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What a hand-held metal detector does not respond to. Why doesn't the metal detector see the gold chain? Is it possible to fool a metal detector?

Expert advice

Security at a typical airport inspects the luggage of approximately two million people every day. Even when you do not have large metal objects with you, the metal detector goes off exactly when you pass. You are extremely surprised and an unpleasant inspection procedure awaits you. We offer our readers a list of items to which security systems respond.
Aluminum wrap
Many manufacturers of chewing gum, candy and cigarettes use paper for wrapping instead of foil. The reason for this is the problems that passengers encountered when carrying such products. As a result, a negative attitude towards the brand.
What to do? Before the metal detector, remove absolutely all contents from your pockets to reduce the risk of being searched to zero.
We are talking about keys that slide out of a special case with the press of a button. When your bags are scanned, the item looks like a knife. If you have such a key, be sure that you will definitely be stopped and asked to show what you are carrying.
What to do? Put your keys in your carry-on luggage so you don't have to unpack those huge bags that you check into the luggage compartment.
Hair ribbons
Yes Yes. The reason for your inspection may be a simple bow. The reason is simple: many bows contain metal in their structure.
What to do? Place such tapes immediately before going through the metal detector.
Small bottles with alcoholic drinks
There are clear rules about this. The bottle must contain no more than 3.4 ounces (100 ml) of spirits and be in its original container. It must be packaged in a transparent plastic bag that is fastened with a zipper.
Glass snow globes
They cannot be carried in carry-on baggage because they contain a liquid volume greater than 3.4 ounces (100 ml).
At Bradley International Airport (Connecticut), an evacuation was announced in October after security discovered a package containing such a glass ball. The airport resumed operations only after a thorough investigation of the find.
What to do? If you are bringing such a souvenir, place it on top of your things and prepare for your luggage to be searched.
As a rule, they contain more than 100 ml of liquid and are therefore prohibited from being carried in hand luggage. But this ban does not apply to people who use an inhaler for medical reasons and cannot do without it during a flight.
What to do? Pack it in a clear plastic bag and inform security staff in advance that you are going to take this medication on board the plane. Make sure your aerosol is clearly labeled and described.
Manufacturers of metal detectors claim that they do not react to women's underwear, but many passengers say the opposite. As a rule, women are searched in a separate room. Needless to say, security may be delayed and you will miss your flight.
What to do? Try not to wear underwear with metal elements. And if there are similar things in your luggage, then immediately prepare them for inspection.
Peanut butter jars
Everything on the planet has its own form: liquid, solid or gaseous. Peanut butter is not one of them. If you put such a delicacy in your luggage, there is a 100% chance that you will be detained.
What to do? If you are a big fan of peanut butter, stock up on sandwiches so as not to attract the attention of security guards and save your nerves.
We wish you pleasant flights, flights without delays and a soft landing.

Perhaps the main fear of a modern eleventh-grader can be safely called the Unified State Exam. It doesn’t matter whether he is an excellent student or a poor student, absolutely every graduate is worried about the question: is it possible and how to bring a phone to the exam?

About 10 years have passed since its introduction as the only form of graduation and entrance tests. Every year resourceful graduates try to find a way to take the Unified State Exam, and every year, despite the constant tightening of the exam rules, they succeed.

Method number 1: careful camouflage

By experience, applicants from previous years found out how to get a phone through a metal detector. The whole secret is in the proper selection of the area where the phone will be hidden. So, former graduates recommend putting the phone in your underwear.

Of course, the metal detector will react to an unwanted object. However, girls can blame the metal detector on the iron wires of their bra, and boys can blame it on the heavy belt plaque.

Method No. 2: telephone boots

Depending on what type of metal detector will be used during the exam - manual or arc-shaped - you can predict whether you will be able to bring the phone to the test or not. So, if it is used by employees, you can easily hide the cell phone in your shoes and deceive the equipment. The main thing is to choose the optimal shape of shoes or boots. Experience shows that no one will check their shoes five minutes before the start of the exam.

Method number 3: almost Rapunzel

If you are a girl and you are interested in the question of how to get a cell phone through a metal detector, then listen to the advice: purchase a long twist-up hairpin in advance. Thread your hair through the hole and twist it into a bun. Before the last turn, carefully place the phone in your hair and fix its position. However, this life hack works for both girls and guys with long hair.

Method number 4: three phones

Are you afraid that you won't be able to bring your phone to the exam? Then take three at once! The method of throwing dust in the eyes will work here. You need to sew two phones into the shoulder pad area or put them there, making pockets.

The third, non-working or old one, should be “hide” in the top pocket of the jacket. If the metal detector responds, give the old device to the “face control” workers and calmly go to the workplace.

Method number 5: let's play spies?

The oldest and, without a doubt, the most effective method, how to bring a phone/calculator to the Unified State Examination - find an ally. For example, having successfully passed the metal detector test, go to an open window where a friend should be waiting for you. It is necessary to throw him a rope, to which he must securely tie the mobile device. By pulling it out, you can take advantage of all the benefits of modern technology.

How to take a phone through a metal detector at the Unified State Exam: myths

We invite schoolchildren to familiarize themselves with the most common myths associated with bringing high-tech devices to the exam.

One of the most popular ways among schoolchildren to get a phone through the metal detector at the Unified State Exam is to make a fur coat out of foil for the mobile device. However, as the experience of daredevils who decided on such a trick shows, a switched off phone with the back cover removed, wrapped in a thick layer of foil, does not protect at all from the radiation of a metal detector. Moreover, turning to physics, remember that foil is the thinnest aluminum. Thus, by wrapping a cell phone in foil, the graduate only increases the amount of metal.

The myth that by using foil you can “trick a metal detector around your finger” came from the thoughts of applicants who believed that the operation of a metal detector is identical to the mechanism of the gate at the store checkout. In reality, store arches are aimed at registering beacons on a product, and the foil serves as an elementary shielding that allows the device not to detect the beacon signal. Foil is not capable of stopping the action of real metal detectors, like those at airports. Thus, all the stories of graduates about how they managed to smuggle a phone into the Unified State Exam using foil are either fiction or the work of faulty metal detectors.

Some eleventh graders say that there is no point in racking your brains about how to get your phone through the metal detector at the Unified State Exam. There are no ways to deceive the equipment, but there is always the opportunity to “agree” with the one who controls the device. Moreover, some applicants are confident that for a certain price they can “book” a write-off. In fact, rumors of corruption in the unified state exam are a myth. All observers in the audience, without exception, are criminally responsible for compliance with the examination procedure. Video cameras record every wave of the graduates’ pen, so if during the verification of video materials an act of cheating is discovered by one of the schoolchildren, the first thing they will ask is the employee responsible for order.

So, if you are planning to charge from your phone, think carefully about whether you need to take on any extra risk? In any case, paper cheat sheets and knowledge in the head have not been canceled! Therefore, instead of wasting time on developing spy methods for smuggling a device into the exam, it is better to spend it on solving the sampler. remember, that mobile phone, hidden from prying eyes, is not a guarantee of getting a ticket to a happy student future; rather, it is a ticket out the door of the classroom. As they say, rely on high technology, but don’t make a mistake yourself!

The fact is that the chain consists of links, each of which is less than the sensitivity threshold of the metal detector. Sensitivity threshold is the minimum target that a metal detector can detect.

Metal detectors perceive the chain not as a single whole, but as a set of individual links. Questions from the same category: will the metal detector respond to gold dust? Undoubtedly, if you pour it in a heap or pour it into a box, but if you just distribute it on the table, the electromagnetic connection will be disrupted and the metal detector will not be able to detect individual grains of sand, regardless of their number. The situation is similar with the chain. But as soon as it lies in the ground for some time and oxidizes, the metal detector will be able to detect it, since electronic communication will occur between the links.

Why doesn’t my Quattro metal detector see the chain, it works at a high frequency of 100 kHz, but doesn’t see the chain?

Treasure-hunting metal detectors Quattro, Safari, E-Trac, Explorer, Sovereign, although they operate at frequencies from 1.5 to 100 kHz, sensitivity is specially reduced for such small targets so that you do not have to dig up many small objects of no interest . Mostly it will be garbage, pellets, cartridge caps, scraps of foil and other small items. High frequencies in these models are used for better discrimination of metals.

It is technically very difficult to create a metal detector that sees small chain links and at the same time has a large detection depth. Therefore, models of metal detectors are divided into beach and treasure hunting.

Beach metal detectors designed specifically for searching for small objects, including chains, for example, the Garrett ACE150, ACE250 or AT PRO models, have a maximum depth of no more than 50-60 cm, but they have a high sensitivity to small objects, which is why they are called beach ones.

There is a universal metal detector designed both for searching on the beach and for searching for treasures, coins and gold nuggets - X-Terra 705. This model is specially designed not only for searching for treasures, but also for gold. You can find out more detailed information about the X-Terra 705 model from the videos on the KLADTV.RU website:
1. X-Terra metal detector. Practice in the field.
2. “GEO” mode of the X-Terra 705 metal detector.
3. How to set up X-Terra 705. Training video.

When complaining that the metal detector does not see the chain, think about whether this kind of fuss is worth your efforts? A chain is a lightweight product, as a rule, its weight does not exceed 1-2 grams, but in the time that you spend digging through small unnecessary garbage in search of a chain, with another metal detector you can find several rings, and possibly a diamond ring.

There is a little trick that you can use to search for chains. If during an instrumental search you find a gold pendant or cross, then most likely the chain on which it hung is somewhere nearby, since in most cases it was unfastened or torn from the neck. Therefore, when such things are detected, examine the search area more carefully, without ignoring any object from which the signal comes. Turning the threshold tone so that it is audible will help determine the presence of a target under the coil.

Metal detector settings for searching for gold chains.
- Set the sensitivity to maximum.
- Use concentric or mono coils with small diameters of 9" or even 6".
- Set a discrimination mask to search for jewelry.
- Use a tonal background.
- Be sure to use headphones.

For what purpose are you planning to purchase a metal detector is the first question that everyone should ask themselves when planning to purchase a metal detector. Since the purpose of the metal detector determines its capabilities, sensitivity, detection depth, etc. Choose a detector: beach, treasure hunting, underwater, for searching for gold nuggets or a universal one.


Gold of Kapchigay

Beach search with a metal detector along river banks and reservoirs video. Excalibur metal detector 2 tips for finding finds. Gold on the beach. Metal detector beach search. Metal detector Excalibur 2 search in the lake. Beach gold. Author Rudolf Kavchik, Kazakhstan.

Underwater search in water with an Excalibur metal detector. How to successfully search on the beach.

With the same metal detector, the search result for different metals varies. Some types of products are quite difficult to detect.

For example, conductive and magnetic metals such as iron, chrome steel, carbon steel and tungsten carbide are very easy to detect because they have a significant effect on the magnetic field. This means that the metal detector produces a clear, understandable signal. If the audio response is multi-tone, the signal will be low.

Other non-ferrous metals have low resistance (copper, aluminum, lead, brass, bronze and so on). Although they are not magnetic, they are highly conductive, so they are also easy to detect with a metal detector. The signal is usually clear, piercing, and high (with “polyphony” of the detector).

What is the most difficult thing to detect? According to American researchers, “the greatest threat to metal detectors” are metals with high resistance, non-magnetic, and low conductivity. For example... stainless steel. You can’t easily find stainless steel types 304 and 316 with a metal detector.

In reality, of course, this is a threat to inspection metal detectors and to industrial devices - those that monitor foreign bodies in products. However, a powerful metal detector will cope with this task.

The Unified State Exam evokes mixed feelings among students. Even those who are confident in their abilities are sad. And 9 out of 10 schoolchildren begin to think about how to pass a phone through a metal detector in order to look for answers to questions on the Internet. The Internet is full of instructions, but many of them are questionable. Let's figure out if this is real.

Let's plunge into reality - you won't be able to write it off on the Unified State Exam, it's almost impossible. Even if you manage to sneak a mobile phone into the classroom, getting it out will be problematic - there is video surveillance here. Moreover, the results are stored for three months. If observers (and there are many of them) become suspicious, the exam results will be canceled. Therefore, we recommend that you spend time accumulating knowledge rather than looking for opportunities to find answers to Unified State Exam questions.

The first myth concerns carrying a phone in foil. This method will not work, because foil is a thin sheet of aluminum. It is perfectly visible to metal detectors, even if a brick or piece of wood is wrapped in it. Give up this idea - it won't work. Moreover, the rustling noise during unpacking will be incredibly loud.

The second myth is that a student can supposedly negotiate with someone to turn off the frame. A strange confidence, considering the security cameras hanging on every corner. It will not be possible to bribe anyone, since these jokes are subject to criminal liability. No one will take on this for the sake of money and a student who lacks knowledge.

The third myth is that during the Unified State Exam you can agree with the teacher about cheating. In fact, this is not so - no one will write it off. Firstly, there will be nowhere to write off - the discovered phone will be taken away. And secondly, there is video surveillance in the classroom. Moreover, it is conducted by independent observers. You need to show miracles of ingenuity to smuggle a phone or a cheat sheet, and then also write it off.

The fourth myth is to carry the phone from the left side, since on this side the frame is not sensitive. This is complete nonsense - the frame is sensitive from all sides at once.

The fifth myth is to remove the back cover to carry it in or turn off the handset altogether. It is not clear how this should affect the detection of a smartphone with metal components inside.

What tricks do schoolchildren resort to?

Despite a thorough search, you can still try to smuggle your phone into the exam. Let's see how schoolchildren act before the Unified State Exam.

You can disguise your phone as a belt. Especially if it is a thin and very small smartphone. These are sold on Aliexpress - the display diagonal ranges from 3.2 inches. This one can be hidden anywhere if none of the inspectors decides to get to the bottom of the truth. The cost of such a gadget is from 6 thousand rubles, depending on the color, configuration and the current dollar exchange rate. Put the phone under a pre-purchased belt with a solid metal plaque - perhaps this trick will work.

The problem with all these tips is that they are read not only by students, but also by the examiners themselves - they know what, where and how to look.

Disguising yourself as a badge is for boys, but girls can hide their phone in their bra - no one will get into it. And the activation of a metal detector can be attributed to the metal “wire” of the bra.

Pay attention to shoes

Shoes can be a great place to hold your phone. But only if the search is carried out with a hand-held metal detector. Finding boots that will fit the tube from the example above is not a problem. It is much more difficult to get it out of there and use it while under the gun of video cameras.

You can bypass the metal detector by using your own hair, gathered in a bun and secured with a massive metal hairpin. This method helps you bring your own alcohol to concerts and nightclubs - the bottle is camouflaged with hair and blocked with hair ties. The main thing is that no one asks you to let your hair down, otherwise the idea will turn into a complete failure.

Phone spoofing

Confuse inspectors with several phones at once. It's simple - hide them in a secluded place, and after the metal detector beeps, hand one over to the inspector. If you're lucky, they won't look for the second one. There are recommendations on the Internet with a large number of phones. But if the check reveals two pipes, then the searches will become more thorough.

What depends on the type of metal detector

Almost nothing depends on the type of metal detector. But if the school uses a hand-held device, you can safely count on carrying the phone in your shoes. Otherwise, both metal detectors are quite sensitive; they can even recognize buttons on trousers - verified.

Being able to get your phone through a metal detector borders on luck. Some will be lucky, some will not. Therefore, it is best to devote free time study, and not search for tricks.