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Humanitarian professions. Rating of the best humanities universities in Russia Which institutes enroll in humanities subjects

Huge advantage humanities the fact that they contain a moral principle to a much greater extent than natural ones.

B.V. Rauschenbach

Humanities education

(from Latin humanitas - human nature) - special education in Social Sciences.

Humanitarian universities in Moscow

In Russia at all times, the quality and standard of living of the population depended on spiritual development, level of culture and education. Culture was introduced into the people by people with a humanitarian education, which is the basis for the development of human culture. The fundamental task of modern humanitarian universities is to train highly qualified personnel ready for effective practical activities with the aim of developing the educational, cultural and socio-economic potential of the country.

The functions of humanitarian universities in the socio-economic sphere are multifaceted and, in addition to educational ones, they also represent other types of activities:

  • scientific;
  • educational;
  • economic;
  • sociocultural;
  • innovative.

All major universities - Moscow State University, RUDN, MGIMO, etc. - have humanities faculties in their structure. Humanities faculties are available not only in universities and humanities universities, but also in economic institutes. And in technical universities, humanities are required to be taught in the first years: history, philosophy, political science.

The wonderful thing about education is that no one can take it away from you.

B.B. King

Humanitarian education profiles among school graduates are in greater demand than technical and medical ones. Humanities universities, in addition to specialized disciplines, provide in-depth knowledge of history, sociology, literature, philosophy, and cultural studies. Such a solid foundation of classical liberal arts education provides the opportunity for successful development in a wide variety of fields.

Quite often, graduates of humanitarian universities successfully work in related fields. For example, philologists work not only as teachers of Russian language and literature, but also as editors, journalists, and copywriters. Graduates of the Faculty of History become analysts and experts in various consulting agencies. Professional philosophers do an excellent job as PR managers, translators, human rights activists, and teachers. Specialists in social sciences are in demand in the marketing and strategic planning departments of large companies in various fields, since sociologists are well versed in the structure of society and the laws by which it functions and develops.

Basic typical educational programs humanitarian universities:

Humanities - philology, philosophy, history, jurisprudence, journalism, linguistics, publishing, documentation and archival science, physical education.

Social-psychological work - psychology, sociology, social work, organization of work with youth, political science.

International cooperation - international relations, foreign regional studies, translation and translation studies.

Culture and art - cultural studies, museology and protection of cultural and natural heritage sites, library and information activities, vocal art, conducting, musical and instrumental art.

A liberal arts education will develop a humanitarian mindset—the ability to simply explain complex things. It will be useful to you not only in building a career, but also in your personal life.

Among teenagers, the word “humanitarian” is almost an insult. It is jokingly understood to be philologists who cannot find work and eventually fall for the “free cash desk.” In fact, journalists, teachers, lawyers and even economists are humanists - contrary to popular belief, economics is a humanitarian science. And successful philologists find their place and build careers in positions with a salary of more than 2 thousand euros per month. Let's look at the TOP 15 most in-demand and highly paid professions.

Humanitarian professions - what are they?

Humanitarian professions are specialties related to a person and his life. They are based on the humanities, which are opposed to the exact sciences. Professions include linguistics, various arts, cultural studies and jurisprudence. Humanists are teachers, linguists, actors, musicians, directors, managers and representatives of other professions whose activities are directly related to people or their livelihoods.

Humanists are always contrasted with “technicians” whose activities are related to the exact sciences. However, it is not worth comparing specialties based on profile criteria.

Psychologists are convinced that the imposed stereotypes about the elitism of the humanitarian or technical direction They only interfere with applicants. At the same time, it has been proven that school graduates often have a pronounced predisposition to a narrow range of specialties in the humanities or science. According to teachers, it is worth choosing the direction to which the applicant’s “soul lies.” Otherwise, graduating from school and making a successful career will be problematic.

List of humanitarian professions – TOP-15

We analyzed over 200 specialties and compared them according to three criteria: relevance, the average salary of a specialist with at least 1 year of experience and the number of vacancies in each region of Russia. Based on the results, the TOP-15 specialties were determined. We present a list of humanitarian professions - the most in demand and highly paid.

  1. Lawyer. Law is still “in trend”; lawyers and specialists in the field dominate among the specialties civil law. The average salary in the regions is 27 thousand rubles, in Moscow – 41 thousand rubles. Pros: a lot of vacancies and opportunities for career growth. Disadvantages: high competition both when entering a university and when finding a job.
  2. Manager. The shortage of talented managers leads to the fact that state corporations are actively launching competitions to find managers among the “people.” Middle managers receive about 40 thousand rubles in the regions, and 60 thousand rubles in Moscow (average data). It is difficult to apply for a budget job due to high competition, but global career prospects open up for talented managers.
  3. Marketer. Experts unanimously say: in Russia there is an acute shortage of competent marketers who know how to see the market and create effective strategies for promoting products, brands, and people. The specialty of an Internet marketer, specializing in working with websites and web products, has become a separate cluster. The average salary of a marketer in the regions is 35 thousand rubles, in Moscow – 52 thousand rubles. Bonuses and percentages from sales are often added to these amounts.
  4. Designer. Web designers, interior and landscape designers are especially in demand. Fashion design is relevant, but there are very few vacancies. Salaries directly depend on specialization. So a web designer on average receives 33 thousand rubles in the regions and 48 thousand rubles in Moscow. But a landscape designer has an average salary of 27 and 45 thousand rubles, respectively.
  5. Economist. The specialty is in demand in the banking sector and in all large commercial enterprises. Despite talk about the need to reduce training quotas for lawyers and lawyers, there is still a shortage of high-class specialists. In the regions, economists who work in the banking sector receive an average of 37 thousand rubles, in Moscow – 54 thousand rubles.
  6. Teacher. Here we include school teachers, university professors, private tutors and all specialists whose activities are related to pedagogy. Not the highest paid, but in demand profession. On average, teachers in the regions receive 22 thousand rubles, in Moscow – 35 thousand rubles.
  7. PR specialist. As competition grows in each market segment, more and more companies need to promote their brand, products, and services. The vacancy of a PR specialist is open in almost every large enterprise. The average salary in the regions is 27 thousand rubles, in Moscow – 41 thousand rubles.
  8. Translator. The most popular languages ​​are English, German, Chinese, French and Spanish. The profession is especially in demand in companies working with foreign contractors, importing goods or attracting clients from other countries. The average salary in English in the regions is 33 thousand rubles, in Moscow – 57 thousand rubles.
  9. Diplomat. Although the sphere of international relations is in a deep crisis, diplomacy has excellent prospects for development. If you manage to get into one of the prestigious universities, successfully complete your studies and not lose interest in the profession - the chance to build a successful career is extremely high. The average salary of a specialist in the field of international relations is 55 thousand rubles.
  10. Photographer. Most photographers, in addition to their main job, have additional income - they photograph weddings, birthdays, children's parties and a lot of other events. A talented and responsible specialist with a good reputation will never be left without work. The average salary in the regions is 25 thousand rubles, in Moscow – 41 thousand rubles. However, specialists in this field rarely live on salary alone.
  11. Psychologist. With the development of trust in psychology in society, this profession is becoming increasingly relevant. A special place is occupied by clinical doctors, who are full-fledged doctors. However, most specialists work in consultations. The average salary of a psychologist is 26 thousand rubles, in Moscow – 42 thousand rubles.
  12. Journalist. Not the most “monetary”, but an extremely interesting profession. Even working in regional media, she is constantly on the move, communicates with masses of people, and passes through enormous amounts of information. The average salary of an ordinary correspondent is 21 thousand rubles, in Moscow – 39 thousand rubles.
  13. Copywriter. Specialist in the field of writing advertising texts. Many copywriters work remotely, some freelance. Essentially everything written on any website is prepared by a copywriter. Along with SMM and SEO, this area is one of the most popular humanitarian IT branches. The average salary of a copywriter in the regions is 27 thousand rubles, in Moscow – 40 thousand rubles.
  14. Videographer. Videographers are widely in demand in television and advertising. Like photographers, they often have additional income in the form of filming various events. The salary of a specialist largely depends on his skills and the availability of his own equipment. On average, this is 30 thousand rubles in Russia and 47 thousand rubles in Moscow.
  15. Choreographer. Interesting, which does not lose its relevance. Perfect for people who want to connect their lives with dancing and teaching. The average salary of a choreographer in Russia is 21 thousand rubles, in Moscow – 34 thousand rubles.

Who is suitable for humanitarian professions?

Humanities majors are most suitable for applicants who want to work in the fields of law, economics, journalism and culture. A child’s predisposition to these professions can be noticed as early as 13-14 years old - then he may begin to gravitate toward letters rather than numbers. Psychologists note the following qualities in children and adolescents who are more suitable for humanities specialties:

  • communication skills;
  • love of creativity;
  • active thinking;
  • mobility;
  • love of reading.

These qualities can also be inherent in “techies”. But if a child has a hard time with exact sciences, then you shouldn’t blame him or his teachers for everything - perhaps he is a born “humanitarian.”

However, not all teenagers have any predisposition - it is expressed in no more than 30% of applicants who took part in the studies.

Where to get an education? TOP 5 Universities in Russia

His future largely depends on the educational institution in which a “humanist” will receive his education. Of course, they come to the fore personal qualities, the pursuit of knowledge and internal discipline. However, it is no secret that employers are more willing to hire graduates of some universities than others. Let's note the TOP-5 universities in Russia where you can get a liberal arts education - these educational institutions are leaders in the rankings:

  1. MGIMO.
  2. Moscow State University named after Lomonosov.
  3. St. Petersburg State University.
  4. RSUH.
  5. GAUGN.

Most applicants are unlikely to be able to enter one of the listed educational institutions. But the university where you receive your education does not always determine its quality and prospects for building a career.

Regardless of the region in which you plan to study and work, you should choose State University with a good reputation. Try to find information about the educational institution and the faculty you plan to enroll in advance. Ideally, if you manage to obtain information about graduates of the selected university, find out what percentage of them find work in their specialty, what is the average salary of young specialists, and what prospects they have when building a career. This will help you make an informed choice.

Humanitarian professions include hundreds of specialties in a variety of areas - from economics and law to directing and acting. When choosing, it is recommended to be guided not only by the potential salary of a novice specialist and prospects. Remember that you can earn a lot in any industry - the main thing is to get a position with an appropriate salary. Key criteria that should be followed when choosing a humanities specialty:

  • personal interest;
  • real information about the profession;
  • relevance of the specialty in your region;
  • competition at the chosen university;
  • employment prospects.

Among the pitfalls, teachers often note that applicants lack real information about the profession. Thus, school graduates who want to become a journalist often do not see it as an opportunity to move in high circles, conduct independent investigations, receive a lot of information and be visible - on TV, on the radio, on the Internet. They do not understand that this is a rather hard, stress-filled job in which you need to “gnaw out” information, deal with not the most pleasant personalities and strive to be the first with rather modest pay in the first years of your career.

Humanitarian universities in Moscow

State and commercial humanitarian universities in Moscow, ranking of humanitarian universities with budget places. List of the best humanities institutes, universities and academies.

Searching results:
(establishments found: 86 )


10 20 30

    Engaged in training specialists of a new level. Thanks to the technical base and the use of distance technologies, we provide training throughout Russia without interrupting work. Many current managers use the services of this institute.

    Specialties: 4 Minimum Unified State Exam: from 36 Cost: from 14,000 rub.

    It unites professionals and students, the traditions of domestic and European schools, trying to borrow the best from each.

    Specialties: 19 Minimum Unified State Exam: from 36 Cost: from 60,000 rubles.

    The university is modern educational institution oriented towards the international level of education.

    Specialties: 14 Minimum Unified State Examination: from 36 Cost: from 60,000 rubles.

    Leading university in the field of management training in Russia. The Institute has existed for more than ninety-five years

    Specialties: 13 Minimum Unified State Examination: from 94 Cost: from 125,000 rubles.

    The leading university in Russia, which trains specialists in 12 educational programs.

    Specialties: 7 Minimum Unified State Exam: from 269 Cost: from 230,000 rubles.

    Russian University Friendship of peoples was founded in nineteen sixty. A university like this is unique in the world.

    Specialties: 8 Minimum Unified State Exam: from 86 Cost: from 84,000

    Founded on August 13, 1952, by order of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. In those years the university was called High school fishing cooperation.

    Specialties: 10 Cost: from 50,000 rub.

    Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin is one of the best technical universities in Moscow and Russia.

    Specialties: 9 Cost: from 70,000 rub.

    It is the first university to open in Russia in 1755. Moscow State University is the leading and largest university in Moscow, center national science and culture

    Specialties: 19 Minimum Unified State Examination: from 282 Cost: from 270,000 rubles

    The Institute of International Trade and Law is a unique university in Moscow that trains certified specialists in the field of international trade and international legal relations.

    Specialties: 4 Cost: from 90,000

Social and humanities universities will always enjoy enormous popularity due to the need for specialists in this profile among the people. There are a huge number of elderly people, children, and vulnerable segments of the population in society who need social protection and assistance for integration into society. Nurses, social workers, educators, nannies will always find a job, provided that their duties are performed with high quality and professional level. There is huge social inequality in Russia, and it often happens that the rights of some citizens are infringed. Professionals with social education should help citizens protect their rights and eliminate all possible discrimination and inequalities from legislation and everyday life.

The need for humanitarian professions

Also, to maintain the moral health of the population, humanitarian specialists are required to maintain the aesthetic appearance and adherence to the rules of harmony. They train high-quality designers who take prizes at various exhibitions and competitions. Russia has always lacked high-quality design, which negatively affected the moral character of the country. Humanitarian institutions are called upon to correct the current situation and create comfortable living conditions for citizens. Design is based not only on subjective aesthetic measures, but also on objective ones. scientific knowledge, and territory planning.

It is not so easy to get into a good liberal arts university; it is even more difficult to find a good university in the specialty you are interested in. Quite important for admission English language knowledge of German, Latin, sociology and psychology will also be useful. It is these subjects that will make up the non-core course. You will also have to study the criminal, civil and other codes of the Russian Federation.

Ratings of humanitarian and social science universities

Recently, various university rankings have become very popular. But choosing an institute based on the compiled rating is not correct. The rating can evaluate the institute in general, but not the level of education in a specific department. Therefore, you should not rely entirely on the compiled ratings. You need to independently study the teaching staff, reviews, attend days open doors and make informed choices that will determine your future career in this field.

Sociological education

Many doors are open to a professional in the social sciences, including large companies. The opinion of a sociologist is in demand in the marketing and strategic planning departments on which the future of companies is based. Therefore, organizations value employees of this profile. Humanities education will be an excellent complement to technical or teacher education. Social universities teach their students to understand societies and the rules by which they operate and develop. Predicting the future through analysis is one of the main advantages of a good sociologist. This quality will be in demand both in industry, trade and in the political arena. The student can only attend classes and listen carefully to professors who pass on their accumulated knowledge and experience.

Despite the current higher popularity of economic and technical professions- humanists continue to remain not only in demand, but also necessary for Russian society.

TOP 10

Among more than 1,500 Russian universities, humanities make up more than a third. It is quite difficult to select the top ten from them, due to the inevitable subjectivity of the selection principles. For this reason, the most accurate TOP 10 will most likely be a rating that is a combination of data from the most prestigious state (on the one hand) and objective non-state (on the other hand) competitions, studies and surveys.

Prestigious research includes such all-Russian annual federal competitions as “The Best University of Russia”, as well as the annually published opinion of the Expert agency under the priority national project “EDUCATION”, created with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

In this case, the TOP 10 as of 2017 will look like this:

  1. Moscow State University (not directly related to humanitarian universities, but with faculties of humanitarian orientation). Unconditionally No. 1 in Russia among all universities in general, confirming its rating by the presence in the TOP-200 “highest” in the world and requiring the maximum number of points in the Russian Federation for admission to leading specialties.
  2. MGIMO also does not require additional introductions for well-known reasons.
  3. RSUH (Russian State University for the Humanities - No. 1 among purely humanitarian universities in the list of experts, No. 4 in the list of voters on Internet sites and No. 26 in the overall ranking of Russian universities).
  4. SPbSU (St. Petersburg State University is the first non-Moscow university in the ranking to receive this place, not least for the number of humanities specialties offered - 40!).
  5. (the first non-state university in the ranking, the clear leader in Internet voting, almost twice as large as its nearest competitor).
  6. MNEPU (again with Moscow registration, International Ecological and Political Science Independent University).
  7. MHI (another humanitarian Moscow institute named after the famous Princess Ekaterina Dashkova - who served as President Russian Academy).
  8. Humanitarian St. Petersburg University of Trade Unions (SPbSUP).
  9. Moscow State University for the Humanities named after Sholokhov (MSGU).

Features of training

Considering the presence of a huge range of humanitarian specialties, developed for each of them educational plans in the new Federal State Educational Standards, higher professional education differs significantly. However, this applies only to the third, professional training cycle. The peculiarity of training in universities with a humanitarian orientation (in comparison with other technical and economic educational institutions) is the reduction in the number of hours of preparation in the first, natural science cycle - in favor of the second, humanitarian and social cycle.

The main disciplines of the humanities will be history (domestic), philosophy, foreign language, management and marketing, and the main goal is to train students:

  • understanding social structure society and the place of man in it;
  • various religious and philosophical pictures of the world;
  • interaction in personality of biological and social principles;
  • diversity and complexity of historical processes;
  • a foreign language (to the extent necessary to work with information in foreign sources);
  • the political organization of states and societies, as well as the role of violence or its absence in them.

Quality of training

It is very difficult to talk about any average quality of education in humanities universities in the country as a whole. The reason for this is the huge gap between the level of teaching in leading educational institutions, which today remains very high, and regional universities, especially small ones - in which it is difficult to call it satisfactory. The decline in prestige of humanities specialists in “non-top” specialties and the unevenness of funding are also reflected here. And many other reasons. True, there is hope for an improvement in the situation - if the implementation of the federal program for raising the prestige of humanities education and its financial support are not cut in favor of any other areas.

The most popular specialties (bachelor's degree)

The most popular undergraduate majors in the humanities have not changed significantly over the past decades. The top five still includes:

  • international relationships;
  • political science;
  • advertising;
  • journalism;
  • sociology.

Study prospects

They are, as before, traditional - and are associated, first of all, with the chosen specialty and future profession. Here is the opportunity to get a prestigious job abroad or in top domestic companies, and a secure future if you reach certain heights in political science, journalism or the advertising industry.

In recent decades, humanities education has begun to lose its former popularity - increasingly, today's employers give preference to those with engineering and technical specialties, relegating humanities students to the background. Because of this, finding a job for a graduate with a humanities education these days becomes incredibly difficult, because there are not enough jobs “in the specialty” for everyone, and competition in the labor market is enormous. To become a sought-after specialist and receive a good salary, in addition to deep knowledge, you need to have various skills required by the employer. The more of them there are, the greater the chances of successful employment. So where can you get a liberal arts education that is in demand on the labor market, and which university can teach you the skills that are most useful today? We know the answer and have compiled it especially for you. ranking of the best humanitarian universities in our country.


The university owes its name to the world-famous writer Maxim Gorky - at his request, this educational institution was founded in 1936. Since then, the history of the Literary Institute, a higher educational institution for writers, began. Within the walls of the university there are lectures on the art of writing literary works read by more than 40 famous Soviet and Russian writers, some of whom were once among the students of this university. Outstanding authors conduct their classes here today, and for modern students, attending creative meetings and seminars is an obligatory part of their studies. Here they train specialists in only two profiles (“Literary worker” and “Literary worker. Translator” fiction"), however the quality of their training traditionally remains at a high level.

Image source: nevvod.ru

Tuition fee: 290,500 rubles per year


This university previously had the status of a pedagogical university - 15 years ago, some of the best teachers in the Moscow region were trained here. However, these days, MGOU also provides training in other humanitarian areas and is called a classical university. Here you can get a high-quality education that is in no way inferior to other Moscow universities, and the level of preparedness of graduates allows you to easily find a job immediately after graduation.

Image source: inklincity.ru

Tuition fee (full-time): from 104,000 to 307,000 rubles per year


This university positions itself as the leading higher education institution in Russia in the field of social education. However, Moscow employers note the degree of training of humanitarian personnel as extremely high, and therefore we included RGSU in our rating. The social orientation of humanities education at this university allows its graduates to use their opportunities widely, and the knowledge gained during their studies is truly applicable in any field of activity.

Image source: rgsu.net

Tuition fee (full-time): from 128,000 to 220,000 rubles per year


Leningrad State University named after At the beginning of its existence, A.S. Pushkin positioned itself as an educational institution with a pedagogical profile. However, in a short time it established itself as a university capable of providing high-quality training for other specialists, most of whom successfully found well-paid jobs in the cities of the Leningrad region. Now the university has even more opportunities to train future personnel in the region - most recently Leningrad State University named after. A.S. Pushkin received the status of a flagship university. It allows the university to establish close cooperation with future employers, and this, in turn, guarantees graduates employment after graduation.

Image source: www.sgu.ru

Tuition fee (full-time): 121,000 to 131,000 rubles per year.


For 15 years now, SPbSUP has been implementing a new model of humanitarian education. It allows you to prepare specialists who meet all the requirements of modern employers - the results of this work have already been noted by thousands of university graduates, most of whom successfully work in St. Petersburg. The university has 5 faculties: Faculty of Culture, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Conflict Studies. And in other cities there are its branches: Alma-Ata, and. For a university that has existed for only a few decades, this is a big breakthrough, so by choosing SPbSUP, you can be sure that you will receive a decent humanities education.

Image source: spbgupkirov.ru

Tuition fee (full-time): from 124,000 to 232,000 rubles per year.


Initially, GAUGN was created as an educational institution under the Russian Academy of Sciences: it was assumed that this university should give complete knowledge in the humanitarian field. The idea was not properly implemented, but the university still has close ties with the Russian Academy of Sciences. Thus, in terms of the number of scientists teaching within the walls of GAUGN, the university is in first place among all humanitarian educational institutions in the country, and on the basis of the university itself there is a scientific and methodological council on history under the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. If you want to stay up to date with the latest scientific research in the field of humanities, then GAUGN is your choice.

Image source: www.persev.ru

Tuition fee (full-time): from 116,000 to 250,000 rubles per year.


NGLU named after. ON THE. Dobrolyubova is one of four linguistic universities in Russia. Education here is conducted not only in Russian, but also in French, German, Spanish, Italian, Chinese and Japanese. The university structure has 11 cultural and educational centers that closely cooperate with foreign universities, and its branches are located in cities such as Vladimir. NSLU has been considered one of the strongest humanities educational institutions in the country since Soviet times, and the education received here higher education prestigious among employers even today.

Image source: www.mosvagon.ru

Tuition fee (full-time): from 94,000 to 115,000 rubles per year.


The three best humanitarian universities in Russia are being opened by the Russian State University for the Humanities, a university that boasts a huge number of international connections with foreign training centers. Despite its “young” age (the university is only 26 years old), the university quickly won the title of one of the best in its niche and gained considerable popularity among Moscow applicants. Such celebrities as Tina Kandelaki, Andrei Malakhov, Maxim Galkin, Ivan Alekseev, Yuri Lander, Alexander Malkin and others have emerged from the walls of the Russian State University for the Humanities.

Image source: mediafamily.pro

Tuition fee (full-time): from 137,000 to 220,000 rubles per year.


MSLU, better known as Moscow Institute of Languages ​​named after. Maurice Thorez (old name), is the largest educational center. 35 languages ​​are taught here, including Russian sign language (the language of the deaf and dumb), and among the university teachers there are developers of well-known research linguistic systems. Study foreign languages at Moscow State Linguistic University is devoted Special attention: practical training takes up a large part curriculum. In addition, there is a good opportunity for university students to practice speaking skills in communicating with foreign colleagues - MSLU participates in international exchange programs and regularly conducts scientific conferences with the involvement of students from other countries.

Image source: igid.ru

Tuition fee (full-time): from 140,000 to 283,000 rubles per year.


The first place in our ranking is occupied by MGIMO, one of the leading universities in our country. In 2010, it entered the Guinness Book of Records as the university teaching the most large quantity languages ​​(the exact number of languages ​​taught at MGIMO is 53). However, the linguistic base is just part of all the opportunities that are given to MGIMO students. The education received at this university is one of the most in demand not only in Russia, but also in the world, and its holders are among the highest paid specialists in the labor market.

Image source: zaomos.news

Tuition fee (full-time): from 430,000 to 540,000 rubles per year.