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Phraseologism goose is not a friend to pig. Why is the goose not a friend to the pig? Cm

Everyone knows the popular expression: “The goose is no friend to the pig.” These words say

The case when they want to emphasize the difference between people. In this case, “goose”, then

There is someone who says this who does not want to be a comrade to the person he is following.

Disparagingly leaves the epithet “pig”.

But the “goose” speaking these words does NOT even suspect that this expression contains

And it reveals its surprisingly deep semantic basis. The words of this

Proverbs carry a Titanic symbolism that reveals its meaning, and

Puts everything in its place.

Anyone who already knows the iconicity of the letters of the Russian alphabet will immediately see “goose” in the word

Satanic content. Look, in the word “G+U+C+b” the first sign is “G”, which

The name of the planetary predator begins, followed by the sign “U”, or the sign of “acute angle”

Satan piercing a man, and behind him the “power” of the “C” sign, which is right there

Materializes the meaning of a given word with the soft sign “b”.

Thus, the word “goose” represents the complete “OPPRESSION” of Satan. Which means he

A person who considers himself to be a “geese”, alas, without knowing it, himself

“kills” at its subtlest, symbolic and descriptive level.

Please note, “IN-O-YES”, which is symbolically “in-harmony-YES” of the Creator, it

It flows off the goose instantly, and not a single drop remains. That is, the property of goose

Feathers to repel water clearly shows our “EYES” that Satan does NOT have

Divine "YES". He only “NO” and gives people nothing but oppression.

Analysis of the “Signific meaning” of the word “pig” clearly reveals how Satan humiliated and

He insulted the Divine markings of these signs. After all, people are accustomed to attribute

This word has only negative things. But in fact, that amazingly Light Power that

Contained in the “YIN” signs of the word “S-V-YIN-YA”, it could serve any person

Good service, and protect him from any "geese", if the person knew the truth about

The Power of Signs.

It is not surprising, therefore, that it was the “geese” who saved Ancient Rome. After all, Rome is

The WORLD of our Creator turned “BACK TO HELL” or “triple hell”, and only

“geese”, that is, satanic, saved satanic ROME.

The word “S-V-YIN-YA” tells a person: “Power” - “in” - “YIN” - “(this is) I”. You didn't ask

The question is, why is the beginning of “YIN” the most important in the moral Teachings of the Chinese?

The practice of life shows that people, due to their Ignorance, overturn

“upside down” is the true meaning of the words, and with this they themselves zealously help Satan

Oppress them.

The word “comrades” is also inverted in its meaning. It says:

“TO” - “B” - “AR”, that is, inverted “BACK TO HELL” of the Name of the Solar God

"RA", "SEARCH". In fact, "TO" - "B" - "AR" is the emptiness of Satan, which he

Offers it to people and imposes it on them like a product.

In fact, the word “comrades” should be correctly pronounced as “SEARCH” - “RA”, then

Look for the Solar God “RA” in “OT”. Where "OT" is the beginning of the Divine

Tandem "OT-CHI" Ours. In general, the expression “OT” means “Harmony” - “Creator” in

Our world.

So, gentlemen, it is very, very important for all of us to realize the significance of our existence and

Follow her TRUTH! The wonderful truth is that the population of Russia,

Indeed, they are “God’s chosen” people, for the Solar God himself is “RA”

He is his demiurge. That is, the Creator of the “Russians”, which includes all

Peoples communicating with each other in Russian.

Remember how the fascists ran around with the idea of ​​pure “AR-IYANS”. What are “AR-IYANS”?

This “AR” is the inverted Name of “RA” - the Ever-Living One. "AR-IYANS" proved that they are servants

Satan, because they unleashed the second world war.

So Russians should clearly know that they are “RAH-tsi”, that is, the people

"RA" - Eternally Living. This is stated in the Psalter: “Beautiful

The exaltation, the joy of all the earth, is Mount Zion; on the NORTH side of it (located)

City of the Great King" (Psalm 47-3).

“The City of the Great Tsar” is Russia.


Yes, very interesting and important.
How confused we were!
Especially with a pig. The goose is a symbol of pride and swagger, this is clear.
And the pig... this “yin” lies right on the surface! But we don't see.
The Aryans contemptuously called us Russian pigs, strengthening the Yin principle, without even suspecting that Yin is the saving feminine and maternal force, the Mother of God is the protection of Russia.
Among the Western Aryans, God One is the masculine, selfish, anti-sacrificial principle.
So they fight all the way - M. and J. represented by Germany and Russia.
But they can’t live without each other - like opposites...

Hello, Ekaterina! Thank you very much for your response! There are a lot of signs in the Russian language that desperately want people to pay attention to them. Now Germany also has a young, growing demon of statehood, just like Russia. Both of them are busy searching for the most comprehensive Doctrine for their citizens, and are in some respects rivals. But Russia will soon shock everyone. This is indicated in the Bible, even in the Old Testament. Sincerely,

You can calculate the iconicity of any word. But the word COMRADE in our Tatar language is translated: LOOKING FOR GOODS? That is: is there a product? And the Tatars' product is Horse.
That's all the interpretation is.
Oh, Zhaukhariya, in what wilds you are wandering! Don't make it out before you die! And this is all from Andreev? Yes, everything is completely different with him. This is already your FICTION, don’t fool people!

You don’t see anything, Nikolai! I mean Signs. It's immediately obvious that you haven't read a single miniature. The Creator gives people “YES,” but Satan overturns “YES” and offers people “HELL.” Think about it, maybe you’ll see something.

    1 the goose is not a friend to the pig


    ⇒ people who have different social standings, characters, habits etc do not belong together:

    - oil and water don't mix.

    ♦ The tamed pride of the recent “godfather” was jealous of the stubborn pride of the stray cat. [The Master] pursued Vlad with the stubborn gloating of a man deeply wounded in his understanding of humanity... “Where are we in bast shoes before you in galoshes, then? A goose is not a pig’s friend, you say?” (Maksimov 2). This one-time gang boss, his self-esteem crippled, was jealous of the obstinate pride shown by the cheeky young newcomer. He persecuted Vlad with the resolute malice of someone bitterly disillusioned with the human race.... "Too big and mighty for us, eh? Oil and water don't mix, is that it?" (2a).

    2 the goose is not a friend to the pig


    lit. a goose is no playmate (not a good companion) for a pig; a sow is no match for a goose

    Agrafena Kondratievna....Yes, ask her something. Bolshov....What kind of demand am I? The goose is not the pig's friend: do as you want. (A. Ostrovsky, Our people - we will be numbered) - Agrafena Kondratyevna....But ask her something! Bolshov....What shall I ask her? A goose is no playmate for a pig; do what you please.

    3 The goose is not a friend to the pig

    People of different social standings or nature have nothing in common. See Knit a strap with a strap, a strap with a strap (B), Don’t sit in your own sleigh b (H), A bast boot is not a brother (C), The devil is not a comrade (4)

    Var.: The wolf is not a horse's friend. A person on foot is not a companion to a horseman

    Cf: Everyone to his equal (Am. ). Every sheep with its like (Am. ). Geese with geese, women with women (Br.). Keep to your own kind (Am.). Tigers and deer do not stroll together (Am. )
  • 4 the goose is not a friend to the pig

    Set phrase: a sow is no match for a goose (nothing can make equal those whose nature, habits or social positions differ very much) , oil and water don't mix, the earthen pot must keep clear of the brass kettle, who said a pig was equal to a goose?, Geese with geese, and women with women

    5 the goose is not a friend to the pig

    6 the goose is not a friend to the pig

    A goose is no playmate (not a good companion) for a pig
    A sow is no match for a goose

    7 The goose is no friend to the pig.

    phrases. Geese with geese, and women with women.

    8 The goose is not a friend to the pig

    9 the goose is not a friend to the pig

    Syn.: the wolf is not a horse’s mate; a person on foot is not a comrade for a horse W: Gans und Schwein sind keine Freunde; E: ungleiche Leute haben nichts miteinander gemeinsam (Verschiedenheiten des Charakters, der sozialen Stellung usw. machen eine Verständigung, Annäherung u. dgl. unmöglich) ; Ä: der Ochse paßt nicht zur Kutsche; der Esel, und die Nachtigall haben beid’ ungleichen Schall

    10 PIG

    11 goose

    12 COMRADE

    13 COMRADE

    14 GOOSE

    15 GOOSE

    16 goose

    17 G-447

    GOOSE PIG HE COMRADE (saying) people who have different social standings, characters, habits etc do not belong together: - oil and water don't mix.

    The tamed pride of the recent “godfather” was jealous of the stubborn pride of the stray skete. (The Master) pursued Vlad with the stubborn gloating of a man deeply wounded in his understanding of humanity... “Where are we in bast shoes before you in galoshes, then? A goose is not a pig’s friend, you say?” (Maksimov 2). This one-time gang boss, his self-esteem crippled, was jealous of the obstinate pride shown by the cheeky young newcomer. He persecuted Vlad with the resolute malice of someone bitterly disillusioned with the human race.... "Too big and mighty for us, eh? Oil and water don't mix, is that it?" (2a).

See also in other dictionaries:

    The goose is no friend to the pig.- The goose is not a pig's friend. The goose is not a goat's comrade (not a brother). See FRIEND FRIEND The goose is not a friend to the pig. See HELP BY THE WAY A horse is not a friend to a person on foot. The goose is no friend to the pig. See ROSE ONE ... Linguistic and regional dictionary

    comrade-, a, m. 1. Citizen in Soviet society. ◘ A friend from the area came yesterday. (S. Antonov). MAS, vol. 4, 371. Our proud word “comrade” is dearer to us than all beautiful words (E. Dolmatovsky). Leisya, song, 17. // when contacting. Why are you... Dictionary language of the Council of Deputies

    goose- I and I/; pl. genus. s/y, dat. xia/m; m. see also. goose, goose, gosling 1) Wild and domestic large waterfowl of the family. long-necked ducks. White and gray geese. The goose cackles... Dictionary of many expressions

    GOOSE- GOOSE, I, plural. and, her, husband. 1. Related to the duck, it is a large wild and domestic waterfowl with a long neck. White and gray geese. G. the pig is not a friend (last). 2. In certain combinations: about a trickster or swindler, a swindler (simple). Good or what the city!… … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Horses are no friend to people on foot.- Horses are no friend to people on foot. The goose is no friend to the pig. See ROSE ONE... IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    FRIEND IS FRIEND- The friendship score does not spoil. The expense of friendship is not a hindrance. More often the score, longer (stronger) friendship. I would feed the wolf if I ate grass. The enemy wants to take off your head, but God won’t give you even a hair. They build towers for each other, but foes build coffins for each other. I loved him like... IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    HELP - BY THE WAY- A diamond is cut by a diamond, a thief is destroyed by a thief (a rogue by a rogue). They knock out a wedge with a wedge. Knock out the stake with a stake! And the mosquito will knock down the horse if the wolf helps. To disappear, it’s just for one, not for everyone. It's easier for one for all. Finish one skin (the Bashkirs said, in general... IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

The debate about whether people are equal or not is old. Even the Russian people knew a long time ago that there is no equality and there cannot be. To prove this glorious thesis, today we will talk about the wonderful saying “A goose is not a friend to a pig,” we will reveal its meaning and, we hope, give convincing examples.


People are not equal. Even, it would seem, members of the same community - the peasant one. There are rumors that the expression was invented by the poor part of the peasantry in order to somehow call the richer part. Those who have money immediately become important and look at people “outside their circle” as dirt. Hence there are only pigs: they swim in a puddle, they can get little from life - losers. And other geese: clean, important, feed exclusively on grain, saying modern language, "successful people".

And so you think that the poor were so prone to self-abasement? If yes, then you are very mistaken. The saying “A goose is not a friend to a pig” contains a rather serious ironic moment. Remember that in the Russian tradition the image of a goose does not carry any positive characteristics. The goose is a symbol of empty conceit and self-importance. For example, the phrase: “I also want a goose!” I wouldn't want to be in this bird's shoes.

There is, however, an alternative hypothesis that it was the rich peasants who came up with the saying. Maybe so. In any case, the phrase has a double bottom. The interpretation depends on who interprets the phrase “A goose is not a friend to a pig.”


It's easy to open. The proverb captures the undoubted fact that people with different social status and different interests will not be able to find common language. Folk wisdom believes that class differences are higher than human affection. Is everything so fatal?

Unfortunately, despite some crude expression, it reflects reality. And all because habit will always take its toll. Let's look at an example.

Financial misalliance

Of course, everyone may already be tired of this topic, but money still plays a serious role in our lives, so it is difficult to avoid such debates.

He is poor, she is rich. But the young people fell in love with each other so much that they couldn’t stand it. Let's say the comrades in love finally made it to the wedding. The question is, can they overcome their differences?

The girl is accustomed to a certain standard of living, and her new husband does not have the financial resources of a father. The young lady has to lower the bar of claims. Not everyone passes this test. In fact, there are many options for the development of events, but we will focus on three.

  1. The girl is good, and she will oppose what the expression “A goose is not a friend to a pig” dictates (its meaning has already been revealed).
  2. The girl is capricious, and the marriage doesn’t have much life left. This will only confirm the common truth of the saying.
  3. The boy himself is not the best example of human nature, so he will calmly take money from rich relatives. His behavior will refute the meaning of the saying in a perverse way.


In general, the expression “A goose is no friend to a pig” is in some way a litmus test in the moral sphere. If a person uses such an expression, then he secretly or openly divides people into categories depending on various criteria, which already characterizes him in a certain way.

Of course, let's not say that good man does not divide people into categories, groups, subgroups. We all have this sin behind us. But people are unforgivably mistaken when they perceive each new acquaintance through the prism of social, racial, financial and other prejudices, draw the appropriate conclusions and arrogantly throw at him the phrase: “The goose is not a friend to the pig.”

“A goose is no friend to a pig” is a long-established expression in which it is impossible to replace even one word. A Russian understands this phraseological unit right away, but a foreigner needs to explain it.

Imagery and expressiveness of this design

This is a very vivid expression. It accurately characterizes the opposing pair: the goose and the pig. Physiologically and in character, they are very different, which is why the goose is not a friend to the pig. The goose is tall, proud, clean, sleek, eats grain. Simple people the goose was perceived as an aristocrat. The pig rummages through scraps and is not averse to rolling around in a dirty puddle.

She is completely unpretentious. Since a goose and a pig cannot have anything in common, this phrase appeared.

Figurative meaning

The saying “A goose is no friend to a pig” is also considered an old Russian proverb. Its essence and meaning are that communication between people should take place in one society, and they cannot intersect. These are different social strata, which vary in level of income, upbringing, education, activities and interests. What people standing on have in common different levels social hierarchy, nothing exists and cannot exist.

What can unite an oligarch who owns a football club, yachts, lives in New York and London, flies on a private jet, teaches children at Oxford, gives his ever younger girlfriends jewelry from Cartier or Harry Winston, with a hard worker who relaxing with friends from Friday to Saturday? This maximum goes fishing and brings home a few minnows and barely makes it from the advance to the payday. On March 8th he will bring a bouquet of half-dead mimosas or tulips. You might say here: “The goose is not a friend to the pig.” At the same time, you will not sympathize with the goose who, like a vampire, sucks your blood. But our contemporaries easily translate everything into a joke, and since the time of Chatsky, ridicule has terrified everyone and kept shame in check.

Anecdotal situation

University, break between lectures. Everyone goes to the dining room, and there are no empty tables. A student approaches the professor with a tray and is about to sit down in an empty seat. The teacher dismissively says: “The goose is not a friend to the pig.” But the resourceful student replies: “Well, if that’s the case, I’ll fly away.” The professor got angry and decided to wait for the session and “fail” the impudent person in the exam. The fateful day has arrived. The vindictive professor himself chose the most difficult ticket for the student. And then take it and answer: You have to put “5”. The professor doesn't want to.

He asks an off-topic additional question: “You met two bags on the road. One is filled with gold and the other is filled with mind. Which one will you choose? The student answers: “Without a doubt, with gold.” The teacher says to this: “I would take it wisely.” Without thinking twice, the student throws out the remark: “Who is missing what?” At the same time, the student thinks: “The goose is not a friend to the pig.” He doesn’t look at the fact that the completely angry professor wrote “goat” in large letters instead of a mark. Without looking at the record book, the student leaves, and after some time re-enters the classroom with the words: “You just signed, but forgot to put a mark.”

Here is an anecdotal story that involved a student and a professor. “A goose is not a pig’s friend” - we hope you now understand the meaning of this phraseological unit.