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Open day at city libraries. Open day in city libraries Description of open day in the library

The Kalinovskaya Library is open to visitors both on holidays and on weekdays. You can always find something new and interesting here. It was educational and, most importantly, fun for the children primary classes a game called “Fun of Russian Antiquity”, dedicated to the history of toys.

Here you could not only see, but also touch toys made of clay, wood, straw, dolls and balls sewn from fabric, and much more. Adult readers brought their favorite toys from their childhood to the library: tumbler, clowns, whistles, plastic dolls. The children also saw modern toys at the exhibition - a porcelain doll, a transformer and a robot. We also looked at a marionette doll. These are acting dolls in puppet theaters.. The guys guessed riddles about toys and enjoyed recalling the poems of A.L., familiar to all generations of people in our country. Barto about toys.

A little later, children in grades 5 and 6, under the guidance of technology teacher Galimova O.S. helped the library prepare emoticons for the upcoming holiday, dedicated to the Day child protection. With these festive crafts we will congratulate all participants of the event at the holiday.

For the readers who visited the library that day, the librarian prepared a quiz question dedicated to books and literary works, which had to be answered.

The school year is ending, the holidays are ahead, but books have no holidays. They are always ready to meet with readers.

Library branch No. 1 in Rastorguev decided to celebrate All-Russian Library Day together with its readers: a day took place in the library open doors entitled "Welcome to the library or unauthorized entry allowed." An interesting program awaited everyone who came to our library that day: a tour of the library, acquaintance with the exhibitions “Library through the Years”, “Old, old book, “Don’t count the diamonds...”.

You could get acquainted with the 91-year history of the library by watching the presentation “Into the beautiful is far from the pure source...we continue our journey.”

The kids, who could not yet read, were brought to the library by their mothers and fathers. After all, it is necessary to accustom a child to books and reading from a very early age. The kids took part in the “Throw away the pacifier - pick up a book!” campaign. The winner of this campaign was the youngest future reader, Yaroslav. She received a book as a gift - a little book “Who Says Moo-oo-oo?”.

Older children actively participated in the literary riddles competition “Journey through the pages of a book of fairy tales.” From a short poetic riddle it was necessary to find out fairy tale hero and the fairy tale from which he came. The children did an excellent job and showed themselves to be excellent experts in fairy tales. It was difficult to choose a winner, so all participants received awards.

Both children and adults enjoyed watching the cartoon “Peppa Pig in the Library.” It was useful for everyone to remember that they need to return books to the library on time, and not wait ten years, like Daddy Pig.

A selection of sayings has been prepared for older readers famous people about books and reading and conducted a blitz survey “What is a library for you?” In their responses, readers emphasized that the library has been their favorite place all their lives, where they find rest for the soul, food for the mind and the opportunity to communicate with good people.

All visitors, both children and adults, could take their favorite book from the book sale “Let’s give the book to good hands.”

Our dear readers! We thank everyone who did not remain indifferent, put aside their business and came to our holiday.

On the open day, the library was visited by both new and experienced readers, who brought their friends and relatives.
We invite everyone to the library! The doors of our library are open, we are always happy to meet our readers.

And in the library of the village. On Novodrozhzhino Open Day, everyone could take part in the library route, during which they could find out how our library is structured, what a subscription is, a reader’s form, a librarian’s diary, what departments books are divided into, etc.! Young readers also learned how the library regularly and daily receives fresh magazines and newspapers through the mail.

Then a “game in reverse” was proposed. In it, every willing reader could be a librarian. You really had to sign up a person, recommend this or that book, talk about the rules for using the library, and try to politely and competently answer readers’ questions! The best librarian was chosen by everyone together with the help of applause.

Regular readers also prepared congratulations for the librarian: they read poems and drew a poster with congratulations. This holiday ended with a traditional tea party. This is how we celebrated the “All-Russian Library Day”, sincerely and festively.

Photo album of the event

Special attention The organizers will give it to large families.

Traditional open day for the whole family will be held in Moscow libraries on September 22. Will join the action more than 140 reading rooms. The organizers will pay special attention to large families.

Guests will be told about library projects, programs and clubs, they will be able to enroll in clubs and studios, choose additional educational activities for children, take part in master classes, visit book exhibitions, take quests, as well as attend concerts and meetings with writers. Souvenirs and gifts are also waiting for guests.

Admission to all events is free, but registration is required.

Full program of open days in Moscow libraries and registration

Superheroes, aviation and quests: what the libraries have prepared

In library No. 95 (Polymernaya Street, building 7, building 2), a tour of its halls, collections and exhibitions is planned.

Central Library No. 70 named after M.A. Sholokhova (Khalturinskaya street, building 18) will hold a lecture and game program for the children “Reading, flying, dreaming” together with the children's hobby club "Aviator". Guests will be able to take part in acting master classes, intellectual competitions and quizzes.

Employees children's department Central Library No. 197 named after A.A. Akhmatova (Rublevskoe highway, building 44, building 2) prepared a program "Hello, library!", which included an adventure game "Search for Mysteries and Adventures", acquaintance with Valentin Berestov’s children’s lyrics “One, two, three, four, five! It’s impossible to count all the poems!” Everyone will also enjoy a presentation of Natalia Dal’s family musical and literary weekend club, and a program has been prepared for comic book lovers "My Favorite Superhero".

In library No. 44 named after V.G. Korolenko (Festivalnaya Street, building 46, building 1) master classes will be organized for children, as well as classes in clubs and studios. The evening will end with a traditional family tea party.

Library-media center No. 67 (Argunovskaya street, building 14, building 2) opens a season of bright premieres. Presentations of the project “Photo Club “A2””, the Moscow Children's Shadow Theater, the Experimental Theater Studio of Sergei Lepsky, the children's theater studio “Litera” and the film club “Syuzhet” will be held here. Also on this day, two exhibitions of the artist, sculptor and director Vladimir Bubenshchikov, “Az, Lead” and “The Path to the Light,” will open. In the evening there will be a presentation of the Te Amo group's video and a vocal evening by singer Maria Pakhar.

Children's library No. 244 (Narodnogo Opolcheniya Street, building 37, building 1) will host a lesson "Introduction to the Library" and book exhibitions, as well as reviews of books by literary award winners, master classes and clubs.

In library No. 266 named after K.I. Chukovsky (Vnukovskoye settlement, Serafimovicha street, building 3a), built by the writer for children and adults, they will talk about the history of its creation, conduct tours of the halls, and introduce the work of clubs and circles. Children will take part in the handicraft club “Mastercraft”.

In library No. 3 named after N.A. Dobrolyubova (Smolenskaya Square, building 13/21) you can take part in a family quest with QR codes "Library of Secrets". And the poet and translator Tatyana Stamova will conduct a master class “Tales from Pine Bark” and a quiz based on the book “Only Barefoot”. The most active participants will receive prizes.

Young racing drivers are welcome at the Central Children's Library No. 152 (Voronezhskaya Street, building 10). Interactive lesson with real racing sessions will be held by the 2013 Russian rally vice-champion Timofey Andryushchenko. There will also be a presentation of the theater studio “Gorodok”, educational clubs “World of Robots” and “Journey through the Sand Country”. And in the lounge area you can play board games.

In branch No. 1 of library No. 195 (Admiral Lazarev Street, building 61), guests will be able to get acquainted with the work of each department, new books and art exhibitions, as well as with new library services.

In all libraries TiNAO For large families A 50% discount applies to classes taught by library staff for the second and subsequent children if they attend the same studio or club.

In libraries Southern Administrative District and South-Western Administrative District There are 10% discounts on tuition fees.

Unusual exhibitions have opened for visitors at the Dobrodar BSDC. In the children's department, the attention of young readers was offered to the exhibition-game “Labyrinth of Amazing Discoveries”, where a treasure was hidden, and in order to find it, it was necessary to answer questions in the relevant sections. The “Book Gourmet” exhibition was created for users of the art department. The employees of the department “treated” their readers to the most “delicious” books. Users also added their favorite works to the book “menu”.

With great delight, children and adults answered the questions of the literary quiz “Literary Candy.” And even if they didn’t always know the answer, they found it in the book collection with the help of hints. The reward was sweet prizes-candies, to which the tasks themselves were attached.

No less interesting was the literary and musical composition “We are always glad to have guests” for members of the “Active Old Age” school at the OGBUSO “Comprehensive Center for Social Services for the Population of Ust-Ilimsk and the Ust-Ilimsk District, specialists from the center, the City Council of Veterans and Pensioners.” Library staff told them about the work of interest clubs, introduced them to new books, and showed them a film about the life of St. Innocent. The guests cordially congratulated the librarians on their professional holiday, presented them with letters of gratitude, and expressed great desire continue to cooperate in the future.

Also on this day, readers and library workers supported city ​​action“We are for a reading city!” They walked along the main street of the city, handing out business cards, urging citizens to read and come to the library. Everyone, without exception, took part in the game “Guess the Literary Character” and enjoyed taking pictures with the life-size puppet Piglet.

On May 26, in the library named after Yu.F. Fedotov, residents of our city were able to take a virtual tour “Unusual Libraries of the World” and become a participant literary game“Book auction” and flash mob “I love to read!”, take part in the design of the exhibition-mood “I am reading a book...”, attend a master class on making bookmarks and receive a surprise flower.

The title of the exhibition – the mood “I am reading a book...” perfectly reflected the emotions of the readers. So on a sunny day they prefer to read psychological novels by Galina Artemyeva and Anna Berseneva, on a rainy day - by Ekaterina Vilmont, Anna Danilova, Svetlana Aleshina, Galina Romanova. For reading on the road, readers chose books by Daria Dontsova, Sergei Samarov, and Tatyana Kovaleva.

The participants of the flash mob attracted the attention of passers-by with bright attributes and loud slogans: “The path to success lies through the library”, “If you want to become smart, you need to read books.” Everyone was given a book and a surprise flower as a gift. A surprise inside a flower is a recommendation for reading a book from the library collection.

The holiday ended with tea. In a friendly atmosphere over a cup of tea, the Ust-Ilimsk poet Vladimir Sobolev read his poems.

“We celebrated the holiday magnificently, with soul and imagination within the walls of the library. We received a lot interesting information and positive emotions. Thank you!".

In the Central City Library named after. N. S. Klestov-Angarsky also organized interesting, original exhibitions for library readers.

Exhibition "Ball of Classics", at which proposals were made best works Russian classical literature - works by A.S. Pushkin, I.S. Turgenev, I.A. Bunin, F.M. Dostoevsky, L.N. Tolstoy and other authors. The photo zone “Capture yourself as a souvenir” with symbols of the 19th century era: an exhibit of a young lady, a fan, etc., was popular among readers and friends of the library.

Exhibition “Anniversary Tea Party” - an impromptu tea party of anniversaries of 2018: 215 years since the birth of F. I. Tyutchev, 100 years since the birth of A. A. Galich, 95 years since the birth of E. A. Asadov, 90 years since birthday of V. S. Pikul, 80 years since the birth of L. S. Petrushevskaya. In paper tea cups with the name of each hero of the day there was a treat - the best books of the writer, and in the middle - a magnificent cake (also made of paper).

Each reader was invited to decorate the “Tree of Wishes” with a piece of congratulations. Congratulations from readers are filled with love and gratitude with wishes for: health, prosperity, good books and much more. Here are examples of wishes: “Dear, beloved library! Thanks for everything good! For communication, warmth, good mood, meeting friends! We wish more interesting books, responsible readers and inspiration! Happy holiday, dear librarians!” (Usoltsev); “Favorite library! It would be very boring to live without you and it would be very difficult to fall asleep without your favorite books. I wish you happiness, pleasant surprises, health and high salaries!” (Elena Potemkina).

A surprise from library reader Anatoly Zadvorny was pleasant and tasty - a birthday cake with verses: “The library is a storehouse of knowledge, it gives us food for the soul. Today we hasten to express our recognition to its employees. Guardians of human heritage, your work cannot be diminished in any way. Live long and comfortably, manage to maintain your happiness!”

It’s so nice on this holiday to realize that city residents need libraries, that they value the diverse activities of library specialists.

On All-Russian Library Day, the Pervotsvet Central Library did not give its readers the slightest opportunity to get bored. Librarians organized a Library Show dedicated to the books of the birthday girls “Book Masquerade”. The performance is based on an exhibition-installation of decorated books. All of them were decorated with elements of the costumes of literary heroes. These books were written in different countries V different times. Among the anniversaries there were those who were already many years old, and some had just crossed the first anniversary date. But all these works have one thing in common: they help to the modern reader plunge into the wonderful world of fantasy, adventure, poetry, novels. You always want to read books like this. Library guests could vote for their favorite model or favorite work by attaching a star next to the book. A quiz was also held there; children answered questions about the works presented at the exhibition.

After the competition in literature knowledge, a photo session took place. Everyone was photographed in the costumes of the literary heroes presented at the exhibition. They especially liked this, as it helped them get used to the image of their favorite hero.

After getting acquainted with the books, the children were treated to an entertaining and educational program “Literary Detective”. There they tried themselves in the role of detectives: they identified a literary character by signs, deciphered the title of the work, collected an identikit of the character; they collected a dossier on the author, guessed the character by his silhouette.

And the Library Day closed with a meeting with Ust-Ilimsk poets “I know the power of words...”. At it, participants talked about the purpose of a poet and poetry, and discussed the statements of famous people about poetry. During the discussion, we tried to answer the questions: what is poetry? can everyone write poetry? Is it possible to learn to be a poet, where and from whom?

The open day is over, but the Central Children's Library is always open for its readers.

The masquerade exhibition will be on display for two weeks. The Primrose library invites everyone who has not had time to admire the literary masterpieces that walk with us through life to the exhibition.

In the children's library "Rodnichok" readers were offered tasks different levels difficulties: literary quest, quiz game and fairy-tale lotto “We are from a fairy tale, you know us.”

The literary quest included 7 stations: “Know-It-Alls”, “Who’s Who”, “Find Me”, “Fairy Vinaigrette”, “I Write Poems Myself”, “Who is the Author”, “Cyphering”. During the quest, the children not only showed their knowledge of literature, but also showed their creative abilities: they wrote poems, drew illustrations, and made fairy-tale characters out of paper.

In the quiz game on riddles, magical objects and characteristics, the children had to guess the hero of the work and name the author.

The fairytale lotto was especially popular among the children, during which they were able to show ingenuity, quick wit and quick reaction.

01-06-2016 12:48

In anticipation professional holiday All-Russian Day of Libraries and within the framework of the Year of Russian Cinema on May 26 in the library - branch No. 3 named after. N. Ostrovsky hosted an Open Day “Library Cinema Style”.

To attract the attention of residents of the neighborhood to the library, librarians decided to organize a street mob action “How to get to the library?”, the basis of which was a blitz survey. The action took place in an open area, near the Druzhba stop, where there is always a large flow of people. All passersby were asked the question: “How to get to the library?” from the starting point where we are to the library.

People who knew where our library was located were given business cards with invitations to the Open Day, and those who found it difficult to answer the question were given business cards with the address and a route map that would lead them to the library from the starting point. And, of course, the librarians invited all respondents to sign up for the library and attend festive events.

The campaign showed that many residents know where the library is located in their neighborhood.

During the day, the library had several areas open. For students of school No. 28, librarian E.V. Sinchuk gave a tour of the library, during which they learned about the history of the development of libraries and the role of the librarian profession in society, became acquainted with the historical milestones of our library, departments and reference bibliographic apparatus.

After the excursion, the librarian invited the students to try themselves in the role of a librarian - to find books at the reader's request using a search in the alphabetical catalog. The understudy show “Try Yourself in the Profession” was very interesting. The students tried to find the books they needed, and all the understudies enjoyed being in the role of a librarian. E.V. Sinchuk spoke about educational institutions where you can get this wonderful profession.

The quiz “About the library both as a joke and seriously” aroused great interest among the children, which revealed the level of students’ knowledge about the library and books. The most active quiz participants received prizes. After the quiz, librarian I.V. Kostovskaya reviewed youth periodicals “The Good World of Your Friends.”

Another of the most interesting platforms for young people was the film quest “Oh, cinema, cinema!”, conducted by librarian O.Yu. Ivashchenko. Kinoquest introduced the children to a galaxy of famous actors, to the secrets of the filming process, and to film adaptations. Students from school No. 13 took part in it.

All participants were divided into two teams. At each stage of the game, the winning team received a fragment of a quote so that at the end of the quest they could correctly add up the words they received. famous saying Russian writer, whose works have been filmed many times not only in Russia, but also abroad.

For 2 hours the guys fought in an intellectual battle for a better knowledge of the history of Russian cinema. As part of the quest, the following took place: a quiz “Recognize a movie by a phrase”, an intellectual ring “Famous books on which movies were made”; the quiz question “Cinema in the Faces”, as well as the game “Profession Screenwriter”, which forced the participants to transform into screenwriters, creating the script “One Day in the Life”, using an already existing set of words hidden in an envelope.

The teams performed well in both creative and intellectual tasks. The result of the event was the awarding of the winners. It was nice to hear enthusiastic reviews from the children who were able to discover something new for themselves and increase their interest in creativity, cinema, reading and literature in general.

And cinema connoisseurs gathered in the reading room; on this day, a film mix was held for them: “Not a gray one, not a mouse: the image of a librarian in cinema.”

Although the librarian profession is not among the ten most popular professions, nevertheless, the image of a librarian and library is very popular among filmmakers. Is the myth of the gray library mouse really that persistent? Guests enjoyed watching excerpts from classic films, beloved by more than one generation of viewers, which reveal the best character traits and types of a 20th century librarian: “By the Lake,” “There Lives a Guy Like This,” “In Love of His Own Will,” “Come Tomorrow.”

But already at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century, the positive image of the profession in cinema was replaced by the image of a librarian with glasses, with a knot of hair at the back of his head. The librarians on the screen are cutesy, uptight and suffer from many complexes. An excerpt from the phantasmagoric comedy “Mechanical Suite” very accurately paints this image; besides, librarians are always worried that few readers are going to the library. But footage from foreign cinema dispelled the myth that the librarian is a gray mouse. In the films “The Librarian”, “Librarian-2”, “The Mummy”, “The Secret is in His Hands” and others, the librarian acts as a superhero, and the library is full of secret knowledge, and the profession is not “bookworm”, but the keeper of wisdom. The stereotype that only potential “blue stockings” and “gray mice” go to work in the library is destroyed by the youth comedy “March Cats”. The fact that the film mix was a success is evidenced by the enthusiastic reviews of the guests, who learned a lot of interesting things from the films they watched.

The concert “To You, My Library,” in which creative groups took part (the vocal and folk ensemble “Tavrichanka” and the choir of war and labor veterans “Red Carnation”) gave the audience a lot of positive emotions, and the smiles that evening spoke of one thing - a holiday, definitely a success! The guests and students of music school No. 2, who always give us many bright, soulful compositions, were warmly greeted.

The surprise exhibition “A Good Book + Gift”, presented on a subscription, was very popular that day. Each reader who took a book from this exhibition received a book or magazine as a gift.

In the reading room there was a hobby exhibition “Man-Made Magic”, which presented the works of library reader Galina Petrovna Stepanova, who conducted a master class “Ribbon Embroidery”.

The unusual bouquet was made by our readers and library guests. All wishes were written on improvised petals, from which the library bouquet “Congratulate your library” was compiled.

And one more surprise awaited our readers and guests. They became participants in the charity event “Get a book as a souvenir for your heart and soul.” Each of them took a book from the “free” shelf.

We thank everyone who did not remain indifferent, put aside their business and came to our holiday.

More than 100 people took part in the event. 28 new readers have signed up for the library!

On September 22, 2019, the city's libraries will host an Open Day. Guests will be told about library projects, programs and clubs, they can enroll in clubs and studios, choose additional developmental classes, take part in master classes, visit book exhibitions, take quests, as well as attend concerts and meetings with writers. Souvenirs and gifts await visitors. The partners of the event were book publishers, art and theater studios, language and chess schools, programming schools, and production centers.

In the program:

  • In the children's department of the library named after M.A. Svetlova has a family weekend planned.

    A performance by the interactive theater studio “Graviton” will be shown here, and a master class on mixed painting techniques will be held. Children and adults will learn what interesting effects can be achieved when using different materials.

  • Visitors to Children's Library No. 203 will guess the riddles of Vasilisa the Wise, find artifacts from fairy tales and take part in the “Chess Labyrinths” master class.

    In class technical mug Technoway will talk about development information technology and teach you how to create simple applications, in the JoyMath mathematical circle they will offer to solve problems, compete in competitions and master the basics of programming.

  • Children's library No. 103 will host a master class “The Magic Brush”. Participants will make applique cards from colored paper, ribbons, cardboard, beads and beads.
  • Library No. 74 invites you on a tour where guests will see old books, documents from 1905 and photographs from the 1930s.
  • In the Central Library No. 70 named after M.A. Sholokhov will conduct a master class on acting “We don’t play make-believe.”
  • In the Central Children's Library No. 46 named after I.Z. Surikov will host a presentation of the project “What I See from the Window.” Over the course of the year, readers will travel through the stations of the Moscow Central Circle along with the mouse Max.
  • Central Library No. 249 invites you to open lesson workshop of the author's doll "Marseille". Participants will make textile toys under the guidance of a teacher.

    There will be a presentation of the historical toy library course “Time Travel”. Students will become familiar with world history through game simulations.

  • Program “Welcome to the country of Chitalia!” will be held in children's library No. 242. Guests will learn about the rules of behavior in the library, take part in the “We are from a fairy tale” quiz and learn how to make souvenirs at the “Dreamers” master class.
  • Children's Library No. 141 will conduct a tour of the World of Secrets Museum. The coordinator of the Cosmopoisk association will tell you about the artifacts stored in it.

    Children will enjoy practical tasks on creating robots and programming, master classes where they can create a leporello book and a bookmark-tie.

  • Visitors to the master class, which will be held in library No. 188, will be able to reveal the secrets of the actor’s profession. Participants will become familiar with various exercises, perform sketches and present plastic sketches, and also undergo speech training.
  • In the Central Children's Library named after A.P. Gaidar will host a presentation of permanent courses.

    There will be a lesson on light engineering and master classes for young programmers.

    For children from 4 to 6 years old there will be an introductory lesson of the course “Art around us”. Illustrator Yulia Savenkova will teach children basic techniques of working with a brush and will present the exhibition “Diary of My Summer.”

    At the literary evening, popular American books will be read to children in their original languages.

    Specialists from the “Circle of Safety” project will play a board game with the children, which will help them learn how to behave correctly in emergency situations and protect yourself from kidnappers.

    Guests will enjoy the performance “Autumn Tales on the Table”. The production involves homemade small dolls.

Event time: 12:00-17:00.
You can see the detailed schedule