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State award for defenders of Leningrad. Description of the medal For the Defense of Leningrad

One of the most dramatic battles Patriotic War became the defense of Leningrad. The battle for this city lasted more than 3 years. He was protected not only by military personnel, but also by city residents. To encourage them, on December 22, 1942, the medal “For the Defense of Leningrad” was established. She became one of the first medals Soviet Union wartime. On the same day, medals for the defense of other cities appeared: Odessa, Sevastopol and Stalingrad.

How the medal came about

In November 1942, the People's Commissariat of Defense of the country appealed to the Presidium of the Armed Forces with a petition to establish several medals dedicated to the defense of 4 Soviet cities. After a short time, consent was received, and the regulations and description of the new award were developed. It was prescribed that the award would be given to all persons who defended the city - not only the military, but also the civilian population.

7 design options for the award badge were proposed. Of these, a drawing by the artist N.I. was chosen. Moskaleva. One of the projects belonged to the architect B. Barkhin; as the main detail, he proposed a monument to Lenin at the Finlyandsky Station. 3 sketches were developed by a group of artists from the Borobin workshop. Each of the projects featured one of the symbols of the city’s architecture: Bronze Horseman, Admiralty, Peter and Paul Fortress.

Who was it awarded to?

The medal “For the Defense of Leningrad” was awarded to all people who defended the city. Among them were soldiers of the spacecraft, navy, NKVD troops who became participants in the defense of Leningrad, as well as the population who directly defended the city, as well as those who worked in enterprises, transport, built defensive structures, etc.

Many Leningraders gave money for the construction of military equipment and gifts for spacecraft fighters. They allocated about 6 million rubles for the Dmitry Donskoy tank column. People who became owners of the medal “For the Defense of Leningrad” have the right to count on receiving the anniversary medal “In memory of the 250th anniversary of Leningrad.” She appeared later.

The award began to be presented immediately after it was established. The first signs were minted at the Leningrad Mint in the spring of 1943; they were awarded to soldiers who defended the besieged city. Until 1945, approximately 600 thousand blockade survivors were awarded it. All information about the recipients was in the Leningrad Siege Museum. All the names of the gentlemen were in 6 volumes, which were subsequently lost.

Until 1985, approximately 1,470 signs were issued. Among those awarded are 15 thousand children from the siege. Medal No. 1 was awarded to A.A. Zhdanov, who during the Second World War held the position of 1st secretary of the regional and city party committees.

As an exception, the medal could be awarded twice. Among the winners of 2 medals “For the Defense of Leningrad” is A. Kuznetsov. During the days of the blockade, he held the position of second secretary of the regional party committee.

The senior award is the medal “For saving drowning people.”

What does the sign look like?

The award badge is brass, round, with a standard cross-section of 3.2 cm. On the front side there are spacecraft fighters, navy personnel, and workers. They have rifles in their hands. Behind is the spire of the Admiralty. At the top is a 5-pointed star. Along the edge there is a circular inscription: “FOR THE DEFENSE OF LENINGRAD.” There is a shoulder on the obverse.

On the back side it is engraved in 3 rows: “FOR OUR SOVIET MOTHERLAND.” Above is the hammer and sickle.

The block on which the medallion is suspended has a 5-gonal shape. The ribbon with which it is covered is olive in color. There is a 2mm green stripe in the center.

Beginning of the blockade

The defense of Leningrad, which found itself in a dense enemy ring, lasted from September 8, 1941 to January 27, 1944. It occupies a special place in the history of the Second World War.

This city was the 2nd most important in the Soviet Union. It was home to approximately 3.2 million people. More than 300 large industrial enterprises operate in Leningrad, producing about ¼ of the country's heavy engineering products. 75% of the products were for defense purposes.

Therefore, having captured the city, the Wehrmacht command would simultaneously solve several problems. Among them is the destruction of the Baltic Fleet.

Already on July 12, the Nazis approached the Luga defensive line, which stopped the rapid advance of the enemy. Defensive structures were built in a short time by the hands of Leningraders and spacecraft fighters. In addition, fortifications were built on the nearby approaches and in the city itself. Militia detachments were created, 200 thousand Leningraders went to the front.

In August, the Nazis managed to break through the defensive line. A few days later Novgorod was captured. At the same time, the Finns, who declared war on the USSR on June 29, launched an offensive from the Karelian Isthmus. In early September, Leningrad came under artillery fire for the first time.

On September 8, the Nazis took Shlisselburg and blocked the city from land. This day is considered the beginning of the blockade, which lasted 872 days. There is only one way left to the mainland - through Lake Ladoga. It was called the "road of life." Then the Germans managed to break through to the outskirts of the city. He even shot a tram in which Leningraders were traveling.

From September 14, Zhukov began to lead the defense of Leningrad. Although even Stalin considered the situation hopeless, Zhukov managed to stop the Germans.

Leningrad blockade

Having failed to take Leningrad on the move, the Nazis began to wage a long siege. They fired guns at the city almost every day and carried out bombings. People did not have enough food, and on the 10th the Badayevsky food warehouses burned down. The famine began already in November. On the 20th, the minimum norm for the distribution of bread to residents was established.

The water supply, sewerage, and central heating stopped working. Transport stopped. Residents died en masse from hunger and cold. After the ice on Ladoga froze, they tried to bring at least some food to the city. The cars drove back on the ice with children, old people, and the sick.

From the beginning of 1942, the food situation, albeit slightly, began to improve. The rate of bread distribution began to increase. If on November 20 children and dependents were entitled to a ration of 125 g, then by December 25 it increased to 200. In addition, the supply began to be regular. Military products continued to be produced in the city: tanks, armored vehicles, shells, etc. In the spring, public utilities and transport were restored, and people’s lives became much easier.

During 1942, the Soviet command made several attempts to break the blockade, but they all ended in failure. In the summer, the Nazis intensified their actions on this front; artillery shelling and bombing were intensified.

Removing the blockade

On January 12, 1943, units of the Leningrad and Volkhov fronts began to advance. On the 18th they connected. The blockade of the city was broken. However, this did not mean victory. The Nazis stubbornly continued shelling and bombing Leningrad. They shot every day, for several hours at a time.

Our troops failed to develop their success; the Germans constantly transferred fresh forces to the Sinyavinsky Heights area. Therefore, the spacecraft went on the defensive. By January 1943, approximately 800 thousand inhabitants remained in Leningrad, many of whom were transported to the rear during that year. Nevertheless, life in the city gradually improved; the local confectionery factory even began producing “Bears in the North.”

A large-scale offensive by units of the Leningrad Front began on January 14, 1944. A few days later, the spacecraft achieved major successes - the enemy was driven back, and Novgorod was liberated. On January 27, a fireworks display was fired in Leningrad in honor of the final liberation. The ships of the Baltic Fleet played a major role in lifting the blockade. Many sailors defended the city as part of the ground forces.

Evacuation of the population

Residents from the city began to be evacuated in the summer of 1914, before the Nazis blocked railway. But not everyone wanted to leave; moreover, many moved to the suburbs, and when the Germans arrived there, they were forced to return to Leningrad.

Further evacuation was carried out along Ladoga or by plane. When the ice froze, people were transported by car. Thus, by the spring of 1942, more than 650 thousand people were removed from Leningrad. In total, during the entire blockade, 1.5 million people left the city. Not all of them were able to return; Leningrad was closed for some time, and most of those who returned had nowhere to live.

05/01/1945 Leningrad became a hero city.

Comments on the article - Medal “For the Defense of Leningrad”

  1. Dmitry writes:

    I have this medal


    [email protected]

    Dmitry, Leningrad

  2. Andrey writes:

    I remember that my grandfather had a medal “For the Defense of Leningrad”. There was also the Order of the Red Star. How can I find lists of awardees??

  3. Igor writes:

  4. Igor writes:

    I have this medal

    I will give it to the recipient or his relatives free of charge.


    [email protected]

    Dmitry, Leningrad

    Igor Novikov. Email: [email protected]

  5. Anatoly writes:

    Hello, Igor! I am addressing the issue of the Medal “For the Defense of Leningrad”. My Grandmother is 92 years old, and unfortunately several medals, including this one, disappeared for a reason unknown to me! The documents for the medal remain - everything is original! Waiting for an answer from you! Best regards, Anatoly. +79219661115

  6. Sergey Mayorov writes:

    My grandfather is Sergei Mikhailovich Lukashkin, born in 1896. As part of the Leningrad Front in the Kolpinsky direction, he participated from January 15, 1942 in battles for the defense and defense of Leningrad. The award list states: he was awarded the medal FOR THE DEFENSE OF LENINGRAD, I can’t find the list with my grandfather’s last name. If it’s stated on the award list, it’s not made up, it’s a fact, how can you find this list???

    My grandfather is Sergei Mikhailovich Lukashkin, Private. Gunner of a heavy machine gun. Last place of service of the Red Army, 3rd Baltic Front, 2nd art. 72nd Izhora separate artillery machine gun battalion of the 14th fortified area. Died on August 24, 1944. in the battles for the liberation of Tartu and was first buried next to the railway booth in the village of Kerli, Tartu region, and on the eve of the celebration of the 30th anniversary - in 1974, he was reburied in mass grave No. 2 (in the lists under No. 850. private LUKASHKIN Sergey Mikhailovich 08/24/44

    in the RAADI City Park in Tartu. My grandfather was awarded the medal FOR COURAGE for his accomplished feat during the assault and liberation of the city of Pskov, order No. 280 of 08/17/1944. 3rd Baltic Front Formed in April 1944 from the troops of the left wing of the Leningrad Front in connection with preparations for the liberation of the Soviet Baltic states. The front administration was created on the basis of the field administration of the 20th Army. The front included: the 42nd, 51st, 54th and 67th armies, the 14th air army; later - the 61st and 1st shock armies. In July, front troops during the Pskov-Ostrovsk operation, breaking through the enemy’s heavily fortified defensive line “Panther”, defeated a large group of his troops and advanced 50-130 km to the west; in August - early September, as a result of the Tartu operation, Tartu, Võru, and Gulbene were liberated. In the Riga operation in September-October, front troops, in cooperation with the 2nd and 1st Baltic Fronts, defeated the main forces of the fascist German 16th and 18th armies. On October 16, 1944, the front was abolished, and its troops were transferred to the Leningrad, 1st and 2nd Baltic fronts and to the reserve of the Supreme High Command Headquarters.

    My grandfather is Sergei Mikhailovich Lukashkin, born in 1896. - he is the father of my dad Spiridon Sergeevich Mayorov, born in 1920. and Mikhail Sergeevich Mayorov, born in 1925. Brothers Spiridon and Mikhail are also participants in the war. My father, Spiridon, was drafted into the ranks of the SA in 1940 and participated in battles until the end of the war. He finished the war in Berlin, Uncle Mikhail mobilized as a volunteer and was sent to courses for junior commanders. Upon completion of the course, he was awarded the rank of junior lieutenant and sent to the front. Uncle Mikhail commanded a platoon and was wounded by a machine gun fire and subsequently had his right leg amputated above the knee and sent home. They have received commendations and awards.

  7. Nadezhda writes:

    From a letter from my uncle Nikolai Vladimirovich Klestov on April 11, 1943, I understood that on April 4 he was awarded the medal “For the Defense of Leningrad.” How can I find out this information, whether there are lists of awards. He died on January 15, 1944. Buried in a mass grave in the town of Slantsy, Leningrad region.

  8. Anna writes:

    My grandfather Artem Alekseevich Gorbachev was born in 1909. He was drafted in 03.1942 by the Achinsk RVK, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Achinsk District. In December 1942 we received a missing person notice. My grandfather was a loader in the army. My grandfather took part in the defense of Leningrad. But just today on your website I found out that grandfather is 04/24. 1943 arrived at the military unit Leningradsky PP.a at 26.04. In 1943 he left the military unit of the 538th joint venture of the 120th infantry division. and on 07/03/1943 my grandfather was given a medal “FOR THE DEFENSE OF LENINGRAD.” If anyone has any information, please let me know. How can I get a medal. and I really want to know where my grandfather is buried

  9. Sergey Mayorov writes:

    I wrote earlier that the name of my grandfather, Sergei Mikhailovich Lukashkin, born in 1896, is not on the list of those awarded the medal FOR THE DEFENSE OF LENINGRAD. I found the name of my grandfather among those awarded in a separate ACT. NOTHING IS FORGOTTEN - NO ONE IS FORGOTTEN. Thank you for this. Sincerely, Sergey Mayorov.

  10. Evgeniy writes:

  11. Lyudmila writes:

    Hello, where can I see the list of those awarded the medal for the defense of Leningrad?

  12. Lyudmila writes:

    Hello, where can I see the list of those awarded the medal for the defense of Leningrad?

  13. Natalya writes:

    My grandfather went missing during the Second World War. He was a participant in the siege of Leningrad. And in a letter dated January 8, 1944, he wrote that he received a medal for the defense of Leningrad. Is it possible to see the list of those who received these medals?

  14. Dmitry writes:

    Residents from the city began to be evacuated in the summer of 1914, before the Nazis blocked the railway.

  15. Yuri writes:

    In the list of awards upon request addressed to Polikarp Ivanovich Krasilnikov on the FEAT OF THE PEOPLE website there is a medal “For the Defense of Leningrad”. But the registration card does not indicate either the year of birth or the place of conscription. How to clarify that it was he who was awarded? I am writing an article about him and do not want to publish any dubious data.

    He defended Leningrad, but the document for awarding him the medal “For Courage” in 1945 states that he had no awards. The medal "For Defense..." is dated 1943. Could it be that he simply did not receive a medal? In 1944 he was wounded and perhaps ended up in another unit and the award was lost?

  16. Denis writes:

    Molozhenko Maxim Ivanovich

    Rank: ml. sergeant

    Place of service: 2nd Guards. A

    Entry no.: 1531158587

    — first page of the award certificate

    - line in the award certificate

    Medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad" These are my great-grandfathers

  17. Denis writes:

    Molozhenko Maxim Ivanovich

    Year of birth: ...1906

    Place of birth: Kazakh SSR, North Kazakhstan region, Leninsky district, village. Petrovka

    Award document number: 85

    date of award document: 04/06/1985

    Entry no.: 1512309031

    Order of the Patriotic War, II degree

  18. Denis writes:

    Rank: Sergeant

    in the Red Army since 1941 Place of conscription: Leninsky RVK, Kazakh SSR, North Kazakhstan region, Leninsky district

    Place of service: 25 odsb 2nd guards. A

    Entry no.: 26790424

    Archival documents about this award:

    I. Order (decree) on awarding and accompanying documents

    - first page of an order or decree

    - line in the reward list

    - award sheet

    II. Accounting card file

    - data in the registration card

    Medal "For Military Merit"

  19. Karina writes:

    Hello, how can I find lists of awardees? I lived in Kazakhstan, I received a letter saying that I needed to pick up the medal “for the defense of Leningrad” in Leningrad, there was no opportunity to go for it 1966-1969. He died in 1971. Where and how can I find this reward? Thank you in advance.

  20. Vera writes:

    Hello, my grandfather died in 1943 near Leningrad. Grandmother was sent a letter from IAP 191 that he was awarded the medal “For the Defense of Leningrad” posthumously, but the letter does not contain the order number or date. We found information about two orders; I would like to know about the medal. Where can I see the list of awardees?

    Kostikov Nikolai Ivanovich born 1915 lieutenant, deputy squadron commander of the 191st IAP

  21. Alexander writes:

    Hello, help me find lists of awards for the medal For the Defense of Leningrad, my grandfather was awarded this medal, unfortunately the medals and certificate have not been preserved, I would at least like to find lists of awards. I give some small data: Molodov Alexey Andreevich, born March 5, 1920, p. Yagodnoye Sarajevo district Ryazan region, July 25, 1939 voluntarily called up by the Muravlyansky RVK of the Ryazan region. The commander of a machine gun company took part in the defense of Leningrad as part of the 1256th Infantry Regiment of the 378th Infantry Division of the Volkhov Front. I would be very grateful for at least some information.

  22. Natalya writes:

    Hello! I’m also looking for lists of those awarded the medal For the Defense of Leningrad, Terekhov’s grandfather Ivan Vasilyevich, born in 1927, Krivets, Dobrovsky district, Ryazan (Lipetsk) region. He added a year to himself and ran to the front, served in the Leningrad Military District of the Air Defense Forces in 1944. There was also a medal for the victory over Germany. The awards have not been preserved, I’m trying to find confirmation. Tell me where to go to look for lists of those awarded. Thanks for your assistance!

  23. Angelina writes:

    Hello. Help in the search. My grandfather Fedor Petrovich Shuligin, born in 1908, was awarded a medal for the defense of Leningrad in 1943, and in 1944 died of wounds in a hospital. How can I get at least a copy of the award documents (order and certificate for the award? I found the certificate of presentation of the medal and that’s all.

  24. Vera writes:

    My mother-in-law, Yulia Yakovlevna Bydanova, born July 18, 1921, was drafted by the Prosnitsky RVK of the Kirov Region in July 1942 to the Red Banner Fleet. She served until the end of 1944, there is a certificate. She was awarded the medal "FOR THE DEFENSE OF LENINGRAD". There is a certificate and medal number. But I can’t find anything on the FEAT OF THE PEOPLE website.

    Tell me where else I can look.

  25. Allah writes:

  26. Tatyana writes:

    My grandfather, Mikhail Ivanovich Grishin, a participant in the defense of Leningrad on the Volkhov Front, as part of the 376 Kuzbass-Pskov Rifle Division in 1941-1942, was seriously wounded in March 1942, after the end of the war he was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd degree, and the medal “For the Defense of Leningrad.” " I can’t find information in any data bank; the order book and certificate, in place of the lost certificate, for receiving the medal have been preserved.

  27. Anatoly writes:

    My father, private 543 SP 120 SD, was awarded a medal for the defense of Leningrad. I can't find any orders for his award.

  28. Anatoly writes:

    My father Aksentiev Pavel Filippovich, born in 1926, private 543 SP 120 SD, called to the front in January 1943, awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd class. medal, For the defense of Leningrad, the documents for the order are confirmed, but I can’t find the medals.

    Please help me find

  29. Victor writes:

    My father, Red Navy man Mikhail Kuzmich Belikov, born in 1924, was awarded a medal for the defense of Leningrad. AB 62618 dated April 30, 1944 But they made a mistake on the certificate and wrote Mikhail Kuzmich Belyakov. How do you know if a mistake was made by a clerk or in the general list of awardees? And what should I do to eliminate it? How can I find the list of awardees?

  30. Andrey Petrovich writes:

    My father, Smirnov Petr Konstantinovich. Born 1918, called up Leningrad in 1939

    driver-Red Army soldier 389 OATB on the Road of Life on Ladoga since November 1941. Participant of the first convoy on ice on November 21, 1941. Awarded the medal “For the Defense of Leningrad”. Where can I see the list of awardees?

  31. Valentina writes:

    My dad, Georgy Andreevich Shangin, born in 1920 from distant Buryatia, where Baikal is. During the Great Patriotic War, he fought as an artilleryman and defended Leningrad. In 1943, he was awarded according to Order 23 of September 15, 1943. I found this back in 2014. but at this time there is no this document. He had this medal, but there was a theft and the medal and certificate and bonds were stolen. And today I can’t find the lists.

  32. My grandfather is Sergei Mikhailovich Lukashkin Private. Gunner of a heavy machine gun. Last place of service of the Red Army, 3rd Baltic Front, 2nd art. 72nd Izhora separate artillery machine gun battalion of the 14th fortified area. Died on August 24, 1944. in the battles for the liberation of Tartu and was first buried next to the railway booth in the village of Kerli, Tartu region, and on the eve of the celebration of the 30th anniversary - 1974, he was reburied in mass grave No. 2 (in the lists under No. 850. private LUKASHKIN Sergey Mikhailovich 08/24/44

    in the RAADI City Park in Tartu. My grandfather was awarded the medal FOR COURAGE for his accomplished feat during the assault and liberation of the city of Pskov, order No. 280 of 08/17/1944. 3rd Baltic Front Formed in April 1944 from the troops of the left wing of the Leningrad Front in connection with preparations for the liberation of the Soviet Baltic states. The front administration was created on the basis of the field administration of the 20th Army. The front included: the 42nd, 51st, 54th and 67th armies, the 14th air army; later - the 61st and 1st shock armies. In July, front troops during the Pskov-Ostrovsk operation, breaking through the enemy’s heavily fortified defensive line “Panther”, defeated a large group of his troops and advanced 50-130 km to the west; in August - early September, as a result of the Tartu operation, Tartu, Võru, and Gulbene were liberated. In the Riga operation in September - October, front troops, in cooperation with the 2nd and 1st Baltic Fronts, defeated the main forces of the Nazi 16th and 18th armies. On October 16, 1944, the front was abolished, and its troops were transferred to the Leningrad, 1st and 2nd Baltic fronts and to the reserve of the Supreme High Command Headquarters.

    My grandfather is Sergei Mikhailovich Lukashkin, born in 1896. - he is the father of my dad Spiridon Sergeevich Mayorov, born in 1920. and Mikhail Sergeevich Mayorov, born in 1925. Brothers Spiridon and Mikhail are also participants in the war. My father, Spiridon, was drafted into the ranks of the SA in 1940 and participated in battles until the end of the war. He finished the war in Berlin, Uncle Mikhail mobilized as a volunteer and was sent to courses for junior commanders. Upon completion of the course, he was awarded the rank of junior lieutenant and sent to the front. Uncle Mikhail commanded a platoon and was wounded by a machine gun fire and subsequently had his right leg amputated above the knee and sent home. They have received commendations and awards.

    My grandfather is Sergei Mikhailovich Lukashkin, born in 1896. As part of the Leningrad Front in the Kolpinsky direction, he participated from January 15, 1942 in battles for the defense and defense of Leningrad. The award list states: he was awarded the medal FOR THE DEFENSE OF LENINGRAD, I can’t find the list with my grandfather’s last name. If it is stated on the award list - it’s not made up - it’s a fact, how to find this list???

Medal "For the Defense of Leningrad"- state award of the USSR for rewarding the defenders of the city of Leningrad (military and civilians). Established on December 22, 1942, becoming one of the first Soviet wartime medals (simultaneously with the medals “For the Defense of Odessa”, “For the Defense of Sevastopol” and “For the Defense of Stalingrad”).


The author of the medal is the artist N.I. Moskalev. In addition to the approved version, 7 more medal projects were developed:

  • In the sketch by B. G. Barkhin, the main element is the monument to Lenin at the Finlyandsky Station against the backdrop of the Admiralty, to the right of it is the raised barrel of an anti-aircraft gun;

Three projects were developed by a team of artists from the Borobin workshop, each containing 1 element - the architectural symbol of the city and the inscription “For the Defense of Leningrad”:

  • On the first there was a monument to Peter I, under it there were bayonets and a machine gun raised to attack, the inscription was located in a circle;
  • In the second sketch - the Admiralty, the edges under the inscription are framed by laurel branches;
  • The third suggested placing the inscription in the center, with an image of the Peter and Paul Fortress on top, and 2 crossed rifles below.

Two sketches by A. A. Kabakov:

  • On the first there are images of a Red Navy and a Red Army soldier going on the attack with the inscription “Defend the city of Lenin” on the left edge; on the reverse there is a portrait of Lenin and the words “For the defense of Leningrad”;
  • On the second, several defenders are already waiting for battle with rifles at the ready; the inscription “For Leningrad” appears on their left; on back side the words “For the defense of Leningrad.”

The sketch by N. A. Kongiser suggested an image of a line of Red Army soldiers, behind whom rise the Peter and Paul Cathedral and the monument to Lenin.

The medal “For the Defense of Leningrad” was awarded to all participants in the defense of Leningrad:

  • military personnel of units, formations and institutions of the Red Army, Navy and NKVD troops who actually participated in the defense of the city;
  • workers, employees and other civilians who participated in hostilities to protect the city, contributed to the defense of the city with their dedicated work in enterprises, institutions, participated in the construction of defensive structures, in air defense, in protecting public utilities, in fighting fires from raids by enemy aircraft, in the organization and maintenance of transport and communications, in the organization Catering, supply and cultural services for the population, caring for the sick and wounded, organizing child care and carrying out other measures for the defense of the city.

The first award of the medal took place on June 3, 1943 at a ceremonial meeting in Smolny. Until 1945, about 600,000 participants in the defense of Leningrad were awarded. Information about these people as of 1945 was kept in the Museum of the Siege of Leningrad; there were 6 volumes with the names of the recipients. Later these documents were lost.

In 1985, the medal “For the Defense of Leningrad” was awarded to about 1 470 000 Human. Among them are 15 thousand children and teenagers under the siege.

Persons awarded the medal “For the Defense of Leningrad” had the right to be awarded the later established anniversary medal “In memory of the 250th anniversary of Leningrad”.

Description of the medal

When it was established, the medal “For the Defense of Leningrad” was supposed to be made of stainless steel, but already by decree of March 27, 1943, the material was changed to brass. The medal has the shape of a regular circle with a diameter of 32 mm.

On the front side of the medal, against the background of the visible outline of the Admiralty building, a group of Red Army men, Red Navy men, men and women workers with rifles at the ready is depicted. At the top of the medal there is a five-pointed star and the inscription along the edge of the medal “FOR THE DEFENSE OF LENINGRAD.” The front side of the medal is bordered by a convex edge.

On the reverse side of the medal is the inscription “FOR OUR SOVIET MOTHERLAND.” Above the inscription are a hammer and sickle.

All inscriptions and images on the medal are convex.

Using an eyelet and a ring, the medal is connected to a pentagonal block covered with a silk moiré ribbon 24 mm wide. Initially, the tape was installed in red with silver stripes along the edges, each 4 mm wide. By decree of June 19, 1943, a new ribbon was installed - olive color with a longitudinal green stripe in the middle 2 mm wide.

The medals “For the Defense of Leningrad”, “For the Defense of Odessa”, “For the Defense of Sevastopol” and “For the Defense of Stalingrad” were the first Soviet awards established to be worn on a pentagonal block. Initially, they were supposed to be worn on the right side of the chest. By the decree of June 19, 1943, which introduced the pentagonal block and for other awards that had previously been worn on blocks of other shapes, medals for the defense of cities were decreed to be worn on the left side of the chest, along with other awards.

If the cavalier has other awards, the medal “For the Defense of Leningrad” is located to the right of the medal “For the Defense of Odessa”, and after the establishment of the medal “For the Defense of Moscow” - to the right of the latter.



  1. , With. 12.
  2. I. Yu. Milova. My blockade. IV. Victory salute // History of St. Petersburg: Journal. - St. Petersburg. , 2009. - Issue. 3 (49) . - pp. 58-59.
  3. Izotova M. A., Tsareva T. B. Awards of Russia and the USSR. Popular encyclopedia. Orders, medals, badges. - Rostov-on-Don: Vladis, 2010. - P. 462-463. - ISBN 978-5-9567-0961-0.
  4. Orders and medals of the Great Patriotic War. Medal "For the Defense of Leningrad"
  5. The fate of one of the medals that was awarded to N.P. Tuzhik is described in the essay: Kokosov V. N. There are no keys to it in other capitals! / St. Petersburg Courier, September 26 - October 2, 2013, No. 25 (658). P.20. (Essay “The Fate of the Award No. 21925”).
  6. Medal "For the Defense of Leningrad - 1" (undefined) . sssr.online.ua. Retrieved February 7, 2013.

A copy of the medal “For the Defense of Leningrad”, made of brass. Product diameter - 32 mm.


Medal "For the Defense of Leningrad"

Medal "For the Defense of Leningrad": cost, list of recipients, history of the institution, description of the award. Buy the medal “For the Defense of Leningrad” for 499 rubles at the Voentpro military store.

The siege of Leningrad became one of the most terrible episodes of the Great Patriotic War. For 872 days the city was completely blocked from land, so supplies were carried out only by air and the frozen ice of Lake Ladoga when the weather permitted.

The Germans and their allies expected that the inhabitants would quickly “break down” and surrender the city, but their plans completely failed. Leningrad has become a symbol of the perseverance and courage of the Soviet people, and the memory of the siege will remain for all time.

Back in the fall of 1942, when more than 2 years remained before the blockade was broken, at the initiative of the Supreme Command, a proposal was put forward to introduce insignia for the defense of key cities into the breastplate system.

Odessa, Sevastopol, Stalingrad and Leningrad came into view. The signature on the official document that legally confirmed the establishment of the medal “For the Defense of Leningrad” was placed on December 22, 1942.

Position and interesting facts about the medal “For the Defense of Leningrad”

Not only military personnel, but also law enforcement officers, workers and all citizens involved in the defense of the city were nominated for the award. The medal was awarded to everyone who, during the blockade years, worked at enterprises, maintained order on the city streets, and defended the approaches of the city on the Neva from Wehrmacht soldiers. There were no age restrictions, so about 15 thousand minors who survived the blockade received the award.

The list of those awarded the medal “For the Defense of Leningrad” since 1945 was in the specially created Museum of the Siege and consisted of 6 volumes, which contained more than 600 thousand names. Unfortunately, the documents have not survived to this day.

In total, the medal was awarded approximately 1.47 million times. Its recipients were entitled to subsequently receive the anniversary medal, established in 1957 in memory of the 250th anniversary of the creation of the city of Leningrad (St. Petersburg) by Peter the Great.

According to the accepted statute, the medal was supposed to be worn on the left side of the uniform. In order, it should have been located in accordance with the award hierarchy established in the USSR.

There is another very interesting fact about the award: citizens of Israel who were once awarded the medal “For Leningrad” automatically received the medal “Fighter against Nazism”. This is the first and only time when Soviet award was used as one of the grounds for receiving a foreign medal.

In 2017, the event - the 75th anniversary of the medal "For the Defense of Leningrad" - was celebrated in a solemn atmosphere. It was attended by veterans who received congratulations from students and schoolchildren.

The organizers also prepared a specialized exhibition dedicated to the blockade of the city. Everyone could listen to lectures and get acquainted with archival photographs relating to the war period.

Description of the medal “For the Defense of Leningrad” and its varieties

The medal was minted on standard 32mm metal elements. Brass was chosen as the base material, which was approved and used on all series of the medal of this sample. But with appearance The medals were not determined immediately.

As many as 7 sketches were developed, which depicted various sights of the city, which acted as a backdrop for the city’s defenders. As a result, the commission approved the sketch of Nikolai Ivanovich Moskalev, the main medalist of the USSR and the author of several dozen military, anniversary and departmental awards.

On the front side of the medal “For the Defense of Leningrad”, in the upper half, the Main Admiralty building was depicted with a large 5-pointed star on top. To the left of the building in a semicircle is the inscription “For Defense”, and to the right, also in a semicircle, is “Leningrad”.

In the lower part, soldiers of the Red Army, the Soviet Navy, ordinary citizens and women of the USSR are rushing into a bayonet attack with rifles. It is symbolic that in the line of men you can clearly see a female figure, because thousands of representatives of the fairer sex also took whatever part they could in the defense besieged Leningrad.

On the back side of the medal in the upper part there was a crossing hammer and sickle, and under them there was the inscription “For our Soviet Motherland”, which occupied 3 lines. On some early copies you can also see the letter and serial number, which corresponded to the designation on the certificate.

But they were applied in military units, and not at the mint, since according to the regulations, the award was not assigned a serial number. Sometimes they were even brought out to the edge of the medal, but in post-war years Such unauthorized finishing of the medal was completely abandoned.

The block for the medal “For the Defense of Leningrad” was a standard 5-corner one made of single-layer aluminum. A pin was used to attach it to clothing, and the connection to the medal was made using a ring. The block was decorated with a moiré ribbon made of olive-colored silk, and a 2-mm green stripe ran down the center. All images, symbols and inscriptions on both sides of the medal are convex.

The certificate for the medal “For the Defense of Leningrad” was issued in several versions:

  1. There are 11 ribbons on the coat of arms of the Soviet Union:
    1. all signatures and dates are printed;
    2. “female” version of the document (instead of the phrase “awarded with a medal,” “awarded with a medal” was printed);
    3. signatures are printed, the date contains only the numbers “194_” with a blank space to indicate the year of award;
    4. signatures are printed, the date contains only the numbers “19__” with an empty space to indicate the year of award.
  2. There are 15 ribbons on the coat of arms of the Soviet Union.

Also, when awarding awards, some military units folded documents in such a way that they fit into the cover. There were several varieties, differing in material and design. Often on title page Various poems about the exploits of the siege survivors were printed on the covers.

As for the medal, there were no stamp varieties, so all images are the same regardless of the period. The first copies were made without an ear, which was soldered separately.

Also, the block on early samples was two-layered and made of heavy metal. In later versions of the medal “For the Defense of Leningrad” the eyelet was already stamped in one piece, and the block was light aluminum.

Buy a medal "For the Defense of Leningrad"

The reward is massive, so there are no particular difficulties in finding it at auctions. The price of a good copy of “For the Defense of Leningrad” with documents will be 20-25 dollars. The lack of stamp varieties does not make a major difference between early and late awards.

Voentorg "Voenpro" offers to buy medals "For the Defense of Leningrad".

This piece is perfect for novice collectors and members of organizations involved in historical reconstructions of WWII battles. The Siege of Leningrad is a fairly popular topic in art, so awards can also be useful for organizing exhibitions.

Voenpro does not sell original medals and items made of precious alloys. The sale of these products is not prohibited by current legislation Russian Federation. Delivery is carried out to any region of the country by courier services, as well as throughout the world via Russian Post.

A country Type Who is it awarded to? Status


Statistics Options Establishment date Number of awards Sequence Senior Award Junior Award

Medal "For the Defense of Leningrad" established. The author of the medal project is the artist N. I. Moskalev.

The medal “For the Defense of Leningrad” was awarded to all participants in the defense of Leningrad:

  • military personnel of units, formations and institutions of the Red Army, Navy and NKVD troops who actually participated in the defense of the city;
  • workers, employees and other civilians who participated in hostilities to protect the city, contributed to the defense of the city with their dedicated work in enterprises, institutions, participated in the construction of defensive structures, in air defense, in protecting public utilities, in fighting fires from raids by enemy aircraft, in the organization and maintenance of transport and communications, in the organization of public catering, supplies and cultural services for the population, in caring for the sick and wounded, in organizing child care and carrying out other measures for the defense of the city.

The medal “For the Defense of Leningrad” is worn on the left side of the chest and, in the presence of other medals of the USSR, is located after the medals in order of seniority, starting with the medal “For the rescue of drowning people”.

Persons awarded the medal “For the Defense of Leningrad” have the right to be awarded the later established anniversary medal “In memory of the 250th anniversary of Leningrad”.

The awarding of the medal began immediately after its establishment; until 1945, about 600,000 blockade survivors were awarded. Information about these people as of 1945 was kept in the Museum of the Siege of Leningrad; there were 6 volumes with the names of the recipients. Later these documents were lost.

In 1985, the medal “For the Defense of Leningrad” was awarded to about 1 470 000 Human. Among them are 15 thousand children and teenagers under siege.

Description of the medal

The medal “For the Defense of Leningrad” is made of brass and has the shape of a regular circle with a diameter of 32 mm.

On the front side of the medal, against the background of the visible outline of the Admiralty building, a group of Red Army men, Red Navy men, men and women workers with rifles at the ready is depicted. At the top of the medal there is a five-pointed star and the inscription along the edge of the medal “FOR THE DEFENSE OF LENINGRAD.” The front side of the medal is bordered by a convex edge.

On the reverse side of the medal is the inscription “FOR OUR SOVIET MOTHERLAND.” Above the inscription are a hammer and sickle.

All inscriptions and images on the medal are convex.

Using an eyelet and a ring, the medal is connected to a pentagonal block covered with an olive-colored silk moiré ribbon with a longitudinal green stripe in the middle 2 mm wide. Tape width 24 mm.


see also


The medal "For the Defense of Leningrad" was established to reward military and civilians who participated in the defense of besieged Leningrad from September 1941 to January 1944.

Description of the medal For the Defense of Leningrad

Dimensions 32 mm.
Materials brass.
Artist Moskalev Nikolai Ivanovich.
Who is it awarded to? Soldiers of the Soviet army, as well as civilians.
Reasons for the award For participation in military operations in the defense of besieged Leningrad.

Price of the medal for the defense of Leningrad

Today, prices for a medal for the Defense of Leningrad start from 780 rubles.
Price updated as of 04/21/2019

Awarded the medal "For the Defense of Leningrad"

In total, approximately 1,470,000 people were awarded. The medal was established on December 22, 1942. Partial changes to the statute of the medal “For the Defense of Leningrad” were made on June 19, March 27, and May 3, 1943. Medal No. 1 was awarded to Andrei Aleksandrovich Zhdanov, a member of the Military Council of the Leningrad Front.

Medal for the Defense of Leningrad in the USSR award system

"For the Defense of Leningrad" medal of the USSR

This award was established in December 1942, along with other medals for the defense of besieged cities: Odessa, Stalingrad, Sevastopol. Medal "For the Defense of Leningrad" was awarded to all military and civilians who participated in the actions to repel the attacks of the German invaders and held the defense of the city from September 1941 to January 1944. The first medals were created by the Leningrad Mint and already in April 1943 they were received by soldiers who fought on the front line in the besieged city. Many sketches were presented at the competition; the project of the artist Moskalev won. On it, in the foreground, in a line, there are a Red Army soldier, a sailor, a worker and a worker with rifles in their hands, going on the attack, behind them is the next line of soldiers, in the background is the building of the Main Admiralty, in which the ship located on the spire is replaced by a star, at the top in a circle there is an inscription “for the defense of Leningrad”, on the reverse there is a hammer and sickle, and an inscription in 3 rows “FOR OUR SOVIET MOTHERLAND”

Description of other awards of the Second World War of the USSR: Medal For the Defense of the Soviet Arctic for direct participation in the defense of the Arctic from fascist invaders and the Medal For the capture of Koenigsberg as a reward to the soldiers who stormed the city of the Koenigsberg fortress.

Defense of Leningrad

Troops Soviet army, who subsequently led the defense of Leningrad, fought their first battles at the beginning of July 1941 on the distant approaches to the city. At the same time, civilians, together with soldiers of the Red Army, erected defensive fortifications on the near approaches to the city and barricades directly in the city. At the same time, in Leningrad itself, militia units were formed from residents.

To attack the city, Hitler allocated Army Group North, numbering more than 300,000 soldiers and officers. In addition, Finnish troops were attacking the city from the Karelian Isthmus.

The fighting on the approaches to Leningrad continued throughout the summer; only on September 8, 1941, the enemy was able to completely blockade the city from land. Lake Ladoga remained the only route of communication with Leningrad, but after the cessation of navigation, the city lost it too. After this, the situation with ammunition and food in Leningrad became catastrophic. On November 20, 1941, food distribution standards reached their minimum value and amounted to 125 grams of bread for children under 12 years of age, dependents and employees, 250 grams for workers, and 500 for soldiers fighting on the front line. This situation lasted until December 25, 1941, after which it began to gradually improve. This was due to the fact that the first food deliveries began across the frozen surface of Lake Ladoga to Leningrad.

The blockade of the city lasted 872 days, only on January 18, 1943, the troops that defended Leningrad were able to unite with the troops of the Volkhov Front, after a massive attack to meet each other.

The blockade of the city was broken, but the enemy was not going to retreat, the fighting on the outskirts of the city lasted another year, after which on January 14, 1944, the troops leading the defense of Leningrad launched a massive offensive, which made it possible to finally lift the blockade of the city by January 27, 1944. For all military and civilians who participated in the defense of the city, a Medal for the Defense of Leningrad established on December 22, 1942.