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Famous people named Philip. The meaning of the name Philip

Short form of the name Philip. Filya, Filipka, Filek, Pipo, Filyukha, Filyusha, Lipa, Phil, Fips.
Synonyms for the name Philip. Philip, Felip, Vilppu, Pilib, Pilip, Filipe, Hwilip, Philib.
Origin of the name Philip. The name Philip is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Philip translated from Greek means “lover of horses.” IN Ancient Greece the horse was not only a symbol of courage and power, it also personified the cyclical development of the world. Winged horses were messengers of the gods, personifying intelligence, innocence and light. Also, in many religions, the horse symbolizes the Cosmos, as the force of primeval chaos, the source of life and natural forces, and is also a symbol of the act of creation of the world. Therefore, from this point of view, the name Philip can be translated as “life-loving”, “life-loving”. It is also worth remembering that the presence of a horse has always indicated a person’s wealth.

Philip's temper is as difficult to control as fast-paced horses. His mood can change several times a day. His actions are subordinated to emotions. As a child, he is a capricious, disobedient child who gets his way from his parents with tears. Therefore, Philip gradually turns into a spoiled egoist.

As he grows up, Philip will learn to control himself. He is proud and jealous of how people treat him. Philip usually hides his grievances from others. His shortcomings are a lack of patience and firmness.

Philip likes to be the center of attention. He is very ambitious and will try to find a profession that would allow him to feel like an important person. If Philip feels superior, he will be happy to give advice and teach.

It’s very difficult for his relatives in Philip’s family. After all, at home he does not restrain himself and his emotions. Philip gets married as late as possible for two reasons. Firstly, his career is of paramount importance to him. Secondly, it is very difficult to find a wife who could be as patient and sensitive as Philip’s mother was.

Popularity of the name Philip. The name Philip cannot be called popular in Russia. Despite the fact that some European monarchs bore the name, in Russia the name was considered common. In 2013, the name Philip took 62nd place in the ranking of the popularity of male names among newborns in the Tula region, but in Voronezh region the name Philip did not rise above the 80th position in the ranking in 2015. Over twelve months, interest in the name has grown slightly, reaching highest value in July 2016, and it was in July 2016 that the most Filipps were born in Moscow than in the previous months of this year.

Philip's birthday

Philip celebrates his name day on January 6, January 17, January 22, February 7, March 7, April 11, May 25, July 13, July 16, August 30, September 15, October 18, October 24, November 27, November 28.

Famous people named Philip

  • Philip Kirkorov (pop singer)
  • Philip Henry Gosse (English naturalist, inventor of the aquarium)
  • Filippo Bruno (scientist known as Giordano Bruno, developing the doctrine “On the infinity of the universe and worlds”)
  • Philip Lyubimov (Russian entrepreneur (merchant of the 2nd guild), founder of the Lyubimov merchant dynasty)
  • Philip Efremov ((born 1750) Russian soldier, traveler in the countries of the East. His book “Nine-year wanderings and adventures in Bukharia, Khiva, Persia and India and returning from there through England to Russia” contains a lot of important information on linguistics, geography, history and ethnography Central Asia, Tibet and India)
  • Philip Koltsov (Russian composer, pianist, member of the Union of Composers of Russia, member of the Union of Concert Artists of Russia, member of the All-Russian Musical Society, laureate of the All-Union and international competitions and festivals. Author large quantity musicals, choral and choreographic music, which is performed at the largest concert venues in the Russian Federation and the world)
  • Philip Ovsyannikov (scientist, one of the founders of neurophysiology in Russia (1827–1906))
  • Philippe Pinel (French humanist doctor, one of the founders of scientific psychiatry (1745–1826))
  • Philipp Runge (German painter and graphic artist (1777–1810))
  • Philip Melanchthon (German Protestant theologian, associate of M. Luther (1497–1560))
  • Philip Pullman (English writer, best known for his His Dark Materials trilogy and tetralogy: The Amazing Adventures of Sally Lockhart)
  • Philippe-Paul de Segur (French brigadier general who was part of Napoleon's entourage. He left memoirs on the history of the Napoleonic wars)
  • Philippe Kino (French poet, playwright, librettist; student of Tristan the Hermit; author of tragedies played at the Burgundy Hotel theater; Voltaire in “The Age of Louis XIV” (1751) puts Kino on a par with Corneille, Racine, Boileau, Molière and La Fontaine )
  • Philip Malyavin (Russian painter who created the famous series of “blooming Russian women” with elements of the Art Nouveau style)
  • Philipp Ludwig Seidel (German mathematician and astronomer)

The name Philip is a name of Greek origin. It sounded like Philippos, but was written as Φίλιππος. This is a two-root name consisting of the roots φιλέω, which translates as “to love” and ἵππος, which translates as “horse”. It is believed that the most accurate The meaning of the name Philip is “horse lover”. However, to understand the complexity and depth of this meaning, you need to know a little about the features of that time. In ancient Hellas, it was believed that having a horse was one of the signs of belonging to the upper class.

The name Philip owes its popularity especially to the Christian faith. The name Philip was borne by one of the twelve apostles and, of course, it was one of the church names. Christianity has greatly changed the map of names among many peoples, which is not at all surprising. It was church names that gradually became the most popular and displaced national names from everyday life.

The meaning of the name Philip for a child

As a child, Philip is a fairly active child, but his restless character makes his activity destructive. He has a fairly weak nervous system and emotionally unstable. The boy is quite often prone to touchiness and whims, but there are pleasant exceptions. He does not have any special leadership abilities, but he does have a desire to be in the center of attention. This often leads to his attempts to attract attention to himself, and due to the lack of talent, these attempts again have a negative connotation.

IN school years Philip's various talents are revealed, but usually they are not directly related to the school curriculum. He has good abilities for social work and excellent creative abilities. Unfortunately, Philip doesn’t know what he wants to do. The lack of a goal forces him to jump from one hobby to another, which often leads to a lack of results. But in the end, fate usually leads Philip to his true calling, although having laughed at him pretty much before that.

Philip has normal health, which does not particularly stand out from the rest of his peers. One of his weaknesses in childhood was frequent colds. As an adult, Philip should be careful when dealing with stressful situations and not overload the nervous system.

Short name Philip

Filipka, Phil, Filya, Filek, Filyukha.

Diminutive pet names

Filipchik, Filipochka, Filipushka, Filechka, Filyushka, Filenka, Filyusha.

Children's middle names

Filippovich and Filippovna. There is also a colloquial form of the male patronymic, Filipich.

Name Philip in English

IN English The name Philip is spelled Philip and pronounced Philip.

Name Philip for international passport- FILIPP.

Translation of the name Philip into other languages

in Arabic - فيليب‎‎
in Armenian - Փիլիպպոս
in Belarusian - Filip and Pilip
in Bulgarian - Philip
in Hungarian - Fülöp
in Greek - Φίλιππος
in Danish - Filip
in Hebrew - פיליפ‎
in Spanish - Felipe
in Italian - Philippe
in Chinese - 菲利普
in Korean - 필립
in Latin - Philippus
in German - Philipp
in Norwegian - Filip
in Polish - Filip
in Portuguese - Filipe
in Romanian - Filip
in Serbian - Filip
in Ukrainian - Pilip
in French - Philippe
in Finnish - Vilppu
in Czech - Filip
in Swedish - Filip
in Japanese - フィリップ

Church name Philip(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged - Philip.

Characteristics of the name Philip

As an adult, Philip changes quite a lot when compared with the characteristics inherent in him as a child. He often becomes more restrained, although he remains as easily vulnerable. He knows how to show himself off the best side and occupies a fairly high position in society. Already in childhood, his pride moves him forward, but often this leads to unpleasant actions. For the sake of a place in the sun, Philip is ready to cheat and deceive, but of course he tries to do it secretly. His outgoing personality attracts many people, so Philip has many companions. However, he usually has no friends, since his character is very difficult to bear.

The ability to impress people is what usually becomes Philip's profession. He copes with this very well and there are quite a lot of professions that require this particular skill. He can be an excellent journalist, bartender, actor or sales manager. Of course this is far from full list possible professions, but we will not list them all.

For a successful family life Philip needs a calm and patient wife. Taking into account the fact that he has a hot temper, it will be up to her to extinguish the outbursts of his indignation. If she does not have enough patience, then she should not even try to live with Philip. It’s better to remain just friends and not spoil your relationship with another person. Philip loves his children, although he does not pay enough attention to them.

The secret of the name Philip

The secret of Philip can be called his ability to take serious, bold actions. Sometimes he makes such sharp turns in his life that you are involuntarily surprised by the courage of his plan. If, at the same time, Philip can realistically look at his shortcomings and take them into account when calculating his plan, then he will not be far from success.

Planet- Pluto.

Zodiac sign- Scorpion.

Totem animal- Karakurt.

Name color- Raspberry.

Tree- Linden.

Plant- Peony.

Stone- Ruby.

Orthodoxy and Russian culture are so strongly intertwined that sometimes the names that came to our country along with Christianity are perceived as commonplace and familiar in the modern world. Philip is one of them.

The sound, which is quite familiar to the ear, does not distinguish it from other popular names. What does it give to a person? What does the meaning of the name Philip hide?

The origin of this name is Greek. It consists of two words: “philo” - love and “ippo” - horse. Putting these two halves together, we get “horse lover” - this is what the name Philip means in literal translation. Now let's try to figure out what this all means.

The answer to the question is quite simple. Owning a horse, not to mention a whole stable of thoroughbred horses, in ancient times was a sign of belonging to a wealthy family. Philippi in ancient times was the name given to children of high origin. This was not a common name - it was worn by great emperors and kings.

The name Philip sounds almost the same in different countries peace. In Europe and English-speaking countries, the stress is placed on the first syllable, and in the post-Soviet space - on the last. True, in Belarus and Ukraine a common name derived from Philip is Pilip.

Abbreviated and diminutive forms of the name: Filya, Filyusha, Phil, Filippka, Lipka, Filek, Filippok, Filippik.

Characteristics and professions:

  • By zodiac: .
  • Celestial body: Pluto.
  • Color: crimson.
  • Animal: karakurt.
  • Plant: linden, peony.
  • Mineral: ruby.
  • Lucky day: Friday.
  • Important years: 16, 32, 55.

Little Filya is growing up as an emotional and impressionable child. He loves to be visible; the boy’s resourcefulness and fairly developed intelligence will become his support for the rest of his life. These kids can be prone to whims, and sometimes too touchy, although pleasant exceptions are possible.

School years reveal all the diversity of this child’s talents. Curriculum will be mastered by Philip, but most of the time will be occupied by creative and social activities. Filya would be happy to be a class leader or a school journalist.

The character of the young man named Philip is dynamic and bright. This guy is also not lacking in intuition and a clear mind. The child's touchiness is gradually smoothed out: he understands perfectly well that such behavior will not find understanding among others.

The young man Philip loves to be visible and stand out. The nature of this young man prone to leadership and ambition - he can easily lead a project and just as easily leave it if he suddenly likes something else. This young man will definitely not be left without work, friends and cheerful company.

An adult representative of this name, as a rule, can “curb” his character, but he will not stop rushing from one extreme to another. This is his lifestyle - to always be in sight, to have more than a neighbor. If Philip gets a job, it’s not as a simple clerk, but certainly as a boss.

WITH youth this man tends to feel like a kind of sun around which all other cosmic bodies revolve. This can often be explained by the enormous attractive power of the name, as well as its hot, unstoppable energy, which pushes Philip to extravagant actions and unexpected decisions.

Often people are simply stunned by the sudden turn in Philip's affairs and how outwardly he simply makes decisions, relying on his instincts in everything. It is worth noting that the intuition of the owners of this name is simply off the charts; sometimes the right decision comes to their minds without any effort, thought or cunning logical moves.

This man is one of those who know how to present themselves in society. She dresses elegantly, but sometimes she looks daring and defiant. A sharp mind and the ability to carry on a conversation are no less important for Philip than a presentable appearance. These are male bosses, they are used to “holding the helm” in their hands, firmly believing that no one can do it better than them.

Having become the head of his company, Philip reveals a different side to his character. It awakens activity, determination and reliability, as well as the ability to be responsible for decisions made.. Perhaps he will have quite large incomes, because a person with this name knows exactly what to invest in.

It is not for nothing that this name was common among imperial families: Philip, with all his “pros” and “cons,” is a born leader. He will try to realize himself in a military career, diplomacy, and jurisprudence.

Philip's developed intellect and inquisitive mind can push him into various fields of science, as well as invention. Also, a person bearing this name will make an excellent actor, director, producer or musician.

Love, marriage, family relationships. Name day

Philip's love relationships are somewhat flighty and fickle. He is loving, and this man always has plenty of female attention and adoration. Love for the opposite sex awakens quite early, in fact, like a craving for everything beautiful, but with age, relationships begin to be selective. Very often it is women and girls who fall in love with Philip, but he himself is quite rare.

He gets married either very early or very late, preferring freedom and independence. Philip's early marriages, as a rule, do not last long. But there is an exception to the rule: if you meet a woman who idolizes her husband and humbly endures outbursts of sudden resentment. Such a couple is able to live in harmony and harmony for quite a long time.

As for late marriages, here Philip already consciously approaches the choice of candidate and takes a quiet, calm, modest woman as his wife. The wife, in his opinion, should be able to carefully take care of the family hearth and children, while he himself will maintain the family budget in order.

Philip has a lot of birthdays. According to the calendar, the day of the angel for this name falls on January 17, January 22, March 7, April 11, July 13, August 30, October 24, November 27. Author: Anastasia Alyokhina

Origin of the name. "Horse Lover" - that's it etymological meaning named Philip. Translated from ancient Greek, the components of the name sound like “philo” and “lippo” - the verb “love” combined with the noun “horse”. Philip is considered one of the royal names - in ancient Macedonia there were as many as six kings who were called that way. Among the famous Philippi there were even two Roman emperors - Philip the Arab and his son Philip the Younger. Also, the name Philip was borne by one of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ.

Short form of name- Phil, Filya, Phillipok, Filka, Filipushka.

Foreign forms of the name— Felipe (Spain), Philippe (Italy), Vilpu (Finland), Pilip (Ukraine), Filipos (Greece).

Philip's birthday By Gregorian calendar: January 12 and 22, February 7, March 5 and 7, April 11, May 25, June 13, July 13 and 16, August 30, September 15 and 16, October 18 and 24, November 11, 27 and 28.

Characteristics of the name Philip

Positive traits of the name: generosity, intelligence, politeness, accuracy, punctuality. As the bearer of the royal name, Philip is noble in his actions. By helping people for free, he asserts himself as a person. In communicating with others, Philip is delicate and courteous; in conversation, he tries to show his education to his interlocutor. The owner of the name Philip is a neat guy. He tries to dress brand new and devotes a lot of time to upgrading his appearance. Philip is a charismatic personality; he has the ability to make a favorable impression on people from the first minutes of communication, giving no reason to doubt his erudition and erudition. Loves animals, especially dogs.
Negative traits name: arrogance, selfishness, mood swings, authoritarian attitude towards loved ones. Many representatives of the name Philip have high self-esteem; they tend to consider themselves better, smarter and more attractive than those around them. Phil is extremely sensitive to criticism; he often responds to constructive comments with aggression. At the same time, when the conflict subsides, he does not consider it necessary to apologize. Young Philip can torment his loved ones with his whims, while an adult owner of this name can drive them to a white heat with his exactingness.
Choosing a profession by name. Due to his high self-esteem, Philip will feel comfortable only in those positions that involve managing subordinates. Philip the leader is demanding, meticulous, and principled, but at the same time he stands up for his subordinates and does not skimp on allowances and bonuses. Philip will also feel comfortable in creative professions, where he will have the opportunity to give vent to his charisma.
The impact of a name on business. Philip will not hesitate to part with a large sum of money if there is a high probability of good dividends in the future. He is not afraid to enter into risky deals and treats money as a working tool.
The influence of the name on health. Since childhood, Philip has had a strong immunity to viral diseases, but is susceptible to diseases of the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems. Most people with this name lead healthy image life, are regular clients of gyms.
Psychology of the name. Philip captivates with his appearance and education, but you need to be moderately “thick-skinned” in order to live with him under the same roof. In moments when Phil is dissatisfied with himself, he turns into a volcano of emotions. A wise, understanding woman who will not enter into an argument with him can cool his ardor - it is very difficult, almost impossible, to convince Philip. The most winning tactic in dealing with Phil is to let him think that he is a patron and benefactor.
Name compatibility. A successful marriage is possible with Ksenia, Evgenia, Anna, Angela, Oksana, the likelihood of difficult relationships is high in an alliance with Tatyana, Ekaterina, Alexandra, Varvara, Victoria, Tamara.

Famous people named Philip

  • Louis Philippe (King of France);
  • Philip II (king of Macedonia, father of Alexander the Great);
  • Philippe Noiret (actor);
  • Philippe Starck (designer);
  • Philipp Plein (fashion designer);
  • Philip Kirkorov (singer);

Names: origin and forms

Philip- (from Greek) loving horses.

Spoken: Filipiy.
Derivatives: Filipka, Filya, Filyukha, Filyusha, Linden.

The mystery of the name oculus.ru

Philip- lover of horses (ancient Greek).
The name was well known at all times, it was given to reigning persons. IN Russia XIX century - this is a merchant, peasant name. In the 2nd half of the 20th century it became rare, but now it is becoming fashionable again.
Zodiac name: Scorpion.
Planet: Pluto.
Name color: raspberry.
Talisman stone: ruby.
Auspicious plant: linden, peony.
Patron name: karakurt.
Happy day: Tuesday.
Happy time of year: autumn.
Main features: impressionability, high intuition.


Philip the Nicomedia, holy martyr, March 30 (17). After torture, he was thrown into the fire and died for the faith of Christ.
Philip, holy apostle, November 27 (14), preached the word of God in Greece, Arabia, Ethiopia and other countries. After suffering, he was crucified on the cross in the 1st century.
Philip of Iran, Rev., November 27 (14). The Monk Philip, who lived in the 15th-16th centuries, was the founder of the Iranian desert. An orphan who does not remember his parents, he was accepted into the Komel monastery at the age of 12. Meek, humble and hardworking, the saint was tonsured a monk and awarded the priesthood. Desiring higher exploits, the Monk Philip retired to the Belozersky region and set up a chapel and a cell near the Irap River. The rumor about the holy hermit spread throughout the area, monks began to flock to him, and a church was erected on the site of the chapel. After spending 15 years in the desert, the Monk Philip died in 1527 at the age of 45. Soon after his death, the Krasno-borsky Philippov Monastery arose on the site of the saint’s exploits.


Frost on Philip - harvest on oats.
Philip's fast is the beginning of the Christmas "cold fast." On this day, it is customary to bring snacks to the brownie into the yard to encourage livestock.
The end of the wedding weeks.
A black crow croaks - the thaw.
The first week of spinning during the Filippov (Christmas) Fast is called kudelitsa.


As a child, Filippok was too whiny and touchy. If parents do not pay attention to this, citing age, he will turn into a spoiled egoist. Tearfulness, of course, will pass with age, but excessive touchiness will never find understanding in society. And already in childhood he strives to be visible, he needs success, any failure makes him despondent.

The adult Philip does not despond for long, but in difficult trials he is unreliable: he quickly leaves the battlefield, without experiencing any remorse. Since childhood, Philip has become accustomed to the fact that no one can refuse him, and, as an adult, he is convinced that he is the center around which everything else revolves. He is confident in himself, is interested only in the business he is busy with, and holds the steering wheel in his hands. His belief that everything will end well saves him from trouble; if not, he begins to do something else.

Philip is not influenced, but listens carefully to any advice and suggestions. He has excellent intuition, sometimes it even seems that someone from above is telling him the right solution. Philip is very impressionable, easily excitable, but is afraid to control himself. In his heart, considering himself a brilliant person, he manages to be objective and recognize the value of someone else's life.

Philip should be in a leadership position, then he is active, dynamic, shows decisiveness and the ability to make decisions. He has a clear mind, he can become an outstanding inventor, he is talented in various fields of science. His impressionability and intuition help him to be an actor, director, and producer. Philip is unusually musical, and if this was noticed in childhood, he can be a wonderful performing musician.

Philip is always elegant, knows how to behave in society, and maintains any conversation. And here he strives to be the center of attention, and usually he succeeds. But suddenly a word fleetingly said by someone, not at all intended to offend him, can offend Philip, he immediately responds sarcasticly or ironically, “winter” Philips are aggressive.

He shares his grievances with his wife; an intelligent woman will help him “extinguish” his extra ambitions. At home, he himself is not averse to teaching, which greatly overshadows family relationships. Often disgusted, capricious, irritable, it seems that a completely different person comes home. Only a calm, flexible woman is suitable for Philip, however, he knows everything about himself and will marry such a woman. In marriage, sons are more often born to him.

Surname: Filippovich, Filippovna.


Philip Andreevich Malyavin (1869-1940) - Russian artist. He burst into art with his festive, joyful "Whirlwind" (1906). The entire canvas of the picture is filled with bright red sundresses, captured by the whirlwind movements of the dance. Variegated fabrics are carried somewhere upward, from where five female faces look at us. Two images especially stand out: the women on the left, with sly, perky, smiling faces, and the girls on the right - somewhat concentrated, with a hidden smile and a fixed gaze. The sonority and brilliance of the colors are amazing. The whole picture is like a bright and precious carpet, painted with great temperament and amazing boldness. This women's dance is not at all a painting on an everyday theme. With its epic-monumental interpretation of images and spontaneity, it was perceived by contemporaries as a symbol of the time.

The artist’s name is firmly associated with the concept of “Malyavin women”. In all his paintings there are two or three “women” or “girls” among flowing brushstrokes that form a whole symphony of colors, sometimes flashing with scarlet tongues of flame, sometimes emerald and transparent, sometimes gloomy. Among the chaos of sparkling scarves, beads, skirts are carefully drawn dark faces, full of mystery, with eyes dreamily directed somewhere into the distance.

Among Malyavin’s best works is “Peasant Woman in a Red Dress” - an image of a cunning and evil, middle-aged woman. In the features of her face, in the sidelong gaze of her narrowed eyes, something animalistic and predatory is felt. The expressiveness of the image, the combination of the olive tone of the face with the blazing red color of the jacket makes the picture especially expressive.

In the paintings of Philip Malyavin, images of peasant women are presented as a spontaneous, mysterious force, elevated above the everyday.

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.