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Certificate in English fce. FCE - International English Language Exam

The ECE test is the first serious language certificate that has legal force. The exam shows language proficiency at level B2 (upper intermediate, above average). An FCE certificate holder is a “confident user” of the language: he can carry on a conversation on any everyday topic, understands journalistic texts, and expresses his thoughts competently.

Why do you need an FCE certificate?

Proof of language knowledge is now required everywhere. We list the situations in which an FCE certificate will be enough for you.

· Obtaining a work visa to the UK
· Work in the technical field in English-speaking countries (from master to engineer)
· Work in a foreign company in Russia
· Admission to many colleges and some universities in the UK (when applying to a university, be sure to check what language tests are required. In the academic environment, FCE is, alas, skeptical; most universities require an IELTS or TOEFL certificate)

Exam structure

The exam consists of five parts:


In 60 minutes you will have to read four short texts of different genres: an excerpt from a fiction book, a newspaper article, a fragment of a scientific article and answer 30 questions about the text. The tasks will be both for general reading comprehension and for searching for specific facts. You will be asked to choose a phrase that better conveys the general meaning of the text than others, choose the optimal title, insert missing words and sentences into the text, find the correct answer, and so on.


The best way to prepare is practice. The main task is to get used to the language and thematic field, learn to read quickly, extracting key information. A few steps will help.

· Download any collection of training texts and solve all the tasks in a row. Be sure to limit yourself in time: allocate no more than ten minutes for each task. This will allow you not to get confused in the stressful situation of the exam.
· Read original texts.
o Take a good fiction book (for example, The Thirteenth Tale by Diana Setterfield or The Casual Vacancy by Joanna Rowling are suitable).
o Look through the English-language press every day. The Internet contains online versions of major publications, for example, the British “The Times” and the American “The New York Times”.
o Flip through popular science magazines (Discover, Popular Mechanics, National Geographic): most exam texts are adapted from there.


You will have 90 minutes to write two texts. The first task is the same for everyone: you need to answer the letter. This could be an official message or an email from a foreign pen pal. In the first case, you may be asked to participate in organizing an event, leave a review about the work of the store, write a motivation letter to admissions committee University or tell a potential employer about yourself. In the second, most likely, there will be several general questions about your country (for example, “I would like to come to Russia, when do you think it’s most interesting here”), several specific requests (“Advise where I should stay and which museum I should go to?” go").

In the second task you will be offered several topics to choose from. You can choose from:
· write a short (120-180 words) essay on one of the topics of the school curriculum (“My best friend”, “The most important day of my life”, “My favorite city” and so on),
· give a review of a recently watched play or film,
· tell a pen pal about a particular book,
· come up with a short plot story starting with a given sentence.


Despite the apparent variety of topics, all letters for the first task are created using a couple of templates. The main thing is to remember a few speech formulas and build a text framework in advance.

· Learn the greeting formulas (Dear sir or madam, Dear Ladies and gentlemen for an official letter, Dear + name for a friendly letter) and farewell (Thank You for Your attention, Best wishes, Yours sincerely for a business letter, Hope to hear from you soon, Love – for informal).
· Think through a few sentences about yourself: be prepared to tell where you studied and worked. This does not have to be true at all: the main thing is that the story sounds convincing.
· Prepare a few facts about your country and city.

In order to optimally prepare for the second task, it is advisable to decide in advance on the task that you will perform in the exam. Get ready for two out of four options: one of them will definitely be suitable.

· Refresh your lists thematic vocabulary. Be sure to check out the collections of adjectives to describe a person and city, as well as the lists of basic verbs.
· Think about what cultural event you are ready to talk about.
· Write or replay in your head the plots of a couple of books, films and plays, remember the names of the actors, think about why these works are interesting to you and those around you.

Use of English

This part of the exam lasts 70 minutes and includes grammar tests. Basic topics are checked:

· verb tenses,
verbs used with infinitives and gerunds,
· modal verbs,
degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs,
· subordinate clauses,
indirect speech
· passive voice,
· conditional sentences,
· articles,
· demonstrative pronouns,
· closed questions (yes/no),
· sentences with inversion

You will be faced with a wide range of test items. You will be asked to choose the most appropriate form of the word in the context, enter the missing word, rebuild the sentence using the specified word, correct errors in the text, and so on.


Unfortunately, you can’t prepare for this block of tasks without cramming. Review each of the topics listed and solve practice tests.


You will hear four fragments of text and will have to answer 30 questions. In the first task there will be eight short quotes, each with one multiple choice question. The second contains a monologue or dialogue and ten sentences that will need to be supplemented. In the third there are 5 fragments of text, for each of which gjnht,etncz select the most appropriate sentence in meaning. The last task will have a monologue or dialogues, seven multiple choice questions.


Many people consider listening to be the most difficult part of the exam. English phonetics is far from Russian, and in order to learn to parse words in a stream of noise and manage to understand the general meaning, you need a lot of practice. Training tasks not enough. You need to listen to original, unadapted speech. Try watching British news. If you manage to retell what you saw, you don’t have to worry about the exam. If you still can’t keep up with spontaneous speech, listen to audiobooks. The text is read slowly and expressively, and the overall plot is easier to perceive than lines taken out of context. You can start with children's books. Listen to Harry Potter by Stephen Fry or The Hobbit by Rob Inglis. Watch movies, or better yet, TV series.


The shortest part of the test: you will have only 15 minutes to impress the examiner. Unlike other language tests, here you will have to work with a partner, another examinee. First, you will sit down with the examiner, and he will ask you several general questions: what is your name, where are you from, where do you study or work, what are your hobbies. Then the receiver will give you and your “colleague” two photographs each. In a minute you have to describe the images and compare them. After this, your partner will ask a question. Then you will listen to the interlocutor's monologue and will have to come up with a question for him. In the third task, you and your partner will have to discuss a given topic for three minutes. You may be asked to talk about anything: about different types transport, about modern diseases, about prices for education. The topic will be problematic: you will need to find a conflict, discuss it from different sides, and propose methods of solution. In the final, the examiner will start a conversation with you both about the topic raised in the third task. He will be interested in your opinion about any social problem. He will ask you open questions, expecting detailed answers to them.


The main thing for inspectors is not depth of thought, but fluency of speech. Your main task is not to remain silent. To avoid pauses, think through a dozen common phrases in advance. You can gain time using silence filler sentences: “That`s a good question”, “When you come to think about it” and so on. Learn question patterns (“What do you think about”, “And how about”) so that, if anything happens, you can “throw the ball” to your interlocutor. Remember the formulas for polite disagreement: “I see what you mean but,” “I can see your point but.” All this will add liveliness to the speech.

Where to take the FCE and how much does it cost?

In Russia, the exam is taken in 39 cities. Full list can be viewed on the official website of the Cambridge exams. The cost of the exam ranges from £122 to £145 depending on the exam date.

The FCE exam is perhaps the most common of all Cambridge tests. Here you don't need complex grammar or knowledge of scientific terminology. The main thing is your ability to use the language to communicate. Therefore, preparing for FCE is very enjoyable. Watch TV series, read the news, communicate with foreigners on the Internet - and everything will work out.

Maria Gorshkova

The article is devoted to how to pass exam FCE for the First Cambridge Certificate. Given step by step instructions necessary preparatory actions and the structure of the exam.

FCE place in the top five international tests

Russian citizens who received an education in the USSR, answering questions about their level of English language proficiency in job application forms, chose from two options. Those who have difficulty remembering english alphabet, marked the option “I read and translate with a dictionary,” and those who understood the meaning of the Beatles songs marked the option “I speak fluently.” In both cases, no one checked the qualifications, the likelihood of a foreign business trip or working with documents for foreign language was striving for zero, and young people did not even think that they could study in the UK or the USA.

Nowadays young people have different prospects, but studying abroad, applying for a job abroad, or taking the position of a secretary, assistant manager, assistant manager or employee in an international company is only possible if there is official confirmation of the level of language knowledge. To receive such confirmation or certificate, you must pass international examFCE, passing which means that the examinee speaks English sufficiently for admission to some British and many European educational institutions, for working with documents in English and for communicating with foreign citizens on general topics.

Exam FCE is the third of five in the system of testing people for whom English is not their native language, and reflects the average level of knowledge, although the literally name of the qualification “Upper intermediate” is translated as “Above average”. Verbal assessments always suffer from inaccuracies, so FCE often referred to as either a third level examination (or B2 on the European scale) or simply the "Cambridge First Certificate". Literally FCE is an abbreviation for « First Certificate in English" - that is, means the exam for obtaining the "First Certificate in English" English language».

International examFCE developed and carried out by the department ESOL examination board at the University of Cambridge since 1939. During this time, changes were made to the tests six times, the last of which occurred in 2008.

Carefully! Further changes to the exam format are expected in 2015–2016, which will be announced on our website.

Seven steps to the coveted certificate

More than a quarter of a million people from all over the world take it every year. different countries peace. In more than one hundred and thirty of them, including in Russia, the British Council has opened examination centers that conduct the exam. FCE tests knowledge of the English language in the British version. Certificates issued based on the results of the exam are perpetual, that is, they are issued for life.

For those who decide to confirm their qualifications, you need to follow a few simple steps:

  1. Take a preliminary test and determine whether your language knowledge corresponds to your ability to apply for the test exam FCE.
  2. Read the exam rules.
  3. Purchase or download study guides from the Internet.
  4. Decide on the method of preparation - independently or with the help of teachers.
  5. Prepare as needed.
  6. Register and pay for the exam.
  7. Test your knowledge on simulators to prepare for the exam.

Step 1: Testing Before the ExamFCE

There are two ways to check your level of knowledge in order to decide which exam to confirm your level of English proficiency.

  • take a test in any course, even if you decide to study on your own;
  • take a test, for example, on the website http://www.cambridgeenglish.org/test-your-english/.

Taking a simple online test allows you to determine which particular Cambridge exam the test taker’s level corresponds to. The test consists of 25 questions that can be answered as long as you like. At the end of the test, you can see the results and correct answers.

Attention! This test is not the same as exam FCE, is an approximation and is not an official proof of qualifications.

Step 2: study the rules of the eventFCE

Read the rules international exams in English, official documentation and payment amount can be found on the official page of the British Examinations Council http://cambridgeesol.org/ or on a special page http://www.examenglish.com/FCE/ website dedicated to exam FCE. Here you can download FCE- documentation, find general and step-by-step descriptions and examples of exam papers.

Step 3: Purchase or DownloadFCE-textbooks

To ensure adequate preparation forFCE, Need tutorials. Where can I borrow or buy them? If necessary literature not in the bookstore, you can download FCE- on the Internet or take them from a serious library, for example, from the British Council Library, an organization that brings English-language culture to the Russian masses. Its branches are in many cities, they always organize language libraries and open libraries, which necessarily have textbooks published by the University of Cambridge for FCE preparation and necessary audio materials. In Moscow, such a library is located on Nikoloyamskaya Street in building 1.

The most popular of teaching aids are FCE- textbooks:

  • New Progress to First Certificate. Leo Jones, Cambridge University Press;
  • Focus on First Certificate. Sue O'Connell, Longman;
  • First Certificate Avenues. David Foll and Anne Kelly, Cambridge University Press.

Steps 4–5: Exam PreparationFCE

Most of the applicants exam FCE prepare for it by attending preparatory courses that teach intermediate level English or have special groups to prepare for it FCE. But there are always brave souls who independently prepare for the test and successfully pass it.

Modern Internet technologies provide another way - preparation for the examFCE via Skype. As a matter of fact, the knowledge gained in a special school is enough to pass the exam, if you accurately understand the content of the tasks and practice well in solving similar problems.

Step 6: Register for the examFCE

If at the previous stage the method of group preparation was chosen, then questions may not arise with registration, since many courses that prepare for the exam FCE, are simultaneously certified centers for taking Cambridge exams. Such courses collect individual applications for registration or prepare group applications. There are about three thousand such centers around the world.

You can find your nearest exam center by visiting http://www.cambridgeenglish.org/find-a-centre/find-an-exam-centre/ by completing a simple inquiry form indicating your country, city and exam type. By calling the numbers found, you can find out about the registration procedure, the date of the exam for which you are registering, and preparatory courses.

As a rule, you need to come to the center in person to register. Registration takes place several months before the exam, so candidates still have time to practice.

Step 7: Exam PreparationFCEon the simulator

Anyone who has taken a driver's license is familiar with the principle of preparing for exams using simulators. You can also take the FCE exam in emulation mode on your computer or simply download various assignment options for independent decision. You can download FCE examples (including audio recordings).

You can work out on the simulators by going to the page with the address http://www.flo-joe.co.uk/fce/students/tests/. The simulator allows you to complete all types of tasks in several versions online with the ability to compare your answers with the correct ones. Of course, there will be other audio recordings during the exam, but the simulator allows you to learn how to correctly and quickly understand the essence of each task and learn how to fill out exam forms, which is very important when time is limited.

Tasks for working with texts are very diverse and can be interpreted in different ways, which can lead to their misunderstanding. The simulator teaches the examinee to adequately understand the requirements of the system.

Exam structure

The FCE exam consists of five sections:

  1. Reading (60 min);
  2. Letter (80 minutes);
  3. Use of English (45 minutes);
  4. Listening comprehension (40 minutes);
  5. Conversational speech (15 minutes).

The first 4 tests can be completed either on paper or on a computer. The paper-based exam is held in March, May, June, August and September, and the computer-based exam is held in February, April, July, August and November. Important! Not all centers support both test formats, so it is better to choose courses that offer admission examFCE in the selected format.

The reading skills test roughly consists of three parts:

  • text with 8 test questions with 4 answer options for each;
  • text with 7 missing parts that need to be inserted by selecting from the list on the right, leaving one extra;
  • text with spaces to fill in one of the 15 eligible people listed in the right column.

Texts may be taken from newspapers, magazines, reports, fiction, correspondence or information materials.

The writing skills test consists of two parts:

  • writing a letter or email;
  • writing an essay, letter, report, review or story.

Attention! It is better to choose well-known topics, and when writing, strictly follow the instructions and use complex speech patterns.

The English Language Proficiency Test consists of four parts:

  • multiple choice (insertion of missing words into the text, and the corresponding letter designations into the questionnaire);
  • filling in 12 spaces in the text with the necessary words;
  • word formation (replacing highlighted words with the desired word form);
  • transformation keywords(replacing some words with others or their combinations).

Carefully! You need to read the assignments carefully. For example, “verbal transformation” may be understood as the need to change existing words in a sentence, but in reality it involves adding new words to the sentence or replacing them. The test verifies vocabulary and knowledge of grammar.

Testing the ability to perceive information by ear is carried out in 4 stages:

  • listening to 8 recordings and answering 1 question for each;
  • listening to unfinished sentences and completing them;
  • multiple choice of persons who pronounce it corresponding to the text;
  • listening to a large fragment with a choice of answers to 7 questions.

Before listening to the texts, time is given to familiarize yourself with the questions.

Speaking skills are tested in an interview with the teacher and another candidate. Ability to speak different topics is tested by assigning subjects various life situations. The assignment may be to deliver a monologue on a given topic.

Exam procedureFCE and evaluation of results

The exam takes two days. On the second day, skills are tested oral speech. Each stage is assessed separately, after which the points are summed up. Based on the sum of points, a grade from A to E is determined, and, in extremely severe cases, a grade of U can be assigned. The maximum grade of A corresponds to an A and is assigned when the proportion of correct answers is equal to or exceeds 80%. This indicates that if you pass 4 tasks out of five perfectly, you can get the highest grade. An A grade allows admission to some European universities. A grade of C, corresponding to a C, is assigned if the percentage of correct answers is at least 65%. For grades D and E, no certificate is issued. The certificate arrives a few months after the exam, and its results can be found out after 6 weeks. The fee depends on the host center, but is approximately €160.

Greetings, my dear readers.

Did you know that about 70% of English language learners give up somewhere around the level Intermediate? What's next?

How do you like this my answer: we develop our knowledge further and confirm it. And the English exam will help us with this. FCE!

Today I want to tell you in detail what it is, what books to prepare for, how much it costs, when it takes place, I will show an example of the test, and also give some advice from me as a teacher.

Let's get started, I guess.

What is FCE?

This is an international test that confirms your knowledge of the language. Having passed it, you will be absolutely sure that you will be able to maintain a conversation in English on any topic, write correct letters and be confident in your vocabulary.

What does the FCE exam consist of?

There are 4 parts to the test: reading and using language, writing, listening and speaking. Let's go in order.

  • Reading and Use of English

Here you will have to cope with 3 texts and 4 tasks on grammar and vocabulary. In reading tasks can be as follows: fill in the blanks with sentences; choose the correct answer to the question; choose who mentioned this or that opinion.

As for grammar, here the tasks include choice the right word into the text; transformation one sentence into another using the proposed word and formation.

  • Letter (Writing).

Here it will be necessary to write an essay and report, a letter, a job application and a review of your choice.

I can tell you from experience that this part is very difficult for Russian speakers, because we are not taught to write correctly at all. Therefore, you will have to write and practice a lot.

  • Listening.

Quite simple tasks for students who have paid enough attention to practice. The tasks here are as follows: choose the correct answer based on the dialogue you listened to; answer interview questions, fill in the words in the blanks; choose which of the speakers said it.

  • Speaking

The fastest stage, which lasts only 14 minutes, but it will take a lot of practice to pass it. The second part causes a lot of fear, where in a minute you need to compare two pictures and answer questions. And in the third part, where you need to discuss the diagram, your interaction with your partner is assessed. Therefore, you need to practice this part as much as possible!

You can look at a live example of this test and evaluate your capabilities right now:

How much does it cost to take the exam and when does it take place?

The cost is determined annually, but on average it is somewhere around 10,000 rubles. It is held 2 times a year: at the end of autumn and at the beginning of summer. Registration ends several months before the exam, so be careful.

Would you like some advice from a teacher? how to pass FCE?

  • Plan everything clearly.

You won't be able to pass the tests by reading several texts a month and writing a couple of essays. Build a clear preparation plan, on which days of the week you will focus on which area, and follow this plan until the very end. Discipline and regularity are the basis of good results.

  • Learn strategies.

It sounds like business, but everything is correct, I was not mistaken. Each task has its own execution strategy. For example, in listening you will immediately be given 40 seconds to prepare. And you need to use them wisely: not just read the text, but highlight the main words with a pencil and crucial points that you will focus on while listening.

  • Practice, practice, practice.

Preparation for this test usually takes 9 months. I recommend spending the last 2 months exclusively in training and repeating what you have learned.

  • Choose the right books.

Prepare yourself using good and useful textbooks from Cambridge or Oxford publishing houses. Here are a few of my favorite textbooks:

1.FCE Practice exam papers.

2.FCE Gold plus exam maximiser.

3.First Certificate practice tests.

Well, my dears, I hope you have got complete information about this exam. But I still have so much useful information for you. Subscribe to my blog newsletter and be the first to know about everything.

In order to take the exam, you need to find an authorized center in your city. After this, you need to choose a convenient session - as a rule, they take place three times a year: in March, June and December. Then you need to register at the selected center - send an application and pay for the exam. Registration usually begins 3 months before the exam. The cost of the FCE exam in Moscow is now about 10,000 rubles. When registering, you will immediately find out the date of the written part, but the oral part, as a rule, is held on a different day. First, only the frame is indicated (for example, from December 3 to December 17), and after payment and confirmation of registration, approximately 3-4 weeks before the exam, you receive the exact schedule and information about the location of the exam.

You must have your schedule and identification with you during the exam. When you enter the classroom, you will be asked to remove all your belongings and mobile phones They will collect it and give you a number in return, just like in a wardrobe. You can only leave a document and a bottle of water on the table. All stationery supplies are provided by the center. All parts of the exam, except Writing, are completed with a pencil, and Writing with a pen. Erasers are also provided, so even if you make a mistake, you can change your answer. For each part you receive a booklet with tasks and an answer sheet. The booklet can be used as a draft, and the final answers can be transferred to the form. For the Writing part, you will be provided with a draft. Even if you made a mistake in the final version, it’s okay, it can be corrected. The most important thing is to write the text so that it is easy to read.

You will learn the result 4-6 weeks after passing the exam. It can be viewed on the website. And after a few weeks at your center you receive your certificate.

In order to get a well-paid job, you often need to confirm your qualifications, for which a diploma higher education often not enough. Therefore, additional universal methods began to appear on the personnel training market that can confirm the candidate’s readiness to successfully complete the assigned tasks. One of these areas was the FCE English language exam.

Why do you get FCE certificates?

The FCE exam is one of the elements of the ESOL system. Often, not only university applicants, but also applicants for positions related to special requirements for knowledge of the English language are interested in what the Cambridge FCE exam is and what this certificate provides.

The FCE certificate (First Certificate in English) confirms that its owner has a level of language knowledge at the third level of complexity (Upper-Intermediate), i.e. is able to fluently conduct business negotiations in English, work with English-language printed materials and perform other work, one way or another related to the need for back-to-back translation.

Teaching English up to the FCE level does not provide the opportunity to fully adapt to an English-speaking environment, since the training program does not contain elements of understanding culture, consideration of traditions and norms, or national characteristics. But even this level is enough to achieve mutual understanding with foreigners.

It is also worth noting that it is possible to undergo FCE certification not only for adults, but also for schoolchildren. The difference lies in the topic of the speaking part of the test, the content and style of the read texts and the written module, in accordance with the specifics of age categories.

According to reviews from individuals who have passed the FCE, the main reasons that prompted them to take these exams are:

  • need to find a new job - 32%;
  • desire to test their knowledge of English - 26%;
  • personal interest - 11%;
  • other reasons - 31%.

The test is carried out immediately on four types of communication skills - reading, writing, pronunciation and listening comprehension. Serious attention is paid to grammar and vocabulary.

What does the FCE certificate provide? If you haven’t realized it yet, this document officially confirms that you speak English at an intermediate level compared to native speakers.

FCE: exam structure and passing process

The popular FCE English exam is not a separate type of testing. FCE is included in the General English ESOL examination system developed by the Cambridge University Council. According to the pan-European assessment system, a person who has passed the Cambridge FCE exam is assigned level B2 (above average).

Anyone who wants to take it Cambridge exams in English at FCE level, you should prepare for the following testing modules (sections):

  1. Reading and Practical English. The check takes place within 75 minutes. In the first segment of the module, you will need to demonstrate your ability to read and understand scientific articles, fiction, journalism. This tests the examinee’s ability to perceive printed English text of various genres and styles. Then you will need to answer 52 questions. Some of the questions will earn you 1 point, others will earn you 2 points. This module has a 40% impact on the overall exam grade.
  2. Letter. You will need to compose two English texts of 140-190 words each. No more than 80 minutes are given to complete the task. The first task is an analytical essay on a given topic. The second text, at your choice, can be written in the style of a report, formal or informal letter, review, article or email of a business nature. 20% of the overall exam mark depends on this section.
  3. Listening. You are listening to an audio recording from in English speech(dialogue between two people, usually a man and a woman). Based on the information contained in the recording, you will need to answer 30 questions within 40 minutes. For each correct answer you will receive 1 point. This is another 20% of the entire assessment.
  4. Oral speech. The test lasts only 14 minutes. During this time, you will have to complete tasks such as paired dialogue, participation in discussions, and interviewing. In addition, you will receive a random card with an individual task. This section is where you can score the final 20% of your marks.

In order to successfully pass all tests, you need to actively take part in discussions and discuss international news, understand abstract and practical aspects of the text, speak without difficulty with a native English speaker on a variety of topics, analyze various situations orally and in writing in English, identify their pros and cons. It should be noted that this is the format used for the FCE 2015 exam; before this, the list of test sections was different.

The exam lasts two days. On the second day, speaking skills are tested, on the first - everything else. Based on the results of such a comprehensive check, it is concluded that the applicant meets the level required to obtain a Cambridge FCE certificate. The testing procedure usually takes place over two days and only after the end of the last stage an overall grade from A to E is given. A Pass with Distinction class certificate is issued (passed with special honors) if you score 80-100 points. For 75-90 points, you will receive a Pass with Merit certificate, which means “passed with honors.” 60-74 points - simply “passed” Pass. If the candidate scores only 45-59 points, then he may be issued another certificate - B1 Pass, which means that he speaks English at the B1 level on the European scale. Those who score less than 45 points receive an overall rating of Fail, which means “failure.”

If you receive fewer points, the test is considered failed, but re-taking the exams is not excluded. All you have to do is register again and wait your turn. The number of attempts is not recorded anywhere, so candidates for this certificate do not need to worry that they did not pass the test on the first try.

Where to take the exam and prepare for it

If preparing for FCE on your own seems too daunting, you can take preparation courses at various relevant language centres. For example, in Moscow:

  1. B.K.C. The cost of training up to the FCE level is 510 rubles per 1 academic hour.
  2. English First (EF). The cost of taking the exam is from $230.
  3. Language Link. In order to pass the exam, you will need to pay 9,400 rubles.

On the official website http://www.cambridgeenglish.org/ you can also find a suitable school in many major cities Russia. In them you can not only pass the exam, but also undergo preliminary training, and the course program will take into account all the features of the upcoming test. The same online resource will help you find useful information for those who are already tired of typing in the line to no avail search engine request "fce exam in english language example". Of course, the site is entirely in English. If you don't know English well enough yet, you'll have to use the translation function in your browser.

The cost of passing the exam is about 5-10 thousand rubles, depending on the organization where the training and final testing takes place. At the same time, some language centers accept exams even for people who studied English in other organizations or prepared on their own. If the exam fails, just register again, pay for it and wait for the next test. You can go through it with a certain pause, it all depends on the desire of the candidate.

Separately, it is worth noting that there is also online preparation for FCE, during which everything educational materials you receive via the Internet. Midterm tests can also be taken online, making the learning process very flexible. Students independently choose the time and intensity of independent study.

Based on the results of the preliminary testing, it is easy to assess your capabilities and, if necessary, undergo additional training. For example, by contacting another organization or hiring a qualified tutor who can provide training according to an improved program. By improving your language skills, you can retake the exam and receive a certificate in more than high level. At the same time, a mandatory retake is not required, since the FCE results have an unlimited validity period.