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The plan for the Decade of Childhood has been approved. The government adopted a plan for a decade of childhood; a program for a decade of childhood; contents

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The signed decree of the Government of the Russian Federation approved the plan of main events until 2020, carried out within the framework of the Decade of Childhood.

The plan includes 131 positions, structured into 15 sections: “Improving the well-being of families with children”, “Modern childhood infrastructure”, “Ensuring the safety of children”, “Healthy child”, “Comprehensive education for children”, “Cultural development of children”, “Development physical education and sports for children”, “Safe children’s recreation”, “Affordable children’s tourism”, “Safe information space for children”, “The child and his right to a family”, “Social protection of disabled children and children with disabilities and their integration into modern society”, “Ensuring and protecting the rights and interests of children”, "Quality children's products and food" , "Organizational events."

Among the areas affecting industry enterprises it is necessary to note:

Carrying out the “Gift for a Newborn” campaign in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation together with manufacturers of goods for newborns and the heads of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (each woman in labor, upon discharge from the maternity hospital, is provided with a kit for a newborn with the necessary care items, mainly made in Russia).

Preparation of proposals to stimulate consumer demand for Russian-made children's goods (including printed books).

Development and approval of the priority project “Formation of a new quality of goods and services for childhood infrastructure.”

Preparation of proposals for support mechanisms for manufacturers of children's goods using images of domestic children's literature and animation.

Organization of scientific research on modern childhood, including physiological, psychological and social portraits of the child (population, longitudinal), as well as the state of the social infrastructure of childhood and a predictive assessment of the prospects and directions of its development.

Development of a development strategy for the children's goods industry until 2030.

Development of a strategy for the development of the animated film industry in the Russian Federation for the period until 2030

Development of a strategy for the development of children's tourism and recreation in the Russian Federation until 2030, including measures to reduce the cost of services in the field of children's tourism.

“I would like to note that the allocation of a special section on the development of the economy and industry working in the interests of children in the state program for the development of childhood infrastructure is the result of our joint work since 2012. Absolutely all our proposals were supported by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia and were reflected in the final plan . This was joint effective work with the relevant ministry and the Coordination Council under the President of the Russian Federation. We have a lot of work ahead of us to justify and implement completely new measures for the development of the industry, involve development institutions in it, understand our place in national projects. A radical change in approaches to supporting industry development goods and services for children, diversification and entry into new markets.

The Association of Children's Products Industry Enterprises intends to actively participate in the implementation of the plan, initiating industry-wide projects and programs, responding to requests for self-regulation and the establishment of industry development institutions. Participation in a specific point of the plan will be organized within the framework of the activities of the relevant committee,” noted Antonina Tsitsulina, President of the Association of Children’s Goods Industry Enterprises.

For reference:

Prepared by the Ministry of Labor in accordance with Decree of the President of Russia dated May 29, 2017 No. 240 “On the announcement of the Decade of Childhood in the Russian Federation” and the order of the President of Russia following the meeting of the Coordination Council for the implementation of the National Strategy for Action in the Interests of Children on November 28, 2017 (No. Pr-2440 dated December 2, 2017, subparagraph “b” of paragraph 6).

Irina Rucheva
Plan of events held within the framework of the Decade of Childhood for 2018–2020

Plan of events held within the framework of the Decade of Childhood in Mbdoo No. 9 “Thumbelina” in Novy village for 2018–2020.

Target- create for each child of a preschool organization the opportunity to develop his abilities, broad interaction with the world, and creative self-realization.


Development of independence, cognitive and communicative activity, social confidence and value orientations that determine the child’s behavior, activities and attitude to the world;

The development of a child in an emotionally rich, interesting, cognitively attractive environment that gives the opportunity to actively act and create the educational process.

This action plan is focused on the:

Protecting and strengthening the physical and mental health of children, including their emotional well-being;

Ensuring equal opportunities for the full development of every child in

the period of preschool childhood, regardless of place of residence, gender, nation, language, social status, psychophysiological and other characteristics (including disabilities);

Ensuring continuity of goals, objectives and content of education,

implemented within the framework of educational programs for preschool and primary

general education;

Creating favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations, developing the abilities and creative potential of each child as a subject of relationships with himself, other children, adults and the world;

Combining training and education into a holistic educational process at

basis of spiritual, moral and sociocultural values ​​and accepted in

society of rules and norms of behavior in the interests of the individual, family, society;

Formation of a general culture of children’s personality, development of their social,

moral, aesthetic, intellectual, physical qualities, initiative, independence and responsibility of the child (formation of prerequisites for educational activities;

Ensuring variability and diversity in the content of programs and organizational forms of preschool education, the possibility of forming

Programs of various types, taking into account the educational needs and abilities of children;

Formation of a sociocultural environment appropriate for age,

individual, psychological and physiological characteristics of children;

Providing psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increasing the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children’s health.

Work with the workforce

1. Instruction:

2. - on anti-terrorist protection of pupils;

According to fire safety rules;

– to prevent compliance with traffic rules and child injuries (on the way to kindergarten, during hikes, excursions).

On prevention, strengthening and maintaining health;

3. Teachers’ councils aimed at career guidance work

4. Trainings

5. Advanced training courses

Responsible- manager,

page teacher,

caretaker, nurse

Working with society

Cooperation with

Rural library

Excursions: “The House Where Books Live”; "Gift for the Library";

Exhibitions of children's books by Soviet and foreign authors;

Drawing competition for children of senior preschool age, held by the rural library;

Conversations with children: “Where books live”; “Can a book talk?”; “Take care of the book!”

MBOU secondary school No. 7 (according to the succession plan)

House of Culture in Novy village

Participation of older preschoolers in creative groups of cultural centers: choreographic “Fortune”, “Edelweiss”; vocal;

Participation in a rally dedicated to the Great Victory;

Performance by members of SDK dance groups in events held at the preschool educational institution;

Participation in the Children's Day holiday;

Children’s visits to concerts and theme evenings held at the SDK

- OGIBDD OMVD for Giaginsky district

Campaign “Attention – children!” (August-September, May-June); “Learn to be a pedestrian”, including drawing competitions for children and parents, projects, activities, games, entertainment for children;

Parent meetings with inspectors

Consultations for parents on traffic rules and prevention of child road traffic injuries

Children's sports and play set ex

Sports games, relay races at the stadium;

Watching school football games;

Joint games with elementary school students

Responsible- manager,

page teacher,

teachers of all groups

Working with parents yami

Work of an advisory center on problems of education, training and behavior of pupils

Registration of information

General garden parent meetings

Group parent meetings

Open Day

Responsible- manager,

page teacher,

teacher speech therapist,


teachers of all groups

Working with children 2018-2019 school year. year

Thematic conversations “Lessons of kindness”, “What is friendship?”, “My family”, “My Motherland”, etc.

Festive events dedicated to Children's Day (exhibition of children's drawings “Cheerful Childhood”, entertainment “Childhood is us and you and me!”, drawings on the asphalt “Colorful Childhood”)

Russia Day

Project activities

“Puppet theater as a gift for kids”

Events dedicated to family (Evening with the Family holiday event, moral conversations, productive activities)

Toy Week (entertainment “In the World of Toys”

Musical and literary event “We are the children of Russia”

Thematic events dedicated to the Day of Knowledge (entertainment “In the Land of Knowledge”, puppet theater show “The Tale of the Little Mouse”)

Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism “Minute of Remembrance – Memory for All Time”

Entertainment “Day of Goodness and

respect" (for the day of the elderly)

Autumn matinees “Golden autumn has come to visit us”

Carrying out thematic events “Mom is the most precious thing for every child”, as part of All-Russian Mother’s Day (exhibitions of children’s drawings, photographs)

- “Festival of Friendship of Peoples” - festive events dedicated to the Day of National Unity

Constitution day

New Year's matinees "New Year's Magic"

Entertainment "Broad Maslenitsa"

Drawing competition “My Safe World”

Spring matinees dedicated to International Women's Day

Children's Book Week "Book Childhood"

Ecological leisure “Earth Day”

Carrying out thematic events for Cosmonautics Day

Watching cartoons

"Cartoons of our Childhood"

Reading competition “Pantry of Talents” among

pupils of all age groups

Thematic week: Day of Military Glory of Russia. Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War

Graduation party "Goodbye, kindergarten"

Responsible- manager,

page teacher,

teacher speech therapist,

nurse, music supervisor,

teachers of all groups

Working with children 2019-2020 school year. year

Carrying out events within the project

“Friendship begins with a smile” (conversations,

gaming activities, entertainment,

production of the “Album of Politeness”,

Thematic conversations “Lessons of kindness”,

“What is friendship?”, “My family”, “My

Motherland" and others

Entertainment with a mini-concert “Happy Together”

Sports entertainment “The Joy of Childhood”

Festive event “Childhood is you and me!”

International Father's Day (concert for dads

“Dad can do anything!”, moral conversations,

making gifts)

Events within the framework of International Family Day Musical lounge “Happiness to be near”

Photo competition “My family is the best in the world”; Drawing competition “Family through the eyes of children”

Events within the framework of International Friends Day Musical lounge “Children of the whole earth are friends!”

Events within the framework of Russia Day Festive event “Russia! We are proud of you" - Holding events within

group project “We are defenders of nature”

(conversations, environmental events,

quizzes, newspaper release, productive activities)

Virtual excursions “The Amazing World of Nature”; Intellectual game “What? Where? When?"

Carrying out matinees: autumn, winter, spring

Musical concert dedicated to Mother’s Day “Mom is the main word”

Events during Victory Day

Graduation party with senior preschoolers

Responsible- manager,

page teacher,

teacher speech therapist,

nurse, music supervisor,

teachers of all groups

On July 6, 2018, a meeting of the Russian government was held in Gorki, at which, in accordance withBy Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 29, 2017 No. 240, the plan for the Decade of Childhood for the next 3 years was discussed, which is a continuationNational Strategy of Action for Children until 2017

And, regrettably, the National Strategy fulfilled this task well.

In comparison, the Plan for the Decade of Childhood as a whole contains much more general positive and creative proposals than the previous National Strategy.

Despite the fact that much in the Plan can be discussed, a change in the general trend in childhood policy is obvious - a refusal to dominate the so-called. juvenile ideology.

Regional authorities will have to add specifics to the development of their plans in accordance with the federal plan for the Decade of Childhood. And at this stage, social activists and parent activists will be able to join the process, make their proposals and ensure that positive initiatives are implemented.

This project will be a natural continuation of the National Strategy for Action for Children, which is being completed this year

Photo by PhotoXPress

On May 29, the regular meeting of the Coordination Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the implementation of the National Strategy for Action in the Interests of Children coincided with a significant event for the entire country - Vladimir Putin signed a decree declaring the “Decade of Childhood” in Russia. According to Valentina Matvienko, the new program opens up opportunities for a long-term vision of children’s problems and allows them to comprehensively set and solve tactical and strategic tasks in this area.

The government has decided on priorities

The Government intends to take a responsible approach to solving the problems that young Russians face. “I think this program will be worthy of our state and our children,” said Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets. “This is a huge responsibility for all of us - to mobilize the forces and resources of the state in order to ensure high quality health, education and successful development of every child living in our country.”

Within three months we must present a plan for how this decade will be spent.

The Cabinet of Ministers has already decided which areas should be given priority. Thus, according to the Deputy Prime Minister, special attention will be paid to increasing the accessibility of schools and nursery groups. Moreover, if the implementation of the program for the construction of new schools has already begun, then the issues of nursery provision for children under three years of age will have to be resolved precisely in the next decade. The Cabinet also intends to focus on supporting motherhood and childhood and improving the demographic situation.

“Within three months, we must present a plan for how this decade will be spent,” said the head of the Ministry of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva. According to her, the department intends to address a large range of issues. “This includes upbringing and education, these include issues of additional education, these are issues of children’s recreation, these are orphans and children with disabilities, and family problems, and our work with parents. That is, the whole range of issues that the Ministry of Education and Science has always dealt with. Only, I think it will be more detailed and deeper,” she said.

Parliament will not remain aloof from solving these problems. The task of the State Duma and the Federation Council is to join forces with the Government so that the next decade is filled with real steps and actions in favor of the child, in favor of childhood, Deputy Speaker of the State Duma Irina Yarovaya is sure. “The president’s decision to declare the “Decade of Childhood” can, to a certain extent, be called historical,” she emphasized. “It is extremely important in determining the strategy for the humanitarian and social development of our country.”

Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Olga Vasilyeva. Photo by the press service of the Federation Council

290 camps are not ready to accept children

The main topic of the meeting of the Coordination Council on May 29 was the organization of children's recreation in 2017. This summer, about 44 thousand camps are ready to accept children, it is expected that 7.5 million schoolchildren will relax in them. Valentina Matvienko recalled that at the end of last year, a law on children's recreation developed by senators was adopted, establishing uniform requirements for children's recreation organizations, as well as specifying the powers of federal and regional executive authorities, as well as local governments.

However, preparations for the next summer season have proven that there are still plenty of problems in this area. For example, the structure of recreational institutions is still dominated by so-called school day camps. “Of the total number of children’s camps, stationary ones make up only five percent,” recalled Valentina Matvienko. No more than one and a half million children rest in country camps, which can most fully provide health improvement. “We need to think about expanding out-of-town forms of recreation for children,” she said.

In some regions, full-fledged programs for the development of children's camps are being implemented, while in others, funds are allocated only for current needs and payment for vouchers.

The head of the Federation Council is also concerned by the fact that in many camps the proper level of security is still not ensured and basic sanitary rules are not observed. The situation related to the recreation infrastructure also leaves much to be desired. “In some regions, full-fledged programs for the development of children’s camps are being implemented, while in others, funds are allocated only for current needs and payment for vouchers. As a result, so far only a few children rest in camps with good equipment, interesting developmental programs, under the supervision of qualified professional counselors,” said Valentina Matvienko.

This year, 290 children's camps did not receive permission to open, said the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova. “They do not have time to eliminate the identified deficiencies before the deadline,” she explained.

Two professional standards have already been developed and adopted for workers in children’s camps, and three more remain to be prepared, said Olga Golodets. “As part of summer programs, children go not only to relax, but also to develop, and we understand that professional teachers should work with them. Both the expectations of both children and parents must be met in full,” she explained.

According to Olga Golodets, the involvement of the professional community in the development of more accurate professional standards has already been discussed: “We hope that they will not only join in this work, but also take part in the accreditation of those instructors and teachers who will subsequently work with children on tourist trips "

As for the safety of children on vacation, the entire regulatory framework in this area has been changed, Olga Golodets recalled. “Now each group that goes on a route is obliged to inform the Ministry of Emergency Situations about its route, about who is accompanying the children. Those people who lead the group must have special education and special skills in tourist support, that is, be instructors,” the Deputy Prime Minister emphasized.

Work on these standards began this spring.

The Deputy Prime Minister also pointed out that many violations that occur when organizing children's recreation are associated with artificially low prices for certain services.

“The canteen is designed for 300 people, 586 eat,” she explained. - There should be 400 people in the camp, but 600 people are brought there. This should not happen; you absolutely cannot save on children.”

The safety of children on vacation will be taken under special control

The issues of ensuring the safety of children on vacation have become almost the main topic of discussion. Russian Minister of Internal Affairs Vladimir Kolokoltsev noted that increased attention will be paid to sanatorium and resort complexes in the Krasnodar Territory, Crimea and Sevastopol. From June 1 to August 31, additional staff from other regions of the Federation will be sent to these regions. And the forces of the transport police and the State Traffic Inspectorate provide support for organized groups of children as they travel to recreational areas.

During the meeting, Valentina Matvienko personally, using speakerphone, called the emergency service and asked whether they kept separate records of incidents involving children. The shift supervisor told her that so far they do not have separate statistics on such cases.

This needs to be corrected, Irina Yarovaya is sure. “The call made by Valentina Ivanovna during a meeting of the Coordination Council to the emergency service will allow the ministry to create a new additional statistical form of registration, which will provide reliable data on how many children are in a difficult life situation, what happened to them and what help they need,” explained she.

According to her, it is extremely important to have initial information that provides the basis for serious, thoughtful analysis.