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Which fashionista is Queen Maud's Land dedicated to? Queen Maud Land (V.I. Bardin) Queen Maud Land.

(since 1939). Norway made claims to sovereignty over this territory in 1938. By royal decree of 14 January 1939, the “Norwegian sector”, or “Bouvet sector”, was created between longitude 20° west and longitude 44° 38’ east. The decree stated: “The part of the mainland coast extending from the Falkland Islands dominion (i.e. from the limit of Coats Land) to the limit of the Australian Antarctic Domain on the east, together with the inland territory beyond that coast and the adjoining part of the sea, shall come into sovereign possession Norway". The administration of these territories was entrusted to the Minister of Trade in Oslo. The competence of the capital's district court also extended to the “Bouvet sector”.

Currently, the territory is subject to the Antarctic Treaty and other international agreements on the southern polar region, which mainly allow only scientific research work. There are several scientific stations operating on the territory of Dronning Maud Land, including the Russian Novolazarevskaya station and the German Neumayer station.

Named in honor of the Norwegian Queen Maud (full name Maud Charlotte Mary Victoria; November 26, 1869 - November 20, 1938).


see also


  • Queen Maud Land- article from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  • Queen Maud Land- Dictionary of modern geographical names/ Under general ed. acad. V. M. Kotlyakova. - Electronic edition. - Ekaterinburg: U-Factoria, 2006

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Thesis on Germany's preventive war against the USSR
  • Kivelidi, Ivan Kharlampievich

See what “Queen Maud Land” is in other dictionaries:

    Queen Maud Land Geographical encyclopedia

    Queen Maud's Land- Territorial claims in Antarctica Dronning Maud Land (Norwegian: Dronning Maud Land) is a vast area on the Atlantic coast of Antarctica, lying between 20° west and 44° 38’ east longitude. The area is about 2,500,000 km². For a significant part ... Wikipedia

    Queen Maud Land- part of the territory of the East. Antarctica. Opened in 1930 Nor. expedition of J. Rieser Larsen and named Dronning Maud Land, in Russian. traditional in the form of Queen Maud Land in honor of the Norwegian wife. King Hakon VII (on the throne in 1905 1957) ... Toponymic dictionary

    Queen Maud's Land- a vast area on the Atlantic coast of Antarctica, lying between 20° west and 44° 38? east longitude. A significant part of its territory was claimed by Norway (since 1938) and Germany (since 1939). Maude Charlotte Maria Victoria Maud... ...

    Mod: Queens Mod land- see Queen Maud's Land... The fate of eponyms. Dictionary-reference book

    Queen Elizabeth Land- on the map of Antaktis... Wikipedia

    QUEENS OF FASHION EARTH- (Queen Maud Land) part of the territory of the East. Antarctica between 20 .w. d. and 45.v. d., washed by the seas of Lazarev, Riser Larsen and Cosmonauts. Most of it is occupied by a thick (more than 3500 m) glacial cover, in the coastal strip there is dissected mountain... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Queen Maud Earth- (Queen Maud Land), part of the territory of East Antarctica between 20ºw. d. and 45ºE. d., washed by the seas of Lazarev, Riser Larsen and Cosmonauts. Most of it is occupied by a thick (more than 3500 m) glacial cover, in the coastal zone there is dissected mountain... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Queen Maud Earth- (Queen Maud Land), part of the territory of the East. Antarctica between 20° W. d. and 45° east. d., washed in the north by the seas of Lazarev, Riser Larsen and Cosmonauts. Almost along the entire length of the coast there is a strip of ice shelves. Separate coastal units wear... ... Geographical encyclopedia

    Queen Maud Earth- (Queen Maud Land, Norwegian Dronning Maud Land)Queen Maud Land, part of the territory eastern. Antarctica, washed by the Atlantic Ocean. Since 1939 Norway claims this territory. Named after Queen Maud of Norway (18691938) ... Countries of the world. Dictionary

The answer lies in the capital letter: the correct name is Queen Maud's Land, and this is the name of Queen Maud of Wales (Maud Charlotte Mary Victoria, or Maud of Wales), the first queen of Norway as an independent state in 600 years. As was “supposed” for European monarchs of those times, she was connected by family ties with the most powerful imperial houses. In the blue veins of the youngest daughter of the British King Edward VII and Alexandra of Denmark, born in London, flowed the no less blue blood of German, Danish, English, and Russian monarchs. Her father was half-German, a representative of the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (now Windsor) dynasty. The mother is also half-German, and the Hessian princess who gave birth to her, Queen Louise of Hesse-Kassel of Denmark (Luise von Hessen-Kassel), was the grandmother of Emperor Nicholas II of Russia and King George V of Great Britain, who were like two peas in a pod.

Alexandra of Denmark's father was called the "Uncle of Europe" as he was the uncle of several European monarchs, including Nicholas II and the last German Emperor and King of Prussia, Wilhelm II. Alexandra’s elder brother (by the way, this name was given to her in memory of Grand Duchess Alexandra Nikolaevna Romanova), Frederick, became the King of Denmark, the younger brother Wilhelm became the King of Greece, and the younger sister Dagmar (Marie Sophie Frederikke Dagmar) became the Russian Empress Maria Feodorovna, mother of Nicholas II.

This is such a stormy mixture of crowns. Well, Maud herself, the latter’s cousin Russian Emperor, married the Norwegian king Haakon VII (Haakon VII), the son of a Swede, more precisely Princess Lovisa of Sweden (Lovisa av Sverige), and a Dane, more precisely the King of Denmark Frederick VIII (Frederik 8.). Whose ancestors were the Dutch, Swedes, Germans from the Glucksburg dynasty (the family nest, Glucksburg Castle, is located near Flensburg) and the Bernadotte dynasty, the founder of which was the Napoleonic marshal (phew, finally at least one Frenchman “intervened”!) Jean Bernadotte (Jean -Baptiste Jules Bernadotte). However, he later became Karl XIV Johan, King of Sweden and Norway.

Well, let's slow down on this, otherwise your head will hurt. Let's finish climbing the family trees of kings and emperors by landing on Queen Maud Land. Norway (and before that Germany) has been making territorial claims to it since 1939, but they have never been recognized by the world community. Currently, in this territory, according to the Antarctic Treaty, signed by 46 states, only scientific research work is allowed. This is what international scientific stations do, including the Russian Novolazarevskaya (opened in 1961 and taking its name from the Lazarev Sea) and the German Neumayer III, named after the geophysicist and polar explorer Georg von Neumayer Neumayer). The latter is located on the territory of the former (although Germany did not formally renounce territorial claims to this area) New Swabia (Neuschwabenland) - this is how the explored sector was named by the Antarctic expedition “New Swabia” of the Third Reich, which visited here in 1938-1939. But that's a completely different story.

We have previously talked about an ancient city discovered on the lands of Antarctica by the Nazis at the very end of the 1930s. However, this city was not the only one they discovered in Queen Maud Land. In addition, they discovered many traces of both ancient and more modern technogenic activity. However, all this information " strongmen of the world this" is by no means advertised, like many amazing discoveries recent years made thanks to the melting of thousand-year-old ice in Antarctica,

But let's return to the Nazis and their findings made in the late 1930s. Here, for example, is what O. Greig writes about them in his book “Secret Antarctica or Russian Intelligence at the South Pole”: “In the area of ​​Queen Maud Land, a system of gigantic horizontal and vertical caves, galleries and tunnels, connected into a huge city, with life-giving ozone inside, which had never before been encountered by researchers, was discovered. By all indications, all the structures were not made by man, they had... extraterrestrial origin !

This is how von Kranz talks about the same events. In response to Captain Ritscher's request to send submarines, Hitler ordered the allocation of five new submarines of the VII series. Which were not introduced into the fleet and received special side numbers: from UA-1 to UA-5. The submarines set sail on October 11, 1938, but they moved on the surface and under different, fictitious side numbers. They say: to hide something, you need to put it in plain sight. To hide the true goals, the “Friendship March” was announced and advertised, and in the meantime the submarines arrived in Rio, where... a substitution took place. Five UA submarines headed to Antarctica, while five others safely returned home.

In early November, the submarines arrived at the disposal of Captain Ritscher. And soon they discovered giant caves going under the rocks and mountains. The ocean turned out to be connected to a system of underground lakes. By diving and surfacing, it was possible to explore many dry caves suitable for creating specific secret bases and settlements. It turned out that the water in some caves of the ice continent was surprisingly warm!

The sailors called the “land of the foothill kingdom” Valhalla. In one of the caves... traces of human presence were found (however, you begin to wonder: is it a person?!): at the entrance to the cave there were two small obelisks covered with unknown inscriptions. In December of the same year, experienced speleologists arrived here, and the exploration of the mysterious caves filled with obelisks, reliefs on the walls and steps leading to an unknown destination continued.

In the “undermountain kingdom,” places were discovered where there were man-made fields; the fertile soil had clearly been brought by someone and carefully laid out.

The most mysterious find can be called a steeply descending shaft, the entrance to which was guarded by a four-legged winged animal with bared fangs. After meeting the “Sphinx,” half of the expedition immediately fell ill with some mysterious disease, which they recognized as the flu. We had to return by submarine to the Schlageter ship. Thanks to which everyone who visited the mine will survive. While the rest, who went forward under the leadership of Dr. Bauer, would later be found lying in bizarre positions three kilometers from the entrance. An expression of extreme horror will freeze on the faces of the dead; but there will be no physical damage.

It is unclear why those who find them will be given life. But the second batch of researchers who subsequently went into the mine will also die, and in the same place! The expedition will be missing a total of seventeen people. This area will also be called “cursed.”
The richest deposits of uranium were hidden in the depths of Queen Maud Land! Not only do they have the richest uranium deposits in the world, but the percentage of uranium in Antarctic ore was 30% higher than in other deposits on the planet! The fact that these places may contain reserves of high-quality uranium was suggested by the head of the German atomic project, Werner Heisenberg, who found the necessary samples in rock samples brought from Antarctica by the German polar explorer Wilhelm Filchner back in 1912.

In addition, there were deposits of other minerals: coal, iron ores, zirconium-niobium and lanthanum-cerium ores, molybdenum, mica, graphite, rock crystal...

However, in addition to minerals, in the depths of the icy earth in the area of ​​karst caves, a city was discovered, almost identical to what was found before, but much worse preserved and completely covered with snow. The cleared central street soon became a runway. Here it was decided to create a “New Germany” station. And since in the first city the researchers discovered the entrance to an underground tunnel completely blocked with stones, then here too they first of all began to look for the entrance to new world, which can tell a lot more about the city and its inhabitants than the ruins themselves.

Soon the tunnel was found and after clearing the rubble, six people moved deeper into the mountain. Among them is Ahnenerbe employee Olaf von Weizsäcker, already familiar to the reader. And again everyone notices that the same geometric pattern runs along the walls as in Flughafen, located hundreds of kilometers away; and along the floor there is a familiar rut. Soon it becomes clear that the tunnel running inside the karst caves is connected to the ocean. Geologists who are part of the research party make their discovery: there is a lot of iron ore around, and it looks like the deposit... has already been mined by someone.”

So, the man-made artifacts discovered by the Nazis in Antarctica clearly have nothing to do with our civilization. O. Greig believes that they are of extraterrestrial origin, however, in reality everything may not be entirely so. Some insiders, for example, pointed out that in the distant past, before the global cataclysm, a highly developed civilization of the Pre-Adamites existed on the southern continent and many of the draining artifacts are related specifically to it.

However, in recent centuries, man-made activity in Antarctica is actually associated with a certain civilization that came to Earth from the depths of space. This civilization controls the so-called. world "elite", i.e. essentially through his hybrid servants - the rest of humanity. The future will show how true this information is. However, the very fact that southern continent There really are a lot of rather strange man-made objects, which has already been confirmed by numerous finds of virtual archaeologists made recently.

I often think about the topic: what a sharp leap women’s fashion made in the twentieth century: from the corset to the miniskirt. But there were women who lived in those decades when women’s costume changed so rapidly.

From this point of view, it is interesting to look at the wardrobe of the Norwegian Queen Maud, who was born on November 26 1869 , and died on November 20 1938 of the year.

Maud Of Norway, 1905

She was the youngest daughter of the British King Edward VII and Alexandra of Denmark, the wife of the Norwegian King Haakon VII and the cousin of Nicholas II. Princess Maud inherited her sense of style from her mother, whose photographs can be viewed endlessly.

In the photo: Queen Alexandra, (Consort to King Edward VII) with children, L-R: Princess Louise, Princess Maud, Queen Alexandra, Prince Albert Victor, Princess Victoria and George, (later to become King George VI). 1876

Left: Maud as a child, right - with her grandchildren.

In 1896, Princess Maud married her cousin Prince Charles of Denmark and went to live in Copenhagen. In 1905, she unexpectedly became the Queen of Norway: Norway seceded from the United Kingdom of Sweden and Norway and the monarchy was restored in the country, accordingly, her husband, the Danish Prince Charles, became the King of Norway. He changed his name to become King Haakon.

Wedding photo 1896

The coronation of King Haakon and Queen Maud took place on June 22, 1906 at Nidaros Cathedral. Queen Maud's coronation dress, made of gold lamé. Flowers and garlands are embroidered with gold-plated metal thread, embroidered with golden sequins, artificial pearls and rhinestones.

For her new role as the king's wife, she had to completely rethink her wardrobe. Dress now had to be appropriate for her new social role as Maud performed official government duties at home and abroad.

Today I propose to admire her outfits from 1900 to 1919.

Despite the fact that at the beginning of the century dresses were most often cut with a cut-off waist, the queen preferred one-piece models, this style was called “Princess style”. She thought the vertical stripes on her dresses made her look taller.

"Gold" was one of the Queen's favorite colors for evening and formal wear.

1907-9 Ball Gown

1906 Evening Dress (Morin-Blossier)

Laferrière dress and photo of the Queen wearing it, 1909

French couturiers Morrin-Bloissier, Lafferière, Worth and Patou, as well as tailors in Great Britain and Norway, sewed for her. The Queen also tapped the talents of Italian designer Mariano Fortuny, whose luxurious fabrics suited her royal status perfectly.
She changed clothes at least four times a day and traveled with 50 suitcases of clothes.

By the way, I think you noticed how thin the queen’s waist was? 46 cm. She remained so slim almost all her life.


with husband and son, 1906

In November 1939, one of the most mysterious operations of the fascist intelligence services began, codenamed “New Swabia,” in which the secret formation of submarines “Fuhrer Convoy” took part. Almost all documentary evidence associated with it was most likely destroyed by the Nazis back in 1945. But a small part of them, judging by some signs, fell into the hands of the American military intelligence. Fragmentary information periodically leaks to the press. Over the years, this operation has become so overgrown with legends that today it is very difficult to separate truth from fiction.

Free Press correspondents talked about this topic with captain of the second rank Alexander Surpin, who at one time was professionally involved in the development of materials on the connection of Fuhrer Convoy submarines and was familiar with some documents of Soviet naval intelligence.

"SP":— What is the essence of Operation New Swabia?

— One of the most common versions looks like this. Having carried out a large-scale survey of the northern part of Antarctica, called Queen Maud Land, in 1938-1939, the Nazis began an operation to build an underground base there. For the secret transportation of goods, a top secret formation of German submarines called the “Fuhrer Convoy” was used.

By 1943, the work was largely completed. A large group of specialists, scientists, and service personnel were transferred to the Antarctic base. Some researchers argue that their activities unfolded in three main directions. The main thing is the search for information of an occult nature, allegedly left in one form or another in the underground storage facilities of Antarctica by ancient civilizations. Another direction is the development and testing of disk-shaped aircraft (“flying saucers”), based on fundamentally new technologies that can curb gravity. And finally, biogenetic experiments to create a “superman” seemed to have been carried out here.

"SP":— There are more extravagant versions, what can you say about them?

— A number of researchers suggest that in the 30s the Nazis established contact with aliens from outer space who shared alien technologies. Thanks to this, the Nazis managed to create in Antarctica underground city, which uses a type of energy unknown to earthlings, populate it with cloned “supermen” (they supposedly still live there, puzzling with their periodic appearance “in public” as crews of the notorious UFOs). They also claim that at the end of the war, Hitler and his entourage were supposed to be transported to this Arctic headquarters of the Fuhrer on special submarines. For some reason the plan was not implemented. However, personal belongings of the Fuhrer and relics of the Third Reich were delivered to “New Swabia” (that was the name of the underground city in Antarctica), including the legendary “Spear of Destiny”, with which Hitler associated certain mystical prerequisites for domination over the world. In support of this version, materials are cited from the interrogation by US intelligence services of the commander of the fascist submarine U-977, Heinz Schaeffer, who was captured in August 1945 after a special flight to Antarctica.

According to some researchers, Schaeffer's testimony forced the Americans to send an entire squadron to Antarctica under the command of Admiral Richard Byrd at the end of 1946. An aircraft carrier and 13 ships took part in Operation High Jump to destroy the Nazi base "New Swabia" different types, more than 4 thousand personnel. However, on March 3, 1947, the operation that had just begun was urgently curtailed, and the ships hastily headed home. Information leaked into the Western press that Bird's squadron allegedly received a brutal rebuff, lost several ships and was forced to retreat. Subsequently, according to some researchers, some kind of agreement was reached between the Nazi colony in Antarctica and the American government on the exchange of German advanced technologies for American raw materials and neutrality.

"SP":— Do these legends have at least a minimal documentary basis?

— They are based on the fact that appeared during the Nuremberg trials: fascist Nazism had occult roots. The foundation of the ideology of fascism was laid at the beginning of the century by secret societies, in particular, the Teutonic Order of Knights. In 1918, a branch of this order, the Thule Society, was founded in Munich. Hitler was accepted into it that same year. The main idea of ​​"Thule" - the idea of ​​world domination of the German nation - subsequently became the core of Hitler's program book "Mein Kampf". In 1933, Thule puppeteers founded the occult order Ahnenerbe (Heritage of the Ancestors). Since 1939, it became the main research center of the Nazis and took 50 research institutes Germany, working under the auspices of the SS. At the Nuremberg trials, the head of Ahnenerbe, Colonel Wolfram Sievers, not without pride, stated that his institutes were searching for ancient knowledge that would allow them to use new types of energy, magically influence people’s consciousness, and carry out genetic changes in the human body in order to create a “superman.”

"SP":- But what does Antarctica have to do with it?

— Fascist occultists were sure that this was the former Atlantis. In search of traces of the Atlantean civilization, they sent a number of expeditions there in 1938-1939. Special attention was given to Queen Maud's Land. There, Nazi researchers discovered oases that were inexplicable from the point of view of traditional science, as well as a huge system of interconnected caves with warm air. Goering's pilots staked out a huge area of ​​Antarctica (larger in size than Germany itself), scattering metal pennants with the swastika sign on it.

It is also documented that since 1939, regular voyages of research ships began between Germany and Antarctica, one of which had the symbolic name “Schwabienland”.

The documents of Soviet naval intelligence state the fact that during the Second World War there were completely inexplicable actions of the German naval forces in the area adjacent to Queen Maud Land. The Nazis did not allow anyone there; they even sank whaling ships from non-warring countries. Quite large naval forces were diverted to this. For what? After all, it would seem that they were defending an empty coast covered with an ice shell.

"SP":— What is documented about the “Fuhrer's Convoy”?

— This formation included 35 of the most powerful submarines of that time. I had the opportunity to familiarize myself with the dossier of our naval intelligence on the “Fuhrer Convoy”. At the very end of the war in Kiel, the submarines were stripped of their weapons and loaded with containers with huge supplies of provisions and some things and documents. Where they then went is still unknown. Only two of them, U-977 and U-530, found themselves in the Atlantic in July-August 1945 and were arrested by the Americans. It is not known for certain what the submarine commanders talked about during interrogations. The dossier only analyzed “information leaks” that appeared in the press and isolated intelligence reports. Allegedly, in April 1945, some rarities of the Third Reich were packed into bronze boxes and loaded onto the U-530. Five passengers arrived here, their faces hidden by surgical bandages. The commander received instructions to deliver cargo and passengers to the Schirmacher Oasis area in Antarctica. In accordance with them, in June 1945, passengers and cargo were left on the ice fast ice in the specified location. And the submarine went to Argentina, where it was captured. U-977 made a similar flight.

"SP":— Does Admiral Byrd’s expedition have documentary evidence?

“We also studied the circumstances of Admiral Byrd’s trip to Antarctica. The combat composition of the forces of the “scientific” expedition is inexplicable. Why such a heavily armed armada if the plan was to explore the desert coast? Americans don’t throw money away, so they were afraid of something? It is also strange that after the expedition, Admiral Byrd went crazy or was hidden in a mental hospital just in case.

"SP":— Did the Soviet Union conduct similar armed expeditions?

- Management Soviet Union intelligence reports about German-American fuss around Antarctica seem to have been treated with distrust. Or maybe there was no time for that. There were too many problems within the country after the war. That's why our military never visited there. Near South Pole Only vessels of the Institute of the Arctic and Antarctica of the Academy of Sciences always worked.

We asked for comment on the information about “New Swabia” Vladimir Stepanov, employee of the Institute of the Arctic and Antarctic, leader of a number of expeditions to Antarctica. Here is his opinion:

— Our expeditions never discovered a fascist presence in Antarctica. True, such a task was never set. We studied the oases discovered by Hitler’s researchers, but only in geological and meteorological terms. In the Schirmacher oasis, where the fascist base was supposedly located, our Novolazarevskaya station has been operating since 1961. It is quite possible that the Nazis blew up the entrances to the dungeons. There is another opinion: the Americans still managed to destroy the German base in 1947, and what was left of it was wiped out by the glacier. I know that a fascist map of Queen Maud Land from the Second World War has been preserved. She is now in Germany. Apparently, this is where the search for “New Swabia” should begin.