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The meaning of carpal discharge in the modern explanatory dictionary, BSE. Wrist discharge "Wrist discharge" in books

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form of electric discharge in gases (See Electric discharge in gases). It occurs in cases where one of the electrodes is a thin tip that forms a highly inhomogeneous electric field. According to the nature of the elementary processes of K. r. is close to a spark discharge (See Spark discharge) and transforms into it when the voltage between the electrodes increases. Unlike a spark discharge, with K. r. a beam of sparks (brush) diverging from the tip does not reach the second electrode. This and a number of other features of K. r. allow us to consider it as a corona discharge with pronounced intermittent phenomena. When the voltage decreases, the voltage turns into a regular corona discharge.

Meanings in other dictionaries

Carpal Discharge

BRUSH discharge - an electrical discharge in gases that occurs at atmospheric pressure near a metal tip serving as a cathode, with a potential difference between the electrodes of approx. 10 kV. By appearance- a brush-shaped beam of intermittent electrical sparks that do not reach the anode. When the potential difference decreases, the brush discharge turns into a corona discharge, and when it increases, it turns into a spark discharge. ...

Carpal Discharge

an electrical discharge in gases that occurs at atmospheric pressure near a metal tip serving as a cathode, with a potential difference between the electrodes of approx. 10 kV. In appearance, it is a brush-shaped bundle of intermittent electrical sparks that do not reach the anode. When the potential difference decreases, the brush discharge turns into a corona discharge, and when it increases, it turns into a spark discharge. ...

Carpal Discharge

electric a discharge in atmospheric air, shaped like a brush, occurring near electrodes with sharp protrusions at voltages of the order of several. tens of kV. With increasing voltage K. r. goes into a spark discharge, and when it decreases, into a corona discharge. ...


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(from the Greek kýstis - bubble) a cavity that occurs in the tissues and organs of the body as a result of various pathological processes. True cells are lined with epithelium or endothelium; false K. do not have a special lining. According to the mechanism of development, clots are distinguished: retention, formed when the outflow of the secretion of a gland is disrupted, which leads to stretching of the gland or duct (for example, clots when the gland is blocked...

brush discharge, form electric discharge in gases. It occurs in cases where one of the electrodes is a thin tip that forms a highly inhomogeneous electric field. According to the nature of the elementary processes of K. r. close spark discharge and passes into it when the voltage between the electrodes increases. Unlike a spark discharge, with K. r. a beam of sparks (brush) diverging from the tip does not reach the second electrode. This and a number of other features of K. r. allow us to consider it as corona discharge with pronounced intermittent phenomena. When the voltage decreases, the voltage turns into a regular corona discharge.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia M.: " Soviet encyclopedia", 1969-1978

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Types of discharge

There are three main types - spark, brush and sliding brush discharges. Corona discharge in this case is not taken into account, because it has low energy and occurs quite slowly. Corona discharge is most often harmless and should only be considered in areas of very high fire and explosion hazard.

Spark discharge

It generally comes from a moderately conductive, electrically insulated object. It could be a human body, a machine part, or a tool. It is assumed that all the energy of the charge is dissipated at the moment of sparking. If the energy is higher than the MEV of the solvent vapor, ignition may occur.

The spark energy is calculated as follows: E (in Joules) = ½ C U2.

Wrist discharge

Brush discharge occurs when sharp parts of equipment concentrate charge on the surfaces of dielectric materials, the insulating properties of which lead to its accumulation. A brush discharge has lower energy compared to a spark discharge and, accordingly, poses less of a ignition hazard.

Sliding brush discharge

A sliding brush discharge occurs on sheet or roll synthetic materials with high resistivity, having an increased charge density and different polarity of charges on each side of the sheet. This phenomenon can be caused by friction or spraying of the powder coating. The effect is comparable to the discharge of a parallel-plate capacitor and can be as dangerous as a spark discharge.

form of electric discharge in gases (See Electric discharge in gases). It occurs in cases where one of the electrodes is a thin tip that forms a highly inhomogeneous electric field. According to the nature of the elementary processes of K. r. is close to a spark discharge (See Spark discharge) and transforms into it when the voltage between the electrodes increases. Unlike a spark discharge, with K. r. a beam of sparks (brush) diverging from the tip does not reach the second electrode. This and a number of other features of K. r. allow us to consider it as a corona discharge with pronounced intermittent phenomena. When the voltage decreases, the voltage turns into a regular corona discharge.

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