Abstracts Statements Story

Statuses are life credos based on the statements of famous people. Life credo of a person Life credo motto for life

Journalist Helen Russell found out where people find happiness different countries and continents. She interviewed representatives of most nationalities and collected simple and useful “recipes”. Try them for yourself to feel the joy of life every day. From the article you will learn how to feel the value of the moment, fill your day with bright impressions and learn to accept people as they are.

1. Australian happiness

Since childhood, Australians have led an active lifestyle, and sports are their favorite hobby. Even if you are just a fan of popular Australian sports such as cricket, football, rugby or tennis, you are unlikely to experience loneliness. Common interests give joy and a sense of satisfaction from life in general.

2. Brazilian happiness

Residents of Brazil love to indulge in memories; there is even a special day set aside for this activity - January 30th. People review old photos, films, re-read letters and text messages, and take apart their favorite childhood toys. Try to do the same, imagine that at any moment you can lose everything you have. This helps you feel the value of every moment.

3. Danish happiness

Danes work on average 33 hours a week, for which they receive 5 weeks of vacation per year. It doesn’t matter where or when they did the work, the main thing is that it was done. This reduces the stress level of having to be at work. If you are tired of office routine, try to unload at least one extra day a week and spend it with pleasure. You will see how much more positive you will begin to perceive your own life.

4. Italian happiness

Italians love to drink, eat delicious food and spend time chatting. In Italian families, as a rule, grandmothers cook, and the rest of the household can afford to relax in the evening with a glass of wine. Residents of Italy find special pleasure in spending money: here they know how to dress expensively and elegantly. Even not very wealthy Italians would prefer to buy a designer item rather than save money for the future.

5. Canadian happiness

For Canadians, happiness is a kaleidoscope of events. Stay at home local residents They don’t like it, they enjoy spending time with friends, and are chosen by a large group for hockey matches. One of the most favorite places to spend time is festivals in Montreal.

6. Chinese happiness

In the Chinese understanding, a person who has a worthy goal is already happy. It doesn’t matter whether it’s difficult or easy to achieve, the main thing is the result. In ancient times, the highest goals of the Chinese were to have a roof over their heads, food, family and time to think. And now it is important not to miss the meaning of life, because a person constantly wants more. Try to make every day meaningful, then life will be perceived as a holiday, and not as a routine.

7. Norwegian happiness

What Norwegians value most is the leisurely pace of life. People here love nature and often go to the mountains or have a picnic. “Slow TV” is popular among Norwegians: hours-long video of some natural phenomenon or action, for example, a 12-hour film of a fire burning, or 170 hours of filming about the migration of deer. Try to take your mind off the action movies and watch the Discovery Channel, it's very relaxing.

8. Finnish happiness

Finns simply love to relax, even during the week. They have no equal in the art of relaxation. The house and sauna are the most comfortable places to relax in Finland. There is such an attraction: a Finn drinks beer, the Finnish “sisu” (stubbornness, regardless of the consequences) immediately kicks in, and he goes diving into a lake or rolling in the snow in his underwear. Reminds me of a type of Russian entertainment when, after a steam room, they rush into a snowdrift. Vigor of spirit and body is guaranteed.

9. Swedish happiness

10. Japanese happiness

The ancient Japanese art of restoring ceramics (kintsugi) involves not masking, but highlighting cracks in a vase using gold or silver varnish. This is the beauty. “Old” things are used again, rather than replaced with new ones. The Japanese, like no other, value tradition and are very relaxed about the aging process. This country has the lowest rate of visits to plastic surgeons. People don’t have complexes and don’t try to look 20 years younger; they live by the principle “what’s natural is beautiful.”

Publisher: Gaya - May 27, 2019


It is harmony, that is, the balance of opposing and even conflicting elements that allows us to enjoy this life and receive maximum satisfaction from it.

At the same time, the Universe is constantly trying to streamline our lives. For example, if we are sad, she strives to fill our lives with positive moments, and if we need something, she sends us what we want. This is the process of restoring and maintaining balance. Moreover, this process is self-regulating, that is, the cosmos, one way or another, helps to balance our lives. Another thing is that it takes a lot of time, and the form in which the Universe helps us does not always correspond to expectations.

But we have the power to influence this process and bring ourselves closer to harmony with the world around us. To do this, you need to master another law of the Universe. It sounds like this: “The good must be returned!” That is, a person must learn to thank the universe for the care it provides us. Once you begin to thank the Universe, you will stop constantly fighting for a “place in the Sun”, you will stop constantly encountering failures and heroically overcoming them, and you will enjoy life, being in peace and harmony with the people around you and nature.

Therefore, every person should understand one simple truth - gratitude attracts good luck. When you thank others for their help, express gratitude to the universe, you give away some of the positive energy, which means you strive for harmony. If you don’t give thanks, you can wait a very long time for positive changes in your life, or even not at all. In response to indifference, the Universe will respond with indifference.

If you understand the principle of how feedback from the cosmos works, all you have to do is learn the most important rules of gratitude. Using them in everyday life, you will be able to achieve the harmony that every person dreams of and strives for.

1. Give thanks from the bottom of your heart.

The first rule is: “You need to give thanks from the bottom of your heart.” Think about how we say words of gratitude to the people around us, to God or the Universe. Often we don’t even think about what we are saying, we simply mechanically, out of politeness, say long-memorized phrases “thank you,” “thank you,” “you are very kind,” “all the best to you.” In this case, words of gratitude lose all meaning, which means they stop “working.” The Universe does not accept such empty phrases, which means it does not respond to them.

Therefore, if you want to say words of gratitude to a person, first of all, be aware of this. Think, at least for a few seconds, about what the person did for you, realize the scale of his help, and only then, with feeling, tell him the cherished words. At this moment, you should feel a positive flow of energy that you are transmitting to the person as a sign of gratitude. If gratitude is sincere and comes from the heart, you will definitely feel it.

In a similar way, you should thank the world around us, Lord, Universe, providence, or whatever you desire, for positive changes in your life. You got a good job, recovered from a serious illness, weather conditions contributed to your business or simply lifted your spirits. Thank whoever you think is appropriate for this. The main thing is to do it with your soul.

Experts advise keeping a gratitude diary to write down at least 10 situations and actions every day for which you would like to thank fate or a specific person. And in the evenings, you could re-read the pleasant moments that have happened in your life and once again thank the world around you for them.

By the way, if you thank a specific person, express your feelings to him out loud, preferably looking into his eyes. If you thank the universe or nature, you can do it mentally. In any case, the positive message will reach the recipient.

2. Choose the right words of gratitude

Gratitude requires the right words. For example, the word “thank you” is not entirely suitable for expressing gratitude, although it has firmly entered our vocabulary. It is much more correct to say “thank you,” because in this case your emotional message will mean - I give a benefit, I give you a piece of my benefits. These words contain the very essence of goodness - it should not stagnate, goodness should constantly circulate, passing from one person to another.

Ideally, you should not just say “thank you,” but indicate what exactly you are expressing gratitude for. In this regard, when saying words of gratitude, it is better to say: “Thank you for your support” or “Thank you for your help.” With this approach, your message will be as accurate as possible, and the person who helped you will be even more pleased. Obviously, the Universe will definitely respond to this signal, bringing you one step closer to harmony.

3. Use the right gestures

You will be surprised, but gratitude can be expressed not only in words. Body language helps to express gratitude better than any words. This doesn't require much. First of all, say words of gratitude while facing the person and looking into their eyes. Hands should not be hidden. You can shake hands with your benefactor or hold their palm in yours. Alternatively, you can hug the person or support him by the elbow. If this is a person who is not so close to you, simply hold your hands in front of you, palms open. By doing this you show your affection for the person.

4. Give thanks with actions

In addition to the right words and gestures, gratitude can also be expressed through real actions. In response to a person’s support, you can perform the same selfless act towards him. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to wait for good deeds from others in order to begin to reciprocate them. Start doing good deeds in gratitude to life itself, for the fact that you breathe this air, for the fact that you receive pleasant emotions, for the fact that you are healthy and full of strength.

Help people around you simply because you are able to help, and because your soul requires it. With your help, care and attention, you launch a flow of thanksgiving energy that these people will begin to transmit further. At the same time, do not forget one more law of the Universe: “When you do something for others, you do it for yourself.” You will definitely feel this in your soul as soon as you begin to do good deeds, caring for others and the space around us.

As soon as you learn to sincerely thank the people around you or the universe itself for all the good things that happen to you, you will notice that there are more and more such positive moments. Over time, this behavior will become a conscious necessity. And how could it be otherwise, if by trying to express gratitude, you will receive much more, and this will make your life better, happier and more harmonious. Don't believe me? Just try it! Start right now, from this minute...

State budgetary professional educational institution"Tulun Agricultural College"


Completed by: Anastasia Loshmanova, profession “Construction restorer”

Head: teacher

My life credo

A person is born... How important is it to find yourself in this numerous stream, how not to get lost, how to preserve yourself, how to increase what people did before me? These thoughts started to come to me early. How many people may have had similar thoughts? But somehow not everyone found themselves in this multifaceted and hectic world. If you look outside, you rarely see a peaceful face filled with the joy of life. The kind of face that would say: yes, life is good. I, probably, in this crowd of people, also seem like something gray and a faceless spot, something nondescript and unattractive. That's what I started thinking a little later. No, of course, you can depict something like that, but that’s not about me.

Life is arranged in such a way that a person must do something. I understand it this way: to do something so that it absorbs the whole person completely, so that there is no time left to think about stupid things. What professions have I not ascribed to myself? I'm a doctor, but I'm afraid of blood. Here I am a salesman, but I can’t smile at everyone. I am a teacher, but being patient every day is not for me. Growing up, I was already thinking not only about who I would become, but also what kind of person I would become? And that they didn’t create people for my sake, but they created me for people. And what benefit will I bring to my country, my people, what remarkable thing will I do?

You begin to realize that not only my profession is important, but what kind of specialist I am, how much I have mastered this or that profession, how much people need it, what have I achieved? How much is my profession in demand on the labor market, its prospects and remuneration for this very work. For many, this or that specialty is not so important, but its financial incentive. And this, too, I think, is the norm of life.

But there is the most wonderful of all professions on earth. This is to bring people joy. The joy received from the contact of something bright, joyful, for example, from fresh whitewash, from the smell of paint, from the feeling of returning a second life to a worn-out building. Buildings are like people. They are witnesses of human sorrows and joys. They know: people were born here, they lived, loved, fulfilled the deeds destined by fate and left, leaving this building to younger forces. But the buildings are aging and need restoration. So that the building finds modern look it must be cleared of everything unnecessary. The next step: you need to see the only thing in the building that will suit only him, that is, try on his face. After all, people say: everyone gets the face they deserve. Or maybe not everything needs to be cleaned, because the building may “lose its face” and will not find it again. It is probably harder for a building to “lose face” than for a person. People will walk past this house in a continuous stream, they will look at it, but it will turn out to be gray and faceless, it will frighten many residents with the eye sockets of the windows. No, of course, people will live in it, but joylessly. And along with this building they will remember me, the person who gave them such a miserable life. And I know well that the measure of each person’s life is not in its duration, but in how it was used. Therefore, I want to become a specialist who will bring joy to people. When starting important work, I will use all my strength, knowledge, think through every little detail, but I will find information and put a piece of my soul into specific work. Let it be working with paints or mastic, but I will do a great job. That's how I was taught. You have to love your job, only then can you succeed as a person. The main thing is that people, both small and large, are satisfied. When moving into this house, residents will be surprised by the skillful design that distinguishes a craftsman from a simple worker. Here the music will sound again, children's laughter will be heard, pigeons will fly up onto the roof, lovers, holding hands, will pass by my building. And someone will want to know the name of the master who so lovingly plastered, primed, painted and simply conjured every inch of this luxurious house. My work is creative, and it will help me assert myself in life. I consider myself worthy person and I act according to my beliefs: “If you want to change the world, start with yourself.” It has always been important for me to hear not only what people tell me, but to feel their joy.

My friends will also work next to me. Together we will do much more. We will not expect unexpected gifts from life, but we will build our lives ourselves. Our creative work will become the key to happiness, a clean and joyful life for many people. We will grow professionally, we will learn and apply a lot. Life does not stand still. And I want to become the happiest person on earth. Most happy man the one who gives joy to the greatest number of people.

And my life credo: to bring joy to people through my work.

This will be my small contribution to the development of our country.


Goals and objectives:

    formation of their own stable life position for high school students;

    motivation to analyze and synthesize teenagers’ own views, actions and actions in relation to generally accepted moral and legal norms of existence and life.

Progress of the conversation:

Social teacher: Guys, today I invite you to the discussion room, in which, of course, it is difficult to come to a common opinion, but thanks to the “free microphone” you have the opportunity to express your own point of view.

This does not mean at all that you can “talk nonsense.” You already know certain rules for conducting a discussion, you have heard about them at various training sessions, watched on TV, met on the Internet. The basic rules of our discussion room are quite simple: keep it short and well-reasoned; respect the opinions of your comrades; convince, not prove; know how to stop in time.

So, our conversation is about the concept of life position: what is it, does it exist at all, what are the types of a person’s life position, what is your life credo today?

    Is living in accordance with the law a right or an obligation?

Each of us has our own life position, our own life credo. Does our own life position always coincide with the ethical and legal norms of existence? Let's first turn to the dictionary and consider the essence of the term “life position.”

“Life position is the direction of a person’s life activity, his point of view on his place and role in public life (in contrast to social status, provisions). In moral terms, a life position is a system of behavior of an individual, determined by his beliefs, ideology, and conscience. A person’s position on any socially significant issue is a life position insofar as it corresponds to the objective logic of the development of social reality and reflects the alignment of real social forces influencing this development. The criterion for the truth and correctness of a particular life position is its compliance with the progressive trends in the development of society and the interests of advanced social forces. To determine the life position of people, it is necessary to find out what social situation and how exactly their actions are determined. Life position is one of the most important signs of an individual’s personal development, determining his place in the historical process. The formation of personality is at the same time a person’s conscious choice of one or another life position (moral choice). The content of the personal choice of a certain life position is ultimately determined by the ideals and values ​​of the society, class or social group to which the individual belongs. But this does not detract from the role of the subject himself, the individual, in determining his attitude to the world. A life position is an expression of a person’s social activity, which is based on ideological certainty and adherence to principles, and presupposes social consciousness.” *

This definition was not chosen by chance. Think and express your opinion: this definition Is it possible to apply the term “life position”, described in the reference book 25 years ago, to the modern realities of world and Russian society? (Possible reasoning of the guys).

According to modern scientists, teachers and psychologists, life position is a person’s attitude towards the world around him, expressed in his thoughts and actions.

Scientists also identify two main life positions:

    passive (conformist), aimed at subordinating to the surrounding world, following circumstances;

    active, aimed at transforming the world around us, controlling the situation.

In turn, a conformist life position, according to scientists, happens:

    authoritarian-conformist (a person’s behavior is guided by the behavior and views of some individual, very influential and authoritative person, as a rule, the leader of a team);

    group-conformist (an individual, like other members of the group, strictly adheres to the norms accepted in the group);

    social-conformist (an individual submits to the norms of society and goes with the flow"); This behavior was especially characteristic of citizens of totalitarian states.

An active life position also has its facets:

    active, independent behavior in relation to other individuals, but subordination to the group leader;

    submission to the norms of society, but the desire to lead in a group or team;

    ignoring social norms and an active desire to “find oneself” outside society - in a gang of criminals, among hippies, in other antisocial groups;

    rejection of the norms of society, but the desire to independently and with the help of others change the entire surrounding reality.

How do you feel about this opinion of scientists? How do each of you understand the terms “active” and “passive” life position? Give reasons for your point of view. (Options for reasoning by high school students).

    Is doing good to people a life credo or a requirement of the law?

Social teacher: Guys, now express your point of view and, if possible, share the secrets of your life credo. To make it easier for you to enter into a discussion, I offer several problem situations.

    What do you think about the following life credo of a high school girl your age: “A person should always strive for something big and holy. He lives with hope only for the best. Collective farmers grow bread in the hope that they will reap a rich harvest. Chemists are inventing new drugs, thanks to which our medicine will become more modern. Electronic and computer equipment. But the most important thing in our life is communication between people. No technology, no achievements of science can replace people - the warmth of their hearts and the intelligence of their thoughts. I really want people all over the world to be friends with each other, to visit each other, to enjoy communication, to share good news, to respect their elders, and not to offend the little ones. After all human life so short! And we must try to do as many good deeds as possible in order to leave a good mark on people’s souls. But lately it has become increasingly difficult to combine good qualities in people. Life is trying to make us rude and cruel, to bring us to our knees. I would like to help with something, but I don’t know how. But how to survive these years? My life position is not to panic, to boldly move forward, to work honestly.”

    And here is the life credo of another high school student: “I think that everyone should find their place in life, and true comrades and friends can help him in this. I dream of a highly paid position, and only my faithful friends will help me get it, because their parents have a certain weight in society. Nowadays, many of my classmates have no interest in what is going on in the world; I am busy with the main thing for me at the moment - studying, acquiring knowledge in order to successfully enter the prestigious university. IN free time I communicate only with a group of my faithful friends and I hope that they will help me in my further studies and employment.”

(Possible reasoning of high school students.)

    What do you think if in modern life literary heroes known to you managed to get there: Luka and Satin from “At the Lower Depths” by M. Gorky, Vronsky and Karenin from “Anna Karenina” by L. Tolstoy, who would have an easier life? Who is faster and why would he be able to find his place in modern world?

(Possible reasoning of high school students.)

    Do you think there is a place for mercy in the modern world? Are mercy and altruism always selfless? In what case, when showing, for example, mercy and compassion for a disabled person, do we show true mercy, and not humiliation of the personal dignity of a person with disabilities?

    Recently, the term “life position” has often been used during various election campaigns. How do you feel about this? Can your personal position in life, for example during elections to state or local authorities, always influence the situation in the region or even in the country? How do you feel about all-Russian actions aimed at developing the citizenship of young people, about youth political movements of various directions?

(Possible reasoning for high school students)

    Give examples famous personalities(scientists or actors, politicians or musicians, businessmen or criminals; representatives of government, culture, education or industry in your city or village) whose life position you like. Give reasons for your choice.

(Possible reasoning of high school students).

    I choose a life without crime!

Social teacher: So, judging by your opinions and the opinions of scientists, we can draw a definite conclusion that life position is the most pronounced and therefore the main components of the personality orientation of any person. This is a unique reaction of the individual to the world around him, which has two aspects: internal - worldview and external - activity. The active aspect of a person’s life position is a conscious choice, which includes the method of carrying out an action (one’s own action).

From the point of view of psychological science, the main new formation in early adolescence is personal self-determination. The basis of self-determination in older adolescence and adolescence is value orientations, the active determination of one’s position relative to a socially developed system of values, and the determination on this basis of the meaning of one’s own existence. Value orientations are elements of the personality structure that characterize the content side of its orientation. When choosing any sphere of activity in life, a person also chooses the corresponding values. A change in activity most often entails significant changes in the value sphere of the individual. The basis for revising systems of personal values ​​and behavior patterns may be such life factors as a serious, incurable illness, loss loved one, loss of property and home, life experience, and vice versa: the influence of a favorable social environment (sudden “entry” into the world of bohemia or business), the purchase of housing in a comfortable residential area or in another country, etc.

The formation of a life position or life credo in early youth can be influenced by such factors as the socio-cultural environment, peer group, family situation, modern information and communication technologies, customs and traditions of a particular region (republic, region, region, city or village ), etc. The main thing is that from early adolescence a person develops the conviction that he is not “a grain of sand in a world of chaos,” but a full-fledged person, fully capable of surviving in society, bringing benefit to someone and receiving satisfaction from being. To do this, you need to tune yourself in early youth only to positive motives for life: “I am capable”, “I am no worse than others”, “And I can do this if I try” “And I have this talent, I just need to develop it”, “But life, it turns out, is wonderful!”

Nowadays it has become fashionable to have life motto.

And it must be said life motto- this is not just a fashionable feature.

If you take the choice of a motto seriously and thoughtfully, a motto can change your life, or at least significantly influence it.

What are life mottos?

A motto is usually a short phrase that reveals a person's beliefs, aspirations, or behavior.

Choosing life motto, often use quotes from classic works, sayings, or aphorisms great people.


“Life is a combination of honey and gall.”


“A good start is half the battle.”


“Life is beautiful if you learn to live.”

Pliny the Elder:

“So many things were considered impossible until they were accomplished.”

Leonardo da Vinci:
“A bad student is one who is not superior to the teacher...”

Never give up on your dreams. (Paulo Coelho)

To conquer the whole world, you need to defeat yourself (F. Dostoevsky)

No desire is given to a person separately from the power that allows it to be realized. (Richard Bach)

Use every chance as if it were your last. (Henry Ford)

Apt expression folk proverb or a saying, and here it is ready motto for life.

If you want to be happy, be it!

What goes around comes around.

To achieve a goal, you must first go to it.

To appreciate a road, you need to walk it.

The one who does nothing makes no mistakes.

Never say never.

Serious pursuit of any goal is half the success in achieving it.

Fate leads the smart man, but drags the stupid one down.

The morning is wiser than the evening.

If you want to live, know how to spin.

The best mottos for life.

The best mottos in life are phrases filled with meaning.

Be yourself. There is no second one like this, and there never will be. And this is your pricelessness.

Be faithful to those who are faithful to you.

Be attentive to your thoughts - they are the beginning of actions. (Lao Tzu)

If you live in the past, you will miss the present.

Desires give rise to opportunities, and reluctances give rise to reasons.

Life creates situations for you, you look for ways to solve them.

Beautiful mottos for life.

If you search, you can find very beautiful mottos for life.

And live well! And life is good!

To live, not to exist!

Everyone gets what they deserve.

Each person decides his own destiny.

Those who want to see a rainbow must put up with the rain.

He who does not go forward goes back.

Nothing is impossible.

As long as I breathe, I hope!

Whoever owns information owns the world.

A person's motto in life.

Man's motto can tell a lot about him.

Choosing life motto, every person tries to express his beliefs in a few words.

Often people themselves miss the opportunities that life provides them.

It is unreasonable to fear what is inevitable.

Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.

In any business, the main thing is to be patient; those who want everything at once usually get nothing.

Life motto for girls.

The girls turned out to be the biggest fans of the mottos.

Life motto for girls can be anything: flirty, frivolous, optimistic, life-affirming.

It all depends on what the girl wants to express with her motto.

Always be yourself!

Everything is simpler than it seems.

My life is my rules.

Smile at life and life will smile at you.

Perfection has no limits.

Solve problems as they arise.

Calm, just calm!

I don’t regret the past—it’s life experience.

Never regret anything.

Treat others the way you want them to treat you.

I'm fine! Even if it’s bad, it’s still good.

good life mottos for girls are obtained from quotes great And famous people.

Sophia Loren:
"Simplicity is the essence of elegance..."

Agatha Christie:
“Smart people don’t get offended, but draw conclusions...”

Charlotte Bronte:
“It’s better to try everything and find out that everything is vanity, than to try nothing and live an empty life...”

B. Shaw
“A healthy body is a product of a healthy mind.”

V. Scott:

“The most useful thing in life is your own experience.”

Samuel Johnson:

“You shouldn’t regret what you can’t fix.”

R. Rolland:

“I am what will be, not what was.”

Ranevskaya Faina Georgievna:
“Family replaces everything. Therefore, before you get one, you should think about what is more important to you: everything or family...”

Eleanor Roosevelt:
“If life were predictable, it would cease to be life and would lose its taste...”

More about mottos.

Everyone decides for themselves what life motto choose.

Choose mottos for life, which will lead you to your goal, set you up for work, develop confidence, and build perseverance.

“My life and professional credo”

Each person has his own life and professional credo. Creed means "I believe." I believe in becoming an educational professional and am confident that I will contribute to the profession and achieve my goals.

My life credo can be expressed in the words of S. Johnson: “To live means to continuously move forward.” Why exactly his words are taken as a basis, I’ll explain simply, I like to discover something new for myself every day, find unusual things in an ordinary gray day, and most importantly, I’m not afraid of life’s failures, because, as a rule, they, on the contrary, strengthen my body and make me stronger as a person. In my opinion, if I remain inactive and lazy, then there will be no chance at all to change my future life.

I learned to value my life, my time and those people who are nearby, no matter what. That is why I abandoned those thoughts and deeds that I was wasting, bringing no benefit to myself or those around me. In my opinion, life is a kind of adventure in which I should not sit in one place, I must feed myself with diverse emotions and learn self-improvement skills, because there is only one life, and I must live it with dignity.

If we talk about my professional credo, I would like to note that I chose my profession “Teacher” not by chance.

And so it happened, my little childhood dream turned into reality, I grew up and entered a pedagogical college for the profession that I wanted and I don’t regret one bit that I chose it.

When I come to school to give lessons to the younger generation, my heart stops for a minute... and it seems that I plunged into my childhood, because standing in front of the blackboard, I turn into the same little girl I was... but then I remember that The years have flown by, and I am no longer the same little one, but a teacher in five minutes. I love children very much, I always catch their enthusiastic glances and try not only to show how much I know the material, but also to teach them new methods and techniques. After the lessons, I like to see my result, which is reflected in the children’s knowledge. As I said great philosopher Confucius: “Having chosen a goal, go towards it with all your heart!”, probably this phrase reflects my life and professional credo, because I am not just a future teacher who will teach a child the disciplines they need, I will be a teacher-friend who will give all his love and heart to children, and also teach them to believe in themselves!

With a feeling of confidence, I can easily say that “I am in the right place!”