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An example of an emergency situation in life safety. Dangerous situations in natural conditions

Nature presents us with severe trials - earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, storms, tornadoes, forest fires, avalanches, snow drifts, etc. These natural processes arise as a result of the action of elemental forces in nature and can cause numerous human casualties, cause significant material damage. Such phenomena are usually called natural disasters. They are classified as natural emergencies. They are characterized by unpredictability and uncertainty of the time of onset.

Video: avalanche, forest fire, earthquake model.

But other types of situations are also possible, which also arise suddenly, often unexpectedly: a change in climatic and geographical conditions, a sharp change in natural conditions, illness, poisoning, bites and other injuries to the body that require emergency medical care, forced autonomous existence. At the same time, assistance to those who find themselves in such a situation from the outside, i.e. from other people, is excluded or limited. Such situations are called extreme.

Video: thunderstorm, hurricane 98.

For example, a person suddenly gets lost in the forest. He doesn’t know exactly where he is, in which direction to go, he has no food. The beautiful forest begins to seem sinister to him. Night is coming. There's nothing to eat. Lonely and scary. I want to go home. Thoughts are confused.

If necessary, change your usual place of residence, i.e., when changing climatic and geographical living conditions, there is a risk of ending up in extreme situation occurs as a result of a violation of: temperature conditions (sharp transition from cold to heat and vice versa); daily regime as a result of changing time zones, solar regime; diet and drinking regimen. This situation is not unexpected. You know in advance about your upcoming move, trip or flight (for example, on vacation). Therefore, you need to prepare for new conditions in advance.

The reasons for this may be such sudden natural phenomena, such as severe cold snap, rain (rain), blizzard, blizzard, heavy snowfall and frost, extreme heat, drought, etc. At the same time, a person located far from populated areas is forced to change the schedule and route of movement. Because of this, the time of his return is delayed, which can lead to a lack of food and water, forced starvation, exposure to unfavorable environmental factors (frostbite, hypothermia, overwork, overheating of the body, thermal and sunstroke and so on.). If the settlement is several dozen kilometers away, and bad weather makes it difficult to navigate and move, the problem of long-term survival arises.

Video: tornadoes, sandstorms

Diseases or injuries to the human body that require emergency medical care are not so rare among travelers, tourists, as well as people whose profession involves being in the natural environment. They can occur as a result of injuries (bruises, dislocations, fractures, muscle strains), poisoning with plant and animal poisons, animal bites, heat strokes and hypothermia, and infectious diseases. Depending on the degree of their adverse effects, a threat to human health and life may arise.

Autonomous existence is the most dangerous extreme situation, since the situation of a person who finds himself alone with nature, as a rule, arises unexpectedly and forcedly. Let's consider the reasons for such situations.
Loss of orientation on the ground, especially often as a result of the inability to use a compass, navigate, maintain the direction of movement, and avoid obstacles. However, this can happen not only to inexperienced tourists.
Loss of a group as a result of falling behind or being separated from it, or untimely access to the group meeting place.
Vehicle accident (airplane, car, ship, etc.).

However, not every autonomous existence should be considered an ex-tremal situation. For example, a group on a hike is in an autonomous existence. But she is provided with food, knows her route and follows it without incident. The same applies to various research expeditions.
Another thing is that during a hike or expedition, circumstances may arise that lead to an extreme situation: for example, food will run out, or someone’s backpack with equipment will be carried away during the crossing.
Of course, it is impossible to predict and describe all possible situations and give specific advice on how to act in them. But, as you will see later, in all such cases you have to solve one, main task - to survive, to survive.

There is a difference in the concepts disaster(emergency of a natural nature) and “extreme situation in nature.”
- We need to prepare in advance for changes in climatic and geographical conditions.
- A sharp change in natural conditions or illness (injury) can lead to an extreme situation in nature.
- Not every situation regarding the autonomous existence of a person in natural conditions may be considered extreme.

Survival is an active, purposeful activity aimed at preserving life, health and performance in conditions of autonomous existence.

Excerpts from Andrei Ilyichev’s book “The Great Encyclopedia of Survival”:
How many times have I and my comrades extricated myself from the clutches of death that were almost closing on the throat. How many times, looking back, we were surprised at what we managed to create. And they are not some kind of supermen - ordinary people, without mountains of muscles and super-strong-willed chins, who do not neglect everyday comfort. Average. So why were we able and survived, while others died in less extreme situations? A natural disaster is a natural process.

An extreme situation in natural conditions is a sudden change in the situation when outside help is limited or impossible.

Overcoming an extreme situation in nature largely depends on your actions.

There will be a file here: /data/edu/files/n1461168497.pptx (Natural hazards)

An emergency situation usually occurs unexpectedly. Therefore, when it occurs, you need to act quickly, in an organized manner, without panic. By delaying, you can lose your chances of salvation.

As a result of analyzing such situations, rescue specialists developed basic rules of behavior in them:

  • be able to anticipate danger;
  • be able to control your behavior;
  • be independent;
  • be able to think, analyze, find a way out of the current situation;
  • make decisions quickly;
  • be persistent and stubborn when required;
  • be able to obey if necessary;
  • do not despair if you no longer have the strength to fight for life;
  • look for other ways before giving up;
  • ...and even then, don't give up.

If it happened plane (or car) accident, you must immediately leave it, take out the wounded and, if possible, equipment, and retreat to a safe distance. In the event of an accident, fuel may leak. All it takes is a small spark to create an explosion.

In case of a natural disaster(avalanche, flood, forest fire, etc.) every effort must be made to reach a safe area.

Once you are in a safe place, the first thing you need to do is calm down.

You cannot achieve success by starting to rush around feverishly, infecting your comrades with your nervousness. There will be general panic. And this cannot be allowed.

You need to calm down and immediately assess the situation (Diagram 1). Check to see if there are any wounded. If necessary, provide first aid to the victims.

See what food, equipment, and medical supplies are available. Everything that is found must be preserved and protected from rain and wind.

Then you need to decide whether to stay in place or go to a populated area, onto the road (Diagram 2). The plan for further action will depend on this decision.

If there are adults in the group, then they will lead all actions. If they are not there, you will have to act on your own. Let us agree that we will further consider situations when a group of children or one child is in an extreme situation without adults.

You need to go to a populated area if none of the adults knows your intended location, and you do not have radio communications or a cell phone, i.e. you are not sure that help will soon arrive at your location. At the same time, you need to assess your strength, the condition of the weakened, sick and their number.

If you are confident that help will come soon, or there is no way to move, then you need to stay in place and prepare to spend the night.

Even the first night cannot be spent without shelter. If there is little time to set up a real camp, make an emergency camp. It all depends on what time of day the incident happened and what is available to build a temporary home.

When setting up an emergency camp, the following conditions must be met:

  • the opportunity to shelter from precipitation, wind and sun;
  • the ability to concentrate all the necessary things and food in one place;
  • the ability to set up security by assigning one or two guards.

Then you should determine a place for temporary housing, a place for cooking and storing food.

It is imperative to distribute responsibilities among group members. To do this, find out which of them is familiar with hunting and fishing, knows edible plants and how to prepare them, knows how to provide first aid, collect and prepare firewood, maintain a fire, build a home, repair and make equipment, conduct reconnaissance of the area and determine their location, prepare signaling equipment.

We need to make sure that every member of the group works. This, among other things, will help everyone take their minds off sad thoughts.

And lastly: any group works effectively if it has a leader, a commander. This should be the most experienced and balanced person. If you already have one, good. If not, agree together on who can be trusted to lead. After this, you must follow all his orders.

The commander must plan the actions of the group, distribute responsibilities among all its members, taking into account the abilities and capabilities of each, and monitor their implementation.

An equally important duty of the commander is to maintain normal relations between group members. An unexpected extreme situation, impending danger, hunger and cold, thirst and many other circumstances that arise cause great nervous tension and irritability. As a result, conflicts may arise between group members, often even over trifles.

    Remember: in an extreme situation, you cannot conflict, because in a conflict there are no winners and losers - both those in conflict and the entire group as a whole lose.

You need to restrain yourself, even if you don’t like something. Speak in an even, calm voice, do not quibble over details. If a disagreement is brewing on a serious issue, then ask the commander to discuss this issue at a general meeting, objectively.

As a result of the conflict, the group may split into several parts, which is unacceptable. This will only make things worse. With this division, each part of the group will go to the populated area along its own route. This will significantly increase the search area and add more work to rescuers.

So, the successful completion of autonomous existence in nature primarily depends on the participants in the hike.

Scheme 1
What you need to know if you find yourself in an extreme situation

Scheme 2
What you need to know if you find yourself in an extreme situation in nature

We must learn a simple truth: in an autonomous existence, you will have to do everything yourself. No one will help or do anything for the group members. You can't give up!

    Remember: endurance, self-control, discipline, physical training, and most importantly, the desire and ability to survive - these are the defining qualities that will help you win.

Questions and tasks

  1. Tell us about the sequence of actions in the event of an extreme situation.
  2. In what cases should you go out on your own to populated areas and roads, and in what cases should you wait on the spot?
  3. What ways do you know to calm down?
  4. Why do you think it is necessary to try to give instructions to each member of the group?
  5. In the summer, at the dacha, together with your parents, plan a walk in the forest for the whole day. Invite your friends for a walk. Agree on what responsibilities each member of your group will perform. Choose a commander. Make appropriate preparations. After the walk, discuss how the group members completed the tasks they received, whether there were conflicts or prerequisites for them, and how you eliminated them.

In the section on the question Give examples of extreme situations in natural conditions and name their causes? given by the author compound the best answer is Natural hazards and disasters by nature
phenomena are divided into types, which, in turn, into types.
Let's consider the classification of these phenomena.
Geophysical include earthquakes, seaquakes and
volcanic eruptions, etc.
Geological, which include landslides, mudflows, landslides and talus,
avalanches (both ground and snow), slope washouts, subsidence
loess rocks, karst phenomena accompanied by the collapse of the earth-
surface, etc.
Meteorological: these include storms (9–11 points), hurricanes (12–
15 points), tornadoes and tornadoes, squalls, vertical vortices, large hail,
showers, heavy snowstorms and snowfall, severe frost and ice, frosts,
heavy fog, extreme heat, dry winds, drought, etc.
Hydrological (sea and river) include typhoons
(tropical cyclones), tsunamis, seaquakes, strong fluctuations in sea level
sea ​​conditions, pressure and intense drift of ice, etc. – sea; flood
water, flood, rain floods, low water levels, early ice-
tav and others - river.
Hydrogeological: low groundwater level; high level
groundwater line, etc.
Natural fires are divided into forest, steppe, peat
(surface) and underground fires of mineral fuels.
Infectious diseases that may be single,
epidemic and pandemic nature (for more details, see section
le "Fundamentals of medical knowledge").
Massive destruction of farm animals and
Let's consider

Answer from Instrumentation[newbie]
An extreme situation is a situation that differs from normal life and is fraught with danger to a person.

Answer from Oleg Tyush[newbie]
change of climatic and geographical conditions; a sharp change in natural conditions; diseases or injuries to the human body requiring extreme medical care; forced autonomous existence.

He may behave rashly, which will ultimately become a factor that will put his life in extreme danger.

Classification of extreme situations

Various emergency situations can be classified in several ways:

  1. In terms of their significance.
  2. From the point of view of the danger or safety of an event.
  3. From the point of view of subjectivity and objectivity, and so on, emergency and extreme situations are most often distinguished.

What are the differences?

This is a certain situation that has arisen as a result of an accident in a certain area. It could be a catastrophe or a natural disaster. That is, phenomena that can lead to human casualties or severe damage to the health of one or another group of people.

An extreme situation is a situation that goes beyond the normal. This is a phenomenon that is associated with an unfavorable or threatening factor for human life. Despite their similarities, these two concepts are slightly different. An extreme situation is a direct interaction between a person and a situation that occurs over a short period of time. Ultimately, this leads him to the need to adapt in order to save his own life.

If we talk about what is worse for human life, undoubtedly, examples of extreme situations appear not just as extraordinary events, but as particularly dangerous events or even a number of threats to life.


These natural phenomena occur quite often in Russia. The greatest danger during an earthquake is building collapses. In such a situation, people find themselves under destroyed walls and concrete floors. It is almost impossible to get out on your own, and even if such a possibility exists, any unnecessary wrong movement can lead to additional collapses, so it is best to stay in place and wait for rescuers.

Being in such a confined space, most people begin to panic. You should try as much as possible to cope with this condition, since in such a situation there will be very little air in your location.

The more nervous you are, the more frequently you will breathe, and the faster your reserves of precious oxygen will be depleted. That is why you need to try to calmly assess the situation and determine what is best to do at the moment.


Natural extreme situations or events caused by human activity can lead to quite dangerous consequences. For example, during an earthquake, broken electrical wiring leads to fires. Of course, they can also be caused simply by inattention or drought.

During a fire, the main thing is to remember all the basics of safety. If you are in a room from which there is no way to leave, try to fill all the cracks and doorways with damp rags in order to block the way for fire and acrid smoke. Stay below, as this is where the air remains cleanest and most breathable.

There are often examples of extreme situations when, in case of panic during a fire, people simply jumped out of the windows, and most often this ended in death, although in fact, after examining the premises, it turned out that if the victims had remained inside, the chance of survival would have been much higher.

Thus, starting to panic, you can not only make the wrong decision, but also lead yourself and others to the most tragic consequences. Survival in extreme situations requires utmost calm.

There is no doubt that any threat to a person’s life or health forces him to act impulsively and feel great stress. In fact, this is precisely the main danger.

During an extreme situation, victims spend a huge amount of their energy, and thus, all the resources in the body begin to quickly deplete. Vitality a person who succumbs to panic leaves much faster, and his psychosis becomes contagious to others. Examples of extreme situations indicate that, first of all, it is very important to try to remain balanced and not give in to despair.

In such stressful situations it is divided into two categories.

  1. Rational behavior. The most favorable adapted state, which allows a person to fully control not only himself, but also those around him. The faster the victim adapts to the current situation, the faster he will be able to find ways out of the problem.
  2. Negative. The most common model. It manifests itself in irrational behavior, which becomes dangerous not only for the person himself, but also for those around him. Such an “alarmist” can set off the entire crowd, and even if the entire group was calm before, then under his influence everyone will become hysterical. If you find yourself next to a person who cannot control his emotions, try to calm him down.


As you know, this does not happen, and the faster you rationally assess your situation, the faster you will cope with your internal stress. Numerous examples of extreme situations clearly demonstrate that only calm can be a decisive factor.

The entire history of human development is the evolution of the use of the natural environment in the process of human life, so his connection with nature has always been the closest. Later, thanks to technological progress, man created an artificial habitat that guaranteed him a safer and more comfortable existence. However, no matter how perfect and automated this comfortable world may be, a person in it always exists only at the expense of nature and its resources, therefore he cannot avoid contact with it, and therefore experience its influence, including in extreme situations .

They can arise as a result of human interaction with the environment and pose a threat to his life, health and property. For example, all kinds of injuries, poisoning by plant and animal poisons, infection with natural focal diseases, mountain sickness, heat stroke and hypothermia, bites of poisonous animals and insects, infectious diseases. A number of extreme situations (cold, heat, hunger, thirst, overwork, environmental poisoning, physical pain), which acquire special significance under certain circumstances, can be classified as environmental. The degree of their adverse effects can be so pronounced that it leads to the development of disease and stress.

Environmental factors contributing to the development or occurrence of extreme situations: air temperature and humidity, solar radiation, precipitation, barometric pressure level, wind, hurricane. These also include terrain, water sources, flora and fauna, photoperiods (polar day and night), fluctuations magnetic field Earth.

Factors that provide protective functions that contribute to the normal functioning of people in extreme situations of the natural environment: clothing, emergency equipment, signaling and communication devices, water and food supplies, emergency floats, improvised means used for various purposes.

Depending on the material conditions (equipment, equipment, the presence of emergency stowage) and the characteristics of climatic and geographical conditions, the same situation can have different consequences; say, a forced landing of an airplane in the desert is certainly more extreme than the same landing in the taiga.

Extreme situations usually arise when a person is forced to be at a considerable distance from his habitable place. Depending on the professional activity, lifestyle and habits, various extreme situations are possible.

Such a danger is possible primarily for people whose profession is directly related to being in the natural environment. These are not only geologists, archaeologists, hunters, fishermen, but also military personnel, long-distance drivers, workers Agriculture etc. Prerequisites for such situations may be:

A) insufficient qualifications. Heavy truck driver accustomed to good roads, suddenly found himself on a bad, dirt road, and his car got stuck. This forces him to seek help from people, to go to locality, and for this you need to be able to navigate the terrain. The situation can be aggravated by perishable or urgent cargo;

b) sudden change in weather conditions. The climber was caught on the way by snow and rain and severe cold. He is forced to change the schedule and the calculated route, so the return time is delayed, which can lead to food shortages and forced starvation. The simplest extreme situation. And if at the end of the route he must be picked up by a helicopter, then bad weather can pose a problem for long-term survival;

V) failure of equipment and vehicles. A tractor driver who finds himself in a car with a stalled engine in a snowy winter, at a temperature of -20-30 ° C, is at risk, since in such conditions the distance in deep snow
The 5-6 km distance to the central estate is not easy to overcome. Will there be clothing suitable for walking in the cabin, and most importantly, shoes?

The risk of ending up in an extreme situation increases for people forced to change their usual place of residence. Changes in climatic and geographical conditions can be aggravated by insufficient preparation or equipment of the traveler. This option applies not only to people whose profession requires frequent travel - military personnel, construction workers, but also to ordinary citizens traveling to the south, to the mountains or to other unusual or exotic places.

Less likely, but most dangerous, is a situation of forced autonomy. A person who finds himself alone with nature experiences the influence of not only natural factors (temperature, solar radiation, humidity), but also psychogenic - fear of loneliness, stress, which is especially dangerous when it is necessary to act decisively and quickly. The effect of these factors can be so pronounced that it can lead to the development of stress. The danger of a situation of forced autonomy also lies in the fact that any person can be exposed to it in the event of, for example, a transport accident or in the most prosaic situation (loss of orientation in a suburban forest, and there are no matches, no compass, no food supplies at hand).

We must not forget about possible cases when a traveler or tourist using water from untested sources runs the risk of getting poisoned so seriously that it could pose a threat to his life, especially if this happened in a remote area where qualified medical care is not available. It is always necessary to remember about the possible disruption of the ecological balance under human influence, and that more than 70% of water sources have water unsuitable for human consumption.

All of the above leads us to the conclusion that to prevent danger and increase human survival in extreme natural conditions it is necessary:

To achieve advanced training of specialists;

Reduce the degree of risk by improving the reliability of machinery and equipment;

Increase the level of physical development and fitness;

Conduct special training for survival in extreme situations in natural conditions, including preparation of equipment and equipment;

Teach people the correct behavior when forced to change climatic and geographical living conditions.