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Russian Kim Kardashian Yulia on Instagram. Russian Kim Kardashian about conquering Instagram, plastic surgery and men

Russian Kim Kardashian, Instagram sensation, queen of selfies - all this is about her, 22-year-old model from Kaliningrad Anastasia Kvitko. She already has almost 4 million subscribers who are in love with her truly outstanding forms, which she does not hesitate to demonstrate from all angles. Now Nastya lives in Los Angeles, where a reality show will be filmed about her, participates in Kanye West shows, appears in videos and is becoming more and more popular. So Kim will have to make a move, the ambitious girl is sure.

Tell us how you moved to America?

I moved here from Moscow as soon as I turned 20. This happened thanks to Kanye West. He had a new collection of clothes coming out, and I was invited to his show as a model. They gave me a visa, paid all expenses, transfer, etc. At first I thought that I would then fly back to Russia, I even had a return ticket. But in America I received many more offers, because they recommended me to others, they showed me to some agents, managers, and many orders came in. That's why I decided to stay here.

Was this all in Miami?

Yes, first I came to Miami, lived in Brickell. And now I live in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, because I have a lot of work here and I had to move. They already want to make a reality show about me on VH1, about my everyday life, filming will begin in October. But I have this problem: I know English, but not so well that I can be on television, where you need to know the language perfectly, so now I have hired a lot of tutors and am working very hard on both the accent and the language. Although I have already filmed for German television twice. Such language does not interfere with a modeling career, but when you finally go on television, it’s something else. Before that, I had already been invited to work on a TV channel in Miami, but again, my level of knowledge of the language was not enough. Now I'm trying to fix this.

You have lived in both Miami and Los Angeles. Which city do you like best?

I like Los Angeles much better. There is much more work here, I have many friends here, the city itself is large and interesting, beautiful nature, very interesting people. I also like Miami, but it is more suitable for relaxation. And in Los Angeles the climate is much better. Miami is very stuffy and very humid, especially in the summer when it is terribly hot, and I can’t stand that kind of heat well.

What difficulties did you face when you moved to America?

I'm a pretty strong girl, despite my age. I already had experience of moving to another city, when at the age of 17 I moved alone from Kaliningrad to Moscow. So I’m already used to living on my own.

I am a strong person, but it was not easy for me here in the first weeks, I missed my parents, I was a little depressed about Russia, I watched all the Russian news, searched for them on the Internet, turned on Russian music.

Then I didn’t have as many friends here as I do now, and so, of course, I missed it. And then somehow everything came. When I made new acquaintances, American friends, I delved into this culture, this language, this life, I really liked everything. I was happy that I moved. Of course, the first time is always difficult. But it wasn’t as hard for me as it would have been for someone else who would have moved here alone at my age. Now I have already made a visa for my parents so that they come to me in Los Angeles, I want to show them everything here, these studios, excursions, take my sister to Disneyland, which she dreams of.

What projects are you currently working on?

I have so many jobs now that I don’t even remember all of them. I'm going to open my own new clothing brand, right now I'm in the process of working on it. It will be launched in America soon. The remaining details are still a secret. These will be very interesting clothes associated with the Russian origin. And recently I starred in a Pitbull video, it was in Miami. I don’t know exactly when it will come out, probably in 2-3 months. When this happens, you will know about it yourself, because it will be everywhere. My fans constantly send me links: they either heard me on the radio or saw me on a TV show. If I have time, I go to Instagram and can read something from the millions of messages I receive. Sometimes I read messages from fans. Oh, now they will probably write to me more often, having learned that there is a chance that I will read it. My Instagram will stop working altogether!

When you first registered on Instagram, did you expect such success?

I didn’t even think about it then. I just posted my photos, from the beach, some of my first photo sessions - the most ordinary ones - that we did with my photographer friends.

And people began to actively subscribe to me and like my photos. Already in the first month I had 15,000 subscribers.

After this, one St. Petersburg online magazine interviewed me about my popularity on the Internet. From that moment on, I already understood the seriousness of my Instagram, that not every person has 15,000 subscribers in the first month. I started taking him more seriously, posting more interesting photos about your life. But not everything, because you know, there are people who post anything. At first I could also post my dinner or lunch, take a photo of nature, but it turned out that not everyone likes it. And when I realized that my page was popular, I started posting more photos of myself - from vacation, from early photo shoots. And then there was such a large flow of subscribers that I didn’t even expect. Especially when I had 500,000, and then literally in 3 months it grew to 1.5 million. It happened so quickly that I didn’t even have time to realize that now so many people were watching my life.

Did you use any promotion methods?

I just uploaded my photos - then everything went by itself. I didn’t buy any followers, as people sometimes do to get more subscribers, I didn’t do any artificial promotion. Some people don’t even believe me, because they can’t explain such success on Instagram in any other way, but it’s true. When I had 500,000 subscribers, I made money on my page by placing some advertising. And now I have a lot of photography and other work, and I’m no longer interested in this, either financially or in general, and besides, I don’t want to turn my Instagram into some kind of advertising platform.

How do you feel about being called “Russian Kim Kardashian”?

She is, of course, a pretty girl, but I don’t like this comparison so much, because unlike her, I work in the gym 4 times a week to maintain my figure. I have always had good genetics, but if you don’t maintain your natural data, then they can be ruined.

I eat healthy and exercise a lot to keep in shape. And with Kim, everyone knows this, everything was done by surgeons, it’s all unnatural.

And I don’t really like it when my natural forms are compared to her unnatural ones. But she has done a lot of work on herself, and this already deserves respect.

Have you had plastic surgery?

No, my only operation was for appendicitis. I consider myself ideal. I like everything about myself anyway.

I'm the kind of person that I'm for healthy image life, in my house everything is organic, from salt to soap. And I have a bad attitude towards such things as anesthesia and surgical intervention in the functioning of the body. But if people want it, that is, of course, their right.

How do men react when they see you?

Oh, men, of course, react very actively. Turning your head is a common thing.

When men see me, the whole spectrum of emotions is reflected on their faces: shock, delight, admiration. I constantly see their happy eyes. How funny men are, how they react to female beauty!

It was as if the whole world had ceased to exist for them, as if nothing was important to them except their appearance. When I see how they look at me, I always think about it: how stupid they are to behave this way, it can’t even be explained, you have to see it! But in America it’s somehow not customary to come up to meet someone, this is a country of women, here they will look at you, but no one will approach you.

All these men will be interested to know - are you single now or in a relationship?

Yes, I'm free.

Would you likebuildrelationship with an American or Russian?

This is not important for me. My ex-boyfriend was an American. He was from the same field as me, and understood what my work meant, that it was a business, that it was nothing personal, and so on. Of course, this is a completely different mentality, but it was interesting, a new experience. I am the kind of person that is open to everything new and unusual.

But, of course, I have more respect for Russian men than for American men. Somehow they are closer, dearer and more understandable.

Our countries are radically different in terms of development, mentality, and many other things, well, you know it all yourself.

The girl posed for the photographer in a new image: she was wearing a translucent dress, which actually did not hide the intimate details of Kvitko’s body. Anastasia complemented her piquant look with high-heeled sandals and a metal belt.

Followers of Anastasia Kvitko in Instagram do not skimp on compliments to the beauty. However, some manage to clearly joke about the model.

The best body ever created. If it was created by doctors,” the model’s follower wrote. However, such comments are still in the minority.

In addition to the photo, Anastasia Kvitko posted a hot video from the filming. During the photo shoot, the model took off her dress and was left only in her underwear.

Photos of Anastasia Kvitko are always in the spotlight. However, recently a girl experienced something similar to what happened to her “analog” - Kim Kardashian. The paparazzi caught the model on the beach and posted the resulting pictures online. Anastasia Kvitko, without Photoshop, shocked bloggers, since her figure without retouching did not at all correspond to what she publishes on her page. The photos are still the subject of discussion among fans of the model, as is Anastasia Kvitko’s appearance before and after plastic surgery.

While the whole world is watching the events related to the robbery Kim Kardashian in Paris, American star Women of Armenian origin may be deprived of their honorary title by women with the most outstanding forms. Model from Kaliningrad Anastasia Kvitko became the main competitor of the celebrity in this matter.

Journalists have already named the girl Russian Kim Kardashian. After all, even Kim herself can envy her shape. Anastasia's page Instagram already has more than four million subscribers who closely follow her life. Fans note that Kvitko has an incredible figure, and Kardashian, in their opinion, cannot hold a candle to her.

But an inseparable part of popularity is the negative attitude of the public. Anastasia could not avoid this either. Many subscribers criticize her and accuse her of being addicted to Photoshop, plastic surgery and silicone. However, the girl officially denied such gossip.

“This is what distinguishes me from other celebrities and beauties from Instagram - I don’t use Photoshop! I constantly post full-length videos so that subscribers can make sure that I look exactly the way I do in the pictures. I only had one operation - removal of appendicitis. I have a neutral attitude towards plastic surgery, if someone’s breasts or nose are made to feel happier, why not,” the model admitted.

Now Kvitko lives and works in Los Angeles, where he appears in various photo shoots. The girl said that she dreams of outshining Kim. According to her, Kardashian attracted attention only thanks to the work of plastic surgeons. “I have an athletic figure, toned hips, a beautiful butt, I don’t have a single operation on my face. And with her... Everyone knows perfectly well what she did to her butt. And now my popularity is growing at an incredible speed, so it’s a matter of time before they start recognizing me more often than Kim,” Anastasia told Grazia magazine.