Abstracts Statements Story

Structure of the additional general education program. Methodological schedule "requirements for the structure of the additional general education program of additional education"

Regulatory aspect

In accordance with Article 9 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” (hereinafter referred to as the Law), the educational program determines the content of education at a certain level and focus. In system general education basic and additional general education programs are being implemented aimed at solving the problems of forming general culture personality, adaptation of the individual to life in society, to create the basis for conscious choice and mastery of professional educational programs.

Additional educational programs include educational programs of various directions, implemented by:

- V educational institutions and educational institutions vocational education beyond the limits of the basic educational programs that determine their status;

- in educational institutions additional education children, where they are the main ones (Model regulations on an educational institution for additional education of children are approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 03/07/1995 No. 233), and in other institutions that have the appropriate licenses (clause 2 of Article 26).

Contents of additional educational programs

Paragraph 5 of Article 14 of the Law establishes that the content of education in a particular educational institution is determined by the educational program (educational programs) developed, adopted and implemented by this educational institution independently.

— ensuring the self-determination of the individual, creating conditions for his self-realization;

— formation in the student of a picture of the world that is adequate to the modern level of knowledge and the level of the educational program (level of study);

— integration of the individual into national and world culture;

- formation of a person and citizen integrated into his contemporary society and aimed at improving this society;

— reproduction and development of the human resources potential of society.

Responsibility for the implementation of educational programs not in full in accordance with the curriculum and schedule of the educational process, the quality of education of its graduates lies with the educational institution in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 32 of the Law.

The goals and objectives of additional educational programs are primarily to ensure the training, education, and development of children. In this connection, the content of additional educational programs should


— achievements of world culture, Russian traditions, cultural and national characteristics of the regions;

— the appropriate level of education (preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education);

— directions of additional educational programs (scientific and technical, sports and technical, artistic, physical education and sports, tourism and local history, environmental and biological, military-patriotic, socio-pedagogical, socio-economic, natural science);

— modern educational technologies reflected in the principles of learning (individuality, accessibility, continuity, effectiveness); forms and methods of teaching (active methods of distance learning, differentiated learning, classes, competitions, competitions, excursions, hikes, etc.); methods of control and management of the educational process (analysis of the results of children’s activities); teaching aids (list of necessary equipment, tools and materials per each student in the association);

be aimed at:

— creating conditions for the development of the child’s personality;

— development of the child’s personality motivation for knowledge and creativity;

— ensuring the emotional well-being of the child;

— introducing students to universal human values;

— prevention of antisocial behavior;

— creating conditions for social, cultural and professional self-determination, creative self-realization of the child’s personality, his integration into the system of world and domestic cultures;

— the integrity of the process of mental and physical, mental and spiritual development of the child’s personality;

— strengthening the mental and physical health of children;

— interaction between the additional education teacher and the family.

Structure of the additional education program for children

The program of additional education for children, as a rule, includes the following structural elements:

1. Title page.

2. Explanatory note.

3. Educational and thematic plan.

5. Methodological support for the additional educational program.

6. List of references.

Design and content of structural elements of the program of additional education for children

— name of the educational institution;

— where, when and by whom the additional educational program was approved;

— name of the additional educational program;

— age of children for whom the additional educational program is designed;

— term of implementation of the additional educational program;

- city name, settlement, in which an additional educational program is implemented;

— a year of development of an additional educational program.

2. The explanatory note to the program of additional education for children should disclose:

— focus of the additional educational program;

— novelty, relevance, pedagogical expediency;

— the purpose and objectives of the additional educational program;

— distinctive features of this additional educational program from existing educational programs;

— age of children participating in the implementation of this additional educational program;

— timing of the implementation of the additional educational program (duration of the educational process, stages);

— forms and mode of classes;

— expected results and methods for determining their effectiveness;

— forms for summing up the results of the implementation of an additional educational program (exhibitions, festivals, competitions, educational and research conferences, etc.).

3. The educational and thematic plan of an additional educational program may contain:

— list of sections, topics;

— the number of hours on each topic, broken down into theoretical and practical classes.

5. Methodological support for the program of additional education for children:

— providing the program with methodological types of products (development of games, conversations, hikes, excursions, competitions, conferences, etc.);

— didactic and lecture materials, methods for research work, topics of experimental or research work etc.

6. List of used literature.

Natalia Polednova
Writing methods and requirements for additional education programs

Federal Law "About education» Article 2.

P. 9) educational program- a set of basic characteristics education(volume, content, planned results, organizational and pedagogical conditions and, in cases provided for by this Federal Law, certification forms, which is presented in the form of a curriculum, academic calendar, work programs educational subjects , courses, disciplines (modules, other components, as well as assessment and teaching materials ;

P. 14) additional education - type of education which is aimed at comprehensive satisfaction educational needs person in the intellectual, spiritual, moral, physical and (or) professional development and is not accompanied by an increase in the level education;

Continuing education program is developed by the teacher, discussed at the institution’s pedagogical council and approved by the head.

Structure programs:

1. Title page.

2. Explanatory note.

3. Educational and thematic plan.

6. List of references.

Design and content of structural elements programs

1. On title page are indicated:

Name of the institution;

Where, when and by whom was it approved? program;

Name programs, you can also indicate the direction;

Age of children for whom it is intended program;

Implementation period programs;

Name of the city, locality in which it is sold program;

Year of development programs.


2. In the Explanatory Note (1-2 sheets, should be opened without headings, continuous text:

It is recommended to start an explanatory note with an introduction - brief description subject, its significance and pedagogical rationale. In the introductory part, you can present information regarding this type of activity, art, its history, regions of distribution, and the like. It is necessary to justify the essence of the current situation, access to social reality and children's needs.

Focus programs

Additional educational programs may have the following focus: 1. Artistic and aesthetic; 2. Military-patriotic; 3. Scientific and technical; 4. Physical education and sports; 5. Ecological and biological; 6. Natural science; 7. Social and pedagogical; 8. Cultural; 9. Sports and technical; 10. Tourism and local history.

For example:

Program arts and crafts "Bead" artistic orientation, aimed at reviving folk crafts, developing children's interest in folk art and nurturing patriotism.

Novelty additional educational program involves: - new solution to problems additional education; - new teaching methods; - new pedagogical technologies in conducting classes; - innovations in the forms of diagnostics and summing up implementation results programs, etc. d.

Relevance programs- this is the answer to the question why modern children in modern conditions need specific program. Relevance may be based: - on analysis social problems; - on materials scientific research; - on the analysis of teaching experience; - on the analysis of children's or parental demand for additional educational services; - on modern requirements system modernization education; - on potential educational institution; - on the social order of the municipal education and other factors. Pedagogical expediency emphasizes the pragmatic importance of the relationship between the built system of processes of training, development, education and their provision. In this part of the explanatory note, it is necessary to give a reasoned justification for pedagogical actions within the framework additional educational program, and specifically, in accordance with the goals and objectives of the selected forms, methods and means of educational activities and organizations educational process.

For example:

In creating conditions for the development of the child’s personality, developing motivation for knowledge and creativity, introducing universal human values, preventing antisocial behavior, creating conditions for social, cultural self-determination, creative self-realization of the child’s personality, his integration into the system of world and domestic cultures, strengthening mental and physical children’s health, interaction between teacher and family)

A goal is what they strive for, what they want to achieve, to realize. A goal is specific, characterized qualitatively, and where possible, quantitatively, image of what is desired(expected) a result that can realistically be achieved by a certain point in time. To set a goal required preliminary analysis educational level and characteristics of children, characteristics of the region, environment and etc.

Goal and tasks programs(triune) Goals and objectives additional programs Firstly, is to provide training, development and education. The goal must be set specific, feasible, and not global, which should be clarified and revealed in the tasks.

Purpose programs«….» is:

Formation (training…., development, education….

Objectives are a breakdown of a goal into stages. In tasks, like goals, you cannot use verbs teach, develop and educate, since these processes are long-term and sometimes last a lifetime, it would be correct writing verbs training, development, education.











The task is what requires fulfillment, permissions. (S. I. Ozhegov Dictionary of the Russian language.) The tasks of a circle or association are ways and means of achieving a goal step by step, i.e. tactics of pedagogical actions. - educational objectives, that is, answering the question of what he will learn, what he will understand, what ideas he will receive, what he will master, what the student will learn after mastering program; - developmental tasks, that is, related to the development of creative abilities, capabilities, attention, memory, thinking, imagination, speeches, strong-willed qualities etc. and indicate the development of key competencies that will be emphasized during training; - educational tasks, that is, answering the question of what values, relationships, and personal qualities will be formed in students. Tasks should be formulated in a single key, adhering to the same grammatical language in all formulations. forms: Verbs Nouns promote help develop development introduce familiarize educate upbringing teach training form formation provide provision support support expand expansion 7 deepen deepening introduce acquaintance provide opportunity, etc. providing opportunity, etc.

For example:

Target programs: formation of experience in mastering technologies for manufacturing arts and crafts products, development of creative abilities, education of patriotism and morality.



Acquaintance with the history of origin and development different types crafts;


Development imaginative thinking;

Development of individuality in solving creative problems;


Fostering a respectful and caring attitude towards folk art;

Cultivation of strong-willed and labor qualities of the individual;

Upbringing healthy lifestyle needs.

Distinctive features of this programs

Here such features as individualization or differentiation of training, integration with the general education, its principles and special or modern methods teaching or technology. Maybe, program is a social order of parents or an institution. Perhaps she written based on standard programs or copyrighted developments, but processed, modified or adapted, etc.


No. 1 Distinctive features programs is that that she written based on a standard program on folk crafts, but new sections on beadwork and tatting have been introduced, and a large place is devoted to the study of color science and composition.

No. 2 A distinctive feature of this programs, is that the child has the right to study, of his choice, proposed in crafts program, in accordance with your interests and needs. Mandatory sections programs What remains are composition, color science, and the history of arts and crafts.

Age of children for whom it is intended program and the deadline for its implementation

For example:

IN program Children from 4 to 7 years old participate.

Implementation period 3 year programs.

Forms and mode of classes

For example

Classes are held

1 year of training - 2 times a week for 2 hours

2nd year of study - 3 times a week for 2 hours

Forms of classes - communication of new material, consolidation of it in practice, excursions.

Expected results and ways to determine their effectiveness

To write This section needs to be returned to the tasks and analyzed. Knowledge and skills are the result of problem solving.

For example:

Target programs: training in technologies for manufacturing arts and crafts products.



Acquaintance with the history of the emergence and development of different types of crafts;

Studying the basics of color science and composition;

Studying the basics of design from various materials.

As a result of implementation programs first year students

will know:

Fundamentals of safety and fire safety;

Rules for organizing the workplace;

A brief history of arts and crafts;

Theoretical information about the studied technologies.

Be able to:

Use safety knowledge in your work;

Apply the basics of color science in practice;

Carry out simple products in the studied types of arts and crafts according to sample

As a result of implementation programs first year students

will know:

Be able to:

The effectiveness of the training will be checked…. (for example, surveys, tests, etc. that is, your diagnostics)

The forms of summing up will be (for example, holidays, exhibitions, competitions, competitions, etc.)


No. List of sections, topics Theory

hours Practice

hours Total

total total total

The educational and thematic plan should not contain specific works, only technologies and directions. This is due to the fact that programs work for several years, during this period many other songs may appear, samples, the children’s interest will change and they will not want to sing this particular song, or sew this particular toy.

For example:

Here each topic is covered in theory and practice (no hours indicated) in the nominative case through short description sections and topics within sections.

Title of the topic (numbering, number and name of sections and topics must coincide with the listed sections and topics of the curriculum);

Telegraphic style lists all the questions that reveal the topic (without techniques) ;

Indicate basic theoretical concepts (no description) and practical activities of students in the classroom;

When included in additional excursions, play activities, leisure and public events, the content indicates the topic and location of each excursion, game, event, etc.

It is important that specific works or works are not indicated here, because children should have a choice.

Methodological support of the program

Your base is written here (illustrations, game development, conversations, samples, manuals, diagnostic tests, etc.) as well as a separate list of materials and equipment.


Literature is recorded in alphabetical order with all output data.

Reference lists must contain a list of publications, including those published in the previous five years: - in general pedagogy; - By methodology this type of activity; - By education methods; 14 - in general and developmental psychology; - on the theory and history of the chosen type of activity; - published educational methodological and teaching aids. The list of specified literature should reflect the level and breadth of the teacher’s theoretical preparedness in this area.

For example:

1. Boguslavskaya Z. M., Smirnova E. O. Educational games for primary preschool children age: Book. For the teacher of children. garden -M.: Education, 1991.-207 p.

Applications to educational program

TO program Various applications can be added character:

Illustrative material on the subject of classes;

Dictionary of special terms with explanations;

Test questions and assignments;

Notes, description of classes;

Technological maps;

Finished goods, samples;

Conditions for recruiting children into the team;

Listening conditions;

Testing materials;

Memos for parents;

methodological developments for organizing individual work with children;

Scenarios for creative events;

Diagnostic materials;

Video and audio recordings, photographic materials;

Electronic resources, etc.

font size

LETTER from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 12/11/2006 06-1844 ABOUT SAMPLE REQUIREMENTS FOR ADDITIONAL CHILDREN’S EDUCATION PROGRAMS (2019) Relevant in 2018


Regulatory aspect

Additional educational programs include educational programs of various directions, implemented by:

in general educational institutions and educational institutions of vocational education outside the basic educational programs that determine their status;

in educational institutions of additional education for children, where they are the main ones (Model regulations on educational institutions for additional education of children are approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 7, 1995 N 233), and in other institutions that have the appropriate licenses (Article 26, paragraph. 2).

Ensuring personal self-determination, creating conditions for its self-realization;

Formation of a picture of the world that is adequate to the modern level of knowledge and the level of the educational program (level of study);

Integration of the individual into national and world culture;

Formation of a person and citizen integrated into his contemporary society and aimed at improving this society;

Reproduction and development of the human resources potential of society.

Responsibility for the implementation of educational programs not in full in accordance with the curriculum and schedule of the educational process, quality; The education of its graduates is borne by the educational institution in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 32 of the Law.

The goals and objectives of additional educational programs are primarily to ensure the training, education, and development of children. In this regard, the content of additional educational programs must comply with:

Achievements of world culture, Russian traditions, cultural and national characteristics of the regions;

The appropriate level of education (preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education);

Areas of additional educational programs (scientific and technical, sports and technical, artistic, physical education and sports, tourism and local history, environmental and biological, military-patriotic, socio-pedagogical, socio-economic, natural science);

Modern educational technologies reflected in the principles of learning (individuality, accessibility, continuity, effectiveness); forms and methods of training (active methods of distance learning, differentiated training, classes, competitions, competitions, excursions, hikes, etc.); methods of control and management of the educational process (analysis of the results of children’s activities); teaching aids (list of necessary equipment, tools and materials per each student in the association);

be aimed at:

Creating conditions for the development of the child’s personality;

Development of the child’s personality motivation for knowledge and creativity;

Ensuring the emotional well-being of the child;

Introducing students to universal human values;

Prevention of antisocial behavior;

Creating conditions for social, cultural and professional self-determination, creative self-realization of the child’s personality, his integration into the system of world and domestic culture;

The integrity of the process of mental and physical, mental and spiritual development of the child’s personality;

Strengthening the mental and physical health of the child;

Interaction between the additional education teacher and the family.

Structure of the additional education program for children

The program of additional education for children, as a rule, includes the following structural elements:

1. Title page.

3. Educational and thematic plan.

5. Methodological support for the additional educational program.

6. List of references.

Design and content of structural elements of the program of additional education for children

Name of educational institution;

Where, when and by whom the additional educational program was approved;

Name of additional educational program;

Age of children for whom the additional educational program is designed;

Duration of implementation of the additional educational program;

Name of the city, locality in which the additional educational program is being implemented;

A year of development of an additional educational program.

2. The explanatory note to the program of additional education for children should disclose:

Direction of the additional educational program;

Novelty, relevance, pedagogical expediency;

The purpose and objectives of the additional educational program;

Distinctive features of this additional educational program from existing educational programs;

Age of children participating in the implementation of this additional educational program;

Timing for the implementation of the additional educational program (duration of the educational process, stages);

Forms and mode of classes;

Expected results and methods for determining their effectiveness;

Forms for summing up the results of the implementation of an additional educational program (exhibitions, festivals, competitions, educational and research conferences, etc.).

3. The educational and thematic plan of an additional educational program may contain:

List of sections, topics;

The number of hours on each topic, divided into theoretical and practical types of classes.

5. Methodological support for the program of additional education for children:

Providing the program with methodological types of products (development of games, conversations, hikes, excursions, competitions, conferences, etc.);

Didactic and lecture materials, methods for research work, topics of experimental or research work, etc.

6. List of used literature.

Pursuant to paragraph 22 of the Action Plan for 2015-2020 for the implementation of the Concept for the development of additional education for children, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 24, 2015 N 729-r, the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the city of Moscow "Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University" has been developed for the implementation of adapted additional general education programs that promote social and psychological rehabilitation and professional self-determination of children with disabilities disabilities health, including children with disabilities, taking into account their special educational needs.

The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia sends it for use in work.

Application for 48 l. in 1 copy.

V.Sh. Kaganov

on the implementation of adapted additional general education programs that promote socio-psychological rehabilitation and professional self-determination of children with disabilities, including disabled children, taking into account their special educational needs


Ensuring the realization of the rights of children with disabilities (CHD) and disabled children to participate in additional education programs is one of the most important tasks of state educational policy.

Expanding the educational opportunities of this category of students is the most productive factor in the socialization of disabled children and children with disabilities in society. Additional education programs solve the problems of meeting the educational needs of children belonging to this category, protecting their rights, adapting to the conditions of organized public support for their creative abilities, and developing their life and social competencies.

Receiving additional education for disabled children and children with limited health capabilities contributes to social security at all stages of socialization, increasing social status, the development of citizenship and the ability to actively participate in public life and in solving problems affecting their interests.

Additional education for children with disabilities (disabled people) means that conditions are created for them to variably enter certain child-adult communities, allowing them to master social roles, expand the scope of freedom of choice (social tests) when determining their life and professional paths .

Methodological recommendations for the development and implementation of adapted additional general education programs are aimed at providing methodological assistance developers of adapted additional general education programs (hereinafter referred to as ADOP).

I. Regulatory and legal framework for the implementation of educational programs for children with disabilities

The fundamental legislative act regulating the process of education of children with disabilities is Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 273-FZ, Federal Law No. 273).

Several articles of Federal Law No. 273 talk about the organization of education for persons with disabilities and disabilities, and even provide for a separate article regulating the organization of education for persons with disabilities - 79. Part 16 of Article 2 of Federal Law No. 273 for the first time in Russian legislative practice enshrines the concept of “student” with disabilities,” which defines an individual who has disabilities in physical and (or) psychological development, confirmed by a psychological, medical and pedagogical commission (hereinafter referred to as PMPK) and preventing them from receiving education without the creation of special conditions.

Part 3 of Article 79 of Federal Law No. 273 defines special conditions for obtaining education by students with disabilities. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated August 29, 2013 N 1008 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in additional general education programs” establishes requirements for organizations carrying out educational activities in additional general education programs in terms of additional education for disabled children and persons with disabilities with taking into account the characteristics of their psychophysical development, individual capabilities and health status.

In the terminology of Federal Law N 273, educational programs for students with disabilities refer to adapted educational programs. In accordance with paragraph 28 of Art. 2 Federal Law N 273, an adapted educational program is an educational program adapted for training persons with disabilities, taking into account the characteristics of their psychophysical development, individual capabilities and, if necessary, providing correction of developmental disorders and social adaptation the specified persons.

Federal Law No. 273 highlighted some features of the implementation of these educational programs. In particular, part 3 of Art. 55 defines a special procedure for admitting children to study in the programs in question: only with the consent of parents (legal representatives) and on the basis of the recommendations of the PMPC.

Receiving additional education is regulated by Chapter 10 of Federal Law No. 273. Part 2 of Article 75 of Federal Law No. 273 (as amended and supplemented as of July 24, 2015) stipulates that “additional general education programs are divided into general developmental and pre-professional programs. Additional general developmental programs are implemented for both children and adults. Additional pre-professional programs in the field of arts, physical education and sports are implemented for children", and parts 3 and 4 regulate the level of education of students, terms of study and content of the programs: "Any persons without presenting requirements for the level of education, unless otherwise stipulated by the specifics of the educational program being implemented.The content of additional general developmental programs and the terms of study for them are determined by the educational program developed and approved by the organization carrying out educational activities. The content of additional pre-professional programs is determined by the educational program developed and approved by the organization carrying out educational activities in accordance with federal state requirements."

Additional education in the Russian educational system ensures continuity of education, is carried out parallel to the normative vector - training in basic educational programs - is not a level of education and, accordingly, does not have (and cannot have!) federal state educational standards. An educational organization of additional education, as its main goal, carries out educational activities according to additional general education programs (Article 23 of Federal Law No. 273), that is, as in all educational institutions, in organizations of additional education educational process regulate educational programs that determine the content of education (clause 1, article 12 of Federal Law No. 273).

Additional education of children and adults is aimed at the formation and development of the creative abilities of children and adults, satisfying their individual needs for intellectual, moral and physical improvement, creating a culture of healthy and safe lifestyle, promoting health, organizing their free time (clause 1 of article 75 Federal Law No. 273). Additional education for children ensures: their adaptation to life in society, vocational guidance, identification and support of children who have demonstrated outstanding abilities (clause 1 of article 75 of Federal Law No. 273).

Federal Law N 273 defines the concept of “educational program”: a set of basic characteristics of education (volume, content, planned results), organizational and pedagogical conditions and, in cases provided for by this Federal Law, forms of certification, which is presented in the form of a curriculum, academic calendar graphics, work programs of academic subjects, courses, disciplines (modules), other components, as well as assessment and teaching materials (clause 9 of article 2 of Federal Law No. 273). But the law does not directly define the concept of “additional general education program”, obviously, like other educational programs in other educational institutions, an additional educational program (clause 9 of article 2 of Federal Law No. 273): - represents a set of basic characteristics of education (volume, content, planned results), organizational and pedagogical conditions and forms of certification (in cases provided for by this Federal Law) - presented in the form of a curriculum, academic calendar, work programs of academic subjects, courses, disciplines (modules), other components, and as well as assessment and methodological materials.

Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 introduced a new concept for the regulatory field in the field of education: “additional general education programs”, which are divided into pre-professional and general developmental and which have different areas of implementation, which in turn is associated with different approaches to their financing. Additional general developmental programs are implemented in a space not limited by educational standards (clause 14 of article 2 of Federal Law No. 273), and federal state requirements are provided only for additional pre-professional programs (clause 4 of article 75 of Federal Law No. 273).

The additional general education program is:

A normative document defining the content of education and the technology of its transmission;

A program implemented outside the main educational programs and aimed at solving the problems of forming a general culture of the individual, adapting the individual to life in society, creating the basis for informed choice and mastering professional educational programs.

Additional general education programs are aimed at:

Creating the basic foundations of education and solving the problems of forming a student’s general culture, expanding his knowledge about the world and himself;

Satisfying cognitive interest and expanding students' awareness in a specific educational field;

Optimal personal development based on pedagogical support for the student’s individuality (abilities, interests, inclinations) in the conditions of specially organized educational activities;

Student savings social experience and enrichment with communication and collaboration skills in the process of mastering the program.

This concept defines the essence and sets the structure of the additional general education program, which should reflect pedagogical concept teacher - program developer, create holistic ideas about the content offered to children educational material, the planned results of its development and methods for identifying and assessing them.

For students with disabilities, children with disabilities, and people with disabilities, organizations engaged in educational activities organize the educational process according to additional general education programs, taking into account the characteristics of the psychophysical development of these categories of students.

Organizations carrying out educational activities must create special conditions without which it is impossible or difficult for the specified categories of students to master additional general education programs in accordance with the conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission and the individual rehabilitation program for a disabled child and disabled person.

Special conditions for obtaining additional education by students with disabilities, children with disabilities and people with disabilities are understood as the conditions for the education, upbringing and development of such students, including the use of special educational programs and methods of teaching and education, special textbooks, teaching aids and didactic materials, special technical teaching aids for collective and individual use, providing the services of an assistant (assistant) who provides students with the necessary technical assistance, conducting group and individual correctional classes, providing access to the buildings of organizations carrying out educational activities, and other conditions without which it is impossible or it is difficult for students with disabilities, children with disabilities and people with disabilities to master educational programs.

The duration of training in additional general developmental programs and additional pre-professional programs for students with disabilities, children with disabilities and disabled people can be increased taking into account the characteristics of their psychophysical development in accordance with the conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission - for students with disabilities, and also in accordance with the individual rehabilitation program - for disabled children and disabled students.

According to Federal Law N 273-FZ (Article 12), educational programs are independently developed and approved by educational organizations, unless otherwise established by this Federal Law. This position fully applies to additional general education programs: the content of additional general developmental programs and the terms of study for them are determined by the educational program developed and approved by the organization carrying out educational activities (clause 4 of Article 75).

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 29, 2013 N 1008 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in additional general education programs,” “educational activities in additional general education programs should be aimed at:

Formation and development of students' creative abilities;

Satisfying the individual needs of students in intellectual, artistic, aesthetic, moral and intellectual development, as well as in physical education and sports;

Formation of a culture of healthy and safe lifestyle, strengthening the health of students;

Providing spiritual-moral, civil-patriotic, military-patriotic, labor education for students;

Identification, development and support of talented students, as well as individuals who have demonstrated outstanding abilities;

Professional guidance for students;

Creation and provision of necessary conditions for personal development, health promotion, professional self-determination and creative work students;

Training of sports reserves and high-class athletes in accordance with federal standards of sports training, including students with disabilities, disabled children and disabled people;

Socialization and adaptation of students to life in society;

Formation of a general culture of students;

Satisfaction of other educational needs and interests of students that do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation, carried out beyond the boundaries of federal state educational standards and federal state requirements" (clause 3).

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on May 7, 2012 N 599 “On measures to implement public policy in the field of education and science" by 2020, the share of children aged 5 to 18 years studying in additional educational programs should increase to 70-75% of the total number of children of this age.

The development of the system of additional education for children is determined by the Concept for the development of additional education for children, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 4, 2014 N 1726-r and the Action Plan for 2015-2020 for the implementation of the Concept for the development of additional education for children, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 24 April 2015 N 729-r.

During the implementation of the Concept it is planned to:

Increase the quality and accessibility of additional education for every child;

Update the content of additional education for children in accordance with the interests of children, the needs of families and society;

Develop the infrastructure for additional education for children, including by ensuring its investment attractiveness;

Improve the regulatory framework in order to expand access of non-governmental organizations to the provision of additional education services, including assistance in the legalization of the so-called shadow sector in the field of additional education for children;

To form an effective interdepartmental system for managing the development of additional education;

Create conditions for family and public participation in managing the development of the system of additional education for children.

The main expected results of the implementation of the Concept are related to the quality and accessibility of educational services for all categories of children, including:

Expanding the opportunity for children to choose additional education programs, creating effective mechanisms for financial support for children’s participation in the additional education system; ensuring completeness and volume of information about specific organizations and additional educational programs for families with children;

Formation of effective mechanisms for state-public, interdepartmental management of the system of additional education for children;

Implementation of a model of targeted work with children with disabilities, children in difficult life situations, and gifted children;

Ensuring high quality and updates of additional programs.

II. Requirements for the results of mastering the adapted additional general education program

Requirements for the results of mastering the program of additional education for children reflect the totality of individual, social and state needs. A significant difference between additional education programs for children is that the results act as targets for the teacher when developing a program. The teacher can take the types of results of basic education as the basis for targets, taking into account the specifics of additional education programs.

So as subject results It is possible to highlight the assimilation by students of specific elements of social experience, changes in the level of knowledge, skills and abilities based on the acquired independent experience of solving problems, experience of creative activity among healthy peers.

When mastering the additional education program for students, including those with disabilities, it should be remembered that the priority is not mastering knowledge, but acquiring the ability to apply knowledge, mastering certain methods of social and educational actions. This also confirms the fact that subject results are impossible without meta-subject results, which can be methods of activity used both within the framework of educational activities and in solving problems in real, social and life situations.

The development of creative potential is associated with knowledge of one’s capabilities through the development of new skills in collaboration with peers and adults.

The personal result of a student is largely formed under the influence of the personality of the additional education teacher, parents, and immediate environment.

The personal results of children’s mastery of the additional education program can be:

Adaptation of the child to the conditions of the child-adult community;

The child’s satisfaction with his activities in the association of additional education, whether he has self-actualized;

Increasing the child’s creative activity, showing initiative and curiosity;

Formation of value orientations;

Formation of motives for constructive interaction and cooperation with peers and teachers;

Skills in expressing your thoughts and views;

Skills for constructive interaction in conflict situations, tolerant attitude;

Development of life and social competencies, such as: autonomy (the ability to make choices and control personal and public life); responsibility (the ability to accept responsibility for one’s actions and their consequences); worldview (following socially significant values); social interest (the ability to be interested in others and take part in their lives; willingness to cooperate and help even under unfavorable and difficult circumstances; a person’s tendency to give others more than to demand); patriotism and civil position(manifestation of civic-patriotic feelings); culture of goal setting (the ability to set goals and achieve them without infringing on the rights and freedoms of others); the ability to “present” yourself and your projects).

Forms for summing up the results of the program: implementation creative project, social events, competition, exhibition, presentations using Internet resources.

The individual trajectory of each student’s achievements helps the development of inclusive education in the system of additional education, since the dynamics of subject and meta-subject achievements makes it possible to track the formation of social and life competencies in relation to oneself, and not to compare results relative to the age norm of healthy peers. Each educational institution has the right to independently determine the system of achievements of students in additional education programs that will satisfy the needs of the family and society.

III. Requirements for the structure of an adapted additional general education program

The structure of the additional general education program includes: 1) a set of basic characteristics of the program and 2) a set of organizational and pedagogical conditions, including certification forms.

When preparing the text of an adapted additional general education program that complies with the new legislation, it is necessary to describe the following structural elements:

Title page of the program (Latin titulus - inscription, title) - the first page that precedes the text of the program and serves as a source of bibliographic information necessary to identify the document (name of the educational organization, program approval stamp (indicating the name of the head, date and order number), title program, addressee of the program, period of its implementation, full name, position of the program developer(s), city and year of its development).

1. A set of main characteristics of the additional general education program:

1.1. Explanatory note ( general characteristics programs):

The focus (profile) of the program is technical, natural science, physical education and sports, art, tourism and local history, social and pedagogical (clause 9 of the Additional Additional Education Procedure);

Relevance of the program - timeliness, modernity of the proposed program;

Distinctive features of the program - characteristic properties, distinguishing the program from others, the rest; distinctive features, the main ideas that give the program its originality;

The addressee of the program is an approximate portrait of a student for whom training in this program will be relevant;

Volume of the program - the total number of training hours planned for the entire period of study, necessary to master the program;

Forms of education (full-time, part-time, part-time);

Teaching methods, which are based on the way the lesson is organized ():

Table 1

Type of lesson: combined, theoretical, practical, diagnostic, laboratory, control, rehearsal, training, etc.;

table 2

promotion round table collection
auction cruise seminar
benefit laboratory lesson fairy tale
conversation heuristic lecture bridesmaid
vernissage Master Class competition
quiz brainstorm play
meeting interesting people observation Studio
exhibition Olympics creative meeting
gallery open lesson creative workshop
living room gatherings creative report
dispute, discussion, discussion hike training
activity-game holiday tournament
project protection practical lesson factory
business game performance festival
travel game presentation championship
role-playing game production team show
game program profile camp exam
class-concert hike excursion
KVN reflection expedition
contest raid experiment
consultation rehearsal relay race
conference boxing ring fair
concert salon and others

The duration of mastering the program is determined by the content of the program - the number of weeks, months, years required to master it;

Class schedule - frequency and duration of classes.

1.2. Goal and objectives of the program:

A goal is a strategy that captures the desired end result; the goal must be clear, specific, promising, real, significant;

Objectives are those specific results of the implementation of the program, the total expression of which is the set goal.

Curriculum - contains the name of sections and topics of the program, the number of theoretical and practical hours;

The curriculum is presented in the form of a table, which includes:

List of sections, topics;

Number of hours on each topic, broken down into theoretical and

practical types of classes.

At the bottom of the table, the number of hours is summarized in the columns “Total”, “Theory”, “Practice”. The total number of hours per year depends on the number of classes per week and their duration ().

The formula for calculating the annual number of hours is: the number of hours per week is multiplied by the duration school year, which is 36 weeks.

Table 3

In additional education, children's practical activities in the classroom should prevail over theory (in an approximate ratio of 60% to 30%).

When implementing additional education programs through students’ project activities, it is possible to formulate its stages (self-determination, goal setting, etc.) and the tasks of each stage.

It is also necessary to include hours in the curriculum:

To complete the first year group;

For an introductory lesson (introduction to the program);

Concert, exhibition or competitive activities;

Educational and educational activities;

Final lesson, reporting event.

The calculation of the number of hours in the curriculum is carried out per study group (or per student, if this is an individual study group).

1.4. Planned results - a set of knowledge, abilities, skills, personal qualities, competencies, personal, meta-subject and subject results acquired by students when mastering the program upon completion are formulated taking into account the purpose and content of the program ().

Table 4

2. Complex of organizational and pedagogical conditions:

2.1. The academic calendar is an integral part of the educational program, which is a complex of basic characteristics of education, determines the number school weeks and quantity school days, start and end dates of educational periods/stages; The calendar curriculum is a mandatory appendix to the additional general education program and is compiled for each group (clause 92, article 2, clause 5, article 47, Federal Law No. 273).

2.2. Conditions for the implementation of the program - a real and accessible set of conditions for the implementation of the program - premises, sites, equipment, devices, information resources.

2.3. Forms of certification in additional education - creative work, project, exhibition, competition, arts and crafts festival, reporting exhibitions, reporting concerts, open lessons, opening days, etc.: are developed individually to determine the effectiveness of mastering the educational program, reflect the goals and objectives of the program.

This subsection should indicate methods for monitoring (diagnosis) the success of students mastering the content of the program.

The following performance tracking methods can be used:

Pedagogical supervision;

Pedagogical analysis of the results of questionnaires, testing, surveys, students’ performance of creative tasks, students’ participation in events (concerts, quizzes, competitions, performances), defense of projects, solving search problems, student activity in classes, etc.;

Monitoring: to track performance, you can use student achievement diaries, program evaluation cards, pedagogical observation diaries, student portfolios, etc. - documentary forms in which the achievements of each student can be reflected ():

Table 5

2.4. Methodological materials - providing the program with methodological types of products - indicating the topics and forms of methodological materials for the program; description of the methods and technologies used; modern pedagogical and information Technology; group and individual teaching methods; individual curriculum, if provided for by the organization’s local documents (clause 9, article 2, clause 5, article 47, Federal Law No. 273).

This section states:

Providing the program with methodological types of products (development of games, conversations, hikes, excursions, competitions, conferences, etc.);

Didactic and lecture materials, methods for research work, topics of experimental or research work, etc.

Types of methodological products: methodological manual, methodological description, guidelines, guidelines, methodological manual, methodological development, methodological instructions.

Types of teaching materials

To ensure clarity and accessibility of the material being studied, the teacher can use the following types of visual aids:

Natural or natural (herbariums, samples of materials, living objects, stuffed animals, machines and their parts, etc.);

Volumetric (working models of machines, mechanisms, apparatus, structures; models and dummies of plants and their fruits, technical installations and structures, product samples);

Schematic or symbolic (designed stands and tablets, tables, charts, drawings, graphs, posters, diagrams, patterns, drawings, developments, templates, etc.);

Picture and picture-dynamic (paintings, illustrations, filmstrips, slides, transparencies, banners, photographic materials, etc.);

Sound (audio recordings, radio broadcasts);

Mixed (TV shows, videos, educational films, etc.);

Didactic aids (cards, workbooks, handouts, questions and tasks for oral or written questioning, tests, practical tasks, exercises, etc.);

Abstract, bulletin, information and methodological collection, article, abstract, report, abstracts of speeches at the conference, etc.

The methodological support section (in accordance with the Requirements for the content and design of educational programs for additional education of children, set out in the letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated June 18, 2003 N 28-02-484/16) can include a description of the techniques and methods of organizing educational process, didactic materials, technical equipment of classes.

Methodological support for the program can also be presented in the form:

Table 6

2.5. Work programs (modules) of courses, disciplines that are part of the program (for modular, integrated, complex, etc. programs) (clause 9 of article 2, clause 5 of article 47 of Federal Law No. 273).

When excursions, game activities, leisure and public events are included in the additional educational program, the content indicates the topic and location of each excursion, game, event, etc.

3. The list of references includes basic and additional educational literature (textbooks, collections of exercises, tests, tests, practical work and workshops, anthologies), reference manuals (dictionaries, reference books); visual material (albums, atlases, maps, tables); can be compiled for different participants educational relations- teachers, students; is drawn up in accordance with the requirements for the design of bibliographic references.

IV. Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of adapted additional general education programs

In light of the provisions Russian legislation In the direction of realizing the rights of children with disabilities to accessible and high-quality education, it is necessary to highlight the basic organizational and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of adapted additional general education programs within the framework of the organization of inclusive practice.

Regulatory and legal support of the educational and educational process. The implementation of this condition should ensure not only the realization of the educational rights of the child himself to receive an education that corresponds to his capabilities, but also the realization of the rights of all other children included on an equal basis with the “special child” in the inclusive educational space. Therefore, in addition to the federal and regional regulatory frameworks fixing the rights of children with disabilities, it is necessary to develop relevant local acts of organizations, including those providing effective education for normally developing children. The most important local regulatory document should be considered an agreement with the parents of a child with disabilities, which will fix both the rights and responsibilities of all subjects of the inclusive space, provide for legal mechanisms for changing the educational route in accordance with the characteristics and capabilities of the child, including new ones, arising in the process of education.

Software and methodological support for educational activities as one of the main conditions for the implementation of an adapted additional general education program is focused on the possibility of constant and sustainable access for all participants in educational relations to any information related to the implementation of ADEP, the results planned in it, in general - the organization of educational activities and conditions its implementation. As part of the implementation of ADOP, the educational organization must be provided with special equipment and aids that meet the special educational needs of children with disabilities, including electronic aids, educational and methodological literature and materials; teachers must have access to printed and electronic educational resources (EER), including electronic educational resources intended for children with disabilities.

It is necessary to use modern technologies, methods, techniques, and forms of organization that are adequate to the capabilities and needs of students. academic work in the development and implementation of ADOP, as well as adapting the content of educational material, highlighting what is necessary and sufficient for a child with disabilities to master, adapting existing or developing the necessary educational and didactic materials, etc. An important component is the creation of conditions for the adaptation of children with disabilities in a peer group , child-adult community, organization of classes using interactive forms of children’s activities aimed at revealing the creative potential of each child, realizing his need for self-expression, participation in the life of the class, school, as well as the use of ways of assessing their achievements and the products of their activities that are adequate to the capabilities of children .

Organization of interaction between all participants in educational relations in an educational organization, as well as interaction with “external” organizations responsible for creating special educational conditions for all groups of students with special educational needs. First of all, it should be organized to attract specialists of psychological and pedagogical support to participate in the design and organization of educational activities - the creation of a psychological and pedagogical council of the educational organization, the organization of coordination of the activities of the council members, members of the territorial PMPK and the teaching staff of the educational organization as a whole. A system of interaction and support from “external” social partners should also be organized - a methodological center, a PMSSS center, educational institutions implementing basic educational programs, public organizations for the implementation of educational programs in a network form.

Directly within the framework of educational activities, an atmosphere of emotional comfort should be created, relationships should be formed in the spirit of cooperation and acceptance of the characteristics of each, and the formation of positive, socially oriented educational motivation in children.

For the upbringing and development of a child with special educational needs, a child-adult community is important, in which there is a balanced balance of connections and relationships, which contributes to the manifestation of the individual interests, values ​​and meanings of the participants in the community, as well as the formation of a single value-semantic space. The development of a child with special educational needs occurs in a variety of communities, the most traditional being: family, class, club, play community.

The material and technical support for additional education of children with disabilities must meet not only general, but also their special educational needs.

In this regard, the structure of material and technical support for the educational process should reflect the specific requirements for:

1) organizing the space of an educational organization;

2) organizing a temporary regime of educational activities under additional education programs;

3) organizing the workplace for children with disabilities;

4) technical means of comfortable access for a learning child with disabilities to the opportunity to receive additional education (assistive aids and technologies), including specialized computer educational tools aimed at meeting special educational needs.

Educational organizations, independently, at the expense of allocated budget funds and attracted additional financial resources in the prescribed manner, must provide equipment for educational activities under additional education programs for children with various categories of disabilities.

The space (primarily the building and the surrounding area) in which additional education of children with disabilities and students is carried out must correspond general requirements requirements for educational organizations, in particular:

To comply with sanitary and hygienic standards of educational activities (requirements for water supply, sewerage, lighting, air and thermal conditions, etc.);

To ensure sanitary and living conditions (availability of equipped wardrobes, bathrooms, places for personal hygiene, etc.) and social conditions (availability of an equipped workplace, teacher’s room, psychological relief room, etc.);

Compliance with fire and electrical safety;

To comply with labor protection requirements;

To comply with timely deadlines and the required volumes of current and major repairs and others.

The material and technical base for the implementation of the additional education program for children with disabilities must comply with current sanitary and fire safety standards, labor safety standards for employees of educational organizations, required for:

The site (territory) of the educational organization (area, insolation, lighting, placement, the necessary set of zones to ensure the educational and economic activities of the educational organization and their equipment);

The building of an educational organization (height and architecture of the building);

Library premises (area, placement of work areas, availability of a reading room, number of reading places, media libraries);

Premises for carrying out educational activities under additional education programs, including the necessary set and placement, their area, illumination, location and size of working, play areas and areas for individual classes in an educational organization, for active activities, the structure of which should provide the opportunity for organizing children's activities -adult communities;

Assembly halls, gyms, places of public events and group activities;

Premises for feeding children with disabilities;

Toilets, showers, corridors and other rooms.

When implementing an additional education program, children with disabilities can be included both in interaction with healthy peers and in groups of children with similar or different educational needs.

Organization of a temporary regime of educational activities for additional education programs

The capabilities of an educational organization should include the organization of special classes and additional necessary activities among children and adults communities, aimed at socializing the child and realizing his special educational needs.

Organization of the workplace for children with disabilities.

The organization of the workplace for children with disabilities takes into account the individual characteristics of the child and the content of the additional education program.

Technical means for comfortable access of children with disabilities to opportunities for receiving additional education (assistive aids and technologies), including specialized computer educational tools aimed at meeting special educational needs.

Handouts, manuals, didactic materials, and computer tools are used that meet the special educational needs of children with disabilities and allow the implementation of the chosen version of the program and take into account their special educational needs.

The specificity of this group of requirements is that all specialists involved in the process of additional education could have unlimited access to organizational equipment or a special resource center in an educational organization, where they can prepare the necessary individualized materials for the process of including a child with disabilities in additional education programs.

V. Adaptation of additional general education programs taking into account the special educational needs of children with disabilities

Adaptation of programs for children with disabilities often requires more time to master educational material. Therefore, the complexity and volume of educational material should be reduced and simplified. Children gradually move from fairly simple tasks to more complex ones, systematically repeating and consolidating educational material and acquired skills and abilities. The degree of mastery of the educational program offered to a child with disabilities depends on his individual characteristics and requires the solution of such correctional tasks as diagnosing the problem, developing a plan to solve the problem, solving the problem.

The organizational and managerial form of correctional support of educational activities is a psychological and pedagogical consultation. In the context of the organization of additional education programs in a school where the PPconsilium has been created, its activities extend to recommendations for adapting additional education programs for children with disabilities. In organizations that implement only additional education programs, if there are children with disabilities, the creation of their own training program or an agreement on interaction with the PMPk of the PPMS center is a necessary measure to create conditions for accessible education for children with disabilities.

Adaptation of the additional general education program includes:

1. Timely identification of difficulties in children with disabilities.

2. Determination of the features of the organization of educational activities in accordance with the individual characteristics of each child, the structure of the developmental disorder and the degree of its severity.

3. Creation of conditions conducive to the development of additional general education programs by children with disabilities:

Providing differentiated conditions (optimal training load, variable forms of education and specialized assistance) in accordance with the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission and/or psychological and pedagogical council;

Compiled by teachers individual plans classes taking into account the characteristics of each child;

Providing psychological and pedagogical conditions (taking into account the individual characteristics of the child; correctional orientation of the educational process; maintaining a comfortable psycho-emotional regime; using modern pedagogical technologies, including information and computer ones to optimize educational activities, increase its efficiency and accessibility);

Providing health-preserving conditions (health and protective regime, strengthening physical and mental health, prevention of physical, mental and psychological overload of students, compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules and norms);

Development and implementation of individual and group classes for children with disabilities.

4. Implementation of a system of measures for the social adaptation of children with disabilities (ensuring the participation of all children with disabilities, regardless of the severity of developmental disorders, together with normally developing children in educational, cultural and entertainment events, competitions, performances, concerts, festivals, etc. .);

5. Providing advisory and methodological assistance to parents (legal representatives) of children with disabilities on the development and education of the child, issues legal support and others.

Educational activities of students with disabilities in additional general education programs should be carried out on the basis of additional general education programs, if necessary adapted for teaching these students, with the involvement of specialists in the field correctional pedagogy, and teaching staff who have undergone appropriate retraining. Below is an overview of the special conditions for the implementation of these educational programs. Let us describe the special conditions for obtaining education by children with disabilities of different categories.

Conditions for obtaining education and adapting additional education programs for blind and visually impaired children

Visual impairment involves the development of a child in conditions of absence or insufficiency of vision functions.

In children with profound visual impairment:

Visual sensations and perceptions are reduced or completely absent, which leads to a decrease in the number of ideas, reduces the possibilities for the development of thinking, speech, and imagination;

There is a decrease in mental activity, changes occur in the emotional-volitional sphere and orientation activity;

The work of other analytical systems is being restructured: in the blind, the lost visual functions are replaced by the activity of the tactile and kinesthetic analyzers; in the visually impaired, vision remains the dominant type of perception;

Mental processes acquire originality in formation and implementation:

Perception: decreased selectivity of perception and apperception, lack of meaningfulness and generalization of perceived objects, violation of their constancy and integrity;

Memory: the speed of memorization decreases, the productivity of storage and the quality of reproduction suffers. There is insufficient comprehension of the memorized material, a low level of development of logical memory, and difficulties in recall. At the same time, memory performs a compensatory function, so the correction of defects and the development of auditory and tactile memory are important;

Thinking: operations of analysis and synthesis are difficult, insufficient completeness of comparison is noted, violations of classification, generalization, abstraction and specification are observed;

Speech: reduced dynamics of accumulation of linguistic means, originality of the content of vocabulary and the relationship between word and image, some lag in the formation of speech skills and linguistic flair. At the same time, speech, like memory, performs a compensatory function, since children with visual impairments can only get an idea of ​​many objects and phenomena with the help of speech;

Personal characteristics: changes in the dynamics of needs associated with the difficulty of satisfying them, a narrowing of the range of interests due to limitations in the sphere of sensory experience, the absence or disruption of the external manifestation of internal states and, as a result, insufficiency of the emotional sphere. With a certain type of upbringing, selfish character traits, indifference to others, and an attitude of constant help may arise. Limited social contacts can lead to isolation, lack of communication, and a desire to retreat into one’s inner world.

Adaptation of additional education programs makes it possible to expand the opportunities of children with visual impairments, create conditions for entering certain social communities, allowing them to master social roles, and expand the scope of freedom of choice when determining their life and professional paths.

Specific requirements for organizing the space of visually impaired and blind students include:

The presence of tactile-tactile, visual, and sound landmarks indicating routes in the educational space, warning of obstacles along the route (flight of stairs, door, threshold, etc.), facilitating independent and safe spatial orientation in the space of an educational organization and, # increasing mobility of visually impaired and blind children;

Ensuring the stability of the subject-spatial environment of the educational organization, creating a safe environment for the free independent movement of visually impaired and blind children in the educational organization;

Ensuring that the educational environment meets the ophthalmic and hygienic requirements developed for blind children with residual vision (the ability to use an individual light source; matte surfaces should be used in the organization of the educational space; there should be blinds on the windows that allow regulating the light flux; information should be accessible to children with impaired vision, etc.);

In premises for organizing additional education programs there should be a thoughtful arrangement of furniture, wide passages, the absence of clutter, unprotected protruding corners and glass surfaces, convenient approaches to desks, the teacher’s desk, and entrance doors; It is necessary to provide special places for storing Braille books and manuals.

Adaptation of additional education programs for blind and visually impaired children implies the following:

Setting special learning objectives focused on the special educational needs of students with visual impairments, the implementation of which is available within the educational environment:

Socio-psychological adaptation (social integration, expansion of the scope of activity);

The use of interactive resources, where a child with visual impairments has the opportunity to experience real situations in a playful way and learn successful forms of behavior;

Development and correction of the cognitive sphere using virtual resources;

Development and correction of the emotional sphere, carried out within the framework of group interaction;

Differentiated and individualized education, taking into account the specific development and intact functions of a child with visual impairment:

Taking into account the compensatory function of speech, auditory and tactile memory (for the totally blind);

Selection of auditory material taking into account the lack of sensory experience;

Selection of material taking into account the child’s perception characteristics;

Taking into account the characteristics of the personal sphere and little experience of social interaction in children with visual impairments;

Complex impact on children, carried out in individual and group lessons;

The optimal mode of educational load, taking into account the pace of activity and exhaustion of a child with visual impairments. Distance education allows you to minimize the degree of exhaustion of the child with its easy accessibility;

Use of special equipment and special software:

Communication programs that allow you to interact with other group members and the teacher (for example, the SKYPE program);

Using special features of the operating system: enlarged fonts and cursor, screen magnifier, on-screen keyboard with enlarged letters, audio description (for the visually impaired);

Use of special equipment (Braille display, Braille keyboard (for the blind), keyboard with enlarged letters);

The use of musical instruments, including those connected to a computer, in additional music education courses;

The use of special parts and blocks in courses related to design activities.

Conditions for obtaining education and adapting additional education programs for students with musculoskeletal disorders (NODA)

Children with musculoskeletal disorders are represented by the following categories:

Children with cerebral palsy (CP);

With the consequences of polio in the recovery or residual stage;

With myopathy;

With congenital and acquired underdevelopment and deformations of the musculoskeletal system.

According to the severity of motor dysfunction and the development of motor skills, children are divided into three groups.

The first group includes children with severe disabilities. Some of them have not developed walking, grasping and holding objects, and self-care skills; others have difficulty moving with the help of orthopedic devices, and their self-care skills are partially formed.

The second group includes children with an average degree of motor impairment. Most of these children can move independently, although for a limited distance. They have self-service skills that are not sufficiently automated.

The third group consists of children with mild motor impairments - they move independently, have self-care skills, but perform some movements incorrectly. In addition to movement disorders, children with musculoskeletal disorders may experience deficiencies in intellectual development - mental retardation; or mental retardation of varying severity. The largest group among children with musculoskeletal disorders are children with cerebral palsy (CP).

With cerebral palsy, as a rule, movement disorders, speech disorders and delayed formation of certain mental functions are combined. Motor disorders in cerebral palsy are expressed in damage to the upper and lower extremities (impaired muscle tone, pathological reflexes, the presence of violent movements, impaired balance and coordination, deficiencies fine motor skills). Due to difficulties in movement, the formation of spatial concepts in children is disrupted, manifested in difficulties in drawing, writing, understanding and using the prepositions over, under, from under, the prefixes drove up, drove in, drove out, adverbs closer, further; formation of a body diagram. Children with cerebral palsy are often diagnosed with:

Delay in the formation of school skills;

A combination of intellectual deficiency with personal and emotional immaturity;

Delayed formation of conceptual, generalized thinking due to speech impairment and poverty of practical experience;

A small amount of knowledge and ideas about the world around us.

Their attention is characterized by instability, increased distractibility, and insufficient concentration on the object. Memory deficiencies lead to slow accumulation of knowledge and skills in academic disciplines. The majority of students have mental disabilities. Impaired mental performance is the main obstacle to productive learning. The noted mental disorders make it difficult for these children to assimilate program material and master work skills.

Peculiarities educational activities Students with motor impairments are also largely determined by various speech impairments. Characteristic manifestations of speech disorders are various disorders of the sound-pronunciation side of speech. Another feature oral speech Such children are unique in the development of the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech. Their vocabulary is limited; in oral speech, children mainly use short, template, stereotypical phrases, and sometimes prefer to communicate in separate words.

All of the above developmental features and learning difficulties must be taken into account when providing material and technical support for educational activities.

All premises of educational activities, including bathrooms, must provide a child with mobility impairments with unhindered movement (presence of ramps, elevators, lifts, handrails, wide doorways). A child with NODA (especially with cerebral palsy) requires more attention from a specialist in the additional education system in the case of severe motor disorders than a normally developing child, therefore the class (group) size should be smaller. If necessary (severe motor disorders, severe hand damage that prevents the formation of graphomotor skills), the workplace of a student with limited mobility must be specially organized. It is necessary to provide for the availability of personal computers, technical devices (special keyboard, various types of contactors that replace the mouse (joysticks, trackballs, touch pads)). In this case, a specialist or teacher must accompany the child’s work during the lesson.

When implementing continuing education programs, various educational technologies are used, including distance learning technologies and electronic interaction. Continuing education programs for this category are implemented by the educational organization both independently and through network forms of their implementation.

Such organizations jointly develop and approve additional education programs, and also determine the type, level and (or) focus of the additional education program (part of an educational program of a certain level, type and orientation).

To organize the educational process that implements additional education for children with special needs, special conditions are created:

Individualization of education (implemented according to the recommendations of the PMPC and the internal school council, which conducts a psychological, medical and pedagogical examination of children in order to identify their special educational needs and prescribes the special conditions that the student needs);

Classes in small groups, inclusion in social activities with other children at public events;

The use of modern pedagogical technologies, including information and computer technologies, to optimize classes, increase their efficiency and accessibility;

Providing the necessary technical means, taking into account the individual characteristics of a student with limited disabilities - special computer programs and equipment, for example, in case of severe impairments of the manipulative function of the hands and speech: roller mice and joysticks, remote buttons, keyboards with increased keys and font sizes, a special overlay that prevents accidental pressing of adjacent keys; enlarging the computer screen at any time; enabling the function of controlling the computer only using a mouse or keyboard; voicing all the main elements of the operating system and program interface, as well as any text displayed on the computer screen; changes in the mode of entering characters from the keyboard, such as delaying the action of pressing keys, sequential input of key combinations instead of pressing them simultaneously, visual and sound accompaniment of pressing modifier keys; increasing the size of the mouse pointer, reducing the speed of its movement and enabling the function of more visually tracking it; sticking the mouse button to drag an object, etc.;

Ensuring a special spatial and temporal organization of the educational environment;

Providing various types of dosed assistance;

The visual and effective nature of the learning content and the simplification of the system of educational and cognitive tasks solved in the educational process;

Special assistance in developing verbal and non-verbal communication capabilities;

Adaptation of the text material offered to the child (increasing the font, color coding, etc.);

Possibility of breaks during classes to carry out necessary medical and preventive procedures;

Compliance with the maximum permissible load level;

Compliance with a comfortable educational regime, including an orthopedic regime;

Creating a favorable situation for the development of the child’s ability to cope with anxiety, fatigue, satiety and overstimulation;

Providing an environment of sensory and emotional comfort (attentive attitude, even and warm tone of the teacher’s voice).

Conditions for obtaining education and adapting additional education programs for students with hearing impairment

The category of children with hearing impairment includes children who have persistent hearing loss, in which independent speech acquisition is impossible or difficult. Deaf students are a heterogeneous group of schoolchildren who differ in the degree, nature and time of hearing loss, as well as in the level of general and speech development, the presence or absence of combined disorders.

The range of differences in the development of deaf children is extremely large - from almost normally developing children experiencing temporary and relatively easily remediable difficulties, to children with irreversible severe damage to the central nervous system.

Early deafness sharply limits a child's ability to master speech. Difficulties in the perception and speech of others lead to secondary disorders, such as disturbances in the development of one’s own speech, disturbances in thinking, memory and the emotional-volitional sphere.

Often, in children with hearing impairment, the focus on memorizing text dominates over the desire to understand it. Children with hearing impairments find it easier to master words denoting specific objects, somewhat more difficult to master words denoting actions, qualities, signs, and even more difficult with words with an abstract and figurative meaning.

The learner is at the center of the educational process; the basis of educational activities is cooperation; Students play an active role in learning.

The teacher’s task is to organize the student’s independent cognitive activity, using an individual approach, to teach him to independently obtain knowledge when studying subjects and apply it in practice.

Features of material and technical support of additional education programs for hard of hearing, late-deafened and deaf children

The special organization of the educational space means the creation of comfortable conditions for the auditory, visual and auditory perception of oral speech by hard of hearing, late-deafened and deaf children. Among them: the location of the student in the room, the thoughtfulness of the illumination of the speaker’s face and the background behind him, the use of modern electro-acoustic equipment, including sound amplification equipment, as well as equipment that makes it possible to better see what is happening at a distance (projection on a large screen), regulation of the noise level in the premises and other. Mandatory consideration of these conditions requires a special organization of educational space when conducting any kind of events in all educational and extracurricular premises (including corridors, halls, halls, etc.), as well as when conducting outdoor events.

An important condition for organizing space for additional education programs for hearing-impaired and late-deafened children is the presence of text information, presented in the form of printed tables on stands or electronic media, warning about dangers, changes in the training mode and indicating the names of devices, classrooms and workshops, facilitating independent orientation in space of the educational organization. In study rooms, it is necessary to provide special storage areas for FM systems, hearing aids, chargers, and batteries.

Organization of a workplace for a hearing-impaired, late-deafened or deaf child.

The workplace of a child participating in an additional education program with a hearing impairment should be in such a position that the child sitting behind it can see the face of the specialist, teacher and most of his peers. The child's workplace should be well lit. It should provide for the placement of a special design, a tablet board, used in situations where unfamiliar words, terms are presented, and the need for additional individual assistance from a specialist or teacher.

If this category of children has other individual health characteristics, the workplace is additionally equipped in accordance with them.

In the same time, prerequisite is to provide a deaf child with individual modern electro-acoustic and sound-amplifying equipment.

Binaural (bilateral) hearing aids with modern digital hearing aids, in the absence of medical contraindications, and/or bilateral implantation can increase the efficiency of perception of spoken speech and non-speech sounds, as well as localize sound in space, including quickly finding the speaker. It is advisable to equip activities under additional education programs with additional technical means that provide optimal conditions for the perception of oral speech at elevated noise levels. Among them are communication systems (RM-radio systems), software and hardware systems, video and audio systems, technical means for the formation of the pronunciation side of oral speech, including those that allow the child to visually control the characteristics of his own speech.

The necessary technical means also include specialized computer tools aimed at meeting the special educational needs of hard of hearing, late-deafened and deaf children.

Taking into account the special educational needs of children with hearing impairments, the teacher must be prepared to comply with the mandatory rules:

Cooperate with the teacher of the deaf and the child’s parents;

Stimulate full interaction of a deaf/hard-of-hearing child with peers and promote the fastest and most complete adaptation of him into the children's team;

Comply with the necessary methodological requirements (location relative to a student with hearing impairment; requirements for an adult’s speech; availability of visual and didactic material at all stages of the lesson; monitoring the child’s understanding of tasks and instructions before completing them, etc.);

Organize the workspace of a student with hearing impairment (prepare his place; check the availability of working hearing aids/cochlear implant; check individual teaching aids, etc.);

Include a deaf/hard of hearing child in learning during the lesson, using special methods, techniques and tools, taking into account the student’s capabilities and avoiding overprotection, without delaying the pace of the lesson;

Solve a number of correctional problems during the lesson (stimulate auditory-visual attention; correct speech errors and strengthen the skills of grammatically correct speech; Expand words knowledge; provide special assistance when writing summaries, dictations, composing retellings, etc.);

Each lesson with a student who has some form of hearing loss requires a clear study of the psychological side of training. Weather conditions, mood, fatigue, misunderstanding of words, tasks that are given to him - everything matters for the child and affects the result of his activities in the lesson. Therefore, a feature of classes with deaf and deaf children is the presentation of material auditorily (the teacher accompanies written speech with oral speech);

It is necessary to take into account certain characteristics of students with hearing loss. Some hearing impaired people may perceive individual sounds in speech fragmentarily, especially the beginning and ending sounds of words. In this case, it is necessary to speak more loudly and clearly, choosing the volume accepted by the student. In other cases, it is necessary to lower the pitch of the voice because the student is unable to perceive high frequencies aurally. When working with children with hearing loss, it is very important for the teacher to speak in such a way that the child can follow the teacher’s lips.

Conditions for obtaining education and adapting additional education programs for students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD)

RAS - spectrum psychological characteristics, describing a wide range of behavioral disorders and difficulties in social interaction and communication, as well as severely limited interests and frequently repeated behavioral acts.

The presented definition gives an understanding of the most pronounced deficits that have Negative influence for the educational process. Violations of the communicative sphere and behavioral problems make it difficult to build educational communication, which certainly affects the perception and assimilation of the content component of learning. However, provided that methods are selected, content is adapted, and an adequate environment is created, including a communicative one, the potential of children with ASD will allow them to master educational material.

Additional education does not involve certification activities, which significantly expands the scope of the adaptation component of the program for children with ASD at the content, pace, and methodological levels. For example, it is possible to use information technology, non-standard ways and methods of presenting content. The absence of a strict time frame allows you to study the material at a pace and volume that is accessible to the child. Each child with ASD is unique in its manifestations, which requires the formation of an individually adapted content trajectory and a special approach within the framework of program implementation. The form of organization of additional education makes it possible to maintain the usual environmental level for the student, allowing him to be in comfortable conditions that do not create additional noise factors. Communication occurs in doses, without forcing and while maintaining distance. The use of materials in a digital version allows us to minimize technical difficulties in organizing the educational process.

Conditions for organizing classes for children with ASD in additional education programs:

Gradual, dosed introduction of the student into the framework of group interaction. Initial communication is built at the “teacher-student” level. At the initial stage or when affective reactions or undesirable forms of behavior occur, it is necessary to gradually build communication, accustoming the child to the rules of interaction in the group.

Possibility of alternating difficult and easy tasks.

It is important to break a voluminous task into smaller parts, so the child will learn the material better; you can set a consistent individual presentation of the material without violating the stereotype of behavior within the lesson and without creating difficulties in working with educational materials (when working in a notebook and textbook, children’s attention is scattered, concentration is lost, which is due to the fact that the child has to distribute attention between objects, and this task is quite difficult).

Formation of an educational and time stereotype: the student must have a clearly designated lesson time, a lesson plan that allows the child to track completed tasks. Also, remotely, you can warn your child in advance about the upcoming lesson.

Dosed introduction of novelty.

If it is impossible to develop graphic skills and the impossibility of verbal interaction, use alternative means of communication to provide feedback.

Conditions for obtaining education and adapting additional education programs for students with mental retardation (MDD)

Mental retardation is a slowdown in the rate of development of the child’s psyche, which is expressed in the insufficiency of the general stock of knowledge, immaturity of thinking, predominance of gaming interests, and rapid satiety in intellectual activity.

Mental retardation is a borderline state between normal and mental retardation. This is a concept that does not speak of persistent, irreversible mental underdevelopment, but of a slowdown in its pace, which is more often detected in a child upon entering school. Unlike children suffering from mental retardation, these children are quite smart within the limits of their existing knowledge and are much more productive in using help. At the same time, in some cases, a delay in the development of the emotional sphere (various types of infantilism) will come to the fore, and violations in the intellectual sphere will be mildly expressed, in other cases, on the contrary, a slowdown in the development of the intellectual sphere will prevail.

Mental retardation is caused by a variety of reasons. At the same time, children in this category have a number of common features in the development of cognitive activity and personality.

All children with mental retardation have not developed readiness for schooling, which is manifested in difficulties in mastering reading and writing skills, difficulties in voluntary organization of activities: they do not know how to consistently follow the teacher’s instructions, or switch from one task to another according to his instructions. At the same time, students quickly get tired, their performance decreases with increasing workload, and sometimes they simply refuse to complete the activity they have started.

All children with mental retardation are characterized by a decrease in attention, which can be of a different nature: maximum attention tension at the beginning of the task and its subsequent decrease; the onset of concentration after a certain period of work; periodic changes in attention tension and its decline throughout the entire work time.

Research by psychologists has revealed that the majority of children with mental retardation have inferiority in subtle forms of visual and auditory perception, spatial and temporal disturbances, and insufficient planning and execution of complex motor programs. Such children need more time to receive and process visual, auditory and other impressions. This is especially evident in difficult conditions (for example, in the presence of simultaneous speech stimuli that have semantic and emotional content that is significant for the child). One of the features of the perception of such children is that they perceive similar qualities of objects as identical (an oval, for example, is perceived as a circle).

This category of children has insufficiently formed spatial representations: orientation in the directions of space is carried out at the level of practical actions, the perception of inverted images is difficult, and difficulties arise in spatial analysis and synthesis of the situation. Development spatial relations is closely related to the development of constructive thinking. Thus, when folding complex geometric patterns, children with mental retardation often cannot carry out a full analysis of the form, establish symmetry and identity of the parts of the constructed figures, arrange the structure on a plane, or connect it into a single whole. It should be noted that children with mental retardation, unlike the mentally retarded, perform relatively simple patterns correctly.

The special educational needs of students with mental retardation include general, characteristic of all children with disabilities, and specific:

In receiving special assistance through education immediately after identifying a primary developmental disorder;

In ensuring continuity between preschool and school education as conditions for the continuity of the correctional and developmental process;

In obtaining primary general education in educational organizations of a general or special type, adequate to the educational needs of the student and the severity of mental retardation;

In ensuring the correctional and developmental orientation of training within the framework of basic educational areas;

In organizing the learning process, taking into account the specifics of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities by students with mental retardation ("step-by-step" presentation of the material, dosed assistance from an adult, use special methods, techniques and means that promote both general development student, and compensation for individual developmental deficiencies);

In ensuring continuous monitoring of the development of the student’s educational and cognitive activity, continuing until he reaches a level that allows him to cope with educational tasks independently;

In ensuring a special spatial and temporal organization of the educational environment, taking into account the functional state of the central nervous system (CNS) and the neurodynamics of mental processes in students with mental retardation (rapid exhaustion, low performance, decreased general tone, etc.);

In constant stimulation of cognitive activity, stimulation of interest in oneself, the surrounding objective and social world;

In constant assistance in understanding and expanding the context of acquired knowledge, in consolidating and improving acquired skills;

In special training in the “transfer” of formed knowledge and skills into new situations of interaction with reality;

In comprehensive support, guaranteeing receipt of the necessary treatment aimed at improving the functioning of the central nervous system and correcting behavior, as well as special psychocorrectional assistance aimed at compensating for deficits in emotional development and the formation of conscious self-regulation of cognitive activity and behavior;

In the development and development of means of communication, techniques of constructive communication and interaction (with family members, with peers, with adults), in the formation of skills of socially approved behavior, the maximum expansion of social contacts;

In ensuring interaction between the family and the educational organization (organizing cooperation with parents, activating family resources to form a socially active position, moral and general cultural values).

Conditions for obtaining education and adapting additional education programs for students with severe speech impairments (SSD)

Children with severe speech impairments are a special category of children with developmental disabilities who have preserved hearing, are not primarily impaired in intelligence, but have significant speech impairments that affect the development of the psyche.

The development of a child’s speech is associated with the gradual mastery of his native language: with the development of phonemic hearing and the formation of skills in pronouncing sounds native language, with mastery of vocabulary, rules of syntax and meaning of speech. Active acquisition of lexical and grammatical patterns begins in children at 1.5-3 years of age and generally ends by 7 years of age. At school age, acquired skills are improved based on written speech. A child’s speech is formed under the direct influence of the speech of the adults around him and largely depends on sufficient speech practice, the culture of the speech environment, upbringing and training.

Speech disorders can affect various components of speech: sound pronunciation (decreased speech intelligibility, sound defects), phonemic hearing (insufficient mastery of the sound composition of a word), lexical and grammatical structure (poverty of vocabulary, inability to coordinate words in a sentence). This disorder occurs in children before school age is defined as a general underdevelopment of speech.

In school-age children, disturbances in all components of speech (sound pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar) are called severe speech disorders. In addition, these children may have features of auditory perception, auditory-verbal memory and verbal-logical thinking. The attention of children with speech disorders is characterized by instability, difficulties in inclusion, switching, and distribution. In this category of children, there is a narrowing of the attention span, rapid forgetting of material, especially verbal (speech), and a decrease in active focus in the process of remembering the sequence of events and the plot line of the text. Many of them are characterized by underdevelopment of mental operations, a decrease in the ability to abstract and generalize. It is easier for children with speech pathology to complete tasks that are presented visually rather than verbally. Most children with speech impairments have motor disorders of varying severity. They are motorically awkward, clumsy, characterized by impulsiveness and chaotic movements. Children with speech disorders get tired quickly and have reduced performance. They do not get involved in completing the task for a long time.

Deviations are also noted in the emotional-volitional sphere. They are characterized by instability of interests, decreased observation, decreased motivation, isolation, negativism, self-doubt, increased irritability, aggressiveness, touchiness, difficulties in communicating with others, in establishing contacts with their peers.

To ensure timely consideration of the special educational needs of children with speech impairments, the following is necessary:

The ability to adapt the educational program taking into account the need to correct speech disorders and optimize students’ communication skills;

Flexible variation of two components - academic and life competence in the learning process by expanding/reducing the content of individual educational areas, changing the number of training hours and using appropriate methods and technologies;

Individual pace of learning and advancement in the educational space for different categories of children with speech impairments;

The use of special methods, techniques and teaching aids, including specialized computer technologies, teaching aids, visual aids, ensuring the implementation of “workarounds” for corrective influence on speech processes, increasing control over oral and written speech;

The ability to study remotely in the case of severe forms of speech pathology, as well as in case of combined disorders of psychophysical development;

Maximum expansion of the educational space, increasing social contacts; learning the ability to select and apply adequate communication strategies and tactics;

Organizing partnerships with parents.

Material, technical and information equipment for the educational activities of students with special needs, mental retardation and autism spectrum disorder should provide the opportunity to:

Creation and use of information (including recording and processing of images and sound, performances with audio, video and graphic accompaniment, communication on the Internet, etc.);

Obtaining information different ways from various sources (searching for information on the Internet, working in the library, etc.);

Conducting experiments, including using educational laboratory equipment, real and virtually visual models and collections of basic mathematical and natural science objects and phenomena; digital (electronic) and traditional measurement;

Observations (including observation of micro-objects), location determination, visual presentation and analysis of data; use of digital plans and maps, satellite images;

Creatures material objects, including works of art;

Processing materials and information using technological tools;

Design and construction, including models with digital control and feedback;

Performing, composing and arranging musical works using traditional instruments and digital technologies;

Physical development, participation in sports competitions and games;

Planning the educational process, recording its implementation as a whole and individual stages (speeches, discussions, experiments) and structural elements of classes. The group’s routine should be clear with rules and schedule. It is important to use an individual schedule in which each task is located in order; This will help the child anticipate events and prevent unnecessary worry. In addition, schedules and room changes help especially children with ASD to master switching from one type of activity to another;

Placing your materials and works in the information environment of an educational organization.

VI. Basic forms and methods of organizing educational activities in additional education


In full-time classes, classes are held on the premises of the educational organization. A group of students works under the guidance of a teacher. Students are provided with computers connected to the Internet (option: to the local network of an educational organization) and have access to electronic educational materials for the course.

The content of full-time training is based on the educational materials of the corresponding course. The role of the teacher is to organize the individual and collective work of students with the obligatory recording of the most important steps in the course space, in the analysis, evaluation, review of the educational activities of schoolchildren, including using the capabilities of the information environment. The teacher organizes and supports educational interaction, teaches how to record the most important steps in the course space.

Moving through the course under the guidance of a teacher, students:

Complete tasks; get acquainted with reviews of their work;

Read, interpret, ask questions, speak out, share experiences (both orally and in writing in appropriate course forums).

Remote form

Feature remote form is that the teacher carries out the learning process remotely via the Internet. Distance learning is possible both in real time (using a video conference service) and in delayed time mode (using forums, assignment commenting interfaces, etc.). In the second case, there is the possibility of asynchronous learning, in which each student works at his own pace. The location of the participants in educational relations is free, the only condition is that everyone is provided with a computer connected to the Internet and access to the developed electronic educational materials for the course.

Distance learning ideally:

Provides the opportunity to undergo training without leaving your place of residence and in the process of production activities;

Provides wide access to educational domestic and global resources;

Provides the opportunity to receive education to solve various life problems and at any level primary education and preparation;

Provides the opportunity to organize the self-learning process in the most effective way for yourself and obtain all the necessary tools for self-learning;

Provides the opportunity to interrupt and continue education depending on individual capabilities and needs;

Significantly expands the circle of people who have access to all types of educational resources without age restrictions;

Reduces the cost of education due to wide availability of educational resources;

Allows you to create unique educational programs by combining courses provided by educational institutions;

Allows you to increase the level of educational potential of society and the quality of education.

The role of the teacher is to remotely organize individual and collective work of students in the educational course space, to analyze, evaluate, and review the educational activities of schoolchildren using the capabilities of the information environment. The teacher organizes and supports educational interaction, teaches how to record the most important steps in the course space.

The student and teacher's workplace must be equipped with a multimedia computer and computer peripherals: webcam, microphone, audio speakers and (or) headphones, scanner, printer. The specifics of the courses may dictate the need for specialized peripheral devices: sets of digital meters (sensors), keyboards, etc.

Depending on the nosology, the student’s workplace can be equipped with additional software and hardware.

Students and teachers must have the following software installed on their computers:

General purpose (antivirus, archiver, office suite, graphic, video, sound editor);

Educational purpose (in accordance with the courses being studied).

Students and teachers must be provided with access to the resources of the distance learning system via the Internet at a speed of at least 512 Kbps.

For the educational organization on the basis of which training is carried out, an Internet access port with a speed of at least 10 Mbit/s must be provided.

Get acquainted with the educational material;

Complete assignments, read reviews of their work;

Participate in research and projects;

Participate in video conferences;

Participate in forums (Internet discussions): speak out, read, interpret, ask questions, share experiences.

Teacher using video conference capabilities and distance learning systems:

Reviews works;

Answers the questions;

Organizes and supports discussions in video conferences and forums: encourages students to speak out and respond to each other’s statements.

The most effective way is to use information and communication technologies in the educational process and the development of network forms of interaction.

The use of computer technologies in the educational process allows:

1. Make the lesson visual, colorful, informative;

2. Bring the lesson closer to the child’s worldview - through the use of programs that facilitate/provide a communicative level;

3. Use a differentiated and student-centered approach to learning;

4. Establish a relationship of mutual understanding and mutual assistance between student and teacher;

5. Activate the student’s cognitive activity;

6. Increase students’ motivation to study the subject;

7. Develop the thinking and creative abilities of students.

The use of distance technologies allows us to expand the learning opportunities for children with disabilities and gain a more complete perception of the world around them.

Part-time form

In the part-time/correspondence form, it is possible to use individual elements of full-time classes:

Orientation lecture;

Work in groups to solve educational problems;

Presentation and discussion of student projects;

Consulting service, etc.

All elements of face-to-face classes are necessarily recorded in the corresponding courses deployed in the information environment (distance learning system).

The rest of the training is structured as in distance learning.

Project activity as one of the methods of additional education

One of the main methods of organizing educational activities in additional education classes is project activity. Project activity puts students in an active position in relation to their learning, creates conditions for purposeful and natural learning to independently determine their goals, the formation and development of the ability not only to integrate into a common task, but also to determine it themselves. Project activities are always interdisciplinary, which means they allow solving the complex problem of convergence of different subject areas in a fairly natural way.

Mastering ICT tools, with the help of which you can conduct project research and formulate it into a presented product, becomes naturally built into the overall process and does not require transfer to a separate subject area or will require knowledge and skills acquired in courses of this kind in a noisy free situation. Project activities always provide the student with greater freedom than is the case in compulsory educational activities; this fact makes this model similar to the nature of additional education. Project activity always involves going beyond the scope of what is being studied, and this exit cannot always be predicted in advance; this trains the student’s ability and ability to act in situations of uncertainty, not to be afraid of such situations, to be able to classify them, recognize them, in addition, unpredictability is a kind of eventual a product that delights children and reinforces the connection between learning and pleasure.

Project activities can be born according to the student’s own ideas, based on his interest. Moreover, the interest can be not only subject-specific, for example, in mathematics, but also such that at first glance it is difficult to determine which subject area will become the core of the project. The teacher will need to help the student with voicing the idea, developing such a project, its cultural complication, which does not lead away from the original interest, but reinforces and develops it. The teacher’s task in this project is to moderate the student/study group’s reasoning, help in articulation, outlining the contours of interest, help in determining the plan for developing the project, help in understanding the final product of the project, help in determining what experts, roles, assistants and etc. in project development.

Project activities can be born according to the student’s intention in a subject area and be directly related to the subject. The role of the teacher in this case is the same.

Project activities can be framed by the teacher based on a specific educational situation or by the program of an additional education course, which should propose topics for developing projects, as well as a description of the possible project product (in what application it can be made, volume, structural parts, etc.). P.). This option for organizing project activities will be used most often, since it is clearer, more comfortable and more natural for the teacher to work in a situation that he himself determines.

Whatever the beginning of the project, it in any case leaves enough scope for the student/group of students to realize their creative potential. Although the latter option leaves less opportunity for independence in determining goals and objectives.

A project can be the start of studying, getting to know a topic, or it can be the end of its study. The process can be built as a chain of projects that allow children to solve educational problems in a free situation, learn for themselves, and immerse themselves in some material.

The form that sets and provokes project activity can be:

Participation of children in a cognitive or creative competition;

Virtual thematic exhibition, where students present the results of their creative work (exhibition of drawings, crafts, constructs, ideas, etc.);

A virtual tour of any objects, where students act as guides;

The game in all its manifestations - in real time according to the rules, computer, created under certain conditions, virtual, involving the interactive behavior of its participants - and both participation in the game and the creation of the game are components of the project;

Creation of a common product in the form of albums, books, presentations, films, etc.;

Staging, theatrical performances that are possible in real time using remote technologies.

To successfully organize project activities, it is necessary to reflect it in the information environment. IN electronic course All modules that help the student/group of students to act as freely and independently as possible should be visible:

Project topics;

Description of projects, product requirements;

Project development calendar reflecting the stages;

Electronic forums for intermediate discussions, publication of intermediate additional materials, final publication of materials for access by everyone to whom the project should be shown (members of the study group/course, teachers, parents);

Video or illustrated instructions (either teachers will need to do this, or students may need to do this as part of their project work, useful for other project participants);


Space for teacher counseling of the student/students;

If we are talking about a competition, then a resource that involves voting.

Let us consider, as an example, the organization of project activities for literary reading such a form as a reading competition. It can be internal, designed only for students of the group, or it can become very wide, when anyone can connect to it. The information environment, depending on the scale of the competition, may involve limited entry (only for insiders) or free entry. Depending on the age of the children, the teacher can propose either his own topic or determine it together with the students. The teacher publishes the time frame and stages of the competition in the information environment. Publishes the rules and requirements for the product submitted to the competition.

Product requirements must be such that they encourage children to engage in cognitive activity. For example, children have never made videos with voiceover before. This means that this can be included in the product requirements. But in order for children to learn how to make such a video, it is necessary to either ask one of the students to teach it to everyone else, or give video instructions so that everyone can learn independently from each other.

The next stage: the teacher must give himself an answer to the question of how children will receive reading material. It is futile for educational purposes to provide such material ourselves. It is much better to create a search situation. For example, create an electronic forum in which children will be given the task of finding a poem that has two authors (this approach is good if we are talking about foreign literature). And then start the process of publishing finds, limiting it to the delivery time.

Now the problem of collecting material is solved. The teacher can proceed to the next task - choosing from a jointly accumulated option for himself with an attempt to explain the reasons for the choice.

An electronic forum is created to indicate your choice. And in order for children to naturally re-read as many poems as possible, you can set a condition - the poems should not be repeated. Children will discover for themselves what has already been stated and what has not. The electronic forum will help resolve the dispute over who submitted the poem first, since it records the time of recording.

Next is the stage of preparing the videos. You need to carefully consider what educational problem needs to be solved, and, depending on this, determine the requirements for the video. So, if you want to teach children to be attentive to the sources they use, make it a requirement for the product to indicate the material used. If it is necessary for children to learn to speak in their own words and overcome the desire to simply copy materials, put this in the product requirement and place a link to resources that can check text for plagiarism. Thus, reasonable requirements for the product will allow children to learn important things, but at the same time the disciplinary aspect will be completely replaced by a playful one. It is necessary to create a resource for publishing finished materials. Inviting children to participate in voting for videos will solve the problem of children viewing and working with as many works of other participants as possible.

In order for students to be as involved as possible in the activities offered to them, it is necessary to create many different points of activity for them, this will help everyone decide on the least share of the teacher’s participation in this process. If we consider the same process using the example of organizing a reading competition, then this can be implemented in the form of different competition lines (for example, project and performing) and make it possible to determine how many activities the student will participate in. As a rule, children choose of their own free will. more activity than would be the case in the absence of choice.

The basic principles for organizing project activities should be:

Variety of activity points;

Shifting the disciplinary aspect into the gaming aspect;

Forms that provoke and require activity;

Communication skills;

Placing the necessary elements in the information environment;

Mobility of changes;

Having a framework for the project, but not going into too much detail, as this will become the responsibility of the students.

VII. Organizational work on the development and approval of an adapted additional general education program

An adapted additional general education program can be developed on the basis of a general education program of additional education for normally developing children, taking into account the inclusion of children with disabilities and children with disabilities in the educational process, created specifically for a certain category of children with disabilities, united in one group (creative association), as well as be developed taking into account the individual characteristics of a particular child with disabilities or disabilities.

During organizational work on the design, development and approval of an adapted additional general education program for a child with disabilities or a disabled child, the age and individual characteristics of the child, medical recommendations, recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, requests from parents are taken into account, goals and objectives are clearly formulated, and the need for in addition or change to the curriculum, the forms of education, the mode of attending classes, both subgroup and individual, additional types of psychological and pedagogical support, intermediate and final results, etc. are determined.

According to part 11 of Art. 79 Federal Law N 273-FZ “an educational organization must create special conditions for children with disabilities and disabled children if they stay in the institution.” The administration of the educational organization creates special conditions through budgetary allocations from the federal budget, which involve the formation of a barrier-free educational environment, available funds for training and education, as well as for the timely correction of violations in the development of children, taking into account the structure of their violations.

Additional education teachers are in a special position: they must independently develop an additional general education program, taking into account the needs of children, the needs of the family, educational organization, socio-economic and national characteristics of society. The procedure for developing adapted additional general education programs for children with disabilities or children with disabilities can be carried out with the involvement of specialists from the psychological, medical and pedagogical council of the educational organization. The adapted additional general education program is approved by the head of the educational organization.

Compiled by(s) adapted program can independently:

Determine the list of topics and concepts to be studied, taking into account the goals and objectives of the program, reveal the content of the sections and topics indicated in the program;

Concretize and detail topics;

Establish a sequence for studying the material;

Distribute the material according to stages and periods of study;

Distribute the time allotted for study between sections and topics according to their didactic significance, as well as based on the material and technical resources of the educational organization;

Concretize the planned results of mastering the adapted program of additional education;

Choose, based on the objectives of development, upbringing and education, methods and technologies and monitoring the achievement of planned results.

When adapting an additional education program for children with disabilities, it is necessary to:

1) take into account the features and possibilities of the focus of additional education programs for children to unlock creative potential, develop social and life competencies of children with disabilities and children with disabilities;

2) show the specifics of the educational organization, since the program of additional education for children must take into account the type and type of educational organization, as well as the educational needs and requests of students - representatives of child-adult communities.

The main task of additional education teachers is to adapt additional education programs to solve the problems of forming special child-adult communities created based on the interests and needs of children.

Before working with a program of additional education for children and drawing up a plan, teachers need to familiarize themselves with the results of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of children. Ideally, this is a medical, psychological, if necessary, defectological, speech therapy, social and pedagogical examination, which allows you to determine:

a) the nature of the child’s special needs as a whole;

b) the current level of a particular student;

c) the individual potential of the child.

Primary diagnostics of students when adapting a program of additional education for children helps the teacher determine not the degree of their readiness or unpreparedness, but the possibilities of participation in the activities of the child-adult community and the degree of influence of the program on the development of competencies in each child, helps to objectively formulate goals and determine the educational route appropriate for the child , which in turn agrees with the parents.

When developing additional education programs, the teacher proceeds from the child’s capabilities, and not from what he cannot master, determines the zone of the child’s immediate and current development and sets appropriate goals and objectives for the child-adult community. The additional education teacher creates conditions for “social tests”, so that the child shows independence, cooperates with healthy peers, and so that with their help the child develops constant overcoming the boundaries between the current level of development and the zone of proximal development.

It is important to remember that for children in this category, the additional education program should be aimed at:

Ensure a higher level of physical, social, moral, artistic, aesthetic and cognitive development;

Adapt as fully as possible to life in society, family, and to learning among healthy peers.

And for this you need:

Create opportunities for students to interact and communicate with a wide range of people older and younger than them;

To promote the socialization of students with the greatest possible degree of independence, to instill basic sanitary, hygienic and labor skills;

To improve students' knowledge and understanding of the patterns and principles of their environment, society and the world through communication with people, the use of media and Internet technologies.

That is, to develop the communicative, organizational, information competence of students and socialize them to the fullest.

Prediction of a student’s achievements is carried out by all participants in the child-adult community: the child himself, his parents, specialists and additional education teachers. The most important thing for determining development prospects is the creation of favorable conditions for consistent development with optimal physical and mental costs for any child and with recording of visible results. And it is these successes that are so important to consolidate and stimulate children to their further development. It is important for a teacher of additional education to build his program in such a way that students are able to realize their potential at the proper level and to the fullest. For children with learning difficulties, additional education teachers prescribe individual goals and objectives for each lesson, select individual assignments and assignments that the child can implement with the help of the child-adult community. Thus, when thematic planning The additional education teacher sets various goals and objectives for students, which he then implements, monitors, and consolidates the achieved results with the help of the child-adult community.

To successfully solve the tasks, teachers need to pay attention to the choice of methods for their implementation. The criteria for choosing these methods are the following:

Taking into account the individual characteristics of the child, i.e. providing personality-oriented support and accompaniment for the development of creative potential;

Practice-oriented orientation of the child’s interests and needs;

Connection of the focus of the additional education program with life and social competencies;

Involving the child-adult community in joint activities to help each other;

Focus on the constant development of creative potential;

Attracting additional resources from social partners of the continuing education program.

Thus, the algorithm of actions of an additional education teacher to adapt the additional education program for children with disabilities and disabled children with visual impairments, hearing impairments, intellectual impairments, musculoskeletal disorders, and autism spectrum disorders will be as follows:

1. Formulate the goals of the program of additional education for children, taking into account the goals of the programs of the educational organization, taking into account the development goals of students, including students with special educational needs.

2. Determine the target audience of the program: this could be a group of children with disabilities and disabilities of the same category with visual impairments, hearing impairments, intellectual impairments, musculoskeletal impairments, and autism spectrum disorders; this may be a group consisting of typically developing children and children with disabilities; it can be a mixed group consisting of children with different developmental disabilities; it could be a parent-child group; The additional education program can be implemented for one child.

3. Get acquainted with the characteristics of students, including students with special educational needs, determine their capabilities in mastering the program, get acquainted with the recommendations of the PMPK and the individual program of rehabilitation and habilitation (IPRA for a student with a disability), get advice from PMPK specialists. A teacher of additional education should rely on strengths students, create opportunities for advancement individual trajectory, which corresponds to their zone of proximal development.

4. When designing the educational results of children, it is advisable to analyze the requirements for subject, meta-subject and personal results formulated in the Federal State Educational Standards of primary, basic, general education, and the Federal State Educational Standards of primary general education for students with disabilities and the Federal State Educational Standard for students with mental retardation, as well as special requirements for the Federal State Educational Standards of basic and secondary general education for children with disabilities, Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated August 29, 2013 N 1008 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in additional general education programs.”

5. Prescribe the educational results of mastering the program of additional education for children by all students: “the child will learn,” “the child will get the opportunity,” including students with special educational needs.

6. Register summary program, having compiled a list of topics and individual questions, draw up an educational and thematic plan taking into account the characteristics of children with disabilities. When implementing a program in project form, you can prescribe the stages of project activities.

7. Make a list of didactic, reference material, including taking into account the special educational needs of children with disabilities.

8. Compile a list of educational tools and equipment necessary for the implementation of the program, including taking into account the special educational needs of children with disabilities.

9. Determine means of monitoring students’ mastery of the additional education program. Adapted controls are planned (if necessary) for children with special educational needs.

10. Present the program of additional education for children to external experts and/or the methodological association of additional education teachers of the educational organization. Agree on the content of the program of additional education for children regarding the special educational needs of students at the psychological and pedagogical council, taking into account the opinions of parents, and bring it into line with the individual educational plan for the student.

11. Submit a program of additional education for children for approval to the head of the educational organization.

12. Finalize the program of additional education for children, taking into account the recommendations of external experts, members methodological unification subject teachers, members of the school council and/or the head of an educational organization.

13. Use the program of additional education for children after an order for its approval by the head of the educational organization.

14. Place the program of additional education for children on the website of the educational organization and/or on the personal website of the additional education teacher, and/or in any other information space open to parents and other public.

Definitions and abbreviations

Education is a single, purposeful process of upbringing and training, which is a socially significant benefit and is carried out in the interests of the individual, family, society and the state, as well as the totality of acquired knowledge, abilities, skills, values, experience and competence of a certain volume and complexity for the purpose of intellectual, spiritual, moral, creative, physical and (or) professional development person, satisfying his educational needs and interests.

General education is a type of education that is aimed at personal development and the acquisition, in the process of mastering basic general education programs, of knowledge, abilities, skills and the formation of competencies necessary for a person’s life in society, an informed choice of profession and obtaining vocational education.

Additional education is a type of education that is aimed at comprehensively satisfying a person’s educational needs in intellectual, spiritual, moral, physical and (or) professional improvement and is not accompanied by an increase in the level of education.

Inclusive education - ensuring equal access to education for all students, taking into account the diversity of special educational needs and individual capabilities.

Education is an activity aimed at personal development, creating conditions for self-determination and socialization of the student on the basis of sociocultural, spiritual and moral values ​​and socially accepted rules and norms of behavior in the interests of the individual, family, society and the state.

Training is a purposeful process of organizing the activities of students to master knowledge, abilities, skills and competence, gain experience, and develop.

A student with disabilities is an individual who has deficiencies in physical and (or) psychological development, confirmed by a psychological-medical-pedagogical commission and preventing them from receiving education without the creation of special conditions.

A disabled person is a person who has a health impairment with a persistent disorder of body functions, caused by diseases, consequences of injuries or defects, leading to limitation of life activity and necessitating his social protection.

Individual curriculum is a curriculum that ensures the development of an educational program based on the individualization of its content, taking into account the characteristics and educational needs of a particular student.

Adapted educational program is an educational program adapted for training persons with disabilities, taking into account the characteristics of their psychophysical development, individual capabilities and, if necessary, providing correction of developmental disorders and social adaptation of these persons.

Adapted basic educational program is an educational program adapted for teaching a certain category of people with disabilities, including disabilities.

Separate organizations carrying out educational activities according to adapted basic general education programs are created by government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the deaf, hard of hearing, late deafened, blind, visually impaired, with severe speech impairments, with musculoskeletal disorders, with mental retardation, with mental retardation , with autism spectrum disorders, with complex disabilities and other students with disabilities.

Adaptation is adaptation to new conditions of existence, on the one hand, and the desire for constancy of its internal environment, on the other.

Special conditions for obtaining education by students with disabilities - conditions for the training, education and development of such students, including the use of special educational programs and methods of teaching and upbringing, special textbooks, teaching aids and didactic materials, special technical teaching aids for collective and individual use , providing the services of an assistant (assistant) who provides students with the necessary technical assistance, conducting group and individual correctional classes, providing access to the buildings of organizations carrying out educational activities, and other conditions without which it is impossible or difficult for students with disabilities to master educational programs.

Psychological and pedagogical support is a comprehensive technology, a special culture of support and assistance to the child in solving problems of development, training, education, socialization.


AOP - adapted educational program

AOOP - adapted basic educational program

ADOP - adapted additional general education program

HIA - limited health capabilities

OO - educational organization

SEN - special educational needs

PMPK - psychological, medical and pedagogical commission

PMPk - psychological, medical and pedagogical council

PPMSS-center - center for psychological, pedagogical, medical and social support for children and adolescents

Teaching staff - psychological and pedagogical support

Federal State Educational Standard - federal state educational standard

DPR - mental retardation

SSR - severe speech impairment

ASD - autism spectrum disorder

NODA - musculoskeletal disorders

Document overview

Methodological recommendations are provided for the implementation of adapted additional general education programs that promote socio-psychological rehabilitation and professional self-determination of children with disabilities, including disabled children, taking into account their special educational needs.

Adaptation of programs for children with disabilities often requires more time to master educational material. Therefore, the complexity and volume of educational material should be reduced and facilitated.

The conditions for obtaining education and adapting additional education programs for blind and visually impaired children, for students with musculoskeletal disorders, hearing impairments, autism spectrum disorders, mental retardation, and severe speech impairments are provided.

The main forms and methods of organizing educational activities in additional education are described.

An adapted additional general education program can be developed on the basis of a general education program of additional education, taking into account the inclusion of children with disabilities and children with disabilities in the educational process, created specifically for a certain category of children with disabilities, united in one group (creative association), and also developed taking into account individual characteristics of a particular child.