Abstracts Statements Story

Native spaces. Secrets of the Aryan civilization

Civilization arose in the 380th century. back.

Civilization stopped in the 170th century. back.

Civilization began to take shape with the advent of the Cro-Magnon type of man 40 thousand years ago and was finally built 2 thousand years later

20 thousand years ago the proto-state of Hyperborea was formed.

For some reason, the Hyperborean civilization needed this instrument of self-government.

This was the first formation of this kind and some of its features were subsequently inherited to varying degrees by other states.

17 thousand years ago, the territory of Hyperborea finally sank.


This civilization was the result of a fishery of unearthly origin. They do not leave any skeletons behind, since at the end of their existence they simply dissolved into space. Although they participated in the creation of megastructures. These are the civilizations of Anti-Gods, Anunaki, Atlanteans, Gods, Demigods, Daarians, Demons, Cyclops, Lemurians, Cyclops.

In the early editions of the myths of all peoples, including the ancient Greeks, the country of the Giants Tula was spoken of as the country of the “Golden Age of Humanity”, as the “Paradise Land”. The Hellenes called one of the colonies of immigrants from this United Country Hyperborea, that is, “located beyond the north wind Boreas.

A map of G. Mercator, the most famous cartographer of all times, who relied on some ancient knowledge, has been preserved, where Hyperborea is depicted as a huge Arctic continent with the high Mount Meru in the middle.

Some of the Giants, knowing about the upcoming natural disasters, “descended” to this Earth, just as few in Hyperborea did not take the opportunity to leave this Earth through Mount Meryu. But those who stayed here remained to bring light and Knowledge to other, sometimes completely “wild” peoples.

WITHThe Hyperboreans called themselves Thuleans. In Greek times they were also called Delphi.

GThe Iperborean civilization was located on the mainland, which occupied the Arctic Ocean basin, and the Far North of Russia was the south for it. The north has long attracted people's attention. This probably has its own magical power: according to one version, the powerful Hyperborean civilization once lived here, which many call the “Cradle of Humanity.” That is, the North is our common Motherland, where, obeying the will of their subconscious, many people strive to visit. Beyond the Urals there are Hyperborean settlements: Arkaim, Mangazeya and other settlements of the Rus, descendants of the Hyperboreans who landed in the north of Eurasia many thousands of years ago. Many people now dream of finding the legendary Raml or Rakreml - an ancient Hyperborean fortress, supposedly located somewhere on the Chukotka coast about twenty thousand years ago. The legends of the Oloches and Yukagirs, Chukchi and Eskimos speak about this.

WITHThere is a hypothesis that the ancient Hyperboreans, who inhabited the northern continent tens of thousands of years ago - where the ice is now, were magicians. Wizards. Twenty thousand years ago, a great battle between the magicians of Atlantis and Hyperborea took place, changing reality. The Urals are the result of the war of magicians. In its place there was once a southern strait, which, together with three other straits, formed a whirlpool - a symbol of the power of Hyperborea. The potential of the descendants of the Hyperboreans has not yet been revealed. (Golovachev)

GHyperborea - in ancient Greek mythology and in subsequent cultures, the legendary northern country, the habitat of the blessed people of the Hyperboreans. The name literally means “beyond Boreas”, “beyond the north”.

WITHAccording to Ferenik, they grew from the blood of the ancient titans. The Hyperboreans are mentioned by Alcaeus in the hymn to Apollo. They were mentioned in the poem “Apollo” by Simius of Rhodes. According to Mnasei, they are now called Delphi.

INFrom time to time, Apollo himself goes to the country of the Hyperboreans in a chariot drawn by swans in order to return to Delphi at the appropriate time of the summer heat. The Hyperboreans, along with the Ethiopians, Phaeacians, and lotivores, are among the peoples close to the gods and loved by them. Just like their patron Apollo, the Hyperboreans are artistically gifted. The blissful life is accompanied by songs, dances, music and feasts among the Hyperboreans; eternal joy and reverent prayers are characteristic of this people - the priests and servants of Apollo. Hercules brought the olive from the Hyperboreans at the source of the Istra to Olympia.

WITHAccording to Diodorus Siculus, the Hyperboreans incessantly sing of Apollo in their hymns when he appears to them every 19 years. Even death comes to the Hyperboreans as a deliverance from the satiety of life, and they, having experienced all the pleasures, throw themselves into the sea.

RThe poison of the legends is associated with the Hyperboreans bringing the first harvest to Delos to Apollo: after the girls sent with gifts did not return from Delos (they remained there or were subjected to violence), the Hyperboreans began to leave gifts on the border of the neighboring country, from where they were gradually transferred by other peoples, all the way to Delos.

MThe Udreans and servants of Apollo, Abaris and Aristaeus, who taught the Greeks, were considered to come from the country of the Hyperboreans. These heroes are considered as a hypostasis of Apollo, since they owned the ancient fetishistic symbols of God (the arrow, raven and laurel of Apollo with their miraculous powers), and also taught and endowed people with new cultural values ​​(music, philosophy, the art of creating poems, hymns, building the Delphic temple).

MMany sources and experts believe that the Hyperboreans had power over the elements, which explains the absence of bad weather and natural disasters in the territory of their residence.

GA lot of literature is devoted to Hyperborea, mostly of a parascientific or occult nature. Various authors localize Hyperborea in Greenland, near the Ural Mountains, on the Kola Peninsula, in Karelia, on the Taimyr Peninsula; It has been suggested that Hyperborea was located on a now sunken island (or mainland) of the Arctic Ocean.

TThere is also a version that the Hyperboreans lived on the Solovetsky Islands, where, according to legend, they still live in an underground city. In pre-war times, the 1930s, on the largest island of the archipelago, Soviet expeditions found a labyrinth of stones, in the center of which there was a passage to a system of underground tunnels. Later, all data obtained during the expeditions were classified. There is a version that since those expeditions were supervised by Lubyanka, their goal was to find the “Absolute Weapon” that the Hyperboreans owned and from which they apparently died.

NFew scientists consider the myth of the Hyperboreans to be devoid of a specific historical basis and consider it a special case of utopian ideas about outlying peoples characteristic of various cultures. However, the Russian Academy of Sciences annually funds expeditions to the Seydozero region (one of the supposed places of existence of the Hyperborean civilization).


NOnce upon a time the northern Hyperboreans hovered over Solovki. During the time of Atlantis, there was one of the most developed civilizations of the Hyperboreans (antediluvian civilization). Priests and magicians marked their mysterious labyrinths here, and mysteries were performed in the priestly labyrinths. And the scientists of the antediluvian Atlanteans observed underground fire, flying machines rose to the sky - they were not a curiosity.

Pthe wisdom of ancient antediluvian civilizations was imprinted in one of the chronicles stored in the archives of Solovki. Solovki served as a mystical ark. So, before Noah’s flood, a special prayer was performed on them, and on the eve of Noah’s flood, the angels of the Council came to Solovki and determined the fate of the world. Here was the beginning and end of all civilizations and all worlds. Here the fate of civilizations, all peoples and histories was decided.

ABOUTfiery whirlwinds sent peace to some powers and swept others off the face of the earth. This is where their mystical ark was placed. And whoever entered it was saved. Over no other archipelago in the world is there such a concentration of mysterious souls and forces of darkness and light. In no other country in the world has such Armageddon erupted as over Solovki.

WITHThe tins contain the greatest secret of all time. Here Satan is allowed power, like a demonic pandemonium on Calvary, and God appears in a power that has not existed since the creation of the world. For five thousand years the ineffable solar glory of the God of Hosts has stood over the archipelago. Solovki will determine the fate of humanity today. Solovki will serve as an ark, a sanctuary and a place of shelter for souls before the fiery flood.


G. Klimov. History of Europe

ABOUTapproximately 20-15 thousand years ago, the first state on the planet, Hyperborea, was formed. In this case, this formation can be called a proto-state, since it was the first formation of this kind and some of its features were subsequently inherited to one degree or another by other states.

RA reconstruction of the social system of Hyperborea can be made on the basis of a comparison of various cults and peoples formed under the influence of the ancient Aryans. Especially the peoples of Tibet, Japan, India, Iran and the North Caucasus. As well as the sacred books that have come down to us - Jewish Kabbalah, Celtic legends and Slavic epics.

GHyperborea was probably the most perfect state of all times. There was probably no institution of private property here. The activities and life of every person, his every action, were regulated.

WITHThere were strict rules: when to get up, what to do and when to go to bed. Every woman who reached the age of majority was given a husband. Childbirth was under the complete control of the Magi. They appointed husbands for one year, and then changed them according to a certain formula. Those who, in their opinion, were unsuccessful, children, sick people or freaks were destroyed. Ordinary people were also sacrificed from time to time. It was considered an honor to be sacrificed. This tradition, by the way, was preserved among some later peoples, for example, among some peoples of the American continent.

Zand all this was monitored by a special class, the Russes - “people who give light.” This was a special caste in society, something between priests and warriors. Some Russians maintained a vow of celibacy. Every man dreamed of becoming a Russian. And in principle, this was possible if one achieved a certain physical development and certain academic success. The Rus were constantly trained in martial arts and learned science. The most prominent of the Rus became Magi.

INthe wise men lived in a castle, which was a rock with caves, galleries and underground halls carved into it. This entire underground city was illuminated by torches. Around the castle there were a huge city of clay houses, usually round in shape, in which the Rus lived. And then simple Aryans lived in separate tribes. The tribe was always led by the most experienced woman of the family. She was chosen by the Magi.

INSmall religious denominations also retain vestiges of archaic society. The more closed a religious association is, the more influential the position of clerics or priests in it.

ANDToday, in the 21st century, they solve the main issues in the lives of their adherents: they select married couples, bless them for various forms of work, treatment, the birth of children, and prohibit the performance of certain social acts.

NIt is not only in closed sects that total control over the personal and social life of the individual is maintained. Examples of totalitarian states of the 20th century are an attempt by human genetic memory to return to the past, when there was no need to make decisions, but someone decided everything for you. For many people, making a decision is a terrible torture.

GHyperborea existed for several millennia. It was a kind of genetic reactor in which a new breed of people was bred. People lived long. Each woman gave birth to different men every year. As a result, from one woman, if we take into account grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren, almost a thousand new people arose. Humanity was growing at an incredible pace.

TOBy the way, in nature there are analogues of such communities - this is, say, an ant colony or a bee hive. All individuals are subject to the law of the genus.

Bthere was absolute discipline. Just as rebellion is impossible among ants, rebellion among people was also impossible. This model of a person was practically no different from us today. Their speech was developed, sciences developed, especially astrology and mathematics, and art developed. But it was a highly disciplined society.

PThe Aryan, ordered to sacrifice, with a joyful face, without protection or coercion, himself came to the sanctuary at the appointed hour. This seems crazy to a modern person, but it never occurred to the previous version of a person that it could be otherwise.

DNext I will return to the history of the emergence of language. I understand that many of my statements are incomprehensible and uninteresting, but I still have to explain this, because there are already a majority of people who can understand this.

INThe wise men in Hyperborea created a language that sounded the same to everyone, but was understood differently by different classes.

DThe discipline of society was also supported by the fact that the language completely lacked the pronouns “mine”, “yours”, “his”, “ours”, “whose”, etc. Man felt himself to be a part of nature, and he simply did not imagine what property or personal interest was.

DFor him, the whole world was both his and not his. Man did not have an ego, another substance of the soul. He did not yet feel separate from the rest of the world, but existed as a separate atom, built into the structure of a single and indivisible bio-anthroposphere.

Pthe end of the first empire

AArchaeologists in the settlements of later cultures that formed after the collapse of Hyperborea find strange clay tablets that look like school alphabet books. This is truly the alphabet of the Magi. On them, rearranging the letters, they came up with new words. They probably meditated on the word GOD, from which they derived all other words.

TNot yet understanding that the central letter “O” is a circle, they invented the phrase “more is better than less,” perhaps without even realizing what consequences this would lead to. Then the pronouns “mine” and “yours” appeared. When these words came into use, after several generations people began to psychologically separate themselves from nature, then from other clans, and then themselves from the clan. The ego arose in man - the missing part of the soul. Discipline has broken down. People began to take the initiative and express their opinions.

EIf we try to reconstruct these times by comparing relic myths of different peoples, then it seems that events unfolded as follows. Fermentation began among the people. But a split also occurred among the Magi. Two parties were created.

Pthe "Kom" party, apparently led by either the wife or the daughter of the high priest, began to fight for the preservation of the old way of life, and the other "Ego" party, represented by the male half, began to argue that the letter "O" suggests that You can return to an ideal society in the process of development, turning Chaos into a new order.

WITHin fact, the rest of the history of mankind up to the present day is the struggle of two parties - “Com” and “Ego”. In modern language: communists and egoists. It is interesting that different religions view the degree of socialization of the anthroposphere differently.

ANDIt is sometimes said that humanity, after disintegration and disintegration into separate individuals, will again come to God and become part of something larger. And this should have happened approximately in 1986-2016. This deadline has almost passed. What happened on planet Earth at this time? The only thing that comes to mind is that the Internet arose at this time. Perhaps the prophets had something else in mind that we have not yet realized?

GIbel Hyperborea

DThe processes of disintegration, the emergence of private property, and institutions of domination of some classes over others did not come to an end in Hyperborea, because it died due to a climate catastrophe. The glacier has melted and it has become cold in northern Russia. But the German, Finno-Ugric and Russian tribes who remained in these parts adapted to the frosts.

PThe reason for her death was probably something else - in these places there was a flood, which is spoken of in almost all the legends of the peoples of the world. Creationist scientists argue that the so-called geological column (layers of chronological eras) could only be formed as a result of a serious catastrophe.

ABOUTThe end of the Ice Age led to serious changes in the natural environment and habitats of human tribes. The warming process has led to a sharp rise in the level of the World Ocean (up to 100 m). Before this, during the last glaciation, the modern North Sea did not exist. The British Isles were part of Europe.

ABOUTThe English Channel that now separates them from the continent was a river, the tributaries of which were the current rivers Thames, Seine, Scheldt, Rhine, Meuse, which now flow into the North Sea. Oceanological studies show that the valleys of these rivers stretch along the bottom of the North Sea. The sea depth here never falls below 37 m.

WITHHuman tools have been raised from the bottom many times. The land that existed in place of the North Sea was gradually flooded. Thus, the British Isles separated from the continent in the 3rd millennium BC. The Baltic Sea arose as a result of the breakthrough of ocean waters into a freshwater glacial lake and acquired its current boundaries around 2000 BC. The Kerch Strait was the bed of the Don River.

TOThe end of the Ice Age led to significant natural disasters in the Black Sea basin. There are references to this in Strabo’s “Geography,” who indicated that several thousand years BC. The Black Sea was not connected to the Mediterranean. According to modern data, the breakthrough of the waters of the Mediterranean Sea into the Black Sea occurred in 7500 BC, when the waters of the Mediterranean Sea, with a monstrous roar with the power of 400 Niagara Falls, fell into the Black Sea, which then began to advance onto land at a speed of 1 km per day .

PRoughly the same thing happened on the territory of Hyperborea. The waters of the Arctic Ocean broke into the vast depression where the Aryans lived and formed the White Sea. Those who managed to escape crossed the Valdai watershed and began to restore the state in the southern steppes of modern Russia and Ukraine.

PTrue, some still remained in the forest zone, but the bulk of the Aryans, not accustomed to life among impenetrable forests, a strip of which appeared on their way to the south, rushed to the plain. In these places, the stormy rains have already stopped, and the climate has become more or less tolerable.


PAccording to the opinion of the British professor Napier, 12.9 thousand years ago this swarm caught up with the Earth on its journey, which at that moment was turned towards it by the Western Hemisphere. Earth intercepted only a small portion of the swarm, approximately 0.01%, but this was enough to cause a catastrophe that engulfed all of North America and affected the climate throughout the planet. For about an hour, a tremendous rain of fire poured over the continent, which was accompanied by explosions of several hundred, or even thousands of large fragments, not inferior in power to the Tunguska meteorite. And, as in the case of Tunguska, there are no craters left on Earth: the cometary substance is very loose, and explodes in the atmosphere before it reaches the surface of the planet.

PAccording to Napier’s calculations, each such “Kuzka mother” (the energy of the largest explosions was tens or even hundreds of megatons in TNT equivalent - like the most powerful thermonuclear bombs) released enough energy to ignite a forest fire over an area of ​​​​thousands of square kilometers. And if you estimate the total mass of microscopic hexagonal diamonds scattered over North America, and divide it by the total mass of fragments that could set fire to forests across the continent, you get exactly the concentration of lonsdaleite that is directly measured in meteorite material.

BMoreover, other fragments of it are still flying here. As the scientist showed, 19 of the largest asteroids and comets approaching the Earth have orbits that would be characteristic of fragments of a single large comet. Among these objects is the famous short-period comet Encke. This comet, by the way, has been repeatedly associated with both the object that exploded over Podkamennaya Tunguska on June 30, 1908, and with a large meteorite that fell in the Canadian province of Yukon on January 18, 2000. Napier is trying to blame the same family of objects for the cooling at the Younger Dryas boundary.

TOEncke's omen returns to Earth every 3 years and 4 months. You will be able to see the closest relative of the killers of American mastodons through binoculars this year, in August and September. And if you wait a couple more months, you will be able to meet other relatives with the naked eye. These are Taurid meteors that scatter across the sky from the constellation Taurus from September to November each year when the Earth crosses the orbit of this swarm. Fortunately, over tens of thousands of years it has spread out over the entire length of its orbit, so its density has dropped noticeably, and “rain of fire” does not threaten us.

ABOUTIt is hoped that neither Comet Encke, nor the Taurid complex, nor other members of the same family hold larger surprises for our planet. We don’t need one and a half thousand years of glacial conditions at all. Winter has already dragged on for quite some time.


We offer you material prepared based on the book by Doctor of Philosophy Valery N. Demin

"Hyperborea. Historical roots of the Russian people" Hyperborea (aka Arctida) is the foremother of all world culture, a country known to us from the most ancient manuscripts. Location: northern Eurasia. There is no doubt that ancient Hyperborea is directly related to the ancient history of Russia, and the Russian people and their language are directly connected with the disappeared legendary country of the Hyperboreans. It is not for nothing that Nostradamus in his “Centuries” called the Russians nothing more than “the Hyperborean people.”

According to esoteric teachings, Hyperborea has long been the most secret place on the planet, and the wise Hyperboreans possessed a huge amount of knowledge, even more advanced than modern civilization has.

Scientific evidence

Russian oceanographers and paleontologists have found that in the period from the 30th to the 15th millennium BC. e. The Arctic climate was quite mild, and the Arctic Ocean was warm, despite the presence of glaciers on the continent. Academician A. Treshnikov believes that 10,000 years ago the Lomonosov and Mendeleev ridges rose above the surface of the Arctic Ocean. There was no ice, and the sea was warm. American and Canadian scientists came to the same conclusions, believing that in the center of the Arctic Ocean there was a temperate climate zone favorable for life.

Migratory Bird Migration

Convincing confirmation of the indisputable fact of a favorable climate that existed in the past is the annual migration of migratory birds to the North - a genetically programmed memory of a warm ancestral home: time after time they return to the homeland of their ancestors. On the map of the current state of the bottom of the Arctic Ocean, the outlines of a huge plateau with a coastline indented by river valleys are clearly visible, as if it were a continent that had recently risen above the waters of the ocean. The outlines of this underwater plateau, when superimposed on the map of Hyperborea by Gerardus Mercator, have many amazing coincidences that cannot be explained simply by chance...

Stone structures

Evidence of the existence of an ancient highly developed civilization in the northern latitudes is the powerful stone structures and monuments found everywhere here: the famous Stonehenge in England, the Alley of Menhirs in French Brittany, the stone labyrinths of Scandinavia, the monuments of the Kola Peninsula and the Solovetsky Islands. In the summer of 1997, an ornithological expedition discovered a similar labyrinth on the coast of Novaya Zemlya. The diameter of the stone spiral is about 10 meters, and it is laid out from slate slabs weighing 10-15 kg. This is an extremely important discovery: until now, labyrinths at such a geographical latitude have never been described by anyone. Traces of human life are found everywhere - in the Leningrad region, and in Yakutia, and on Novaya Zemlya.

Evidence from ancient historians

Evidence of the legendary country, glorified by poets for centuries, can be found in ancient historians. However, where it was located and at what time it existed is not known for certain. Most researchers believe that the Hyperborean civilization is 15-20 thousand years old. Despite such hoary antiquity, this amazing people, as scientists believe, had aircraft in their arsenal, with the help of which, using aerial photography, they created, for example, a map of Antarctica.

Map of Hyperborea

But are there reliable facts confirming the very fact of the existence of an amazing country? One possible piece of evidence is images in old engravings. The most reliable of them is the map of the English navigator Gerard Mercator, published in 1595. This map depicts the legendary continent of Arctida in the center, surrounded by the coast of the Northern Ocean with quite recognizable islands and rivers. It is these detailed descriptions of the northern coast of Eurasia and America that provide the basis for arguments in favor of the authenticity of this map. On Mercator's map, based on some ancient knowledge, Hyperborea is depicted in sufficient detail in the form of an archipelago of four huge islands, separated from each other by deep rivers. In the center there is a high mountain. According to some sources, the universal mountain of the ancestors of the Indo-European peoples - Meru - was located at the North Pole and was the center of gravity of the entire heavenly and subcelestial world. It is curious that, according to previously closed data leaked to the press, there really is an underwater mountain in the Russian waters of the Arctic Ocean, almost reaching the ice shell (there is every reason to assume that it, like the ridges mentioned above, plunged into the depths of the sea relatively recently).

The map also shows the strait between Asia and America, discovered only in 1648 by the Russian Cossack Semyon Dezhnev, and in 1728 the strait was again crossed by a Russian expedition led by Vigus Bering, and subsequently named after the famous commander. By the way, it is known that, heading north, Bering intended to discover, among other things, Hyperborea, known to him from classical primary sources.

But where did the Bering Strait come from on Mercator's map? Perhaps from the same source from which Columbus obtained his knowledge, who set off on his immortal voyage not by inspiration, but by having information obtained from secret archives.

Mercator map

The Mysteries of Gerardus Mercator

Where did this map come from from the great Flemish cartographer Gerard Mercator, who lived in the 16th century, on which the outlines of the northern part of the Asian continent are depicted in such detail? At that time, this territory was still completely unknown to any of the Europeans and had not been explored at all by any of the peoples living at that time. Maps of Asia fell into the hands of Mercator, just as earlier maps of America fell into the hands of Columbus from the Ottoman Empire, which conquered Byzantium, and they had been kept there since the times of Ancient Greece. On the map, which belonged to the Turkish admiral Piri Reis and dated 1513, there is both South America and Antarctica, discovered by Europeans much later. The Turkish admiral stated in writing that this was an ancient map from the time of Alexander the Great. Apparently, these cards came into the hands of the ancient Greeks from the Hyperboreans and Atlanteans themselves, who left their homelands after some catastrophe that destroyed them. In the calendars of the Egyptians, Assyrians and Mayans, the catastrophe that destroyed Hyperborea dates back to 11542 BC. e.

Hyperborea - history of Rus'

The question is: what does all this have to do with the history of Rus' and the Russian worldview? Here's what: the vast majority of historical events mentioned in ancient sources took place in the northern latitudes of Eurasia, that is, mainly in the territories of modern Russia, called in ancient times Hyperborea. Russian folklore preserves the memory of a wonderful mill - a symbol of eternal abundance and happiness. This is a well-known story about magic millstones; the hero of the fairy tale mines them in the sky, climbing there along the trunk and branches of a huge oak tree (the World Tree). There is every reason to believe that most episodes of fairy tales associated with a happy life and prosperity (especially at the end) are nothing more than an archetype of the Golden Age, preserved (regardless of anyone’s will and desires) in the collective memory of the people about a happy past and passed on, like a relay race, from generation to generation.

Golden Kingdom of the Slavs

The classic Slavic mythologem of prosperity is the famous self-assembled tablecloth, as well as the image of the Golden or Flower Kingdom, the story of which is preceded by a saying about a place where milk rivers flow with jelly banks. Russian tales about the Sunflower Kingdom, which is located far away, also represent memories of ancient times when our ancestors came into contact with the Hyperboreans and were Hyperboreans themselves. The legendary Sunflower Kingdom also has a modern exact geographical address. One of the oldest common Indo-European names for the Sun is Kolo (hence “ring”, “wheel” and “bell”). In ancient times, it corresponded to the pagan solar deity Kolo-Kolyada, in whose honor a caroling holiday was celebrated (the day of the winter solar solstice) and ancient Slavic songs - hymns - carols were sung, bearing the imprint of the Hyperborean worldview.

Kola Peninsula Kolyada Solntsebog

It was from the name of the ancient Sun God Kolo-Kolyada that the name of the Kola River and the entire Kola Peninsula arose. Mostly on the seashore, more than 10 stone labyrinths (up to 10 m in diameter) were found there, similar to those scattered throughout the Russian and European North with migration to the famous labyrinth with the Minotaur. Next to them are hills (pyramids) of stones, which are found all over the world and, along with classical Egyptian and Indian pyramids, as well as mounds, are symbolic reminders of the polar Ancestral Home and the universal Mount Meru, located at the North Pole. It is surprising that stone spiral labyrinths and pyramids have been preserved in the Russian North. Until recently, few people were interested in them, and the key to unraveling the secret meaning contained in them was lost.

Monuments of Hyperborea

Hyperborea is as famous as its geographical sister, Atlantis. Both are links in the same chain, the fate of both is the same: they died as a result of a powerful natural disaster. But no matter what cataclysms shake the Earth, indestructible traces always remain. Firstly, the miraculously preserved evidence from ancient sources is scattered, contradictory, but has not lost any of its value. Secondly, material monuments (more precisely, what remains of them after millennia), preserved along the periphery and on the hills of the continent that sank to the bottom - Arctida-Hyperborea. The most promising in this regard are the Kola Peninsula, the land of the ancient solar deity - Kolo, Karelia, the Polar Urals, Novaya Zemlya, Spitsbergen (Russian Grumant) and other northern territories. Thirdly, the ideological Hyperborean heritage, which has survived to this day in the form of the mythology of the Golden Age.

Memories of the Golden Age

A fairly concentrated memory of the Golden Age in the north of Eurasia also developed in ancient Indian mythology. The details about the magical Land of Happiness never ceased to amaze listeners of oral traditions, where “there was no illness, no deception, no envy, no crying, no pride, no cruelty, no quarrels and negligence, enmity, resentment, fear, suffering, anger and jealousy." The land of abundance and happiness is clearly connected in the imagination of the ancestors of Indians and other Indo-Europeans with the Polar Mountain Meru - the abode of the first creator Brahma and the original place of residence of other Indian gods. This is how the blessed polar ancestral home and the Golden Age reigning there are described in the 3rd book of the Mahabharata:

“The golden mountain Meru, the queen of mountains, (spreads over thirty-three thousand yojanas). Here (located) are the gardens of the Gods - Nandana and other blessed resting places for the righteous. There is no hunger, no thirst, no fatigue, no fear of cold or heat, there is nothing unwholesome or disgusting, there are no diseases. Delicate aromas waft everywhere there, every touch is pleasant. Sounds flow from everywhere there, enchanting the soul and ear. There is no sadness, no old age, no worries, no suffering.” Pliny the Elder, one of the most impartial scientists, presented only indisputable facts, refraining from any comments. This is what he reported verbatim in Natural History: “Behind these [Rhipaean] mountains, on the other side of Aquilon [North wind - synonymous with Boreas], a happy people, who are called Hyperboreans, reach very advanced years and are glorified by wonderful legends. The sun shines there for six months, and this is only one day; the luminaries rise there only once a year. The homes for these residents are groves and forests; the cult of the Gods is carried out by individuals and the whole society; Discord and all sorts of diseases are unknown there. Death comes there only from satiety with life. After eating food and the light pleasures of old age, they throw themselves from some rock into the sea. This is the happiest type of burial... One cannot doubt the existence of this people.”

Portrait of the Hyperboreans

The analysis of ancient Russian, ancient Indian, ancient Persian and ancient Greek literary sources that have survived to this day, as well as the most ancient myths of the northern peoples of the world (Celts, Scandinavians, Karelians, Finns, Slavs and Russians) allowed modern scientists to draw up a generalized portrait of the people, which historians of Hellas called Hyperboreans and who, according to ancient historians, actually lived in the North-East of Europe during the Golden Age. Life in happy Arctida, along with reverent prayers, was accompanied by songs, dances, feasts and general endless fun.

In Arctida, even death occurred only from fatigue and satiety with life, or more precisely, from suicide: having experienced all types of pleasure and tired of life, the old Hyperboreans usually threw themselves into the sea. The wise Hyperboreans possessed a huge amount of knowledge, the most advanced at that time. Many sources and experts believe that the Hyperboreans had power over the elements, which explains the absence of bad weather and natural disasters in the territory of their residence.

Morals of the Hyperboreans

Borrowing phrases from ancient sources of different peoples of the world, this wonderful people and their customs can be described as follows: They were a happy people. The diseases and weaknesses of age were unknown there. They lived without pain. People reached very advanced years. Death came to them only from satiety with life. They died as if overcome by sleep. They looked amazing. Slender. Fragrant. Endowed with great physical strength. They were full of vitality. They were endowed with great spiritual power.

The Hyperborean priests had the gift of foresight, knew how to do without food, stopped destructive epidemics (in other countries) and traveled through the air in special aircraft. Among them there did not live a cruel, insensitive and lawless person. These were bright, shining people, beautiful as moonlight. They were kept away from all evil. They lived without the burden of karma. They treated the inevitable vicissitudes of fate and each other with reasonable patience.

There was no place for malice and intrigue among them. There was unknown discord among them. They lived without battles. They maintained a true and in everything great system of thoughts. They despised everything except virtue. They did not value wealth at all, believing that its growth was due to general consent in combination with virtue, but when wealth becomes an object of concern and is honored, then it itself goes to dust and virtue perishes along with it. Their homes were groves, forests and caves. They ate tree fruits without eating meat. They lived without hard work, with a carefree heart. Their life was accompanied by songs, dances, music and feasts. There were round dances everywhere, sounds flowing that enchanted the soul and ear. Crowned with a golden laurel, they indulged in the joy of the holidays.

They spent time in Games (sacrifices) in the open air. The best memory of the Olympic Games was brought to Olympia from the Hyperboreans - the servants of Apollo. They revered the firmament. They lovingly served the God who spread out the Universe. They performed the taming of the flesh. Reverent prayers were characteristic of this people. The cult of the Gods was celebrated there by individuals and the entire society. There people constantly sang the glory of the Almighty.

These were experts in Law and Righteousness, but they constantly improved in Justice. They lived in harmony with the Divine Principle akin to them and the Divine Nature retained its action in them.

Many believe that the highly developed civilization of Hyperborea, which perished as a result of a climate cataclysm, left behind descendants in the form of the Aryans. The search for Hyperborea is akin to the search for the lost Atlantis, with the only difference that from the sunken Hyperborea, it is believed that a part of the land still remains - this is the north of present-day Russia.

Researchers of ancient myths and legends mention a mysterious world - Hyperborea. This country was also called Arctida.

To find its possible location, you need to look at the northern territories of the planet. Hyperborea is a hypothetical ancient continent or large island that existed in the north of the Earth, near the North Pole, inhabited by a once powerful civilization. The name should be understood as follows: Hyperborea is what is located in the far north, “beyond the north wind Boreas,” in the Arctic.

Hyperborea in myths and legends

Until now, the fact of the existence of Hyperborea has not been confirmed, except for ancient Greek legends and the image of this landmass in old engravings, for example on the map of Gerardus Mercator, published by his son Rudolf in 1595. On this map in the center there is an image of the legendary continent of Hyperborea, around - the coast of the Northern Ocean with easily recognizable modern islands and rivers.

It should be noted that this map itself raised many questions among researchers. According to the descriptions of the same ancient Greek chroniclers, Hyperborea allegedly had a favorable climate, where four large rivers flowed out of the central sea or large lake and flowed into the ocean, which is why on the map Hyperborea looks like a “round shield with a cross” (in the picture above).

The Hyperboreans, inhabitants of the ideal Arctida, were especially loved by the god Apollo. In Hyperborea there were his priests and servants. According to ancient custom, Apollo appeared in these lands regularly, each time exactly 19 years later.

Perhaps some astronomical data will help understand the essence of the appearance of the Hyperborean Apollo. The lunar nodes return to their starting point in orbit after 18.5 years. All celestial bodies in ancient times were deified, the Moon in Ancient Greece became Selene, and to the names of many Greek gods, the same Apollo, as well as well-known heroes, for example Hercules, a common epithet was added - Hyperborean...

The inhabitants of the country - the Hyperboreans, as well as the Ethiopians, Phaeacians, and lotophages - were among the peoples close to the gods and loved by them. The inhabitants of Hyperborea enjoyed joyful work with prayers, songs, dances, feasts and general endless fun. In Hyperborea, even death occurred only from fatigue and satiety with life. The ritual of interrupting the earthly journey was simple - having experienced all types of pleasure and tired of life, the old Hyperboreans, as a rule, threw themselves into the sea.

The wise Hyperboreans possessed a huge amount of knowledge, the most advanced at that time. It was the natives of these lands, the Apollonian sages Abaris and Aristaeus, who were considered both servants and a hypostasis of Apollo, who taught the Greeks to compose poems and hymns, and for the first time discovered the basic wisdom, music, and philosophy. Under their leadership, the legendary Delphic Temple was built... These teachers, according to the chronicle, also owned the symbols of the god Apollo, including the arrow, raven, and laurel with miraculous powers.

Pliny the Elder on Hyperborea

The historian of the ancient world Pliny the Elder took the description of the amazing country very seriously. From his notes, the location of the little-known country is almost unambiguously traced. Getting to Hyperborea, according to Pliny, was difficult, but not entirely impossible. It was only necessary to jump over some northern Hyperborean mountains:

“Behind these mountains, on the other side of Aquilon, a happy people... who are called Hyperboreans, reach quite advanced years and are glorified by wonderful legends... The Sun shines there for six months, and this is only one day when the Sun does not hide... from the spring equinox to the autumn one. The luminaries there rise only once a year at the summer solstice, and set only at the winter solstice... This country is entirely in the sun, has a favorable climate and is devoid of any harmful wind. Homes for residents are groves and forests; the cult of the Gods is carried out by individuals and the whole society; Discord and all sorts of diseases are unknown there. Death comes there only from satiety with life... One cannot doubt the existence of this people..."

There is another indirect evidence of the former existence of a highly developed polar civilization.

Piri Reis Map

7 years before Magellan's first voyage around the world, the Turk Piri Reis drew up a map of the world, which indicated not only America and the Strait of Magellan, but also Antarctica, which Russian navigators were to discover only 300 years later... The coastline and some of the relief details are presented on it with such accuracy that can only be achieved with aerial photography, or even shooting from space. The southernmost continent of the planet on the Piri Reis map is devoid of ice cover! It has rivers and mountains. The distances between the continents have been changed to some extent, which confirms the fact of their drift.

A short entry in Piri Reis's diaries states that he compiled his map based on materials from the era. How did they know about Antarctica in the 4th century BC? e.?

An interesting fact is that in the 70s of the 20th century, a Soviet Antarctic expedition was able to establish that the ice shell covering the continent is at least 20,000 years old. It turns out that the age of the real primary source of information is at least 200 centuries. And if so, the conclusion suggests itself: when the map was compiled, there was probably a developed civilization on Earth that, in such ancient times, was able to achieve such incredible successes in cartography.

The Hyperboreans could have been contenders for the title of the best cartographers of those times. Fortunately, they also lived at the Pole, but not at the South Pole, but at the North Pole. Both poles in those days were free of ice and cold. The ability to fly, which the Hyperboreans had, according to legend, made flights from pole to pole common. Perhaps this can explain why the original map was drawn up as if the observer were in earth orbit...

But soon, as we already know, the polar regions were covered with ice... It is believed that the highly developed civilization of Hyperborea, which perished as a result of a climate cataclysm, left behind descendants - the Aryans, and they, in turn, the Slavs...

In search of Hyperborea

The search for Hyperborea is akin to the search, with the only difference that a part of the land still remains from the sunken Hyperborea - this is the north of present-day Russia. However, some interpretations suggest that Atlantis and Hyperborea are generally the same continent... To some extent, future expeditions should approach the solution to the great mystery. In the north of Russia, numerous geological teams have more than once encountered traces of the activity of ancient civilizations.

1922 - in the area of ​​Seydozero and Lovozero in the Murmansk region. An expedition took place under the leadership of Varchenko and Kondiain, engaged in ethnographic, psychophysical and simply geographical research. Searchers discovered an unusual hole going underground. The researchers were unable to penetrate inside - a strange, unaccountable fear, an almost tangible horror, literally bursting out from the black throat, prevented it. One local said that “it felt like you were being skinned alive!” A collective photograph has been preserved (published in NG-Science, October 1997), in which 13 members of the expedition were photographed next to the mystical hole.

Upon returning to Moscow, the materials of the expedition were carefully studied, including at Lubyanka. The fact is that A. Barchenko’s expedition was personally supported by Felix Dzerzhinsky at the preparation stage. And this was during the most hungry years for Soviet Russia, immediately after the end of the civil war! As you can see, the expedition had very important tasks. It is now difficult to figure out exactly what Barchenko went to Seydozero for; he himself was repressed and shot, and the materials he obtained were never published anywhere.

In the 90s of the last century, Doctor of Philosophy V.N. Demin drew attention to the rather meager memories that have reached us about Barchenko’s finds, and when he studied local legends in detail and compared them with Greek ones, he came to the conclusion: traces of ancient civilization follow search here.

These places are truly amazing. To this day, Seydozero evokes awe or at least respect among local residents. Just 100–200 years ago, its southern shore was the most honorable stone burial site for shamans and other respected members of the Sami people. For them, the name Seydozero and the afterlife paradise were simply one and the same. Fishing there was even allowed only one day a year...

In Soviet times, the area north of the lake was considered a strategic raw material base - large reserves of rare earth metals were discovered here. Now Seydozero and Lovozero are famous for the frequent manifestations of various anomalous phenomena. For example, there are reports of the appearance of the legendary Bigfoot in these places...

In 1997–1999, in the same place, under the leadership of V. Demin, searches were again undertaken, only this time for the remains of the ancient civilization of Hyperborea. And the news was not long in coming. The expeditions discovered several destroyed ancient buildings, including a stone “observatory” on Mount Ninchurt; stone “road”, “staircase”, “Etruscan anchor”; strange metal “matryoshka doll”. Several images of the “trident”, “lotus”, as well as the giant (70 m) rock cross-shaped image of a person known to all local old-timers - “old man Koivu” - were studied. As the legend says, this is a “foreign” Swedish god, defeated and embedded in a rock south of Karnasurta...

But, as it turned out, “old man Koivu” is made of blackened stones, along which water has been oozing from the rock for centuries. With other finds, things are also not so simple. Professional geologists and archaeologists are skeptical about the above-mentioned finds, considering them nothing more than a play of nature, constructions of the Sami up to several centuries ago and the remains of the activities of Soviet geologists in 1920-30. But criticism is useful because it forces researchers to look for additional evidence.

A classic example: Heinrich Schliemann discovered Troy where it “should not be.” To repeat this kind of success, you must at least be passionate. All of Professor Demin’s opponents call him overly enthusiastic.

Once upon a time, the climate of the current Russian North was much more favorable. As Lomonosov wrote, “in the northern regions in ancient times there were great heatwaves, where elephants could be born and reproduce... it was possible.” Perhaps the sharp cooling occurred as a result of some kind of cataclysm or a slight shift in the earth's axis (according to the calculations of ancient Babylonian astronomers and Egyptian priests, this happened 399,000 years ago). But the option with turning the axis “does not work.” After all, according to the ancient Greek chronicles, a highly developed civilization existed in Hyperborea only a few thousand years ago, and precisely at or near the North Pole. This is clear from the descriptions, and these descriptions should be trusted, because it is impossible to invent and describe the polar day exactly as it is visible only at the pole and nowhere else.

Where was Hyperborea?

If you ask the question about the specific location of Hyperborea, there is no clear answer, since there are not even islands near the North Pole. But... there is a powerful underwater ridge, named after the discoverer, the Lomonosov Ridge, and nearby is the Mendeleev Ridge. They actually sank to the bottom of the ocean relatively recently - by geological standards. If so, then the inhabitants of the hypothetical Hyperborea, at least some of them, had time to move to the current continent in the area of ​​the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, the Kola or Taimyr Peninsula, and most likely - Russia, east of the Lena delta. Exactly where, according to legend, the “Golden Woman” is hidden.

If Hyperborea - Arctida is not a myth, then how to explain the warm climate in the large circumpolar territory? Powerful geothermal heat? A small country may well be warmed by the warmth of gushing geysers (like Iceland), but this will not save it from the onset of winter. And in the reports of the ancient Greeks there is no mention of thick plumes of steam, and it would be impossible not to notice them. But perhaps this hypothesis has a right to exist: volcanoes and geysers warmed Hyperborea, and then one fine day they destroyed it...

Hyperborea (aka Arctida) is the foremother of all world culture, a country known to us from ancient manuscripts. Location - northern Europe. It is assumed that traces of this ancient civilization were found on the Kola Peninsula. There is no doubt that ancient Hyperborea is directly related to the ancient history of Russia, and the Russian people and their language are directly connected with the disappeared legendary country of the Hyperboreans. It is not without reason that Nostradamus in his “Centuries” referred to the Russians as “the Hyperborean people.”

According to reviews of ancient historians, Hyperborea was the foremother of all world culture. The wise Hyperboreans possessed a huge amount of knowledge, even more advanced than that of the ancient Greek civilization. It was the immigrants from Hyperborea, the Apollonian sages Abaris and Aristaeus (considered servants of Apollo), who taught the Greeks to compose poems and hymns, and for the first time discovered the basic wisdom, music, and philosophy. Under their leadership, the famous Delphic Temple was built...

Literally, “Hyperboreans” means “those who live beyond the Boreas (North Wind)”, or simply “those who live in the North”. Many ancient authors reported on the existence of Hyperborea and the Hyperboreans. One of the most authoritative scientists of the Ancient World, Pliny the Elder, wrote about the Hyperboreans as a real people who lived near the Arctic Circle and were connected with the Hellenes through the cult of Apollo the Hyperborean. By the way, Hercules and Perseus, like Apollo, had the epithet - Hyperborean...

This is what Pliny the Elder says verbatim about the existence of Hyperborea in Natural History (IV, 26): “Behind these [Rhipaean] mountains, on the other side of Aquilon, live a happy people called Hyperboreans, reaching very advanced years and glorified by wonderful legends . They believe that there are loops of the world and the extreme limits of the revolution of the luminaries. The sun shines there for half a year, and this is only one day when the sun does not hide (as the ignorant would think) from the spring equinox to the autumn equinox, the luminaries there only rise once a year at the summer solstice, and they set only at the winter solstice. This country is entirely in the sun, with a fertile climate and devoid of any harmful wind. The homes for these inhabitants are groves and forests; the cult of the Gods is carried out by individuals and the whole society; discord is unknown there and all sorts of diseases. Death comes there only from satiety with life.<...>There is no doubt about the existence of this people."

Even from this small passage from Natural History it is not difficult to get a clear idea of ​​Hyperborea. First - and this is the most important thing - it was located where the Sun may not set for several months. In other words, we can only talk about the circumpolar regions, those that in Russian folklore were called the Sunflower Kingdom.

Another important circumstance: the climate in the North of Eurasia in those days was completely different. This is confirmed by the latest comprehensive studies conducted recently in the north of Scotland under an international program: they showed that 4 thousand years ago the climate at this latitude was comparable to the Mediterranean, and a large number of heat-loving animals lived here.

However, even earlier, Russian oceanographers and paleontologists established that in the 30-15th millennium BC. The Arctic climate was quite mild, and the Arctic Ocean was warm, despite the presence of glaciers on the continent. American and Canadian scientists came to approximately the same conclusions and chronological framework. In their opinion, during the Wisconsin glaciation, in the center of the Arctic Ocean there was a zone of temperate climate, favorable for flora and fauna that could not exist in the circumpolar and polar territories of North America.

The main confirmation of the indisputable fact of a favorable climatic situation is the annual migration of migratory birds to the North - a genetically programmed memory of the warm Ancestral Home. Indirect evidence in favor of the existence of an ancient highly developed civilization in the northern latitudes can be provided by powerful stone structures and other megalithic monuments located everywhere here (the famous cromlech of Stonehenge in England, the alley of menhirs in French Brittany, the stone labyrinths of Solovki and the Kola Peninsula).

A map of G. Mercator, the most famous cartographer of all times, who relied on some ancient knowledge, has been preserved, where Hyperborea is depicted as a huge Arctic continent with a high mountain (Meru) in the middle.

Despite the meager information of historians, the ancient world had extensive ideas and important details about the life and morals of the Hyperboreans. And all because the roots of long-standing and close ties with them go back to the ancient community of Proto-Indo-European civilization, naturally connected with both the Arctic Circle and the “end of the earth” - the northern coastline of Eurasia and ancient continental and island culture. It was here, as Aeschylus writes: “at the edge of the earth”, “in the deserted desert of the wild Scythians” - by order of Zeus, the rebellious Prometheus was chained to a rock: contrary to the prohibition of the Gods, he gave people fire, discovered the secret of the movement of stars and luminaries, taught the art of addition letters, agriculture and sailing.

However, the region where Prometheus languished, tormented by the dragon-like kite, until Hercules freed him (who received the epithet Hyperborean for this) was not always so deserted and homeless. Everything looked different when, a little earlier, the famous hero of antiquity, Perseus, came here, to the edge of the Oikumene, to the Hyperboreans to fight the Gorgon Medusa and receive here magical winged sandals, for which he was also nicknamed the Hyperborean.

Apparently, it is not without reason that many ancient authors, including major ancient historians, persistently talk about the flying abilities of the Hyperboreans, that is, about their mastery of flight techniques. This is, however, how Lucian described them, not without irony. Could it be that the ancient inhabitants of the Arctic mastered aeronautics? Why not? After all, numerous images of possible aircraft - such as hot air balloons - have been preserved among the rock paintings of Lake Onega.

Archaeologists never cease to be amazed by the abundance of so-called “winged objects” that are constantly found in Eskimo burial grounds and date back to the most distant times in the history of the Arctic.

Here it is another symbol of Hyperborea! Made from walrus tusk (hence their amazing preservation), these outstretched wings, which do not fit into any catalogs, naturally suggest ancient flying devices. Subsequently, these symbols, passed on from generation to generation, spread throughout the world and became entrenched in almost all ancient cultures: Egyptian, Assyrian, Hittite, Persian, Aztec, Mayan, and so on - to Polynesia.

There is no doubt that ancient Hyperborea is directly related to the ancient history of Russia, and the Russian people and their language are directly connected with the legendary country of the Hyperboreans that disappeared or dissolved in the depths of the ocean and land. It is not without reason that Nostradamus in his “Centuries” referred to the Russians as “the Hyperborean people.” The refrain of Russian fairy tales about the Sunflower Kingdom, which is located far away, also represents memories of ancient times when our ancestors came into contact with the Hyperboreans and were themselves Hyperboreans. There are also more detailed descriptions of the Sunflower Kingdom. So, in the epic fairy tale from the collection of P.N. Rybnikov, it is told how the hero on a flying wooden eagle (a hint of the same flying Hyperboreans) flew to the Sunflower Kingdom:

He flew to the kingdom under the sun,
Gets off the eagle plane
And he began to walk around the kingdom,
Walk around Podsolnechny.
In this kingdom of the Sunflower
The tower has melted - gold tops,
The circle of this mansion was a white courtyard
About those twelve gates,
About those strict watchmen...

But the legendary Sunflower Kingdom also has a modern exact geographical address. One of the oldest pan-Indo-European names for the Sun is Kolo (hence “ring”, “wheel” and “bell”). In ancient times, it corresponded to the pagan solar deity Kolo-Kolyada, in whose honor a caroling holiday was celebrated (the day of the winter solar solstice) and archaic ritual songs were sung - carols, bearing the imprint of the ancient cosmist worldview:

... There are three golden-domed towers;
In the first chamber the month is young,
In the second mansion there is a red sun,
In the third chamber there are frequent asterisks.
When the month is young, it is our master.
The red sun is the hostess,
Often the stars are small.

It was from the name of the ancient Sun God Kolo-Kolyada that the name of the Kola River and the entire Kola Peninsula arose.

The cultural antiquity of the Soloveyskaya (Kola) land is evidenced by the stone labyrinths present here (up to 5 m in diameter), similar to those scattered throughout the Russian and European North with migration to the Cretan-Mycenaean (the famous labyrinth with the Minotaur), ancient Greek and other world cultures.

Many explanations have been proposed regarding the purpose of the Solovetsky stone spirals: burial grounds, altars, models of fishing traps. Latest in time: labyrinths - models of antennas for communication with extraterrestrial or parallel civilizations. The closest explanation to the truth of the meaning and purpose of Russian northern labyrinths was given by the formerly famous Russian science historian D.O. Svyatsky. In his opinion, the passages of the labyrinth, forcing the traveler to search for a way out for a long time and in vain and, finally, leading him out, are nothing more than a symbolization of the wandering of the Sun during the polar semi-annual night and semi-annual day in circles or, rather, in a large spiral , projected onto the vault of heaven.

Processions were probably organized in cult labyrinths to symbolically represent the wandering of the Sun. Russian northern labyrinths not only served for walking inside them, but also acted as a reminder diagram for conducting magical round dances.

Northern labyrinths are also characterized by the fact that next to them there are piles (pyramids) of stones. There are especially many of them in Russian Lapland, where their culture intersects with traditional Sami sanctuaries - seids. Like the Lovozero Tundra, they are found all over the world and, along with the classical Egyptian and Indian pyramids, as well as mounds, are symbolic reminders of the polar Ancestral Home and the universal Mount Meru, located at the North Pole. It is surprising that stone spiral labyrinths and pyramids have been preserved in the Russian North. Until recently, few people were interested in them, and the key to unraveling the secret meaning contained in them was lost.

More than 10 stone labyrinths have been found so far on the Kola Peninsula, mainly on the seashore. Most of those who have written about Russian labyrinths reject the very possibility of their rapprochement with the Cretan megaliths: the Cretans, they say, could not visit the Kola Peninsula, since it would have taken them several years to reach the Barents Sea along the Atlantic Ocean, bypassing Scandinavia, although Odysseus, as is known, reached Ithaca is at least 10 years away.

Meanwhile, nothing prevents us from imagining the process of spreading labyrinths in reverse order - not from South to North, but vice versa - from North to South. Indeed, the Cretans themselves, the creators of the Aegean civilization, are unlikely to have visited the Kola Peninsula, although this is not completely excluded, since it was part of the Hyperborea zone, which had constant contacts with the Mediterranean.

But the ancestors of the Cretans and Aegeans probably lived in northern Europe, including the Kola Peninsula, where they left traces of labyrinths that have survived to this day, prototypes of all subsequent structures of this kind. The path “from the Varangians to the Greeks” was not laid on the verge of the 1st and 2nd millennia AD, connecting Scandinavia, Rus' and Byzantium for a short time. It has existed from time immemorial, serving as a natural migration bridge between the North and the South.

So the ancestors of modern peoples left one after another across this “bridge” - each in their own time, each in their own direction. And they were forced to do this by an unprecedented climate catastrophe associated with a sharp cold snap and caused by a shift in the earth’s axis and, consequently, the poles.

Many believe that the highly developed civilization of Hyperborea, which perished as a result of a climate cataclysm, left behind descendants in the form of the Aryans. The search for Hyperborea is akin to the search for the lost Atlantis, with the only difference that it is believed that part of the land still remains from the sunken Hyperborea - this is the north of present-day Russia.

Actually until the very end XX centuries, even for intellectual scientists, this word meant only a certain mysterious northern country from Hellenic mythology. No more. True, a century earlier, the success of the archeology enthusiast Heinrich Schliemann forced almost all scientists, even those extremely skeptical of “various myths and fairy tales,” to treat with the utmost respect everything that was reported by the ancient myths of Hellas. But! In relation to Hyperborea, this convincing archaeological and mythological success of Schliemann, unfortunately, meant little.

You ask - Why?

Because the territory in which, according to all mythological signs, Hyperborea should be sought and found, was reliably hidden from researchers by its remoteness, the severity of the climate, border, military and other restricted zones, which were arranged in abundance in these places in the former USSR. If we add to this the complete indifference on the part of the “secular” Russian leaders, the neglect and even outright reluctance shown by them to establish the historical truth regarding the Hyperborean myth, then is it any wonder that this wonderful country of the Golden Age of the former human civilization, the country of the ancient, so familiar to us from children's fairy tales, was listed only in esoteric, but not in academic realities.

Fortunately, this is now a thing of the past.

Thanks to Russian ascetic scientists, Hyperborea literally rose from historical oblivion in just a couple of decades - a mere trifle by historical standards. And now, with some incredibly fantastic speed, it is turning not only into a socio-cultural, but also a phenomenon III millennium.

Today, the “romantic period” in the study of Hyperborea is left behind. In history, such a period will be considered the 90s of the 20th century and the “zero” centuries of the 21st. Today, scientists studying Hyperborea no longer need to be convinced of the existence and high development of this ancient civilization of the Russian North, and Hyperborea itself is already endowing its researchers with not only historical, but also technical discoveries and officially recognized inventions.

Hyperborea - the Golden Age of humanity - the era of universal Happiness, Justice and Prosperity. The era of life of people who Know the Highest - Natural Order, and therefore live long, beautifully and happily, in peace and harmony, not knowing hunger, disease, or other hardships and deprivations.

Isn't this the best formula for the National Idea of ​​any country?

Yes, the philosophy of the sages of Hyperborea, which once made it possible to build a Golden Age on earth, was already completely forgotten in science. But at the same time, it has been preserved - in the depths of the Soul of every person in the form of a bright hope for the possibility of such a future.

The discovery of the northern civilization of Hyperborea allowed the descendants to return a whole layer and majestic treasury of their ancient Culture. A culture created by their highly developed ancestors. We have regained our glorious Past, which means we can now have a bright Future!