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Extracurricular event "Heroes of Stalingrad". Scenario "Battle of Stalingrad" Names of events dedicated to the Battle of Stalingrad

Battle of Stalingrad: how it happened

Materials for conversations, reports, messages
for teenagers and youth

(on the 71st anniversary of the victory in Battle of Stalingrad)

Dear Colleagues!

The material offered to you contains the most Interesting Facts, events from our events dedicated to the Battle of Stalingrad. It can be divided into parts, use only the moments you like, supplement it with music, quizzes and competitions, etc. It tells a very popular and interesting story about the battle in chronology..

I did not specifically plan to post this material on the blog, but our recent event with students dedicated to the Battle of Stalingrad really upset me. Of the entire group of students, no one knew exactly when this battle took place, how long it lasted, and other well-known facts from history. Only one person from the entire group named the dates of the Great Patriotic War! Depressing fact. Of course, after the event, the students answered the quiz questions correctly in unison, but how long they would retain this knowledge in their heads is unknown. I hope that This material will be useful to colleagues in the patriotic education of teenagers and young people.

Every year on February 2, residents Volgograd region note a very significant and memorable date- anniversary of the victory in the Battle of Stalingrad. A battle that shocked the whole world, which became the beginning of the end of Hitler's Germany. Nowhere else in the world was there such mass heroism, such a concentration of the spiritual and moral strength of the people. How this battle began, its stages and the people who saved not only Stalingrad, but also the country, the whole world - today we will tell you about it, dear guys. I am not a native Volgograd resident, but having repeatedly been to Mamayev Kurgan, in the “Battle of Stalingrad” panorama, meeting at events in the library with participants and witnesses of this battle, listening to their simple-minded, but very scary in their truthfulness stories and memories, constantly reading everything new, that appears in the press about the Battle of Stalingrad, I feel a sense of enormous gratitude and sincere admiration for these people, I bow to their courage and fortitude, their optimism and desire to live. Long life to the few remaining participants in the Battle of Stalingrad and blessed memory to all those who died and died from wounds.

The Second lasted 6 years in the history of mankind World War , during which there were many large and important battles, but only one of them, in the full sense of the word, shook the consciousness of the people of the entire planet. In the February days of 1943, the Great Victory was won on the banks of the Volga, which marked the beginning of a radical turning point in the war. Since then, the word “Stalingrad” has entered all languages ​​of the world and has become a generally recognized symbol of heroism, fortitude and love for one’s Fatherland.

In due time - not too late and not too early -

Winter will come, the earth will freeze.

And you to Mamayev Kurgan

You will come on the second of February.

And there, at that frosty one,

At that sacred height,

You're on the wing of a white blizzard

Put red flowers.

And as if for the first time you notice,

What was it like, their military path!

February-February, soldier's month -

Blizzard in the face, snow up to the chest.

A hundred years will pass. And a hundred snowstorms.

And we are still indebted to them.

February-February. Soldier's month -

Carnations burn in the snow.

(Margarita Agashina)

Today our great-grandfathers remember how it was, and we talk about their immortal feat. We speak to remember those who defended that line, who defended Russia.

April 5, 1942 Hitler signed Directive No. 41, which defined the goal of the German troops - to capture the industrial center - Stalingrad, whose enterprises produced military products (factories "Red October", "Barricades", Tractor Plant); go to the Volga, sail into the Caspian Sea and in the shortest possible time get to the Caucasus, where the oil necessary for the front was extracted. This the German summer campaign plan in 1942 bore the modest name "Blau" (blue). At a meeting in Poltava on June 1, 1942 at the headquarters of Army Group South Hitler said: “My main idea is to occupy the Caucasus region, perhaps thoroughly defeating the Russian forces. If I don’t get oil from Maykop and Grozny, I will have to stop the war." .

Capture of Stalingrad As a large industrial center and an important communications hub, it was of decisive importance for the Nazis. For them it was not just a military-political and economic center. By winning here, they could gain the advantage they needed to successfully continue the war. “We will storm Stalingrad and take it!” - Hitler repeated boastfully. He understood perfectly well that this symbol city, bearing the name of Stalin, plays a key role in the consciousness of the Soviet people.

On June 19, 1942, a stray German Storch staff plane landed at the location of Russian troops.", in which was Major Reichel, an officer of the German General Staff. In violation of all instructions, his briefcase was filled with maps and documents, from which the Germans’ intentions were clear - to conduct a summer campaign in the south of Russia. Fulfill this plan Hitler planned the forces of Paulus's 6th Field Army in just one week - by July 25, 1942.

German 6th Field Army 1940 to September 1942 g. is the dream come true of the German Wehrmacht, Then the most advanced army in the world, with which, according to Hitler, “it was possible to storm the sky”. She conquered a number of European capitals - Brussels (Belgium), Paris (France)). On Eastern Front she achieved a significant victory near Kharkov, having carried out “cauldron” for Russian troops in the summer of 1942 (240 thousand prisoners). Only 22 thousand Russian soldiers emerged from the “cauldron”. The commander of the German 6th Army, Lieutenant General of the Panzer Forces Friedrich Wilhelm Paulus, after a brilliant victory near Kharkov, became national hero Germany, he was the actual author of the entire plan for the war with Russia “Barbarossa”. He was one of the best military minds in Germany at that time.

By the middle of the summer of 1942, the greatest battle in the history of the war unfolded between the Volga and Don rivers. It is called the battle of the century, the turning point in World War II. In terms of its scale, the ferocity of the battles, and the number of people and military equipment involved, it had no equal and surpassed all battles in world history at that time. The battle took place over a vast area of ​​100 thousand square meters. kilometers. Military historians claim that at certain stages of this battle over 2 million people participated simultaneously on both sides! How can Waterloo compare to this! Only in the battles for the “House of Pavlov” (58 days) did Hitler’s troops suffer significantly more losses than during the capture of some European capitals! The Battle of the Volga has no equal in human history! This battle, unprecedented in history, lasted 200 days and 200 nights (6.5 months)!

Sergei Orlov, front-line poet wrote:

Open to the steppe wind,

The houses are broken.

Sixty-two kilometers

Stalingrad stretches out in length.

It's like he's on the blue Volga

He turned around in a chain and took the fight,

He stood front across Russia -

And he covered it all with himself!

July 12, 1942 by decision of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command was The Stalingrad Front was created. Their commander was appointed Marshal of the USSR Timoshenko, and from August 1942 - Colonel General Eremenko.

On July 14, 1942, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Stalingrad region was declared in a state of siege.
The day July 17, 1942 became the DAY OF THE BEGINNING OF HUNDRED BATTLE OF LINGRAD. This battle is usually divided by domestic historians into defensive and offensive stages. Defensive stage - from July 17 to November 19, 1942. From November 19, 1942 to February 2, 1943 - the 2nd, offensive stage of the Battle of Stalingrad.

Fights on the city streets

The central event of the first, defensive stage, and indeed the entire battle, was the fierce struggle for the possession of Stalingrad (until 1925 - Tsaritsyn). A participant in this bloody battle and the possession of the city became its population, which by that time numbered more than 900 thousand inhabitants, moreover, approximately half of the townspeople were refugees from various places in Russia, Ukraine, and the Baltic states, including 50 thousand people who arrived here from besieged Leningrad.

The Battle of Stalingrad began in the great bend of the Don, on the distant approaches to Stalingrad. The advanced units of the German troops reached the Chir River and entered into battle with units of our 62nd Army. The Germans put forward: 14 divisions - 270 thousand soldiers and officers, 3 thousand guns, 500 tanks, 1200 aircraft. On the part of the Soviet troops: 12 divisions - 160 thousand people, 2200 guns, 400 tanks, and a total of 454 aircraft.

Attack of the Marines during the defense of Stalingrad

The Kletsky, Surovinsky, Serafimovichsky, Chernyshkovsky districts of our region were the first to meet the enemy. The battle on the western bank of the Don lasted about 3 weeks. on the line Kletskaya - Surovikino - Suvorovskaya. The lightning operation failed, and the fighting became protracted. Only the creation of double numerical superiority helped the enemy achieve successour troops retreated beyond the Don. If the Nazis broke through to the Volga - this would have been a terrible, irreparable blow for our entire country. That's why On July 28, 1942, Order No. 227 of the People's Commissar of Defense was issued with the demand: “Not a step back!” This was perhaps the most severe order of the entire war. It spoke of the complete mobilization of forces to repel the enemy.

By August 20, 1942, the Germans managed to cross the Don, and on August 23, the Germans reached the Volga near the northern outskirts of Stalingrad, in the Latoshinka area, by 16.00. August 23, 1942 became the most terrible day for our soldiers and the population of Stalingrad. It is called the “Day of the Stalingrad Disaster.”Information about this day was only recently declassified. If before this day the city lived its normal life - shops, factories, theaters, cinemas were open, trams were running, children were running through the streets, playing football and war, then in a few hours Stalingrad was wiped off the face of the earth.

At 16:18, at Carrying out Hitler's orders, the Nazis subjected Stalingrad to a massive bombardment: hundreds of planes launched a bomb attack of enormous power, and 2,000 enemy sorties were carried out during the day. The bombing lasted without interruption for several days.

From the memories of an eyewitness: “It was scary to look at what was happening. They dropped not only small fragmentation bombs, but also bombs weighing half or a ton, so that the earth rose up and shook, as if during an earthquake. In addition to bombs to intimidate, the Germans dropped rails, iron tractor wheels, harrows, sheets of boiler iron, barrels with holes, and all this flew from the sky into the city with a wild howl, grinding and clanging. German planes, entering a dive, turned on powerful sirens, and from these hellish sounds the soul was ready to jump out of the body.”

The whole city was on fire: buildings and oil storage facilities were burning, asphalt was melting. Burning oil spilled onto the water. It seemed that everything was on fire and was burning - even the Volga itself. Commander A. M. Eremenko told: “I had to go through and see a lot on military roads, but what I saw on August 23 in Stalingrad amazed me.”

The Nazis broke through to the Volga River north of Stalingrad, tried to rush towards the city, but the Stalingraders courageously repelled their attacks.

From the Hero's memories Soviet Union Army General Lyashchenko: “The episode at the anti-aircraft battery will never be forgotten. I was driving an armored car to the defensive line. I went to a high-rise building, I heard gunfire and an unforgettable picture opened up in front of me. A group of fascist tanks (about 10) broke through and rushed towards the anti-aircraft battery. The battery opened fire on them. One, second and third enemy tank caught fire. The Nazis stopped and turned back. I drove up to this battery and was amazed: the entire battery was girls 18-20 years old and only one man, the battery foreman.”

Twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Colonel General Alexander Rodimtsev described those August days as follows: « The city looked like absolute hell. The flames of the fires rose several hundred meters. Clouds of smoke and dust hurt my eyes. Buildings collapsed, walls fell, iron warped.” Eyewitnesses testified: “Stalingrad flared up, the Volga caught fire from burning spilled oil. The wounded in hospitals jumped out of windows to escape. Mothers and babies writhed and burned in maternity hospitals. The stones melted like wax, and the clothes on the people running through the streets flared up from the unbearable heat." . Fierce fighting in the city itself continued for more than two months. IN military history before Stalingrad, such stubborn urban battles were not known. For every house. For each floor or basement. For every wall.

Fire and snow, dust and lead hail

The formidable Stalingrad will not be forgotten!

For the first time, the enemy used the tactics of carpet bombing the city. From August 28 to September 14, 1942, 50 thousand bombs weighing from 50 to 1000 kilograms were dropped on Stalingrad.For every square kilometer of Stalingrad land there were up to 5 thousand bombs and large-caliber fragments. No city in the world could withstand such a firestorm.

On August 25, 1942, a state of siege was introduced in Stalingrad. Under the siege of the city the production of weapons for the front was accelerated (more than 100 tanks were produced only on the night of August 23-24). The construction of barricades and anti-tank barriers began on the city streets. Trams ran in the city until August 23, the Stalingrad State District Power Plant operated until September 5, 1942, until German aircraft destroyed the station, and at the Barricades, the assembly of guns and mortars continued until September 14, 1942, until the entire supply of parts was used up.

The Germans bombed and bombed the city and crossings. As a result of the bombing, oil flowed into the Volga and burned on its surface. In such conditions, rivermen, sailors and rear workers managed to transport up to 300 thousand people across the Volga in just 20 days - from August 24 to September 14, 1942 a large number of factory equipment (food and weapons were transported from that side).

Panorama Museum "Battle of Stalingrad"

The barbaric bombings and tank attacks did not break the resistance of the defenders of Stalingrad. In September 1942, the front ran in a winding line through the streets, squares and neighborhoods of the destroyed city. In some areas this line ran only 30 - 50 meters from the Volga. There were battles for every street, every house, every basement.

Such stubborn urban battles are almost unknown in military history. It was decided to hold the city at any cost. Stalin's order of October 5, 1942 read: “Stalingrad must not be surrendered to the enemy.”

In an appeal from the Stalingrad City Defense Committee to the residents of the city it was said: “Dear comrades! Dear Stalingraders! We won't give it back hometown, home, family. We will cover all the streets of the city with impenetrable barricades. Let’s make every house, every block, every street an impregnable fortress.”

The Stalingraders could not remain indifferent. Up to 50 thousand workers joined the people's militia. Most had only three-line guns in their hands, but the determination to destroy the enemy was unshakable.

“The factories have entered the front line, they are under fire, - writes Evgeny Krieger in the story “The Fire of Stalingrad.”No one leaves, no one puts out the stoves where they may still be standing. They worked for 24 hours under bombing, and many were wounded; the plant suffered losses like a front and fought like a front. A day later, the people standing at the machines threw 200 assembled, serviceable guns onto the line of defense. The workers themselves dragged them into battle. There were not enough gun crews, and former gunsmiths took to firing positions and fired their own cannons. The battle takes place in basements, on stairwells, in ravines, on high mounds, on the roofs of houses, in courtyards - close to the war in Stalingrad. The Germans are chasing division after division; divisions come and die out. And the city stands - in ruins, in ashes - but alive! It stands like a wall on the other bank, and behind it is the Volga.... No forts, no concrete shelters. The line of defense runs through vacant lots and courtyards where housewives hung their laundry; through the now deserted square with asphalt uprooted by shells; through the factory territory; through the garden, where this summer lovers whispered on the benches. The city of peace has become a city of battle. The line of defense runs through the hearts here.”

On September 13, 1942, the Nazis rushed to storm Stalingrad with all their might. They dealt the main blow in the area of ​​Mamayev Kurgan and the Central Market. The whole of Stalingrad was under threat of capture.

On September 14, 1942, Berlin radio even announced to the whole world the conquest of Stalingrad, one of the two cities that were symbols of the nation at that time, and the dismemberment of Russia into two halves. The Germans hastened to pass off wishful thinking as reality. In the very last moments before the complete surrender of the city, battalions of the 13th Guards Rifle Division of Major General Alexander Ilyich Rodimtsev appeared in its Volga ruins. They urgently crossed from the left bank of the Volga to the right. Of the 10 thousand fighters, about 6 thousand remained, the rest drowned or were killed. On the move, entering the battle, they knocked out the enemy from the city center and Mamayev Kurgan. The battles were fierce, the streets and squares of the city became places of continuous battles that did not subside until the end of the battle. The city's central station 13 times in one week was either ours or the enemy's.

Mamayev Kurgan (height 102.0 on military maps) became the site of the bloodiest and fiercest battles in Stalingrad: for every square meter of land there were from 500 to 1250 fragments. According to poet R. Rozhdestvensky, there is more metal in Kurgan than in the famous Magnetic Mountain! Mamayev Kurgan was of great strategic importance: from its top the adjacent territory and the crossing of the Volga were clearly visible and could be shot through. In mid-September 1942, Mamayev Kurgan changed hands several times. The Nazis stormed it 10-12 times a day, but, losing people and equipment, they were unable to capture the entire territory of the mound.

Burnt, pitted with deep craters, bunkers, covered with fragments from bombs and shells, the mound even in winter turned black as if charred. This is a place of enormous human losses... and the unparalleled courage and heroism of Soviet soldiers. It was he who became a key position in the struggle for the Volga banks.

The heroism of the defenders of Stalingrad was massive. As historians note, Stalingrad survived because it embodied the whole meaning of the Motherland. That is why nowhere else in the world has there been such mass heroism. All the spiritual and moral strength of our people was concentrated here.

So, on June 23, 1942, on a high-rise near the Kalmykov farm near Stalingrad, repelling an attack by the Nazis, Pyotr Boloto knocked out 8 German tanks. For this feat he was awarded title of Hero of the Soviet Union - one of the first heroes in the Battle of Stalingrad.

In mid-September 1942, from there was a threat of an enemy breakthrough to the Volga in the area of ​​the 9 January Square. It was decided to turn 2 four-story buildings located parallel on the square into strong points, sending two groups of fighters there. One group was commanded by Sergeant Yakov Pavlov, the other by Lieutenant Nikolai Zabolotny. Both groups drove the Germans out of their houses and gained a foothold there. These defense points entered the history of the Battle of Stalingrad precisely as “Pavlov’s house” and “Zabolotny’s house.”

When on Mamayev Kurgan at the most intense moment of the battle the connection stopped, Private signalman of the 308th Infantry Division Matvey Putilov went to repair the wire break. While restoring the damaged communication line, both his hands were crushed by mine fragments. Losing consciousness, he tightly clamped the ends of the wire with his teeth. Communication was restored. For this feat, Matvey Putilov was posthumously awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd degree. His communication reel was passed on to the best signalmen of the 308th division.

During the days of the Battle of Stalingrad former Pacific Fleet sailor Vasily Zaitsev showed extraordinary sniper abilities. Only in street fights did he bring his personal score to 240, for which he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Nazi German command brought the head of the Berlin sniper school, Major Koenings, to Stalingrad to destroy Zaitsev. But he was soon shot dead by a famous Soviet sniper.

Mikhail Panikakha is a soldier of the 1st company of the 193rd Infantry Division. A bottle of flammable liquid he lifted onto an enemy tank ignited when hit by a bullet. Then he, engulfed in flames, rushed to the German vehicle and destroyed the enemy tank with its crew.

It is known that more than 20 pilot crews - participants in the Battle of Stalingrad - repeated the feat of Nikolai Gastello.

The history of the Battle of Stalingrad contains many names of female nurses and signalmen - with heroic and tragic fates.

In cold water while our troops were crossing to the right bank of the Volga in the fall of 1942. provided assistance to the wounded and, under continuous bombing, saved drowning people Lyudmila Rodionova. In one of the battles, she was seriously wounded in the head, survived and returned to duty.

Maria Kukharskaya carried 420 wounded from the battlefield. During attacks, she walked behind the fighters so that she could see them. They firmly believed in her. They knew that not a single one would be overlooked, not a single one would be abandoned.

Nurse Masha Melikhova not only did dressings. She also gave her blood to the seriously wounded. This mercy, participation, compassion increased the strength of the soldiers tenfold and was a real feat. Every day was filled with groans and crying, pain and horror, blood and despair. And every minute there was a struggle between these “sisters” for the most precious thing - for human life.

Medical instructor from the 214th Infantry Division Marionella Koroleva (and among her relatives - Gulya) fought at the front from the first days of the war. Near the Panshino farm, she led the soldiers into the attack by personal example, was the first to break into the enemy trenches and destroy 15 fascist soldiers. Mortally wounded, until her last breath she did not let go of the weapon - and continued to shoot at the enemy.

The war has become a common test for both the adult population of our country and children. They matured early. Like their fathers, they defended their homeland.

The youngest defender of the city was Seryozha Aleshkov. This a six-year-old orphan boy helped as best he could the soldiers of the 142nd Regiment of the 47th Guards Rifle Division. And he even saved the life of his commander by calling for help in time.
In the village of Verbovka, captured by the Nazis, there was a “barefoot garrison”. This detachment consisted of teenagers 10-14 years old. There were 20 of them, and they fearlessly acted against the enemy, causing panic among the invaders. The boys were captured and brutally tortured, and then shot in front of the farmers.

By November 1942, the Nazis razed Stalingrad to the ground. But they failed to break the resistance of the Stalingrad residents. In three months, seizing part of the Stalingrad land and installing on it " new order", the Nazis managed to hang 108, shoot 1,744, subject 1,593 Soviet patriots to violence and torture, and drive tens of thousands of people to Germany for forced labor. The occupiers did not spare anyone. Neither the old man. Not a woman. Not a child. They killed everyone.

Of the 7 districts of Stalingrad, the Germans captured six (except the Kirov district). They carried out repressions against Jews, communists, and partisans. Of the 900 thousand inhabitants at the beginning of the battle, 7 thousand remained by the end of it (based on materials documentary film"Undefeated).

“Stand and win!”- this laconic commandment firmly, like an unbreakable oath, entered the consciousness of the defenders of the Volga stronghold.

Everything that you defended in the trenches

Or they returned, rushing into the breakthrough,

We were bequeathed to protect and protect,

Having laid down my only lives.

What names are not on the gravestones,

All of their tribes were made up of sons.

There are millions of them - unforgotten,

From unknown to famous,

Which the years are not free to defeat,

There are millions of them - unforgotten,

Those killed who did not return from the war.

It was during difficult retreats and defenses that the Soviet leadership came up with an unexpected idea - to strike from the flanks at the German “wedge” advancing on Stalingrad. There were troops of the German allies there - Italians, Romanians, Hungarians, who were weaker armed, and their morale was not as high as that of the Germans.

On November 13, 1942, the plan for the counter-offensive operation of the Red Army, codenamed “Uranus,” which was developed under the leadership of Marshal G.K., was reviewed and approved. Zhukova. For two months, huge masses of Soviet troops and equipment were transferred to Stalingrad in the deepest secrecy.

On November 19, 1942, the counteroffensive of the Southwestern, Don and Stalingrad fronts began. On the fifth day of the offensive, as a result of intense fighting, already on November 23, Soviet troops completed the encirclement of the Stalingrad enemy group. It was a stunning success! The headquarters of the German 6th Field Army, 5 German corps consisting of 20 divisions, 2 Romanian divisions, numerous rear units and institutions were surrounded. numbering about 300 thousand people. There were fierce battles. The Germans wanted to free their own from the encirclement. But our troops, despite the severe frost and blizzard, persistently and swiftly destroyed the enemy from the ground and from the air. From Hitler's radiogram to the headquarters of the 6th Army: “The troops of the 6th Army, surrounded in Stalingrad, will henceforth be called the troops of the Stalingrad fortress.” Hitler again and again confirmed the order to hold Stalingrad - at any cost. In his opinion, the fate of the entire Eastern Front depended on this .

From Paulus's report to Manstein: “There are no reserves and there is nothing to create them from. Heavy losses and poor supplies, as well as frosts, significantly reduced the combat effectiveness of the troops. If the enemy attacks continue with the same force for several more days, it will be impossible to hold the fortified line.”

From letters German soldiers:

"Dear Parents! It's New Year's Eve and I think about home and my heart breaks. Everything here is bad and hopeless... Hunger, hunger, hunger, and also lice and dirt. Day and night we are bombed by Soviet pilots, and the artillery fire almost never stops. If a miracle doesn't happen soon, I'll die here.

Sometimes I pray, sometimes I curse fate. At the same time, everything seems senseless and absurd to me. When and how will deliverance come? How can a person bear this? Or is all this suffering a punishment from God?

“...Now I’m sitting here unwashed and unshaven, like a pig...Your Nis.” “What a crappy situation we are in here, in the fortress of Stalingrad. If they saw me, they would be very surprised at my appearance; I lost so much weight that I began to look like a half-starved dog. The powers I once had are gone. If you run 3-4 meters, you trip over every little stone, you would hardly recognize me. Inside I still have old Roderich. Only outwardly has changed. And this, in the end, is understandable: 20 grams of bread, 37 grams of meat and 50 grams of butter - this is our daily diet.”

January 10 After powerful artillery and air preparation, the troops of the Don Front went on the offensive. Operation Ring began. Our troops had to cut the encircled enemy group into pieces and then destroy them.

From the memoirs of soldier Valery Lyalin:“At the end of January 1943, being in a hopeless situation from hunger, frost and lack of ammunition, subjected to constant shelling and bombing, the Germans began to surrender in the thousands. And on January 31, the entire headquarters of the German Sixth Army, led by Field Marshal Paulus, was captured.

I stood on the Mamayev Kurgan, looked at the destroyed and burned city and thought: “Field, field, who littered you with dead bones?” And below, to the Volga, where they were so eager, the guards were leading hundreds of thousands of German prisoners. It was terrible to look at them: in the bitter cold they were poorly dressed, ragged, exhausted and frostbitten.” . The enemy had not experienced such a defeat since the beginning of World War II. The Nazis lost a quarter of all their forces operating at that time on the Soviet-German front at Stalingrad.

“The Soviet strategy turned out to be superior to ours... The best proof of this is the outcome of the battle on the Volga, as a result of which I was captured.” (Friedrich Paulus, German field marshal ).

The Nazis never recovered from the defeat at Stalingrad. Their total losses in killed, wounded and prisoners amounted to about 1.5 million people, and therefore national mourning was declared in Germany for the first time during the war.

The war has passed, the suffering has passed,

But pain calls to people: The myth of Germany's invincibility has come to an end. But Stalingrad’s victory came at a high price. He imagined a terrible picture after the battle. The ruins stretched for 40 kilometers. The tornado of war destroyed 90% of the housing stock. Not a single one of the 126 enterprises has survived. The human losses are irreplaceable.

Our soldiers, having liberated Stalingrad, defeated 2 German, 2 Romanian, 1 Italian armies; captured 113 thousand soldiers and officers, 24 fascist generals.

The country highly appreciated the feat of its heroes. Tens of thousands of soldiers and officers were awarded state awards. 112 of the most distinguished were awarded the Gold Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union. More than 750 thousand participants in the battle were awarded the medal “For the Defense of Stalingrad.”

Extracurricular event dedicated to the Battle of Stalingrad

(to the 70th anniversary of the battle on the Volga)

Against the background of the song “On Mamayev Kurgan” (A. Rosenbaum).

1 presenter History gives us many examples of heroic battles of 1941-1945 that amazed the whole world. And among them the Battle of Stalingrad occupies a special place. It is no coincidence that the word “Stalingrad” entered all the languages ​​of the world. It was here, on the Volga land, that a Russian soldier dealt a crushing blow to the enemy and thereby turned the tide of the largest war in human history. From a little-known height marked “102.0” - Mamayev Kurgan - the Red Army, according to Marshal Vasilevsky, opened its way to Berlin.

1 reader

“When you return, you will be a hero,

you will be immortal. Go!

And it became alarming, I won’t hide it,

And something stabbed in my chest,

And the whole world collapsed behind us:

Half a step forward - and into the centuries:

It’s not so easy - in silence

touch the visor with your hand,

straighten the folds of your overcoat,

listen to the distant firing,

take the light bag of explosives

and then forget about yourself:

But we didn’t ask for honors,

They didn’t expect rewards for their deeds.

To us is the common glory of Russia

was a soldier's award.

How much does a soldier need?

that he knew both sorrow and success:

by difficult luck - on my brother

Yes, the Red Banner is for everyone.

G. Pozhenyan

2 presenter: On April 5, 1942, Hitler signed Directive No. 41. Goal: to capture the industrial center - Stalingrad, reach the Volga and along it in the shortest possible time get to the Caspian Sea, to the Caucasus, where the oil necessary for the front was extracted. By designIt will take Hitler a week to achieve this breakthrough and it will be carried out by the 6th field Paulus's army.

Our troops had to, at the cost of incredible efforts, hold back the onslaught of a well-trained and armed and numerically superior enemy.

3 presenter July 17, 1942 was the first day of the Battle of Stalingrad. The Wehrmacht forces in this sector of the front were opposed by the Stalingrad Front. In bloody battles, Soviet soldiers showed miracles of heroism. In a battle near the Kalmykov Farm near the village of Kletskaya, four Soviet armor-piercing tanks repelled the attacks of 30 German tanks. 8 tanks of them were destroyed by the fighter Pyotr Boloto - he became one of the first Heroes of the Soviet Union in the Battle of Stalingrad. On July 23, the first air ram during the battle was carried out by a pilotAlexander Popov.


You will stand, at least day and night

You were tortured with fire and iron!

Yes! Death itself is powerless before you!

They are immortal, your sons!..

Pablo Neruda

4th presenter: In the August days of the 42nd, the flight commander of the 182nd Fighter Aviation Regiment, Senior Lieutenant Mikhail Baranov, distinguished himself in the skies of Stalingrad. In an unequal battle against the Messerschmitts and Junkers, he shot down 4 enemy planes, and when the ammunition ran out, he decided to ram the enemy and cut off the tail of a German aircraft with the plane of his plane. Mikhail Baranov was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. He was twenty then First year.

1 presenter: From the Order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR No. 227 of July 28, 1942: “The enemy is throwing more and more forces at the front and, regardless of the great losses for him, climbs forward, rushes deep into the Soviet Union, seizes new areas, devastates and ruins our cities and villages, rapes, robs and kills the Soviet population. Fighting is taking place in the Voronezh region, on the Don, in the south at the gates of the North Caucasus. The German occupiers are rushing towards Stalingrad, towards the Volga and want to capture Kuban and the North Caucasus with their oil and grain riches at any cost.it's time to end the retreat. No step back! This should now be our main call... We must stubbornly defend every position, every meter of Soviet territory to the last drop of blood, cling to every piece of Soviet land and defend it to the last opportunity.

Signed: People's Commissar Defense I. Stalin.

2 reader

The battalion commander was ordered on this day

Take the height and aim at the hill.

He can die on high

But first I have to climb it.

And the height was taken,

And the surviving soldiers know:

Everyone has heights in life.

Which he must take sometime...

And if we die along the way,

With his death, tearing apart the pillboxes,

Then let us be buried on the heights,

Which we still take.

M. Lvov

2 presenter: The most tragic day in the history of the Battle of Stalingrad for the residents and defenders of the city was August 23, 1942. On this day, massive aerial bombing of the city began. In just two hours, enemy aircraft carried out about 2,000 sorties.

3 presenter: Bombs destroyed businesses, destroyed marinas, residential buildings, cultural values, oil tanks and oil storage facilities. It seemed that not only the city was burning, the Volga itself was burning. More than 40 thousand civilians died that day. The enemy managed to break through the defenses, go north of the city to the Volga and approach the workshops of the Stalingrad Tractor Plant. For four days, the plant workers held off superior enemy forces until the arrival of regular Red Army units.

4 presenter By decision of the State Defense Committee headquarters on August 25, 1942, a state of siege was introduced in the city. Through the labor of residents of the region and the city, three defensive lines with a total length of more than 3,000 km were built. Writer Konstantin Simonov, who then worked as a war correspondent for the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper, wrote about the heroism of the city’s defenders: “Today we are still holding out, we are not winning yet, but the glory of a soldier is born here every day and every night.”

1 presenter The defensive battle at Stalingrad became increasingly fierce. On September 14, the enemy broke through into the city center, and battles broke out for the Stalingrad-1 railway station, the building of which changed hands several times. The losses on both sides were enormous.

2 presenter From the Suicide Note of the 272nd Commissionerrifle regiment I.M. Shcherbiny to the division commissar: “Comrade. Kuznetsov, if I die, one of my requests is family, the other is my sadness - I would also have to give the fascists a punch in the teeth, i.e. I regret that I am dying early and that I personally killed only 85 Krauts. For the Motherland, guys, beat the enemy!”

3 presenter The site of the most fierce fighting in Stalingrad was Mamaev Kurgan - on military maps it was designated as height 102.0. The mound was of great strategic importance: from its top the surrounding area, including crossings across the Volga, was clearly visible and could be shot through. The Nazis stormed Kurgan 10-12 times a day, but, suffering losses in people and equipment, they were never able to capture its entire territory. Blackened by explosions, burned and pitted with craters and bunkers, it became a symbol of the desperate and heroic struggle of the defenders of Stalingrad: for every square meter of land by the spring of 1943 there were from 500 to 1250 fragments here.

3 reader

Fell in a field near a high-rise building

a stern boy from Moscow,

and the cap moved quietly

with a bullet through his head.

A handful of conquered Russia

he wanted to take it as a souvenir,

and we, the living, failed

Unclench those dead fingers.

And if there really is time,

when people are at the Last Judgment

from all lands, with all sins,

the trumpets will sound three times, -

will appear at the judge's table

not a god with a foggy beard,

and the Red Army boy

in front of a shocked crowd,

holding in your right palm,

dented by the Germans in battle,

not symbols of heavenly glory,

and your Russian land.

He'll see everything, it's a boy

and won’t forgive one iota,

but flattery comes from the truth, pain from falsehood

and distinguishes anger from malice.

He recognizes everything with a keen eye,

With a bloody stain on his chest,

a judge in a decayed tunic,

sitting silently in front.

And it will be the highest measure,

how they could measure us,

in the palm of youthful gray

that handful of heavy earth.

Ya. Smelyakov

4 presenter History has preserved the names of heroes whose feats amazed their contemporaries and became an edification for posterity. We will name just a few names:

Matvey Putilov - signalman at the headquarters of the 308th Infantry Division. In the midst of the battle, while repairing a damaged communication line, both his hands were crushed. Bleeding, the hero crawled to the place where the communication line had broken, and, losing consciousness, connected both wires with his teeth.

Vasily Zaitsev - sniper of the 284th Infantry Division. He personally destroyed 242 fascists, and the soldiers he trained as a sniper killed 1,106 enemy soldiers and officers. The fascist German command, in order to destroy Zaitsev, brought the head of the Berlin sniper school, Major Konings, to Stalingrad. But after 4 days he was shot by a famous sniper.

Yakov Pavlov - a sergeant who led the defense of a house on one of the squares of Stalingrad. The location of this house made it possible to observe and shell the enemy-occupied part of the city to the west, north and south at a distance of more than a kilometer. A group of soldiers led by Pavlov captured the stronghold. The Germans subjected it to continuous artillery and mortar fire and attacked it with bombs from the air. But the defenders of the house held firm. For 58 days and nights they did not allow the Nazis to break through to the Volga in this sector, during which time they destroyed more enemy soldiers than the Wehrmacht lost during the capture of Paris.

1 presenter These names have become symbols of the heroism and courage of our people. And this heroism was massive. For the exploits performed during the Battle of Stalingrad, 120 soldiers and officers were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, more than 750 thousand people were awarded the Medal “For the Defense of Stalingrad” established on December 22, 1942 (including both military personnel and civilians )

2 presenter

From a Letter from V.P. Masneva to mother Tatyana Efimovna.

Mom, soon I'll be fighting againdamned fascist hordes and I will destroy these monsters to the last drop of blood. If I’m gone, then always remember that I died, as befits a warrior-commander of our Red Army, as befits to die. December 1942

The song “Ballad of Mother” is performed by Sofia Rotaru (music by E. Martynov, lyrics by A. Dementiev).

3 presenter The youngest defender of Stalingrad was six-year-old Seryozha Aleshkov. His mother and brother were brutally tortured by the Nazis. Seryozha himself was found in the forest by soldiers of the 142nd Guards Rifle Regiment of the 47th Guards Rifle Division. The child, of course, did not participate in the hostilities, but he tried to help the fighters: he would bring bread, then water, during the break between battles he would sing a song, read poetry. And once he saved the life of the commander, Colonel Vorobyov, by finding him under the rubble of a dugout and calling for help. Vorobiev was saved. He subsequently became the child's adoptive father.

Seryozha Aleshkov was awarded the medal “For Military Merit” for his participation in the Great Patriotic War.


Uncompressed rye swings.

The soldiers are walking along it.

We too, girls, are walking,

Look like guys.

No, it’s not the houses that are burning -

My youth is on fire...

Girls go to war

Look like guys.

Yu. Drunina

4 reader

I just came from the front line,

Wet, cold and angry.

And there is no one in the dugout,

And the stove smokes, dying out.

I'm so tired I can't raise my arms.

There’s no time for firewood, I’ll keep warm under my overcoat.

I lay down, but I hear that again

They are hitting our trenches with shrapnel.

I run out of the dugout into the night,

And a flame rushed towards me,

To meet me - those who can help

I must calm hands.

And for the fact that again until the morning

Death will crawl next to me,

In passing: - Well done, sister! -

My comrades will shout to me as a reward.

And even a shining battalion commander

He will extend his hands to me after the fight:

Sergeant Major, dear, how glad I am,

That you remained alive again.

Yu. Drunina

4 presenter Close people called Marionella Korolev, a medical instructor from the 214th Infantry Division, Gulya. In the first days of the war, she voluntarily went to the front. At the height of the Battle of Stalingrad, during a fierce battle near the village of Panshino, Gulya Koroleva carried out 50 seriously wounded soldiers. When the advance of our soldiers stalled, she roused the soldiers to attack, was the first to break into the enemy’s trenches and, with several throws of grenades, destroyed 15 enemy soldiers and officers. Mortally wounded, she shot at the enemy until the weapon fell from her hands.

5 reader

She saved a hundred wounded alone

And she carried it out of the firestorm.

She gave them water to drink

And she bandaged their wounds herself.

Under a shower of hot lead

She crawled, crawled without stopping

And, having picked up the wounded soldier,

I didn’t forget about his rifle.

But for the hundred and first time

She was struck down by a fragment of a fierce mine...

Bowed silk banners

In a sad hour

And her blood burned in them as if...

Spring went out before it could bloom.

But as the dawn gives birth to the day, burning,

Having brought death to the enemy, she

She remained immortal while dying.

Yu. Drunina

1 presenter Paying tribute to the heroism of female doctors, Marshal V.I. Chuikov noted that when crossing the Volga, each of the doctors and nurses who worked in the division’s sanitary battalions and at evacuation points of the 62nd Army under continuous fire, bandaged a hundred or even more wounded during the night. There were cases when doctors transported 2-3 thousand people to the left bank in one night.

6 reader

Count them alive

How long ago

Was at the front for the first time

Suddenly Stalingrad was named.

And among the dead, the voiceless,

There is one consolation:

We fell for our Motherland,

But she is saved.

A. Tvardovsky

7 reader

I've seen hand-to-hand combat so many times,

Once in reality. And a thousand - in a dream.

Who says that war is not scary?

He knows nothing about the war.

Yu. Drunina

2 presenter November 19, 1942. Soviet troops near Stalingrad launched a counteroffensive: Operation Uranus began. The forces of the troops of the Southwestern Don and Stalingrad fronts were supposed to break through the enemy’s defenses.

3 presenter

From the Diary of a Hitler Soldier

In the morning I was shocked by a wonderful sight: for the first time, through the fire and smoke, I saw the Volga, calmly and majestically flowing in its bed. So, we have reached our desired goal - Volga! But Stalingrad is still in the hands of the Russians, and there are fierce battles ahead... Why are the Russians stuck on this shore, are they really thinking of fighting on the very edge? This is madness....

Today I received a letter from my wife. At home they hope that we will return to Germany before Christmas, and are confident that Stalingrad is in our hands. What a great misconception! This city has turned us into a crowd of senseless dead... Stalingrad is hell!

None of us will return to Germany unless a miracle happens. But I no longer believe in miracles... Time has switched to the side of the Russians.

4th presenter: The news of the encirclement of Paulus's 6th Army produced the effect of a suddenly exploding bomb at Hitler's headquarters. Having lost his composure, Hitler shouted in rage: “I will not leave the Volga! I won’t leave the Volga!” The Fuhrer's main argument was that if Stalingrad were abandoned, all the successes of the summer would be nullified.offensive in the south, and with them all hopes of conquering the Caucasus would disappear. Paulus was given the order to occupy all-round defense, and turn the city, destroyed to the ground, into the “fortress of Stalingrad.”

1 presenter

German chief corporal I. Tsimach about the battles in Stalingrad

It's absolute hell here. We have never experienced anything like this before. Unfortunately, I can’t write you everything. If fate allows, I will tell you about this someday. Stalingrad is a grave for German soldiers. The number of soldiers' cemeteries is growing.

2 presenter

From the American weekly Time about the transition of Soviet troops to a counteroffensive at Stalingrad

Germany is defeated in Russia, and this means that it is losing the Second World War...

From all this it follows that in Stalingrad approximately 300 thousand German and Romanian soldiers practically fell into the cauldron. The encirclement, capture or destruction of this army simultaneously with the loss of Wehrmacht positions in southern Russia would be a much greater disaster for Hitler than the defeat in Libya.

3 presenter In the 20th of January 1943, it became obvious that the best of the armies, surrounded on the banks of the Volga and in the Don steppes, was doomed. The catastrophe has become irreversible. Paulus did not stop asking Berlin for help.

From a telegram sent by Paulus to Berlin on January 24, 1943: “The fortress can only be held for a matter of days. Due to lack of supplies, people were weakened and weapons were immobilized. The last airfield will be lost in the near future, as a result of which the possibility of supply will be reduced to a minimum... There are no longer any grounds for carrying out the combat mission and holding Stalingrad... I intend, without waiting for the final collapse of the defense, to give all units the order to make their way to the south in an organized manner -west... If we stay in place, then, undoubtedly, we will all die, the prisoners will also die of hunger and cold.” _

1 presenter On January 31, the southern enemy group stopped fighting. A few hours before the surrender, Paulus was awarded the highest military rank in the Wehrmacht - field marshal general. According to the unwritten Prussian tradition, German field marshals never surrendered. Paulus decided differently.

On February 2, the enemy’s northern group capitulated. The enemy has not experienced such a defeat since the beginning of World War II. Mourning was declared in Germany.

2 presenter “The victory of our troops at Stalingrad marked the beginning of a turning point in the war in favor of the Soviet Union and the beginning of the expulsion of enemy troops from our territory”(G.K. Zhukov).

“Stalingrad itself became a symbol of courage, resilience of the Russian people and at the same time a symbol of the greatest human suffering. This symbol will remain for centuries. It is necessary that future generations can see with their own eyes the greatness of the victory you won... This is truly an amazing victory.”(W. Churchill, Prime Minister of Great Britain).

3 Presenter In November 1943, at a conference of the leaders of the three Allied powers in Tehran, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill presented the Soviet delegation with an honorary sword - a gift from King George VI to the citizens of Stalingrad to commemorate the victory over the fascist invaders. On both sides of the sword blade there is an inscription in Russian and English languages: "To the citizens of Stalingrad - strong as steel, as a sign of the deep admiration of the British people."


The ceremonial finale of the campaign,

End of insomnia and roads.

Everyone has four years

Lack of sleep and anxiety.

In my own eyes

To foreign lands

We carried like a reflection

The fire of the burned villages of Russia,

Fires red smoke.

Shelves of insomniacs are with us

We entered Berlin through Stalingrad.

Volzhans with red eyes

They stand under the Red Banner.

A. Nedogonov

4 Presenter: The fighting died down and the war ended.But the memory remains as a connecting thread with our heroic history.

9 Reader

Hundreds of years

Distribute to wide circles

Across the vast water

silent river...

Above all Everests -

Mamaev kurgan!

It’s a shame there’s no mention of this in textbooks.

not a line.

In vain it is not said in them,

that the Earth is warming

and the Earth brightens,

Because on it,

About the Mamaev mounds

I told you to remember,

light up

Thousands of Eternal Lights...

In vain it is not said in the books,

Mamaev kurgan,

What metal

in your stunned insides


Than in the famous Magnetic Mountain!

That was enough for his friends too.

And to enemies.

Instead of dew drops,

Like blind stubble,

iron shows through

oozing blood...

And so the most important part

in the gravity of the Earth -

Your attraction!...


flowers sprouted.


sprouted with tears.

You stand,

enduring funeral torments.

Bluish lightning

Slow thunderstorms

like a memory bell,

They're hitting you!

And then the birds rise from the ground

and sways nervously

Steppe grass.

The completely erased come to life


And on the slabs


crutches are knocking.

R. Rozhdestvensky

A fragment of the song “Cranes” performed by Mark Bernes is heard(music by Y. Frenkel, lyrics by R. Gamzatov).

1 Presenter: The 140 days and nights of fighting for Mamayev Kurgan were not forgotten. On November 15, 1967, a monument-ensemble was opened on Mamayev Kurgan.

10 Reader

The entire globe is underfoot.

I live. I'm breathing. I sing.

But in memory it is always with me

killed in battle.

Let me not name all the names,

there is no blood relatives.

Isn't that why I live

Why did they die?

S. Shchipachev

2 presenter: A birch tree grows at the foot of Mamayev Kurgan. It was planted by Fyodor Rykunov in memory of the four brothers who died during the war. On April 13, 1965, on the initiative of Lydia Stepanovna Plasticova, trees began to be planted on the slopes of Mamayev Kurgan in memory of relatives who died during the war.

11 Reader

I know it's not my fault

The fact that others did not come from the war,

The fact that they - some older, some younger -

We stayed there, and it’s not about the same thing,

That I could, but failed to save them -

That's not what this is about, but still, still, still...

A. Tvardovsky

12 Reader.

(poem by V. Mavrodiev “Mother”)

I once saw a guest on the mound:

Taking off the darkening scarf from his head,

She took two handfuls of earth from the hill

And she tied the earth into a knot.

The June sky brightened above her,

When your gait is quiet and graceless,

She walked past birch trees and statues

And she froze at the entrance to the Pantheon.

The boy helped her, probably her grandson,

When she was looking for her son's name

That list is long, incredibly long.

And the bundle suddenly slipped out of my hands...

She didn't scream. didn't burst into tears

And she didn’t even say anything -

Stepping towards the wall, she pressed her cheek against it,

As if to the forehead of his son...

Then she put flowers on the marble,

I looked again and read again,

I gave out a bag of sweets to the boys,

She stood for a long time, bowing her head, and, tired, went to the exit.

And with that familiar, constant pain,

Becoming immediately shorter and weaker,

She stood quietly for another minute

At the monument to Mother, to myself...

3 Presenter In the 70s of the 20th century, the titles of Honorary Citizens of Volgograd were awarded to Marshals A.I. Eremenko and V.I. Chuikov, Colonel Generals A.I. Rodimtsev and M.S. Shumilov, battle participants V.G. Zaitsev and I F. Pavlov. Marshal V.I. Chuikov and Colonel General M.S. Shumilov are buried on Mamayev Kurgan.

A fragment of the song “Song-tale about Mamayev Kurgan” sounds (A. Pakhmutova, V. Bokov).

Views are shown at the same time memorable places Volgograd.

3 Presenter: After the war, a grandiose 52-meter sculpture “Motherland” was installed on Mamayev Kurgan near Stalingrad. According to the plan of the sculptor V. Vuchetich - the author of the monument-ensemble on Mamayev Kurgan - the sword raised in Stalingrad was lowered by the Soviet soldier-liberator in defeated Berlin.

At the same time, images of the sculptures “Motherland” in Volgograd and a Soviet soldier-liberator with a rescued girl in his arms in Treptow Park in Berlin are projected onto the screen.

4th presenter: Residents of our Elnikovsky district also took part in the Battle of Stalingrad.

Students talk about each of the participants.

Balaev I.N.

Balaev Ivan Nikiforovich was born in 1923 in Elniki. In the spring of 1942 he was drafted into the Red Army. I did not have time to complete the sapper courses at the Ordzhonikidze Military School, since the cadets were sent to Stalingrad in August 1942. He served as part of the 17th Guards Separate Battalion of Miners. Later, Ivan Nikiforovich recalled that near Stalingrad, groups of miners, of which he was a member, repeatedly penetrated enemy territory. Their combat mission was to mine highways and railway and interrupt the supply of ammunition and fuel and lubricants to the enemy.

After the end of the Battle of Stalingrad, Balaev I.N. fought as part of the Southern, 4th and 1st Ukrainian Fronts. I celebrated Victory Day in Prague.

Belousov N. M.

Belousov Nikolai Mitrofanovich (Yelniki) was called up for military service in 1939, served in Brest, where he became a tank driver.On June 28, 1941, Belousov’s tank was hit, and he himself was seriously wounded. After the hospital he continued to fight. In the fall of 1942, he repelled enemy tank attacks near Stalingrad. He later recalled that after two weeks of fighting, only a quarter of the regiment remained and was sent for reorganization.

Junior Sergeant Belousov was awarded the medal “For the Defense of Stalingrad.” After reorganization, the regiment fought until the spring of 1945. Nikolai Mitrofanovich celebrated Victory Day 30 km away. from Berlin.

Veryaskin A. L.

Veryaskin Alexey Lavrentievich was born in the village of Lepchenka in 1921. In 1940 he was called up for military service in the Red Army, a candidate for the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks). In September 1942, he served as a liaison officer of the anti-tank battery of the 133rd Tank Brigade of the 64th Army. The army defended the approaches to Stalingrad from the south on the left bank of the Don. In difficult combat conditions he showed courage and was nominated by the command to be awarded the medal “For Military Merit”

On the award listwe read: “Comrade Veryaskin works in anti-tank brigade 133 as a liaison officer. He always delivers orders accurately and on time.

In the battle of September 11, 1942 on the outskirts of Stalingrad, Comrade Veryaskin was bombed by German aircraft on his way. The explosion of the bomb covered him with earth; as soon as they dug him up, he quickly set off again with a report, which he delivered in a timely manner.

Commander of PTB Art. Literary Serditko.”

Alexey Lavrentievich received a shell shock at Stalingrad, but continued to fight. In April 1944 he was awarded the Order of the Red Star. He ended the war in the troops of the 2nd Ukrainian Front.

Karazeev P. A.

Karazeev Pyotr Antonovich was born in 1918 in the village of Starodevichye. In the spring of 1941 he graduated from Saratov military school NKVD border troops.

In the fall of 1942, Lieutenant Karazeev served near Stalingrad as deputy commander of the 1st Infantry Battalion of the 281st Infantry Regiment of the NKVD Internal Troops. On September 7, 1942, a German airborne force landed at the battalion's location. The battalion completed the task of eliminating the landing force: it destroyed about 100 soldiers and officers, captured enemy equipment and weapons, and captured 15 soldiers. While commanding a battalion in this battle, Pyotr Antonovich was seriously wounded.

Awarded the medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad".

After being discharged from the hospital, P. A. Karazeev continued to fight. He finished the war as part of the troops of the Leningrad Front.

Kozlov N.M.

Nikolai Mikhailovich Kozlov (Yelniki) was called up for military service in the army in 1939, and graduated from the Volsk Aviation Technical School in 1940. Served in 163 fighter regiment in Belarus.In the Patriotic War from the first days. In 1942, he served as an aircraft mechanic in the 907th Special Purpose Fighter Wing. In 1943, the regiment command nominated N. M. Kozlov for awarding the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree. The award list notes his impeccable service:“As an aircraft mechanic on the Stalingrad and Western fronts, comrade. Kozlov served and maintains the plane of the pilot of the hero of the Soviet Union Gultyaev, who shot down 17 German planes. The aircraft maintained by mechanic Kozlov made more than 500 sorties without incident or failure in combat. His planes are always ready to take off."

Normov G.V.

Grigory Vasilievich Normov was born in 1923 in the village of Bolshie Mordovian Poshaty. He was drafted into the Red Army in March 1942. After training as a military signalman, he ended up at Stalingrad. Served as a line supervisor for a 2-wire cable-pole company.

V. G. Normov was awarded a medal for the “Defense of Stalingrad”, and in 1945 - a medal “For Military Merit”. On the award sheet we read:“Since August 1942, the Red Army soldier Normov, being on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War as a line supervisor, honestly repaid his duty to the Motherland in the fight against the German invaders.

He completes all tasks strictly on time, is an exemplary disciplined warrior, dedicated to the cause of the Lenin-Stalin party and the socialist Motherland.”

Vasily Grigorievich fought until the victorious May 1945, in Last year war - as part of the troops of the 3rd Ukrainian Front. He took part in the liberation of Austria and Hungary from the enemy.

Bakhtiyarov I. A.

Bakhtiyarov Ibragim Alimovich was born in 1923 in the village of Novoye Kadyshevo. He was drafted into the army in May 1942. He served as part of the troops of the Don Front from October 2, 1942 to February 2, 1943, and was the commander of the rifle squad of the 989th Guards Regiment of the 95th Rifle Division. Awarded the medal "For Military Merit". His personal feat is stated in the award sheet:

“In the battles near Stalingrad from October 24, he took part in the regiment’s operations to capture heights 139.7 141.0. In these battles he proved himself to be a brave and resourceful commander. The squad quickly moved forward and carried out combat missions. In the battle for the Korennaya gully, comrade. Bakhtiyarov personally killed 3 German soldiers with a rifle.”

Ibrahim Alimovich recalled the counter-offensive as follows: “On the morning of November 19, artillery cannonade could already be heard in the distance. This began an operation to encircle the German group at Stalingrad. We conducted an offensive on the sector of the front where Romanian units were stationed. In one day they were driven back 40 km, they were bad warriors, the Germans forced them to fight. Maybe if they defended the Motherland, they would have fought better. But when we reached the second line of defense, where the Germans were, the enemy’s resistance became more stubborn.”

At the beginning of December, I. A. Bakhtiyarov was slightly wounded. After the hospital, I managed to take part in Operation Ring, which I recalled as follows:“In mid-January in Stalingrad, in the area of ​​the tractor factory, a significant group of German soldiers was located. They tried to resist, but seeing the pointlessness of this, they gave up. Here we captured about 2,000 Germans. I had to escort prisoners these days. They could barely move, they were all hungry and exhausted.”

I. A. Bakhtiyarov fought until 1944, fought as far as Poland and was sent to study at a military school, where he learned about the Victory. In addition to the medal “For Military Merit”, he was awarded the medal “For the Defense of Stalingrad” and the Order of Glory, III degree.

Vetchinnikov M. P.

Vetchinnikov Mikhail Pavlovich was born in 1922 in the village of Elniki. He was drafted into the Red Army in December 1941. Guard corporal artillery reconnaissance Vetchinnikov served in the 31st Guards Separate Anti-Tank Fighter Division. He took part in hostilities from December 12, 1942 on the Stalingrad Front, showed himself to be a courageous fighter and was nominated for the medal “For Courage”. The award sheet contains a description of his feat:

“On December 31, 1942, the battery was marching to x. Semenov, Stalingrad region. Guard corporal Vetchinnikov was riding in the back of the car. Suddenly, during a low-level flight, a convoy of vehicles was fired upon by three enemy Messerschmitt-109 aircraft. As a result of the hit in the gas tank, the car caught fire, the driver's cab and the body were engulfed in flames, boxes with shells and cartridges caught fire, and the latter began to burst. Vetchinnikov, together with the driver and gunner, despite shelling from airplanes and the danger of an explosion from burning shells, unhooked the gun, removed boxes of shells and cartridges from the car and extinguished the burning car with sand and snow. The ammunition was salvaged.

After Stalingrad, Mikhail Pavlovich served as a gunner. In the last months of the war in the troops of the 4th and 1st Ukrainian Fronts. Awarded the Order of the Red Star.

Eruslankin E. P.

Yegor Petrovich Eruslankin was born in the village of Molchanovo in 1923. He was drafted into the Red Army in March 1942. From July 26, 1942 he served in the army Stalingrad Front in a company of anti-tank rifles. He not only hunted for German “Tigers”, but also defeated the enemy with his personal weapon. In a battle near the village of Tsybenko on January 12, 1943, he destroyed 2 enemy soldiers and 3 officers with rifle fire, for which he was nominated for the medal “For Courage.”

In 1944, Guard Corporal Eruslankin fought as part of the troops of the 2nd Ukrainian Front, was seriously wounded and was discharged.

Knaknin N.F.

Knaknin Nikolai Fedorovich was born in 1924 in Starodevichye. In August 1942 he was drafted into the Red Army and became a machine gunner. After the war, he spoke about the battles at Stalingrad:“At the beginning of December 1943, we received an order to redeploy to Stalingrad, where Paulus’ soldiers were surrounded. It was frosty and strong winds were blowing from the steppe. On December 16, our regiment began a massive shelling of German positions. The Germans returned fire. In addition, the Krauts turned on the loudspeakers and began broadcasting their military march at full blast. Our artillerymen got angry and opened heavy fire on the square from which the music was coming. After a while the march fell silent. And then the polka burst out, only from our side.”

During a battle, a machine gunner lies on frozen ground, sometimes for many hours. Even a sheepskin coat and felt boots did not save me from the cold. In the battles near Stalingrad, Nikolai Fedorovich received severe frostbite on his legs. After the hospital he was discharged.

(Based on materials from the Elnikovsky Museum of History and Local Lore)

13 Reader

In due time - not too late and not too early -

winter will come, the earth will freeze.

And you to Mamayev Kurgan

you will come on the second of February.

And there, at that frosty one,

at that sacred height,

you're on the edge of a white blizzard

put red flowers.

And as if for the first time you notice,

what it was like, their military path!

February - February, soldier's month -

blizzard in the face, snow up to the chest.

A hundred years will pass. And a hundred snowstorms.

And we are all in their debt.

February - February. Soldier's month -

Carnations are burning in the snow.

14 Reader

You can't hug them now

Don't shake their hand.

But he rose from the ground

Unquenchable fire -

Mournful fire

Proud fire

Light fire.

These are fallen hearts

They give until the end

Its bright flame to the living.

(V. Ledneva “Eternal Flame”)

4 Presenter

I propose to honor the memory of the defenders of Stalingrad with a minute of silence.

A minute of silence is announced.

The metronome sounds

At the same time, a recording of the song “Hot Snow" (music by A. Pakhmutova, lyrics by N. Dobronravov).

MKUK "Library system" MO Yeisk district, librarian Okhrimenko Irina Ivanovna

Leading. There are dates in the calendar that are forever inscribed in the heroic chronicle of the country. One of them - Battle of Stalingrad, lasting from July 17, 1942 to February 2, 1943.
A battle the likes of which has never been known in the history of war. Today is a day of memory and sorrow, courage and heroism of the Russian people, who won the Great Victory in the battle of Stalingrad.

Reader 1.

At the noisiest intersection,
at the entrance to the city of Stalingrad,
there are chestnuts and birches
and the spruce trees stand tall.

No matter how you look, you won’t find them
in the forests of the Volga side,
and, they say, these trees
brought from afar.

And it was like this: there was once a war
was on the Volga bank.
Three soldiers at the crossroads
sat next to each other in the snow.

It was January. And the wind is biting
I curled the drifting snow into rings.
A fire was burning at the crossroads -
warmed the soldiers' hands.

The soldiers knew that there would be a battle.
And before the fight for half an hour
they probably remembered
their distant forests.

Then there was a battle... And three soldiers
remained forever in the snow.
But the crossroads of Stalingrad
they did not give it to the enemy.

And now at the crossroads,
at the site of the death of soldiers,
there are chestnuts and birches,
and the spruce trees stand tall.

They rustle with alien leaves,
washed by the rain in the morning,
and burn our memory
the fire of a soldier's fire.

(M. Agashina)

Clip of the song “Stalingrad” (A. Vilena)

Leading. The events of the Battle of Stalingrad are receding further into history. But the events of those terrible years will never be erased from memory.

Reader 2

Open to the steppe wind,
The houses are broken.
Sixty-two kilometers
Stalingrad stretches out in length.

It's like he's on the blue Volga
He turned around in line and accepted the fight.
He stood front across Russia -
And he covered it all with himself.
(S. Orlov)

Leading. The greatest battle in the history of the Second World War, the Battle of Stalingrad began on July 17, 1942.
None of the world battles can compare with it in scale, ferocity and significance. It unfolded over a vast territory of 100 thousand square kilometers and lasted 200 days and nights (6.5 months). More than 2 million people, up to 2 thousand tanks, more than 2 thousand aircraft, and up to 26 thousand guns took part in it on both sides.
Ninety-eight percent of the buildings in the city were burned and destroyed.
Hundreds of thousands of Soviet soldiers showed unparalleled heroism. “There is nowhere to retreat, there is no land for us beyond the Volga.” On the wall of one of the destroyed houses there is an inscription: “Yes, we were mere mortals, and few of us survived, but we all fulfilled our patriotic duty to the end before the sacred Mother Motherland.”

Reader 3.
Defender of Stalingrad

In the heat, factories, houses, train stations.
Dust on the steep bank.
The voice of the Fatherland told him:
“Don’t hand over the city to the enemy!”

Russian soldier faithful to the oath,
He defended Stalingrad.
Gulko rolled in the bloody darkness
The hundredth attack wave,

Angry and stubborn, chest-deep in the ground,
The soldier stood to death.
He knew that there was no turning back -
He defended Stalingrad.

A hundred dive bombers howled over him
In the sky, like a fiery serpent,
He did not leave the trench, we keep
Russian loyalty.

Between the burnt black masses
He defended Stalingrad.
The tank was approaching him, growling.
Threatened with torture and death.

He, hiding in a ditch, shoulder
He hit tanks with a grenade.
Bullet for bullet. Projectile for projectile.
He defended Stalingrad.

Death was approaching him point blank.
The steel was lashed by darkness.
Artilleryman, infantryman, sapper -
He hasn't gone crazy.

What is the fire of a hyena to him, hell?..
He defended Stalingrad.
Just a soldier, lieutenant, general -
He grew up in the suffering of battle.

Where metal dies in fire,
He passed through alive.
One hundred grueling days in a row
He defended Stalingrad.

The thunder of war will cease.
Taking off my hat when meeting him,
The people will say about him:
- This is an iron Russian soldier,
He defended Stalingrad.
A. Surkov)

Leading. At Stalingrad, Soviet troops defeated five armies: two German, two Romanian and one Italian.
The fascist troops lost more than 800 thousand soldiers and officers killed, wounded, and prisoners, as well as a large amount of military equipment, weapons and equipment. Only in the battles for the “House of Pavlov” (58 days) did Hitler’s troops suffer significantly more losses than during the capture of some European capitals!
During the battles from January 10 to February 2, 1943, Soviet troops defeated 22 fascist divisions and captured 91 thousand soldiers and officers, including 24 generals led by Field Marshal Paulus.
For military exploits in the Battle of Stalingrad, 125 Soviet soldiers became Heroes of the Soviet Union.
Stalingrad was awarded the title of hero city.

Video “Stalingrad. An unprecedented feat"

Leading. The victory at Stalingrad was the largest event of the Second World War. It marked the beginning of a turning point in the fighting. Our Victory began with it.

Reader 4
Stalingrad silence

The last salvo. And after sleepless days
We waited for an unprecedented dream.
And finally with the third echelon
There was complete silence here.
She lies there, unheard of,
on shell casings and broken bricks,
such a deafening heartbeat,
that you fall asleep on the spot, in the heat of the moment.
And the Stalingrader that night for the first time
took off his boots and unfastened his belts.
Not all those killed were buried alive,
but the fires began to glow in the hearths.
And let the Junkers circle above us,
Looking at the flag in fear.
We sleep without boots. Pound pieces
reddish limestone stuck to them.
-...And you have green eyes,
the same as my sweetheart's -
my friend told me thoughtfully.
With our arms outstretched, we both fell asleep.
(Semyon Gudzenko)

Leading. The land of Stalingrad... Charred by fires, cut by metal, abundantly watered with blood. It seemed that no one would resurrect her. From every square meter of land in Mamayev Kurgan, up to 1,250 fragments of mines, shells, and grenades were collected. They covered the ground so thickly that for several years even grass did not grow on the mound.
There are almost no ominous traces of the war left on the revived land, but it lives in the destinies of people, it looks at us with the barrels of guns in museums, long lists of names on mass graves, and the mournful eyes of mothers.

Reader 5.
February second

In due time -
not too late and not too early -
winter will come,
the earth will freeze.
And you
to Mamayev Kurgan
you'll come
second of February.

And there,
at that frosty one,
at that sacred height,
you're on the wing
white blizzard
put red flowers.

And as if for the first time
you'll notice
what was he like,
their military path!
February, February,
soldier's month
blizzard in the face,
chest-deep snow.

A hundred winters will pass.
And a hundred snowstorms.
And we are in front of them
everyone is in debt.
February, February.
Soldier's month.
on snow.
(M. Agashina)

Don't forget those terrible years
When the Volga water boiled.
The earth was drowning in the fury of fire,
And there was neither night nor day.
We fought along the banks of the Volga,
Enemy divisions marched to the Volga,
But our great soldier survived,
But the immortal Stalingrad survived!

Let us bow to those great years,
To those glorious commanders and fighters,
And the marshals of the country, and the privates,
Let us bow to both the dead and the living, -
To all those who must not be forgotten,
Let's bow, bow, friends.
The whole world, all the people, the whole earth -
Let us bow down for that great battle.

We remember, we are grateful to the people who gave their lives for clear skies above their heads,
We are grateful to all those who gave us peace on earth at the cost of their lives.

1. What is the date of the beginning of the Battle of Stalingrad. (07/17/1942)
2. When did the Battle of Stalingrad end? (02.02.1943)
3. Name the most terrible day for the city, when fascist bombers carried out more than 2 thousand sorties. (23.08.42)
4. How many days did the Battle of Stalingrad last? (200 days.)
5. How long did Hitler want to take control of the city? (In 2 weeks.)
6. Which regiments defended Stalingrad in the Mamayev Kurgan area? (Taraschansky, Bohunsky.)
7. Where is the place that the defenders of Stalingrad called the “main height”? (Mamaev kurgan.)
8. What is the height of Mamayev Kurgan. (102 meters.)
9. What feat did Panikaha accomplish? (09/06/1942 Mikhail Panikakha, being engulfed in fire, stopped the enemy tank.)
10. What is Pavlov’s House famous for? (On 10/10/1942, this house was captured and defended by Guard Sergeant Ya. F. Pavlov along with a group of machine gunners, repelling 40 enemy counterattacks.)
11. When did the counter-offensive of Soviet troops begin at Stalingrad? (11/19/1942)
12. Who was the commander-in-chief German army? (Colonel General Paulus; January 31, 1943 mass surrender.)
13. Which streets in our district are named after the defenders of Stalingrad?
14. Name the largest monuments to the defenders of Stalingrad in our city. (Mamaev Kurgan, museum-panorama “Battle of Stalingrad”.)
15. Which building has remained unrestored since the Battle of Stalingrad? Why is this done? (The mill building is in memory of the feat of the defenders of Stalingrad.)
16. The significance of the Battle of Stalingrad. (A radical turning point in the war.)
17. What was the city awarded for this battle? (Order of Lenin, Gold Star of Hero.)>

Oral journal for schoolchildren “Great people, whose biography included Stalingrad”

My gray generation

It is of a special heat,

Special layout and step -

From Stalingrad to the Reichstag.

Egor Isaev

Stand - and forget about death!

Yuri Bondarev. Hot Snow

There is no land for us beyond the Volga.

Vasily Zaitsev, sniper,

Hero of the Soviet Union

Target: to replenish students’ knowledge of the history of Russia, the history of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, the Battle of Stalingrad; cultivate patriotism and love for the Motherland.


Coat of arms, flag, anthem of Russia;

Book exhibition;

Posters about the Great Patriotic War, about the Battle of Stalingrad;

Russian Awards;

Map "Battle of Stalingrad";

Props for the scene;

Image of the eternal flame (props);

Tape recorder, audio cassettes;

Metronome, stopwatch.

Progress of the event

A recording of the Russian anthem is played.

Leading. Good afternoon, dear guys, dear guests! Today we have gathered here to once again remember an important date in the history of our country, to honor the memory of those to whom we owe a lot. So, our conversation is dedicated to the great victory in the battle of Stalingrad.

From 1055 to 1452 The famous historian Solovyov counted 245 news of invasions of Rus', an average of one per year. Subsequently, from the 14th century, that is, from birth Russian state, and to this day, for 525 years, Russia has spent 305 years in wars, that is, almost two-thirds of its existence, and counting the war in the Caucasus, 329 years. In total, our civilization (scientists say that it is the 6th) has 14,513 wars.

Here are the specific losses of several countries in World War II (September 1, 1939 - September 2, 1945):

USSR - more than 27 million people;

France - 600 thousand people;

Great Britain - 370 thousand people;

USA - about 300 thousand people;

Germany - 10 million people.

It should also be noted that about one million participants in those great events of the 20th century that brought liberation from fascism remained alive. Many of them may simply not live to see their next anniversary for obvious reasons: after all, the youngest of them is 80 years old.

Today, in these cold February days, I would like to remind you, young guys, about our heroes, participants in the great battle on the Volga, as well as about those famous commanders who directly decided the historical fate of the battle on the sacred land of Stalingrad.

1st reader.

In due time - not too late and not too early -

Winter will come, the earth will freeze,

And you to Mamayev Kurgan

You will come on the second of February.

And there, at that frosty one,

At that sacred height,

You're on the edge of a white blizzard

Put red flowers.

A hundred years will pass and a hundred snowstorms will pass,

And we are all in their debt.

February, February, soldier's month,

Carnations are burning in the snow.

M. Agashina

After performing this poem, the reader approaches the imitation of the eternal flame and places two red carnations.

There is a recording of the song “Hot Snow”, music. A. Pakhmutova, lyrics. M. Lvova (1 verse).

Leading. Yes, the snow was indeed hot. The hero of the novel by Yuri Bondarev, the captured German Major Dietz, made such an unexpected discovery for himself: “And the snow is burning in Russia.” Hot, burning snow is something that the Germans did not take into account when preparing their barbaric campaign in Russia and the offensive at Stalingrad.

Hot snow is the earth burning under the feet of the enemy, it is an indestructible spiritual force, the origins of which are in the love of the country, which the Soviet people defended to the end.

The Battle of Stalingrad... No one now can say exactly how many people died at Stalingrad. Then, in the September days of 1942, the “winged” words spoken by sniper Vasily Zaitsev flew around the entire Stalingrad front: “There is no land for us beyond the Volga.” Zaitsev, originally from Siberia, was a hunter and a sharp shooter, although he was wounded in the eye. He personally destroyed 300 fascists.

Hitler and his entourage, after the failures near Moscow, wanted to take possession of the Caucasian oil, the best grain-producing regions of the country. Stalingrad was an obstacle for them. But this is where Hitler was defeated. It was here that Hitler’s elite divisions “broke their teeth.”

The leadership of the Soviet country, in response to Hitler's actions, took appropriate countermeasures.

Scene “Preparation of a counteroffensive near Stalingrad”


Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov - Army General, 1st Deputy Supreme Commander-in-Chief;

Alexander Mikhailovich Vasilevsky - Colonel General, Chief of the General Staff;

Nikolai Fedorovich Vatutin - Colonel General;

Nikolai Nikolaevich Voronov - Colonel General, artillery commander;

Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, leader of the USSR, Supreme Commander-in-Chief.

There is a table and chairs on the stage. On the table there is a telephone, a map, and writing instruments. Generals Vasilevsky, Vatutin, Voronov bent over the map of the Stalingrad region.

Zhukov enters, the generals stand up.

Zhukov. Hello comrades! (He shakes hands with everyone.) Have a seat. The Military Council of the Stalingrad Front sent to Headquarters its proposals for organizing and conducting a counteroffensive on its own initiative.

Vasilevsky. Okay, Comrade Zhukov, you need to familiarize yourself with these proposals in detail and take them into account. We set off on October 6 at dawn with Comrade Voronov and Ivanov to the observation post of the 51st Army of General Trufanov. There, on the spot, we will get acquainted with all the proposals of the commanders of the troops, discuss everything again and send a report on the preparation of a counter-offensive at Stalingrad to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief.

Vatutin. Georgy Konstantinovich! I have my own thoughts about the counteroffensive: I think that the Southwestern Front, consisting of the 21st and 5th Tank Armies from the bridgeheads southwest of Serafimovich and in the Kletskaya area, should break through the defenses of the 3rd Romanian Army and rapidly develop an attack with mobile formations to the southeast, reach the Don on the Bolshenabatovskaya - Kalach section. As a result of this strike, all German escape routes to the west will be cut off.

Zhukov. Take action, Nikolai Fedorovich. I approve of your plan.

Comrades! (Addresses all those present.) You and I have a lot of work to do in the troops to help the command, headquarters and troops fully master the counteroffensive plan and how to implement it.

Zhukov turns to Voronov.

And you, Comrade Voronov, will start working on your tasks, everything related to artillery. Please report your actions to me shortly.

Voronov. It will be done, Comrade General.

Zhukov. That's all for today, comrades! You are free. (The generals stand up, salute and leave.)

Zhukov sits down and picks up the phone, which is directly connected to Stalin, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief.

Zhukov. Comrade Stalin! Personally examined the enemy positions in front of the 51st and 57th armies. I worked in detail with division and corps commanders and army commanders on the upcoming tasks for Operation Uranus. The operation will not be prepared by the deadline. Ordered to prepare for November 15th.

It will be necessary to supply Eremenko with 100 tons of antifreeze in order to throw the mechanical units forward; he also needs warm uniforms and ammunition.

Stalin (at the other end of the line, sitting at the table in his office). Comrade Zhukov! If Eremenko and Vatutin’s air preparation for the operation is unsatisfactory, then I’m afraid the operation will end in failure. The experience of the war with the Germans shows that an operation against the Germans can only be won if we have air superiority.

Zhukov. I agree, Comrade Stalin. I think that Eremenko and Vatutin will cope with the task.

Stalin. Comrade Zhukov! If Novikov thinks that our aviation is now not able to carry out these tasks, then it is better to postpone the operation for a while and accumulate more aviation.

Talk to Novikov and Vorozheikin, explain this matter to them and tell me your general opinion.

Zhukov. Yes, Comrade Stalin! Goodbye, Comrade Stalin. (Hangs up).

Both leave.

Leading. The counteroffensive plan for Stalingrad was reported by Zhukov and Vasilevsky at a meeting of Headquarters on November 13 and approved.

On November 19, 1942, the pre-dawn silence of the Don steppes, covered with the first snow, was broken by powerful salvoes of over seven thousand guns and mortars. Since then, every year on November 19, Artillery Troops Day has been celebrated (later missile troops were added).

The ring around the enemy closed on November 23 in the Kalach-Sovetsky area. The ring included the 6th Army of General Friedrich Paulus, which marched victoriously across Europe, and part of Manstein’s formations (4th Tank Army) - a total of 22 German divisions with a total number of 330 thousand people with numerous military equipment.

On December 22, 1942, our troops stopped the Nazis, and on December 24, the enemy’s resistance was broken, the enemy began to retreat south.

On January 31, 1943, the southern group of Nazi troops, which included Paulus, capitulated. Paulus surrendered to the 64th Army under the command of Mikhail Stepanovich Shumilov.

February 2, 1943 after a powerful strike Soviet artillery The northern group also stopped resisting. This day ended historical battle near Stalingrad.

Hitler admitted that his troops must now go from offensive to defensive. The period of liberation of the country from the Nazi occupiers began.

The song by A. Rosenbaum “Red Wall” (1 verse) is played.

2nd reader(comes out with triangle letters in his hands).

Here is the soldier's triangle letter.

From the calm of the leading edge

Once upon a time a precious gift

His mail was carried by the field.

As always, first - bows

Mom, dad and little sister,

Childhood to good friends - by name

And embarrassedly - to my beloved girl.

And then the young warrior reported:

“I punch the fascists in the guts, as they were taught,

Awarded the glory of the order,

It’s a pity that many of the guys were buried...”

Apparently, they got a cool censor:

To avoid unnecessary hassle,

Crossed it out... and hedged his bets.

Well, what did the cabinet official read?

Where did you see the crime in the letter?

Maybe the guy was offended by the colonel,

Or an important secret was spilled?

3rd reader.

No, I am unshakably faithful to my oath,

Maybe, the soldier just admitted,

That sometimes I was unsure:

Stalingrad will stand or surrender.

Like the furious knock of a machine gun

On the last strip of land

Evil thoughts tormented the soldier:

“How did the Germans reach the Volga?”

And he is not to blame for doubts -

Mortal combat... and the soul is young,

Only words from her to the recipients

No one will ever know:

On the way to my hometown

In the depths of the Krasnoyarsk taiga

Overtook the letter... funeral.

Know that grief moves faster!

And merged in hundreds of gloomy dawns

With the blackness of maternal melancholy,

Like a farewell greeting from the other world,

Black ink has cool strokes.

Vyacheslav Romasevich, graduate of the Stalingrad Special Air Force School in 1943, participant in the Victory Parade on June 24, 1945.

Leading. Letters from the front... Letters from home to the front... Small soldiers' letters - triangles... How the soldiers waited for them, how the soldiers' relatives waited for them! How they were afraid of the stamped envelopes containing the funeral! These letters were a connecting thread between the front and the rear. Here are some of them.

The presenter reads out three letters from the Stalingrad Front.

Letter one.

Stalingrad region, Baryshnikova Ekaterina Arkhipovna.

Baryshnikov Alexey Ilyich.

“Hello, dear mom and dad, wife Katya, son Seryozha! I hasten to inform you that I am alive and well. I'm doing well so far. Now we are in a bit of a lull, so I decided to write you a few words. We beat the fascists with all our might. We will soon drive them away from our sacred land. How do you live there? Do you have enough food? What about the vegetable garden and melons? Did you manage? Katyusha, my dear wife, be patient a little. I’ll come back from the front soon, I’ll fix the roof and repair the fence. And I’ll also set up my own bathhouse in the yard. The main thing is that you all are healthy, and then everything will work out. Dad, how are you, your health? Take care of yourself. Mom, my dear, I know how difficult it is for you there, in the rear. Don't worry, I'm lucky. I'll be back alive. And I wish my son Seryozha to grow up faster and be a helper around the house. Say hello to all your neighbors, relatives, Baba Klava, Aunt Masha, Uncle Stepan. Tell them that I remember and love them all. And I really miss everyone. A small request to you, dear ones, if possible, please send me warm socks, mittens, underwear, and some shag. Winter is coming, frosts will hit. I hasten to finish writing, the post office is leaving now. See you later, dear ones. Write, I'm waiting for an answer. Your Alexey."

Letter two.

Stalingrad region, Zoya Afanasyevna Galochkina.

Galochkin Nikolai Yakovlevich.

“Hello, dear wife Zoya!

I hasten to inform you that I received your letter today...

I am very glad that I found out how you live. This is very expensive for me. From the letter I learned that you donated a thousand rubles from your labor savings to the tank column. Our rear is closely connected with the front. In other words, we all have one goal - to defeat the enemy as quickly as possible. The day and hour are not far off when there will be a holiday on our street...”

Letter three.

Tajikistan, Rono Saidovna Keberova.

Keberov Kim.

“Hello, my dear mom and dad!

I am writing to you from the steppes near Stalingrad. They endured all the hardships and hardships, withstood the blows of the enemy and defended the Volga stronghold - the great Stalingrad. The history of wars has never known and will never know such battles as took place here.

Everything that we experienced during the Battle of Stalingrad is remembered like a bad dream...”

Private Keberov Kim went missing.

4th reader.

Your age cannot be measured in years -

He is in your thoughts and deeds.

And I believe more and more sacredly,

That you are among us, among the living...

You walked the military road,

Having known the pain of bitterness and loss.

You fought for the entire Universe,

Soviet army soldier.

I feel for my beloved land

You fought as a family alone.

Quiet side, dear

You considered it a country for yourself.

As if mown down, he fell to the ground,

And he died and rose again.

What scope did you set for the battle?

When he attacked on the Volga.

We know the lines of great battles,

We cannot count the names of the heroes.

You are a legend from that era,

It is our honor to be proud of you.

No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten!

And eternal memory to you, my soldier!

You look me boldly into my eyes,

And I'm studying the awards bar...

V. Panov

Leading. How quickly time flies!

At the beginning of our meeting, it was said about how few participants in those events remained alive. Even those who were born after the war pass away one after another, taking with them so much untold about those to whom they owe their lives, who, in their then fresh memory, shared with them their memories of the war. They will leave - and there will be no one to tell about it further, to the next generations.

That is why any information about those distant, stormy days is so important for you, young people. You must carry the baton of memory further, through the years. And you should also remember that front-line soldiers live among us. Maybe these are our neighbors at home, down the street... So let's make Victory Day a real holiday for them, a holiday of winners! They deserve it.

A minute of silence is announced. The metronome and stopwatch start.

After a minute of silence, the song “Let us bow to those great years” sounds, music. A. Pakhmutova, lyrics. M. Lvova (1 verse).


1. Agashina, M. Selected [Text] / M. Agashina. - M.: Fiction, 1986. - 286 p.

2. Battle of Stalingrad [Text] / comp. A. M. Borodin, Krasavin, Loginov, Morozov. - Volgograd: Nizhne-Volzhskoe book. publishing house, 1972.-616 p.

3. Great Patriotic War. 1941-1945: Encyclopedia for schoolchildren [Text]. - M.: OLMA-Press, 2001. - 447 e.: ill.

4. Dementyev, V.D. Battle of Stalingrad [Text] / V.D. Dementyev. - M.: Voenizdat, 1972.

5. Zhukov, G. K. Memoirs. Reflections. Memoirs [Text] / G. K. Zhukov. - M., 1990.

6. Lyashenko, N. How Zhukov visited Kamyshin [Text] / N. Lyashenko // Dialogue. - 2000. - June 14.

7. Lyashenko, N. Rokossovsky’s house on Krasnaya Street [Text] / N. Lyashenko // Dialogue. - 2002. - February 20.

8. Love and know your land. - Kamyshin, 1993.

9. Panov, V. Soldier [Text] / V Panov // Tuning fork. - 2003. - No. 14-15.

Event dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad

Target : to promote a sense of love and pride for the native land, the Motherland, the great people;

expand students’ ideas about the Great Victory at Stalingrad;

cultivate a respectful attitude towards the older generation;

show the courage of Russian soldiers and the cruelty of war, develop a sense of patriotism, cultivate respect for the history of the country, the traditions of the school, and the fulfillment of civic duties.

Tasks aimed at achieving personal results:

nurturing a sense of patriotism, pride in one’s homeland and native people;

formation of a respectful attitude towards other opinions, other points of view;

development of independence and personal responsibility for one’s actions and decisions;

development of ethical feelings, goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness,

Tasks aimed at achieving meta-subject results:

developing the ability to work with information;

developing the ability to use various ways information search;

development of thinking operations: comparisons, juxtapositions, highlighting the superfluous, analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification. (Cognitive UUD);

formation of initial forms of cognitive and personal reflection. (Regulatory UUD)

developing the ability to competently construct speech statements in accordance with communication tasks and compose texts orally;

developing the ability to listen and hear the interlocutor, conduct a dialogue, express one’s point of view and argue for it;

Equipment : multimedia computer; interactive board; photographs of military Stalingrad; songs about war; presentation.

Decor: exhibition of books dedicated to the Second World War; musical screensavers; slide show on the topic; student wall newspapers and drawings.

Progress of the event:

Readers go on stage with the teacher

(to the musical accompaniment of “Holy War”)

Teacher: teacher's speech...

Presenter 1. June. Summer. Saturday. People were doing their usual things: we were playing in the street, high school students were returning from proms. No one suspected that pleasant chores, lively games, and many lives would be destroyed by one terrible word - war.

Presenter 2. This is how the Great Patriotic War began. The Battle of Stalingrad is the decisive battle of the entire Second World War, in which Soviet troops won their largest victory. This battle marked the beginning of a radical change in the course of the Great Patriotic War and the Second World War as a whole. The victorious offensive of the Nazi troops ended and their expulsion from the territory of the Soviet Union began. On the eve of the war, Stalingrad was the largest industrial and cultural center of the country with a population of half a million. During the war, Stalingrad acquired exceptionally great strategic importance. Having captured Stalingrad, the Germans gained access to the Caucasus, the Near and Middle East, and therefore to unlimited oil reserves. For the USSR, the loss of Stalingrad meant inevitable collapse, since it would have deprived the army and industry of the main sources of oil. Hitler planned to capture the city in 2 weeks, but the Battle of Stalingrad lasted 200 days and nights (July 17, 1942 - February 2, 1943)

Our people remember those 200 days and nights that seemed endless.

It was absolutely clear to everyone that Stalingrad was the last frontier. And this milestone cannot be passed.

Watching the video fragment “The Battle of Stalingrad”(up to 7:10 min.)

Presenter 1 . The Battle of Stalingrad surpassed all battles in world history at that time in terms of the duration and ferocity of the fighting, the number of people and military equipment involved. It unfolded over a vast territory of 100 thousand square kilometers. At certain stages, over 2 million people, up to 2 thousand tanks, more than 2 thousand aircraft, and up to 26 thousand guns took part in it on both sides. The results of this battle also surpassed all previous ones. At Stalingrad, Soviet troops defeated five armies: two German, two Romanian and one Italian. Nazi troops lost more than 800 thousand soldiers and officers killed, wounded, captured, as well as a large amount of military equipment, weapons and equipment

We fell asleep thinking about you.
At dawn we turned on the loudspeaker,
To hear about your fate.
Our morning began with you.
In the worries of the day dozens of times in a row,
Gritting my teeth, holding my breath,
We said:
- Take heart, Stalingrad! -
Your suffering went through our hearts.
Hot flowed through our blood
The flow of your unimaginable fires.
We so wanted to stand shoulder to shoulder
And take at least some of the blows!

The song “A deadly fire awaits us...”

Presenter 2. The victory of the Soviet troops at Stalingrad had a huge stimulating effect on the national liberation movements of the peoples of those countries that were occupied by the troops of Germany and its allies. In the February days of 1943, on the banks of the Volga, a great victory, which marked the beginning of a radical turning point in the war. Since then, the word “Stalingrad” has entered all the languages ​​of the world and has become a generally recognized symbol of heroism, extraordinary fortitude and selfless love for one’s Fatherland.

A student recites a poem

In due time - not too late and not too early -
Winter will come, the earth will freeze.
And you to Mamayev Kurgan
You will come on the second of February.
And there, at that frosty one,
At that sacred height,
You're on the wing of a white blizzard
Put red flowers.
And as if for the first time you notice,
What was it like, their military path!
February - February, soldier's month -
Blizzard in the face, snow up to the chest.
A hundred years will pass. And a hundred snowstorms.
And we are still indebted to them.
February - February. Soldier's month -
Carnations are burning in the snow.

Presenter 1. The most difficult day for the Stalingrad residents was August 23, 1942. At three o'clock in the afternoon, hundreds of enemy heavy bombers appeared over the central part of the city. In just two hours in the afternoon, enemy aircraft carried out about two thousand sorties. The Germans dropped either incendiary or heavy high-explosive bombs. Pitch hell. The smoke from the fires obscured the midday sun. Explosions of terrible force shook the air. Residential buildings and neighborhoods were burning, schools, hospitals, hospitals were collapsing like cards. Groans and screams of the wounded could be heard from everywhere. The city was reduced to ruins. Over 40 thousand civilians died. Not only buildings were burning, the ground and the Volga were burning. It was so hot in the streets due to the fires that the clothes of people running for shelter caught fire. August 23, 1942 is the most mournful date in the history of Stalingrad. Fascist generals received orders to wipe out the city on the Volga from the face of the earth. The history of the war has never known such a fierce battle.

Students recite poems:

Reader 1. Open to the steppe wind,
The houses are broken.
Sixty-two kilometers
Stalingrad stretches out in length.

It's like he's on the blue Volga
He turned around in line and accepted the fight.
He stood front across Russia -
And he covered it all with himself.

Reader 2. In the heat, factories, houses, train stations,
Dust on the steep bank.
The voice of the Fatherland told him:
- Don’t hand over the city to the enemy!

And that order “Don’t take a step back!”
A stern military order.
Instilled courage in the hearts of people,
That the hour of Victory is not far away.

Presenter 2. The soldiers of Stalingrad withstood such an enemy onslaught that no other army in the world had ever experienced. Together with the soldiers, the city was defended by all its inhabitants. At the tractor factory, women assembled tanks, which were sent straight from the assembly line to the battlefield.

The fighting here was fierce, they fought for every street, for every house. The wounded were transported to the other side of the Volga on boats, cutters, and longboats. When they once asked the wounded who had been brought in what was going on in the city, they answered: “Everything is on fire: houses, factories, land. The metal melts.” “And the people?” - "People? They stand to death!

Students read an excerpt from letters from German soldiers:

Reader 1. The Germans themselves spoke about the courage of our defenders. Extract from the diary of a Nazi killed at Stalingrad: “...We only need to walk one kilometer to the Volga, but we just can’t get there. We have been fighting for this kilometer longer than for the whole of France, but the Russians stand like blocks of stone.

And here is an extract from Wilhelm Hoffmann's diary:

“September 1: are the Russians really going to fight on the very banks of the Volga? This is crazy!

October 27: Russians are not people, but some kind of iron creatures. They never get tired and are not afraid of fire...

Reader 2. From a letter from Paul Müller, p/n 22468, to his wife. December 31, 1942
"...We are going through a big crisis here, and it is unknown how it will end. The situation in general is so critical that, in my humble understanding, things are similar to what happened a year ago near Moscow."

Reader 3. From a letter from soldier Reffert to his wife. December 29, 1942
"...A wooden cross stands today over many who last year did not even think about death. During this year, many people lost their lives. In 1943 it will be even worse. If the situation does not change and the encirclement is not broken through , then we will all die of hunger. There is no light...

Reader 4. From a letter from non-commissioned officer Georg Krieger to his fiancee. November 30, 1942
"...We are in a rather difficult situation. The Russian, it turns out, also knows how to wage war, this was proven by the great chess move that he made in recent days, and he did it with the forces of not a regiment or a division, but much larger ones.. "

Reader 5. The military art of the Commander-in-Chief of the 62nd Army, General V.I. Chuikov, and the Commander-in-Chief of the 64th Army, General M.S., made a huge contribution to the Victory on the Volga. Shumilov, commander of the 13th Guards Division A.I. Rodimtsev, commander of the South Western Front N.F. Vatutin, commander of the Don Front K.K. Rokossovsky, Stalingrad - A.I. Eremenko, Voronezh - General F.I. Golikov, Chief of the General Staff A.M. Vasilevsky, G.K. Zhukov, Marshal of the Soviet Union, who, on behalf of the Council of the Supreme High Command, coordinated the actions of the fronts in the Battle of Stalingrad.(Reads under the slides).

The song “Let us bow to the Great of those years” sounds

Presenter 1. November 23 troops of Stalingrad and Southwestern Fronts united near the village of Sovetsky, 18 km from Kalach. A fascist group with a total number of 330 thousand people was surrounded.

Operation "Ring" -Hitler's command tried to save the troops surrounded at Stalingrad from defeat by an external blow. Army Group Don is hastily formed under the command of General Manstein. The operation to destroy the encircled group, which received the code name “Ring,” was entrusted entirely to the Don Front. On January 27, the Don Front began to eliminate the enemy. Field Marshal Paulus was captured along with his staff. The southern group of the enemy stopped resisting, and the northern group continued to resist until February 2. The Battle of Stalingrad ended with a brilliant victory for the Soviet troops. It marked the beginning of a radical change in the Great Patriotic War.

Student message...

Presenter 2. Stalingrad has forever entered the consciousness of mankind as a symbol of the unbending will, courage and bravery of Soviet soldiers. We, now living, and our descendants will bow our heads with gratitude to the memory of those who defended Stalingrad at the cost of their own lives, proved their love and devotion to the Motherland.

The eternal flame on the Square of Fallen Soldiers was lit on February 1, 1963 on the eve of the 20th anniversary of the victory in the Battle of Stalingrad. In 1967, a monument was unveiled on Mamayev Kurgan. The grandiose 52-meter sculpture “Motherland”, as conceived by the author-sculptor Vutetich, raises the sword of liberation in Stalingrad. There is also a mass grave in which soldiers of 13 divisions who died in the battles for Stalingrad are buried.

A student recites a poem

And widows do not cry for them,

Someone brings bouquets of flowers to them,

And the Eternal Flame is lit.

Here the earth used to rear up,

And now - granite slabs.

There is not a single personal destiny here -

All destinies are merged into one.

And in Eternal Flame a tank on fire is visible,

Burning Russian huts

Burning Smolensk and the burning Reichstag,

The burning heart of a soldier.

There are no tear-stained widows at mass graves -

Stronger people come here.

There are no crosses on mass graves,

But does that make it any easier?..

The first verse and first chorus of the song “On Mamayev Kurgan...” are heard.

Presenter 1. Battle for Mamayev Kurganlasted 135 days out of a total of 200 daysBattle of Stalingrad. The slopes of the mound were pitted with bombs and mines - even on snowy days it remained black. The snow here instantly melted, mixing with the ground from artillery fire. The density of fire here was colossal: there were from 500 to 1250 bullets and fragments per square meter of land.At the end of the Battle of Stalingrad,The dead from all over the city were buried on Mamayev Kurgan. About 34.5 thousand people are buried here. At that time, this place became a real mound, i.e. burial place. It is not surprising that in the first post-war spring, Mamaev Kurgan did not even turn green - grass did not grow on the burnt earth.

Reader. Life! We praise her greatness.
To live is the blessing and happiness of man!
For him. For your happiness and mine
Heroes gave their lives...

Presenter 2. Defenders of Stalingrad... “The iron wind hit them in the face, and they all walked forward, and again a feeling of fear gripped the enemy: people were going on the attack, were they mortal?..”

Yes, they were mere mortals, and few of them survived, but they all fulfilled their duty to the sacredMOTHER - HOMELAND.

It’s impossible to name all the heroes, but they are remembered. Houses, streets, and squares are named in their honor. In memory of them the Eternal Flame is lit.

Reader. I've never seen war
And I can’t imagine its horror,
But the fact that our world wants silence,
Today I understand very clearly.
Thank you that we didn't have to
Imagine and recognize such torment.
It was all your share:
Anxiety, cold, hunger and separation.
Thank you for the bright light of the sun,
For the joy of life in every moment of ours,
For the trills of the nightingale and for the dawn,
And beyond the fields of blooming daisies.

The song is performed, slides “From the heroes of bygone times...”

Teacher. This concludes the event dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad. Thank you all for your attention!