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E early biography. Elena Ranneva: do not forget the language of children

Select district Agapovsky municipal district Argayash municipal district Ashinsky municipal district Bredinsky municipal district Varnensky municipal district Verkhneuralsky municipal district Verkhneufaleysky urban district Emanzhelinsky municipal district Etkul municipal district Zlatoust urban district Karabash urban district Kartalinsky municipal district Kasli municipal district Katav-Ivanovsky municipal district Kizilsky municipal district Kopeysky urban district Korkinsky municipal district Krasnoarmeysky municipal district Kunashaksky municipal district Kusinsky municipal district Kyshtym urban district Lokomotiv urban district Magnitogorsk urban district Miass urban district Nagaybak municipal district Nyazepetrovsky municipal district Ozersky urban district Oktyabrsky municipal district Plastovsky municipal district Satkinsky municipal district Sverdlovsk region Snezhinsky urban district Sosnovsky municipal district Trekhgorny urban district Troitsky urban district Troitsky municipal district Uvelsky municipal district Uysky municipal district Ust-Katavsky urban district Chebarkul urban district Chebarkul municipal district Chelyabinsk urban district Chesmensky municipal district Yuzhnouralsky urban district

E. A. Ranneva is one of those who have been pursuing their profession since childhood. She was born in Zlatoust on August 9, 1958. She was very lucky with her parents. Both are teachers. My father is a historian, local historian, school director, and also a master of sports in tourism! Mom is a teacher of Russian language and literature, who instilled in her daughter a love of poetry and the Russian language. Elena grew up as the only child in the family. Despite the fact that her parents “disappeared” at school, the girl was surrounded by their love and attention. Little Elena had a special friendship with her father. He composed fairy tales for her, walked with her in the forest, and wrote down her children's poems. She could trust him with any secrets. Despite parental love, Elena grew up as an unspoiled child.

She wrote as an adult: “I will never forget my childhood.” She grew up emotional and talented. At the age of 4 she began to write poems: about ants, squirrels and all other forest creatures. The family read a lot; the girl knew the poems of Chukovsky, Marshak, and Barto by heart. She especially loved Pushkin's fairy tales. She made up games with dolls and performed entire performances with them. At the age of five, she attended a performance at the Youth Theater in Moscow, which made a stunning impression on her. Since then she fell in love with the theater. It is no coincidence that she later directed a successful children's theater group.

Elena Ranneva writes about herself as a child: “rhymes hummed, rang, gurgled and sang inside me, but I did not understand this ringing. I wanted to sing, then cry, then fly...” The dreamer and inventor produced poems.

When she was 7 years old, her poem was published in Pioneer magazine.

At the age of 12, Lena wrote about her hometown:

My Chrysostom! My sweet town

Every house here is like a tower

And the fast river is called Ai,

And the mountain trail to Taganay...

Despite frequent illnesses, she studied well and loved to “dig” into dictionaries and reference books. She was good at drawing. Played chess. She took first place at city school chess competitions. As a teenager I was fond of the poetry of Pushkin, Lermontov, Yesenin. Wrote poems about love.

From Zlatoust the family moved to Miass, to Mashgorodok. It was still under construction. There, in 1975, Elena graduated from high school and at the same time studied piano at a music school. Later, as an adult, she more than once wrote poems about her favorite cities - Miass and Zlatoust.

Then the family lived in the Caucasus, in the city of Mineralnye Vody. After graduating from music school, Elena taught at a music school. She was already an authoritative person. It is no coincidence that she was elected to the City Council. In 1980 she got married. A son and daughter were born. My husband was sent to work in the city of Sumy. The young family began to live in Ukraine. There in 1992 she graduated from Sumy State pedagogical institute(music and singing teacher). Elena wrote poems and fairy tales for her children, translated poems of Ukrainian poets into Russian. A great misfortune happened in the family: Elena Alekseevna’s husband died. In 1992, she and her children returned to Miass.

Started new life in a familiar city. She taught at school, wrote poetry, but did not show it to anyone. Everything changed when I met the Chelyabinsk children’s poet Nina Pikuleva, who came to Miass to give performances. After her, Elena Alekseevna went to the city literary association “Ilmenit”, where the leader Nikolai Ivanovich Godina approved her poems. Since 1994, E. Ranneva has been a regular contributor to the Miass Worker newspaper. The city publishing house "Geotur" published her first book for children: "My ABC" (it fit in the palm of your hand), which Elena Alekseevna composed for her little son. In 2005, two new books were published in Chelyabinsk: “The Colored Locomotive” and “Skakarik”.

The collection “From 7 to 12. Writers of the Southern Urals for Children” (2007, 2008) was published in the Chelyabinsk publishing house of Marina Volkova whole line young writers famous. The poems by Elena Ranneva included in it could not be ignored. Then a series of books of the same name by the authors of this collection was published. It contains E. Ranneva’s book “Fantasies” (2008) - the first complete collection of poems by the poetess. It is no coincidence that the series of books “From 7 to 12” is designed for family reading. Poems from the book “Fantasy” just beg to be read aloud in the family:

My mother told me: “Son,

You are not a son, but just a pig.

You haven't learned your lesson

You broke the lock yesterday

Dropped a big dish

And he pushed his sister Luda,

You are a bear, you are a crocodile!..”

And yesterday I was a son.

Elena Alekseevna, together with other authors, took part in a reading marathon in the wake of the collection “From 7 to 12”, visited many cities and villages Chelyabinsk region, met with readers - children. The result of these trips was the publication of the “Children's Literary Almanac” (2007), which contains a section “Elena Ranneva’s Workshop”. Together with other children's authors, she provides advice to aspiring writers and poets.

In 2008, for Children’s Day, the administration of Chelyabinsk and the publishing house of Marina Volkova prepared a gift for children - the collection “Circus! Holiday! Kids! Bright cover, color illustrations - drawings by children - and poems about the circus by leading children's writers of the Chelyabinsk region. The book includes poems by Elena Ranneva: “Circus on the Road”, “About a Clown”, “Race Rider in the Circus”...

In the same year, in Chelyabinsk, the publishing house of Tatyana Lurie published Elena Alekseevna’s book “What is Happiness” - a thorough collection of poems for children. The book was published with dignity: large format, hardcover, original drawings by the artist I. Ryzhenkov. As in Ranneva’s previous works, much is dedicated to family, kind family relations, children with their problems. This book is another proof that its author has a great sense of humor and knows how to not only make kids laugh, but also have fun playing with them (games of rhymes, riddles, tongue twisters).

Later, Elena Ranneva’s large book “The Quiet Nurse” (2010) appeared, which included more than five hundred of her poems, games, and riddles. The publication was financed by the authorities of Surgut, and the entire circulation “went” to this city.

In 2011, the Chelyabinsk branch of the Russian Writers' Union published the collection “Warm Word. For children from the writers of the Southern Urals." It rightfully included poems by Elena Ranneva.

Marina Volkova's publishing house continues to publish works by South Ural children's poets and writers. The collection for family reading “I am sitting on a cloud” (Chelyabinsk, 2011) for the first time includes poetry and prose not only from the South Urals, but also from writers from different cities of Russia. Elena Ranneva is also adequately represented in it. Here is one of the poems:

My tooth hurt

My tooth was loose

But I endured.

And I held on.

Doctor's tooth

I left it.

Let it hurt

But without me.

Elena Ranneva’s work is united by her love for children, their knowledge, ability to speak with them, and sense of humor. She admits to her readers: “I understand your fun, jokes, your infectious laughter, as well as grievances and troubles. Therefore, in my poems I simply and cheerfully talk about what interesting things happened in your life. And stories from Everyday life I turn children into a fun game...” “Each of my poems is a small story from the lives of boys and girls or a journey into the world of a fairy tale...”

Elena Alekseevna is the author of thirty books for children. She writes poetry, fairy tales, stories, songs, games, riddles, and tongue twisters. Her poems are published in the South Ural children's magazines “Podorozhnik”, “Kolokolchik”, in the capital - “Murzilka”, “Nafanya”, “Kukumber”, “Primary School”, “Preschool Education”, “Education and Science”.

Elena Alekseevna was the author and editor of the children's magazine "Edinorosik" (Miass, 2006–2007). In the Miass city newspaper "Glagol" she ran the "Children's Corner" column (2009–2010). Takes part in city literary life. Her poems were included in the collection of poems by Miass poets “Our Common Nerve” (2011).

Elena Ranneva combines the professions of a teacher (she is a highly qualified teacher), a children's poet, an organizer of children's leisure... She teaches music in Miass high school No. 9. Writes music for his works. Elena Alekseevna conducts music lessons and classes in the “Musical Living Room” circle according to her own program. In 2014, she created and staged the cheerful musical “The New Little Red Riding Hood,” which was remembered by schoolchildren and their parents. Creates methodological manuals for teachers and educators. She has written more than 50 scripts for children's parties.

Elena Alekseevna is demanding of herself, of her poems, and works a lot. In 2013, she graduated from N. A. Yagodintseva’s literary courses at the Institute additional education Chelyabinsk State Academy culture and arts (now the Institute of Culture). In the same year she was accepted into the Russian Writers' Union.

She has a nice, warm home. Unfortunately, her father is no longer alive. Mom, Galina Aleksandrovna, is the first assistant and critic of her works. A son and daughter grew up. A grandson and granddaughter are growing up.

Elena Ranneva corresponds with the famous Chelyabinsk children's poet Lev Rakhlis, who now lives in America. He wrote to her: “...You have the most important thing - a poetic perception of the world... Having partially become acquainted with your poems, I can say that you were born a poet.” You can't help but join in. Elena Alekseevna has a lot of unreleased things and big creative plans. She has enough strength, desire to work, and talent to implement these plans.

Elena Ranneva is a laureate of the All-Russian Bazhov Festival (2004, 2008), a laureate of the All-Ural Festival “The Ural is Rich in Talents” (2006), a laureate of the regional literary competition for educators and scientists (2010), a regional literary competition “Our Union is Beautiful” (2011), a laureate International Literary Competition " Best book of the Year" (Germany, 2014, for the book "Kindness Walked Through the House"). She was awarded a 1st degree diploma from the International Creative Association of Children's Authors (for poetry on the Internet, 2013), and the “Best of the Year of Culture” badge, established by the Department of Culture of the Miass City District (2014).

N. A. Kapitonova


  • RANNEVA, E. A. My ABC: for preschool children. age / Ranneva E. A. – Miass: Geo, 1994. – 35 p.
  • RANNEVA, E. A. Game carousel: poems and games for children / E. A. Ranneva. – Miass: Geotour, 1998. – 16 p. : ill., color. ill.
  • RANNEVA, E. A. Skakarik: [for preschool. and ml. school age] / Elena Ranneva; [rice. A. Galiulina]. – Chelyabinsk: Yuzh.-Ural. book publishing house, 2005. – 48 p. : ill. – (About everything in the world that children love).
  • RANNEVA, E. A. Colored steam locomotive: [for preschool. and ml. school age] / Elena Ranneva; [rice. A. Galiulina]. – Chelyabinsk: Yuzh.-Ural. book publishing house, 2005. – 48 p. : ill. – (About everything in the world that children love).
  • RANNEVA, E. A. Fantasies: [poems] / Elena Ranneva; artist Anna Galiulina. – Chelyabinsk: Marina Volkova Publishing House, 2008. – 45, p. : ill. – (From 7 to 12). – (Favorite books for family reading).
  • POEMS by Elena Ranneva [Electronic resource] // From 2 to 6: a site for smart children and their parents. – Access mode: https://ot2do6.ru/148-stihi-eleny-rannevoy.html, free. - Cap. from the screen. – Date of creation: 08/07/2015. – Date of access: 04/29/2017.
  • ELENA Ranneva [Electronic resource] // Everything for children. – Access mode: http://allforchildren.ru/poetry/author577-ranneva.php, free. - Cap. from the screen. – Date of access: 04/29/2017.


  • EPSTEIN, S. Ranneva Elena Alekseevna / S. Epstein // Miass: encyclical. words / [rep. ed. G.V. Gubko]. – Miass: Geotour, 2003. – pp. 152–153.
  • BOGDANOVA, G. I came from childhood, like from a country / G. Bogdanova // My friendly city of Miass / comp. G. N. Naumova [and others]; edited by G. V. Gubko. – Miass: Geotour, 1998. – pp. 236–241. About the children's poets of Miass A. P. Gorelov, L. M. Chirkova, E. A. Ranneva.
  • ZHURAVLEVA, S. She herself is like a child / Svetlana Zhuravleva // Chelyab. worker. – 2007. – March 31. About the work of E. Ranneva.
  • KAPITONOVA, N. A. Literary local history. Chelyabinsk region: [textbook. A guide to the basics. and Wednesday (full) school] / N. A. Kapitonova. – Chelyabinsk: Abris, 2012. – Issue. 4. – (Know your land). – 127 p. : ill., portrait pp. 53–57: Elena Ranneva.
  • KAPITONOVA, N. Elena Ranneva. “Colored Locomotive”, “Skakarik” / Nadezhda Kapitonova // Yuzhnoural. panorama. – Chelyabinsk, 2007. – January 19. Review of the collections of poems for children “Colored Engine” and “Skakarik” by E. Ranneva.

Children's poet

Elena Alekseevna proved that children's poets and writers live not only in Chelyabinsk. She is well known in Miass, where she lives and works at school, and she is well known throughout our region.

Elena Ranneva is one of those people who early childhood went to their profession. She was born on August 9, 1958 in Zlatoust. She was very lucky with her parents. Both are teachers. My father is a historian, local historian, school director, and also a master of sports in tourism! Mom is a teacher of Russian language and literature, who instilled in her daughter a love of poetry and language. Elena grew up as the only beloved child in the family. Despite the fact that her parents “disappeared” at school, the girl was surrounded by their love and attention. Little Elena had a special friendship with her father. He composed fairy tales for her, walked with her in the forest, and wrote down her children's poems. And she could trust him with any secrets. Despite her parents' love, she did not grow up as a spoiled child.

She wrote as an adult: “I will never forget my childhood.” She grew up as an emotional, talented child. Already at the age of 4 she began to write poetry. These children's poems were about ants, squirrels and all other forest creatures. The family read a lot; the girl knew the poems of Chukovsky, Marshak, and Barto by heart. She especially loved Pushkin's fairy tales. She made up games with dolls and performed entire performances with them. At the age of five in Moscow she attended a play at the Youth Theater. The theater made a stunning impression on her. Since then she fell in love with the theater. It is no coincidence that she later directed a successful children's theater group.

Elena Ranneva writes about herself as a child: “rhymes hummed, rang, gurgled and sang inside me, but I did not understand this ringing. I wanted to sing, then cry, then fly...” The dreamer and inventor produced poems. At the age of 12, she wrote a poem about her hometown:

My Chrysostom! My sweet town

Every house here is like a tower

And the fast river is called Ai,

And the mountain trail to Taganay...

Later, her poems were published by the Pioneer magazine. Despite frequent illnesses, she studied well and loved to delve into dictionaries and reference books. She was good at drawing. Played chess. She took first place at city school chess competitions. As a teenager I was fond of the poetry of Pushkin, Lermontov, Yesenin. Wrote poems about love.

From Zlatoust the family moved to Miass, to Mashgorodok. It was still under construction. There Elena graduated from high school and at the same time studied at a music school.

Then they lived in the Caucasus, in the city of Mineralnye Vody. After graduating from music school, Elena taught at a music school. She was already an authoritative person. It is no coincidence that she was elected to the City Council. She got married in 1980. A son and daughter were born. My husband was sent to work in the city of Sumy. The young family began to live in Ukraine. Elena wrote poems and fairy tales for her children, translated poems of Ukrainian poets into Russian. But a great misfortune happened in the house; Elena Alekseevna’s husband died. In 1992, she returned with her children to Miass.

Her new life began in a familiar city. She taught at school, wrote poetry, but didn’t show it to anyone. Everything was turned upside down by a meeting with the poet Nina Pikuleva, who came to Miass to give performances. Elena Alekseevna went to the city literary association “Ilmenit”, where the director Nikolai Ivanovich Godina approved her poems. Since 1994, she has become a regular contributor to the Miass Worker newspaper. The city publishing house "Geotur" published the first books for children: "My ABC" (the book fit in the palm of your hand), "Mill - Spit", "Antoshkin's Toys", "Game Carousel" ... And then the work of Elena Raneva gained momentum. In 2005, two books were published in Chelyabinsk: “The Colored Locomotive” and “Skakarik”.

The publication of the collection “From 7 to 12. Writers of the Southern Urals for Children” (2007, 2008) by Marina Volkova’s publishing house made a number of young writers famous. Elena Ranneva’s poems included in the collection could not be ignored. And, in addition, a series of books by the authors of the collection with the same title “From 7 to 12” was published. This series also includes the book “Fantasy” (2008) by Rannevoy - the first complete collection of poems by the poetess from Miass. It is no coincidence that the series of books “From 7 to 12” is designed for family reading. Poems from the book “Fantasy” just beg to be read aloud in the family:

My mother told me: “Son,

You are not a son, but just a pig.

You haven't learned your lesson

You broke the lock yesterday

Dropped a big dish

And he pushed his sister Luda,

You are a bear, you are a crocodile!..."

And yesterday I was a son.

Elena Alekseevna, together with other authors, took part in a reading marathon in the wake of the book “From 7 to 12”, visited many cities and villages in the region, and met with readers - children. As a result of the reading marathon, the “Children's Literary Almanac” (2007) appeared, which includes “Elena Ranneva’s Workshop.” Together with other children's authors, she provides advice to aspiring writers and poets.

In 2008, for Children’s Day, the administration of Chelyabinsk and the publishing house of Marina Volkova prepared a good gift for children - the book “Circus! Holiday! Kids! Bright cover, color illustrations - children's drawings and poems about the circus by the region's leading children's writers. The book also includes poems by Elena Ranneva: “Circus on the Road”, “About a Clown”, “Race Rider in the Circus”...

The publishing house of Tatiana Lurie published Ranneva’s book “What is Happiness,” the most complete collection of poems for children (2008). The book was published very well: large format, hardcover, original drawings by the artist I. Ryzhenkov. As in Elena Ranneva’s previous works, much is devoted to family, good family relationships, and children with their problems. This book is another proof that its author has a great sense of humor and knows how to not only make kids laugh, but also have fun playing with them (games of rhymes, riddles, tongue twisters).

Later, Elena Ranneva’s large book “The Quiet Nurse” (2010) appeared, which included more than five hundred of her poems, games, and riddles. But it was paid for by the city authorities of Surgut, and the entire circulation was in Surgut.

In 2011, the Chelyabinsk writers' organization published the collection “Warm Word. For children from the writers of the Southern Urals." And it rightfully included the poems of Elena Ranneva.

It is very good that Marina Volkova’s publishing house continues to publish books and collections of South Ural children’s poets and writers. In 2011, the book “I am sitting on a cloud” (a collection for family reading) was published. For the first time, the collection included poetry and prose not only from the South Urals, but also from writers from different cities of Russia. Elena Ranneva is also adequately represented in the collection. Here is one of the poems:

My tooth hurt

My tooth was loose

But I endured.

And I held on.

Doctor's tooth

I left it.

Let it hurt

But without me.

What unites the work of Elena Ranneva is her love for children, their knowledge, the ability to speak with them, and a sense of humor. She admits to her readers: “I understand your fun, jokes, your infectious laughter, as well as grievances and troubles. Therefore, in my poems I simply and cheerfully talk about what interesting things happened in your life. And I turn stories from children’s everyday lives into a fun game...” “Each of my poems is a small story from the life of boys and girls or a journey into the world of a fairy tale...”

Elena Alekseevna is the author of more than twenty children's books and more than a thousand poems. She writes poetry, fairy tales, stories, songs, games, riddles, and tongue twisters. Her fairy tale - the true story “An Unusual Christmas Eve”” is included in the collection “Christmas Tales” (Marina Volkova Publishing House, 2011), poems are published in the South Ural children’s magazine “Podorozhnik”. Elena Ranneva’s poems are published not only in the Urals, but also in the capital in the magazines “Murzilka”, “Nafanya”, “Kukumber”, “Primary School”, “Education and Science”. The poetess began to find her poems in other people's books. They just steal them.

In the newspaper “City” she led the column “Children’s Corner” (2009 – 2010). Takes part in city literary life. Her poems were included in the collection of poems by Miass poets “Our Common Nerve” (2011).

Elena Ranneva combines the professions of a teacher, children's poet, organizer of children's leisure... She teaches music at secondary school No. 9. She also writes music for her works. He conducts music lessons and classes in the literary circle according to his own program. Creates teaching aids for teachers and educators. She has written more than 50 scripts for children's parties.

Elena Alekseevna is a laureate of the All-Russian Bazhov Festival (2004), a diploma winner of the All-Ural Festival “The Ural is Rich in Talents” (2006), a laureate of the regional literary competition for educators and scientists (2010). Laureate of the competition “Our Union is Beautiful” (Chelyabinsk, 2011). Elena Ranneva received a 1st degree diploma from the International Creative Association of Children's Authors (for poetry on the Internet) (2011). Elena Alekseevna is very demanding of herself, of her poems, and works very hard.

She has a nice, warm home. Unfortunately, her father is no longer alive. Her mother is Galina Aleksandrovna, the first assistant and critic of her works. A son and daughter grew up. The son helps his mother prepare books for publication. A grandson and granddaughter are growing up.

Elena Ranneva corresponds with the famous Chelyabinsk children's poet Lev Rakhlis, who now lives in America. He wrote to her: “Having partially become acquainted with your poems, I can say that you were born a poet.” You can't help but join in. Elena Alekseevna has a lot of unreleased things, many creative plans. She has enough strength, desire to work, and talent to implement these plans.

ON THE. Kapitonova

Works by E. Ranneva:

My ABC. – Miass: Geotour, 1994.

Miller - spit. – Miass: Geotour, 1995.

Antoshka's toys. – Miass: Geotour, 1997.

Ah, the playgirl has grown up. – Miass: Geotour, 1997.

Game carousel. – Miass: Geotour, 1998.

Che-che-reading. – Miass: Geotour, 2001.

Readers - counting rhymes. Miass: Geotour, 2001.

Do - re - bear. – Miass: Geotour, 2001.

Colored locomotive. – Chelyabinsk: YuUKI, 2005.

Skakarik. – Chelyabinsk: YuUKI, 2005.

Drawn friend.

Lisa and whims. - Zlatoust: “August A”, 2008.

What kind of miracles are these? – Chrysostom: “August A”, 2008.

The musician came to the celebration. – Zlatoust: “August A”, 2008.

Finish the words. – Zlatoust: “August A”, 2008.

Fantasies. – Chelyabinsk: Publishing house – Marina Volkova, 2008.

What is happiness. Chelyabinsk: Published by Tatyana Lurie, 2008.

Quiet nurse. Miass: Kopirus LLC, 2010.

Lovers. – Miass: Kopirus LLC, 2011.

Holiday. – Miass: Kopirus LLC, 2011.

This book is about dogs. – Miass: Kopirus LLC, 2011.

Christmas gift. – Miass: Kopirus LLC, 2011.

In collections and magazines:

(Poems) // From 7 to 12: Writers of the Southern Urals for children. – Chelyabinsk: Publishing house – Marina Volkova, 2007. – P.40 – 47.

Workshop of Elena Ranneva // Children's literary almanac. No. 1. – Chelyabinsk: Publishing house – Marina Volkova, 2007. – P.42 - 45

(Poems) //Circus! Holiday! Kids! - Chelyabinsk: Publishing house - Marina Volkova, 2008. - P.64 - 64.

My grandmother. Lovers //Cucumber. - 2010. - No. 3. – P.34.

Pistachios //Cucumber. – 2011. - No. 6. – P.23.

I love you. Ryzhik //Cucumber. – 2011.-№1. – P.21-22.

(Poems)//Plantain.-2011.- No. 3 (7).- P.4-5.

(Poems) // Warm words: to children from the writers of the Southern Urals. - Chelyabinsk: Chelyab. region pissing organization, 2011. – From 77 – 79.

Unusual Christmas Eve: A fairy tale - a true story // Christmas Tales: A collection of fairy tales for children. – Chelyabinsk: Publishing house – Marina Volkova, 2011. – P. 85 – 89.

(Poems) //I'm sitting on a cloud: Collection for family reading. – Chelyabinsk: Publishing house – Marina Volkova, 2011. – P.36 – 37.

(Poems) //Plantain. – 2011. - No. 3(7). – P.4-5.

Epshtein S. Ranneva Elena Alekseevna //Miass: encyclopedia. – Miass, 2003. – P.352 – 353.

Zhuravleva S. She herself is like a child: children's poet Elena Ranneva needs our support.//Chelyab. worker. – 2007. - No. 57. –P.5.

Ranneva E. Little Little Bear and his friends: Conversation/conducted by O. Eisenberg //Ural Federal District. – 2007.- No. 4-5. – P.94 -95.

Ranneva Elena Alekseevna // From 7 to 12: Writers of the Southern Urals for children. – Chelyabinsk: Publishing house – Marina Volkova, 2007. – P.40.

Workshop of Elena Ranneva // Children's literary almanac. No. 1. -. Chelyabinsk: Marina Volkova Publishing House, 2007.- P.42 – 44.

Gainullin M. Children captured two Elenas at once // From 7 to 17. - Chelyabinsk, 2008. - No. 32. – P.2.

(b. 08/09/1958 in the city of Zlatoust in a family of teachers). Teacher, poet, author of 18 children's books and teaching aids.

Laureate of the All-Russian Bazhov Festival (2004). Diploma winner of the All-Ural Festival “Rich in Talents Ural” (2006). Laureate of the regional literary competition for educators and scientists (2010)
She started writing poetry at the age of 4. Published in Pioneer magazine.
She graduated from the Mineralovodsk Music College in 1980. In the same year she was elected as a deputy of the city council in the city of Mineralnye Vody.
She continued her education in Sumy in Ukraine. It was published there in the Leninskaya Pravda newspaper. She translated many poems of Ukrainian poets into Russian.
She continued her literary activity in Miass, where since 1994 she became a regular contributor to the newspaper “Miasssky Rabochiy”. The publishing house "Geotur" published first books: “My ABC”, “Mill-spit”, “Antoshka’s toys”, “Game carousel”, etc.
The contents of the publications are poems, stories, fairy tales, teaching aids, song lyrics, games, riddles, own music, charades, tongue twisters and many others. etc.

Elena Ranneva– author of more than one and a half thousand poetic works for children. Developed and prepared about 50 scenarios for children's parties. For several years she led a children's theater group, which was repeatedly a laureate of the city festival “Wonders”. In 2007, she became the author and literary editor of the children's magazine Edinorosik. In 2009 - 2010 collaborated with the local newspaper “Gorod” and ran the “Children’s Corner” column.
Currently teaching music at Municipal educational institution - secondary school No. 9, teaches music lessons and a literary club according to the original author’s program.
Poems Elena Ranneva published in the magazines “Primary School”, “Education and Science”, in the children’s magazine “Nafanya”, in the Moscow literary magazine “Kukumber”, etc.

Works: “My ABC” Miass “Geotour” 1994; “Mill - spit” Miass “Geotour” 1995; “Antoshka’s toys” Miass “Geotour” 1997; “Ah, the playgirl has grown up” Miass “Geotour” 1997; “Game Carousel” Miass “Geotour” 1998; “Che-che-reading” Miass “Geotour” 2001; “Readers and counting books” Miass “Geotour 2001; “Do - re - bear” Miass “Geotour” 2001; “Color Locomotive” Chelyabinsk JSC “South Ural Book Publishing House. 2005; “Skakarik” Chelyabinsk OJSC “South Ural Book Publishing House” 2005; “Playful musical minutes” Methodological manual “Copyrus” Miass 2006; “Painted Friend” Chelyabinsk 2007; “Lisa and whims” Chrysostom “August A” 2008;
“What kind of miracles are these?” Zlatoust "August A" 2008; “The musician came to the holiday” Chrysostom “August A” 2008; “Say a word” Chrysostom “August A” 2008; « » Chelyabinsk " Marina Volkova Publishing House"2008; “What is happiness” Chelyabinsk “Tatiana Lurie Publishing House” 2008. “Stikhonyanya” Miass Private Enterprise “Kopirus” 2010


« From 7 to 12. Writers of the Southern Urals for children", published in " Publishing house Marina Volkova"in 2007.
The collection was awarded a diploma for 1st place in the category “Together with the book we grow” at the exhibition-fair “South Ural Book - 2007” as the best publication for children and youth.

Chelyabinsk 2008; " Christmas Tales" Chelyabinsk 2008;
"Lessons from Pegasus." A gift for a first grader, Chrysostom 2005; "Children's Literary Almanac". Chelyabinsk 2007; "Acquaintance". Chelyabinsk 2002; “Acquaintance continues” Chelyabinsk 2004; "Poems of the Miass Valley." Miass 1998; “To honor the poet in a teacher...” Chelyabinsk 2008; “The word will respond.” Chelyabinsk 2007; "Travel around Chelyabinsk." Chelyabinsk 2007; "From the Urals to the Neva." Chelyabinsk 2001.

(Information for the portal www.site provided Elena Ranneva)

Elena Ranneva— participant Reading marathons and festivals "In Time to read!«

The publication was prepared by Igor Kalish

Ranneva Elena Alekseevna

Elena Alekseevna Ranneva proved that children's poets and writers live not only in Moscow. She is well known in the city of Miass, where she lives and works at school, and is known throughout the Chelyabinsk region.

Elena was born in the city of Zlatoust. She was very lucky with her parents. Both are teachers. My father is a historian, local historian, school director, and also a master of sports in tourism! Mom is a teacher of Russian language and literature, who instilled in her daughter a love of poetry and language.

After graduating from a music school in the city of Mineralnye Vody, Elena Alekseevna taught at a music school. She was already an authoritative person. It is no coincidence that she was elected to the City Council. I got married in this city.

My husband was sent to work in the city of Sumy. The young family began to live in Ukraine. Elena wrote poems and fairy tales for her children, translated poems of Ukrainian poets into Russian.

After the death of her husband she moved to hometown Miass.

Since 1994, Ranneva has become a regular contributor to the Miass Worker newspaper. The city publishing house "Geotur" published the first books for children: "My ABC", "The Mill-Spit", "Antoshkin's Games", "Game Carousel". In 2005, in Chelyabinsk, the South Ural Publishing House published two colorful books: “Color Locomotive” and “Skakarik”.

Since 2007, Elena Ranneva and a group of children's authors from Marina Volkova's publishing house have been constantly meeting with readers of the Southern Urals and other regions of our country. During this time, several books by Elena Ranneva and collective collections were published. She became the winner of many literary competitions, regional, all-Russian and international.

In 2007, Elena Alekseevna became the author and editor of the Edinorosik magazine. Received a Letter of Gratitude from a State Duma Deputy Russian Federation for creating a book for first-graders in the Chelyabinsk region “Lessons from Pegasik”.

In 2008, Ranneva’s book “What is Happiness,” the most complete collection of poems for children, was published in Chelyabinsk. The book was published very well: large format, hardcover, original drawings by the artist I. Ryzhenkov.

Later, Elena Ranneva’s large book “The Quiet Nurse” (2010) appeared, which included more than five hundred of her poems, games, and riddles.

Elena Alekseevna is the author of more than twenty children's books. She writes poetry, fairy tales, stories, songs, games, riddles, and tongue twisters. Her fairy tale – a true story “An Unusual Christmas Eve”” was included in the collection “Christmas Tales” (Marina Volkova Publishing House, 2011), poems were published in the South Ural children’s magazine “Podorozhnik”, in the magazines “Murzilka”, “Nafanya”, “Kukumber”, “Primary school”, “Education and science.

Elena Alekseevna combines the professions of a teacher, a children's poet, and an organizer of children's leisure... She has written teaching aids for teachers primary school. (“Che-che-reading.” “Do-re-bear”, “Counting books”, “Game musical minutes”, etc. She also writes music for her works. She conducts music lessons and classes in the literary circle according to her own program She creates methodological manuals for kindergarten teachers and has written more than 50 scripts for children's parties.

In July 2013, Elena Alekseevna became a member of the Russian Writers' Union. She received a recommendation to the Writers' Union at the International Meeting of Young Writers in the city of Kamensk-Uralsky. Recommended by: L.U. Zvonareva, V.A. Bakhrevsky, Rene Guera, S.V. Shangina. In the same year, she graduated from N.A.’s literary courses. Yagodintseva at the Institute of Additional Education of ChGAKI.

The language of childhood for Elena Ranneva is the language of joy, subtle emotional feelings, and moral purity. She still looks at the world through the eyes of a child and an adult at the same time, so one of her life principles is not to hurt the soul of a child, to trust his moral and emotional instincts.

All free time Elena devotes her time to her sick mother, raising her grandchildren, reading, writing works for children, meeting readers and communicating with nature.

Here are a few excerpts from Elena’s interview with the Miass magazine “Glagol”:

– How do poems come to me? Impromptu. I’ll go up to my daughter’s crib and say quietly: “Daughter Olechka, get up, put on your sundress, There’s a red cat walking outside the window in white shoes...” They even ate porridge with poems! For her daughter and “Kaprizych” she wrote: “Hide, teary handkerchiefs, Our daughter doesn’t need you...”

I write more often at night. Moreover, it’s like this: I go to bed and feel that the lines have started. And that means you have to sit down and write it down. Where to go? Sometimes such good poems come, it’s a pity to lose them. It happens that I dream of poems, and in the morning I try to remember - and I can’t. ...Lately I've been writing poems from the end. For example, the line was born: “How many cups are washed? Zero whole, five broken”... And from this we get a counting rhyme.

Or like this: “I don’t want to go to the doctor and I don’t want to brush my teeth” - that’s it, I’m writing a poem about a woman who doesn’t want to!

I often give presentations of my books and meet with teachers from kindergartens in Miass and Zlatoust. I tell you how to work with my poems, how to sing, dance, clap, and trample them. Every poem is tutorial on the development of memory, attention, sense of rhythm, sound pronunciation. It is only important for the teacher to correctly convey it to the child - to read it not syllable by syllable, with his nose buried in the book, but by heart, loudly, cheerfully, clearly, with good mood, with pleasure. Children feel this very subtly.

Sometimes people ask me: do modern children need poetry? Don't-about-ho-di-we! The love of poetry should be absorbed by the baby along with mother's milk. If we do not teach children to think beautifully and speak beautifully, then we will not give them something very important. The beauty of the surrounding life will pass past, will go unnoticed by him.

Young mothers usually say: “There is no time for a child!” I think that these mothers themselves were brought up in an atmosphere of lack of spirituality, without communication with books or fairy tales. In general, poems can be read even to two-year-old children - depending, of course, on how they are read. Poems should be clear and sonorous, like Marshak’s. For me, Marshak is an encyclopedia of children's life; I studied from his books.

I also write “adult” poems, but women’s poetry is, most often, tears, moans, pain. And I don’t like to come into contact with my own pain, which I myself spilled onto paper. It is better to write about children and for children. Moreover, it’s interesting: the more problems in my life, the more fun and carefree the poems are.

Communication with children helps creativity a lot. I worked in a nursery, and so many poems were born! They gave me a two year old. What to do with them? It's raining, cloudy, and sad outside. She made her sit around herself and suddenly began: “This little finger is fat, laying down like this, on its side. This little finger is a sly one, it pokes at the back and side...” Colleagues look in - what are these new poems? And I continue, so confidently, as if I knew this finger game a long time ago...

In 2004, while in Chelyabinsk, I went to the publishing house to see the editor-in-chief Vladimir Kurbatov: “Please look!” He looked and said: “Good poetry!” and together with director Viktor Bolshakov they offered to conclude a publishing contract. We spent a long time selecting poems for the collection and worked with the artist Anya Galiulina, who was supposed to illustrate the book. A unique girl, by the way! She’s young, but she did everything the way I wanted – every drawing is in motion, nothing static or frozen. Everything from the heart!

Poetry fills my whole life, it is my joy and pain. I dream that someday I will be able to travel around the world, meet poets - communication with “brothers in the pen” is not enough. I have a lot of plans for the future: I’m working on a children’s book project for the anniversary of Chelyabinsk, I want to do interlinear translations, and next in line is the publication of the next books. For example, a kind of technical encyclopedia for children about robotics, which we prepared together with SUSU teacher A. Telegin. I write songs, teach music lessons and a theater group at school, sing in an ensemble of teachers...

How do I manage everything? I do not know. Sometimes I think: poor me, poor me, I can’t even sleep properly - the poems get in the way (laughs). But actually I - happy man. When I get tired, I walk to Turgoyak. I’ll stand on the shore and dream: “Oh, I wish I could live by the lake, like Edvard Grieg! Only without communicating with children I will forget their language...” I return home and know that everything will be fine!


My mother told me: “Son,

You are not a son, but just a pig.

Yesterday I spilled glue on my trousers,

I smeared paint on my hands.

Dropped a big dish

And he pushed little sister Lyuda.

You are a bear and a crocodile!..."

And yesterday I was a son.


Garden tomato –
Like a traffic light.
If it is green in the garden,
Stomp on by, guys!

Turns yellow - wait,
You don't tear it yet.


Mila helped my mother,

She set the table for dinner.

Even though the assistant is small,

She carried cups and saucers.

I stumbled at the threshold,

The cup jingles and suddenly breaks...

Mom screamed: “Poor thing!

How did you break the cup?

“And so,” said Mila

And I dropped the other one...


– How difficult the world is

alive understand -

Brother Seryozha told me,

Elephants can sleep standing up

And snakes walk lying down.


Mom told dad
Why did I break my watch?
I drew it on the wallpaper
And the square and the circle,
Gave it to my friend Lyosha
On a walk, your flag,
That I stomped, screamed,
That she's tired of me...
And I said then:
- Our mother


-Did you get a C again?

“I don’t remember, dad, I forgot.”

- Come on, remember, sly one, -
Said the angry father.

- Be cunning here, dad, don’t be cunning,
And in the diary the score is THREE,
But look next to her:
The teacher wrote: “Not three!”
– Don’t know how to understand this?
Probably, dad, it's FIVE


My dad bought me English shoes
And now I decided to live in English.
I walk in English
And I eat in English:
He refused to chew simple toffees.
I'm glad to have oatmeal and pudding in the morning
And I ask my mother to make chocolate for me.
I drink broth from a cup in English
And he even sowed an English lawn.
That's just English language I don't teach
I’m just speaking English now...
I'm silent.


Dad is gloomy and fidgety in the morning

And doesn't smile

Brother has been cocking all morning -

He's going to visit.

And my sister is like a fox

Near grandma's feet,

Everything is cunning so that the spoiled one

The juice was poured for the fifth time.

Only grandma is cheerful:

I baked a mountain of buns,

Fussing with warm dough

And the whole morning it's GRANDMARY!

Publications about Elena Ranneva:

Epshtein S. Ranneva Elena Alekseevna //Miass: encyclopedia. – Miass, 2003. – P.352 – 353.

Zhuravleva S. She herself is like a child: children's poet Elena Ranneva needs our support.//Chelyab. worker. – 2007. - No. 57. –P.5.

Ranneva E. Little Little Bear and his friends: Conversation/conducted by O. Eisenberg //Ural Federal District. – 2007.- No. 4-5. – P.94 -95.

Ranneva Elena Alekseevna // From 7 to 12: Writers of the Southern Urals for children. – Chelyabinsk: Publishing house – Marina Volkova, 2007. – P.40.

Workshop of Elena Ranneva // Children's literary almanac. No. 1. -. Chelyabinsk: Marina Volkova Publishing House, 2007.- P.42 – 44.

Gainullin M. Children captured two Elenas at once // From 7 to 17. - Chelyabinsk, 2008. - No. 32. – P.2.

Dear publishers and writers! Good afternoon everyone!
Here is my creative report. At first I thought it was not for me. I’m still afraid to contact Moscow book publishing houses. They won't hire a new author. But still there is progress.

“...Lena, go ahead, don’t hesitate, this is what I’m here on earth for, to be honest, this is why I live, this role is very dear to me. I am very happy when I can publish someone, give a boost to creativity. Don’t give up, just never.”

Recently a thick book “The Quiet Nurse” was published. Funds for publications were found by Lyudmila Safonova from the city of Surgut. The entire circulation (300 copies) was taken to Surgut. The book has 365 pages. It contains my favorite poems, games, riddles.
On January 30, Kopirus LLC published 3 new books, the layouts of which I made myself. These are “Lovers”, “Holiday” and “That Book About Dogs”. The circulation is small. 100 pieces each (printed on February 2). But still, these are real living books that can be touched and offered to readers. But why do we write? Copyright reserved.

This year, as usual, there were many meetings with children in schools and libraries in the city. The last meeting was very warmly held at gymnasium No. 26, where Lyudmila Petrovna Kalita was invited.

The children did a lot creative works in local history about my work.

Here are some reviews from my readers from different schools in the city.

Literary dossier of a student of class 5 "A" Ovchinnikov Andrey from Lyceum No. 6

“I decided to write about Elena Alekseevna because in our school all the children are well acquainted with her work and really love her poems, which all children understand. This is my favorite modern poet. Elena Alekseevna is very interesting person and interlocutor. You can meet her at school, and she is always friendly and friendly, happy to organize interesting events for us, cool watch and simply can talk to any student at the most different topics, answer various questions..."

Ivanova Masha writes in his work:

“Children like the poems and songs of Elena Alekseevna Ranneva, because they are very cheerful, cheerful, and bright. Her works teach you to do good deeds, teach you how to communicate correctly and understand other people. Children often find themselves in funny situations because they do not know how to behave correctly. Reading her poems, you can look at your actions from the outside, laugh at your shortcomings, and find the right way out of a difficult situation. And all this can be done with humor and without offending anyone..."

Chistyakova Katya wrote these lines:

“When I read Elena Ranneva’s poems, pleasant images arise in me: summer, warm rain, rainbows, apples, cheerful children, colors, swings, flowers, a schoolyard, fairy tales. Ranneva’s poems are very musical, you can read and fantasize...”

Many such kind and warm lines have been written.

“Elena Alekseevna Ranneva is a recognized children's poet.
Our countrywoman. She began her professional path as a music teacher at Lyceum No. 6,
The first book of poems by E. Ranneva, “My ABC,” was published in 1994. Today “My ABC” is read in Sweden, and in Israel, and in America.
Following the first, Elena’s other books began to be published: “Che-che-reading”, “Do-re-bear”, “Readers-counters”.
Over 30 creative years she has accumulated material for a large number of publications... Her poems can be sung, danced, clapping, stomping. Each poem is a textbook for developing memory, attention, sense of rhythm...
Now in the book world there is a lot of different literature for children. Elena Ranneva made her very attractive contribution to this diversity...”

In April 2010, I held an author’s evening at Lyceum No. 6, in which all elementary school children took part. The celebration lasted for half a day. The children read hundreds of my poems and acted out many skits. They guessed riddles and sang my songs. My favorite songs are “RANELIA IS A WONDERFUL COUNTRY” and “SAVE YOUR CHILDREN’S DREAMS.”

Here are my readers’ favorite characters: (Excerpts from works)

Oh, what a poor thing I am!
I'm a confused girl
Confused, confused,
Oh, how life has become for me
...I need the lost and found office urgently
We need to open the house,
But I'm afraid, by the way,
And then lose the BUREAU!

...With my eyes wide open,
Laziness sits on the sidelines nearby
Waiting for me to clean up
I will make peace with her, as before.
Then the two of us will sit down
And let's chew some candy,
We'll throw dolls and rags on the floor,
Let's scatter all the notebooks,
Let's turn everything around
And we'll quarrel later.

...I run up the steps,
I can't even scream.
I wanted to shout out a word -
A gingerbread flew into my mouth...

...I can hardly breathe from fear
And I ask the wizard:
- Dear, kind, All-knowing,
Give me mom and dad!..

...In his spacious belly
The frogs croak together,
“Moo-moo-moo,” the cow mooed,
“Damn,” the alarm clock rings loudly,
And the crow: “Kar-kar-kar!”
And the dog: “Woof-woof-woof!”
The doctor is angry inside:
- Hey, Afonya, open it!
The pig grunts loudly -
Well, you can’t sleep!

I bought it one morning
Clockwork shoes,
I rode them all day
And he fell down by the river.

Climbed onto a high branch,
The rain boiled out of my jacket,
Swimmed in the Moon Sea
And he said to his friends: “Bye.”

I receive very interesting feedback from writers and readers of the site “POSES RU”

1. Review of the poems “About kindergarten» » (Elena Ranneva)

And raisins, and well done!
Boris Elshansky 01/09/2011 21:39

2. Review of “Metamorphosis” (Elena Ranneva)

I liked your poems, truly childish, with a child’s view of the world. Thank you. Sincerely,
Lana Alkovskaya 08/12/2010 15:15

3. Review of “An Indicative Answer” (Elena Ranneva)

Glad, Lena, to meet your work again. I read it and became convinced that your talent for directly seeing the world is clearly gaining momentum. Let it be!
And we know each other a little. Remember “Pegasik”? Chrysostom...
Sergey Dekabrev 08/12/2010 12:37

4. Review of “Kinfolk” (Elena Ranneva)

I really liked your poems for children! Many of them, indeed, would do well for adults to read.
With warmth (or, better yet, with coolness, in this heat!),
Lyudmila Gromova 1 08/05/2010 23:50

5. Review of “The Last” (Elena Ranneva)

Lena, mothers and psychologists need these poems! Very instructive. Thank you. I will definitely show them to our parents.
Thanks for your creativity.
Anna Kim.03.08.2010 16:20

6. Review of “Kinfolk” (Elena Ranneva)

Poor boy! How can we, adults, not notice such mistakes? We say: “Go away, don’t bother me, play in another room.” Your poems should be read by adults. This is truly a CLASSIC!
I am delighted! I will never write like that. Thank you!

7. Review of “Lilac Poems” (Elena Ranneva)

Lenochka, I found out that you are a famous writer in the Southern Urals. You can feel it right away. You need to send your poems to publishing houses in Moscow. Many of your poems are very bright and professional. Thanks for your creativity.
Anna Kim.

8. Review of “Let’s sign up for a square” (Elena Ranneva)

They calmed me down.
And then I thought that in the Stichera square, only poachers write children’s poems.
But I still want to sign up for the square of Lake Turgoyak, but there are traps all around: business, and all sorts of vanity.
Forest Animal 08/01/2010 22:40

9. Review of “Moods” (Elena Ranneva)

I would read and read your poems, it’s a pity, I don’t have enough time! The word GRANDMOTHER is simply extraordinary. I will now always use it in my vocabulary. Thank you.
Lily Evening 08/01/2010 19:40

11. Review of “Elena Ranneva What is happiness Poems for children Book” (Elena Ranneva)

Great poems! I'm delighted, Lenochka! Easy children's language, versatile themes, excellent rhythm and memorable rhymes - what else is needed for children's poetry?
I am grateful to you, Lenochka, for meeting me!
Best regards
Frida Polak 07/02/2010 09:37

Meetings in Miass.

Our Miass does not spare money. They write such huge posters. And then there is nowhere to put people:

Caring mothers and, more often, grandmothers constantly meet with me in the children's library. New books are waiting, and there are already a lot of them:

My dear books

These are my dear books, suffered through sleepless nights. Thanks to the kind publishers and sponsors who helped me publish my poems:

I am very glad to receive letters from Lev Rakhlis.

Already sent it. But I'm very touched.
“Dear Elena, thank you for your responses. Nice to meet you. You have the most important thing - a poetic perception of the world. Your poem “How to Cook Summer” reminded me of another - How to become a poet - by a French writer
Take the word as a basis
And put the word on the fire.
Take a pinch of wisdom
Naivety is a big chunk,
A little stars, a little pepper,
A piece of a fluttering heart
And on the comfort of mastery
boil once and twice
And many, many times all this
Now write.
But first
Be born a poet after all.
Having partially become acquainted with your poems, I can say that you were born a poet.
Sincerely - Lev Yakovlevich Rakhlis

And finally...

When I hear my poems, my soul becomes anxious, a little joyful and a little sad. I am happy that children like my poems, that our children need them. It’s sad that it’s so difficult to publish your books now. I wrote about this. Even famous writers stand on the side of publishers and are glad that they themselves managed to get into these same publishing houses. That’s why I’m not going to Moscow yet. I am very happy that Marina Vladimirovna published me. I will forever thank this man with a BIG soul.

Now I see that I did a lot. The most important thing is that while working in two schools, I constantly wrote and am writing new poems and fairy tales. I learned how to make book layouts. It turns out to be so interesting to “compose” the entire book from beginning to end. Now there are already artists who want to illustrate my books for free, but unfortunately, huge amounts of money are needed for paint and paper. But everything in life must be tried. You begin to appreciate publishers more, such as Marina Vladimirovna.

Best regards, Elena Ranneva.

My blog is found using the following phrases