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Presentation - basic phrasal verbs presentation for an English lesson on the topic. Presentation "phrasal verbs" to look forward to

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For your information English teacher, MAOU “Secondary School No. 8”, Kogalym Zankovich A.V.

to look to look at - to look at to look after - to look after (take care) to look in - to visit, to come in to look up - to look for, look up something in the dictionary Look out ! - Be careful! to look for - search

Fill in: Look... ! There is a car coming. Could you look … my dog ​​while I am on vacation? I’ll look...and see you next week. If you don’t know the word, look it... in the dictionary. Have you seen my shirt? I’ve been looking…it everywhere. Look at this picture, please.

to put to put off - delay, postpone, postpone to another time; to put on (a coat) - put on a coat; to put away - remove, hide; to put down - record; to put out - put out the fire; to put up with - put up with; to put aside - put aside (temporarily)

Fill in: Close your books and put them…. Take your notebooks and put… all the words that are on the board. Mr. Garrett put … his trip to Washington until next month. Alison is not ready yet. She hasn’t put her sneakers…. Never put … till tomorrow what you can do today. 1) aside; 2) down; 3)off; 4)on; 5) off;

to come to come across - meet by chance to come along - go with someone to come back - return to come off - fly away, break away Come on! - Let's go!

Fill in: Come…or we’ll be late. I came… this book in a little store. Come...here. I want to talk to you. Come ... with us, or you"ll miss the bus. The button has come ... my coat. 1) on; 2) across; 3) back; 4) along; 5) off;

to get To get up - get up, rise; To get together - to get together, meet; To get over - to recover from an illness; To get off - get off, go out; To get along with somebody - live (live)

Fill in: He gets … early, he"ll come in time. Take this bus and get … in 15 minutes. It was too hard for her to get... after that illness. The more we get … the happier we'll be. How do they get…? 1) up; 3) over;

To give to give away - to give, give, distribute to give out - to distribute (textbooks); to give in - give in, give up; to give up - refuse, throw;

Fill in: He had to give … smoking as he got sick. “I give...,” Alison said. Give...the textbooks. They gave … their food for free. 1) up; 2) in; 3) out; 4) away.

to go to go in for- get carried away to go off- go out to go on- continue, go further; to go without - do without something

Fill in: Mike doesn't go … sports. The meeting went … for two hours. The lights went … and the film began. You may take this book. I can easy go … it for a month. 1) In for; 2 ) on; 3) off; 4) without;

Electronic resources: http://english-tutorial.ru/phrasal-verbs/ http://usefulenglish.ru/idioms/phrasal-verbs-main-list-a-c

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

This presentation is designed for teaching grammar lessons. This form of presenting the topic increases interest in learning and contributes to the best understanding of grammar...

Presentation-trainer “Phrasal verb to COME”

The presentation-trainer “Phrasal verb to COME” is intended to practice and consolidate knowledge of English phrasal verbs. Recommended for students in grades 7-9....

Phrasal verbs

give away, give away

(free, low



end (about forces,

patience, supplies)

return, give back

give in, give up

refuse, give up,

surrender (to the police)

1. What are you doing with my diary? Give it ________ immediately.

2. I know that there`s very little hope left but we won`t give _____.

3. When she grew up, Kate gave ______ all her children`s books and toys.

4. When can you give _____ the money that you owe?

5. I gave _____ trying to understand John`s new ideas.

6. Mike, you are the pupil on duty today, aren`t you? Will you help me to give ______ these books, please?

7. Well, don`t get up, children, wait till I give ______ your notebook.

8. People believe that this unusual man gave ______ all his money to the poor and buried himself in a far-away village.

9. Any plants that were left I gave ______ to my neighbors.

10. This is my letter. Give it _____ please.

11. In a few years I`m planning to give my collection of stamps_______.

12.I`m sorry John has given ____ music, he has a talent for playing the piano.

take care, look after,

keep an eye on

look at

look forward to

look from high


beware; look out look for

(in the dictionary);



5. My cousin is really arrogant. I hate the way he looks____ everyone.

2. The child is still very young and must be looked ____.

3. The best way to find out what a word means is to look it ____ in a dictionary.

4. Don`t worry, I`ll look ____your pets while you are away.

7. Don`t tell me that the show has been cancelled. I was really looking ______ it.

8. In hospital I looked very well ______.

9. Look _____ me! I am wearing my new dress.

10. When you travel abroad, you should look _______ pickpockets.

11. I looked at this information _____ in a number of books.

12. Looking _______ the newspaper I saw my friend`s name in one of the article.

run away, hide, get away

understand, understand

fill out (document),

write (check, invoice)

compose, invent;

paint; make up

put up

2. He said something angrily and made _____. We`ve never seen him again.

3. I don`t like it when young girls make _____ heavily. It makes them look vulgar.

4. It`s easy to quarrel with a friend but difficult to make _____ your quarrel.

5. Every evening I make _____ a new story and tell it to my little boy when he goes to bed.

6. I can`t make her ____. She is a mystery to me.

7 . The thief stole the wallet and made _____ with it.

8. It took two hours every morning to make ____ the actor.

9. Have you made it _____ with your brother yet?

  • I don`t quite understand it now but if you give me time, I`m sure I`ll make it______.

11. Don`t let him make ______ with our money.

12. - Where did you hear this story?

- Nowhere, I made it _____ myself.

to resemble someone, to be like someone

  • record; disassemble;

remove (from shelf)

take away

take back your words;

return o take off (plane); take off (clothes)

invite at your own expense

accept a position from another

begin; undertake

2. Books borrowed from the library should be taken______ on time.

3. Please take ______ your coat and hat and make yourself comfortable.

4. I`m not sure she will be able to take _____ all the details correctly.

5. This bus will take you _____ to the city.

6. Please take the curtains ______ and wash them.

7. Here is a small hole in the sleeve of the new sweater. I think I`ll take the sweater ______ to the shop.

8. Can you feel the plane taking _____ now?

9. Jason carefully took the old photos ______ the wall and put them in the box.

10. What`s your new telephone number? I`d like to take it ______.

11. He is a wonderful lecture. I take ______ every word he says.

12. I borrowed this magazine from Anna. Will you take it ______ for me, please?

to give, to look

2. The best way to find out what a word means is to look it ____ in a dictionary.

3. I know that there`s very little hope left but we won`t give _____.

5. In hospital I looked very well ______.

6. People believe that this unusual man gave ______ all his money to the poor and buried himself in a far-away village.

7.I`m sorry John has given ____ music, he has a talent for playing the piano.

8. What are you doing with my diary? Give it ________ immediately.

9. Looking _______ the newspaper I saw my friend`s name in one of the article.

10. Don`t worry, I`ll look ____your pets while you are away.

11. When she grew up, Kate gave ______ all her children`s books and toys.

12. Mike, you are the pupil on duty today, aren`t you? Will you help me to give ______ these books, please?

13. The child is still very young and must be looked ____.

to make, to take

2. Every evening I make _____ a new story and tell it to my little boy when he goes to bed.

3. The thief stole the wallet and made _____ with it.

4. Books borrowed from the library should be taken______ on time.

5. Please take ______ your coat and hat and make yourself comfortable.

6. - Where did you hear this story?

Nowhere, I made it _____ myself.

7. Can you feel the plane taking _____ now?

9. Please take the curtains ______ and wash them.

10. He said something angrily and made _____. We`ve never seen him again.

11. I don`t like it when young girls make _____ heavily. It makes them look vulgar.

12. Here is a small hole in the sleeve of the new sweater. I think I`ll take the sweater ______ to the shop.

13. What`s your new telephone number? I`d like to take it ______.

TEST (take, look, give, make)

  • Nick was carefully ________ down what the teacher was saying.

2. I`d like a pizza, please. To eat here or to______ away?

3. Who is going to ________ after your pet when you are away?

4. The shoes I bought are too small. Should I _________ them back to the shop?

5. I have no time to read the newspaper, but I`d like to________ it through.

6. I won`t _________ off my jacket. I am not staying here.

7. Is it a true story or have you ________ it up?

8. Unfortunately he didn`t ________ after his father. He is a lazybones.

9. I know the task is difficult but don`t ________ up.

10. They had a quarrel but a minute later they _______ up.

11. He ______ away all his money to poor people.

12. I`m sorry I was rude, I ______ back everything I said.

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Slide captions:

Preparation for the State Examination and the Unified State Exam on the topic “Phrasal Verbs” Prepared by: Repina E.A. Municipal educational institution "Novoselskaya sosh"

look about \around (look around, look around) a fter (look after someone, take care of, keep an eye on...) a head (look forward to the future) a t (look at...) ack (look back, remember the past) down (on) – look down, look with contempt for (search, hope)

look forward to (wait impatiently) in (look at someone, go) into (explore, consider) on (count someone, observe) out for (look out, look for) over (through) – look through, look through to ( turn to s/l) up (look for)

No. 1. Choose the right form of the verb “to look” and complete the sentences 1. I looked it up in the dictionary. 2. We looked to them for help. 3. The teacher was looking over our homework. 4. She looks on him as her son. 7. I shall look into this report. 5. You should look in to see us, if only for a minute. 6. I’m so looking forward to it. 8. At first, his parents looked down on his wife Mary.

9. Never look back, you can’t change the past. 10. He won’t even look at milk. 11. Looking ahead to the future, we can imagine the time when all cars will fly. 12. She was looking after the train as it was leaving the station. 13. Do we have to pay to look around this castle? 14. Look out for Jenny while you’re in the airport. 15. She’s been looking for an apartment for half a year already

No. 2. Insert the prepositions and translate the sentences into Russian. I"m looking __ seeing him very much. Stop looking __ me like that! I looked it __ in the dictionary. I"m looking __ the weekend. Thanks for looking __ my grandfather when he was ill. Can you help me to look __ my keys? We"ve asked the neighbors to keep an eye __ the house for us while we are away. No. 3. What the English for? Look after the children Look for the key Look at this building Look forward to the holidays View the magazine Look at me

No. 4. Translate into Russian. I look after the child at night. Look at the picture! I'm looking for Mary. Where is it, I'm looking forward to working with you. Look up the word “prestige” in the dictionary. It's hard work looking after three kids all day. Look at Lena! She is much happier now.

No. 1 1- up 2- for 3- over 4- on 5- in 6- forward 7- into 8- down 9- back 10 -at 11- ahead 12- after 13- around 14- out for 15- for Keys: No. 2 Forward At Up Forward After For on No. 4. 1 .I"m looking after a child tonight. 2. Look at the picture! 3. I"m looking for Mary. Where is she? 4. I’m really looking forward to working with you. 5. Look up in a dictionary the word “prestige”. 6.Look at Helen. She's much happier now.

Materials used: 1.http://www.veclasses.ru/ex/012.htm 2.http://engblog.ru/page/11 3. Educational and training complex by O.V. Afanasyeva “New English course for Russian schools”

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Slide captions:

Phrasal Verb TO LOOK

To look This verb has got a lot of meanings

To look after taking care of someone to educate She is very old. She needs someone to look after her.

To look at to look at something, someone Why are you looking at me like that?

To look for where are you? I'm looking for you!

To look through We have looked through the magazines but we can’t find that photo.

To look up and find it in the dictionary, reference book If you don’t know the word look it up in the dictionary.

Can you translate it? L look through after up at

Choose the right preposition: L o o k after, up, through, out, in, on, into, at, for look to take care of someone look at

Complete these sentences with a preposition: He looked ____ her in great surprise. I'm looking ____ my keys. Can you help me? You can borrow my book if you promise to look ____ it. Look ____ the newspaper and tell me about the most important events. 5. Who looks ____ your dog when you go away? 8. The police looked ____ his papers.

Key: He looked at her in great surprise. I'm looking for my keys. Can you help me? You can borrow my book if you promise to look after it. Look through the newspaper and tell me about the most important events. 5. Look out - there’s a train coming. 6. Won’t you look in on me when you are in the village? 7. Who looks after your dog when you go away? 8. The police looked through his papers.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Phrasal verb "to look"

The presentation contains information about what prepositions the verb is used with and training exercises...

Methodological development "Phrasal verb Look in English" with interactive exercise games on the LearningApps server.

Video lesson: Phrasal verb Look in English with examples with translation and examples. English language.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hT2UCpIcvGgPhrasal verb look exercises.http://fluengli...

What is a phrasal verb?

It's a verb + a particle

(preposition or adverb)

that changes the meaning

to make a new verb.

Meet Phrasal Verbs, please!


Contents (part two)

Separable phrasal verbs

  • Separable phrasal verbs can be separated by their object. When the object is a noun, it is usually entirely optional whether the object is placed between the verb and the particle or placed after the particle. Both sentences below are correct:
  • I took my shoes off.
  • I took off my shoes .
  • However, when a pronoun is used instead of a noun, the pronoun must be placed between the verb and the particle:
  • I took them off.
  • I took off them .
  • But in one type of sentence, separable phrasal verbs must be separated - when the phrasal verb has two objects:
  • She put a blanket on. She put on a blanket
  • She put a blanket on the bed. She put on a blanket the bed.
  • Nonseparable phrasal verbs
  • Nonseparable phrasal verbs cannot be separated by their object:
  • He ran into a tree. He ran a tree into.

fault with


find your calling

expose someone

find out

  • You can’t trust him until you find everything ………….. .
  • He found……………after progressing from the University.
  • She is unpleasant. She always finds………..…everyone.
  • It happened a long time ago. And we can’t find………. the truth about this accident.
  • It was very difficult to find him……….. because he denied everything.

fault with

  • You were wrong. There is no need to blame anyone.
  • I think my sister will find her calling. She is a very talented girl.
  • The police caught and exposed the robber.
  • Can you find out what happened yesterday?

meet (by chance)

run over,

run out of stock



Fill in the gaps and translate

  • Yesterday I ran…………. my friend whom I haven’t seen since we left school.
  • Why are you so upset? My kitten was run……………by car.
  • I’ll have to go to the baker’s because we’ve run …………… bread.
  • Let’s run the documents………….. once again before signing them.
  • When he was walking in the park he ran ………… an old friend of his.

  • We've run out of milk. Go to the store, please.
  • Drive slower, you might run over someone.
  • You should read this article carefully, not just skim it.
  • We met her friend by chance while we were shopping.

give away, donate

distribute, distribute


give in, give up

quit, refuse

Fill in the gaps and translate

  • Mary has to give …………..all her kittens except one.
  • He is younger. Give him…….., please!
  • The teacher asked me to give… ……… the textbooks.
  • You should give this book………. to the library.
  • My father gave………..smoking two years ago.

  • Mark Twain said: "It's not hard to quit smoking - I've done it many times."
  • The teacher asked him to hand out notebooks for tests.
  • My father taught me not to give up in the most difficult situations.
  • You must return this book to the library in a week.

Match the verbs in list A with their meanings in list B

  • give in
  • give... back
  • give...out
  • give…up
  • give... away
  • return
  • distribute
  • stop doing
  • surrender
  • give smth. to somebody for free.

1d, 2a, 3b, 4c, 5e

turn on/off


appear, make it louder


turn inside out


Fill in the gaps and translate

  • You’ll have to turn…………..tomorrow. It's very important for us.
  • One must always have someone to turn…………. help.
  • If you don’t turn……………….your music, I’ll get a headache.
  • When leaving, don’t forget to turn……………… the stove.
  • Turn......the light, please. It's getting dark.
  • The girl kissed the frog and it turned………………..

a handsome prince.

  • We asked our neighbor to turn down the TV, but he turned it up even louder.
  • Don't forget to turn off the lights when you leave.
  • As soon as my father comes home from work, he immediately turns on the TV in the living room and the radio in the kitchen. It's horrible!
  • I didn’t even notice how my sister turned into a beautiful girl.
  • He always appears unexpectedly.


  • presentation template by Tsaplina L.V. http://www.it-n.ru/board.aspx?cat_no=4262&tmpl=Thread&BoardId=132864&ThreadId=125887
  • “Happy English-2” T.B. Klimentyeva, D. Shannon “Title” 2002
  • “Ready exam answers - 11th grade - English”, Severinova E.Yu., St. Petersburg, “Trigon”, 2004.
  • N.A. Bonk, E.M. Saltykova “English for Advanced Learners”, Moscow, ROSMEN, 2009.


  • http://esl.about.com/od/engilshvocabulary/...om_resource.htm- a large collection of idioms and phrasal verbs
  • valenciaenglish.netfirms.com (Translation ) The concept of phrasal verbs. Types of phrasal verbs.
  • eslcafe.com (Translation ) Phrasal Verb Page by Dennis Oliver. Denis Oliver's phrasal verbs page.
  • ompersonal.com.ar (Translation ) a list of 1000 phrasal verbs with exercises/tests. Descriptions of word meanings and examples of use
  • usingenglish . com (Translation ) - Dictionary of English Phrasal Verbs (Dictionary of English phrasal verbs). The list of verbs opens by letter of the alphabet.
  • dictionary.cambridge.org