Abstracts Statements Story

Telephone number of the college admissions office in Moscow. Selection committee

Structure of the Professional College “Moscovia” in the village. Lviv city district of Podolsk

Circles, organizations, volunteer movements

  • Military-patriotic events are held monthly.
  • Participation in events, rallies, projects according to the plans of the organization “Narzhsky Frontier”
  • Search work, work in the museum. Preparation of new exhibitions
  • Carrying out events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution.
  • Bookmark of the Alley of Heroes, on the territory Memorial complex“Kuzovlevo” of the Rogovsky settlement dedicated to the first heroes of the Soviet Union
  • Conscript Day
  • Autumn Memory Watch 2017
  • Creative meeting with director Igor Ugolnikov “Ilyinsky Frontier” with viewing of the film “Brest Fortress”
  • Participation in the Patriotic Forum organized by the Russian Military Society in Moscow
  • Visit to the Kremlin Palace of Congresses
  • Meeting with veterans dedicated to the 76th anniversary of the Battle of Moscow
  • Events are organized to prevent crimes of antisocial behavior among students
  • Individual preventive work is carried out with minor students
  • Student attendance is monitored daily
  • Sports events
  • Conducting thematic cool hours on schedule.
  • Organizing work to produce wall newspapers, booklets and other information materials in groups, informing students about the delivery date (according to the educational work plan). Newspapers “September 1”, “Teacher’s Day”, “We are for healthy image life. No drugs" "Rules" traffic", newspapers to subject weeks, “No corruption”, “Legal literacy”, etc.

Also in OSP Lvovskoye there are clubs, sections, and a patriotic detachment:

  • Patriotic circle “My Fatherland”
  • Detachment "Rusichi"
  • Volunteer squad "Ray of Good"
  • Vocal and instrumental ensemble "Moskovia"
  • Student Council
  • Sports clubs
  • Club "Materials Science"
  • Club "Technical Creativity"

Professional skills competitions

In order to identify the best students in professions/specialties, to determine candidates for the national team of students at OSP Lvovskoe, qualifying rounds were held for WSR competencies (September-October).

  • Maintenance of passenger cars
  • Truck maintenance
  • Road construction (motor grader driver, loader driver, excavator driver, bulldozer driver)
  • Operation of agricultural equipment
  • Freight forwarding


Extrabudgetary activities

GAPOU MO Vocational College “Moskovia” OSP “Lvovskoe” provides educational services for training, retraining and advanced training of workers in the following specialties:

  • Forklift driver 3 – 6 categories;
  • Driver of an ATV, snowmobile (motor vehicles of category “A1”);
  • Motor grader operator 5 – 8 categories;
  • Bulldozer operator 4 – 6 categories;
  • Operator of a self-propelled roller with smooth rollers, 4 – 6 categories;
  • Excavator operator 4 – 6 categories;
  • Extruder operator 2 – 4 categories;
  • Tractor drivers of categories “B”, “C”, “D”, “E”, “F”;
  • Driver of a category “B”, “C” car;
  • Electric welder 2 – 6 categories.

Training in new programs will begin soon:

  • Security guard 4th grade
  • Road mill operator
  • Asphalt paver operator
  • Annual lessons with driver 20 hours
  • Personnel Management
  • 1C: Trade and warehouse


Articles from the media

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Dear applicants for the 2019-2020 academic year!

The admissions committee of GAPOU MO "Moskovia" is pleased to welcome you to the website and within the walls of our beloved college! Now, for most of you, a moment is coming that requires not only composure and independence, but also common sense, and most importantly, honesty with yourself, responsibility for your future. You have to make one of the most important decisions in life. By choosing a profession and entering college, you determine the vector of your future professional and personal development. We, and thousands of our graduates, are confident that by enrolling in Moskovia College, you are making the best choice. And if you consider how many new ones there are now educational programs, directions and profiles of training, it will become clear: everyone has a prospect!

Members of the admissions committee

Administration of the State Autonomous Professional educational institution The Moscow Region “Vocational College “Moscovia” informs that in accordance with Order No. 306-UD dated March 27, 2019 “On organizing the work of the admissions committee for 2019-2020 academic year The following members of the admissions committee have been appointed at the GAPOU MO "Vocational College "Moskovia":

Chairman of the Admissions Committee

CM. Nerubenko

Deputy Chairman of the Admissions Committee

A.A. Rybina

Responsible Secretary of the Admissions Committee

K.N. Stepanenkova– leading document specialist

Members of the selection committee:

A.A. Kostin– Deputy Director for Legal Affairs;

ON THE. Kiyasheva– head of structural unit No. 1;

I.N. Eliseeva– Deputy Head for Operational Management of Structural Unit No. 1;

S.S. Prikhodko– secretary of the educational unit of structural unit No. 1;

A.N. Kartashov- and about. head of structural unit No. 2;

E.V. Kapelina– secretary of the educational unit of structural unit No. 2;

T.S. Kirichenko– head of the office of structural unit No. 2;

E.V. Kochetkova– head of structural unit No. 3:

T.I. Kaverina– specialist in educational and methodological work of structural unit No. 3;

E.V. Zhdanova– secretary of the educational unit of structural unit No. 3;

V.M. Zhizdan– head of structural unit No. 4;

L.N. Sitnikova– deputy head of structural unit No. 4 for management and control;

O.E. Barashkova– teacher-organizer of structural unit No. 4;


Yu.V. Kiseleva– secretary of the educational unit of structural unit No. 4;

M.V. Morozov– head of structural unit No. 5;

A.N.Parshina– head of the office of structural unit No. 5;

O.S.Molchanova– Secretary of the educational unit of structural unit No. 5.


Documents will be accepted from 17.06.2019 by 08/14/2019 inclusive!

WITH 04/08/2019 . A hotline for consultations on admission to study for the 2019-2020 academic year is starting to operate.

Opening hours and addresses of the admissions committeeGAPOU MO "Vocational College "Moskovia" in 2019

Information about entrance examinations ChS

The administration of the State Autonomous Professional Educational Institution of the Moscow Region "Vocational College "Moscovia" informs that in accordance with Order No. 520-UD dated 05/06/19 "On the organization of entrance examinations in the specialty 02/20/02 "Defense in emergency situations"at the GAPOU MO "Vocational College "Moskovia" for the 2019-2020 academic year", Regulations on the Admissions Committee, approved by the director of the GAPOU MO "Vocational College "Moskovia" by order No. 87-UD dated 06/08/2017.

Psychological testing will take place:

on the base JV Domodedovo according to the following schedule:

July 10, 2019

August 2, 2019 from 9 o'clock – auditorium 115 academic building, city center Domodedovo, st. Tekstilshchikov d. 41

Responsible: Deputy Head of the Domodedovo joint venture I.N. Eliseeva, teacher Nikitina O.A., specialist Stepanchikova E.V.

on the base JV Kashira according to the following schedule:

July 31, 2019

August 7, 2019 from 9 o'clock – auditorium 201 academic building, o. Kashira, st. Klubnaya, 11

Responsible: Deputy And. O. head of the joint venture Kashirskoye Matsneva O.O., secretary of the educational department Kapelina E.V., head of the office Kirichenko T.S.

on the base JV Leninskoye according to the following schedule:

July 10, 2019

Responsible: i. O. Deputy Head of the Department of Internal Affairs of Leninskoye SP O.S. Anosova, specialist in educational and methodological work Kaverina T.I.

August 2, 2019 from 9.00 a.m. – room 20, academic building, Razvilka village, building 19

Responsible: i. O. Deputy Head for Management and Development L.A. Tolstopyatenko, educational psychologist Uryutova V.G.

on the base JV Lvovskoe according to the following schedule:

Responsible: Melnikova S.A., educational psychologist

Physical education exams will be held:

on the base JV Domodedovo according to the following schedule:

Responsible: Deputy Head of the Domodedovo joint venture Eliseeva I.N., deputy. for safety Bychkov A.I., medical worker Vasilenko A.A.

Responsible: Deputy head of the Domodedovo joint venture Eliseeva I.N., physical education teacher Yudaeva M.V., medical worker Vasilenko A.A.

on the base JV Kashira according to the following schedule:

Responsible: i. O. deputy head Matsneva O.O., head of the office Kirichenko T.S., teacher of physical education Petrov V.V.

Responsible: i. O. deputy head Matsneva O.O., secretary of the educational department Kapelina E.V., physical education teacher Fedulov I.S.

on the base JV Leninskoye according to the following schedule:

Responsible: i. O. deputy Head of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Leninsky joint venture Anosova O.S., physical education teacher Kharkina L.M., occupational safety engineer Baburin M.E.

Responsible: i. O. deputy Head of UMR Leninskoe SP Tolstopyatenko L.A., physical education teacher Kharkina L.M., medical worker Chernobrovkina L.F.

on the base JV Lvovskoe according to the following schedule:

Responsible: Stupin M.A., Bleskina Yu.P., physical education teachers


Information about the appeal commission

The administration of the State Autonomous Professional Educational Institution of the Moscow Region "Vocational College "Moskovia" informs that in accordance with Order No. 521-UD dated 05/06/19 "On the organization of the work of the appeal commission for the 2019-2020 academic year at the State Pedagogical Educational Institution "Vocational College "Moskovia" , the following members of the appeal commission have been appointed:

Chairman of the commission:

Nerubenko S.M.– Director of the GAPOU MO “Vocational College “Moskovia”

Deputy Chairman of the Commission:

Rybina A.A.– Deputy Director for educational and methodological work of the State Educational Institution of Educational Institution of the Moscow Region “Vocational College “Moscovia”

Secretary of the commission:

Stepanenkova K.N.– leading document specialist

Members of the commission:

Kostin A.A.– Deputy Director for Legal Affairs

Kopyshkina I.V.– Head of the Department for Management and Management of Structural Unit No. 1

Stepanchikova E.V.– Secretary of the educational department of structural unit No. 1

Goryacheva L.V.– Deputy Head for HR of structural unit No. 2

Kurganskaya M.V.– physical education teacher of structural unit No. 3

Stupin M.A.– physical education teacher of structural unit No. 4

Bleskina Yu.P.. – physical education teacher of structural unit No. 4


List of required documents upon admission to study

1. Questionnaire (Download)
2. Medical certificate form No. 086u
3. Certificate from a neuropsychiatrist
4. Certificate from a narcologist
5. 6 photographs – 3x4 (black and white)
6. Photocopy of passport
7. Photocopy of medical policy
8. Document on education (with c/c)
9. TIN
10. Ks. penny. fear. St. SNILS


Modern training means new speeds, techniques and technologies. That is why we need responsible specialists here, open to new knowledge and ready to constantly develop, who possess foreign languages and capable of performing at world standards.

DOMODEDOVO, July 15, 2017, DOMODEDOVO NEWS - To say that Moskovia College is known far beyond the Moscow region is to say nothing. The geography of the regions from which applicants come here to study has spread far beyond the Central federal district. People go to any expense - they tear themselves away from their native threshold, sacrifice family affections, rent apartments, but fly in flocks to a professional college, like cranes to warmer climes.

What is remarkable about the professional college “Moskovia”, which includes 5 structural divisions - Domodedovo, Leninskoye, Ozherelevskoye, Kashirskoye, united under the leadership of the college director Sergei Mikhailovich Nerubenko? What is the reason for the rocket-like rise of his ratings and wild popularity among young people? To get answers to these questions, I came to the Domodedovo educational building, where I met the head of the Domodedovo special structural unit, Natalya Kiyasheva. Natalya Alexandrovna kindly enlightened me about all the advantages of studying at this institution. I will try to present its detailed theses concisely, in the spirit of the times.


Firstly, the college offers purely applied specialties. It's no secret that many graduates of secondary and higher educational institutions in the country receive an invitation to the labor exchange along with their diploma. Here, all specialties - from a welder, an electrician to an aviation service worker - are traditionally “hands-on”. By the way, Natalya Alexandrovna’s son is a graduate of Moskovia, and his mother, as you know, will not give bad advice.

Secondly, here you get not just a profession, but a profession with a “quality mark”. College students regularly participate in various professional competitions, and also regularly take prizes in them, beating the vast majority of their competitors “by one wicket”. At the latest World Skills professional skills competition, which was held in the city of Krasnodar, students from Moskovia College took 1st place in the “Transport Service” competency and 3rd place in the “Railway Transport Management” competency.

Thirdly, everyone is attracted by the Domodedovo Airport’s “Influx” program, which is successfully running at the college. This is a truly unique program of advanced personnel selection. Unfortunately, there is nothing like this anywhere in Russia today. Here they prepare for work at the airport right from school. The program has become a true “social magnet” for thousands of young applicants. “Influx” includes a whole package of offers that a sane young man who thinks about his future simply cannot refuse. This package has everything: from a small but stable port scholarship to internship in the air harbor itself.

For young man there is no need to think about some kind of side income - the airport has taken care of this, says Natalya Kiyasheva. - All he has to do is study.

Fourthly, close practical cooperation with local manufacturing giants, to which college graduates then receive assignments. The list of heavyweight companies is impressive. This is Domodedovo International Airport, through the terminals and waiting rooms of which the population of a large European country; international airline "S7 ENGINEERING"; one of the largest in the region is the construction company "Gunay". And recently they were accompanied by the famous and successful Vozrozhdenie Bank. This cooperation is mutually beneficial. Companies intend to select the professionals they need from among college graduates, for which they are asked to provide students with a decent infrastructure for the educational process that meets the most modern requirements, as well as provide their production sites for internships.

Moreover, the practice itself should also be “at the level,” clarifies Natalya Kiyasheva. - But employers themselves are also vitally interested in this - they test their future employees on their own site, assessing professional and human qualities each of them.


The motto of the college can be considered the paraphrase “Non-stop renewal”. The college's offer package is updated every year. Moreover, all of these are specialties that are really in demand by the market, for which there is active demand from potential employers. But it was this year that the addition to the package became truly unprecedented - it was enriched with a whole scattering of new specialties, the very name of which pleases the eye of both the student himself and his future employer. Judge for yourself. The first “newcomer” of the package is the profession of “rescue technician” (customer - Domodedovo Airport). Today it is one of the most favorite professions of millions of Russian men. As they say, “honorable and creditable.” Besides, it's also interesting. No wonder the competition for admission to the Academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is now simply astronomical. An airport rescue technician will be involved in "emergency protection." And still practice there, in our world-famous air harbor. This year, S7 ENGINEERING Airlines has reserved three specialties at once - “specialist in the production and maintenance of aviation equipment”, “aircraft engine technician” and “operator of unmanned aerial vehicles”. In my opinion, one specialty is more interesting than another - especially for those who love the sky and everything connected with it.

This year the Gunay company made two “master” orders to Moskovia. It requires masters of general construction works and finishing, construction and decorative works. Moreover, every master is a one-man orchestra. General construction work is actually a whole “bouquet” of specialties, in each of which the master must feel confident: reinforcement worker, concrete worker, bricklayer, stove maker, slinger, welder, assembler...

The supervised professions of a master finisher are also pleasing to the ear: plasterer-painter, plasterer-tiler-tiler, plasterer-installer of frame-cladding structures. Everything is logical: time makes new demands. Appearance buildings and structures, the aesthetics of new architectural forms have to be given more and more attention. People are already accustomed to beauty, and beauty requires not only sacrifices, but also new professions. Accordingly, the professionalism of finishers should grow every year.


Well, the “cherry on the cake” of this whole professional dessert was, of course, “banking.” A very unexpected major for college. But, as they say, new times mean new songs. Today there are no analogues of this specialty in any secondary school. educational institution areas. The initiator of this competence was Bank Vozrozhdenie. And now the finishing of new bank offices is in full swing on the ground floor of Moskovia. The work, of course, is carried out at the expense of the bank itself.

Regional manager of the Domodedovo office of Bank Vozrozhdenie, Elena Egorycheva: “The bank signed a Cooperation Agreement with the State Educational Institution of the Moscow Region Vocational College Moskovia, within the framework of which we agreed to create a cooperation system that provides training in specialties related to banking. On the basis of the college, Bank Vozrozhdenie will conduct financial literacy lessons on an ongoing basis and accept students for practical training.

So the professional college “Moskovia” can be considered a universal college. This is where aviation technicians, cooks, construction workers, and now also banking specialists come from. And all of them, judging by the way they are snapped up by their former curators, and after receiving their diploma by their employers, become specialists with a mark of quality. So do it - you won't regret it.

It’s a pity that I’m already out of circulation due to my age. Otherwise, I would also be driving some kind of drone at Domodedovo, sitting at the controls. Or I would save someone at the airport by becoming a rescue technician. Or I would create exquisite culinary masterpieces, having acquired the necessary skills and knowledge. When I was young, we couldn’t even dream of such specialties and professions, much less practical training. So all that remains is to envy in a kind way. And wish the Moscovia graduates new achievements and career heights. Moreover, the launch pad for their takeoff at Moskovia was prepared excellent - just fly. Forward and upward - through thorns to the stars.

Igor Moiseev, Domodedovo News Agency
photo of the author, Roman Denisov, from the college archive