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Initiation into chemistry. Blizzard of Fire Set, Science Tricks Blizzard of Fire Demonstration

It's not about natural phenomenon and not about the sparks of the fire. “Fire Blizzard” is the name of a beautiful chemical experiment. To carry it out you will need:

  • a vessel with a volume of more than three liters;
  • burning spoon;
  • alcohol lamp or gas burner;
  • conc. ammonia solution (or a mixture of ammonium salt and solid alkali);

Fill the vessel with ammonia in one of the following ways:

  • pour 20 ml of concentrated ammonia solution into it, cover it with glass and wait 10 minutes;
  • pour a mixture of ammonium chloride or nitrate and solid alkali (for example, NaOH) onto the bottom of a glass container, moisten it with water and leave for a while.

Place chromium (III) oxide in a burning spoon into the flame of an alcohol lamp (burner). As soon as its particles are heated red-hot, pour the oxide powder into a vessel with ammonia. There, grains of oxide will heat up even more and fall to the bottom with fiery sparks.

This phenomenon is based on the process of ammonia oxidation with atmospheric oxygen under the influence of a catalyst – chromium (III) oxide:

Burning “snowflakes” are catalyst particles that become even hotter under the influence of the heat generated during the reaction.

As soon as the combustion stops, the vessel will be filled with brown gas, and a little later - with white smoke. Their origin is as follows:

White cloud in a flask

With ammonia you can carry out other beautiful chemical experiments. For example, in any film, be it a fairy tale, comedy or science fiction, in the chemical laboratory there are certainly flasks in which white smoke billows. It is obtained using the same ammonia.

To conduct the experiment, stock up on a flask and reagents:

  • 10% ammonia solution;
  • concentrated hydrochloric acid;
  • solid potassium carbonate.

Pour salt (K2CO3) into the flask and fill it with ammonia solution so that the layer of liquid on top of the crystals does not exceed 2 mm. Carefully pour the acid on top. That's when you will see a white stream of “smoke”. It will rise from the bottom of the flask and, under its own weight, settle down along the walls of the vessel.

This unnatural phenomenon is explained simply:

NH3 reacts with hydrochloric acid to form white smoke - airborne particles of ammonium chloride.

Potassium carbonate reacts with the same acid to form another salt (KCI) and a new acid. However carbonic acid(H2CO3) is unstable and immediately decomposes into carbon dioxide and water.

Ammonium chloride forms a suspension in the air, and rapidly released carbon dioxide carries it along with it. Since CO2 is heavier than air, the gas mixture creeps down.

As you can see, even the most mysterious and beautiful chemical experiments represent one or two chemical processes, so anyone, even a novice chemist, can repeat them. Most importantly, do not forget to follow safety rules when working in a chemical laboratory. Otherwise, the miracle will end in tragedy.

Chemical experiment “Fire foam” – video

Fire Blizzard, Böttger's volcano and Pharaoh's snake are obtained by an inquisitive experimenter with a set for experiments "Tricks of Science".

The Fire Blizzard Pack includes:

  • ceramic saucer
  • ammonium dichromate
  • glycerol
  • potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate)
  • urotropin
  • calcium gluconate
  • ammonia 10%
  • Pasteur pipette
  • gloves
  • instructions

Additionally, to conduct the experiments you will need a large sheet of aluminum foil, a lighter for gas stoves or matches, and a 3-liter jar (not included in the kit).

Better to see once than hear a hundred times

Before starting classes, read the “Safety Precautions” section and follow its instructions. Put on gloves and cover the table with foil. By combining the components on the evaporation bowl in the specified sequence, you observe real miracles of science:

Böttger Volcano- a striking experience that allows you to recreate a safe “eruption” with the formation of greenish ash. The experiment is named after the scientist who discovered ammonium dichromate and was the first in the world to observe this spectacular chemical reaction.

Pharaoh snake- a porous substance that writhes on a saucer as a result of mixing and burning methenamine and calcium gluconate. You can give the snake an interesting shape using a paper ring.

Fire Blizzard- the most spectacular experiment, for which you will need a large transparent jar. By filling it with ammonia vapor and combining the substances from the first experiment, you get a real hurricane of yellow and red sparks behind the glass.

How is the set useful?

Knowledge gained in practice is better absorbed. They will be useful to the child in the future. schooling. Observing chemical reactions allows you to expand children's understanding of the world and show how interesting natural sciences are. The set introduces the famous German chemist who invented matches. The spectacle of the experiments is breathtaking.

About the brand: Tricks of Science is a trademark of the company " Experimental Science" It develops and produces children's kits for truly educational experiences. Its range is regularly updated with new product lines.

Create a fiery blizzard and other wonders with the Tricks of Science experiment set!

Fire Blizzard

"Fire Blizzard" is one of the most beautiful chemical experiments. In its “classic” form it looks like this. A small concentrated ammonia solution is poured into a large jar or flask (you can also use a mixture of ammonium salt and alkali, which is slightly moistened with water). Close the vessel and wait a few minutes until it is filled with ammonia vapor (to speed up this process, the jar or flask can be slightly rotated so that the solution is distributed as a film over its lower part). After this, the vessel is opened and a spoonful of chromium (III) oxide Cr 2 O 3, preheated in a burner flame to red heat, is added to it. With light movements of the spoon, particles of chromium oxide are sprayed.

A real fiery blizzard begins in the jar: instead of cooling down and going out, the chromium oxide particles heat up even more, the jar is filled with sparks of red and yellow color, and this is not just a “rain of fire”, but a “fiery blizzard”: streams of gas pick up hot particles and carry them in different directions, including up and to the sides. Numerous fiery swirls are observed, and sometimes a yellow flame appears.

Many readers have already realized that in the experiment, catalytic oxidation of ammonia by atmospheric oxygen occurs on the surface of chromium oxide particles. However, as we have already seen, chromium (III) oxide is a catalyst for the oxidation of a large number organic matter, in particular hydrocarbons. It would be logical to try the “Fire Blizzard” experiment with a propane-butane mixture. We have not seen a description of such an experience in the literature, but, as they say: trying is not torture.

A three-liter jar (which in everyday life is called a “canning bottle”) was filled with a propane-butane mixture. In a makeshift spoon, chromium (III) oxide, obtained by the decomposition of ammonium dichromate, was heated. When the chromium oxide became red-hot in places, a spoon was brought into the jar with the mixture and they began to lightly scatter the contents. As a result, individual red and yellow sparks first appeared, then a fiery rain began, which turned into a fiery blizzard. The experiment was reminiscent of a similar experiment with ammonia; the snowstorm was often even brighter, but a significant difference was also observed: the propane-butane mixture often flared up, i.e. Along with surface combustion, volumetric combustion also began. If the flame was inside the jar, it did not spoil the experience much (the swirling flame with hot chromium oxide particles also looked beautiful), but when the flame concentrated near the neck, the firestorm stopped. We also had to make sure that the propane-butane mixture in the can was not accidentally ignited by a nearby burner. If this did happen, the jar should have been quickly covered with a lid.

During the experiment (especially in its final part), life was greatly complicated by water vapor that condensed on the walls of the jar, which interfered with observation (water is a product of hydrocarbon oxidation). When repeating the experiment in the same jar, this problem disappeared: after several experiments, the walls of the jar heated up, and water stopped condensing on them. It may be advisable to warm it up a little (for example, in a drying cabinet or oven) before filling the jar with a propane-butane mixture.

The final part of the experiment (catalytic combustion) is best observed in the dark. To do this, it is advisable not only to turn off the lights and darken the room, but also to extinguish the gas burner.

A lesson with this title can be taught in 7th grade. Before studying chemistry, students will be interested to know what chemistry is studied and what they do in chemistry lessons. The lesson is taught by high school students (four chemistry students). Before the initiation, the chemistry room is decorated with wall newspapers, mock-ups, and chemical utensils.

Entertaining experiments are demonstrated, which contributes to the emergence of interest in chemistry. Target

. In a playful way, give the children an idea of ​​the science of chemistry, chemical transformations, and the importance of chemistry in human life.

CHEMISTS (all together). Hello!

1st CHEMIST. We are chemists! And chemistry means sleepless nights. 3rd CHEMIST. This.
4th CHEMIST. These are the parents who say: “And our child is a chemist.”
ALL. And this is life!
1st CHEMIST. But you may ask: why doesn’t everyone become a chemist? Yes, because chemistry means sleepless nights.
2nd CHEMIST. This is real talk about chemistry.
3rd CHEMIST (speaks, pinching his nose). These are chemical laboratories.
4th CHEMIST. These are the parents who say: “And our child (ugh!) is a chemist.”
ALL. And this is life!
1st CHEMIST (proudly). But still, we are chemists, because chemistry means sleepless nights!
2nd CHEMIST. These are constant conversations about chemistry.
3rd CHEMIST. These are chemical laboratories!
4th CHEMIST. These are the parents who say: “And our child (beats himself on the chest and says proudly) is a chemist!”
ALL. And this is life!
1st CHEMIST. How many books and fairy tales have we read in which good fairies and powerful wizards perform amazing miracles!
2nd CHEMIST. But then we read the fairy tale to the end, closed the book, and at that very moment, as if in a fog, the wizards disappeared, and only a vague memory remained of the miracles.
3rd chemist. And how could it be otherwise? After all, no one has ever met wizards in their life, walked the streets with them, or talked to them.
4th CHEMIST. But does this mean that miracles don’t happen in life? Not at all! People themselves create miracles.
But they get so used to them that they stop seeing anything wonderful. Science is the true sorceress of our days.
1st CHEMIST. And if we talk about miracles, then chemistry especially stands out among all other sciences.
No wonder they call her the good witch.
2nd CHEMIST. It allows a person to extract metals from ores and minerals, to extract substances from natural raw materials, one more wonderful and surprising than the other. It gives birth to hundreds of thousands of substances, even those not found in nature, with useful and important properties. 3rd CHEMIST. It turns oil into rubber and gasoline, gas into fabric, coal into perfumes, dyes and medicinal substances. The list of good deeds that chemistry does is truly inexhaustible. Chemistry feeds us, clothes us and puts on shoes.
4th CHEMIST. Each person, without knowing it, carries out daily

chemical reactions
without even leaving home: washing your hands, lighting matches and gas, preparing food. And the human body itself is a large chemical factory in which many chemical reactions take place.
Well, of course, without a doubt,

We need to study chemistry

Without knowledge of all phenomena
It's impossible to live today.
We need to do better

To us, friends, in teaching

And you shouldn't sigh
That chemistry is torture!
Will never go!


So that we grow normally
Strong and strong
Vitamins produces
Our chemistry too!


So that the plants grow,
Substances were invented.
It would be nice for us to have such -
They would grow big quickly.

We need to study chemistry

Rubber in rare in nature,
You can't live without it.
We would walk through puddles
In felt boots and without galoshes.

To us, friends, in teaching

Widely entered into our everyday life
Various plastics.
In a very short time
They were recognized by the masses!


Let the polymer be for hair,
Stimulating growth
They'll invent it quickly
Then the braids will grow.

1st CHEMIST. Today is your first acquaintance with chemistry. We'll show you some tricks that you'll soon be able to do yourself while studying chemistry.

Demonstration experience
"Martian Landscape"

On the poster, write in advance with an alcohol solution of phenolphthalein: “Chemistry is a magical land,” and then, when demonstrating the experiment, wipe the colorless inscription with a swab moistened with alkali. The inscription will turn crimson.

2nd CHEMIST. Yes, indeed, chemistry is a magical land. After all, you will not see such miracles anywhere else.

Demonstration experience
"Lighting a fire without matches"

For the experiment, prepare a slurry of KMnO 4 and H 2 SO 4 (conc.). Dip a glass rod into this mixture and touch it to cotton wool soaked in alcohol.

A reaction occurs with the release of a large amount of heat and the release of oxygen:

3H 2 SO 4 (conc.) + 2KMnO 4 = K 2 SO 4 + 2MnSO 4 + 5[O] + 3H 2 O.

Alcohol is flammable.
3rd CHEMIST. In the middle of the century there lived people who spent a lot of time in small laboratories studying various substances. These were alchemists. Alchemists tried to turn metals into gold. Kings and kings kept alchemists in their palaces to obtain gold for them.

4th CHEMIST. But alchemists were never able to turn metals into gold, so alchemy was banned in many countries. People who engaged in alchemical research were accused of witchcraft and burned at the stake.

Demonstration experience
1st CHEMIST. But I can easily get gold from a simple iron nail.

"Golden Knife"

Prepare an iron knife or nail cleaned with sandpaper. Dip this knife or nail into a concentrated solution of copper sulfate. The knife or nail becomes “golden”.
3rd CHEMIST. If in ancient times people carried out some kind of transformation, then they were considered great magicians. And I’m not a magician, but I can easily get the “elixir of life” that the alchemists never managed to get.

Demonstration experience

Pour a solution of potassium chromate into a glass, acidifying it with a few drops of sulfuric acid. While stirring the orange solution with a glass rod, add the hydrogen peroxide solution: a blue color appears, which soon turns green.

4th CHEMIST. The elixir is also a miracle for me. Look, I can instantly get wine or milk from water, and, on the contrary, I can get water from wine.

Demonstration experience
"Getting Wine and Milk"

Preparation of wine by the interaction of solutions of phenolphthalein and alkali; producing milk by reacting solutions of sulfuric acid and barium chloride.

Demonstration experience
"Turning a crimson solution into a colorless one"

Pour the KMnO4 solution into a glass, acidify it with H2SO4 (conc.), then add H2O2 to this solution drop by drop. The raspberry solution becomes colorless.

1st CHEMIST. Using the most common substance on Earth, many different transformations can be carried out. What do you know is the most common substance on Earth? Yes. This is water.
2nd CHEMIST. Listen to a poem about water:

“It’s like they’re dressed in lace
Trees, bushes, wires.
And it seems like a fairy tale,
But in essence - only water.
The vast expanse of the ocean
And the quiet backwater of the pond,
Cascade of a waterfall and splashes of a fountain,
And all this is just water.
How to rest in peace in winter
Snow white native fields,
But the time will come, everything will melt,
And there will be simple water.”

The formula of this amazing substance is H 2 O. Many interesting and entertaining transformations can be carried out with water.

Demonstration experience
"Interaction of potassium with water"

Add 3 drops of phenolphthalein solution to a glass of water and add a small piece of potassium metal.

Demonstration experience
"Highly flammable liquid"

Place ground KMnO4 crystals in a porcelain cup, and then drop 3-4 drops of glycerin from a pipette to them. After some time, the glycerin ignites and burns.

Demonstration experience
"Flame over Water"

In a spoon for burning substances, heat magnesium powder on a flame, then immerse the spoon in a flask with water. A violent reaction occurs, releasing hydrogen gas, which ignites.

Demonstration experience
"Fire Cloud"

Secure the test tube in a test tube holder and fill 1/3 with pieces of paraffin. Heat the paraffin to a vigorous boil and pour from a height of 10 cm in a thin stream into a jar of water. The paraffin ignites, forming a large flame.

Demonstration experience
"6 glasses"

In the first glass - 100 ml of water, the water is poured into the second glass containing 2-3 crystals of iron(III) chloride, the crystals dissolve. This solution is poured into a third glass, which contains 1 ml of potassium hexacyanoferrate(II) solution. A blue color appears due to the formation of Prussian blue. Pour the blue solution into the fourth glass, where 3-4 granules of sodium hydroxide are placed. In this case, a brown color appears throughout the entire volume due to iron(III) hydroxide. The contents of the fourth glass are poured into the fifth glass with 5 drops of phenolphthalein solution. The solution takes on a crimson color. This liquid is poured into the sixth glass, at the bottom of which there are 5-6 drops of concentrated of hydrochloric acid. As a result of neutralization of the alkali with acid, phenolphthalein loses its color, but the blue color of Prussian blue appears again.

Demonstration experience

Pour 30 g of sucrose into a glass and add 12 ml of H 2 SO 4 (conc.). The mixture boils, forming a porous mass.

3rd CHEMIST. Have you ever seen burning snow?

Demonstration experience
Look here.

"Burning Snow"

Pour snow into the jar and compact it. Then make a depression in it, where to place a piece of calcium carbide. Bring a lit match to it. The snow (more precisely, the gas released) begins to burn.

Demonstration experience
4th CHEMIST. Why do you think substances can burn? Under what conditions do substances burn?

(There must be access to oxygen.) The combustion reaction is a very important reaction in chemistry. Here's a look at what can happen to substances when they burn.

Demonstration experience
"Burning Gunpowder"

Prepare gunpowder in advance: a mixture of 7 parts potassium nitrate, 1 part sulfur and 1 part coal. Spread the mixture in a heap and set it on fire. The gunpowder burns quickly with a hiss.

Demonstration experience

Decomposition of ammonium dichromate, to which magnesium powder can be added. In this case, powder (NH 4) 2 Cr 2 O 7 is poured into a porcelain cup in a cone and set on fire with a burning splinter.

Demonstration experience

"Fire Blizzard"

In a round-bottomed flask, wet the walls with ammonia in advance. Place chromium(III) oxide in a spoon for burning substances, heat it and drop it into a flask with ammonia. A sheaf of sparks is formed.

Demonstration experience
Place a few iodine crystals into a round-bottomed flask and heat the flask over a burner flame. Iodine sublimes with violet vapor.

1st CHEMIST. It turns out that everything can burn, but not everything can burn out.

2nd CHEMIST. Remember, Prometheus also suffered for bringing fire to people. Where there is fire, there is always a lot of smoke. You've probably even heard the proverb “There is no smoke without fire,” and I can prove the opposite.

Demonstration experience
"Smoke without fire"

Interaction of concentrated solutions of hydrochloric acid and ammonia through air space. Moisten two glass rods with these solutions and bring them together. Smoke is generated.

3rd CHEMIST. Yes, we chemists are real magicians.

Demonstration experience
Maybe some of you will devote your whole life to chemistry. Or maybe someone will be a great scientist and come up with a medicine that will really be called the “elixir of life”, and then he will be able to easily treat people. Now we can show you how to operate without any pain.

"Inflicting a wound and healing it"

Moisten your hand with a solution of iron(III) chloride. After this, moisten the knife with a solution of potassium thiocyanate and easily run it over your hand. A blood-red trail is formed.

Demonstration experience
4th CHEMIST. And finally, we want to surprise you with this. Watch.

"Production and explosion of detonating gas"

By displacing water into a jar, collect small 2 volumes of hydrogen and 1 volume of oxygen.

When the jar is full, light the mixture of gases with a splinter. There is a deafening explosion.

1st CHEMIST. Your journey is now over. You all coped with difficulties and were not afraid at all. You have proven that you can become chemists. That’s why I had the honor to initiate you into chemistry.

Each student is given an emblem and congratulated.

2nd CHEMIST. We congratulate you on the fact that from today you can consider yourself real chemists. And we want to end our evening with the chemists’ anthem:,
See you soon!