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Excessive pride is the sign of an insignificant soul. What is the difference between pride and arrogance? How to get rid of pride: Orthodoxy, Catholicism

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “ Anyone who has even a grain of pride in his heart will not enter heaven. "(Imam Ahmad).

Allah said in the Qur'an: " Enter the gates of hell, in which you (the proud) will be forever, and how bad is the outcome of the proud "(Surah al-Zumar, verse 72).

Allah said about the fate of the proud: “ Verily, those who became proud in worshiping Me (Allah) will enter hell humiliated "(Surah Ghafir, verse 60).

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is reported to have said: “ A person who left this world will enter heaven if he did not have three qualities: 1) pride, 2) treachery, 3) debt (if he does not forgive) "(Imam Ahmad, at-Tirmidhi, Imam al-Hakim).

“Infinitely small people have infinitely great pride” (Voltaire Marie François Arouet).

“Pride is the comforter of the weak” (Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues).

“Pride can destroy a person” (Folk wisdom).

“And pride pretends to be the height of the soul” (Aurelius Augustine).

“Nothing noble can be done out of pride” (John Ruskin).

“From the bosom of pride and ignorance come delusions that, like so many bees collecting honey from the most beautiful flowers, poison the best minds” (Claude Adrian Helvetius).

“Vanity, this unbearable, painful thirst for success, is a great torture for the mind and consists of envy, pride and greed. This is high madness, sweet poison" (Robert Burton).

“Perhaps, of all our innate passions, pride is the most difficult to break; No matter how you disguise it, no matter how you fight it, souls, kill it - it still lives and from time to time breaks through and shows itself” (Benjamin Franklin).

“Pride cannot hide itself” (Francis Bacon).

“Science, which gives us so much pride, even if it is supplemented by answers to all the questions regularly asked of it, leaves us in the end in ignorance” (Georges Bataille).

“Vanity is the pride of other people” (Sasha Guitry).

“Modesty quenches pride like water extinguishes a flame. It is like a ring that is put through the nose of a bear” (Theodor Gottlieb Hippel).

“Pride in being entrusted with a secret is the main reason for disclosing it” (Samuel Johnson).

“What is happiness? Rich pride" (Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov).

“Excessive pride is the sign of an insignificant soul” (Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev).

“Talking everything and not wanting to listen to anything is a sign of pride” (Democritus).

“Pride is not the best companion of loneliness” (Colleen McCullough).

“Humanity is divided into three main psychological groups with completely different motivations. There is a group that includes people whose motivations for their activities are economic factors - money... And there is another group whose representatives strive for self-affirmation, they are driven by vanity or pride. This type of people includes spenders, brawlers, athletes, braggarts, and gambling enthusiasts. They strive for power and want to become famous. But the third group is professionals who try to follow the laws of honor and morality, and not just strive for money and fame; Among the representatives of this group are priests, teachers, doctors, some artists and writers. They assume that a person should devote his life to something more important than satisfying his own needs” (Robert Heinlein).

“Pride does not want to be in debt, and pride does not want to pay” (Francois de La Rochefoucauld).

“The pride of low people is to constantly talk about themselves, while the pride of high people is to not talk about themselves at all (Voltaire Marie François Arouet).

“Criticism is a dangerous spark that can cause an explosion in the powder keg of pride” (Dale Carnegie).

Before we begin discussing how to get rid of pride, let’s first understand this concept itself. This word usually means excessive pride, arrogance, selfishness, arrogance, etc. Everyone roughly knows what pride is, but rarely does anyone recognize it in themselves, and if they notice it, they do not see any danger in it and, moreover, are not going to fight it. But sooner or later it will make itself felt and bear its terrible fruits.

How to get rid of pride: Orthodoxy, Catholicism

Pride in Orthodoxy is one of the eight sinful passions, along with gluttony, fornication, greed, anger, sadness, despondency and vanity.

In Catholicism, pride is one of the seven main sinful passions, along with gluttony, fornication, greed, anger, despondency and envy.

Before answering the question of how to get rid of the sin of pride, it should be noted that they are not at all the same thing. Pride is, in general, the most common characteristic of any sinner. We all fall into the same from time to time - this is that great degree when this sinful passion turns into a dominant characteristic of the personality and fills it. These people usually don’t listen to anyone, they say about such people: “There is a lot of pride, but little intelligence.”

Islam is about pride

Pride is when a person boasts about his achievements before the Creator, forgetting that it was from Him that he received them. This disgusting quality makes a person too arrogant; he begins to believe that he himself can achieve everything without God’s help, and therefore he never thanks God for everything he has.

How to get rid of pride? Islam, by the way, also holds the opinion that pride is a great sin, which becomes the cause of a number of other sins.

According to the Koran, a genie named Iblis refused to carry out Allah's order and prostrate to Adam. The genie said that he was better than man because he was made of fire, not clay. After this, he was cast out of heaven and vowed to lead believers astray.

How to recognize the sin of pride? How to get rid of it?

Pride grows in the soil of prosperity, and not when everything is bad. In euphoria it is almost impossible to notice. But once it grows, it will be very difficult to stop it. She plunges a person into the illusion of her greatness and then suddenly throws him into the abyss. Therefore, it is better to notice it earlier, recognize it and, accordingly, begin an uncompromising fight against it. Let's pay attention to the signs of its manifestation.

An indication of pride

  • Frequent touchiness and intolerance towards other people, or rather towards their imperfections.
  • Constantly blaming others for your life problems.
  • Uncontrolled irritability and disrespect for other people.
  • Constant thoughts about your own greatness and uniqueness, and therefore superiority over others.
  • The need for someone to constantly admire and praise you.
  • Absolute intolerance to criticism and unwillingness to correct one’s shortcomings.
  • Inability to ask for forgiveness.
  • Complete confidence in one's own infallibility; the desire to argue and prove one’s merits.
  • Lack of humility and stubbornness, which lies in the fact that a person cannot accept the lessons of fate with dignity and calm.

When pathos grows, the joy in the heart fades and is replaced by dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction. Only some people, noticing all these negative signs of pride in themselves, begin to resist, while others become its victims.

You can deal with pride before it grows to gigantic proportions, figuratively speaking, before it takes power over your soul and mind. And we need to urgently get down to business, but how to deal with pride?

Fighting methods

  1. No matter how high your achievements are, you should try to be interested in people who have achieved more, whom you should respect and learn from.
  2. Learn humility, realize the greatness and infinite potential of every human soul. Accept your insignificance before God - the creator of all life on earth and in heaven.
  3. Don't take credit for all the credit and achievements. Always thank the Lord for everything good and bad that happens to you, for various trials and lessons. The feeling of gratitude is always more pleasant to experience than the feeling of contempt for others.
  4. Find an adequate, honest and good person so that he can constructively express his opinion about you; all noticed shortcomings must be worked out and eradicated. And this is the best cure for pride.
  5. You need to pass on your best experience to people, try to help them selflessly with love. Showing true love will definitely cleanse your heart of pride. Anyone who does not start sharing their positive experiences with others in time will only increase the growth of pride and pseudo-greatness.
  6. Try to be sincere and first of all to yourself. Look for kindness in yourself, so that you have the opportunity not to accumulate grievances, but to find the strength and courage to ask for forgiveness from those we have offended and learn to admit our mistakes.


Many are interested in another interesting question - how to get rid of pride and two extreme points, one concept implies high self-esteem, the other - low self-esteem. Let's talk about it a little.

If we already know about pride, then let’s dwell a little on such a property as self-abasement, which is based on incorrect self-esteem and negative self-analysis. A person begins to belittle himself and his merits in comparison with other people. He may not like his appearance and qualities, he constantly criticizes himself, saying, “I’m not handsome,” “I’m fat,” “I’m a slob,” “I’m a complete fool,” etc.


Self-deprecation, like pride, can be used as a tool to influence how others evaluate and perceive you, so as not to take a painful blow to your self-esteem.

In a situation of belittling oneself, a person is the first to begin to criticize, scold and reproach himself, thereby preempting possible negative reactions to him from others. Such people truly believe that they are worse than those around them. Shyness also shows a developed inferiority complex in a person.

Causes of self-deprecation

Where does it come from? Usually this may be some negative experience from early childhood associated with the inability to evaluate oneself and others.

Self-deprecation becomes an inadequate way to protect against potential emotional threats. It can be used as a mask that a person puts on in adulthood in order to hide behind it.

Self-deprecation, as a rule, really appears from early childhood, often due to the child’s inability to meet all the high standards and expectations of the parents, especially if the parents are some outstanding people. They expect that their child must certainly meet their ideals, have talents and ambitious aspirations.

Mask of Powerlessness

But the child does not reach the bar set by his parents, then he blames himself, considers himself mediocre, and incorrect self-esteem comes to his mind, because his parents are unhappy with him.

When a child grows up, that’s when the fear appears that he will never be able to be as good as many people around him, that they cannot like him, and therefore success, happiness and love will never come to him. He begins to openly declare that he is a loser. A deep internal conflict is brewing and a chain of complexes is formed that hide under a mask that means “don’t pay any attention to me” and “don’t expect anything special from me.” He is not used to praise and does not accept it because he does not believe in himself.


At the same time, another question arises - how to get rid of pride and vanity. And these are all links of one chain. Where there is pride, vanity appears. The meaning of this concept is that a person constantly wants to look better than he actually is, he feels a constant need to confirm his superiority, which means he surrounds himself with flattering friends.

Related concepts of vanity also include pride, pride, arrogance, arrogance and “star fever”. A vain person is only interested in his person.

Vanity is like a drug, without which those who become addicted to it will no longer be able to live. And envy immediately settles in next to each other, and they go hand in hand. Since a vain person does not tolerate any competition, if someone is ahead of him, black envy begins to gnaw at him.

Perishable glory

As mentioned above, vanity, along with pride, is one of the eight sinful passions in Orthodoxy.

I would also like to add to everything that vanity is when a person constantly strives for vain, that is, vain and empty glory. The word “vain,” in turn, means “quickly passing and perishable.”

Position, high position, fame - things on earth are short-lived and unreliable. Any earthly glory is ashes and dust, simply nothing compared to the glory that the Lord has prepared for His loving children.


Now we need to talk about how to get rid of pride and arrogance. You need to find out right away, then it will be easier to understand and cope with this passion. Arrogance is exaltation of oneself, arrogance and contemptuous attitude towards another person.

Summarizing the discussion of how to get rid of pride, arrogance and the like, it should be noted that the fight against them is possible only after a person takes strict control of his behavior and words, begins to do good deeds, and takes care of as much as possible people around you and don’t expect gratitude or payment for it.

We must try to get rid of the thought of our own importance, specialness and greatness. Look at yourself from the outside, listen to what you say, what you think, how you behave, put yourself in the shoes of others.

Pride, arrogance and vanity will prevent an individual from living an independent and fulfilling life. And before they destroy you, start fighting them. Only then will you be able to rejoice and live in peace with yourself and with the world around you. And you will no longer want to blame anyone for your sins, and you will have a desire to thank the Lord for everything.

The world will shine with different colors, only then can a person comprehend the main thing: the meaning of life is LOVE. And only for her should he strive.

What is the difference between pride and arrogance? Some consider these concepts to be synonyms, while others are sure that the terms are completely opposite in meaning. In fact, the words pride and arrogance are paronyms that make up a paronymic pair. They are similar in spelling and consonant, but differ in meaning. You can determine what feeling a person experiences, pride or arrogance, by examining their differences in detail.

What is pride?

The concept of pride implies self-esteem, a person's ability to treat both himself and other people with respect. People of this type are able to determine the value of their abilities and achievements. They treat other people fairly. It feels like pride can point out shortcomings that still need to be worked on. People who have a sense of pride always treat themselves judiciously, because they do not try to hide the presence of shortcomings. They are clearly aware of the presence of problems and do not avoid them. This makes such people less vulnerable than others. Because they clearly understand the presence of weaknesses and do not experience complexes. Such people consciously accept the fact that every person has his own shortcomings. And they understand that shortcomings should not be hidden, but simply worked on.

What is pride?

The concept of pride is always perceived negatively. Pride arises as a result excessive pride of an individual about himself. Such people usually have negative qualities such as arrogance and selfishness. Proud people always put themselves above others. They are sure that they are the most beautiful, successful, they know everything, they can do everything, unlike other people. They believe that they know more than others how to live and are much better versed in many areas than others.

In most cases, the manifestation of pride is completely unreasonable. The individual is proud of some far-fetched things, not noticing the reality around him. At the same time, he criticizes and humiliates others. In Orthodoxy, pride is considered one of the deadly sins. Pride is equated with the intention to become on the level of God, to be higher and more important than others.

Such people quite often suffer from delusions of grandeur. Proud people are not at all sensitive. If you tell them about problems, they will only mock and even consider the person a loser. Therefore, it is usually better not to open up to them and not ask for help. It is not at all pleasant to communicate with such people, due to their constant attempts to put themselves above others, at the expense of other people's failures. Proud people constantly strive to prove, both to themselves and to other people, that they know everything. They always consider themselves to be right and the most knowledgeable in everything.

Where does pride come from?

Most often, pride arises from the ordinary need to become necessary and needed by others. After all, it is believed that those who know a lot are needed by society. For this reason, pride forces a person to direct his energies to proving omniscience. He does this not in order to acquire status, but in order to receive recognition, proof of his importance and significance.

Very often the reason originates from early childhood. When a child lacked the attention of his parents and felt unneeded. After such a shock, already in adulthood a person tries to regain the missing attention. And he does this in every possible way.

Pride and arrogance difference

Since pride and pride are similar words, many people think that the concepts have the same meaning. But in reality these concepts are different. The main difference is the emotional connotation of the concepts.

Pride has a negative emotional connotation, as it forces an individual to put himself above others through humiliation. Arises as a result of hatred, lack of perception, lack of respect for others. All these emotions are negative.

Pride has a positive emotional connotation. Because this feeling helps you simply rejoice in the achievements, both your own and those of others. A proud person does not at all strive to appear better than others, and, therefore, has no need to offend or humiliate others.

What is the difference between pride and arrogance?

Such a feeling as pride helps to manifest positive feelings: sympathy, justice, patriotism. Pride, on the contrary, helps to identify negative emotions: hatred, envy, disdain. A proud individual strives to be honest and fair. You can consult with such a person and ask for help. The proud person thinks only about himself. He is unable to understand or help.

Another difference is achievements. Such a feeling as pride arises only if a person has really achieved something. He clearly assesses his capabilities and is proud of the goals he has achieved. A proud person is proud of far-fetched achievements.

If you think about the difference between pride and arrogance, you can define: pride is strength, pride is weakness. Demonstrating pride in the willingness and ability to sincerely admire the successes of others. Such a person is truly happy about the achievements of others. A proud person is not able to rejoice for others. On the contrary, he feels a feeling of envy when others are more successful.

Signs of pride

Identifying a proud person is quite simple.

  • He always considers only himself to be right.
  • Does not take into account the opinions of other people, calls their opinions stupid and untrue.
  • Regularly tells others how stupid they are.
  • He considers himself above everyone, and the rest somewhere below.
  • He comes up with the levels of distribution of people himself. He never puts anyone on the same level as himself.
  • He can come to the rescue only in rare cases, from which he can benefit for himself. If such a person did help, he will definitely demand an answer later. With all this, claiming that he is the most necessary.
  • He rarely asks for help.
  • He always tries to achieve something on his own, so that he never shares it with anyone.
  • If he still can’t cope without the help of others, he will ask, stepping over principles. But in the end result he will try not to be indebted and not to feel that he helped.

Pride makes a person believe that the whole world will simply collapse without him. And others will not be able to live without help. The individual claims that he is all-knowing and can do everything, and others must line up for advice or help. But in reality it turns out that he himself needs this help, which he does not admit until the very end. I am always ready to give advice, even if no one asks for it. With all this, I am sure that people will definitely use his advice. Which only increases his authority in his own eyes. Pride does not make it clear that in fact all people have their own opinions and do not need his help at all.

Another characteristic of a proud person is the desire to take on all the worries. He is constantly trying to be on time everywhere, to redo a bunch of things. Because I’m sure they simply won’t cope without him. A person suffers, wastes a lot of energy and time. And if he doesn’t achieve what he wants, he begins to blame everyone around for the failure. It will be told how he did everything possible and impossible. And fate, other people, anyone but him are to blame. If he does manage to achieve success, then he will take all the credit exclusively for himself. He always criticizes other people who act the way he wants. Absolutely unsuited to listening to other people's advice. Because he regards any advice as an attempt to manipulate him.

A proud person is rarely a grateful person: he is always convinced that he receives less than he deserves.
G. Beecher.

Pride - a noble passion - is not blind to its own shortcomings. This is what distinguishes arrogance.
G. Lichtenberg

Pride is devoid of the best quality of vices - it is incapable of hiding.
F. Bacon

Pride comes from lack of reflection and ignorance of oneself. Knowledge comes to us along with modesty.
D. Addison

Pride is common to all people: the only difference is where and when they show it.
F. La Rochefoucauld

Pride often fuels envy in us, and that same pride often helps us cope with it.
F. La Rochefoucauld

Pride is the comforter of the weak.
L. Vauvenargues

Pride is a kind of contempt for everyone else except oneself.

Pride is a slippery slope, at the bottom of which arrogance and vanity await us.
A. Decourcel

Pride, when combined with strength, ennobles, but when combined with weakness, it degrades.
Carmen Silva

Pride and weakness are Siamese twins.
D. Lowell

The pride of low people is to constantly talk about themselves, while the pride of high people is to not talk about themselves at all.

A proud man is sure to become covered with an icy crust. There is no way for any other feeling to pass through this crust.
L. Tolstoy

A proud and noble heart, having experienced strong passions, avoids being afraid of them, but does not condescend to love affairs; in the same way, a heart that knows friendship will not stoop to the base, selfish.
N. Chamfort

We are most proud of what we don't have.
Akutagawa Ryunosuke

Every dignity, every strength is calm - precisely because they are confident in themselves.
V. Belinsky

The sense of humanity is insulted when people do not respect the human dignity of others, and is even more insulted and suffers when a person does not respect his own dignity.
V. Belinsky

It only takes a moment to become a hero, but it takes a lifetime to become a worthy person.
P. Brula

There is much more merit in being able to overcome vices than in not having them.
P. Buast

The highest virtue is inaccessible to the understanding of the crowd; the latter readily praises the virtues of the lower order; middle virtues arouse in her surprise, or rather amazement; As for the highest virtues, she doesn’t even have a clue about them.
F. Bacon

Be most proud of the thing that owes you the least.
P. Balepu

There is nothing more useful than a good name, and nothing creates it as firmly as dignity.
L. Vauvenargues

Infinitely small people have infinitely great pride.

Be proud only of the victories you have won over yourself.
J. Wolfram

There is no small virtue in recognizing as ignorance what others regard as knowledge, and in openly admitting that you do not know what you really do not know.
P. Gassendi

The dignity of human life lies in struggle.
A. Herzen

Those who have... consciousness and self-esteem... They... are not afraid that others are smarter than them, more educated or more beautiful... Likewise, they do not consider themselves significantly superior to those whom they in turn are superior, because all this seems to them to have very little values ​​in comparison with the good will for which they only respect themselves and which they assume in every person.
R. Descartes

The deepest characteristic of human nature is the passionate desire of people to be appreciated.
W. James

Anyone who does not understand his purpose most often lacks self-esteem.
F. Dostoevsky

Virtues are not as noticeable as vices.
Ancient Indian

Pride is often a barrier to true greatness.
M. Zhanlis

If pride screams, it means love is silent.
F. Gerfaud

If we all had reasonable pride, there would not be so many abominations in the world.
I. Zeime

Pride and dignity are the reward for good deeds and decency.
V. Zubkov

The duty towards oneself... is that a person maintain human dignity in himself.
I. Kant

You can be proud of everything, even the absence of pride.
V. Klyuchevsky

When people whom we value deny us the virtues that we have, we usually lose heart, as if we had lost them, and when they attribute to us virtues that we did not suspect in ourselves, we become encouraged and try to acquire them.
V. Klyuchevsky

The dignity of every person depends only on how he shows himself in his actions.
A. Knigge

The two things we especially value are our reputation and our lives. Isn’t it painful just to think that the most despicable slander can deprive us of the first and the most fragile weapon of the second?
C. Colton

We quickly notice the slightest advantages in ourselves and slowly discover shortcomings.
J. Labruyère

It is just as reasonable to honor one's virtues in private as it is ridiculous to extol them in the presence of others.
F. La Rochefoucauld

If we were not overcome by pride, we would not complain about the pride of others.
F. La Rochefoucauld

No matter how prone people are to making incorrect judgments, they still show injustice to genuine merits less often than favor to imaginary ones.
F. La Rochefoucauld

Our pride is often increased by the shortcomings we have overcome.
F. La Rochefoucauld

A person's merits should be judged not by his good qualities, but by how he uses them.
F. La Rochefoucauld

Truly extraordinary virtues are possessed by those who have managed to earn the praise of their envious people.
F. La Rochefoucauld

Human virtues, like fruits, have their season.
F. La Rochefoucauld

If advantages continue longer than necessary, are revealed not when necessary, and not where necessary, then they are shortcomings.
V. Lenin

My life experience has convinced me that people who have no shortcomings have very few virtues.
A. Lincoln

If someone insulted me, that’s his business, that’s his inclination, that’s his character; I have my own character, the one that was given to me by nature, and I will remain true to my nature in my actions.
Marcus Aurelius

True dignity is like a river: the deeper it is, the less noise it makes.
M. Montaigne

Virtues, elevating you, humiliate others, while shortcomings, allowing others to laugh at you without malice, raise them in their own.
A. Maurois

All our dignity lies in our ability. Only thought elevates us, and not space and time, in which we are nothing. Let us try to think with dignity: this is the basis of morality.
B. Pascal

It is not only possible, but also necessary to be proud of the glory of your ancestors; not to respect it is shameful cowardice.
A. Pushkin

Extreme pride or extreme humiliation is extreme ignorance of oneself.
B. Spinoza

A name belongs to every honest person, but I based my good name on the glory of my Fatherland, and all my deeds tended towards its prosperity. Self-love, often a submissive cover of fleeting passions, has never controlled my actions. I forgot myself where I should have been thinking about the common good. My life was a harsh school, but my innocent morals and natural generosity made my labors easier: my feelings were free, and I myself was firm.
A. Suvorov

Pride is not at all the same as consciousness of human dignity. Pride increases with external success, consciousness of one's human dignity, on the contrary, with external humiliation.
L. Tolstoy

Excessive pride is the sign of an insignificant soul.
I. Turgenev

He who maintains dignity in trouble teaches courage to worthy people and serves as a reproach to bad people.
U. Foscolo

Proud people hate pride in others.
B. Franklin

Judge a stranger's worth by his deeds; in deeds the fruits of even secret intentions are always revealed.

The more we talk about our virtues, the less they believe in them.
N. Chernyshevsky

Self-esteem is developed only by the position of an independent owner...
N. Chernyshevsky

He who speaks about his own merits is ridiculous, but he who is not aware of them is stupid.
F. Chesterfield

Market people pride themselves on their dexterity and ingenuity. But life passes as if in childish ignorance: they are prone to fraud and boast of extravagance, never once thinking about how their life will end.
Chen Zian

The dignity of people is the dignity of precious stones, which, being of a certain size, purity, perfection, have a certain and designated price, but, being above this mark, have no price and do not find buyers at all.
N. Chamfort

Only those who have deeply studied morals can recognize all the signs that distinguish pride from vanity. The first holds her head high, is imperturbable, courageous, calm, adamant; the second is base, insecure, cowardly, fussy and changeable. Pride seems to add to people's stature, vanity only inflates them.
N. Chamfort

Too much dignity sometimes makes a person unsuitable for society: people don’t go to the market with gold bars - they need small change, especially small change.
N. Chamfort

Dignity creates strictness of behavior.
Shi Jing

Pride is something that comes from within, and therefore a direct high regard for oneself; on the contrary, vanity is the desire to achieve such high esteem from the outside...
A. Schopenhauer

The cheapest kind of pride is national pride. She discovers that the one obsessed with her suffers from a lack of individual qualities of which he could be proud - otherwise he would have no reason to grasp at what he shares with so many millions. He who possesses considerable personal superiority, on the contrary, will most clearly understand the shortcomings of his nation, having them constantly before his eyes. But every pathetic simpleton, who has nothing in the world that he could be proud of, grabs the last resource of pride - for the nation to which he belongs: he calms down on this and is gratefully ready to defend at random all the shortcomings and stupidities that are characteristic of it .
A. Schopenhauer

The highest approval of merit and merit consists in silent acceptance of them as due.
R. Emerson

Pride eradicates all vices except itself.
R. Emerson

Genuine, sincere pride, or self-respect, if only it is well hidden and at the same time really justified, must certainly be characteristic of a person of honor...
D. Hume

Nothing can be more commendable than the consciousness of our own worth in cases where we actually possess valuable qualities.
D. Hume

There are three categories of people: arrogant, proud and others. I have never met others before.
Auguste Deteuf

To be generous means to give more than you can; to be proud means to take less than you need.
Kahlil Gibran

Modesty may be false, but not pride.
Jules Renard

Those who are proud of their humility are proud that they are not proud.
Robert Barton

Pride seems to add to people's stature, vanity only inflates them.
Nicola Chamfort

Vanity is the pride of other people.
Sasha Guitry

Pride is a luxury that a woman in love cannot afford.
Claire Luce

You can be proud of everything, even the absence of pride, just as you can be stupefied by everything, even by your own mind.
Vasily Klyuchevsky

The cheapest pride is national pride.
Arthur Schopenhauer