, this word has survived among the Ukrainian Cossacks, descendants of the “gets”, to this day). By the way, the word “hetman” has also been preserved, which means “overseeing leader.”

The Rus of this time developed metallurgy and metalworking everywhere. Copper was often used to make axes and adzes, and gold and silver were used for jewelry.

Russian farmers (Ven) grew wheat, barley, millet, peas, spelt, etc., using plows and plows as arable tools. Various crafts and barter trade flourished everywhere in the cities. Weaving, leatherworking, blacksmithing, the production of painted ceramics using a potter's wheel, weaponry, etc. were particularly developed.

The most famous ancient Russian monuments of this era have been preserved in the Dnieper region (near the city of Tripoli) and in the Black Sea region (Varna - gold and copper).

Rus-herders (monasteries) lived in small removable and mobile settlements. The favorite animals of the Rus were considered to be the horse and the Rusyn red deer. Russian pastoralists raised cattle and pigs.

All Russians were very fond of hunting and fishing. They hunted mainly deer, wild boar, roe deer, and wolves; They also engaged in fur hunting - fox, lynx, beaver, otter. Fishing was successful for carp, catfish, perch, carp, etc. Gathering was developed everywhere.

The Rus of this time developed an alphabetic writing, traces of which were preserved in the finds of archaeologists in the Dnieper and Danube regions (the city of Vincha, at the Iron Gate, etc.) - The land of the Rus was always owned by a community or clan, there was no private ownership of land, plots were allocated by lot.

Russian cities of this period were built on hills or rocks, in the form of fortifications with a rampart and a moat, with a population of 10–30 thousand people. The Rus called such fortifications “serpent shafts.” War with neighboring tribes becomes an important aspect of life, so the Rus have a lot of weapons: battle axes, daggers, swords, stakes, darts, bows and arrows, etc. - all this can still be seen in Kyiv museums. The ancient Russian banners depicted the motherland; in addition, painted colored rags that whistled were carried on high poles.

At the same time, about 7 thousand years ago, the Trojan Rus (sometimes they were called “khatniks” because of the manner of building “huts” (clay houses) or “ropes” - that is, an abbreviation for “Trojan Rus”), as the most warlike Rus, make a powerful campaign of conquest to the east. The armies of Rus from the Dnieper and Danube regions are participating in the campaign.

During military campaigns, the Rus always had a governor, who was elected from princes and kings, and then everyone obeyed him. The Russians always had hundreds of kings; this position was hereditary in most large ancient Russian cities, but the position of the prince was elective, and he was invited only for military campaigns. But in both cases, most often (there were exceptions), the power of the Russian prince or tsar was limited by the union Council of Princes and Tsars (participating on a contractual basis in the union) and the Veche of Elders or the Veche of the People. The elders were always also priests-relatives (or sorcerers-guardians of secret Vedic knowledge).

The Rus are recreating a powerful state in their ancestral home, pushing out the black people, of whom there have been many remaining in these places since very ancient times.

By the 6th millennium ago, the Rus, having mixed with local tribes, recreated a new culture in Mesopotamia, called “twilight” by Christian historians, and they, being great “clever people,” called us, the Rus, “natives from twilight countries.” Well, how do you like it? This is how political historians “make” history, who make of history whatever those in power order them to do...

How Western “historians” called us can be judged by their “works,” for example, Byzantine “historians” called us “Scythians,” Frankish “Sarmatians,” Scandinavian “Huns,” etc., as we They just didn’t call them, as long as they weren’t Russians. By the way, the tradition about the education of nations says the following:

1. Of the relict (most ancient) peoples currently preserved: Rus, Iranians, Gauls (Western Rus), Balto-Vends or Lithuanians (Baltic Rus), Jews (Southern Rus), Greeks (Hellenes with all kinds of mixed blood), Armenians (ancient Rus - before the Flood), Iberians (Georgians and Basques), Ossetians (Russ with Semitic blood), Syrians (descendants of the Trojan Rus - Geats), Japanese, Chinese, blacks, indigenous Australians, Indians (of both Americas), Yakuts , Eskimos, Egyptians, Dravidians, Semites (Arabs). The most ancient are Negroes, Arabs and Russians (black, yellow and blond).

2. The Old Russian (Aryan) race includes: Slavic peoples (Ukrainians, Russians, Belarusians, Czechs, Bulgarians, Poles, Slovenes, Serbs, Montenegrins, Croats, Slovaks); Germanic peoples (Germans, Austrians, Norwegians, Danes, Swedes, English, northern French and northern Italians); Romanesque peoples (Portuguese, Spaniards, southern French, southern Italians, Romanians).

3. In addition to the Rus, the white race includes: Finno-Ugric peoples (Finns, Karelians, Komi, Vepsians, Estonians, Mordovians, Udmurts, Hungarians) and Semitic peoples (Arabs, Assurs, Southern Rus, Khazars, Americans).

Five thousand years ago, according to legend, the young Kiev priest Ram, a very educated man who had visited many places in the country and studied medicine well, provided great assistance to his people in the fight against an unexpected severe contagious disease. The disease was brought from Africa, the bodies of those infected were covered with black spots and ulcers, breathing was constrained, joints were bent, and the sick died in terrible agony. The “vision” helped Rama find a cure and save people. From that time on, Ram became a national hero. Becoming famous person, Ram thought about the issues of humanization and ordering of Russian life. Trance practice allowed Rama to receive answers to all his questions through “visions.”

Ram systematized this Heavenly knowledge of the “Vedas” and presented it to his followers and students in the form of a new teaching. But in the western parts of the country there were people who opposed the new teaching, and a big fratricidal war began to brew. Then Ram, following the “news of Heaven,” decided to take some of his supporters and students to the East and introduce a new Vedic teaching there. Having crossed the Russian steppe, Ram entered the territory of modern Iran through the Caucasus, stopped here and built the city of Ver. Having mixed with the local population, the Rus began to teach them the Vedas and introduce vervi (castes) - priests, warriors, farmers, traders and artisans.

Ram prohibited human sacrifice, murder, slavery and all enslavement of man as the source of all evils. Introduced the principle of public election of judges and rulers. Ram placed the interests of society above the interests of the individual, but he also preserved ancient Russian traditions, for example, if a member of any church violated the laws, he was expelled from the church, and he became an “outcast” - a person without any rights and outside the law. This is what they did, for example, with the sons of priests, warriors, traders, artisans, etc., if they did not master the profession of their rope or broke away from the rope.

The merchant was also expelled from the rope if, for any reason, he did not return the money or goods taken from someone on time. All children of the governor were also deprived of privileges if their father did not become a prince, king or ruler, etc.

Ram ordered all ancient Russian holidays astronomically: December 25 - Day of Heaven, the return of dead souls “from heaven” and their installation in new bodies, thus the birth of new souls took place; December 21–28 – “week of memory of the forefathers”; January 6 – Beles Day; March 1st is Madder Day; March 14th - New Year; April 7 Maslenitsa; May 6 – Dazhbog Day; June 9 is Lelya's day; July 7 – bathed; August 2 – Perun’s day; August 21 – Strnbog Day; September 22 – Hu day; October 15 is the day of Agni; November 10 is Mokosh Day; November 21 is Svarog Day and many other holidays.

By the way, here the calendar is presented in a modern way, but before the dates and numbers were different, since the Russians always had 13 months, since it was believed that the Sun crossed the constellations of the Zodiac. The Russian month had 28 days, which corresponds to the lunar month, the Russian calendar was abolished by Christians in the 11th century. The month according to the Russian calendar is divided into weeks, strictly corresponding to the phases of the Lunar cycle: Beloyar - from 19.03 to 15.04 - Pisces; Kviten – from 16.04 to 13.05 – Aries; Kresen – from 14.05 to 10.06 – Taurus; red – from 11.06 to 08.07 – Gemini; serpen – from 09.07 to 05.08 – Cancer; spring - from 06.08 to 02.09 - Leo; zhovten – from 03.09 to 30.09 – Virgo; leaf fall - from 01.10 to 28.10 - Libra; frowning – from 29.10 to 25.11 – Scorpio; Sinister - from 26.11 to 23.12 - Ophiuchus; Sichen - from December 24 to January 20 - Sagittarius; lute – from 21.01 to 18.02 – Capricorn; dry – from 19.02 to 18.03 – Aquarius.

In 1700, the beginning of the year was moved to January.

Leaving the lands of the future ancient Iranian civilization, Ram moved with his people further to the East and, having crossed the Hindu Kush, came to India, conquering it again. Here Ram also introduced the caste system to avoid mixing with blacks. Then Ram decided to retire from administrative affairs and took up science and medicine. In India, Ram grew old and died without ever returning home. The literary monument “Rig-Veda” has been preserved to this day about this period of Russian history.

4 thousand years ago the Russians began to intensively explore the European North, Southern Urals, Siberia and the Far East.

The characteristic weapon of the Rus during this period was the battle ax, which was left in the hands of the killed Rus even during burial.

It was at this time that the Russians again brought the whole world into submission. Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic and from Egypt to the Arctic (which is confirmed by specific burials around the world). Thanks to the Russians, a productive economy emerged in the conquered countries, and the Bronze Age emerged in Western and Northern Europe. It was the Russians who widely spread wheeled transport everywhere. Black people were completely pushed out to Africa everywhere, and yellow people to the north and east.

Four thousand years ago, the southern region of the Russian Land, which was called the Scorched Stan (Palestine) with the main veche city of Rutskaya Osele (Jerusalem), sharply strengthened. These places became a major world trade and financial center for the Rus. Southern Rus (Jews) occupied key positions in trade throughout the southern Russian region.

In Mesopotamia, a strong flood at the end of the reign of King Shulgi destroyed the cities and greatly weakened the country, so their neighbors the Amorites and Elamites in 2016 BC. e. They captured Ur, plundered it and destroyed it to the ground, and destroyed all the inhabitants. By 2007 B.C. e. the entire country and people were destroyed. Since then, the Russians have never settled in Mesopotamia...

In the 9th century BC. e. In Bactria, in the city of Gdansk, the famous Duzevyevus sage Zerdest (Zorrastre), who over time became the founder of a new spiritual and social teaching, was born into the family of Staroshast and Dogda. A list of some of his books has still been preserved, called “Zendashta” (Zend-Avesta), “zen” - life, “dashta” - giver, it turns out in modern Russian “Giver of life” (meaning the Creator of the Universe), similar to “ Zen" (means the path that gives eternal life"). At the same time, the northern Rus made a new major military campaign through Mesopotamia and through the Hindu Kush pass to India, where by this time the culture of the descendants of Rama had flourished along the Indus River. Having imposed tribute on these territories, the Rus penetrated further into China, but there were not enough military forces, and the Rus returned home. But after 200 years, the Rus returned to the north-west of India (Punjab region), went to Northern China and destroyed it.

By 1900 BC. e. The Anatolian Rus (khatniks) represented more than ten kingdoms. The city of Hattusa becomes the capital of the emerging country "Hatti", and its inhabitants began to be called "Hittites".

In the 17th century BC. e. The Russians, under the leadership of the Trojan king Gandash, destroyed the rebellious Babylonian kingdom and marched to Egypt. Having destroyed Egypt, the Rus remained in it for 150 years.

In the 16th century BC. e. The Russians made a successful military campaign in Central Asia, and in the XIV century BC. e. Russians from Central Asia and the Volga region again returned to the Northern Black Sea region, pushing the local Russians to the Balkans. In the middle of the 15th century BC. e. there was a strong earthquake.

In 1370 BC. e. The Rus-Gethes (Hittites), having weapons made of high-quality iron, made a number of successful military campaigns to the south on war chariots, almost to Damascus and Lebanon.

In 1240 BC. e. The Achaeans, led by Agamemnon, attacked our capital - the city of Troy, besieged it for 10 years, and then destroyed it (1230 BC), our king Priam died. The remnants of the Russian troops, led by Aeneas, went west on 20 ships and settled on the Apennine Peninsula. Another Russian detachment led by Antenor went to Central Europe and, having once again conquered the lands between the Dnieper and the Spree and up to the Baltic (Studnoe) Sea, settled on them, built many small fortified cities, and settled on the island of Ruge, founding a city Stargorod. Other large settlements of the Rus were located in the upper reaches of the Vistula, on the banks of the Tisza and on the slopes of the Carpathians. Thus, with the defeat of Trojan Rus', the Russian Land shifted its center to the north, and now its core was in the Northern Black Sea region. Moreover, the Russians were increasingly losing their influence on southern lands, for example, in 1250 BC. e. a branch of the southern Rus - Jews rebelled and, having captured the Russian Oselya, renamed it in their own way to “Jerusalem”, retaining only the root “Rus” in the new name.

The Temple of Yavi on Mount Zion was renamed the Temple of Yahweh on Mount Zion. By the way, the ancient Russian goddess Yav is an active light cosmic “principle-force”, constantly trying to change the world in the fight against the dark passive dead earthly force – Navya.

It is from here, from this ancient Russian temple, that the idea of ​​“Zionism” lives in the world and has survived to this day - the conquest of world domination and the victory of Reveal, the victory of the light principle in man over his dark one. earthly nature tied by animal feelings and property.

Hence this eternal desire of our “Zion boys” to deprive us of all property, which has since manifested itself in various kinds of global financial conspiracies and revolutions.

In the 12th century BC. e. The Russians again made a military campaign to the East and completely destroyed the unconquered kingdom of Yin (China).

Meanwhile, in Europe, the Velikograd Prince Bogumir tried to unite the northern Rus, already very different in their language and culture, into an independent unified state of Semirechye (the basins of the Rhine, Laba, Vistula, Oder, Neman, Western Dvina and Neva rivers).

By the 2nd century BC. e. The Venedian Rus increased their influence in Southern Europe, having built big cities: Vienna, Verona, Venice. At the same time, the Belgorod Tsar Svyatogor made victorious campaigns in Transcaucasia and Western Asia. Over the past centuries, the historical scene has changed greatly, and all the Rus scattered around the world have completely transformed into other peoples and cultures, almost completely losing their former original culture. Therefore, starting from this time, the era of Belgorod Rus' begins, where the borders of the Russian Land become noticeably limited territories: the Russian (Black) Sea in the south and the White Sea in the north, the line “Danube - Carpathians - Ruge Island” in the west and the Volga in the east, In the 10th and 9th centuries BC. e. The military alliance of the Rus around the city of Kyiv in the Middle Dnieper region quickly begins to grow and strengthen due to the large migration of Rus from Trojan Rus', and then from the region of the Venedian Mountains (Carpathians).

Meanwhile, Belgorod Tsar Yaroslav strengthens Russian borders in the Balkans.

In the 8th century BC. e. The Russian military alliance “Urartu”, led by Tsar Rus I, strengthens in the area of ​​Lake Van, which organizes a major punitive campaign against rebellious Israel, but then in 715 BC. e. dies in an internecine war with the Crimean Rus.

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The surname Kandyba originates from the nickname Kandyba. The nickname Kandyba goes back to Ukrainian word“kandiba” - “weak horse, nag.” Thus, Kandyboy could be called someone who had such a horse, or a weak, infirm person. It is less likely that this surname is based on the colloquial verb “kandybat”, i.e. limp, walk slowly. In this case, the nickname Kandyba was given to a lame, slow person.

Version 3 (surnames Kandyba, Kandybin)

To limp - to limp, to walk slowly. Kandyba was a name given to a bad horse. Probably applied to a person: lame, slow. (F). The surname Kandyba is a Ukrainian surname. Possibly a phonetic variant of the surname Gandybin
Adding visitors
The surname Kandybin comes from the village of Kastornoye, Kursk region. Originally it was a widespread Ukrainian surname Kandyba. Later, when the village came under the jurisdiction of Russia, it “Russified” and received the prefix “in”. Kandybin V.P.

How to spell the surname Kandyba in English (Latin alphabet)


When filling out a document in English, you should first write your first name, then your patronymic in Latin letters, and then your last name. You may need to write the surname Kandyba in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

At the request of my students, I will once again briefly talk about the main stages of the historical development of the Russian nation, since the entire history of the Rus before Christianization (988) is deliberately hushed up, as if a huge empire fell from the sky ready-made with the largest cities in the world, developed culture, a perfect form of democracy and high social organization. Foreigners, by the way, called us “Gardarika” - Country of Cities.

The reason for this attitude towards our history is the 1000-year usurpation by Christians of the ancient Russian Vedic spiritual tradition, which originates from the ancestral home in Western Asia, recognized by most historians and common to all Indo-European peoples.

A great contribution to the destruction of ancient Indo-European historical science was made by foreigners hostile to the Russians, starting with Herodotus, and anti-Zionists, who are not interested in everyone knowing that Russians and Jews are genealogically, historically and psychologically a single people with a single pedigree history and the world’s oldest spiritual culture, which is the basis of modern civilization.

Much can be explained by the destruction of ancient Russian cities and capitals. The first capital of the Rus, the city of Rusa, is located at the mouth of the Hu (Tigris) River, and went under water without a trace 36 thousand years ago. The second capital, the city of Ur, was located on the Hu River in the Nineveh region and was destroyed by earthquakes and floods 24 thousand years ago. The third capital of the Rus, the city of Nova Rusa, was located in the upper reaches of the Hu and was destroyed by an earthquake and flood 12 thousand years ago. The fourth capital of the Rus, the city of Sur, was located at the mouth of the Sur (Nile) River and died 11.6 thousand years ago from rising sea levels. The fifth capital of the Rus, the city of Trinity, was destroyed by flooding during a sharp rise in sea level 10.8 thousand years ago. Over time, the same fate befell the newly built Troy. Ancient Novgorod (near Sevastopol), Asgard (at the mouth of the Pa River, now the Volga), and Kyiv (on the Indus, now the Dnieper) perished. Both Moscow and Petrograd went up in flames more than once. Particularly painful are the deliberate actions of Christians who destroyed the new Kyiv and specifically destroyed the Main Kyiv Library, led by the holy Prince Bogolyubsky, as well as the destruction by Christians of the Russian Historical Library under Ivan the Terrible.

For tens of thousands of years, events taking place in the Russian Empire determine the entire course of development of civilization on our planet.

Therefore, you should clearly understand that the history of the Rus is the history of the entire civilization, everything was decided here and everything will be decided here. We Russians are generally recognized as the most ancient spiritual and intellectual leader of humanity. Therefore, it is very important in these troubled times for new generations of Russians to rely on our great and glorious history, especially since many even educated people do not know our history at all or have only heard or read something from some Greek monk or foreigner who hates our people. a historian like Herodotus, who, while traveling around the Black Sea region, allegedly half-heard something from someone about people “from Kyiv.” in Herodotus’s style – “Scythians” or “Scythians”, although he himself knew that “Scythians” never existed in nature, that the people whom he called “Scythians” always call themselves Rus. And the sea around which this half-deaf and always drunk Greek “traveled” was called the Russian Sea, and the steppe through which he passed was called the Russian Steppe. So the word “Scythians” is a personal invention of this “father of history”. And so, at the instigation of this drunkard, our Greek “friends” tried, even under Svyatoslav, to distort Russian history, for which he ordered them to be executed and all their writings to be burned. But now, centuries later, the German academicians of Peter I again dealt a most despicable blow to our history, erasing the entire period of Trojan Rus'. Then the St. Petersburg foreign emperors threw Kievan Rus out of Russian history, and now Kyiv itself has become a foreign city...

So, the Ancient Vedic secret tradition says that from time immemorial, in the foothills of the upper reaches of the Khu (Tigris) River and throughout the entire space up to the Oksur (Amu Darya) River and the Hindu Kush, lived semi-wild tribes of the “sons of the leopard” - the Rus, who gave rise to the common Oriya (Aryan) ) the ancestry of most modern Indo-European peoples, who trace their historical ancestry to our ancestor Oriya (Oreya, or Ariya).

Tradition says that the Middle Eastern lands, connecting Africa with Eurasia, served for millions of years as an isthmus-crossroads where the mixing and transformation of the most ancient pre-humans took place, which led to the appearance of intelligent people in these places about 25 million years ago.

The first black people, after the next warming of the planet and the retreat of glaciers, penetrated FROM AFRICA TO SOUTHEAST ASIA and Europe.

Black people from Southeast Asia then settled Australia, the Philippine Islands, and New Guinea. Then, the yellow people, who lived about 100 thousand years ago near the glaciers receding further and further north, penetrated through the Bering Mountains into America, eventually reaching Patagonia. At the same time, the Japanese islands were also inhabited.

The largest retreat of glaciers was about 30 thousand years ago, therefore, the first modern white people, who appeared about 90 thousand years ago in the upper Mesopotamia, began to displace blacks over time and populate Europe, forming new races: Iberian (Southern Europe), Ligurian (Southern Europe) ), Finno-Ugric (North-Eastern Europe), Celtic (Alps, Pyrenees, Carpathians, Scotland, Ireland, Wales), Baltic (Baltic). In addition, the formation of transitional races took place: the Malays - from black to yellow people; Semites - from black to white; Finno-Ugric and Japanese - from yellow to white.

So, about 90 thousand years ago, in the upper reaches of the Hu (Tigris) River, the world's first modern people appeared, whose migration to different regions of the world led over time to the appearance of modern intelligent people in various regions of the Earth.

About 40 thousand years ago, the Russian ethnos finally took shape. Unlike their ancestors from the foothills, mainly gatherers and hunters who led a nomadic life, moving for the animals that served them as food, the ancient Rus settled in the upper reaches of the Hu (Tigris) River in places very rich in vegetation and game.

4 The Rus eventually tamed animals and domesticated many plants, including cereals, which marked the beginning of cattle breeding and agriculture. In addition, the Rus continued to collect wild plants, cereals, fruits and berries, as well as fishing and hunting.

Sedentary agriculture and cattle breeding sharply accelerated the further development of Russian culture, economic and housing construction. Gradually, household tools, ceramic vessels for storing and preparing food, weaving for making clothes, various types of weapons, and products made of gold, copper and bronze appeared.

The Rus lived in adobe huts (this type of house was preserved in some places in Trojan Rus and Kievan Rus), sowed barley, wheat and flax; they raised goats, sheep, cows, horses; knew how to build dams and canals. Dogs and cats were kept as domestic animals.

The settlements (fortifications or cities) of the Rus occupied an area of ​​up to 20 hectares; in the center there were large brick complexes on high earthen platforms, surrounded by city walls. The first writing arose on clay tablets in brick complexes that served as temples and public warehouses, which housed all the supplies and all the public property of the Russian community, including prisoners. Writing originated as a need to account for public property.

Therefore, the most ancient Russian written sources on clay tablets look like warehouse reports.

Good conditions of prosperous life led over time to a sharp increase in the population of the entire union of Russian cities, and the Rus began to quickly settle in neighboring territories suitable for agriculture and cattle breeding - first in the areas of fertile river valleys of the Middle East and to India, then along the coast of the Mediterranean and North Africa . Gradually the Russians began to explore the Balkans and the European Mediterranean. At the same time, the development of Iran and Central Asia, India and China was underway.

New settlements of the Rus retained, as a rule, the developed Russian stereotype of existence, including the social-family and communal-tribal organization, ancient Russian Ori mythology, rituals, production skills, customs, laws, etc. But in the new habitats the Rus assimilated new elements local cultures, and sometimes were greatly transformed, significantly different from their ancestral home. The only thing that has not changed is natural belligerence, a tendency towards unlimited freedom, inner goodwill and the custom of taking a good walk on occasion.

Over time, on the basis of developed production and the emergence of a surplus social product, it became possible to support priest-administrators, artisans, guardians of temple property, scribes, slaves, etc. This is how the first centers of urban civilization with supra-communal social structures and early forms of political administration began to emerge in the form of a proto-state structure, when the priest-sorcerers of the Temple of Neba performed the functions of Rulers, headed by the Chief Priest - the Head of the Russian proto-state.

Moving to the north of the Balkans and higher, the Rus populated the game-rich virgin forests of Eastern, Central and Northern Europe.

By the 30th millennium, large Russian settlements began to emerge on the west coast. The huge sea to the north was called the Russian Sea (we are talking about the Black Sea).

The Russes who settled Galicia (Russian Mountains, now the Carpathians) gradually settled from the Don to the outskirts of Europe. When the first migration to the West took place from the territory of Galicia, these settlers were called “Gauls”, and then “Celts”. Those who went back to the south were called “Galileans.”

However, 25 thousand years ago there was a new major movement of the Rus from Western Asia to the north through the Caucasus and the Balkans, as well as to the south along the sea to the Sur Nile delta). The sea (Mediterranean) was called Surozh. And the settlement of Southern Europe led to the emergence of the Iberian race.

By the 19th millennium, the Rus settled over a vast territory - from the Sur to the Danube, the Indus (Dnieper) and the Pa-river (Volga). And the settlement of Southern Europe led to the emergence of the Ligurian race.

Large settlements of the Rus had to be fenced off with walls and ramparts for military purposes. The largest fortified cities at this time were Sur (on Sur), Russka Oselya (Jerusalem), Nova Rusa (on Hu), Trinity, Asgard (on Ra), Belograd (on the Dniester), Novgorod (in Crimea) and Kiev ( on the Indus). The largest veche city was Sur. It was during these times that the famous Vedic symbol of the sphinx was built in tiers, on which the oldest inscription in Russian is still well preserved.

By the way, many ancient Russian books were deliberately burned by Christians in the Library of Alexandria, since while the ancient culture of the Rus existed, it was impossible to talk about any Christianity, it looked very pale and primitive in comparison. The same goal of Christians explains their burning of the Main Kyiv Library and the library of Ivan the Terrible. Hence the bans on access to ancient book depositories in the libraries of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kyiv and other large modern cities; 99% of their contents still cannot be seen by any mortal. Apparently, non-Russian people have been in power in the country for many centuries. In the meantime, you should know the main thing. Everything that was written on Earth more than 3 thousand years ago, that is, before Christianity, was written in ancient Russian. There was one language, it was the one that all nations spoke. The Alexandrian and Trojan libraries were in Russian, and the libraries of the Egyptians, Etruscans and Greeks were in Russian. The oldest books in the world from Mesopotamia and India were in Russian.

By the way, the sphinx is still standing, and openly, so that anyone can read the ancient Russian inscription “I behold the vanity of vanities” on this world-famous historical monument, and then it immediately becomes clear who “hu” is, as ours (or rather , unknown whose leader is Gorbachev. It should be noted that the ancient phallic custom has still been preserved in the Russian language - to send everyone in every convenient and inconvenient case to their ancestral home to the river and the god Hu. I think that even if the Sphinx is destroyed millions of years later, this oldest custom on the planet will certainly survive. Now let's continue the story...

The Rus have always been very freedom-loving and warlike, so our leaders formed only temporary contractual military alliances led by the Council of Princes and the Veche of Kinsmen (elders). The Council of Relatives supervised the observance of customs, traditions, moral norms and long-term strategic policies of the union, and the Council of Princes resolved all technical issues and was the highest executive and military authority. In each individual city-state, members of the Veche - the most respected citizens and elders - were elected democratically, by open voting of the entire population. The members of the Veche elected the governor of the prince. A relative in each city was elected at a meeting of elders and was considered the Chief Priest of the city.

The conquest of vast territories by the Rus led to the fact that the Rus began to perform strictly military functions in some cities, without mixing with the local population. But in most places, the Rus still assimilated with the local population and gradually, after hundreds of generations, completely lost contact and memory of their ancestral homeland and culture, turning into Jews, Egyptians, Indians, Celts, etc.

By the 15th millennium, the Finno-Ugric race had formed in North-Eastern Europe, and by the 14th millennium the Celts had formed in the Carpathians, Alps, Pyrenees, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. Some conquered peoples had a very high culture, for example, during the conquest of Sur (Nile), the Great Pyramid already existed; tradition claims that it is already 70 thousand years old. There were developed cultures along the entire coast of North Africa and Southern Europe, as well as on the islands beyond Gibraltar, in India and on the islands of the Indian Ocean. Before the Great Flood, Trojan Science. Rus' possessed the following knowledge: there were videophones, computers, televisions, radios, Buran aircraft (a strange mastery, isn’t it!), atomic weapons, biorobots, knowledge of the laws of heredity and their control, brain surgery, precise geographical and astronomical knowledge, mastered the psychotechnics of magic, control of gravity and psychic energy, mastered the technique of obtaining intelligent cosmic matter (elixir of life) in liquid, solid, gaseous and fiery (plasma) states.

I will not list further, since it will seem incredible and strange to the reader, I will simply say that it was not easy to obtain a modern person from the dead-end Neanderthal material that our ancestors had, and from the point of view of modern science, it is completely impossible. So judge the level of knowledge before the Flood... I can only say the following. Someday, and I think we all won’t have to wait that long, modern people will also, through the efforts of scientists, be transformed into a new type of intelligent beings that are different from us, that is, they will treat us like the Neanderthals. When they succeeded in obtaining the Cro-Magnon man, every last one of the Neanderthals “disappeared.” We would have had to do the same if it weren’t for the Investigative Committee. SK allows you to get a new type of perfect person through SK-2 based on modern races.

When we unveiled SK-1 and filled the whole world with psychics and hypnotists, humanity did not fully understand what had happened. Then I decided to publish the technology of a more radical evolutionary transformation of modern man - SK-2.

Tradition says that much went under water. 10–12 thousand years ago. It is said that during these two thousand years the sea level rose sharply and unexpectedly several times by tens of meters, and a total of up to 130 meters in some regions. Moreover, the ancient Rus claimed that global floods appear on Earth every 22 thousand years. In addition, the glacier was rapidly retreating to the north, and the Earth became so warm that some flourishing places turned into lifeless steppes and even deserts.

Not only that, all these years the Earth has been shaken by geological disasters - volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods and floods, sharp subsidence or rise of huge areas of land. The Russians have a legend according to which at that time there was a period when a huge ocean wave 120 meters high ran around the entire Earth three times and destroyed everything... This happened about 11,800 years ago. During this period, the largest Russian cities perished: Nova Rusa, Sur, Trinity, Belograd, Novgorod, Asgard, Kiev, Ur (Ural) and the Priests, as bearers of the most ancient Vedic knowledge, knew about the onset of the “flood” and therefore took care of the transfer of the Vedas (Knowledge) to in the blind-flood era in the form of encrypted Black rituals of the Mysteries, legends about Belovodye, secret oral tradition, etc. But since this knowledge is too incredible for the unprepared reader, I will keep silent about them for now, especially since there are other important considerations , why can’t we talk about what happened to humanity in the most ancient period, the chronicles of Sur - for 630,000 years, the Trojan and Kyiv chronicles for 980,000 years!. For those who are curious, I will say that in my family, on Gogol 9, tel. 219-11-98, they keep the sacred ax ritual knife of my direct great-grandfathers, which is 4 million years old.

Please, anyone can have a look, I allow them to take it for examination, etc. Over time, new cities were built close to the places where these cities were, sometimes with a new name, sometimes keeping the old ones. About 10 thousand years ago, the settlement of the Rus around the Baltic Sea led to the emergence of the Baltic race of white people. By the ninth millennium, Stara Rusa blossomed again - near the former Rusa, at the mouth of the Hu; Troy near the former Trinity on the western Arabian coast; Belgorod - at the mouth of the Dniester near the lost Belograd; Kyiv - much further north along the Indus (Dnieper), instead of the lost Kyiv, etc.

From then on, new Troy became the capital of the Rus. Since these times, the northern and southern Rus began to differ more and more. Due to multilingualism and the increased differences in cultures and peoples inhabiting vast territories and paying tribute to the Rus, the Rus no longer called themselves “Russian people,” but began to say “Russian Land,” that is, lands subject to the Rus. This period of Russian history was named by descendants - Trojan Rus'. In the vast expanses of Trojan Rus', from the Nile to the Dnieper and from Europe to China, lived a variety of peoples, in which the Russians were a military caste and priests. There were even cases when some Russian squads and their allies, representing one territory, fought with other similar Russian squads and their allies defending other territories. There was no pronounced central subordination and subordination to Troy. Democratic coexistence of different cultures, unshakable, ancient principles of democracy on Earth and frequent brutal professional internecine war - these are the main characteristics of the Russian Land during the time of Trojan Rus'. By this time, the Old Russian language had not been preserved in its pure form and had undergone strong changes.

And the territory of Trojan Rus' itself resembled a cross drawn on the Earth from south (Nile) to north (White Sea) and from west (Europe) to east (Pacific Ocean). This gave rise to Russian sorcerers and priests to talk about the cosmic destiny of the Russian peoples - “Holy Heavenly Rus'”, which traces its ancestry from the One Vedic ancestor Oriya (Aryan) - the messenger of the constellation Orion. That is why the Trojan and Kyiv saints claimed that they “see” in special sacred states of spirit “Holy Heavenly Rus'”, located in another – “heavenly” – dimension. Vedic saints still claim that they “see,” as in some strange “movie,” ancient Russian cities and people who lived before the Great Flood, and that the ancient Rus did not die, but knowing the secrets of nature, they simply “translated “their civilization to another space-time dimension and from there they watch us - their descendants...

Since ancient times, Russian churches have been the graves of ancestral leaders in the form of a mound with a sword stuck on top. The heavenly sword on the ancestral mound was the most ancient and only object of mass worship of the main god - Neb. In addition, the Russians also had many other gods, of which there were a lot, for example: Khu-god of the Khu River; Sur - god of the sun and the river Sur; Three heads - the triple hypostasis of the god Neb; Hore – sun god; Rod is the god who gave birth to the Universe; sacrifices were made to him with food and drink; Oriy (Aryan) – the progenitor of the Rus; Dazhbog is the builder of the Universe; Indra is the lord of the planets; Lada is the female hypostasis of Rod (and Rod is the hypostasis of Heaven) and the mother of all gods; Svarog is the male hypostasis of the Rod, and the father of all gods; in addition, he is the Heavenly blacksmith and the ruler of the Heavenly Iria (paradise); Semarglipostasy Nep is included, together with Rod, in the hypostasis of Triglav, is a mediator between the Rus and Heaven and the god of fire sacrifices; Yusha – Heavenly serpent carrying the Earth; Reveal the goddess of bright and active Heavenly forces; Nav is the goddess of dark and passive Earthly forces; Chis-lobog – god of time; Vyshen is the third hypostasis of Triglav, the hypostasis of Heaven; Agni - goddess of the Heavenly First Fire, wife of Oriya Aria); Chernobog, the black Heavenly Serpent, embodying all dark cosmic forces, opposes Svarog and has emerged from the subordination of the Rod; Perun - the god of war and the god of princes, Perun was revered by constantly carrying battle axes; The message is the goddess of Heavenly Knowledge; Vedi is the goddess of trance, whose stone images - idols were installed on the hol-images - idols mah; Ra - god of the river Ra (Volga: Dnieper - god of the Dnieper river; Diva - goddess of lightning; Viy - god and king of the underworld; Volkh - god of the war of conquest; Madder - goddess of death;

Veles is the god of wealth and cattle breeding and the guide of the Rus to the heavenly world; Raven - god of mountains and gorges; Yarila - god of agriculture;

Chernomor - underwater god and king; Gamayun – Goddess of birds; Share - goddess of fate: Mokosh - goddess of spinning and weaving; Peraskea - wife of Viy, queen of the underworld; Sirin – bird god, messenger of Sederti; Stratim - god of the wind; Lelya - goddess of love;

Suritsa - goddess of alcoholic beverages; Hops – god – of plants; Odin, the Main God of Victory, guards the gates of Heavenly Iria (paradise);

Finist – god of the rope of warriors, ptrgpp-ppkptt; Stribog is the god of whirlwinds and hurricanes; Frost is the god of cold and many other gods.

The ancient sanctuaries were called “Kamenye”, “Roshchenye”, “Bald Mountain”, etc., depending on the place where they were located.

Relatively recently, the last two large Russian sanctuaries were destroyed: in Kyiv (the Church of the Tithes was built on the sanctuary by Christians) and in Arkona on the island of Ruyan (in 1168 by the Danes).

For many millennia, the Russians celebrated “fertility days” in the summer before the holiday of Troy (Triglav) with girls dressing up. This famous ancient Russian holiday under the name “Rusalia” was later spread throughout the world, now this beautiful holiday is completely forgotten...

The One God (“The One”) personified the infinite intelligent Cosmos, therefore the other deities represented the “forces” and manifestations of the One. The one above the concept of “god” is the rational cosmos, therefore the Trojan Rus were not entirely pure monotheists, they can rather be called believing materialists, k The ancient Rus believed that the world is material and there is nothing in it except matter. But matter was considered to have 12 types of states: solid matter, liquid, air, fire (or plasma) biofield (radiation of living beings), elementary physical radiation and fields (fields and radiation of inanimate space and terrestrial objects), time (chronoparticles), space (pure field form and state of mothers), subtle fields and radiations of the human brain, cosmic psychic radiations (god the son) and cosmic psychic fields - planetary, stellar, galactic (god the father), magnetic information field of the Universe (god the holy spirit) .

The last three in ancient times were composed of: Holy Troy or Triglav, and the uninitiated called it God (the all-present, all-pervading being who controls nature and man).

The nature of God was considered to be threefold and polar, and to be constantly present in and around the nature of man. The Rus believed that knowledge of human nature allows one to fully understand the nature of the entire Cosmos, that is, to know the nature of God within oneself and outside oneself.

Old Russian psychotechniques of cognition of the Supreme or Divine were very complex and in many ways deeply classified in Vedic knowledge and rituals of “transition”. The carriers of ancient and secret knowledge were priest-sorcerers, as a rule, elders of clans. Old Russian images of God had a blue halo, the color of the sky, and the most ancient name of the Russian God was “Sky”.

Leopard, lion, tiger, deer, ram, bull, snake, raven, and wolf were considered sacred animals. In addition to all-Russian ones, various clan and tribal beliefs, often significantly different and very original, were preserved for a long time.

With the greatest priest-elders, after their death, huge sacrificial stones were built with a stone slab-ceiling and a stone altar (alatyr-stone), on which the sorcerers, according to a special ritual, burned their bodies and sent them with smoke to the cosmic homeland of the Rus - straight to Heaven, the eternal the spiritual ancestral home of the Rus, bypassing Iriy (the eternal paradise) and closing the Great Puta. After ritual celebrations, these buildings were preserved and used as sanctuaries, localizing a place on Earth where mortal people can communicate with those who have gone to Heaven. If a governor or an eminent Russian died, then he was burned in a special sacred Heavenly Ark according to a special ritual and buried in a mound. In this case, it was believed that the deceased would only go to Iriy, the heavenly eternal existence. At the top of the mound, if it was a warrior who died, a sword was placed, and if it was not a warrior who died, then a pillar with an inscription was installed. Together with the deceased, according to a special rite, human sacrifices were made and the wife, servants, slaves and animals were buried with the deceased. Many different objects were placed in the grave, and the body of the deceased was mummified and dressed in rich clothes and decorations, many of the objects were made of gold.

The most common funeral custom of ordinary Rus was burning (cremation), if possible in a boat on the sacred river Hu. All the dead were distinguished into two types - clean and unclean. The pure are those who died in battle, from old age or from a non-contagious disease. The unclean are those who died from an infectious disease, suicides, drowned people, and those who died a violent death not in battle. Therefore, the Russians, in order to consider death pure, always tried to put a sword or battle ax into the hand of a dying Russian, so that he would face death with weapons, like a warrior. The cult of deceased ancestors was preserved by the Rus for many millennia and has survived to our time, including with the mention of Ur in some modern words, for example, many peoples in ancient times called us “Urus”. The most famous days of commemoration of parents and the dead are before Maslenitsa, before Trinity, on Rainbow Day, in the last week of October and in the last week of December.

In relation to the unclean dead - “Navii” (it was believed that the souls of the Navii after death are controlled by Navya - the goddess of the dark forces of the Earth), the ancient Rus felt fear and tried to make sure that the unclean undead could not come to life and harm the living. To do this, nawis were pierced with a stake in the heart or a stake was driven into them behind the ears; sometimes navias were dug up and drowned in a swamp or the grave was filled with blessed water.

In addition to religious and ritual services, sorcerers were engaged in the preservation and development of traditions, history, customs, morals, laws, knowledge, etc. Among knowledge, medicine, magic, astronomy, astrology, divination, military art, mathematics, pedagogy, etc. occupied an important place. The Rus were fluent in a highly developed trance culture and psychotechnics of spiritual self-realization through complex ceremonial initiations of “death” and “transition.” For predictions, sorcerers and priestesses-soothsayers used the ancient technique of “clairvoyance” and “clairaudience” of information from the goddess Vesti through the psychotechnics of “automatic writing” and “automatic speech”.

Concentration and trance were induced by drugs and by focusing the gaze on fire, a drawing, a shiny mirror, a metal magic plate with or without a drawing, etc. The word “vesti” has survived to this day, which meant information coming during a trance from the goddess Vesti herself , when a sorcerer or priestess “tells” this information, it is as if they “hear” (clairaudience) or “see” (clairvoyance), or “speak” (automatic speech), or “write down” (automatic writing).

About 9 thousand years ago the Russians had two capitals - Troy and Kyiv. The northern part of the Russian Land received special development, and Kiev became the capital of the largest Russian religious and military union, which united a huge region, which included the Balkans, Apennines, Central Europe, the Lower and Middle Danube, the Carpathians, the Northern Black Sea region and the Dnieper region. During this period of Russian history, the Russians, who were inclined to agriculture and a sedentary lifestyle, acquired the nickname “veny” (from the agricultural word “venit” - to knit sheaves). Some Russian cattle breeders, constantly wandering around the Russian steppe in search of ever new pastures, began to be called “monasteries” - from the word “to wander,” and the northern Rus, who often cultivated the glorification of God, began to be called “glorifying God” or “Slavs,” and the sentinel Rus - the soldiers guarding the country’s borders were called “gets” from the ancient Russian word “get” - to watch (by the way, this word has survived among the Ukrainian Cossacks, descendants of the “gets”, to this day). By the way, the word “hetman” has also been preserved, which means “overseeing leader.”

The Rus of this time developed metallurgy and metalworking everywhere. Copper was often used to make axes and adzes, and gold and silver were used for jewelry.

Russian farmers (Ven) grew wheat, barley, millet, peas, spelt, etc., using plows and plows as arable tools. Various crafts and barter trade flourished everywhere in the cities. Weaving, leatherworking, blacksmithing, the production of painted ceramics using a potter's wheel, weaponry, etc. were particularly developed.

The most famous ancient Russian monuments of this era have been preserved in the Dnieper region (near the city of Tripoli) and in the Black Sea region (Varna - gold and copper).

Rus-herders (monasteries) lived in small removable and mobile settlements. The favorite animals of the Rus were considered to be the horse and the Rusyn red deer. Russian pastoralists raised cattle and pigs.

All Russians were very fond of hunting and fishing. They hunted mainly deer, wild boar, roe deer, and wolves; They also engaged in fur hunting - fox, lynx, beaver, otter. Fishing was successful for carp, catfish, perch, carp, etc. Gathering was developed everywhere.

The Rus of this time developed an alphabetic writing, traces of which were preserved in the finds of archaeologists in the Dnieper and Danube regions (the city of Vincha, at the Iron Gate, etc.) - The land of the Rus was always owned by a community or clan, there was no private ownership of land, plots were allocated by lot.

Russian cities of this period were built on hills or rocks, in the form of fortifications with a rampart and a moat, with a population of 10–30 thousand people. The Rus called such fortifications “serpent shafts.” War with neighboring tribes becomes an important aspect of life, so the Rus have a lot of weapons: battle axes, daggers, swords, stakes, darts, bows and arrows, etc. - all this can still be seen in Kyiv museums. The ancient Russian banners depicted the motherland; in addition, painted colored rags that whistled were carried on high poles.

At the same time, about 7 thousand years ago, the Trojan Rus (sometimes they were called “khatniks” because of the manner of building “huts” (clay houses) or “ropes” - that is, an abbreviation for “Trojan Rus”), as the most warlike Rus, make a powerful campaign of conquest to the east. The armies of Rus from the Dnieper and Danube regions are participating in the campaign.

During military campaigns, the Rus always had a governor, who was elected from princes and kings, and then everyone obeyed him. The Russians always had hundreds of kings; this position was hereditary in most large ancient Russian cities, but the position of the prince was elective, and he was invited only for military campaigns. But in both cases, most often (there were exceptions), the power of the Russian prince or tsar was limited by the union Council of Princes and Tsars (participating on a contractual basis in the union) and the Veche of Elders or the Veche of the People. The elders were always also priests-relatives (or sorcerers-guardians of secret Vedic knowledge).

The Rus are recreating a powerful state in their ancestral home, pushing out the black people, of whom there have been many remaining in these places since very ancient times.

By the 6th millennium ago, the Rus, having mixed with local tribes, recreated a new culture in Mesopotamia, called “twilight” by Christian historians, and they, being great “clever people,” called us, the Rus, “natives from twilight countries.” Well, how do you like it? This is how political historians “make” history, who make of history whatever those in power order them to do...

How Western “historians” called us can be judged by their “works,” for example, Byzantine “historians” called us “Scythians,” Frankish “Sarmatians,” Scandinavian “Huns,” etc., as we They just didn’t call them, as long as they weren’t Russians. By the way, the tradition about the education of nations says the following:

1. Of the relict (most ancient) peoples currently preserved: Rus, Iranians, Gauls (Western Rus), Balto-Vends or Lithuanians (Baltic Rus), Jews (Southern Rus), Greeks (Hellenes with all kinds of mixed blood), Armenians (ancient Rus - before the Flood), Iberians (Georgians and Basques), Ossetians (Russ with Semitic blood), Syrians (descendants of the Trojan Rus - Geats), Japanese, Chinese, blacks, indigenous Australians, Indians (of both Americas), Yakuts , Eskimos, Egyptians, Dravidians, Semites (Arabs). The most ancient are Negroes, Arabs and Russians (black, yellow and blond).

2. The Old Russian (Aryan) race includes: Slavic peoples (Ukrainians, Russians, Belarusians, Czechs, Bulgarians, Poles, Slovenes, Serbs, Montenegrins, Croats, Slovaks); Germanic peoples (Germans, Austrians, Norwegians, Danes, Swedes, English, northern French and northern Italians); Romanesque peoples (Portuguese, Spaniards, southern French, southern Italians, Romanians).

3. In addition to the Rus, the white race includes: Finno-Ugric peoples (Finns, Karelians, Komi, Vepsians, Estonians, Mordovians, Udmurts, Hungarians) and Semitic peoples (Arabs, Assurs, Southern Rus, Khazars, Americans).

Five thousand years ago, according to legend, the young Kiev priest Ram, a very educated man who had visited many places in the country and studied medicine well, provided great assistance to his people in the fight against an unexpected severe contagious disease. The disease was brought from Africa, the bodies of those infected were covered with black spots and ulcers, breathing was constrained, joints were bent, and the sick died in terrible agony. The “vision” helped Rama find a cure and save people. From that time on, Ram became a national hero. Having become a famous person, Ram thought about the issues of humanization and ordering of Russian life. Trance practice allowed Rama to receive answers to all his questions through “visions.”

Ram systematized this Heavenly knowledge of the “Vedas” and presented it to his followers and students in the form of a new teaching. But in the western parts of the country there were people who opposed the new teaching, and a big fratricidal war began to brew. Then Ram, following the “news of Heaven,” decided to take some of his supporters and students to the East and introduce a new Vedic teaching there. Having crossed the Russian steppe, Ram entered the territory of modern Iran through the Caucasus, stopped here and built the city of Ver. Having mixed with the local population, the Rus began to teach them the Vedas and introduce vervi (castes) - priests, warriors, farmers, traders and artisans.

Ram prohibited human sacrifice, murder, slavery and all enslavement of man as the source of all evils. Introduced the principle of public election of judges and rulers. Ram placed the interests of society above the interests of the individual, but he also preserved ancient Russian traditions, for example, if a member of any church violated the laws, he was expelled from the church, and he became an “outcast” - a person without any rights and outside the law. This is what they did, for example, with the sons of priests, warriors, traders, artisans, etc., if they did not master the profession of their rope or broke away from the rope.

The merchant was also expelled from the rope if, for any reason, he did not return the money or goods taken from someone on time. All children of the governor were also deprived of privileges if their father did not become a prince, king or ruler, etc.

Ram ordered all ancient Russian holidays astronomically: December 25 - Day of Heaven, the return of dead souls “from heaven” and their installation in new bodies, thus the birth of new souls took place; December 21–28 – “week of memory of the forefathers”; January 6 – Beles Day; March 1st is Madder Day; March 14 – New Year; April 7 Maslenitsa; May 6 – Dazhbog Day; June 9 is Lelya's day; July 7 – bathed; August 2 – Perun’s day; August 21 – Strnbog Day; September 22 – Hu day; October 15 is the day of Agni; November 10 is Mokosh Day; November 21 is Svarog Day and many other holidays.

By the way, here the calendar is presented in a modern way, but before the dates and numbers were different, since the Russians always had 13 months, since it was believed that the Sun crossed the constellations of the Zodiac. The Russian month had 28 days, which corresponds to the lunar month, the Russian calendar was abolished by Christians in the 11th century. The month according to the Russian calendar is divided into weeks, strictly corresponding to the phases of the Lunar cycle: Beloyar - from 19.03 to 15.04 - Pisces; Kviten – from 16.04 to 13.05 – Aries; Kresen – from 14.05 to 10.06 – Taurus; red – from 11.06 to 08.07 – Gemini; serpen – from 09.07 to 05.08 – Cancer; spring - from 06.08 to 02.09 - Leo; zhovten – from 03.09 to 30.09 – Virgo; leaf fall - from 01.10 to 28.10 - Libra; frowning – from 29.10 to 25.11 – Scorpio; Sinister - from 26.11 to 23.12 - Ophiuchus; Sichen - from December 24 to January 20 - Sagittarius; lute – from 21.01 to 18.02 – Capricorn; dry – from 19.02 to 18.03 – Aquarius.

In 1700, the beginning of the year was moved to January.

Leaving the lands of the future ancient Iranian civilization, Ram moved with his people further to the East and, having crossed the Hindu Kush, came to India, conquering it again. Here Ram also introduced the caste system to avoid mixing with blacks. Then Ram decided to retire from administrative affairs and took up science and medicine. In India, Ram grew old and died without ever returning home. The literary monument “Rig-Veda” has been preserved to this day about this period of Russian history.

4 thousand years ago the Russians began to intensively explore the European North, Southern Urals, Siberia and the Far East.

The characteristic weapon of the Rus during this period was the battle ax, which was left in the hands of the killed Rus even during burial.

It was at this time that the Russians again brought the whole world into submission from the Pacific to the Atlantic and from Egypt to the Arctic (as evidenced by specific burials around the world). Thanks to the Russians, a productive economy emerged in the conquered countries, and the Bronze Age emerged in Western and Northern Europe. It was the Russians who widely spread wheeled transport everywhere. Black people were completely pushed out to Africa everywhere, and yellow people to the north and east.

Four thousand years ago, the southern region of the Russian Land, which was called the Scorched Stan (Palestine) with the main veche city of Rutskaya Osele (Jerusalem), sharply strengthened. These places became a major world trade and financial center for the Rus. Southern Rus (Jews) occupied key positions in trade throughout the southern Russian region.

In Mesopotamia, a strong flood at the end of the reign of King Shulgi destroyed the cities and greatly weakened the country, so their neighbors the Amorites and Elamites in 2016 BC. e. They captured Ur, plundered it and destroyed it to the ground, and destroyed all the inhabitants. By 2007 B.C. e. the entire country and people were destroyed. Since then, the Russians have never settled in Mesopotamia...

In the 9th century BC. e. In Bactria, in the city of Gdansk, the famous Duzevyevus sage Zerdest (Zorrastre), who over time became the founder of a new spiritual and social teaching, was born into the family of Staroshast and Dogda. A list of some of his books has still been preserved, called “Zendashta” (Zend-Avesta), “zen” - life, “dashta” - giver, it turns out in modern Russian “Giver of life” (meaning the Creator of the Universe), similar to “ Zen" (means the path that gives eternal life"). At the same time, the northern Rus made a new major military campaign through Mesopotamia and through the Hindu Kush pass to India, where by this time the culture of the descendants of Rama had flourished along the Indus River. Having imposed tribute on these territories, the Rus penetrated further into China, but there were not enough military forces, and the Rus returned home. But after 200 years, the Rus returned to the north-west of India (Punjab region), went to Northern China and destroyed it.

By 1900 BC. e. The Anatolian Rus (khatniks) represented more than ten kingdoms. The city of Hattusa becomes the capital of the emerging country "Hatti", and its inhabitants began to be called "Hittites".

In the 17th century BC. e. The Russians, under the leadership of the Trojan king Gandash, destroyed the rebellious Babylonian kingdom and marched to Egypt. Having destroyed Egypt, the Rus remained in it for 150 years.

In the 16th century BC. e. The Russians made a successful military campaign in Central Asia, and in the 14th century BC. e. Russians from Central Asia and the Volga region again returned to the Northern Black Sea region, pushing the local Russians to the Balkans. In the middle of the 15th century BC. e. there was a strong earthquake.

In 1370 BC. e. The Rus-Gethes (Hittites), having weapons made of high-quality iron, made a number of successful military campaigns to the south on war chariots, almost to Damascus and Lebanon.

In 1240 BC. e. The Achaeans, led by Agamemnon, attacked our capital - the city of Troy, besieged it for 10 years, and then destroyed it (1230 BC), our king Priam died. The remnants of the Russian troops, led by Aeneas, went west on 20 ships and settled on the Apennine Peninsula. Another Russian detachment led by Antenor went to Central Europe and, having once again conquered the lands between the Dnieper and the Spree and up to the Baltic (Studnoe) Sea, settled on them, built many small fortified cities, and settled on the island of Ruge, founding a city Stargorod. Other large settlements of the Rus were located in the upper reaches of the Vistula, on the banks of the Tisza and on the slopes of the Carpathians. Thus, with the defeat of Trojan Rus', the Russian Land shifted its center to the north, and now its core was in the Northern Black Sea region. Moreover, the Rus were increasingly losing their influence in the southern lands, for example, in 1250 BC. e. a branch of the southern Rus - Jews rebelled and, having captured the Russian Oselya, renamed it in their own way to “Jerusalem”, retaining only the root “Rus” in the new name.

The Temple of Yavi on Mount Zion was renamed the Temple of Yahweh on Mount Zion. By the way, the ancient Russian goddess Yav is an active light cosmic “principle-force”, constantly trying to change the world in the fight against the dark passive dead earthly force – Navya.

It is from here, from this ancient Russian temple, that the idea of ​​“Zionism” lives in the world and has survived to this day - the conquest of world domination and the victory of Reveal, the victory of the light principle in man over his dark earthly nature, tied to animal feelings and property.

Hence this eternal desire of our “Zion boys” to deprive us of all property, which has since manifested itself in various kinds of global financial conspiracies and revolutions.

In the 12th century BC. e. The Russians again made a military campaign to the East and completely destroyed the unconquered kingdom of Yin (China).

Meanwhile, in Europe, the Velikograd Prince Bogumir tried to unite the northern Rus, already very different in their language and culture, into an independent unified state of Semirechye (the basins of the Rhine, Laba, Vistula, Oder, Neman, Western Dvina and Neva rivers).

By the 2nd century BC. e. The Venedian Rus strengthened their influence in Southern Europe by building large cities: Vienna, Verona, Venice. At the same time, the Belgorod Tsar Svyatogor made victorious campaigns in Transcaucasia and Western Asia. Over the past centuries, the historical scene has changed greatly, and all the Rus scattered around the world have completely transformed into other peoples and cultures, almost completely losing their former original culture. Therefore, starting from this time, the era of Belgorod Rus' begins, where the borders of the Russian Land become noticeably limited territories: the Russian (Black) Sea in the south and the White Sea in the north, the line “Danube - Carpathians - Ruge Island” in the west and the Volga in the east, In the 10th and 9th centuries BC. e. The military alliance of the Rus around the city of Kyiv in the Middle Dnieper region quickly begins to grow and strengthen due to the large migration of Rus from Trojan Rus', and then from the region of the Venedian Mountains (Carpathians).

Meanwhile, Belgorod Tsar Yaroslav strengthens Russian borders in the Balkans.

In the 8th century BC. e. The Russian military alliance “Urartu”, led by Tsar Rus I, strengthens in the area of ​​Lake Van, which organizes a major punitive campaign against rebellious Israel, but then in 715 BC. e. dies in an internecine war with the Crimean Rus.

In the 7th century BC. e. Russian culture flourishes in the Carpathians. At the same time, the South Russian military alliance led by Tsar Ishpakai intensifies military operations against Assyria. The Assyrians are a Semitic people, originating from the Trojan Rus in the 3rd millennium BC. e. Death in 672 BC. e. King Ishpakai forces his son Partatua to enter into an alliance with the Assyrians, marry the daughter of the Assyrian king As-sarhadon and go to war with the Crimean Rus. By 640 BC. e. Partatua's son, Madiy, finally defeated the Crimean Rus, led by the Belgorod king La-gdamis, in an internecine war. This was regarded by Kiev as treason against Madius, especially since Madius’s son Sandakatr also defeated the Thracians friendly to the Rus. Madiy was given an order prohibiting the bringing of Russian squads to the Black Sea region. At this time, the Babylonian king Nabopolassar, taking advantage of Russian civil strife, in 627 BC. e. rebelled and refused to pay tribute to the Russians.

At the same time, the Indian king Fraetr decided to rebel against the tribute to the Rus, but was defeated. Then the son of Fraetre, Cyaxares, broke through the Russian cordons into Assyria and in 623 besieged its capital Nineveh.

Then the Russian squads of Madiya turned around and in a quick rush-transition marched to Nineveh and in 622 BC. e. defeated the troops of Cyaxares and saved the capital of Assyria - Nineveh.

Having restored the control of the Rus throughout Western Asia, Madiy moved his squads to Egypt. Having destroyed all the rebellious cities on his way, Madius approached Egypt, but then the cunning pharaoh Psammetichus I managed to convince Madius that Egypt had always recognized the rule of the Russians, and, having paid the Russians a huge tribute, he bought them off and thereby saved Egypt from destruction.

The biblical prophet tells the following about the Rus of this time: “They are a strong people, an ancient people... they are always brave people.”

In 614 BC. e. Cyaxares recruits most of the Asian Russian squads into his army and again attacks Assyria. The Rus win the battle and destroy the city of Nineveh. At the same time, another part of the Rus entered the service of Babylon and strengthened it so much that Nebuchadnezzar II began aggressive military operations against the remnants of Assyria. After the complete victory over Assyria, the Russian squads took full possession of the Mannei and Van kingdoms.

In 610 BC. e. Russian squads, together with the Babylonians, capture the last stronghold of the Assyrians - the city of Harran. The Assyrian king Amu-rabal retreats to Syria, but the Rus pursue and defeat his troops and the troops of the Egyptians in 605 BC. e. at the Battle of Carchemite (Syria). The Russians take over all of Syria and Palestine.

But the military allies of the Rus, Nebuchadnezzar II and Cyaxares, decided to get rid of the too warlike and dangerous Rus and their hegemony in the region. To this end, in 597 BC. e. Nebuchadnezzar quickly marches on Jerusalem and destroys it, and the population of the city, “our younger brothers,” is taken captive to Babylon. At the same time, Cyaxares invited all the Asian Russian princes and governors to the feast and, knowing their well-known weakness, made them drink heavily with wine, and then killed every one of them. After this tragedy, the Rus left Western Asia forever and went through Arak to the Black Sea region, where they dissolved in the squads of the Belgorod Tsar and the army of the Kiev Prince Bogumir, with whom they immediately set off on a military campaign against rebellious Europe, where they defeated the Celts and restored their influence right up to the Atlantic ( present-day Holland).

As a result of Russian military campaigns in Europe, China, India, Mesopotamia, Palestine, Egypt, etc., our ancient culture had a significant influence on these peoples. In the art of many nations, the ancient Russian “animal style”, “cosmogonic cross”, “magic swastika”, the image of the “secret wheel of history”, horse heads in “vortex cosmic movement” appeared; image of a sword; image of a horseman piercing a dragon with 1 spear, where the dragon symbolizes “world evil”; image of the “Mother Goddess”, where Agni was meant - “goddess of the Fiery Cosmos”; the image of a deer, symbolizing the spiritual beauty of nature, etc. It is not for nothing that modern archaeological scientists find images of the Russian Ruthenian deer and Russian iron swords all over the world - from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic and from Egypt and India to the Arctic. It pains me, a Russian person, to know that many Russians do not know about these most serious scientific facts of Russian world domination. After all, the writings of various scoundrels are one thing, and archaeological facts and a living spiritual tradition are another.

In 514 BC. e. The Persian king Darius became so strong that with an army of 800 thousand people he decided to raid the Rus. Belgorod Tsar Idanfirs, who did not expect an attack, led the Russian squads from the Danube to the Russian Steppe, using scorched earth tactics. The troops of the Kyiv prince Skopa, who came to the rescue, stopped the army of Darius and defeated it. In the battle, the Russians cut down about 700 thousand Persians, but Darius himself managed to break free and run away with a small remnant of soldiers.

In the 5th century BC. e. Russian tsars - Vsevolod, Arian, Skula and Oktamasar make successive military campaigns in Central Asia and the Far East, establish the first state formations in Japan, Vietnam and Korea.

4th century BC e. - Russo-Indians write down the modified text of the Vedas in Sanskrit.

Having agreed with many Russian princes, the Kiev prince Atey creates a strong alliance and declares himself the king of all Rus.

Having pacified the rebellious, 90-year-old Atheus seizes the Thracian possessions of the Macedonian king Philip II, but then he himself dies in an unexpected Macedonian ambush on the Danube in 339 BC. e.

In 331 BC. e. The Russians not only defeat, but completely destroy the troops of Alexander the Great, led by his best commander Zopyrion, who managed to march with his army to Olbia. After this, Alexander forever abandoned the war with the Rus and directed his energy from Europe to the East, over which the Rus had by this time lost control due to the collapse of the union after the tragic death of Atey, the weakening of Kiev and the attempt of the Rus to create a new union in the Lower Dnieper region, where Rus-sketes, mostly pastoralists, not warriors.

3rd century BC e. - the flourishing of Russian culture in the area of ​​the Azov and Aral Seas.

And in Novgorod (near present-day Sevastopol), Prince Skilur creates a new strong southern Russian military alliance, declares himself tsar, and then begins to fight the strengthened Greek colonies throughout the Black Sea region. The presence of the Russian navy throughout the Russian Sea increased. All trade, including bread, began to be controlled only by the Rus.

2nd century BC e. - large migration of Rus from the Carpathian region to the Dnieper and Lake Ilmen. In 140 BC. e. Kyiv squads in a military campaign destroy the rebellious Greco-Bactrian kingdom, again subjugate Olbia, Kerkinitis, Beautiful Harbor, Chersonese, Bosporus, etc. But in 115 BC. e. The Pontic king Mithridates IV Eupator conquered Chersonesos and Bosporus.

1st century BC e. – strengthening of Russian cities and settlements in Northern Germany. In the area of ​​the Volkhov River, the ancient town of Slovensk (founded by Voivode Sloven back in 2578 BC) is growing rapidly and turning into the large veche city of Novgorod. In 85 BC. e. The Russo-Indian king Kadphises I defeated the Greek troops and in 60 BC. e. conquers Kashmir. The Chinese called the flourishing Russo-Indian kingdom “Yuei-shi.” The Pontic king Mithridates Eupator sends his troops under the leadership of Diophantus to our southern borders. King Skilur can hardly hold back the onslaught. Tsoetomu in 61 BC. e. The Kiev king Vened enters into peace negotiations with Mntridat and together they organize a rebuff to the strengthened Romans.

In 26 BC. e. The Russians conclude a temporary truce with the Roman emperor Augustus, then defeat the Romans at Troyan Val and take possession of the mouth of the Danube, displacing the Dacians from there. At the same time, ancient Kyiv became the only capital of the Rus.

The era of Kievan Rus has arrived.

Russian cattle breeders flourished in the Russian steppe, developing a profitable trade in hides with the Greeks, for which they were nicknamed “rawhounds”, from the word “rawhide”, which was the name given to tanners of rough leather, for which the Greeks were in great demand.

From 23 BC e. Kyiv establishes its embassy in Rome and sharply strengthens trade relations with Rome.

1st century of the new era - there is a long internecine war in the capital Kyiv, weakening the Rus, for a new statehood led by the Grand Duke of Kyiv. At this time, the Chief Priest of the Volga Union of Rus, Zir, achieved the position of governor for his eldest son and, having gathered everyone into the army, began a great campaign to the West. Having traveled to the Black Sea region and taking those who wanted into his squad, Zir moved to Central and Northern Europe, where he appointed his sons as kings of the conquered peoples. Having passed to Denmark, Zir left his fourth son Skold to reign there and went further to the north, where he founded a new capital for himself - Zigtuna.

Immediately after the devastating campaign of Zira and the weakening of the capital Kyiv, Chernigov strengthened, which, through the efforts of Prince Vsevolod, extended its influence to the city of Tmutarak-ni.

At the same time, the Novgorod kings Farzei and then Inismey restored military control over the entire southern border of Kievan Rus.

The “Vlesovitsa” writing spread throughout Kievan Rus, as well as in Europe (runic writing). Kyiv is constantly tormenting the Danube provinces of Rome, despite good relations. The Romans constantly manage in every possible way to restrain Kyiv from attacking Rome, flavoring the Rus with all sorts of cunning political and economic tricks and ever-increasing concessions. Russian military fervor skillfully began to be directed to the West, bypassing Rome. In the 1st century, tribes of Goths and Huns penetrated into the Russian Steppe. But the Russians, having received strong reinforcements from the Northern Russians who arrived from the territories between the Vistula and Tissa, mobilize their squads and defeat the strong armies of the Gothic leaders Germanaric and Gularech. However, the grandson of the Ostrogoth king Germanarich, Vinitar, again attacks the Rus and kills the Kyiv prince Bus. At the same time, the leader of the Huns, Balambor, attacks the Goths, kills Vinitar, and at the same time, having destroyed Kyiv, pushes the Rus even further to the north. From this time on, the veche Novgorod (on the Volkhov) became stronger and began to be called “Veliky Novgorod”.

In the 2nd and 3rd centuries, the Romans gradually ousted the Rus - the “Slavs” - from Western Europe, and most of them moved to Eastern Europe, thereby strengthening the Kievites. Having gained strength again, the Rus began to carry out military raids on the Balkans and Rome. The governors Dobrita and Progosta achieved particular success in military campaigns in the 4th century.

The Rus make a long march to Rome and are defeated by Roman troops in the Champagne region. Then the second campaign against Rome and the destruction of Rome. The Kiev prince Kiy began to bear the title of Grand Duke. Kiy makes a trip to India and conquers the Gupta kingdom.

Around Kyiv and Novgorod, further unification of Russian military alliances and principalities takes place. Kyiv strengthens its status as the capital of the Russian Empire. Meanwhile, the eastern, southern and western Rus are finally dissolving into the cultures and state formations of other peoples. Everywhere in the world there is a process of formation of new nations and their state registration. In many places in the world, especially in the Mediterranean, on the Black and Baltic Seas, Russian warrior-sailors are hired by entire squads for military service for princes, kings and emperors.

In 430, the Grand Duke of Kiev Kiy took tough military measures to protect the borders of the Russian Empire - from the Carpathians to the Pacific Ocean and from the Black and Caspian Seas to the Arctic Ocean.

460 - Kiy dies in the next military campaign, and Prince Lebedyan (Slaver) is elected Grand Duke of Kyiv.

In 476 Lebedyan sent the governor Kimra Odoacer to the strengthened Rome. Odoacer defeats the Roman troops of Emperor Romulus Augustulus, captures Rome once again and frees numerous Roman slaves from captivity.

480 – Lebedyan is replaced by Prince Veron, elected by the Council of Princes, who immediately organizes a new campaign against the Romans.

500 - Prince Serzhen is elected Grand Duke of Kyiv, who suffers a military defeat from the strengthened Volga Rus, who created a powerful military-trade association in the south of the empire with control of trade routes to India and China. The capital of the strange and only autonomous one on the territory of the Russian Empire public education becomes the city of Itil, built at the mouth of the Volga, not far from the dead and sunken Asgard. Gradually, the Itil Union of Southern Rus seizes the southwestern trade routes of the empire.

Jews mixed with the Russians penetrated into Kyiv and gradually increased their influence in the financial, cultural and administrative institutions of the empire.

There are more and more Jews in the leadership of the Itil Union, and gradually “our younger brothers” - Jews penetrate into all responsible positions.

530 - Russians and mercenary squads of the Itil Kagan make a military campaign in India and are defeated in the Battle of Kakhor.

561 - invasion of the Avar tribes into the southern Russian lands.

597 - military campaign against the strengthened southern neighbor - Byzantium.

Russian troops destroy fortifications along the Danube and break into the Balkans. Our army passed through the mountain ranges and reached the lands of Sparta and Thessalonica, and the Russian fleet entered the Aegean Sea.

The Rus liberate the Eastern Balkans (the current territory of Bulgaria) from the Byzantines and populate them with the Dniester and Dnieper Rus. And settlers from the Carpathian region populate the territory of what is now Croatia.

623 - a military sea voyage on 140 ships to the island of Crete and a voyage across the Mediterranean Sea.

626 - defeat of Russian squads and their allies near Constantinople.

630 – 650 - military campaigns led by Grand Duke Samo Western Europe. Defeat of the Frankish king Dagobert.

650 – The Grand Duke of Kiev Svetoyar sends troops led by Prince Bolera to the Don and destroys the Goths and their allies who claimed free movement across the lands of the Russian Empire near the Sea of ​​Azov. Svetoyar strengthens the presence of Russian troops in the Dniester region, as a new state, Bulgaria, is formed in the north of the Balkans.

660 – 720 – a sharp increase in the influence of the “younger brothers” on imperial affairs, their seizure of major government posts in the Council. Many southern cities empires, including Kyiv, without a fight, through the method of quiet counter-revolution with the help of international financial intrigues of the “younger brothers,” fall into debt dependence and begin to pay huge long-term interest, which inexplicably flows to Itil, on the Volga.

720 – 800 – “younger brothers” seek payment of debts in Itil. Twice “younger brothers” become Grand Dukes of the empire, their influence grows everywhere.

844 - Russian naval squads on 14 ships make a long sea voyage to Andalusia, but near Seville they encounter powerful Muslim resistance and, retreating, return.

846 – 850 - by decision of the Novgorod Council, the local prince Bravlin makes the first “cleaning” of the empire from an incomprehensible trade and financial octopus. Prince Bravlin invades all of Eastern Europe and reaches the Crimea, where he seizes all the Byzantine colonies, which, having infiltrated the body of the empire with their Christian ideology, entangled the country, but in fact, behind all this fornication were their financial and military interests. Half the country worked only to pay off huge debts that had arisen from nowhere.

860 - Grand Duke of Kiev Askold decides to firmly rebuff the West and organizes a major military campaign against Constantinople. 360 Russian ships took part in the campaign. The Greeks placed icons on the walls of the city and put up courageous resistance.

Askold concluded a peace beneficial to us and returned home.

Meanwhile, the Vinetsky prince Rurik, the son of Prince Godlav, who became famous throughout Europe for his cruelty, treachery and unusual for a Rus' penchant for robbery, decided to take advantage of the weakening of Kiev and, on the advice of the Frankish king Charles the Bald, seize the post of Prince of Novgorod and try to oppose him to Kyiv, seizing power in northern part of the empire.

Carrying out his plans, Rurik organized, through the efforts of his influential grandfather in Novgorod, Prince Gostomysl, so that his candidacy would be accepted in the next elections for the prince. Subsequently, Rurik destroyed all documents and traces of his past “unlucky” life, and the chroniclers, trying to please the authorities, wrote, being Christians, in a lackey manner, whatever the authorities wanted. Nevertheless, part of the Novgorodians, led by Vadim the Brave, did not want to come to terms with the elections to the Novgorod reign of Rurik with his predatory habits. And then in 862 Rurik dealt with those who disagreed, killed Vadim the Brave and became the prince of Novgorod. From this time on, the ancient city of Vineta almost ceased its history, turned into last years Rurik almost to the base of the robbers.

During this period, Kyiv and Novgorod become the largest cities in the world, Kyiv with a population of over 500 thousand people, and Novgorod with over 300 thousand people.

Rurik moved his squad from Vineta to Izborsk, and resettled everyone else on Ladoga and Beloozero. Rurik ruled for 17 years and during this time he completely subjugated the Finno-Ugric peoples, the Balts and significantly expanded Novgorod’s control over the far northern and northeastern territories, showing himself to be an intelligent and far-sighted politician. Having accumulated enough military forces, Rurik began to prepare a campaign against the capital.

879 - Rurik dies and leaves his four-year-old son Igor to his governor and Chief Priest of Vineta ("Helga") Oleg.

Implementing Rurik’s plans to strengthen the military spirit of the state, Oleg organizes a major military campaign in the south of the country.

From 882 to 885 - Oleg carried out a “cleansing” of all southern regions of the country. Meanwhile, the Persian and Byzantine “our brothers of Zion” move to Itil and increase its influence on the region. After the cessation of silk supplies from China in 901, our brothers organized a new Route - the supply of furs and slaves o. Great Perm to the Baghdad Caliphate. To strengthen the army, the “brothers” hired Russian squads.

904 - from the lower reaches of the Dnieper, Dniester and Bug, the Russian combined fleet, together with the Arab corsair Leo of Tripoli, gathered off the coast of the Bosphorus, consisting of over 150 ships, to finally defeat Constantinople. But they were met by a Greek squadron under the command of Ivan Rodin and, with the help of “Greek fire,” burned our fleet. Only one Russian detachment was saved, which broke through and went to the mouth of the Dnieper, the rest died in the fire and on the shore.

907 - Prince Oleg makes a military campaign against Byzantium and forces Constantinople to agree to a treaty beneficial to Kyiv. In 911, the Russians concluded another treaty with Byzantium.

In 912 - after the death of Oleg (911), Igor becomes the head of the empire.

913 – 914 – Igor suppresses by force the uprising of the Drevlyans, and also makes a campaign against the “Khazars”.

In 939 - Igor captured the fortress of Sam-kerts (Taman) on the shore of the Kerch Strait, and then “our Zion brothers” from Itil organized a raid led by the governor Pesakh. Pesach liberated Samkerts, crossed the Kerch Strait in 940 and, having passed the southern coast of Crimea to the impregnable Chersonese (Sevastopol), turned north and headed through Perekop to Kyiv. I had to pay off Passover to get him away from the city walls. If “our brothers” didn’t love money more than life, then we don’t know how things would have ended for us...

In 941, the Russians gathered a large fleet and again moved towards the Romans, but the Byzantine fleet again came out in time to meet the Russians and again burned our entire fleet with “Greek fire”.

945 - the Rus again make a punitive campaign against the Khazars in the Caspian region, and then Igor again throws the Russian army against Constantinople and imposes tribute on it under a new treaty. While collecting tribute in the Drevlyansky land, Prince Igor became greedy and was killed (945). The remaining wife Olga, with her young son Svyatoslav, brutally took revenge and burned the veche town of Iskorosten, and then decided to end the dominance of the “brothers” in Rus', but this required peace with Byzantium. Olga decided to go to Constantinople, where she was baptized, choosing Emperor Constantine, Porphyrogenitus, as her godfather. From that time on, Russian troops helped Byzantium resolve various international affairs.

955 - Svyatoslav took the throne.

In 964–965 – Svyatoslav made a campaign against the “brothers” through the Dnieper, Oka and Volga. Svyatoslav came to Itil, defeated the Khazars and destroyed the 506 city, but part of the “brothers” hid in Dagestan, where they had a strong fortress of Semen-der. Then Svyatoslav moved to Semender and destroyed it, taking rich booty. On the way home through the Don, Svyatoslav destroyed another fortress - Sarkel, renaming it Belaya Vezha. But in the Kuban and Northern Crimea, “our brothers” still retained their financial and trade influence, although now no one paid them tribute. So unexpectedly and quickly the once strong and rich Russian-Jewish state, the Khazar Kaganate, perished.

967 - according to an agreement with Byzantium, Svyatoslav lands at the mouth of the Danube and defeats the troops of the Bulgarian Tsar Peter. But at this time, the old Byzantine Emperor (Basileus) Nikephoros II was replaced by Tzimiskes, who gave the order to the left-bank Pechenegs to attack Kyiv, which they did. Then Svyatoslav leaves Bulgaria and urgently returns back. At this time, Governor Pretich stops the advance of the Pechenegs into the northern Russian lands and the Pechenegs retreat back. Returning to Kyiv, Svyatoslav finds a terrible picture - some Russians became Christians, abandoning the Vedic religion of their fathers and grandfathers, and while he was at war, the “brothers” again seized trade and finance. Since Olga died (955), there was no one to keep Svyatoslav in Kyiv and he, taking a small squad, returned again to Bulgaria in 969.

At the same time, Svyatoslav gave the order to cleanse Kyiv of the “brothers”. By order of Svyatoslav, Christian churches were broken and Prince Gleb (Svyatoslav's cousin) was executed for his connection with Christians, our primordial enemy of MI.

Meanwhile, in Bulgaria the situation worsened. The Byzantines, together with the Bulgarians, captured Preslava, and Svyatoslav retreated to the Danube in the city of Pereyaslavets. From here Svyatoslav and a small retinue decided to confront the huge Byzantine army and rebellious Bulgaria. But unexpectedly, the allied detachments of the Pechenegs betray and leave Svyatoslav.

971 – The Tzimisce, at the head of the empire’s troops, advances to the walls of Pereyaslavets, at the same time a Greek squadron of ZOO ships enters the Danube. The forces were unequal, and the Pereyaslavets fortress fell after a three-day assault, nevertheless, Svyatoslav, at the head of the foot formation of the Russian squad, rushed into a fierce attack on the enemy, who outnumbered the troops a thousand times. The Greek army wavered and a panicked retreat began, but a sudden attack by the armored Greek cavalry saved the Greeks from defeat. Svyatoslav's detachment locked himself in the Dorostol fortress for the night and sailed along the Danube in boats to the mouth of the Dniester to the island of Buyan (Berezan) in the Dniester estuary.

Here Svyatoslav executed all the Christian soldiers who, according to the general opinion, did not show themselves brave enough in battle, so that the famous “Russian spirit”, which for thousands of years brought only victories to the Rus, would not disappear. Having sent the main part of the detachment led by Prince Sveneld to Kyiv, Svyatoslav decided to winter with the rest on the island. After the winter of 971–972, Svyatoslav in the spring, with a small personal detachment, moved to Kyiv, but in the area of ​​​​the Dnieper rapids he fell into a pre-prepared ambush of the left bank Pechenegs and died along with his comrades. The Pecheneg Khan Kurya made himself a cup from the skull of Svyatoslav.

This is how Grand Duke Svyatoslav died.

Yaropolk, having become the Grand Duke (972), began to actively spread Christianity, destroying the Vedic religion of his great-grandfathers.

Many Rus who did not agree with Yaropolk's policies went to serve in Byzantium, where they became the elite military guard. Yaropolk’s policies did not like his two younger brothers Vladimir and Oleg, although they were very young. Then Yaropolk raided Ovruch, where Oleg reigned, and killed him (977). Prince Vladimir ruled Novgorod at this time. Having learned about the murder of his brother Oleg, Vladimir fled to Sweden, recruited a squad there and, returning to Novgorod, attacked Polotsk, killed his prince Rogvolod and annexed Polotsk to his principality. Vladimir then captured Smolensk and moved towards Kyiv (980). Yaropolk hid in the Rodne fortress, but Vladimir lured him out of there and killed him.

980 - Vladimir, who came to power, forcibly Christianizes the entire state (980). Following the example of the Itil Russo-Jews, Vladimir renounces the title of Grand Duke and calls himself the Great Kagan. Destroys and burns alive all disobedient people, burns all ancient books and libraries. Vladimir tried to unite both ancient Russian traditions and cultures - southern (Jerusalem) and northern (Kyiv) - in the struggle for world domination. If Vladimir had succeeded, then at this historical moment no one in the world would have been able to resist the Rus and the Rus would have regained their control over the entire world, but thousands of years have passed since the division, and the cultures of both Russian peoples have become incompatible. And since many peoples and cultures were formed in the state, Vladimir decided to abandon both the Zionist and Vedic ideology, and rely on the well-proven Roman imperial ideology, the so-called “Christianity”. Christianity attracted Vladimir with its simplicity and intellectual accessibility to the peoples inhabiting the Rus' empire. Vladimir decided to make the Zionist and Vedic traditions and ideologies secret and accessible only to the highest imperial hierarchs, so Vladimir demanded that authoritative sorcerers, wise men and priestesses stop all public practice, threatening with violence, and Vladimir immediately dealt with ordinary wise men without any warning. But the state was huge and no one except the people of Kiev wanted to give up the millennia-old faith of their fathers and grandfathers without a fight. Therefore, the Christian missionaries sent by Vladimir were immediately killed everywhere. At the same time with; Through ideological reform, Vladimir abolished the election of the Grand Duke, dissolved the Council of Princes and the Veche of Relatives (elders), and abolished the position of the Main Family.

In the memory of the Russians, Vladimir remained as the first true Christian - he killed his own brother, trampled on the faith of his fathers and grandfathers, betrayed his military friends, killed the innocent Rogvolod and his sons, and raped his daughter Rogneda, burned all the ancient Russian books and manuscripts, which have no price, deprived the Russian people historical memory and cultural and ethnic continuity of generations, burned entire cities with the entire population, along with old people, women and children for refusing to accept the new faith, culture and psychology.

Tens of thousands of foreign monks invited by Vladimir from Constantinople burned wooden tablets and birch bark letters with ancient Russian legends, history, literature, law, etc. The same Russian chronicles, which, due to their special value, were written on expensive parchment, were completely scraped off and filled in by the monks church texts of other countries. Military resistance to the betrayal of Vladimir was provided by the largest cities - Chernigov, Smolensk, Novgorod, etc. Novgorod held out the longest, in which, perhaps, the Russian spirit has not yet been completely destroyed.

With the forced introduction of Christianity, a tragic break occurred between the previously unified great Russian ethnic group into the Eastern Rus - “Orthodox” (with Greek ideology) and the Western Rus - “Germans” (from the word “numb”, who accepted Latin language and the culture of Catholic Rome), whom the Romans called “Germans” - undefeated.

This is how the “Germanic” people were formed. The division of the Rus is the price of our Christianization. But the most warlike part of the “Germans” was called “Prussians” for many centuries, from the word “in Russian? (as the Russians called the lands along the Rus River, now the Vistula). Until now, both ancient Russian peoples - the Russians and the Germans - have no equal militarily.

Vladimir's reforms were interrupted by his death in 1015. After Vladimir's death, his 12 sons remained reigning in all major Russian cities. The “son of two fathers” Svyatopolk became the Grand Duke of Kyiv, whose Greek mother, pregnant from Yaropolk, who was killed by Vladimir, he took as his wife. Rogneda's son Yaroslav reigned in Novgorod. Like the father, so are the “new Russian” sons.

Svyatopolk began his reign by killing his brothers Gleb, Boris, and Svyatoslav. Then Yaroslav, agreeing with the requests of the Novgorodians to protect the Russian faith, led his squads to Christianized Kyiv. Near the city of Lyubets (1016), the troops of the two brothers met, and Yaroslav defeated the Kyiv squads, entered Kiev and burned all the churches, and executed most of the traitors to the Vedic faith. However, the cunning Svyatopolk managed to escape from the battlefield and fled to Poland. Here, having received Polish troops, in 1018 he moved to Kyiv and, meeting Yaroslav’s squads on the Bug, defeated them and entered Kiev.

Then Yaroslav returned to Novgorod, gathered new squads and again expelled Svyatopolk from Kyiv. This time Svyatopolk fled to the west, where he died. Meanwhile, the Tmutarakan prince Mstislav became stronger and decided to seize the Kiev throne.

The armies of Mstislav and Yaroslav met at the Battle of Listvin (1024). Having won the battle with very shaky success, Mstislav claimed the Chernigov principality for himself and, moving to Chernigov, lived in it, where he died in peace in 1036, leaving no heirs.

After this, Yaroslav ruled alone. In the same year (1036), the strengthened steppe Pechenegs raided Kyiv, but were brutally hacked to pieces by Yaroslav; no one managed to escape.

Having strengthened the Russian lands, Yaroslav in 1043 equipped a huge fleet of 420 ships led by his son Vladimir and the naval commander Vyshata and instructed the fleet to capture and finally destroy the source of the rotten Christian infection - Constantinople. But the Russian fleet was caught in a severe storm, in which two-thirds of the ships were lost. The rest were met by the Greek squadron off the coast and burned with their famous “Greek fire.” The war was lost. Vladimir returned back with 24 ships, and the naval commander Vyshata was captured for three years, all Russian captured sailors were blinded by the Greeks.

In 1054 Yaroslav died and his eldest son Izyaslav took the throne.

In 1068, the Polovtsians, who had sharply strengthened their strength, moved their troops to Kyiv. On the Alta River, the Polovtsians met the squads of Izyaslav, Svyatoslav and Vsevolod and, having won, forced the Russians to retreat.

Izyaslav returned to Kyiv, took his son Mstislav and left for Poland. And the Chernigov prince Svyatoslav retreated to the Snov River, strengthened his small squad to three thousand warriors and defeated the 12,000-strong Polovtsian army. At this time, the people of Kiev released Prince Vseslav of Polotsk, who was imprisoned due to an attack on Pskov and Novgorod in 1067 for the purpose of robbery and captured by the Yaroslavovich brothers on the Nemiga River. The people of Kiev believed that since Izyaslav fled to Poland, then Vladimir’s grandson Vseslav had all the rights to the throne. But Izyaslav soon (1069) with the Polish army carried out a cruel reprisal against the people of Kiev.

Vseslav managed to escape to his home in Polotsk. The indignant Kievans killed the Poles (and some of them fled) and in 1073 again expelled Izyaslav with the help of his brothers Svyatoslav and Vsevolod. The second son of Yaroslav, the Chernigov prince Svyatoslav, ascended the throne, who ruled well, but died unexpectedly due to illness (1076 .). The throne returned to Izyaslav again.

In 1078, the “brothers” who had fortified themselves in Tmutarakan organized a military campaign of local squads led by princes Oleg, Roman and Boris against Kyiv. The aged Izyaslav and Vsevolod opposed them. In the battle on Nezhatina Niva, Grand Duke Izyaslav and young Prince Boris died. Vsevolod won and became the Grand Duke of Kyiv (1078). Vsevolod’s reign was lackluster, and his flirtations with the West did not strengthen the Russian Empire in any way; moreover, Western ideological influence, alien to the Rus, increased through the strengthening of the residence of Greek Christian metropolitans around Hagia Sophia.

By destroying the Vedic religion of their fathers, the Russians allowed the Christian West, represented by the Greek metropolitans, to launch a powerful satanic campaign to correct the Russian mentality. Throughout the Russian Land, ancient books on the history, culture and science of the Rus from before the new era were burned. Non-Russian churches began to be built everywhere with the ideology of slavery, obedience to authorities and humility in the face of a deteriorating standard of living.

In 1093, Vsevolod died, transferring actual power to his son, Prince of Chernigov Vladimir Monomakh. But according to the ladder of succession to the throne, Svyato-Regiment II Izyaslavovich, the son of the eldest of the Yaroslavichs, who reigned in Turov, ascended the throne.

Svyatopolk changed the leadership of the army, strengthening the presence of his personally devoted young commanders in it. To strengthen the treasury, he invited “loan-lender brothers” from Germany, who quickly “privatized” all European trade.

In 1097, an extraordinary Council of Princes took place in Lyubech, which legitimized the disintegration of the Russian Empire into a number of confederate independent states-principals. It was agreed that “let each one keep his homeland.” The princes kissed the cross and swore to abide by the decision of the Council of Princes.

In the religious life of the country, Vedic traditions and customs were finally fading away, and Christianity was gaining more and more importance and influence. The leadership of the church consisted of two warring factions - the “Byzantines” headed by the metropolitan and the monastic community of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra.

In 1111, in a major military campaign on the Donets, Russian troops destroyed the rebellious Polovtsians.

In 1113 Svyatopolk died, and Vladimir Monomakh was elected Grand Duke. Monomakh began his reign by suppressing the uprising that began in Kyiv by the townspeople against their insolent “brothers.” These were the first pogroms in the empire. Monomakh stopped the extermination of the “brothers” and convened the Council of Princes in Vydobichi. The “brothers” were allowed to take everything they had and immediately leave the Russian Empire, for which purpose it was organized military support shares In case of illegal appearance of “brothers” on the territory of the country, their position was declared outlawed, with all the ensuing consequences.

In 1116, governor Yaropolk, the son of Vladimir Monomakh, defeated the rebellious Polovtsians on the Don.

In 1125 Monomakh died, and his son Mstislav the Great took the throne. Mstislav organized a military campaign against Polotsk, captured it and sent the Polotsk princes to Byzantium. Mstislav established a strict unity of command throughout the empire, cracking down on the disobedient. A period of territorial unity and prosperity began.

In 1132 Mstislav the Great died. His brother Yaropolk ascended the throne, and the Russian Empire again began to quickly disintegrate.

The first to separate was Polotsk, where the Polotsk princes returned from Byzantium, then in 1135 Novgorod.

In 1139, Yaropolk died, leaving the throne to his brother Vyacheslav, but Prince Vsevolod Olegovich of Chernigov took the throne by force and declared himself Grand Duke. There was civil strife in the country. The Monomashich branch led by the nephew of the overthrown Vyacheslav, who were supported by Volyn, began to fight for the throne.

In 1146 Vsevolod dies and transfers the throne to his brother Igor. But a month later, Monomakh’s grandson, the Volyn prince Izyaslav Mstislavovich, enters Kyiv with his squad, and Igor’s squad goes over to Izyaslav’s side. Igor was tonsured a monk, but the population that hated Igor in 1147 took him away from the guards and trampled him underfoot, leaving his corpse without burial. Then the third brother Svyatoslav Olegovich gathered a strong army in Chernigov, and the war for the throne began. Meanwhile, with the help of corrupt Christian teachers who hated everything Russian and called the national Vedic culture “paganism,” the further collapse of the Russian Empire continued. Monomakh's son Yuri Dolgoruky withdrew the Rostov-Suzdal principality from the empire and began a war for the throne, achieving it in 1155.

In 1157, Yuri Dolgoruky dies of poison.

His son Andrei, who lived in the village of Bogolyubovo and was called “Bogolyubsky,” inherits the Rostov-Suzdal principality. In the internecine war, the children and grandchildren of Monomakh clash, the senior branch of the Monomashichs - the Rostov-Suzdal princes and the younger branch of the Monomashichs - the Volyn princes. That is, the war of “uncles and nephews” began.

The empire finally collapsed in this chaos, especially since for 70 years there had already been a legal decision for this by the Council of Princes in Lyubech (1097). Numerous independent states were formed from Far East to the Carpathians and from the Black Sea in the south to the White Sea in the north. The largest states were the Principality of Kiev, the Novgorod Republic, the Principality of Chernigov, the Vladimir-Volyn Principality, the Principality of Galicia, the Smolensk Principality, the Turov-Pinsk Land, the Rostov-Suzdal Land, the Murom-Ryazan Principality, the Novgorod-Seversky Principality, the Pereyaslav Principality, the Polotsk Principality quality In 1168, the ancient Russian city of Vineta on the Baltic perished.

In 1169, the “God-lover” Andrei, continuing the pathological passion of his father Yuri Dolgoruky, created a huge multilingual army and meanly and treacherously threw it at the peaceful, weakened capital. Having received the blessing of Christian ideologists of Byzantium, alien to us, forever hostile, Andrei Bogolyubsky embodied the plan of the West and, taking advantage of the moment, struck at the heart of the Russian Empire in order to forever destroy the Vedic culture and ideology of the ancestors and establish the Western - Christian one.

In the entire history of the Russian Empire, no one has ever done this to Russian capitals. Andrei gave the order to wipe out the two million people of Kyiv q, the face of the earth, burn and destroy everything, in order to put an end to ancient history Rusov. Libraries were burned for three days ancient manuscripts, beautiful buildings were destroyed, the civilian population of the ancient capital was killed, raped and burned alive.

The Christ-lover Andrei completely destroyed the history of the Russian people - everything that even slightly mentioned the Russians before Christianization. For this unprecedented in the history of the world, the Christian Church declared Andrew a saint, and new “ideologists” began to count Russian history from the moment of Christianization of the empire by Vladimir in 988, forever erasing the history of their ancestors. This tragic episode of Russian history teaches that any nation can be defeated only by first winning an ideological battle for the ideals and faith of the people, and then destroying their history, and then an oblivious mass of subhumans appears, capable of accepting any “history”, ideology, state reorganization, distribution of lands, etc. - there is no crime that such an oblivious people would not be capable of, when a son and grandson trample into the dirt the ideals and faith of their fathers and grandfathers...

But years passed, and the Russian people, as best they could, again tried to rebuild a new capital - Kyiv.

Kyiv began to be rebuilt in a Western Christian manner. Then Igor, who became the Prince of Chernigov in 1198, gave his word to prevent the corrupting influence of Christianity and to destroy the reborn Kyiv. After the death of Igor in 1202, Rurik, Prince of Smolensk, decided to prevent the victory of Western ideology and wipe out the Christian infection from the face of the Russian Land. In 1203, Rurik Rostislavovich subjected to complete destruction the Kiev Pechersk Lavra and the Church of the Tithes - these hotbeds of Byzantine religion and ideology. True, the newly emerged buildings on the territory of the city destroyed by Andrei Bogolyubsky were also damaged.

From this time on, the Russian Empire entered a difficult and tragic period. There were new ups and downs, but every schoolchild already knows the further history of the Rus. Therefore, there is no need to retell what is well known.

My duty was to tell only about what happened before the Christianization of the empire.

After Christianization, the Russian people had to fight a lot. For example, from 1055 to 1462 there were 245 wars, and from 1240 to 1462 almost not a single year went by without a war. Of the 537 years, from the time of the Battle of Kulikovo to the end of the First World War, Russia spent 334 years in battle. During this time, she had to fight for 134 years against various alliances and coalitions of states, and Russia fought one war with nine enemies at once, two with five, twenty-five times had to fight against three and thirty-seven against two opponents. Not a single generation of Russians has lived without war... This is our history. Rivers of Russian blood were shed by our grandfathers and great-grandfathers to preserve and strengthen our empire. And now we have lived... By the way, soon there will be nothing left to steal. I wonder what the “businessmen” will continue to live on?

After all, they cannot produce anything, but can only rob or mediate in the robbery of old people and children. Let's look around: what other evidence do we need to understand that a vile, dirty war is being waged against Russia, against the Russian people, well paid, carefully planned down to the details, continuous and merciless.

The entire country, and the Russian people as such, are subject to destruction... We remain silent and eat and drink the remains greatest power- not created by us, but left to us as an inheritance by our great and glorious ancestors...

Now let’s talk about the state of affairs in modern Russia, taking into account the opinion of the Russian Metropolitan of St. Petersburg John.

We, the heirs of the greatest Vedic spiritual traditions, are told that we did not have the world's most ancient Motherland, nor the world's greatest empire, nor a great and glorious history and culture, nor the greatest ideals, etc.

The complete failure of “historical materialism” only confirmed the ancient truth that human existence is, first of all, the area of ​​action of spiritual, mysterious and hidden forces. Vulgar determinism - the doctrine of an objective, and therefore aimless and impersonal relationship between events and phenomena - has shown its complete inability to explain in any satisfactory way what is happening around.

Human activity is irrational - this has long been noticed and recognized by such representatives of Russian culture as Fyodor Dostoevsky, Leo Tolstoy, Maxim Gorky, Fyodor Chaliapin, Nikolai Berdyaev, Konstantin Leontiev, Ivan Ilyin, Vasily Rozanov, Vladimir Solovyov, etc. What is the reason for this mysterious indefinability, excluding any possibility of a primitive rationalist interpretation of history?

Human freedom, understood as freedom of moral choice, is the root cause of all historical intricacies.

Man himself is a microcosm, a small world, reflecting in its mysterious depths the entire diversity of the Universe. This is how man was created, this is his original purpose, therefore it is not surprising that the innermost life of an individual person flows according to the same laws as the existence of states, peoples and continents.

Two forces operate in the human heart: conscience and rebellious impulses of destructive passions: pride and lust for power, vanity and greed, lust and malice, envy and hypocrisy. Each of the two forces is trying to win over our free will. Here the individual human destiny is decided and at the same time the entire course of world history is determined.

Just as a person deprived of memory is not capable of a full life, a people who does not have a clear, meaningful understanding of their historical destiny, their highest destiny, their shrines and traditional civil and state ideals cannot exist normally.

Russians always try to understand the content behind any form and prefer conscience to the letter of the law, and prefer morality to force.

Russians in their sense of life always live according to ideals, and not according to duty or obligation. We always have the ideals of truth and justice above the sense of duty, and human duty is always above any right.

Our fathers have always maintained that a Russian person will never be guided in the organization of his life by the legal principle.

The Russian sense of life contains the foundations of high morality, rooted not in a formal moral law, but in the natural love, mercy and sense of justice that has been developed over millennia for Russians. Russian morality is based not on a sense of obligatory duty, but on a deep natural inner feeling of conscience, hence the famous Russian conscientiousness, this fruit of the oldest ethical culture in the world, which over the past millennia has penetrated into the very genes of our people.

From here was born thousands of years ago the famous Russian idea that every person should be kind and compassionate according to the ideal and needs of the soul, and not according to someone else’s attitude.

We, Russians, are the moral and ethical aristocracy of the world human community.

The desire for the ideal is a millennia-old feature of the Russian character. It is us, Russians, that History has made the ark of its shrines, their guardian, guardian and zealous defender. Realizing itself as the blessed guardian of the Truth, Russia inevitably became the focus of the universal struggle between good and evil, laying claim to the immortal soul of man.

Therefore, the enemies of Russia openly call (the newspaper “Figaro Letterer” of May 25, 1992): “We must erase the Russian past, deprive Russians of history!”

Only a very naive person can assume that the political history of a country is created by itself, under the influence of chance and immediate needs, without purposeful and conscious, precisely calculated influence. Hostile means are strenuously trying to hammer this absurdity into our minds. mass media, which have turned into a real factory for the production of political lies, designed to hide the real state of affairs. The V Bilderberg Club, secretly uniting the most powerful people in the world, led by the Rothschild and Rockefeller clan, represented by David Rockefeller (Germany, meeting in June 1991), stated: “The supranational power of the world bankers is more preferable than the right of peoples to self-determination,” First World War Rothschild and Rockefeller alone brought in revenues of $102 billion.

So, behind the scenes of world politics, active work has long been ongoing to create an international supranational control center - a “supergovernment”, which should concentrate in its hands colossal ideological, political and economic power over the world community. As part of this, programs are being implemented to destroy sovereign states, decompose the national identity of peoples, and erode their cultural identity.

Divided historically into northern Rus and southern Rus (Jews), our country - the empire of northern Rus historically emerged as the main bearer of spiritual values, as the spiritual leader and intellectual elite of humanity.

Currently, the “Russian idea” is what is commonly called “civilization,” or, as the “godfather” of perestroika said, these are the so-called “universal values.”

The first successful result of a long and comprehensive campaign to eliminate Russia from the world stage as a geopolitical leader was the unrest provoked on our territory at the end of the last and beginning of this century and culminating in the catastrophe of 1917, when the historically established traditional Russian statehood was destroyed by the murder of the legitimate tsar and heir.

Having survived hunger, devastation, and the terror of the authorities, at the cost of the greatest effort of all the people's forces, we have managed so far not to slide into fratricidal chaos civil war and really hope for the evolutionary return of our country to the path of its natural historical development.

Currently, in most civilized countries of the world, Russian, or “socialist”, humanistic ideology is flourishing. Socialists are in power in Germany, Japan, France, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, Hungary, etc. We don’t need the “communism” of Trotsky (Bronstein), but we don’t need the “American market model” of our cunning “brothers” either. . There are things more important than the market, and we will not allow our American “brothers” to turn the whole world into one big market controlled by them. Their market psychology is a passed stage for humanity. Now it is clear to any state that care for people should be at the forefront of its activities. Raise and separate the status of women, solve the problems of free education and free medicine, learn to respect and protect individual rights, take special care of children and pensioners, create and always maintain conditions for the spiritual and creative self-realization of every person, provide all citizens without exception with housing, work, social and cultural services, etc., etc. Since we are not in the market, the laws of the market do not suit us, or other peoples. Humanity passed this stage of its development back in the last century, and we, Russians, like most ancient eastern countries, never took this spiritually destructive path (it’s not for nothing that Marx was never able to squeeze eastern statehood into his destructive class theory) .

In relation to our country, immediately after the Second World War, a scenario was launched of consistent internal discrediting of the dominant worldview, then its sharp “shock reset” and rapid replacement with a new, liberal-democratic one, outwardly attractive, but for Russia even more destructive in essence, since the stake again it is done to break historical continuity. In modern packaging, a second year of 1917 is being imposed on us - the great criminal perestroika.

Perestroika itself became possible only thanks to the betrayal of the KGB, the absence in recent years in the country of a healthy, nationally meaningful ideology and a truly socialist consistent state worldview.

Because of this, the entire huge management apparatus of the Union found itself defenseless against a handful of criminal leaders (as shown by an investigative group of 200 leading lawyers led by Telman Gdlyan in the so-called “Kremlin case”). The shadow mafia economy also played its vile role, completely merging with international and domestic criminal structures and the state apparatus. And, of course, the main role was played by the fifth column, which controlled the entire press, radio, television, culture, art, political institutions and financial structures of the entire country.

Disguise and disinformation are the fundamental properties of the international financial power that today seeks to establish itself in Russia under the guise of “democracy” and “market economy.”

The rapid advance of the media, which makes it possible to purposefully manipulate public consciousness, allows them to be used as an ideological drug that deprives the population of a sober understanding of the political realities of the world around them. Russian society, under the hypnosis of the media, has lost the instinct of self-preservation, has lost state and cultural immunity, and is becoming blind and helpless in the face of the dangers that threaten it.

An opportunity has been created to hide not only the centers of real power from prying eyes, but also to reliably disguise their real ideology. As a result, today not only simple people, but the overwhelming majority of representatives of the official authorities are completely unaware of who really controls the development of the situation in the country and what their true goals are. This camouflage makes it possible to make the power of “our lesser ones” practically invulnerable.

What do we see in today's Russia? Criminal structures and the KGB openly and cynically corrupt young people and rob old people, sowing poisonous seeds of hatred, greed and hypocrisy throughout Russian soil.

The corruption of officials and the dominance of the mafia, rampant violence and an unprecedented decline in morals - these are the fruits of our general indifference.

General apathy and lack of ideals, anarchy and irresponsibility, complete violation of all laws - divine and human - this is the price of the current Russian “reforms”.

In relation to Russia, the scenario of capturing financial structures, destroying the national currency - the ruble, destroying the army and economy, turning Russia into a weak state - a raw materials appendage is being implemented. And all this is due to the betrayal of the KGB and the highest echelons of power, who are obliged to protect us, and not to rob and kill.

The main task for Russians should be the urgent restoration and preservation of the historical continuity of the original natural Russian life. The malicious efforts of the KGB to introduce into Russian soil foreign pseudo-values ​​that are alien and destructive for the people and the state have already yielded and are bearing their disastrous fruits.

KGB General A. Sterligov, the only one who has not betrayed his Motherland, describes the current situation in the country as follows: “The main pattern of modern social development is the transition from commodity production to socialized production, occurring as a result of the information revolution.

The modern information society, which is replacing the industrial one, presupposes the subordination of economic growth to qualitative parameters social development. The end result of social production is the person himself of a given society. Therefore, real progress is determined not by the production of things, but by the training of comprehensively developed people.

For these purposes, huge investments in the sphere of human development are objectively required: science, education, culture, healthcare and sports. But only a socialized economy, in which the priority of public interests over private ones is ensured, is capable of such a redistribution of resources in favor of the non-productive sector. And only in CONDITIONS of maximum socialized production can ways of harmonizing the interaction between society and nature be found. Therefore, it is Russia, having regained its conceptual, political and economic independence, that is called upon to give the world an example of successful problem solving.”

So, in order to change the difficult situation in our country, the following measures should be taken.

1. Measures in the area government structure:

The Russian nation can be defined as a territorial, political and economic community of people, historically connected by the relations of reproduction of the social conditions of their lives and the creation of a single culture, which is a fusion of cultures united into the Russian nation of ethnic groups.

There is no need to be afraid of a large number of ethnic groups; the more there are, the richer and more viable the national culture is. Russian is the language of interethnic communication, national and, therefore, state. Any ethnic group is based on its own culture and language, and a nation is, first of all, an economic, political and state-historical community. It’s a pity, but many people don’t understand this difference between an ethnic group and a nation, so they are trying, by destroying the entire country, to somehow separate themselves and gain criminal-clan independence, taking more of the people’s goods. We see how the rupture of national political, economic and military unified intrastate ties has a deplorable effect on the lives of isolated ethnic groups.

The head of Russia must be elected by the Supreme Council of Russia by open voting, by a majority of votes, for a period until he reaches 65 years of age. The head of Russia cannot be removed from his highest government position by anyone, under any circumstances, except by publicly submitting a written voluntary resignation for health reasons, with written confirmation from medical experts appointed at his request by the Supreme Council of Russia.

The head of Russia concentrates in his hands a single, strictly centralized power without any division of it and is guided in his activities only by the Constitution and personal conscience.

The Supreme Council of Russia is the central advisory body under the Head of Russia. All laws and decrees are issued only by the Head of Russia. A single state should consist of 50 provinces without any ethnic territorial entities.

The United Nations understands by the term “nation” states where the “nation” is a multi-ethnic set of citizens of a single country.

Consequently, all ethnic groups of Russia are a single nation - Russians. And we all, without exception, like Americans, for example, should be proud of this, regardless of our ethnic origin, while we must carefully revive and preserve all our existing ethnic traditions, languages ​​and cultures.

Power in Russia must be strictly centralized with a clearly structured vertical and executive discipline. Governors are appointed and dismissed personally by the Head of Russia and strictly obey him, appointing, in turn, the lower executive power structures subordinate to them - Heads of districts and Heads of cities.

The Supreme Council of Russia is elected by popular vote of citizens, five people per province for a term of 10 years.

– Governors, heads of districts and cities personally form their administrative apparatus, governors - 100 people each, and heads of districts and cities - 20-50 people each, depending on the decision of the governor.

– It should immediately be constitutionally established that power in Russia is a concept, first of all, a moral one, and then a legal one.

The moral right to power is given only by a strict adherence to clearly understood traditional Russian shrines and values ​​of Russian national life. Power should belong to the one who is the most complete exponent of the historically established ideals of Russian national life. Therefore, the goal of the authorities should be to fully facilitate the implementation of national ideals in life - in all manifestations of social and state activities. Only in this case is the power in Russia morally legitimate.

The media must be completely separated from the state and not depend on anyone in any way. In their activities they are guided only by the laws of Russia and personal conscience.

2. Measures in the area domestic policy:

With an urgent package of legislative and organizational measures, restore the attitude of the Russian people to work as a service that has an enduring moral value, and not as a means of enrichment and satisfaction of whims.

The state must immediately return responsible control over the economy and restore controllability of the entire national economic complex.

Production should be based on the need for reasonable and high-quality satisfaction of necessary human needs and improvement of the social life of the population, and not from the unbridled pursuit of profit and the price of environmental destruction.

Registration must be immediately canceled and all citizens must be issued passports of international standard indicating the nation - “Russian”.

The main strategic task of the state is to fully support and fully guarantee a stable developing society and state.

Urgently strengthen the state unity of the country, decisively and firmly suppress separatism in all its forms.

With the help of emergency measures, but within the framework of the law, immediately put an end to crime and corruption. Protect the population from criminal elements from below and from above.

Immediately provide social protection and support to those in need. First of all, urgently decide social problems children, women, pensioners, disabled people, students, cultural workers, education workers, healthcare workers, science workers, army workers, miners, metallurgists, etc.

It is necessary to constantly and persistently urgently restore and everywhere affirm traditional Russian moral and spiritual values ​​as the legal norms of society.

Managing socialized production requires strengthening centralism. Centralism in management ensures the priority of general interests over private ones. This requires a shift in the center of gravity from the function of financial and credit regulation of the economy to the planning function. As a result of scientific planning, the behind-the-scenes manipulation of loans on the part of the world capital of “our lesser ones” is supplanted by national-state self-government, which independently sets the goals of public national development. Economic laws state that the actual owner in Russia is the one who issues the order for production, that is, in whose interests it is carried out. The abandonment of national state planning led to the fact that National economy For decades now, Russia has switched to serving the interests of global capital and criminal shadow structures represented by the “new Russians.” Half the world lives on Russian diamonds, oil, gas, timber, ore, but the Russian people have nothing from this, moreover, this production has become unprofitable! This is worse than being in a madhouse! The whole country, a great country, is working for a foreign uncle.

The state struggle for a healthy and sober lifestyle should be immediately launched. Develop a state program for strengthening families. Immediately introduce a large-scale system of measures to protect motherhood and childhood and stimulate the birth rate.

A sound demographic policy must be urgently implemented. The potential of small villages should be preserved and the growth of the largest cities should be reduced.

A multi-structured economy based on equal rights of forms of ownership with careful adherence to the principle of social justice must be restored immediately. At the same time, 50% of national property should belong to the state, and 50% to individual ownership with the voluntary right to form collective forms of ownership.

Part of the land should be immediately transferred to the personal ownership of citizens, limiting the maximum amount that can be owned by one family to 200 hectares when purchasing land.

The Russian army today should consist of professional volunteers serving in military space units, nuclear submarines and the air force. The remaining non-modern types of troops should be gradually eliminated. The army cannot participate in either internal or external conflicts.

Urgent adoption of decisive measures to ensure national security. Restoration of the state within its natural historical boundaries.

Immediate appointment of General Lebed to the post of Union Minister of Defense.

3. Foreign policy measures:

Russia's foreign policy must be immediately reoriented from protecting the mythical “interests of the world community” (that is, protecting “brotherly” interests) to protecting Russia’s exclusively national interests.

Both coups d'etat of 1917 should be immediately recognized as illegal with all the ensuing legal consequences.

It is necessary to immediately renounce the mythical debts of the USSR and bring to justice the traitor-criminals who have achieved such a frank and ultra-arrogant interpretation of international law, when those who owe us do not pay anything, and we, although we should not, recognize other people’s debts and pay. Judging by the facts, our payments have been planned for a long time, their plans include that Russia will always work only on debts and interest on them. As everyone can see now, the Fedorovs had a good idea while training in the USA... Or the Kozyrevs, who, as if by accident, are blockading Iraq, which owes us several billion dollars and, because of the blockade, cannot return them to us...

Immediate creation of a bloc of countries friendly to Russia: China, Germany, Japan, Israel, Cuba, etc. Conclusion of military treaties with them.

Ensure the strategic presence of Russian interests anywhere on the planet, including US territory. Hostile countries must be placed on constant military-space combat duty. It is necessary to openly declare to the whole world the military superiority of the Russian Military Space Forces, so that no one in the world has any illusions about the military power of Russia and its ability to destroy any continent in seconds.

It is necessary to inform our enemies in a civilized manner that we will never fight with anyone, since the military realities of the Russian Military Space Forces are such that the very concept of war as such disappears.

4. Ideological measures:

To achieve the ideological aspiration of an individual Russian person in his personal life, in the life of his family, social life and state existence, the feasible implementation of high historically verified, spiritual national ideals - social justice, mercy, freedom, peacefulness, internal decency and sincerity, a developed sense of patriotism and civic duty.

We urgently need to free ourselves from the ideological chimeras of “communism” and “market capitalism”. It is necessary to establish in all spheres of Russian life the priority of the natural moral law, historically generally accepted international norms of public and personal morality.

It is necessary to recognize them as fundamental values ​​of Russian life, subject to public protection and state protection.

It is necessary to wage a principled struggle against preachers of violence, unscrupulous perverts, various maniacs who disfigure public morality and corrupt our children.

The priority of a person’s social responsibilities and his civic duty in relation to personal rights should be secured.

It is necessary to immediately restore national history from ancient times, and not just from the period of Christianization, and rely on its great spiritual power. Prohibit foreign religions from any activity on Russian territory.

It is necessary to restore in the public consciousness the real picture of the international financial octopus that is hostile to us:

Bilderberg Club, Trilateral Commission, International Monetary Fund, B'nai B'rith Lodge, etc.

Everyone should clearly know that capitalism is not a natural stage in the “development” of society, but its disease, manifested in the commercialization of public life, corruption, speculation, gambling, drug and pornography, financial fraud and so on. It is already clear to everyone that intermediaries and financiers are thriving, not commodity producers and the population.

If we take a look at history, we see this as a pattern in all countries that have already gone through the following stages:

1. Development of usury.

2. Formation of a secret international cartel of moneylenders.

3. Extension of the power of moneylenders to the entire global banking system.

4. Subordination of the entire world economy to the central (Euro-American) banking system.

From all that has been said, it follows that the capitalization of Russia is just a trick to transfer the power and property of our country to global usurious capital.