Abstracts Statements Story

Gallery of mupp "vmes". To help the librarian Alexey Petrovich Maresyev: childhood and adolescence

"The feat of Alexei Maresyev"

Equipment: Presentation, excerpts from the film, Song of the Sky - Efimova K.

Backing track " Huge sky»


Slide 1: view of the sky and music “Huge Sky” - Children’s exit

Slide 2: view of a different sky (rain music) - Poem“HELP ME SURVIVE, SKY” - Regina Valeeva


Leading - Today we will talk about one hero pilot, about a man who accomplished a feat, about a man unusual in his courage, valor, and dedication. We will talk about the Hero of the Second World War, whose 100th anniversary we will celebrate on May 20.

READER 1. That bitter date is close to any family. . . 22nd, 41st, summer. . More than 70 years have passed, but we cannot forget about that time. Everyone remembers about that war: adults and children. German planes bombed our cities, people died. The soldiers fought bravely on the fronts. And the biggest reward for the soldiers was the gold star of the Hero Soviet Union. 11 thousand soldiers received this award. (possible verses)

READER 2. And among them there was a man about whom we will tell you today. This is Alexey Petrovich Maresyev. Alexey Maresyev was born on May 20, 1916 in the city of Kamyshin, Saratov province. At the age of three he was left without a father. Mother, Ekaterina Nikitichna raised three sons - Peter, Nikolai, Alexei. From childhood, she taught them to work, honesty, and justice.

He grew up on the Volga, wandered through the meadows,

Fished with the boys together

And I always valued good friendship,

Alyosha Maresyev.

READER 3. After graduating from school in the city of Kamyshin, Maresyev received a specialty as a metal turner and began his career. In 1934, the Komsomol district committee sent him to the construction of Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Here Alexey began training at the flying club.

4. Flying is better than anything on earth...

Flight is the beauty of beauty!

And if they offered me something in return,

I would only choose flight!

5. In 1937 he was drafted into the army. At first he served on Sakhalin Island, then was sent to the Bataysk Aviation School, which he graduated in 1940, receiving the rank of junior lieutenant. There, in Bataysk, I met the war.

My native country helped me to take courage,

And like a bird he soared into the sky,

But your wings were scorched by the war,

Alyosha Maresyev.

6. In August 1941 he was sent to Southwestern Front. Maresyev's first combat flight took place on August 23, 1941 in the Krivoy Rog area. In March 1942 he was transferred to the North-Western Front. By this time, the pilot had 4 downed German aircraft.

7. On April 4, 1942, in the area of ​​the so-called “Demyansk Cauldron” (Novgorod Region), during an operation to cover bombers in a battle with the Germans, his plane was shot down, and Alexey himself was seriously wounded.

8. I imagined myself in flight,

It was like a bird flying upward.

But at the very first turn. All my dreams were dashed.

9. For eighteen days, the pilot wounded in the legs, first on crippled legs, and then crawled his way to the front line. MOVIE))

10. The first to notice him were a father and son from the village of Plavni. They carried the wounded pilot to the village. For more than a week, collective farmers looked after Maresyev. but there was no doctor in the village. In early May, a plane landed near the village, Maresyev was sent to Moscow, to a hospital. Doctors were forced to amputate both of his legs at the lower leg.

You put your grief to rest - not a step back,

Your destiny is a proud song!

Again you flew like a falcon under the sun,

Alyosha Maresyev.

11. There is only one dream in the life of a pilot - this

Experience the latitude of all latitudes from above

A pilot's love is the sky,

And the most important thing in the sky is flight!

12. While still in the hospital, Alexey Maresyev began training, preparing to fly with prostheses. At the beginning of 1943, he passed a medical examination (cinema) and was sent to flight school.

13. The medical examination gave me hope of flying.

And on a par with the winged dream

I tried to get back into the ranks in the future.

15. An obedient bird rushes into the sky!
The motor sings the victorious hymn to the sky again!
And goodbye, waving his wing slightly,
I'll go beyond the horizon to my airfield...

16. On July 20, 1943, during an air battle, Alexey Maresyev saved the lives of 2 Soviet pilots and shot down three enemy fighters at once. The military glory of Maresyev spread throughout the entire front. Correspondents frequented the regiment, among them was the future author of the book “The Tale of a Real Man” Boris Polevoy.

17. On August 24, 1943, Maresyev was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. In total, during the war he made 86 combat missions and shot down 11 enemy aircraft. The feat of A.P. Maresyev was repeated by several more pilots who, after being seriously wounded, returned to their regiments and continued to fly. A feature film about Maresyev was made about the pilot’s feat based on the book by Boris Polevoy.

18. In 1944, Maresyev became an inspector-pilot and moved from the combat regiment to the management of the Air Force Universities. On May 18, 2001, a gala evening was planned at the Russian Army Theater to mark Maresyev’s 85th birthday, but literally an hour before the concert, Alexei Petrovich had a heart attack, after which he died. Alexey Petrovich Maresyev is buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy cemetery. Minor planet 2173 was named in honor of Maresyev. Maresyev is depicted on the medal “For Loyalty to Aviation,” established in 2006.

In Russia they honor their heroes,

The legendary pilot has not been forgotten.

In Russia he found his wings,

There is a monument to him in Russia.

READER Contemporary, look"
This is what she is like -
Officer's honor
Officer's honor!
It has long been the custom
Like a sacred law
(And today
This quality exists)
Stand to the end
Despising the damage
Officer's honor
Officer's honor!



    HELP ME SURVIVE, SKY (in memory of Alexey Maresyev)
    Help me survive, heaven.
    Until dawn, if only I could.
    I wish I could reach my people,
    And get even with your enemies.
    I can't sink into fiction.

    Would you calm down, birds?
    I need to hide in the forest.
    The plane was shot down, you bastards.
    I “watered” them as needed.
    It just hurts to move.

    I killed a lot of enemies.
    Ours hasn't disappeared anywhere,
    Help, my little land,
    Take me to the village.
    Ek, they searched for you!

    Wait for me, dear,
    I'll come back. I promise.
    And I will come, no matter what.
    It will be a difficult victory.
    The enemy will recognize the strong man.

    Our Russian spirit is heroic,
    Yes, with Siberian hardening,
    Yes, multiply everything by the truth,
    The evil spirits cannot withstand it.
    It will rot in Russian soil.

    I just wish I could win,
    I would like to sow the fields with grain.
    Crazy wounds will heal.
    Cover me with fog
    Help me survive, heaven.

    Olga KOPTEVA


The regiment froze on command
In parade formation.
Golden shoulder straps
You can’t count the medals -
This is the Motherland glorifying
Yours and mine
Officer's honor
Officer's honor!
...In the celebration of the ritual
Desire; in full
Prove it again
Without a doubt read:
- Contemporary, look"
This is what she is like -
Officer's honor
Officer's honor!
It has long been the custom
Like a sacred law
(And today
This quality exists)
Stand to the end
Despising the damage
Officer's honor
Officer's honor!
More than once in battles
Raised fighters
On command: - Follow me!
Not letting me sit down
Before the steel of the bayonet
And hot lead
Officer's honor
Officer's honor!
Officer service,
I'll tell you, it's not easy -
In our life there is such
It is impossible not to take into account -
But holy in dignity
And so big -
Officer's honor
Officer's honor!
We swear
By your calling!
Our everyday life today
Serious as is
But always and in everything
Keeps powder dry
Officer's honor
Officer's honor!

Medical examination in Pugachev
She gave me hope to fly.
And on a par with the winged dream
I aspired to become.

Ceremonial event “Soldiers of the Sky. Heroes of the Great Patriotic War."


    Fostering patriotism and a sense of pride in the heroic past of one’s people.

    Formation historical memory and continuity of generations based on deepening knowledge about the Great Patriotic War.

    Fostering a sense of gratitude and respect for older generations who defended the independence of the Motherland.

    Expanding students' knowledge about the Great Patriotic War.

    Fostering a sense of respect for veterans.

Progress of the event

    Attention! The ceremonial line dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the hero of the Soviet Union Alexei Petrovich Maresyev is declared open!

    Stand at attention under the flag and anthem of the Russian Federation! (Russian anthem plays)

    Performance by the Pilots team.

    The floor is given to the director

    Lomovov's song with clips from the film

    Biography of Maresyeva (presentation)

    The poem "Gives birth" Homeland of heroes»

    Song (A. Domogarov and M. Poroshina)

    Poem “He was shot down by a fascist, he fell from the sky”

    Song "Planes First"

    Verse “Their hopes and aspirations came to an untimely end”

    Minute of silence

    People's memory is immortal! Under von Lomovov

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier .



Memorial plaques:


Named after Maresyevminor planet 2173 Maresjev.

Song "Soldiers of the Sky"

16. Event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Maresyev A.P. considered closed.

The homeland of heroes gives birth,

If the enemy tramples our land,

They, covering her with themselves,

They don't take a step back...

And the pilots fought bravely,

Breaking up an enemy raid,

Their fortitude is limitless,

They take her on a flight.

Alexey has his first flight,

Hit the enemy's equipment,

They beat the fascists at low level,

His hand did not tremble...

Near Staraya Russa in a tough battle

His plane was shot down.

The engine has stalled and there is no platform,

But it's good that it doesn't burn.

Fell on the forest, knocking down branches,

The plane fell into pieces,

Here it is, this special case,

When the pilot survived...

How did he crawl those eighteen

Hungry, hard-fought days?

How hard it is for a body to rise,

But willpower is still stronger...

The doctors looked at him for a long time

And they came to one conclusion...

Only willpower, a sense of duty

He was left alive.

Taking crutches, he began to move his legs -

How difficult are the first steps!

The teachers are too strict

And there are only two hands to help.

"I have to learn quickly

Walk and move like everyone else.

Otherwise you won’t be able to get into the air,

And without flights it’s difficult for me.”

And he with perseverance, willpower

I trained every hour.

Although I groaned in pain in my soul

And fell to the floor many times...

And he proved that in prosthetics

Ready to fight at the front,

There is iron in his feet now,

You just need to command them.

And in the hot summer of forty-three

Got to the Kursk Bulge,

Met my friends at the front

In the guards combat regiment.

We took off eight times a day,

They smashed, breaking the ranks,

And the cannons roared in the sky,

Every moment here is a mortal battle!

And then one day, that same summer

Polevoy came to their regiment,

We talked until dawn

About the everyday life of combat.

He told how life worked out,

I was almost asleep with my eyelids closed...

And soon “The Tale...” appeared

About a Real Man!

Shot down by a fascist, he fell from the sky,

He was severely shell-shocked and burned.

He crawled without help, without bread,

He overcame everything within himself.

He stood up, his dentures creaked,

He took off again to beat the Nazis...

But there are those among us who dare

To forget that immortal feat.

He studied at a regular school,

Here next to us is a Belarusian, an Uzbek,

And for native land fought,

Like a real person!

The whole globe admired him,

He was a simple Russian guy.

Gagarin met him more than once

Before space was conquered.

That century gave way to a new century.

The years float by like clouds...

And a real person

He was named and called.

He has been awarded the highest glory

Native land, the whole planet

Our brave pilot and warrior

Hero Maresyev Alexey!

Alexey Petrovich Maresyev:

Maresyev Alexey Petrovich fighter pilot, deputy squadron commander of the 63rd Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment, guard senior lieutenant.

Born on May 20, 1916 in the city of Kamyshin Volgograd region in a working-class family. Russian. At the age of three he was left without a father, who died shortly after returning from the First World War. After finishing 8th grade high school Alexey entered the federal educational institution, where he received a specialty as a mechanic. Then he applied to the Moscow Aviation Institute, but instead of the institute, he went on a Komsomol voucher to build Komsomolsk-on-Amur. There he sawed wood in the taiga, built barracks, and then the first residential areas. At the same time he studied at the flying club. IN Soviet army drafted in 1937. Served in the 12th aviation border detachment. But, according to Maresyev himself, he did not fly, but “took up the tails” of the planes. He really took to the air already at the Bataysk Military Aviation School of Pilots, from which he graduated in 1940. He served as a pilot instructor there.

He made his first combat mission on August 23, 1941 in the Krivoy Rog area. Lieutenant Maresyev opened his combat account at the beginning of 1942 - he shot down a Ju-52. By the end of March 1942, he brought the count of downed fascist planes to four. On April 4, in an air battle over the Demyansk bridgehead (Novgorod region), Maresyev’s fighter was shot down. He attempted to land on the ice of a frozen lake, but released his landing gear early. The plane began to quickly lose altitude and fell into the forest.

Maresyev crawled to his side. His feet were frostbitten and they had to be amputated. However, the pilot decided not to give up. When he received prosthetics, he trained long and hard and got permission to return to duty. I learned to fly again in the 11th reserve air brigade in Ivanovo.

In June 1943, Maresyev returned to duty. He fought on the Kursk Bulge as part of the 63rd Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment and was deputy squadron commander. In August 1943, during one battle, Alexey Maresyev shot down three enemy FW-190 fighters at once.

On August 24, 1943, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Guard Senior Lieutenant Maresyev was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Later he fought in the Baltic states and became a regiment navigator. In 1944 he joined the CPSU. In total, he made 86 combat missions, shot down 11 enemy aircraft: 4 before being wounded and seven with amputated legs. In June 1944, Guard Major Maresyev became an inspector-pilot of the Directorate of Higher educational institutions Air Force. Boris Polevoy's book "The Tale of a Real Man" is dedicated to the legendary fate of Alexei Petrovich Maresyev.

In July 1946, Maresyev was honorably discharged from the Air Force. In 1952, he graduated from the Higher Party School under the CPSU Central Committee, in 1956 - graduate school at the Academy of Social Sciences under the CPSU Central Committee, received the title of candidate historical sciences. In the same year, he became the executive secretary of the Soviet War Veterans Committee, and in 1983, first deputy chairman of the committee. He worked in this position until the last day of his life.

Retired Colonel A.P. Maresyev was awarded two Orders of Lenin, the Order of the October Revolution, the Red Banner, the Patriotic War, 1st degree, two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, the Order of People's Friendship, the Red Star, the Badge of Honor, "For Services to the Fatherland" 3rd degree, medals, and foreign orders. He was an honorary soldier of a military unit, an honorary citizen of the cities of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Kamyshin, and Orel. A small planet is named after him solar system, public fund, youth patriotic clubs. He was elected as a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Author of the book "On the Kursk Bulge" (M., 1960).

Even during the war, Boris Polevoy’s book “The Tale of a Real Man” was published, the prototype of which was Maresyev (the author changed only one letter in his last name). In 1948, based on the book at Mosfilm, director Alexander Stolper made a film of the same name. Maresyev was even offered to play the main role himself, but he refused and this role was played by professional actor Pavel Kadochnikov.

    Song about Maresyev performed by Lomovoy.

    People's memory is immortal!

On September 3, 1968, A.P. Maresyev was named an Honorary Citizen of the city of Kamyshin, Volgograd Region.

July 11, 1973 - Honorary Citizen of the city of Stara Zagora, Bulgaria.

June 7, 1977 - Honorary citizen of the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

On April 25, 1990, A.P. Maresyev was named an Honorary Citizen of the city of Orel.

On May 8, 1967, Maresyev took part in the lighting ceremony eternal flame atTomb of the Unknown Soldier .


On May 20, 2006, in honor of the 90th anniversary of the birth of the famous pilot, a bronze monument was solemnly opened in Kamyshin, located at the intersection of two central streets of the city, not far from the house where Alexey Maresyev lived (the author is Honored Artist of Russia sculptor Sergei Shcherbakov).

A bust of A.P. Maresyev was installed on the Alley of Heroes in Kamyshin on May 5, 2010.

A bust of A.P. Maresyev was installed in the park on Mira Avenue in the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur.


In the city of Kamyshin, a street in the northern part of the city and a boulevard at the site of the installation of the monument to A.P. Maresyev were named in honor of Alexei Maresyev.

The central street in the village of Ibresi in the Chuvash Republic is named after Alexey Maresyev.

Also, streets in the cities of Aktyubinsk, Tashkent, Gorno-Altaisk and other cities bear the name of the hero.

Memorial plaques:

The memorial plaque is placed on the house in Moscow where Maresyev lived after the war.

There is an inscription on the memorial plaque “Heroes of the Soviet Union” in Bataysk.

In 2005, a memorial plaque was unveiled in the village of Ibresi in the Chuvash Republic.


The name of the legendary pilot was given to Moscow school No. 760.

School No. 13 in the city of Orel (Roshchinskaya Street, 33) was named after Hero of the Soviet Union A.P. Maresyev on August 30, 2001.

At school No. 89 of the North-Western District of Moscow, a museum of the 63rd Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment, in which A.P. served, was created. Maresyev.

Named after Maresyevminor planet 2173 Maresjev.

    Round table"Combat brotherhood (comradeship)"

Alexey Petrovich Maresyev was born on May 20, 1916. in the city of Kamyshin (now Volgograd region), here he graduated from school, received the profession of a turner and worked at a timber mill. From here he left as a young volunteer to build Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Since childhood, dreaming of becoming a pilot, he graduated from the flying club, and then from the Bataysk Flight School. In August 1941, the military career of the pilot Maresyev began. On April 5, 1942, in one of the air battles of the “Demyanovsky Cauldron” in the Novgorod region, his plane was shot down. For eighteen days the wounded, hungry pilot crawled his way to his own people. At the hospital, Alexei Maresyev had the lower third of both legs amputated and was written off. But, contrary to the conclusion of the medical commission, at the cost of superhuman efforts he achieved his return to the combat regiment and began to fly. “For the exemplary fulfillment of command tasks on the front of the fight against the Nazi invaders and the courage and heroism shown, for the manifestation of exceptional patriotism...” On August 24, 1943, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. During the war, Alexey Maresyev made 86 combat missions and destroyed 11 enemy aircraft.

After the war, Alexey Petrovich Maresyev continued to lead an active lifestyle and extensive public work, received higher education and defended his dissertation and wrote the book “On the Kursk Bulge”. He was elected as a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Through his labors, the veteran movement was created in the USSR. A.P. Maresyev himself showed extraordinary willpower, perseverance in overcoming difficult life circumstances, and devoted the rest of his life to providing assistance and support to veterans and war participants. For the same purpose, he created the Regional Public Fund A.P. Maresyev "Disabled people of the Great Patriotic War."

The word “Maresyev” has become a symbol of courage all over the world, and the feat of the Russian pilot was an example of a tremendous will to live and a model of fortitude for many people who found themselves in extreme situations. Military and labor services to the Motherland of retired colonel, candidate of historical sciences Alexei Petrovich Maresyev were noted along with the Golden Star of the Hero by many state awards. In 2000 A.P. Maresyev was awarded the title “National Hero of Russia”.

Alexey Petrovich Maresyev died on May 18, 2001, two days before his 85th birthday. The legendary military pilot was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery in Moscow.

Until the very last days Alexey Petrovich maintained close contact with his fellow countrymen, never forgot that he was born on the Volga land, and the Kamysians are proud of their wonderful fellow countryman. In 1968, in the year of Kamyshin’s 300th anniversary, Alexey Petrovich Maresyev became the first Honorary Citizen of our city. In Kamyshin, Lyceum No. 15, a street and a boulevard bear his name. In 2006, on the 90th anniversary of the Hero on his small homeland a monument was erected, and a memorial exhibition was created in the museum. In 2010, on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the Alley of Heroes was opened in Victory Park, on which a bust of Alexei Maresyev was installed.

May 20, 2016 to the legendary pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union, To the national hero Russia, Honorary Citizen of the city of Kamyshin Alexey Petrovich Maresyev would have turned 100 years old.

Section 2. Interviews, personal memories of eyewitnesses, relatives, essays

Section 4. The name of A.P. Maresyev on the map

On September 3, 1968, A.P. Maresyev was named an Honorary Citizen of the city of Kamyshin, Volgograd Region.

On May 8, 1967, Maresyev took part in the ceremony of lighting the eternal flame at Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.


On May 20, 2006, in honor of the 90th anniversary of the birth of the famous pilot, a bronze monument was solemnly opened in Kamyshin, located at the intersection of two central streets of the city, not far from the house where Alexey Maresyev lived (the author is Honored Artist of Russia sculptor Sergei Shcherbakov).

A bust of A.P. Maresyev was installed in the park on Mira Avenue in the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur.


In the city of Kamyshin, a street in the northern part of the city and a boulevard at the site of the installation of the monument to A.P. Maresyev were named in honor of Alexei Maresyev.

The central street in the village of Ibresi in the Chuvash Republic is named after Alexey Maresyev.

Also, streets in the cities of Aktyubinsk, Tashkent, Gorno-Altaisk and other cities bear the name of the hero.

Memorial plaques:

The memorial plaque is placed on the house in Moscow where Maresyev lived after the war.

There is an inscription on the memorial plaque “Heroes of the Soviet Union” in Bataysk.

In 2005 in the village of Ibresi, Chuvash Republic a memorial plaque was unveiled.


The name of the legendary pilot was given to Moscow school No. 760.

School No. 13 in the city of Orel (Roshchinskaya Street, 33) was named after Hero of the Soviet Union A.P. Maresyev on August 30, 2001.

At school No. 89 of the North-Western District of Moscow, a museum of the 63rd Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment, in which A.P. served, was created. Maresyev.

Photo galleries:

Section 6. The name of A.P. Maresyev in the field of culture and art


Audio recordings of Boris Polevoy's book "The Tale of a Real Man":

A. P. Maresyev “On the Kursk Bulge”, 1960. (formats fb2, PDF)

Instead of a preface
The situation in the Kursk Bulge area
Party political work among aviators during the period Battle of Kursk
Fostering love for the Motherland and hatred for the enemy
Increasing offensive momentum
Training from combat experience
Using the press to educate personnel
Organization of leisure time for warriors

Shantarin V.S. Our Maresyev (Kamyshin, 1996) (PDF format)

Maresyev Alexey Petrovich (reference)
About my mother
A little bit about yourself
He was the commander of Maresyev
About a friend
Otherwise we can't
Award list
The man from the legend
From the artist's diary
Continuation of the feat
In overcoming difficulties
War Veterans Committee Council
We know the price of peace
Professional peace activist
Our Maresyev
To the 300th anniversary of Kamyshin
Kamyshin Komsomol
Photo block


In May 2015, the premiere of the play “Alexei Maresyev” (directed by Sergei Burlachenko) took place on the stage of the Kamyshin Drama Theater:


Shot down by a fascist, he fell from the sky,
He was severely shell-shocked and burned.
He crawled without help, without bread,
He overcame everything within himself.

He stood up, his dentures creaked,
He took off again to beat the Nazis...
But there are those among us who dare
To forget that immortal feat.
You fly through the ages, brave falcon,
You burn, you can’t smolder dimly.
How can we rise so high
To overcome yourself?!
Maresyev is still flying,
Look at the sky and understand:
That feat helps us all
Become real people.
He studied at a regular school,
Here next to us is a Belarusian, an Uzbek,
And he fought for his native land,
Like a real person!
The whole globe admired him,
He was a simple Russian guy.
Gagarin met him more than once
Before space was conquered.
That century gave way to a new century.
The years float by like clouds...
And a real person
He was named and called.
He has been awarded the highest glory
Native land, the whole planet
Our brave pilot and warrior
Hero Maresyev Alexey!

Film “The Tale of a Real Man,” directed by A. Stolper Mosfilm, 1948

Soviet feature film directed by Alexander Stolper, based on the book of the same name by Boris Polevoy. For their participation in the film, a number of the film’s actors and the director of photography were awarded the Stalin Prize in 1949.

Pavel Kadochnikov - Alexey Meresyev
Nikolay Okhlopkov - Commissioner Vorobyov
Alexey Dikiy - Vasily Vasilievich
Vasily Merkuryev - Stepan Ivanovich, foreman
Tamara Makarova - Klavdiya Mikhailovna
Lyudmila Tselikovskaya - Zinochka
Lev Sverdlin - Naumov
Cheslav Sushkevich - Kukushkin
Victor Khokhryakov - Degtyarenko
Alexander Mikhailov - Petrov
Boris Dobronravov - chairman of the commission
Boris Babochkin - regiment commander
Lyubov Sokolova - collective farmer Varvara
Vladimir Gribkov - Zuev
Alexander Zrazhevsky - Mikhail's grandfather, an old partisan
Maria Yarotskaya - nanny
Sergei Bondarchuk - Gvozdev
Ivan Ryzhov - patient in a sanatorium
Evgeniy Shutov - accordion player
Pyotr Savin - truck driver
Mikhail Gluzsky - Captain Chislov

Film crew
Director - Alexander Stolper
Cinematographer - Mark Magidson
Composer - Nikolai Kryukov
Production designer - Joseph Spinel
Director of the film - Nikolai Sliozberg

From the diary entries of Pavel Petrovich Kadochnikov:
...What kind of Alexey Petrovich is this? For the first time I met him near Zvenigorod, where we were supposed to film winter locations. There we lived in the holiday home of the Academy of Sciences. Maresyev walked along the long corridor with a slightly swaying gait. We recognized each other from afar. I walked up to him, shook his hand more firmly, and suddenly realized that I was very worried. He shook my hand even more tightly and for some reason became very embarrassed. Later I wrote in my diary: “The famous pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union, a man about whose feat almost the whole world knows, is shy.” We entered my room, sat down in silence, not looking very boldly at each other. Finally, Alexey, the first to overcome his embarrassment, spoke: “I know what interests you most.” I was surprised because I didn’t have time to say even two words to him. “Obviously, you are most interested in how I managed to overcome...” He paused, and at that time I thought: “Now he will say: “the black forest region,” and he said “... to overcome the medical commission, and prove that I a physically healthy person." And suddenly, unexpectedly for me, Alexey Petrovich softly and freely stood up on a chair and continued: “I’m telling him...” “To whom?” - I asked again. “And to the chairman of the commission, aren’t these legs? Isn’t this training?” - And loudly patting his dentures, Maresyev jumped from his chair. This is how the “admissions committee” scene was born in the film. No one made it up, it’s real!

Section 7. Documentary films about Alexey Maresyev

Memories of fellow soldiers about Alexei Maresyev

From the series "Heroes of Victory" (to the 65th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War)

“Alexey Maresyev. The fate of a real person." - Director A. Slavin. - documentary(TV channel "Russia"), 2005

Great Patriotic War ended, but the country still needed heroes. The price of our victory turned out to be very high: millions of wounded, disabled, desperate and lost loved ones. Of course, they all needed a living example of courage and will, which was Alexey Maresyev, a fighter pilot who lost both legs, but returned to aviation.

Almost everyone knew this name. The writer Boris Polevoy wrote a book about his feat, “The Tale of a Real Man.” Later, the story was translated into almost all languages ​​of the world, a feature film was made based on it, and an opera of the same name was staged at the Bolshoi Theater.

But what was a “real person” like in real life? After the start of "perestroika" many myths Soviet era were debunked, they tried to do the same with the name Maresyev. But his military exploits, as well as all post-war activities, turned out to be truly real...

However, few people know that there were other pilots who flew without legs. The authors of the documentary talk about another Russian pilot, Seversky, as well as about the Englishman Douglas Bader, and the German Hans Ulrich Rudel.

The film features people who knew Alexei Maresyev personally: residents of a small village who picked up the wounded pilot, fellow soldiers, and the director of the opera “The Tale of a Real Man.” They tell previously unknown details of a well-known story.

"Alexey Maresyev: I'm not a legend, I'm just a man!"

Production: State television and radio broadcasting company Volgograd-TRV, 2016.

1st page

"Childhood and youth"

(The presentation of prepared students is accompanied by a slide show)

1st student: Alexey Petrovich Maresyev was born in the city of Kamyshin, Kamyshinsky district, Saratov province on May 16, 1916. Later, when preparing military documents, another date was mistakenly noted in them - May 20, and since then Maresyev indicated exactly this and celebrated his birthday on May 20.

2nd student. In 1924 he entered first grade. He grew up as a weak, sickly child, and his mother often said: “You were born to me, Lyosha, in May, so you will have to suffer all your life.” Like most Soviet schoolchildren, A. Maresyev went through all stages of social life: he was a pioneer, a pioneer leader, and a Komsomol member. After graduating from level 2 school, he entered the FZU school, receiving a specialty as a turner, began working and at the same time studying at the labor department.

3rd student: The first two attempts to enter the aviation schools of Kamyshin and Stalingrad ended in failure. He was rejected by the medical commission. But Maresyev was already a stubborn person in his youth. He graduated from the Faculty of Work. Having received the education necessary to enter the aviation institute, Alexey finally achieved his goal. It wasn't easy though. In Khabarovsk, Alexey had the opportunity to get closer to his dream - he began to attend the local flying club.

4th student: In the spring of 1937, he took to the skies for the first time. In his memoirs A.P. Maresyev wrote: “I’m flying! And the sky turns out to be bottomless, there is no limit to it!” On March 9, 1938, he was awarded a certificate of completion of the course.

In 1939 he was sent to Chita military school pilots. In September due to proximity state border The cadets were transferred to Rostov-on-Don to the Bataysk Military Aviation School of Pilots named after. A.K. Serova. On July 11, 1940, flight school was successfully completed. Petty Officer Maresyev became a “military pilot.” After graduation, he was left at his native school as a pilot instructor. On October 10, 1940, Alexei Maresyev was awarded his first officer rank - junior lieutenant.

5th student: The young commander shared his knowledge with the training squadron, which included twelve people. He graduated his first cadets in 1941.

2nd page "War"

A fragment of a film about the horrors of war is shown, accompanied by a performance by trained students.

(slide show)

1) Maresyev conducted his first air battle on August 23 in the Dneprodzerzhinsk area. In January 1942, our troops surrounded six enemy divisions in the area of ​​the city of Demyansk. Hitler's command sought to break the encirclement at any cost. During March alone, German transport aviation made more than 3,000 sorties, transferring 10 battalions to the Demyansk area, a large number of ammunition and food. Our pilots did everything possible to disrupt these deliveries. It's a busy time for fighter pilots. In just ten days, Alexey Petrovich Maresyev shot down four enemy aircraft over the Demyansky Cauldron and carried out 20 attack aircraft fascist troops. For these heroic actions he was presented with the Order of the Red Banner and the next military rank of “lieutenant”.

2) On April 4, 1942, Alexei Maresyev’s unit accompanied the “Ilov” party going to attack the surrounded fascists. There were two pairs in the link - four sides. They were met in the sky by 12 Messerschmitts.

This battle forever changed the fate of pilot Alexei Maresyev.

3rd page

"The Tale of a Real Man"

1) Alexey Petrovich Maresyev performed his most famous feat, which formed the basis of Boris Polevoy’s work “The Tale of a Real Man,” in April 1942. Maresyev’s fighter was shot down in one of the forest areas of the Novgorod region, when it was covering Soviet bombers. The pilot was seriously wounded in both legs, but was able to land. The area around was occupied by the Germans and he, wounded, first on his feet and then crawling, had to carefully move towards the front line.

2) The crippled legs hurt, and they had to eat cones, berries and tree bark. After 18 days, the exhausted Alexei was met by a father and son from the village of Plav, mistook him for a German and hurried to leave. After this, the already barely alive man was discovered by boys from the same village. One of them called his father, who took the wounded man home. The villagers looked after him for more than a week, but professional help was urgently needed, and soon the seriously ill Maresyev was airlifted to a Moscow hospital. As Maresyev’s son, Viktor, later recalled these facts from his father’s biography, it was not possible for the wounded man to leave the hospital, and Alexei Petrovich, practically half-dead, was already being prepared to be sent to the morgue - gangrene and blood poisoning had begun. By chance, Professor Terebinsky passed by the dying man, who saved his life by amputating both legs.

3) It would seem that this was the end of all the exploits and career of the pilot, but Alexey Petrovich Maresyev did not allow fate to get the better of him here either. While still in the hospital, and then in the sanatorium, this strong-willed man began to train little by little in order to fly with prosthetics instead of legs.

Dramatization "Medical Commission"

Already on July 20, 1943, Alexey Petrovich Maresyev accomplished a new feat - he saved the lives of two Soviet pilots during an air battle with the superiority of forces on the side of the Nazis. During this battle, two German FW 190 fighters were sold, which covered the bombers. For this feat, on August 24 of the same year, Maresyeva A.P. awarded the Gold Star medal and the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. His fame spread throughout the entire front, and correspondents began to visit the hero’s regiment, among whom was the future writer B. Polevoy, who glorified Maresyev’s feat throughout the country.

Conversation and answers to questions asked.

Dramatization of "Interview"

4th page

"Memory of a Real Man"

(Performance of the song)

Many maneuvers can only be performed by the Su-30SM fighter. Their development and use significantly expands the combat capabilities of a multirole fighter.

“Falcons of Russia” is the only aerobatic team that demonstrates tactical air combat techniques on combat aircraft. The pilots demonstrated all the figures in a limited space and low altitude.

A delegation of the Russian Association of Heroes came to Kamyshin to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Maresyev.
May 20, 2016, there is a very warm and truly festive atmosphere in Kamyshin. And we can say that even the weather is enjoying the holiday. Although just yesterday it was raining in the city, and the organizers were afraid that significant adjustments would have to be made to the program. But today the sky has cleared, there are hundreds of people on the streets of Kamyshin. And their mood, like the weather, is joyful and sunny. This day is special for everyone.

The documentary film “Alexey Maresyev: I am not a legend” was presented in Kamyshin. I'm just a person!
On the day of celebrating the 100th anniversary of the legendary pilot Alexei Maresyev, residents and guests of Kamyshin were treated to a big television premiere. The creative team of the Volgograd-TRV State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company presented the documentary film “Alexey Maresyev: I am not a legend. I'm just a person!

The tape is based only historical facts and stories of people for whom meeting and personal acquaintance with the hero pilot became the most important event in their lives.

The Volgograd-TRV creative group, consisting of author Alexey Bespalov, cameraman Yuri Komochkov and director Irina Kolesnichenko, worked on the film for several months. The study of archives was interspersed with trips to historical sites. The film touched even the youngest viewers.

Thousands of spectators gathered for the gala concert on the day of the 100th anniversary of Alexei Maresyev.

The culmination of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Hero of the Soviet Union Alexei Maresyev in Kamyshin will be a gala concert on Komsomolskaya Square.

Relatives of the legendary pilot Alexei Maresyev arrived in Kamyshin.
On the day of the centenary of Alexei Maresyev, relatives of the legendary pilot came to Kamyshin. There are about 40 people in total.

Some still live in the small homeland of their heroic ancestor, others moved to other cities of the country - Volgograd, Tambov. Many were able to meet only today. However, without exception, all relatives of Alexei Maresyev, regardless of place of residence and degree of relationship, carefully preserve the memory of his feat. Today they all agreed to keep in touch.