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Admission to a military university after school: features and conditions. How to enter a military university of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation What they teach at a military school

Hello. My name is Evgeniy. I am 18 years old. I am one of those who have a very hard time. He began his studies at a military university. Before entering, I did not know that it would be so unbearable for me to receive an education there. Thoughts about suicide began to appear during the 3rd month of training. Only 5 months have passed since admission. It is difficult to study only because I realize that it is not mine. The attitude towards me in the platoon was bad; I was not accepted in this society. Even at the entrance exam I realized that I needed to write a report on expulsion. Parents always talk about material well-being. But for me this is far from the most important thing. I feel like I'm on the edge. I started smoking, which I had never done before. Why torture yourself and your parents by continuing your studies at this university. I still don’t master the program due to the lack of conditions. I contacted a psychologist... He couldn't help me. They told me “be patient, in 4 months it will be easier,” but on the contrary, every day it gets worse and more difficult for me. I don't know, maybe you can help somehow.
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Evgeniy, age: 18 / 01/11/2015


Hello, Zhenya! In fact, the first year at university is a lot of stress for everyone (regardless of the university).
Have you tried taking mild sedatives? What kind of psychologist was this? Did you look for it yourself/your parents or was it a university staff psychologist? How many sessions?
Thoughts of suicide due to falling behind in studies and because relationships with classmates are not working out? If you don’t need it, you feel so bad, then why all this? Is it so important to get a diploma from this particular university? At any moment you can write an application for expulsion, return home, confront your parents with this fact, find a job, prepare for the Unified State Exam, pass it over 80 and go to an awesome university where there won’t be this military discipline. Normal universities have military departments - you won't have to join the army. Another thing is that you need to think it over and weigh it so that you don’t regret it later.
Parents can say whatever they want - this is not their life. I'm sure, one way or another, they will have to support you, regardless of your decision.

Lady in Beijing, age: 20 / 01/11/2015

More patience. Learn to communicate with people, understand the reason why you were not accepted or treated poorly. I also study at a military university only in my 3rd year. I had exactly the same thoughts as you. Get busy with your studies, the conditions are there, it’s just your laziness. Learn sampo, don’t do nonsense, read books on psychology, establish contact with the platoon, this is your family that will accept you, be patient a little longer, don’t give up, take care of yourself, evaluate your behavior, the reason is always in ourselves, I do it myself I recently realized. This is your test, God wants you to learn to live here and now. I am more than sure that you have had communication problems before.
I was also worried at first. But you can’t fall into depression in such an educational institution, get out of it at any cost, and your parents are right. In our country, fairy tales say that you need to find your own business, develop in accordance with your inner world etc. All this doesn’t work. Your university is real good school life, and it’s worth going through if God so
ordered. Don’t even think about dropping out, everything will work out, just communicate more.
For example, I ran on my own time for a year, and this is a very good way to get rid of depression and bad thoughts.
Comrade cadet! Put aside depression! Your job is to serve your fatherland. Give your time to studies and sports, and try to communicate more, have more humor and a good mood. Work on your behavior and everything will get better, I promise you. Honor Nick Vujicic!
I believe in you!

Poromon, age: 20 / 01/11/2015

Hello! Zhen, the psychologist is right about something - when it’s very bad, the simplest thing is to wait - because everything passes. You see, the simple rule is that nothing lasts forever. And if you really don’t like your studies, you can always change them. You can just work for a year. search - where you like. Have pity on your parents and grandparents, and on yourself. Lord, you have your whole life ahead of you! you can do everything. And I’ll give you 2 pieces of advice - first, go to church to see your priest, tell him that you don’t know what to do. Listen to what he has to say, just listen. Read about Matryona of Moscow on the Internet, ask her for help - she said that whoever turns to her will never be left without help. And one more thing - try to post a photo on some dating site - this way you may make new friends and girls. And new friends always bring a lot of interesting things. Please, don’t fill your head with such stupid thoughts.

Elena, age: 42 / 01/11/2015

If it’s really not your thing, then I would leave if I were you. If you liked military affairs, then you could endure a bad attitude and immerse yourself in your studies. I also studied, it’s unclear where and why at one time. I suffered, I spent a lot of time , and for what? I never worked in the specialty that my parents also sent me to, and my diploma from the university (where I entered later) was also not useful. Now at the age of 35 I am receiving a second degree in absentia.
I say all this to say that at your age you wouldn’t mind losing even 2-3 years to make your choice. future profession.

sk, age: 35 / 01/11/2015

Drop out, why suffer for 5 years and then work for the rest of your life where you don’t want to. Really think about what you will do next. You will probably have to go into the army, since you are fit for service, so if military service is so difficult for you, then you can be conscripted for medical reasons, since depression is obvious here, and it is not subject to conscription.

Anton, age: 25 / 01/11/2015

Hello. I sympathize with your story. Maybe I’m wrong, but I’ll speak out anyway... Maybe I shouldn’t really torture myself at this university, and go where it’s really interesting? Maybe you prefer to be creative? Or write programs? Think about what you would like to do. How many of these young people suffer because they chose an unloved specialty or the wrong institute. Military affairs is wonderful only if there is a calling for it. Try talking to your family. Material well-being is good, but you shouldn’t achieve it through constant hassle. Good luck to you in realizing what you want in life, and strength to overcome all difficulties.

Tabby cat, age: 29 / 01/11/2015

Zhenya, hello! my son studied in the military and I know something about it. We are from the village, we lived very poorly... so for our son this was a chance - not to hunch over pennies all his life, to have a more or less respected profession and salary too. IT WAS DIFFICULT FOR HIM... both in his first year and in his 3rd year. but he remembered (and we helped too) how he was playing around in the village and getting NOTHING. he weeded 18 hectares of sunflowers with us, he cleaned the manure after nutria, and we reminded him - how in the heat of 40 degrees. Most of our nutria died, and we howled with grief. we explained to him that he would not have a chance a second time. he knew that we paid a HUGE amount of money for admission. I think yours paid too. our son finished his studies. NO REGRETS. he also had to ADAPT. understand - THIS IS LIFE!!! think, maybe you are wrong somewhere. Yes, and relationships can be improved - if only there was a desire!!! I have a request for you - DO NOT RUSH... it’s probably hard for other guys too, they just hide everything, keep it to themselves. Zhenya, hold out for a year, and we’ll see. HOLD ON!!!

Larisa, age: 50 / 01/11/2015

Dear Evgeniy! Choosing a profession is a serious and very important matter. It is extremely important to make this decision yourself!!! Without looking back at anyone!!!
Try to reason. The truth does not always lie on the surface.
We often look for the easier way, and this plays a cruel joke on us.
Is military affairs really not your thing?! Maybe your preparation is weak? - This is completely fixable! Having trouble adapting? Problems with discipline, self-organization? Is it difficult to constantly be in a team?! There are such difficulties on the path to any profession. With persistence, all of them can be overcome.
My children study far from home. The first two years were continuous conflicts between everyone and everyone. And also boycotts, frame-ups, meanness and even hidden theft. Although everyone seems decent... The teachers did not react to this at all. We were shocked. We reached the director. He said: “Believe me, this is normal. In two or three years they will become one family. For life. It happened to me when I studied here. It’s been like this for the 40 years that I’ve been working here.” He was right. True friends also need to suffer. You can live without conflicts according to the principle “hello, bye, we can’t baptize children together,” but then no one will become truly close.
Do you need to give up everything now and look for something else?! Another place will have its own difficulties, and they will also have to be overcome. Does it make sense to “exchange an awl for soap”?
Answer yourself honestly: “WHY did I come here, what attracted me, what exactly did I expect to get here?”
For a good salary?! - You receive money once a month, but you have to work every day from morning to evening. Money is important (especially if you plan to start a family). But they cannot be the ONLY incentive to get a certain profession. With effort, you can see the benefits for yourself in any endeavor.
Try to evaluate the benefits of learning for yourself personally. I think she's really big.
Without a doubt, life and health are more valuable than any money or success. But before you submit your report for expulsion, you need to decide what you will do afterward. Quit prestigious university, sitting at home or wandering around looking for something unknown (under the general lack of understanding of others) is also a difficult test, believe me!!!
If you have no idea what you want, then it’s better to stay at your university for now and think actively, prepare escape routes. Find where you can transfer or where they are willing to accept you. Or find a job that you could do. Is there any pleasure in looking at the world from the window of your room?!

Elena Ordinary, age: 39 / 01/11/2015

Zhenya, why don’t you want to transfer to another university? Your university is not the only one in the country. try to choose what your heart is drawn to. Then money may appear when you start doing something interesting. And try to quit smoking, why would you depress your health? Look for yourself, be sure to look for what you love! Is it better to take your own life or leave the university and find something you love?
Don't worry, everything will work out with God's help! Pray as best you can, in your own words. If you are baptized, confess and take communion.
Lots of answers here http://azbyka.ru/
God help you!

Elena, age: 37 / 01/11/2015

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I won’t say that the decision to enter a military school was a completely conscious one: at that time I didn’t quite understand where I was going :) There are no officers in the family, it was only my choice and, no matter what, I don’t regret anything, because I received a school that cannot be obtained anywhere else.
In order to avoid advertising or anti-advertising, we will omit the name of the university and get straight to the point.

Pros of studying:
1) Transparent admission system. In order to study on a budget, it is quite good to pass the External Assessment Test, physical training standards and pass a medical examination.
During the 5 years of study, I did not pay for a single exam, which is good news. There is still corruption, but this will not stop those who have brains. No one is asking for bribes.

2) Good physical fitness. The teachers at the department are masters of their craft and know how to instill a love of sports. Over time, training becomes an integral part of everyday life.

3) Men's team. A definite plus, I think :) It’s really easier to get along with men: they are straightforward and not prone to intrigue.

4) Dormitories are provided to everyone without exception. A scholarship too, even for C students.

5) Stress resistance, organization and punctuality are developed. This helps in achieving any goals.

6) Employment after study.

7) Cadets must wear a uniform, so you don’t have to worry about what to wear every day :)

And now, according to the classics of the genre, we move on to the dramatic part. Minuses:

1) Restrictions on freedom and personal space. For the first two years (conscript service), cadets live as if in a cage. You can only go for a walk on weekends. Not for long. On the way to the museum. Further (3-5 years) the regime is more loyal, but you don’t have to think about walking around the city at night and in general about freely leaving the territory.
They rummage through personal belongings to check order. They open bedside tables, cabinets...They don’t need a court order for this.

2) Over time, an understanding comes that some elements of training (drill training, for example) are needed in order to make the cadets easily manageable.

3) Regular assignments, including daily allowances.

4) It’s difficult to plan your time, because there is always someone who planned it for you. Without asking your permission. Did you want to go to the cinema/concert/visit for the weekend? Okay, but first, let's go to the museum. Or on an excursion. In a classic suit, even if it’s hot outside.

5) New Year cadets often celebrate Christmas, Easter and other family holidays within the walls of their home barracks.

6) Collective punishments. Again, stupid control.

7) Many unreasonable, incomprehensible prohibitions. For example, you cannot go on leave wearing a tank top or a tracksuit. You can’t walk through the 3rd floor, you can’t catch the rector’s eye, you can’t, you can’t...

This is not the entire list, just the first that came to mind. Perhaps over time I will look at some things differently. In general, it’s not for nothing that the military has the right to retire early. After all, the longer you serve, the more your psyche suffers.

Choosing a military school for admission after school requires not only knowledge, but also an awareness that there are special regulations for collecting documents and passing professional selection. Military schools have always been different from other educational institutions. It's not that easy to get there. Admission is accompanied by exams, psychological and physical tests.

Types of military schools

In our country, at the present time, there are 2 types of military vocational education– basic and higher.

Basic education includes the following schools:

  • Cadet.
  • Suvorovskoe.
  • Nakhimovskoe.

In these educational establishments males who have not reached the age of eighteen are accepted. The duration of study at the school can be 2-4 years.

Higher education includes the following educational institutions:

  • Command school.
  • Institute.
  • Academy.

In higher educational institutions, training lasts 2-3 years.

  • marine;
  • missile forces;
  • railway troops;
  • military-technical;
  • military justice;
  • ground troops;
  • Cossack;
  • military music.

What to do to enter a military school

You have made a decision and have no restrictions. First you need to submit an application to the regional military registration and enlistment office. You will be given a form where you write about your desire to study at a military school. Don't forget to indicate which specific school you will be applying to. Each university has its own regulations for admission, but we can highlight General requirements to the documents being prepared.

An applicant to a military school must have:

  • A document confirming completion of secondary education.
  • Completed application form with questionnaire.
  • A copy of your passport, birth certificate and a copy of your military ID.
  • Autobiography.
  • Characteristics from your last place of study (work).
  • Photos for opening a personal file.
  • Documents confirming the availability of benefits.
  • Military service card (if available).

If the applicant has any personal achievements, then he must provide all diplomas and certificates of completion of courses, certificates of sports achievements, parachuting or shooting, certificates of participation in olympiads or competitions. All these little things can be decisive in any controversial issue of whether to accept you or not.

With a lot of competition, applicants are interested in the availability of benefits. Privileges and benefits are provided:

  • orphans and children without guardianship;
  • if the child has a gold medal;
  • students who have completed preparatory courses at the chosen university;
  • participants in hostilities;
  • graduates of other military institutions with basic flight training;
  • persons who have completed the first year of a regular university, where the specialized specialty coincides with the specialty of the school.

How to enter a military school if you have no special achievements

You must demonstrate excellent knowledge in the exams and, of course, prove your motivation during the professional selection process, which is always carried out before admission to the main tests. It is important to be able to formulate goals in your life and have excellent physical fitness. There is a high probability that at one of the selection stages you will be asked to write a detailed essay on the topic “why do I want to become a military man?” Please note that this essay will significantly influence the committee’s perception of the applicant. Professional selection for 11th graders is held at local military registration and enlistment offices until May 15. If you are entering after the army, then the selection for such applicants has been extended until June 1.

All personal files and documents of applicants are sent to the schools of their choice. From there a letter of challenge is sent. Already at the school itself, various professional selection interviews are held with applicants, and only after this the candidates are allowed to take the entrance exams. Upon successful completion, the applicant becomes a cadet and enters military life.

Military school is a good preparatory stage for the younger generation when studying military affairs. However, college is only a base that provides primary skills and knowledge for entering a university.

If you dream of connecting your life with the Armed Forces, you should think about a military university. There you will be able to gain a profession and knowledge that will allow you to build a career in the military field.

Today we will talk about who and under what conditions will be able to enter such a university.

You can choose a universal profession that will be in demand in civilian life

How to choose a university and where to enroll?

First of all, decide on the direction of training and the type of troops in which you want to continue to serve: sea, land, air. When choosing a specialty, take into account your abilities and inclinations; the army needs both humanists and “techies.”

You can choose a universal direction that will be in demand in civilian life. These include: engineering, psychology, pedagogy, management, personnel management, journalism, medicine, etc. Here are several universities where it is possible to obtain universal professions:

The name of the university

Enlarged direction, specialties

Psychology of performance

Economic security

Legal support national security

pedagogy and psychology deviant behavior

Translation and translation studies

Conducting a military brass band

War journalism

Moscow, st. B. Sadovaya, 14

Construction equipment and technologies

Military Administration

Equipment and technologies of ground transport

St. Petersburg, emb. Makarova, 8

Application and operation of automated systems for special purposes

Infocommunication technologies and special communication systems

St. Petersburg, K-64, Tikhoretsky prospect, 3

Military-medical Academy them. S. M. Kirova

General Medicine



Medical and preventive care

St. Petersburg, st. Academician Lebedeva, 6, lit. E

Military Institute of Physical Culture

Service-applied physical training

St. Petersburg, Bolshoi Sampsonievsky Prospekt, 63

A list of other military educational institutions and minimum threshold scores is available on the website of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Who can apply

The rules for admission to military universities are set by the Ministry of Defense. The requirements for applicants are much higher than in civilian institutions. Prerequisites for admission after school:

  • presence of Russian citizenship;
  • getting the first higher education;
  • age from 16 to 22 years;
  • suitability for military service due to health reasons;
  • absence of unexpunged and outstanding criminal records and other problems with the law.

In addition, you need to have good physical fitness and a positive reference from school. They will not accept you into a military school if you have health problems.

These include the following diseases and disorders:

  • mental disorders;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • malignant and benign formations that disrupt the functioning of organs;
  • anemia;
  • obesity 3-4th degree;
  • AIDS and HIV;
  • scoliosis 2nd degree;
  • stage 3 flatfoot;
  • enuresis;
  • gastrointestinal diseases - ulcers, polyps, etc.;
  • pathologies of the organs of vision;
  • severe cardiovascular diseases;
  • food allergy.

Fitness for health reasons is determined by the draft commission at the military registration and enlistment office.

Who has special rights and benefits upon admission

  • Without entrance examinations in general education subjects, they have the right to enroll prize-winners and winners final stage All-Russian Olympiad, as well as prize-winners and winners of international and listed Olympiads approved by the Ministry of Education. This right can be used in case of admission to a specialty in the Olympiad profile. If the direction is different, you can get maximum points in Olympiad subjects.
  • You can count on advantage in admission and non-competitive admission, subject to successful completion of professional selection, if you belong to one of the categories:
    • orphans;
    • children who were left without parental care;
    • persons under 20 years of age who have one disabled parent of group I with an income below the average subsistence level;
    • victims after the disaster Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
    • children of military personnel, prosecutors, as well as employees of the internal affairs department, the judicial executive system, drug control authorities, fire and customs systems who died while on duty;
    • children of fallen Heroes of the USSR and the Russian Federation, as well as holders of the Order of Glory;
    • children of military personnel who have served for at least 20 years, including those dismissed upon reaching the age limit or health condition.
  • Another preferential category - military personnel who served under conscription or contract. If you don’t get into university the first time and serve in the army, after that you will be able to take advantage of special rights. How to enroll in a military university after the army, read our article.

What entrance tests do you need to pass?

When entering military universities you will have to take the Unified State Exam. Most institutions require specialized mathematics and Russian. Third exam depends on the direction profile. For example, physics is required for military-technical specialties, social studies for legal and legal professions, chemistry and biology for medical ones, etc.

In addition to the Unified State Exam, you must pass the internal physical fitness exam. It consists of the following standards:

  • 100 m run;
  • running 3 km (for girls - 1 km);
  • pull-ups on the bar (for girls - abs);
  • swimming 100 m (not at all universities).

Some universities additionally conduct creative and professional tests. For example, there are creative exams in the specialty “Brass Band Conducting,” and professional exams in “Service-Applied Physical Training,” “Legal Support of National Security,” and “Translation and Translation Studies.”

For girls there is a slight relaxation when passing physical standards

How to enter a military university: step-by-step instructions

We have prepared a complete algorithm of actions for you.

Step 1. Decide on a university

You need to choose a direction and . After this, go to the institution’s website, find out the rules for admission and the list of entrance tests. There you will also find admission benchmarks and the passing score for the previous year.

Step 2. Pass the Unified State Exam

You need to pass compulsory and core subjects. If you haven’t fully decided on a university, take several specialized exams. This will give you more options to choose from.

Step 3. Complete the pre-qualification

To do this, you need to submit an application to the military registration and enlistment office at the place of registration no later than April 20. If you are enrolling in a university that requires access to information constituting state secrets, no later than April 1. In your application, please provide basic information about yourself, as well as the university and specialty where you plan to enroll.

At the military registration and enlistment office you will go medical and psychological examination. The draft committee will decide your suitability.

The application must be accompanied by:

  • a copy of the birth certificate;
  • autobiography;
  • a reference from school with a letter of recommendation for admission to a military university;
  • a certificate from the school about current academic performance;
  • professional psychological selection card;
  • medical examination card and other medical documents;
  • three certified photos without headgear, 4.5 x 6 cm;
  • a copy of an identity document;
  • copies of documents confirming special rights and individual achievements.

If a positive decision is made, the military commissar sends your documents to the military university. Next, the admissions committee of the educational institution decides whether to admit you to professional selection or not. A written decision is sent to the military registration and enlistment office. In case of refusal, the reasons must be indicated.

Step 4. Pass professional selection

  • determination of fitness for health reasons;
  • carrying out psychological testing, on the basis of which the study of the socio-psychological state is carried out;
  • entrance examinations, which consist of an assessment of general educational preparation (USE), passing physical standards and conducting professional and creative exams (in some specialties).

Upon arrival at the university, you need to provide a passport, military ID, original certificates and documents confirming special rights and individual achievements.

Based on the results of professional selection, a competition for enrollment is held. Candidates with special rights go first, the remaining places are distributed in accordance with the scores, which are summed up across all tests.

The educational process in a military university is very different from civilian educational institutions. You will face strict discipline, living in barracks and heavy physical activity. In addition to lectures and practical training, you will undergo drill, fire and tactical training. Upon graduation from the university, you will be required to work in the military sector for at least 5 years (according took to the mandatory contract for budgetary military training). Getting into a military university is difficult, but possible. Start now to prepare intensively for exams and improve your physical fitness.

Military universities traditionally stand apart from higher education institutions: special conditions for admission, strict discipline and subordination, a specific regime...

The vast majority of civilian universities in Russia are subordinate to the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, while military universities are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense, which establishes and regulates rules and procedures for them. Additionally, all military universities are divided by branch of service: universities missile forces, ground forces, air force, etc.

If you have decided to enroll in a military university, be prepared for the fact that at all stages of the journey, from submitting documents to receiving the coveted “crust”, you will have to communicate with people in uniform. Therefore, when collecting information about a military university, you should not focus on general civilian rules and guidelines. For example, the rules for admission to military universities practically do not take into account innovations recent years: While most civilian applicants take entrance exams in the form of tests, applicants to military universities take dictations and tests the old fashioned way. The same can be said about the Unified State Exam: being outside the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education, military leaders have the right to consider the Regulations on the Unified State Exam as information for thought, but not as a direct guide to action.

Universities with a broad profile

The range of specialties in which modern military universities provide training is quite extensive. The specialization of a university mainly depends on the profile, or more precisely, on the type of military service to which the educational institution belongs. At the same time, many military universities duplicate civilian areas of training, and more and more often their “assortment” includes the usual economic and legal specialties. Thus, the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation trains sociologists, lawyers, managers of socio-cultural activities, translators and social work specialists.

Some of the specialties offered by the universities of the Ministry of Defense are multifunctional - graduates are equally in demand both in “military field conditions” and “in civilian life.” First of all, this concerns the engineering and technical areas. For example, from the walls of the Military Technical University of the Federal Service for Special Construction of the Russian Federation, engineers of hoisting and transport, road, construction machinery and equipment, specialists in industrial and civil construction, design highways, airfields, transport tunnels, etc.

Finally, a certain part of military professions lies in a highly specific field of application that has no analogues in civilian life. For example, after graduating from the Academy of Civil Defense of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, you can become a specialist in mathematical support for research into weapons, equipment and the use of civil defense forces.

Autograph for the military commissar

To submit documents to a military university, the applicant will have to go to the military registration and enlistment office (at his place of residence).

You must have with you:

  • passport;
  • a copy of the document on secondary education (secondary students provide a certificate of current academic performance);
  • three photographs (without headdress, size 4.5x6 cm);
  • characteristics from the place of study or work;
  • autobiography.

At the military registration and enlistment office, the applicant writes an application requesting admission to the chosen university. All this must be done before April 20 of this year.

After the initial documents have been submitted, all that remains is to pass a medical examination, and yesterday’s student becomes a candidate to study at a military university. Applications are being considered admissions committee university, and the final decision on admission to the exams (or refusal) is communicated to candidates through the military registration and enlistment office before June 20.

The procedure for submitting documents is somewhat different for those who currently serve in the Armed Forces: in this case, the applicant, before April 1 of the current year, submits a report addressed to his immediate commander, and he, having provided the petition with all the necessary papers, passes it on further up the chain of command. .

Another feature of entering military universities is that there are quite strict age restrictions. Young people who have not served in the army can become cadets from 16 to 22 years old, having “experience” in army service - up to 24 (age is determined at the time of application).

Fell - did push-ups

Entrance tests to military universities take place from July 1 to July 20, and they are also somewhat different from “civilian” ones. To pass the competitive selection, knowledge of the Pythagorean theorem and the gimlet rule will not be enough.

The first stage is a psychological and psychophysical examination of candidates. Then - a physical fitness test: pull-ups on the bar (11 times - "excellent", 9 - "good", 7 - "satisfactory"), a hundred meters, a 3 km run. And finally, the actual exams in general education subjects. They usually consist of mathematics (major subject) and dictation in the Russian language. The third exam (physics, chemistry, history) depends on the profile of the chosen educational institution.

The average competition for military universities is 2.5–3 people per place. However, these figures (not too high for Moscow) speak, rather, not about the ease of admission, but about its specifics. On the one hand, there are really few people who want to get a military education, on the other hand, not every civilian with average training is able to go through all the “military tricks” associated with admission (questionnaire - checking the psycho-emotional state - physical training - general education base).

The system of benefits provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation for those entering higher educational institutions also applies to military universities: orphans, medalists, winners of Olympiads, etc. are granted various privileges. Disabled people are excluded from this list for obvious reasons.

I would become a field marshal...
Graduates leave the alma mater with the rank of lieutenant. All newly-minted commanders are expected to be assigned: at least five years after graduating from a military university, yesterday's cadet must devote to the Fatherland. The further fate of the graduate will depend both on the type of military service and place of service, as well as on personal qualities and ambitions. It is enough to look at the political and managerial elite of our country to understand that graduates of military universities can make a brilliant career and achieve impressive success. For officers who want to achieve a high position, there are universities that provide a second military education, adjunct courses, specialized institutes for advanced training, etc.

Cadet or student?

When all tests are passed, the candidate becomes a cadet. This status corresponds to the status of a student at a civilian university, however, there are more differences between a cadet and a student than similarities. If with the beginning of their student life the most cheerful and carefree time begins for young people, then with the beginning of their studies at a military university this very time ends. Routine, schedule and chain of command become a fundamental element in the life of all future officers.

Cadets are removed from military registration (they are not subject to general conscription) and placed on a special register - they are enrolled on active duty. military service. For the first two years, they (regardless of the need for government housing) live in barracks and, in addition to training sessions perform duties traditionally included in the concept of military service. From the third year you can move to a dormitory or live at home.

All types of allowances are issued to the cadet, and he is given uniforms. The holidays last two weeks in winter and a month in summer. In fact, studying at a military university is equivalent to military service.

Sergey Litvinov, graduate of a military university:

The lack of hazing is more than compensated for by strict discipline, exhausting physical activity, and in the first and second years, also by various chores. Be prepared to learn how to hold a jackhammer in your hands, lay asphalt, engage in all types of repairs of premises and furniture, in the fall - harvesting crops in the fields near Moscow, in winter - endlessly clearing roads from snow and many other useful tasks.

You will be taught to shoot, operate military equipment, perform drill exercises and carefully take care of military uniform. At the same time, you will need to study military regulations and, of course, all specialty disciplines. You will have to study at full strength, often at night, since very serious disciplinary sanctions are imposed for poor performance.

Until recently, such a strict schedule was immutable for anyone who dreamed of studying at a military university. Today, along with the harsh tradition, there is also a softer regime - for those who enroll on a paid basis. (The first experiment on recruiting “paid workers” took place at the Military University of the Russian Ministry of Defense in 2003). Such cadets are spared the need to bear the hardships and hardships of military service: their life differs little from the life of ordinary civilian students.