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School Olympiads in Chemistry. All-Russian Chemistry Olympiad for Schoolchildren

School stage All-Russian Chemistry Olympiad 2016.


PART 1 (test)

For each task, several answers are given, of which only one is correct. Choose the correct answer. Write down the number of the task and enter the number of the selected answer.

1. Has the highest molecular weight

1) BaCl 2 2) BaS0 4 3) Ba 3 (P0 4) 2; 4) Ba 3 R 2. (1 point)

2. A three-element substance is...

1) sulfuric acid; 2) quicklime (calcium oxide);

3) iron (III) chloride; 4) copper sulfate. (1 point)

Z. Sum of coefficients in a molecular reaction equation

(CuOH) 2 C0 3 + HC1 = CuC1 2 + C0 2 + ... (2 points)

1)10: 2)11; 3)12; 4)9.

4. Amount of substance (mol) contained in 6.255 g of phosphorus (V) chloride (2 points)

1)0,5; 2)0,3; 3)0,03; 4)0,15.

5. Mass (in grams) of a sample of aluminum nitrate, which contains 3.612∙10 23 nitrogen atoms

1)127,8; 2)42,6; 3)213; 4)14,2. (2 points)

6. Number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of the 40 K isotope

1) p = 20, n=19; 2)p = 40, n = 19; 3)p= 19,n=21: 4)p=21,n=19. (2 points)

7. The reaction that results in the formation of a precipitate

1) KOH + HC1; 2) K 2 C0 3 + H 2 S0 4; 3) Cu(OH) 2 + HNO 3; 4) Na 2 S + Pb(N0 3) 2. (2 points)

8. When a mixture of zinc (5.2 g) and zinc carbonate (5.0 g) reacts with hydrochloric acid, gases are released in volume (n.s.) (2 points)

1)0.896 l; 2) 1.792 l; 3) 2.688 l: 4) 22.4 l.

9. 150 g of calcium chloride was dissolved in 250 ml of water. The mass fraction of salt in the solution (in percent) is equal to:

1) 60; 2) 37,5; 3) 75; 4) 62,5 (2 points)

10. The molar mass of a gas weighing 0.84 g occupying a volume of 672 ml (n.s.) is equal to

1)44; 2)28; 3)32; 4)16. (2 points)

Total 18 points

PART 2 (transformation chains)

    Read the text.

A soldier was walking across the field, he decided to stop and write a letter to his family, but he had nothing to do with it. Then he found a black pebble, tried it and drew it. I wrote a letter with this stone and decided to sleep. He threw a pebble into the fire - it flared up, only smoke came out. The smoke stopped the rain and nailed it to the ground; The water flowed heavy and chalky. The water began to dry, in some places it remained, and where it dried up, there were already white pebbles lying there. The soldier woke up and was surprised at how the rain turned a black pebble into white. He took a white pebble, ran it over a white boulder, and lo and behold, he was drawing. The soldier was surprised and moved on.

Make a chain of transformations and solve it. (8 points )

(10 points)

PART 3 (tasks)

    Designers of the first spaceships and submarines were faced with a problem: how to maintain a constant air composition on a ship or space station, i.e. how to get rid of excess carbon dioxide and restore oxygen supply? An elegant solution was found - we need to turn CO 2 into O 2! For this, it was proposed to use potassium superoxide (KO 2), which is formed during the combustion of potassium in oxygen. When potassium superoxide reacts with carbon dioxide, free oxygen is released (oxygen atoms are both an oxidizing agent and a reducing agent at the same time). Write down equations for the reactions discussed in the text. Knowing that a person will emit an average of 0.51 m 3 of carbon dioxide per day, calculate how much potassium superoxide should be on board the space station to ensure the livelihoods of a crew of three people for a month (30 days). (24 points)

    The young chemist received from his teacher four bottles without labels containing solutions of potassium hydroxide, zinc chloride, barium chloride and potassium sulfide. The concentration of substances in each of the dispensed solutions was 0.1 mol/l. How, without using additional reagents and having only phenolphthalein paper (paper soaked in an alcohol solution of phenolphthalein), determine the contents of the bottles? Suggest a sequence of actions for the young chemist. Write down the equations for the reactions that occur. ( 40 points)

School stage of the All-Russian Chemistry Olympiad ANSWERS


PART 1Test.

Job number

Possible answer

Number of points

Total 18 points

PART 2 Chains of transformations.

Task 11

Number of points

A chain has been created

C-CO 2 -H 2 CO 3 -CaCO 3

1 equation

2 equation

CO 2 +H 2 O=H 2 CO 3

3 equation

H 2 CO 3 + CaO = CaCO 3 + H 2 O

Total 8 points

Task 12

reaction equation 1 is written

CuSO 4 + 2KOH = Cu(OH) 2 ↓ + K 2 SO 4

2 points

reaction equation 2 is written

Cu(OH) 2 = CuO + H 2 O (heating)

2 points

reaction equation 3 is written

CuO + H 2 = Cu + H 2 O

2 points

reaction equation 4 is written

Cu + HgSO 4 = CuSO 4 + Hg

2 points

reaction equation 5 is written

CuSO 4 + Ba(NO 3) 2 = BaSO 4 ↓ +Cu(NO 3) 2

2 points

Total 10 points

PART 3 Tasks.

Task 13.

The equation for the reaction of combustion of potassium in oxygen is written

5 points

The reaction equation for the interaction of potassium superoxide with carbon dioxide has been written

4KO 2 + 2CO 2 = 2K 2 CO 3 + 3O 2

5 points

The amount of potassium superoxide that should be on board is calculated.

A person emits 0.51 m 3 = 510 l of carbon dioxide per day, which is 510 l: 22.4 l/mol = 22.77 mol; to utilize it, 2 times more potassium superoxide is required, i.e. 45.54 mol or 3.23 kg.
To work for 30 days for three people, 3.23 kg x 30 days x 3 people = 290.27 kg of potassium superoxide will be required.

14 points

Total 24 points

Task 14

Phenolphthalein takes on a crimson color in an alkaline environment. The color appears in solutions of potassium hydroxide and potassium sulfide:

We determine which bottle contains potassium hydroxide and potassium sulfide.
We add the contents of one of the bottles to the samples of solutions in which the color of phenolphthalein has not changed. If a white precipitate forms that does not dissolve in an excess of reagent solution, this is a solution of potassium sulfide, and the analyzed solution contains zinc chloride.
K 2 S + ZnCl 2 = ZnS↓ + 2КCl

If a gelatinous precipitate forms, soluble in excess of the reagent, then the added solution contains potassium hydroxide, and the analyzed solution contains zinc chloride.
2KOH + ZnCl 2 = Zn(OH) 2 ↓ + 2КCl
Zn(OH) 2 ↓ + 2KOH = K 2 or
Zn(OH) 2 ↓ + 2KOH = K 2 ZnO 2 + 2H 2 O

The flask, to the samples of which no visible changes occur when solutions of K 2 S and KOH are added, contains barium chloride.

Total 40 points

This Olympiad is available to everyone!

For everyone who is interested in studying chemistry, we are launching a new international Olympiad. We invite students of grades 8-11 and students of the first and second years of secondary educational institutions to test their knowledge and receive well-deserved rewards for their efforts and theoretical basis.

How chemistry is taught at the Mega-Talent center: Separate sets of tasks have been prepared for participants of different age categories, including theoretical questions, tasks and assignments with diagrams and illustrations.

What themes are we repeating this season:

  • History of chemistry and chemical discoveries
  • Chemical properties of metals and non-metals
  • Hydrocarbons
  • Dispersed media and other topics

Participants will receive 15 test questions of various types:

  • Questions with one or more correct answers.
  • Tasks on correlating two data series and making comparisons.
  • Tasks requiring work with illustrative sources.
  • Tasks with solving a problem with an initial series of data.

The Olympiad tasks comply with the Federal State Educational Standard and help:

  • Master the conceptual apparatus and symbolic language of chemistry.
  • To form initial systematic ideas about substances, their transformations and practical applications.
  • Realize the objective significance of the fundamentals of chemical science as a field of modern natural science.

Separate awards await the organizer and parents

We will also send a special thank you to
ness to your educational institution

You will also receive

Gifts for all participants All participants receive a special “Table of Achievements”, in which they can enter information about the results of participation in our events and personal achievements.

Infographics Teachers who apply for 10 or more participants will be able to receive a personalized class rating in the form of an infographic

Info poster announcement With the help of the information poster you can easily start organizing our event in your educational institution Download information poster

  1. Register on the website website.
  2. Apply for participation by indicating the number of participants.
  3. Confirm your application by paying in a way convenient for you.
  4. One application may contain only one name of the Olympiad curator and one title educational institution, which will be reflected in the award materials of the participants and curator. You can submit multiple entries for an event if required.
  5. Use the received methodological materials to conduct the Olympiad (methodological recommendations, tasks for each category of participants, answer forms).
  6. Upload student work before debriefing begins.
  7. Download award materials from your completed application after the day the results are published.
  1. Students must complete all assignments independently, without outside help.
  2. Be responsible when filling out the answer table - the participant’s result may depend on it!
  3. Correctly fill in all required fields. Time to change the entered data is limited.
  4. Remember that the registration fee will not be refunded for participants’ works not added in a timely manner!

Who can win the Olympics?

Our methodologists create assignments that correspond to the school curriculum. They are simpler than at regional olympiads, but more interesting and varied than at school tests. Our assignments are completed by excellent students and students who know the material at a sufficient level. However, the experience of participating in Olympiads is also interesting for students with a satisfactory level of knowledge.

We took part in the Olympics last season. Are the tasks the same in this Olympiad?

No, we prepare new tasks for each season. Quests for different seasons are based on different sections curriculum. You can take part in the Olympiad again.

What does a set of tasks for the Olympiad look like?

On the day the assignments are issued, all teachers who have paid for participation can download a set of materials for the Olympiad, which includes:

  • Guidelines for holding the Olympics.
  • Motivation letter to the participant from the director of the Mega-Talent MDG.
  • A set of 15 tasks of various types.
  • Calendar of upcoming events.

How are the results of the Olympiad assessed?

After you enter the answers into a special table on the website, they will be submitted for verification. For each correct answer, the student receives 2 points. If a test question has two answer options and the student indicated only one option correctly, he will receive 1 point.

How are rewards distributed?

  • An Olympiad participant who receives 30 points is awarded the highest award - a winner's diploma.
  • Participants who receive 26–29 points are awarded 2nd and 3rd places and given winners' diplomas.
  • All other participants receive personalized certificates.

Awards can be downloaded on the day of summing up.

How to pay for participation in the Olympiad?

To pay, use one of the proposed methods:

  • Bank card VISA/MasterCard/Maestro
  • QIWI Wallet
  • Yandex.Money Wallet
  • Transfer through a bank or Russian Post office
  • Cash at self-service terminals

In order not to pay for each event separately and not have to fill in all the payment information again each time, you can top up your personal balance.

How can you save on paying for participation in the Olympiads?

We will compensate for the costs of holding the Olympiad. The more students indicated in the application, the higher the percentage of compensation for the teacher's expenses.

You can also save by replenishing your balance on the website. When you replenish your balance, you will receive a bonus of 7–20%, depending on the replenishment amount.

Why do teachers choose the Mega-Talent Olympiads?

  • Simple application form
  • Convenient access to methodological materials and awards
  • Entering answers yourself and working on errors
  • Reimbursement of expenses for printing assignments and award materials
  • Unique and varied missions

Photos of participants

More than 1000 reviews from satisfied teachers

This is not the first time we have taken part in the Olympics, and we really like it. The format of the tasks is interesting, as well as the opportunity to do them in a comfortable environment and test your level. The students really like it. Thank you...

Olga Ruzhina

MAOU "Secondary School No. 56"

Thank you very much for free competition By fine arts"Autumn Symphony". The 1st grade children enjoyed making crafts with their own hands. I really liked the diplomas.

Irina Romanova

FGKOU "Secondary school No. 140"

For the first time we took part in an event with 1st grade students and were very pleased. Thanks to the organizers for providing the children with the opportunity to feel mega talented!

Olga Kusakina

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 64 named after B. Ruchev" of the city of Magnitogorsk

Dear colleagues, thank you for organizing this competition! The tasks are selected in a very interesting way with notes folk culture(surrounding world). The children and I were very pleased with the competition, and most importantly...

Irina Obrezkova

Municipal educational institution Ignatovskaya secondary school

Dear colleagues! I really like the Mega Talent Olympics, the tasks are interesting, the kids are happy to participate. The events help teachers prepare for certification. Thank you....

Natalia Podkina

GAPOU SO Technical College of Food and Services Industry "Culinary"

We thank the organizers for hosting the Olympiad. The tasks were interesting and educational. My students enjoyed doing them.

Tatiana Myasnikova

Thank you very much to the organizers of the Olympics. This was our first time taking part. The children were very interested in testing their knowledge. We wish you further success!!! Just excuse me for one question - students...


Thank you very much for organizing the Olympics for children. Your daughter takes great pleasure in solving your problems!!!

Daria Novikova


Many thanks to the organizers for providing the children with the opportunity to participate in such a wonderful and interesting event. We participated for the first time and hope to get a more significant result in...

Victor Permitin

MAOU secondary school No. 6

I thank the organizers for the opportunity to participate.

Anatoly Knyazkov

Good afternoon My students took part in the Mathematics Olympiad for the first time, got a good experience, and are happy with the result. Thanks to the organizers!

Anatoly Knyazkov

My students and I are participating in this quiz for the first time. Thank you very much. My students really enjoyed the quiz!!!

Lilit Vardanyan

Municipal educational institution Ramenskaya secondary school No. 9

Thank you very much to the organizers. You have a lot of different events on your website for schoolchildren and teachers. We will be glad to work with you again and participate in your events. Shandaraev S.A MBOU "Gusev...

Sergey Shandaraev

Good afternoon I thank the organizers for providing children with the opportunity to participate in the Olympiads. The Olympiad aroused great interest among students. We took part for the first time. Very interesting, sir...

Anatoly Knyazkov

Thank you very much to the organizers of the event! Interesting questions were selected for the crossword puzzle. The guys completed the task with pleasure!

Tatiana Korobeynikova

MBOU "Lyceum No. 1" MO "Buguruslan"

Thank you very much for trying to hold Olympics, Quizzes, Competitions, and various events for children. Your activities contribute to the development in children of a desire to study more deeply...

Sergey Astrakhantsev

MAOU " high school No. 24, In the Name of the Hero Soviet Union M.V. Vodopyanova". Krasnoyarsk.

Participated in the quiz "Mastery of Didactics". Thank you for the opportunity to test your knowledge! I had to “puff”, but I’m very glad that I completed all the tasks.

Lyudmila Berdnikova

FKOU "Secondary School of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Sverdlovsk Region"

Many thanks to the organizers for the opportunity for our “special” students to participate! Very interesting tasks, well-thought-out organization. KOGOBU VSSH village Lesnoy Verkhnekamsk district.

Anastasia Kuznetsova

KOGOBU VSSH village Lesnoy Verkhnekamsk district

We hold all-Russian and international Olympiads in which schoolchildren and students participate. The Mega-Talent Olympiads in chemistry are held for students in grades 8-11 and students of the first and second years of secondary educational institutions. We reward all participants by presenting them with diplomas and certificates. Teachers receive certificates and gratitude from us for organizing the Olympiad.

MDG “Mega-Talent” through the eyes of statistics:

  • We organized more than 400 Olympiads and expanded the list of subjects to 47 disciplines.
  • 11,000 schoolchildren from 12 countries took part in the chemistry olympiads.
  • We paid teachers 2,500,000 rubles to compensate for organizational expenses.
  • 98% of teachers who took part in the Olympiad once become permanent organizers.

5 steps towards a teacher

It is convenient and profitable to cooperate with us, because we always follow 5 steps, thought out with each teacher and his concerns in mind.

  1. We open access to assignments for all classes at once and are preparing methodological recommendations for conducting the Olympiad.
  2. Every season we change the design of certificates and acknowledgments to diversify your portfolio.
  3. We save your money by compensating for the costs of printing assignments and awards.
  4. Every month we give gifts and send the most active teacher to a professional development course for free.
  5. We promptly respond to your questions via online chat, email and Skype.

Students love the Mega-Talent Olympiads in Chemistry

Distance Olympiads are held in conditions that are familiar and comfortable for students - within the walls of their home school. A familiar environment helps them get rid of unnecessary anxiety and focus on the main thing - completing tasks. Therefore, Mega-Talent Olympiads often become an opportunity to express themselves for students who are unsure of their abilities.

We create conditions for everyone to take part in the Olympiads, regardless of their level of performance. The tasks of our Olympiads are compiled in accordance with the school curriculum and meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. We include only those topics that students managed to complete by the time of the Olympiad.

Assignments for each class consist of 15 questions of various types:

  • Questions with one or more correct answers.
  • Tasks on correlating two data series.
  • Tasks requiring work with illustrative sources.
  • Tasks to solve a problem with an initial series of data.

Cost of participation in the Olympiad and amount of compensation

To obtain materials for the Olympiad, you need to pay an registration fee. The amount of the registration fee for one participant is indicated on the Olympiad page. We return up to 30% of this amount to the teacher for printing assignments and award materials.The amount of compensation depends on the number of participants in the Olympiad. You will learn more about the terms of compensation after registration on the site.

Organizers of the Olympiads are automatically included inteacher rating , which is updated every month. Leaders of the rating receive valuable gifts.

During the academic year we hold 7 Olympiads in chemistry

Every year, our center hosts 3 All-Russian and 4 international Olympiads. The schedule of the Olympiads is structured in such a way as to avoid pauses between events.

Whenever you visit the site, you can always apply for one of our Olympiads. We prepare new tasks for each Olympiad, so people participate in our Olympiads 2-3, and sometimes 7 times a year.

Automatic verification of work and publication of results

Test tasks are assessed automatically immediately after you enter your students’ answers into a special table by logging into Personal Area. On the day the results are published, you will be able to download awards for yourself and all students who took part in the Olympiad.

Still don’t know how to become an organizer of the Chemistry Olympiad?

  1. Register on the website.
  2. Go to schedule and choose the Chemistry Olympiad.
  3. Submit an application and indicate the number of participants in the Olympiad.
  4. Confirm your application to download assignments and guidelines.
  5. Print out the received materials and conduct the Olympiad.
  6. Add participant responses in your personal account.
  7. On the day of summing up, check out the results and download your well-deserved awards

How to pay for participation in the Chemistry Olympiad?

You can pay the registration fee in one of the following ways:

  • Payment by bank card (online);
  • Payment by receipt, at the Russian Post office;
  • Payment using electronic payment systems (online).

Can schoolchildren and students from outside Russia take part in the Olympiad?

Pupils and students from any country in the world can participate in all our Olympiads. The only requirement for students is fluency in Russian, since all assignments are written in Russian. We have collected answers to other questions that we are often asked .


1 1 ALL-RUSSIAN OLYMPIAD FOR SCHOOLCHILDREN IN CHEMISTRY MUNICIPAL STAGE. 9 CLASS Solutions and criteria for evaluating Olympiad tasks The five solved ones, for which the participant scored the most points, are counted in the final grade of the six proposed problems. One of the problems with the lowest score is not taken into account. 1. Properties of acidic oxides Write reaction equations in which an acidic oxide reacts with another substance in a molar ratio: a) 1: 1, b) 1: 2, c) 2: 1, d) 1: 3, e) 1: 6 (For each reaction you can choose your own acid oxide.) a) SO 3 + H 2 O = H 2 SO 4 b) CO 2 + 2KOH = K 2 CO 3 + H 2 O c) 2SO 2 + O 2 = 2SO 3 d) P 2 O 5 + 3H 2 O = 2H 3 PO 4 e) P 2 O 5 + 6KOH = 2K 3 PO 4 + 3H 2 O 2 points for each equation. In each case, several options are possible, any reasonable answers that meet the conditions are accepted. 2. Reactions with volume reduction There is a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen. The mixture is ignited with an electric spark. At what volumetric ratio of gases will the volume of the mixture after passing a spark decrease by exactly one quarter (at constant temperature and pressure)? The volume of water formed can be neglected. Give two answer options and support them with calculations. 2H 2 (g) + O 2 (g) = 2H 2 O (l) According to the reaction equation, 2 moles of water are formed from 3 moles of gases. Consequently, the amount of substance in gases decreases by 3 mol, which

2 is a quarter of the original amount, i.e. before the reaction there were 12 moles of gases. Two options are possible: 1) in excess hydrogen: 11 mol H 2 and 1 mol O 2, volume ratio H 2: O 2 = 11: 1 2) in excess oxygen: 2 mol H 2 and 10 mol O 2, volume ratio H 2: O 2 = 1: 5 Grading system: reaction equation 1 point, mention of the idea of ​​“excess-deficiency” 1 point, each answer option 4 points, of which 3 points for calculating the composition of the mixture in moles, 1 point for the volume ratio. 3. Oxygen from Carbon Dioxide Compound alkali metal With oxygen, substance X reacts with carbon dioxide. The only reaction products are metal carbonate and oxygen in a molar ratio of 2: 3 and a mass ratio of 23: 8. Establish the formula of X and write the equations for its reactions with carbon dioxide and water. The metal can be determined by comparing the mass ratio with the molar ratio: m(m2co 3) 2 M (M2CO 3) 2 M (M2CO 3) 23 = = =, m(o) 3 M (O) from where M(M 2 CO 3) = 138 g/mol, this is K 2 CO 3, metal K. Formula X is determined by the reaction equation. Let's denote the formula X K a O b and first draw up a diagram and then an equation for the reaction. Scheme: K a O b + CO 2 2K 2 CO 3 + 3O 2. Equation: 4KO 2 + 2CO 2 = 2K 2 CO 3 + 3O 2. Substance X KO 2. Reaction equation with water: 4KO 2 + 2H 2 O = 4KOH + 3O 2. (The reaction equation with the formation of H 2 O 2 is also accepted: 2KO 2 + 2H 2 O = 2KOH + H 2 O 2 + O 2.) 2

3 3 Grading system: determination of metal 2 points, establishment of formula X 4 points, reaction equations, 2 points for each 4 points. 4. Electrons also have mass 2 Which substance, consisting of two elements, has the largest mass fraction of electrons? Briefly justify your answer using calculations or reasoned arguments. An atom consists of protons, neutrons and electrons. The number of electrons in an atom is serial number element Z. Let us assume that the masses of the proton and neutron are approximately equal, and write the expression for the mass fraction of the electron: N(e) m(e) N(e) m(e) ω(e) = = = N(e) m( e) N(p) m(p) N(n) m(n) N(e) m(e) N(p) N(n) m(p) Zm(e) 1 = = Zm(e) Am (p) A m(p) 1 Z m(e) Here N denotes the number of particles of a given type in an atom, A is the mass number. In order for the electron mass fraction to be greatest, the A/Z ratio must be smallest. It is equal to 1 for the 1 H atom; for all other atoms it is equal to 2 or more. Thus, the compound must contain H atoms and atoms of another element with the minimum (if possible) A / Z ratio. In this case, there should be as much hydrogen as possible. Of all hydrogen compounds the largest mass fraction of hydrogen in CH 4. The carbon atom 12 C is suitable as the second element since it has A / Z = 2. Answer: CH 4. Grading system: considerations that the compound must include an H atom, 4 points, considerations about CH 4 6 points (compounds with a lower mass fraction of hydrogen, for example NH 3, H 2 O, 3 points instead of 6), if only the correct answer is given without any reasoning 0 points.

4 4 5. Study of black powder The young chemist examined black powder using the means available to him. When the powder was calcined for a long time in air and in a stream of oxygen, the color of the substance became darker, and a gas with a pungent odor was released, similar to the smell of a burning match. The mass of the substance did not change during calcination. Further studies showed that the original test substance does not dissolve in dilute sulfuric acid even when heated, but the calcination product dissolves well in the acid, forming a solution blue color. Based on these observations, the young chemist came to the correct conclusion that the substance consists of two elements. a) What elements are included in the composition of the substance under study? b) What is the formula of the substance under study? c) Write down the equation for the reaction that occurs when a substance is calcined in the presence of oxygen. d) Explain using calculation why the mass solid does not change upon heating. a) The composition of the substance under study includes copper and sulfur (1.5 points for each element for a total of 3 points). b) Formula of the substance Cu 2 S (3 points; for CuS 0 points). c) Cu 2 S + 2O 2 = 2СuO + SO 2 (3 points; 3 points are also given if the correct equation for the combustion of CuS is given). d) The mass of 1 mole of Cu 2 S (160 g) is equal to the mass of 2 moles of CuO, the product of the reaction SO 2 gaseous substance(1 point).

5 5 6. Chemical fountain The following experiment was carried out in a chemistry lesson. A white crystalline substance was placed in Wurtz flask 1 (see Fig. 1), which colors the flame yellow. Using dropping funnel 2, concentrated sulfuric acid was poured into flask 1, and a colorless gas 1.26 times heavier than air immediately began to evolve. The resulting gas was collected in round-bottomed flask 3. 1) What gas was obtained in the device shown in Fig. 1? Justify your answer, confirm it with calculations and the reaction equation. 2) Why was this gas collected by displacing air rather than water? Figure 1 3) What needs to be done with flask 3 filled with gas so that a fountain begins to “glow” inside it (see Figure 2)? Explain your answer. 4) What will be observed (see Fig. 2) if you pour into crystallizer 4: a) an aqueous solution of methyl orange; b) silver nitrate solution? 5) Why should you use a round-bottomed flask rather than a flat-bottomed flask for a “fountain”? Figure 2 1) Hydrogen chloride was obtained in the device. M = 1.26 29 g/mol = 36.5 g/mol (2 points) Sulfuric acid poured into sodium chloride. It is known that sodium ions color the flame yellow, which proves the presence of sodium in the composition of this salt. (1 point) The reaction occurs in Wurtz flask 1: NaCl + H 2 SO 4 = NaHSO 4 + HCl. (1 point) (The equation is allowed: 2NaCl + H 2 SO 4 = Na 2 SO 4 + 2HCl) 2) Hydrogen chloride cannot be collected by displacing water, since it dissolves well in it. (1 point) 3) In order for the flask to “give a fountain”, it is necessary, without releasing gas, to close it with a stopper with a gas outlet tube. Then add a small amount of water into the flask, in which hydrogen chloride will dissolve,

6 and a vacuum will be created in the flask. If the end of the gas outlet tube is lowered into water, it will begin to rise into the flask under the influence of atmospheric pressure. (2 points) 4) When hydrogen chloride is dissolved in a flask, hydrochloric acid is formed. a) In hydrochloric acid, the orange color of the indicator will change to red. (1 point) b) When interacting of hydrochloric acid with a solution of silver nitrate, a white precipitate is formed, the mixture becomes cloudy: HCl + AgNO 3 = HNO 3 + AgCl. (1 point) 5) When demonstrating a “fountain”, a vacuum is created inside the flask, so its walls experience significant pressure from the outside. In the case of a round-bottomed flask, the pressure on its walls is distributed evenly. Thus, when using a round-bottomed flask, there is less chance that it will burst due to the pressure difference. It is important to note that the walls of the flask must be completely smooth and intact; there should be no cracks, scratches, or chips on them. (1 point) 6

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ALL-RUSSIAN OLYMPIAD FOR SCHOOLCHILDREN IN CHEMISTRY. 2016 2017 academic year MUNICIPAL STAGE. CLASS 10 Assignments, answers, assessment criteria General instructions: if the problem requires calculations, they must be

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ALL-RUSSIAN OLYMPIAD FOR SCHOOLCHILDREN IN CHEMISTRY. 014 015 SCHOOL STAGE. 10 GRADE 1 Criteria for evaluating olympiad tasks 5 solutions for which the participant scored

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ALL-RUSSIAN OLYMPIAD FOR SCHOOLCHILDREN IN CHEMISTRY. 2016 2017 academic year SCHOOL STAGE. GRADE 10 Assignments, answers and assessment criteria In the final grade of 6 problems, 5 solutions for which the participant

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Full-time stage. Grade 11. Solutions. Task 1. A mixture of three gases A, B, C has a hydrogen density of 14. A portion of this mixture weighing 168 g was passed through an excess solution of bromine in an inert solvent

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The correct solution to task 31 must contain equations of four. For the correct recording of each reaction equation, you can get 1 point. You can get a maximum of 4 points for completing this task. Every one is true

ALL-RUSSIAN OLYMPIAD FOR SCHOOLCHILDREN IN CHEMISTRY 2015 2016 academic year. MUNICIPAL STAGE 8th grade Solutions and assessment criteria The 5 solutions for which the participant scored the highest are counted into the final grade out of 6 problems

Olympiad "LOMONOSOV" CHEMISTRY OPTION 1 1.1. The red color of the blood of most vertebrates is due to hemoglobin. Calculate the mass fraction of hydrogen in hemoglobin C 2954 H 4516 N 780 O 806 S 12 Fe 4. (4 points)

EXAMINATION TEST IN CHEMISTRY (EXTERNAL 9th GRADE) 1. Chemical reaction, proceeding with the formation of a precipitate a) h 2 SO 4 + BaCl 2 b) HNO 3 + KOH c) HCl + CO 2 d) HCl + Ag 2. With which of the substances a) carbonate

Theoretical round 9th grade 9th grade Problem 1. A solution containing 5.55 g of calcium hydroxide absorbed 3.96 g of carbon dioxide. What mass of sediment was formed in this case? Ca(OH) 2 + CO 2 = CaCO 3 + H 2 O (1)

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Iron 1. 7. Are the following judgments about the properties of iron and aluminum oxides true? A. Both aluminum and iron form stable oxides in the +3 oxidation state. B. Iron(III) oxide is amphoteric. 2.

4.1.2 Class 10 assignments 1. One of the important characteristics of a covalent bond is its length. Which of the following connections has the maximum communication length? 1. HF 3. HBr 2. HCl 4. HI 2. Most inorganic

Participants about 250

Now the Olympiad is held in 4 stages. The holding of the All-Russian Olympiad is regulated by the Procedure approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

Geography of the All-Russian and All-Union Olympiads in Chemistry (1965-2015)

Olympiad number Year City Olympics
I All-Russian
2. 1966 Kazan All-Russian
3. 1967 Dnepropetrovsk All-Union
4. 1968 Vilnius All-Union
5. 1969 Rostov-on-Don All-Union
6. 1970 Voronezh All-Union
7. 1971 Minsk All-Union
8. 1972 Ufa All-Union
9. 1973 Baku All-Union
10. 1974 Donetsk All-Union
11. 1975 Vilnius All-Union
12. 1976 Kyiv All-Union
13. 1977 Almaty All-Union
14. 1978 Kazan All-Union
15. 1979 Kishinev All-Union
16. 1980 Yerevan All-Union
17. 1981 Frunze All-Union
18. 1982 Tallinn All-Union
19. 1983 Tbilisi All-Union
20. 1984 Dushanbe All-Union
21. 1985 Riga All-Union
22. 1986 Donetsk All-Union
23. 1987 Tashkent All-Union
24. 1988 Vilnius All-Union
25. 1989 Permian All-Union
26. 1990 Minsk All-Union
27. 1991 Ivanovo All-Union
28. 1992 Samara All-Union
29. 1993 Lipetsk All-Russian
30. 1994 Kazan All-Russian
31. 1995 N.-Novgorod All-Russian
32. 1996 Samara All-Russian
33. 1997 Kazan All-Russian
34. 1998 Belgorod All-Russian
35. 1999 Ryazan All-Russian
36. 2000 Vladimir All-Russian
37. 2001 Ulyanovsk All-Russian
38. 2002 Velikiy Novgorod All-Russian
39. 2003 Cheboksary All-Russian
40. 2004 Chelyabinsk All-Russian
41. 2005 Belgorod All-Russian
42. 2006 Ufa All-Russian
43. 2007 Ufa All-Russian
44. 2008 Ufa All-Russian
45. 2009 Arkhangelsk All-Russian
46. 2010 Kazan All-Russian
47. 2011 Arkhangelsk All-Russian
48. 2012 Magnitogorsk All-Russian
49. 2013 Kursk All-Russian
50. 2014 Kazan All-Russian
51. 2015 Novosibirsk All-Russian
52. 2016 Belgorod All-Russian
53 March 30 - April 5 All-Russian

In order to coordinate the holding of Olympiads and other intellectual competitions aimed at finding, supporting and accompanying talented children and youth during the formation period, the Russian Council for Schoolchildren Olympiads (RSOSH) was created in 2006. The work of RSOS is regulated by the Procedure for holding Olympiads for schoolchildren. This Procedure does not apply to the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren.

Stages of the Olympiad

According to the Procedure for holding the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, the All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Chemistry is held in 4 stages:

  • The school stage of the Olympiad is carried out according to tasks developed by the municipal subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad, based on the content educational programs basic general and secondary general education in-depth level and corresponding focus (profile), for grades 4-11. The deadline for completing the school stage of the Olympiad is no later than November 1;
  • The municipal stage of the Olympiad is carried out according to tasks developed by regional subject-methodological commissions, based on the content of educational programs of basic general and secondary general education at an advanced level and the corresponding focus (profile), for grades 7-11. The deadline for the municipal stage of the Olympiad is no later than December 25;
  • The regional stage of the Olympiad is carried out according to tasks developed by the central subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad, based on the content of educational programs of basic general and secondary general education at an advanced level and the corresponding focus (profile), for grades 9-11. Deadline regional stage Olympiads - no later than February 25;
  • The final stage of the Olympiad is carried out according to tasks developed by the central subject-methodological commissions, based on the content of educational programs of basic general and secondary general education at an advanced level and the corresponding focus (profile), for grades 9-11. The deadline for the final stage of the Olympiad is no later than April 30.

Correspondence (distance) forms of conducting stages of secondary school

The school, municipal and regional stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren are sometimes held in several rounds, one of which is correspondence. This tour allows you to attract as many schoolchildren as possible to participate in the Olympiad and conduct an effective selection of participants for the full-time tour. Most often, a correspondence tour is conducted via the Internet.

Organizational and scientific-methodological work

The organization and conduct of the Olympiad is coordinated by the Central Organizing Committee of the Olympiad under the leadership of the chairman. Organizational, technical and information support for the activities of the Central Organizing Committee of the Olympiad is provided by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. For scientific and methodological support of the Olympiad, central subject-based methodological commissions (TSMC) of the Olympiad are created. The composition of the TsPMK in chemistry is formed at the proposal of the Central Organizing Committee of the Olympiad from among teaching, scientific, scientific and pedagogical workers and is approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. The main principles of the activities of the Central Organizing Committee of the Olympiad, the central subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad, the jury of all stages of the Olympiad are competence, objectivity, transparency, as well as compliance with professional ethics.

The All-Russian Chemistry Olympiad for schoolchildren is held in four stages. School and municipal are most often held for students in grades 7-11, in one theoretical round...

At the regional stage, only grades 9-11 can participate, and another round is added - a practical one. The final stage is held for grades 9-11 in three rounds: two theoretical and practical.

Olympiad tasks in chemistry often require participants to have additional knowledge from other areas, for example, physics, biology, geology, geography. Winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad receive benefits when entering universities in specialized areas.

The first Chemistry Olympiads for schoolchildren took place in Moscow and Leningrad in 1938. The first All-Union Olympiad was held in 1967.

What's new

How to participate

  1. Inform your subject teacher about your intention to participate in the Olympiad, to the class teacher, head teacher or person responsible for competitions at school.
  2. Find out from your school what days and where the school phase will take place.
  3. Come to the Olympics and participate.
  4. Find out your results and passing marks for the next stage at your school.
  5. Participate in the municipal stage. Find out from your teacher where the Olympiad will be held.
  6. Find out the results, carefully review your work and compare it with the criteria, ask the jury questions.
  7. Wait for the passing scores for the regional stage.
  8. Find out where and when the competition will take place on the website of the Olympiad organizer or from the person responsible for holding the competition in your region.
  9. Study the requirements for holding the regional stage. Check to see if you need to bring a lab coat, rubber gloves, or goggles on the experiment tour.
  10. Participate in the regional stage.
  11. Wait for your results. Look at the work and compare it with the assessment criteria. Ask questions to the verification jury; if you do not agree with their answers, go to appeal.
  12. Wait for the passing scores for the final stage to be announced.
  13. The organizer of the Olympiad in the region must contact you and provide the necessary information about the finals.
  14. Participate in final stage and follow safety precautions in the laboratory!