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The longest wars in history. The longest wars in the history of the world The longest war in history

In the history of mankind there have been wars that lasted more than a century. Maps were redrawn, political interests were defended, people died. We remember the most protracted military conflicts.

Punic War (118 years)

By the middle of the 3rd century BC. The Romans almost completely subjugated Italy, set their sights on the entire Mediterranean and wanted Sicily first. But the mighty Carthage also laid claim to this rich island. Their claims unleashed 3 wars that lasted (with interruptions) from 264 to 146. BC. and received their name from the Latin name of the Phoenicians-Carthaginians (Punians).

The first (264-241) is 23 years old (it started because of Sicily). The second (218-201) - 17 years (after the capture of the Spanish city of Sagunta by Hannibal). The last one (149-146) – 3 years. It was then that the famous phrase “Carthage must be destroyed!” was born.
Pure military action took 43 years. The conflict totals 118 years.
Results: Besieged Carthage fell. Rome won.

Hundred Years' War (116 years)

It went in 4 stages. With pauses for truces (the longest - 10 years) and the fight against plague (1348) from 1337 to 1453.
Opponents: England and France.
Causes: France wanted to oust England from the southwestern lands of Aquitaine and complete the unification of the country. England - to strengthen influence in the province of Guienne and regain those lost under John the Landless - Normandy, Maine, Anjou.
Complication: Flanders - formally was under the auspices of the French crown, in fact it was free, but depended on English wool for clothmaking.
Reason: the claims of the English king Edward III of the Plantagenet-Angevin dynasty (maternal grandson of the French king Philip IV the Fair of the Capetian family) to the Gallic throne.
Allies: England - German feudal lords and Flanders. France - Scotland and the Pope.
Army: English - hired. Under the command of the king. The basis is infantry (archers) and knightly units. French - knightly militia, under the leadership of royal vassals.
Fracture: after the execution of Joan of Arc in 1431 and the Battle of Normandy, the national liberation war of the French people began with the tactics of guerrilla raids.
Results: On October 19, 1453, the English army capitulated in Bordeaux. Having lost everything on the continent except the port of Calais (remained English for another 100 years). France switched to a regular army, abandoned knightly cavalry, gave preference to infantry, and the first firearms appeared.

Greco-Persian War (50 years)

Collectively - wars. They dragged on with calm from 499 to 449. BC. They are divided into two (the first - 492-490, the second - 480-479) or three (the first - 492, the second - 490, the third - 480-479 (449). For the Greek city-states - battles for independence. For the Achaeminid Empire - aggressive.

Trigger: Ionian revolt. The battle of the Spartans at Thermopylae has become legendary. The Battle of Salamis was a turning point. “Kalliev Mir” put an end to it.
Results: Persia lost the Aegean Sea, the coasts of the Hellespont and the Bosphorus. Recognized the freedoms of the cities of Asia Minor. The civilization of the ancient Greeks entered a time of greatest prosperity, establishing a culture that, thousands of years later, the world looked up to.

Guatemalan War (36 years)

Civil. It occurred in outbreaks from 1960 to 1996. A provocative decision made by American President Eisenhower in 1954 initiated a coup.

Cause: the fight against the “communist infection”.
Opponents: The Guatemalan National Revolutionary Unity bloc and the military junta.
Victims: almost 6 thousand murders were committed annually, in the 80s alone - 669 massacres, more than 200 thousand dead (83% of them were Mayan Indians), over 150 thousand went missing.
Results: Signing of the “Treaty of Lasting and Lasting Peace,” which protected the rights of 23 Native American groups.

War of the Roses (33 years)

Confrontation English nobility- supporters of two generic branches of the Plantagenet dynasty - Lancaster and York. Lasted from 1455 to 1485.
Prerequisites: “bastard feudalism” is the privilege of the English nobility to buy off military service from the lord, in whose hands large funds were concentrated, with which he paid for an army of mercenaries, which became more powerful than the royal one.

Cause: the defeat of England in the Hundred Years' War, the impoverishment of the feudal lords, their rejection of the political course of the wife of the feeble-minded King Henry IV, hatred of her favorites.
Opposition: Duke Richard of York - considered the Lancastrian right to rule illegitimate, became regent under an incompetent monarch, became king in 1483, was killed at the Battle of Bosworth.
Results: Disturbed the balance of political forces in Europe. Led to the collapse of the Plantagenets. She placed the Welsh Tudors on the throne, who ruled England for 117 years. Cost the lives of hundreds of English aristocrats.

Thirty Years' War (30 years)

The first military conflict on a pan-European scale. Lasted from 1618 to 1648.
Opponents: two coalitions. The first is the union of the Holy Roman Empire (in fact, the Austrian Empire) with Spain and the Catholic principalities of Germany. The second is the German states, where power was in the hands of Protestant princes. They were supported by the armies of reformist Sweden and Denmark and Catholic France.

Cause: The Catholic League was afraid of the spread of the ideas of the Reformation in Europe, the Protestant Evangelical Union strived for this.
Trigger: uprising of Czech Protestants against Austrian rule.
Results: Germany's population has dropped by a third. The French army lost 80 thousand. Austria and Spain - more than 120. After the Peace Treaty of Munster in 1648, a new independent state - the Republic of the United Provinces of the Netherlands (Holland) - was finally established on the map of Europe.

Peloponnesian War (27 years)

There are two of them. The first is the Lesser Peloponnesian (460-445 BC). The second (431-404 BC) is the largest in the history of Ancient Hellas after the first Persian invasion of the territory of Balkan Greece. (492-490 BC).
Opponents: Peloponnesian League led by Sparta and First Marine (Delian) under the auspices of Athens.

Causes: The desire for hegemony in the Greek world of Athens and the rejection of their claims by Sparta and Corinthus.
Controversies: Athens was ruled by an oligarchy. Sparta is a military aristocracy. Ethnically, the Athenians were Ionians, the Spartans were Dorians.
In the second, 2 periods are distinguished. The first is "Archidam's War". The Spartans made land invasions of Attica. Athenians - sea raids on the Peloponnesian coast. Ended in 421 with the signing of the Treaty of Nikiaev. 6 years later it was violated by the Athenian side, which was defeated in the Battle of Syracuse. The final phase went down in history under the name Dekelei or Ionian. With the support of Persia, Sparta built a fleet and destroyed the Athenian fleet at Aegospotami.
Results: After imprisonment in April 404 BC. Feramenov's world Athens lost its fleet, tore down the Long Walls, lost all its colonies and joined the Spartan Union.

Vietnam War (18 years old)

The Second Indochina War between Vietnam and the United States and one of the most destructive of the second half of the 20th century. Lasted from 1957 to 1975. 3 periods: partisan South Vietnamese (1957-1964), from 1965 to 1973 - full-scale fighting USA, 1973-1975 - after the withdrawal of American troops from Viet Cong territories.
Opponents: South and North Vietnam. On the side of the South are the United States and the military bloc SEATO (South-East Asia Treaty Organization). Northern - China and the USSR.

Cause: When the communists came to power in China and Ho Chi Minh became the leader of South Vietnam, the White House administration was afraid of the communist “domino effect.” After Kennedy's assassination, Congress gave President Lyndon Johnson carte blanche to use military force with the Tonkin Resolution. And already in March 1965, two battalions of US Navy SEALs left for Vietnam. So the United States became part of the Vietnamese Civil War. They used a “search and destroy” strategy, burned out the jungle with napalm - the Vietnamese went underground and responded with guerrilla warfare.

Who benefits?: American arms corporations.
US losses: 58 thousand in combat (64% under 21 years of age) and about 150 thousand suicides of American military veterans.
Vietnamese casualties: over 1 million combatants and more than 2 civilians, in South Vietnam alone - 83 thousand amputees, 30 thousand blind, 10 thousand deaf, after Operation Ranch Hand (chemical destruction of the jungle) - congenital genetic mutations.
Results: The Tribunal of May 10, 1967 qualified US actions in Vietnam as a crime against humanity (Article 6 of the Nuremberg Statute) and prohibited the use of CBU thermite bombs as weapons of mass destruction.

Various wars occupy a huge place in the history of mankind.

They redrew maps, gave birth to empires, and destroyed peoples and nations. The earth remembers wars that lasted more than a century. We remember the most protracted military conflicts in human history.

1. War without shots (335 years)

The longest and most curious of the wars is the war between the Netherlands and the Scilly Archipelago, part of Great Britain.

Due to the absence of a peace treaty, it technically lasted 335 years without a single shot being fired, making it one of the longest and funny wars in history, and even a war with the least losses.

Peace was officially declared in 1986.

2. Punic War (118 years)

By the middle of the 3rd century BC. The Romans almost completely subjugated Italy, set their sights on the entire Mediterranean and wanted Sicily first. But the mighty Carthage also laid claim to this rich island.

Their claims unleashed 3 wars that lasted (with interruptions) from 264 to 146. BC. and received their name from the Latin name of the Phoenicians-Carthaginians (Punians).

The first (264-241) is 23 years old (it started because of Sicily).

The second (218-201) - 17 years (after the capture of the Spanish city of Sagunta by Hannibal).

The last one (149-146) - 3 years.

It was then that the famous phrase “Carthage must be destroyed!” was born. Pure military action took 43 years. The conflict totals 118 years.

Results: Besieged Carthage fell. Rome won.

3. Hundred Years' War (116 years)

It went in 4 stages. With pauses for truces (the longest - 10 years) and the fight against plague (1348) from 1337 to 1453.

Opponents: England and France.

Reasons: France wanted to oust England from the southwestern lands of Aquitaine and complete the unification of the country. England - to strengthen influence in the province of Guienne and regain those lost under John the Landless - Normandy, Maine, Anjou. Complication: Flanders - formally was under the auspices of the French crown, in fact it was free, but depended on English wool for cloth making.

Reason: the claims of the English king Edward III of the Plantagenet-Angevin dynasty (maternal grandson of the French king Philip IV the Fair of the Capetian family) to the Gallic throne. Allies: England - German feudal lords and Flanders. France - Scotland and the Pope. Army: English - mercenary. Under the command of the king. The basis is infantry (archers) and knightly units. French - knightly militia, under the leadership of royal vassals.

Turning point: after the execution of Joan of Arc in 1431 and the Battle of Normandy, the national liberation war of the French people began with the tactics of guerrilla raids.

Results: On October 19, 1453, the English army capitulated in Bordeaux. Having lost everything on the continent except the port of Calais (remained English for another 100 years). France switched to a regular army, abandoned knightly cavalry, gave preference to infantry, and the first firearms appeared.

4. Greco-Persian War (50 years)

In total - war. They dragged on with calm from 499 to 449. BC. They are divided into two (the first - 492-490, the second - 480-479) or three (the first - 492, the second - 490, the third - 480-479 (449). For the Greek city-states - battles for independence. For the Achaeminid Empire - aggressive.

Trigger: Ionian Revolt. The battle of the Spartans at Thermopylae has become legendary. The Battle of Salamis was a turning point. “Kalliev Mir” put an end to it.

Results: Persia lost the Aegean Sea, the coasts of the Hellespont and the Bosphorus. Recognized the freedoms of the cities of Asia Minor. The civilization of the ancient Greeks entered a time of greatest prosperity, establishing a culture that, thousands of years later, the world looked up to.

4. Punic War. The battles lasted 43 years. They are divided into three stages of wars between Rome and Carthage. They fought for dominance in the Mediterranean. The Romans won the battle. Basetop.ru

5. Guatemalan War (36 years)

Civil. It occurred in outbreaks from 1960 to 1996. A provocative decision made by American President Eisenhower in 1954 initiated a coup.

Reason: the fight against the “communist infection”.

Opponents: Guatemalan National Revolutionary Unity Bloc and the military junta.

Victims: almost 6 thousand murders were committed annually, in the 80s alone - 669 massacres, more than 200 thousand dead (83% of them Mayan Indians), over 150 thousand missing. Results: the signing of the “Treaty of Lasting and Lasting Peace,” which protected the rights of 23 Native American groups.

Results: the signing of the “Treaty of Lasting and Lasting Peace,” which protected the rights of 23 Native American groups.

6. War of the Roses (33 years)

Confrontation between the English nobility - supporters of two family branches of the Plantagenet dynasty - Lancaster and York. Lasted from 1455 to 1485.

Prerequisites: “bastard feudalism” is the privilege of the English nobility to buy off military service from the lord, in whose hands large sums of money were concentrated, with which he paid for an army of mercenaries, which became more powerful than the royal one.

Reason: the defeat of England in the Hundred Years' War, the impoverishment of the feudal lords, their rejection of the political course of the wife of the feeble-minded King Henry IV, hatred of her favorites.

Opposition: Duke Richard of York - considered the Lancastrian right to rule illegitimate, became regent under an incompetent monarch, became king in 1483, was killed at the Battle of Bosworth.

Results: It upset the balance of political forces in Europe. Led to the collapse of the Plantagenets. She placed the Welsh Tudors on the throne, who ruled England for 117 years. Cost the lives of hundreds of English aristocrats.

7. Thirty Years' War (30 years)

The first military conflict on a pan-European scale. Lasted from 1618 to 1648. Opponents: two coalitions. The first is the union of the Holy Roman Empire (in fact, the Austrian Empire) with Spain and the Catholic principalities of Germany. The second is the German states, where power was in the hands of Protestant princes. They were supported by the armies of reformist Sweden and Denmark and Catholic France.

Reason: The Catholic League was afraid of the spread of the ideas of the Reformation in Europe, the Protestant Evangelical Union strived for this.

Trigger: Czech Protestant uprising against Austrian rule.

Results: The population of Germany has decreased by a third. The French army lost 80 thousand. Austria and Spain lost more than 120 thousand. After the Peace Treaty of Munster in 1648, a new independent state - the Republic of the United Provinces of the Netherlands (Holland) - was finally established on the map of Europe.

8. Peloponnesian War (27 years)

There are two of them. The first is the Lesser Peloponnesian (460-445 BC). The second (431-404 BC) is the largest in the history of Ancient Hellas after the first Persian invasion of the territory of Balkan Greece. (492-490 BC).

Opponents: Peloponnesian League led by Sparta and First Marine (Delian) under the auspices of Athens.

Reasons: The desire for hegemony in the Greek world of Athens and the rejection of their claims by Sparta and Corinthus.

Controversies: Athens was ruled by an oligarchy. Sparta is a military aristocracy. Ethnically, the Athenians were Ionians, the Spartans were Dorians. In the second, 2 periods are distinguished.

The first is Archidamus' War. The Spartans made land invasions of Attica. Athenians - sea raids on the Peloponnesian coast. Ended in 421 with the signing of the Treaty of Nikiaev. 6 years later it was violated by the Athenian side, which was defeated in the Battle of Syracuse. The final phase went down in history under the name Dekelei or Ionian. With the support of Persia, Sparta built a fleet and destroyed the Athenian fleet at Aegospotami.

Results: After imprisonment in April 404 BC. Feramenov's world Athens lost its fleet, tore down the Long Walls, lost all its colonies and joined the Spartan Union.

9. Great Northern War (21 years)

The Northern War lasted for 21 years. It was between the northern states and Sweden (1700-1721), the confrontation of Peter I Charles XII. Russia fought mostly on its own.

Reason: Possession of Baltic lands, control over the Baltic.

Results: With the end of the war, a new empire arose in Europe - the Russian one, with access to the Baltic Sea and possessing a powerful army and navy. The capital of the empire was St. Petersburg, located at the confluence of the Neva River and the Baltic Sea.

Sweden lost the war.

10. Vietnam War (18 years old)

The Second Indochina War between Vietnam and the United States and one of the most destructive of the second half of the 20th century. Lasted from 1957 to 1975. 3 periods: South Vietnamese guerrilla (1957-1964), from 1965 to 1973 - full-scale US military operations, 1973-1975. - after the withdrawal of American troops from Viet Cong territories. Opponents: South and North Vietnam. On the side of the South are the United States and the military bloc SEATO (South-East Asia Treaty Organization). Northern - China and the USSR.

The reason: when the communists came to power in China and Ho Chi Minh became the leader of South Vietnam, the White House administration was afraid of the communist “domino effect.” After Kennedy's assassination, Congress gave President Lyndon Johnson carte blanche to use military force with the Tonkin Resolution. And already in March 1965, two battalions of US Navy SEALs left for Vietnam. So the United States became part of the Vietnamese Civil War. They used a “search and destroy” strategy, burned out the jungle with napalm - the Vietnamese went underground and responded with guerrilla warfare.

Who benefits: American arms corporations. US losses: 58 thousand in combat (64% under 21 years of age) and about 150 thousand suicides of American military veterans.

Vietnamese casualties: over 1 million combatants and more than 2 civilians, in South Vietnam alone - 83 thousand amputees, 30 thousand blind, 10 thousand deaf, after Operation Ranch Hand (chemical destruction of the jungle) - congenital genetic mutations.

Results: The Tribunal of May 10, 1967 qualified US actions in Vietnam as a crime against humanity (Article 6 of the Nuremberg Statute) and prohibited the use of CBU thermite bombs as weapons of mass destruction.

(C) different places on the Internet

*Extremist and terrorist organizations prohibited in Russian Federation: Jehovah's Witnesses, National Bolshevik Party, Right Sector, Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), Islamic State (IS, ISIS, Daesh), Jabhat Fatah al-Sham, Jabhat al-Nusra ", "Al-Qaeda", "UNA-UNSO", "Taliban", "Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people", "Misanthropic Division", "Brotherhood" of Korchinsky, "Trident named after. Stepan Bandera", "Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists" (OUN), "Azov", "Terrorist Community "Network"

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The history of mankind is the history of wars. Endless conflicts constantly redrew the map, destroyed nations and gave birth to great empires. There were also wars that lasted more than a century, that is, there were generations of people who in their lifetime saw nothing but war.

1. War without shots (335 years)

This unusual war between the Scilly Archipelago and the Netherlands is not like any other war, and indeed is a pure formality. For 335 years, the rivals have never fired at each other, but it didn’t all start out so rosy.
This was during the second English Civil War, when Oliver Cromwell was pushing back the supporters of the English king. The fleeing royalists boarded ships and headed to the Isles of Scilly, which were owned by one of the king’s followers. All this time, the Netherlands vigilantly monitored the development of the internal English conflict, and when Parliament began to win, they decided to support it, sending their ships against the weakened royalist fleet in the hope of an easy victory. But it was not for nothing that the British were considered the best naval commanders in the world; they were able to inflict a crushing defeat on the Dutch. A few days later, the main forces of the Dutch fleet arrived at the islands, demanding compensation from the British for the cost of sunken ships and property. They were refused, after which at the end of March 1651 the Dutch declared war on the Isles of Scilly, with which they sailed home. After 3 months, Cromwell persuaded the king’s supporters to surrender, but the Netherlands could not conclude a peace treaty, since it was unclear with whom it should have been concluded, since the Isles of Scilly had already also fallen under the control of the English parliament, with which Holland did not seem to be at war.
The end of the war was put in 1985 by the chairman of the council, Scilly R. Duncan, who discovered in the archives that the territory he controlled formally continued to be at war with the Netherlands. On April 17 of the following year, the Dutch ambassador was not too lazy to sail to the island, who signed the belated peace agreement.

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2. Punic Wars (118 years)

At the beginning of the formation of the Roman Republic, the Romans were able to subjugate most of the Apennine Peninsula. But the rich island of Sicily still remained unconquered. Carthage, a powerful trading power in North Africa, also achieved the same goal. The Romans called the inhabitants of Carthage Punes. Having landed simultaneously in Sicily, the two armies inevitably began to fight. There were three Punic Wars, which intermittently lasted for 118 years with long periods of low-intensity conflict. At the end of the Punic Wars, Carthage was completely destroyed. It is believed that this conflict claimed up to a million lives, which was an incredibly high number at that time.

3. Hundred Years' War (116 years)

It was a war that broke out between medieval France and England and lasted for more than a century. Throughout the war, the parties involved had to take time out during the plague epidemic. This was a time when both countries were the strongest powers in Europe with powerful armies and allies. The war was started by England, whose king intended to return the ancestral lands in Normandy, Anjou and the Isle of Man. The French wanted to expel the British from Aquitaine and unite all the lands under the French crown. While the British used mercenary soldiers, the French used militia.
During the Hundred Years' War, the star of Joan of Arc shone, who brought many victories to France, but was treacherously executed. After the loss of the leader, the militias switched to methods guerrilla warfare. Eventually, England ran out of resources and admitted defeat, losing almost all of its possessions on the continent.

4. Greco-Persian War (50 years)

The war between the Hellenes and the Iranians lasted from 499 to 449 BC. e. At the beginning of the conflict, Persia was a warlike and powerful power. And Hellas as a single state did not even exist yet; instead, there were disunited city-states (policies). It seemed that they had no chance to resist the mighty Persia. But this did not stop the Greeks from starting to destroy the Persian armies. In the process, the Hellenes were able to agree to act together. After the end of the conflict, Persia recognized the independence of the policies and abandoned previously seized lands. For Hellas, prosperity came. Since then, it has become the basis of the culture on the basis of which modern European civilization emerged.

5. Guatemalan War (36 years)

This war began in 1960 and ended in 1996. It was civil in nature. On the one hand, Indian tribes (especially the Mayans) participated in it, and on the other, the descendants of the Spaniards. In the 50s of the last century, a coup d'état took place in Guatemala with the complicity of the United States. The opposition began to gather a rebel army, which was constantly growing. The partisans often captured not only villages, but also big cities, creating their own governing bodies there. Neither side had enough strength to win, and the war dragged on. The authorities had to admit that military measures would not be able to resolve the conflict.
The war ended in peace, in which 23 different groups of indigenous people - Indians - were protected. During the conflict, about 200,000 people, mostly Mayans, died, and about 150,000 are still missing.

6. War of the Scarlet and White Roses (33 years)

In the second half of the 15th century, a war with a poetic name raged in England - the War of the Scarlet and White Roses. In fact, it was a string of civil conflicts that stretched over 33 years. The highest aristocrats, representing two branches - York and Lancaster, fought for power. After many bloody skirmishes, the Lancastrians eventually gained the upper hand. However, these seas of shed blood were in vain - after some time the Tudors ascended to the English throne, ruling the country for almost 120 years.

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7. Thirty Years' War (30 years)

This is a prototype of the World War (1618-1648), in which almost everyone took part European countries, and the reason was the Reformation that began in Europe - the separation of Catholics and Protestants. The war began with a conflict between German Lutherans and Catholics, and then all powers gradually became involved in this local dispute.
Russia also took part in the Thirty Years' War, only the Swiss remained neutral. The war was unusually bloody; for example, it reduced the population of Germany several times. In the end, it ended with the conclusion of the Peace of Westphalia. In Europe, this war destroyed so much everything and everywhere that there was simply no winner.

8. Peloponnesian War (27 years)

The ancient city-states of Athens and Sparta took part in the Peloponnesian War. The start of the conflict was not accidental. If Athens was a democracy, then Sparta was an aristocracy. Between these policies there was not only cultural confrontation, but also other feuds. In the end, these two strongest cities of Hellas had to find out which of them was more important. If the Athenians raided the Peloponnese peninsula by sea, the Spartans terrorized the territory of Attica. After some time, peace was concluded between them, which was soon broken by the Athenians.
After this, the war between Sparta and Athens resumed. The Spartans had the advantage, and Athens suffered a painful defeat at Syracuse. Taking advantage of the assistance of Persia, the Spartans built their own navy, with the help of which they inflicted a final defeat on their rivals at Aegospotami. As a result of the war, Athens lost all its colonies, and the Athenian polis itself was forcibly included in the Spartan Union.

Hydroelectric power plants, or HPPs, generate electricity using the energy of falling water. Hydroelectric power stations most often appear on the largest rivers, which...

9. Northern War (21 years old)

The Northern War became the longest in Russian history. In 1700, young Peter's Russia clashed with Sweden, which was very powerful at that time. At first, Peter I received slaps in the face from the Swedish king, but they served as an incentive to begin significant reforms in the country. Therefore, by 1703, the Russian army managed to win several victories until it established control over the entire Neva. There, the first emperor of Russia decided to build a new capital of the empire, St. Petersburg, because he could not stand Moscow. A little later, the Russians captured Narva and Dorpat. The Swedish king was eager to take revenge, so his troops again attacked Russia in 1708. This was a fatal decision for Sweden, whose star then began to decline.
First, Peter defeated the Swedes near Forest, and then near Poltava, where the decisive battle took place. After the defeat at Poltava, Charles XII forgot not only about local revenge on the Russian Tsar, but also about plans to create a “great Sweden”. The new king of Sweden, Fredrick I, asked Russia for peace, which was concluded in 1721 and was disastrous for Sweden, which ceased to be a great European power and lost most of its conquered possessions.

10. Vietnam War (18 years old)

The United States fought tiny Vietnam from 1957 to 1975, but was never able to defeat it. If for America this war is the greatest shame, then for Vietnam it is a tragic, but also heroic time. The reason for the intervention was the rise of the Communists to power in China and North Vietnam. The American authorities did not want to get a new communist country, so they decided to get involved in an open armed conflict on the side of the forces ruling in South Vietnam. The technical superiority of the American army was overwhelming, but it was offset by guerrilla warfare methods and the high morale of the Vietnamese soldiers. As a result, the Americans had to get out of Vietnam.

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IN Various wars occupy a huge place in the history of mankind.
They redrew maps, gave birth to empires, and destroyed peoples and nations. The earth remembers wars that lasted more than a century. We remember the most protracted military conflicts in human history.

1. War without shots (335 years)

The longest and most curious of the wars is the war between the Netherlands and the Scilly Archipelago, part of Great Britain.

Due to the absence of a peace treaty, it formally lasted 335 years without firing a single shot, which makes it one of the longest and most curious wars in history, and also the war with the least losses.

Peace was officially declared in 1986.

2. Punic War (118 years)

By the middle of the 3rd century BC. The Romans almost completely subjugated Italy, set their sights on the entire Mediterranean and wanted Sicily first. But the mighty Carthage also laid claim to this rich island.

Their claims unleashed 3 wars that lasted (with interruptions) from 264 to 146. BC. and received their name from the Latin name of the Phoenicians-Carthaginians (Punians).

The first (264-241) is 23 years old (it started because of Sicily).
The second (218-201) - 17 years (after the capture of the Spanish city of Sagunta by Hannibal).
The last one (149-146) - 3 years.
It was then that the famous phrase “Carthage must be destroyed!” was born. Pure military action took 43 years. The conflict totals 118 years.

Results: Besieged Carthage fell. Rome won.

3. Hundred Years' War (116 years)

It went in 4 stages. With pauses for truces (the longest - 10 years) and the fight against plague (1348) from 1337 to 1453.

Opponents: England and France.

Reasons: France wanted to oust England from the southwestern lands of Aquitaine and complete the unification of the country. England - to strengthen influence in the province of Guienne and regain those lost under John the Landless - Normandy, Maine, Anjou. Complication: Flanders - formally was under the auspices of the French crown, in fact it was free, but depended on English wool for clothmaking.

Reason: the claims of the English king Edward III of the Plantagenet-Angevin dynasty (maternal grandson of the French king Philip IV the Fair of the Capetian family) to the Gallic throne. Allies: England - German feudal lords and Flanders. France - Scotland and the Pope. Army: English - mercenary. Under the command of the king. The basis is infantry (archers) and knightly units. French - knightly militia, under the leadership of royal vassals.

Turning point: after the execution of Joan of Arc in 1431 and the Battle of Normandy, the national liberation war of the French people began with the tactics of guerrilla raids.

Results: On October 19, 1453, the English army capitulated in Bordeaux. Having lost everything on the continent except the port of Calais (remained English for another 100 years). France switched to a regular army, abandoned knightly cavalry, gave preference to infantry, and the first firearms appeared.

4. Greco-Persian War (50 years)

Collectively - wars. They dragged on with calm from 499 to 449. BC. They are divided into two (the first - 492-490, the second - 480-479) or three (the first - 492, the second - 490, the third - 480-479 (449). For the Greek city-states - battles for independence. For the Achaeminid Empire - aggressive.

Trigger: Ionian Revolt. The battle of the Spartans at Thermopylae has become legendary. The Battle of Salamis was a turning point. “Kalliev Mir” put an end to it.

Results: Persia lost the Aegean Sea, the coasts of the Hellespont and the Bosphorus. Recognized the freedoms of the cities of Asia Minor. The civilization of the ancient Greeks entered a time of greatest prosperity, establishing a culture that, thousands of years later, the world looked up to.

4. Punic War. The battles lasted 43 years. They are divided into three stages of wars between Rome and Carthage. They fought for dominance in the Mediterranean. The Romans won the battle. Basetop.ru

5. Guatemalan War (36 years)

Civil. It occurred in outbreaks from 1960 to 1996. A provocative decision made by American President Eisenhower in 1954 initiated a coup.

Reason: the fight against the “communist infection”.

Opponents: Guatemalan National Revolutionary Unity Bloc and the military junta.

Victims: almost 6 thousand murders were committed annually, in the 80s alone - 669 massacres, more than 200 thousand dead (83% of them Mayan Indians), over 150 thousand missing. Results: the signing of the “Treaty of Lasting and Lasting Peace,” which protected the rights of 23 Native American groups.

Results: the signing of the “Treaty of Lasting and Lasting Peace,” which protected the rights of 23 Native American groups.

6. War of the Roses (33 years)

Confrontation between the English nobility - supporters of two family branches of the Plantagenet dynasty - Lancaster and York. Lasted from 1455 to 1485.
Prerequisites: “bastard feudalism” is the privilege of the English nobility to buy off military service from the lord, in whose hands large funds were concentrated, with which he paid for an army of mercenaries, which became more powerful than the royal one.

Reason: the defeat of England in the Hundred Years' War, the impoverishment of the feudal lords, their rejection of the political course of the wife of the feeble-minded King Henry IV, hatred of her favorites.

Opposition: Duke Richard of York - considered the Lancastrian right to rule illegitimate, became regent under an incompetent monarch, became king in 1483, was killed at the Battle of Bosworth.

Results: It upset the balance of political forces in Europe. Led to the collapse of the Plantagenets. She placed the Welsh Tudors on the throne, who ruled England for 117 years. Cost the lives of hundreds of English aristocrats.

7. Thirty Years' War (30 years)

The first military conflict on a pan-European scale. Lasted from 1618 to 1648. Opponents: two coalitions. The first is the union of the Holy Roman Empire (in fact, the Austrian Empire) with Spain and the Catholic principalities of Germany. The second is the German states, where power was in the hands of Protestant princes. They were supported by the armies of reformist Sweden and Denmark and Catholic France.

Reason: The Catholic League was afraid of the spread of the ideas of the Reformation in Europe, the Protestant Evangelical Union strived for this.

Trigger: Czech Protestant uprising against Austrian rule.

Results: The population of Germany has decreased by a third. The French army lost 80 thousand. Austria and Spain - more than 120. After the Peace Treaty of Munster in 1648, a new independent state - the Republic of the United Provinces of the Netherlands (Holland) - was finally established on the map of Europe.

8. Peloponnesian War (27 years)

There are two of them. The first is the Lesser Peloponnesian (460-445 BC). The second (431-404 BC) is the largest in the history of Ancient Hellas after the first Persian invasion of the territory of Balkan Greece. (492-490 BC).

Opponents: Peloponnesian League led by Sparta and First Marine (Delian) under the auspices of Athens.

Reasons: The desire for hegemony in the Greek world of Athens and the rejection of their claims by Sparta and Corinthus.

Controversies: Athens was ruled by an oligarchy. Sparta is a military aristocracy. Ethnically, the Athenians were Ionians, the Spartans were Dorians. In the second, 2 periods are distinguished.

The first is "Archidam's War". The Spartans made land invasions of Attica. Athenians - sea raids on the Peloponnesian coast. Ended in 421 with the signing of the Treaty of Nikiaev. 6 years later it was violated by the Athenian side, which was defeated in the Battle of Syracuse. The final phase went down in history under the name Dekelei or Ionian. With the support of Persia, Sparta built a fleet and destroyed the Athenian fleet at Aegospotami.

Results: After imprisonment in April 404 BC. Feramenov's world Athens lost its fleet, tore down the Long Walls, lost all its colonies and joined the Spartan Union.

9. Great Northern War (21 years)

The Northern War lasted for 21 years. It was between the northern states and Sweden (1700-1721), the confrontation between Peter I and Charles XII. Russia fought mostly on its own.

Reason: Possession of Baltic lands, control over the Baltic.

Results: With the end of the war, a new empire arose in Europe - the Russian one, with access to the Baltic Sea and possessing a powerful army and navy. The capital of the empire was St. Petersburg, located at the confluence of the Neva River and the Baltic Sea.

Sweden lost the war.

10. Vietnam War (18 years old)

The Second Indochina War between Vietnam and the United States and one of the most destructive of the second half of the 20th century. Lasted from 1957 to 1975. 3 periods: South Vietnamese guerrilla (1957-1964), from 1965 to 1973 - full-scale US military operations, 1973-1975. - after the withdrawal of American troops from Viet Cong territories. Opponents: South and North Vietnam. On the side of the South are the United States and the military bloc SEATO (South-East Asia Treaty Organization). Northern - China and the USSR.

The reason: when the communists came to power in China and Ho Chi Minh became the leader of South Vietnam, the White House administration was afraid of the communist “domino effect.” After Kennedy's assassination, Congress gave President Lyndon Johnson carte blanche to use military force with the Tonkin Resolution. And already in March 1965, two battalions of US Navy SEALs left for Vietnam. So the United States became part of the Vietnamese Civil War. They used a “search and destroy” strategy, burned out the jungle with napalm - the Vietnamese went underground and responded with guerrilla warfare.

Who benefits: American arms corporations. US losses: 58 thousand in combat (64% under 21 years of age) and about 150 thousand suicides of American military veterans.

Vietnamese casualties: over 1 million combatants and more than 2 civilians, in South Vietnam alone - 83 thousand amputees, 30 thousand blind, 10 thousand deaf, after Operation Ranch Hand (chemical destruction of the jungle) - congenital genetic mutations.

Results: The Tribunal of May 10, 1967 qualified US actions in Vietnam as a crime against humanity (Article 6 of the Nuremberg Statute) and prohibited the use of CBU thermite bombs as weapons of mass destruction.

(C) different places on the Internet

Wars began with the advent of humanity. Some wanted to defend their independence, while others wanted to gain power over foreign lands. This caused enormous destruction and loss of life throughout the world. Some wars lasted only a few minutes, while others lasted decades and even hundreds of years. This article presents the longest wars in human history. Let's start with a story about the shortest of them.

1. Vietnam War - November 1, 1957 - April 30, 1975

Vietnam War- one of the largest military conflicts of the second half of the 20th century, which left a noticeable mark on culture and occupies a significant place in modern history Vietnam, as well as the USA and the USSR, which played an important role in it.

Military operations continued from 1961 to 1975 - in total 14 years. The war began as a civil war in South Vietnam. Subsequently, North Vietnam was drawn into the war, which later received the support of the PRC and the USSR, and the United States and its allies sided with South Vietnam. As events unfolded, the war became intertwined with the parallel civil wars in Laos and Cambodia. In the history of Vietnam it is considered a heroic and tragic event, but in the United States it is the darkest spot in history.

The war can be divided into several periods:

Guerrilla war in South Vietnam (November 1957-March 1965).
Full-scale US military intervention (March 1965-1973).
The final stage of the war (1973 - April 1975).

The war ended with the signing of an agreement under which American, Australian, New Zealand, South Korean, and Thai troops were withdrawn from South Vietnam. Vietnam has been reunited.

2. Great Northern War - February 22, 1700 - September 10, 1721

Great Northern War (21)- a war that lasted from 1700 to 1721 between Sweden and mainly Russia (At different stages the war also involved: on the Russian side - Hanover, Holland and Prussia, on the Swedish side - England, the Ottoman Empire, Holstein. It ended in a Russian victory.

With the end of the war, a new empire arose in Europe - the Russian one, with access to the Baltic Sea and possessing a powerful army and navy. The capital of the empire was St. Petersburg, located at the confluence of the Neva River and the Baltic Sea.

3. Thirty Years' War May 26, 1618 - October 24, 1648

Thirty Years' War- a military conflict for leadership in the Roman Empire and Europe, which lasted from 1618 to 1648 and affected almost all European countries to one degree or another; even Russia participated in clashes between European countries on religious grounds. Only Switzerland remained on the sidelines.

The war began as a religious clash between the Protestants and Catholics of the empire, but then escalated into a struggle against the dominance of the Habsburg dynasty in Europe. The conflict was the last major religious war in Europe. The result of military actions was the Peace of Westphalia (a peace treaty concluded on October 24, 1648 simultaneously in Münster and Osnabrück). He marked the beginning of a new order in Europe, based on the concept of state sovereignty. The agreements affected the Holy Roman Empire, Spain, France, Sweden, the Netherlands and the Holy Roman Empire. Until 1806, the provisions of the Treaties of Osnabrück and Munster were part of the constitutional law of the Holy Roman Empire.

4. War of the Scarlet and White Roses - May 22, 1455 - 1485

War of the Scarlet and White Roses- consisted of civil wars that took place from 1455 to 1487. 33 year old the struggle was between factions of the English nobility. Two branches fought for full power in England: the Yorks and the Lancaster-Plantegents. The cause of the war was the dissatisfaction of a significant part of English society with the failures in the Hundred Years' War and the policies pursued by the wife of King Henry 6 and the queen and her favorites (the king himself was a weak-willed person and not entirely mentally healthy).

The hostilities caused enormous destruction, disasters and many casualties. Many members of the aristocracy also died. The war ended with the victory of Henry Tudor of the House of Lancaster, who founded a dynasty that ruled England and Wales for 117 years.

5. Guatemalan Civil War - November 13, 1960 - December 31, 1996

Struggle between troops Honduras and Guatemala continued 36 years. The conflict stemmed from two issues regarding man and land between the Spanish explorers and the Mayan peoples. The protracted war ended with the signing of a peace treaty that protected the rights of twenty-three Indian groups in the country.

In December 1996, government representatives and the partisan command signed the “Treaty of Lasting and Lasting Peace,” which put an end to civil war, the parties entered into six substantive and five working agreements aimed at addressing certain social and structural issues: human rights, fact-finding commission, return of refugees and internally displaced persons, status and rights of indigenous peoples, socio-economic and agricultural issues, strengthening of civil power and the role of the armed forces, reform of the Constitution and the electoral system.

6. Punic Wars - 264 - 146 BC e.

Punic Wars got their name from the Latin name of the Phoenicians-Carthaginians-Punians (Punians). The battles are divided into three stages of the wars between Carthage and Rome:

1st Punic War - 264 - 241 BC, Revolt of mercenaries in Carthage - 240 - 238 BC.,

2nd Punic War - 240 - 238 BC.

3rd Punic War - 149 - 146 BC.

The Punic War lasted a total of forty three of the year. There was a struggle for power in the Mediterranean, in which the Romans won.

7. Greco-Persian wars - 499 - 449 BC.

Greco-Persian Wars- these are military conflicts between the Achaeminid dynasty of Persia and the Greek city-states that defended their independence. As a result of the Greco-Persian wars, the territorial expansion of Persia was stopped and the ancient Greek civilization entered a period of prosperity and its highest cultural achievements.

The battles between Greece and Persia lasted fifty years from 499 to 449 BC. The Greek states fought for their independence, and as a result they won.

8. Peloponnesian War - 431 - 404 BC.

In the Peloponnesian War hostilities continued 73 years old. They walked between Sparta and Athens, due to various contradictions. Athens was a democracy, while Sparta was ruled by an oligarchy. In addition, the conflict also lay in the differences between the peoples of these states: for example, the Athenians and their allies were Ionians, and the Spartans and their allies were mainly Dorians. The Peloponnesian War is divided into two periods.

In the first period, the Spartans launched regular invasions of Attica, while Athens used its naval advantage to raid the Peloponnesian coast and suppress any signs of discontent in its empire until 421 BC, before the signing of the Treaty of Nicias. The treaty, however, was soon violated by renewed skirmishes in the Peloponnese.

In 415 BC. Athens sent troops to Sicily to attack Syracuse. The attack ended in a crushing defeat for the Athenians. This led to the final phase of the war. During its course, Sparta, having received support from Persia, built a good fleet. This allowed her to provide assistance to the states dependent on Athens in the Aegean Sea and in Ionia, to undermine the forces of Athens and deprive them of superiority at sea. In 405 BC. At the Battle of Aegospomatae, the Athenian fleet was destroyed and next year Athens surrendered.

9. Hundred Years' War - 1337 - 1453

Hundred Years' War- a series of military conflicts between England and its allies, on the one hand, and France and its allies, on the other.

The reason for these conflicts was the claims to the French throne of the English royal dynasty of the Plantagenets, seeking to return the territories that previously belonged to the English kings: Anjou, Normandy and Maine. France, in turn, sought to oust the British from Guienne, which was assigned to them by the Treaty of Paris in 1259.

Despite the initial successes, England never achieved its goal in the war and not only did not receive the desired lands, but also lost part of its possessions and only the port of Calais remained on the continent. The war continued 116 years(with breaks). During this war, firearms appeared.

10.War between Montenegro and Japan - 1904 - 2006

In 1904, Montenegro declared war on Japan, thereby expressing his gratitude for achieving the country’s independence with the help of Russia following the results of the Russian-Turkish War of 1877-78. However, due to its remoteness, Montenegro was unable to provide significant assistance to Russia, and its efforts were limited to those Montenegrins who served in armed forces Russia.

When peace was concluded, they forgot about Montenegro, and if after the declaration of war a peace treaty (or other relevant agreement) is not concluded between the warring countries, de jure they are considered to be in a state of war. This is an immutable rule in international relations and formally Montenegro until 2006 (102 years old) was at war with Japan. In 2006, the countries decided to sign a peace treaty (since the small Balkan principality of Montenegro, of course, never had any territorial claims against Japan) in order to formally end the war regime.

11. Three hundred and thirty-five years' war - June 1651 - April 17, 1986

Three Hundred and Thirty-Five Years' War- war between The Netherlands and the Scilly Archipelago, part of Great Britain. Due to the absence of a peace treaty, it formally continued 335 years without firing a single shot, making it one of the longest wars in history and the war with the fewest casualties. Despite uncertainties at the time of the declaration of war, peace was finally declared in 1986.

A little history of this war.

The origins of the war are found in the events of the Second English Civil War between Royalists and Parliamentarians between 1642 and 1652. Oliver Cromwell fought the royalists on the outskirts of the Kingdom of England. In Western England, Cornwall was the last royalist stronghold. In 1648, Cromwell captured the whole of "mainland" Cornwall, and it came under the control of the Parliamentarians. The royalist fleet was forced to retreat to the Isles of Scilly, which lie off the coast of Cornwall and were owned by the royalist John Grenville.

The fleet of the United Provinces of the Netherlands was associated with the parliamentarians. The Netherlands assisted the English during the period in power of various English rulers, coinciding with the Dutch Revolution (1568-1648), beginning with Queen Elizabeth I of England. The Treaty of Münster (30 January 1648) confirmed the independence of the Netherlands from Spain. The Netherlands sought to maintain their alliance with England and decided to enter into an alliance with the side that seemed to them to be winning in the civil war.

The Dutch fleet suffered heavy losses from the royalist fleet based in Scilly. On March 30, 1651, Admiral Martin Tromp arrived in Scilly to demand compensation from the royalist fleet for the destroyed Dutch ships and goods on them, but was refused, after which he declared a declaration of war. Since most of England was by this time under the control of Parliamentary forces, war was declared only on the Isles of Scilly.