Biology History Abstracts

Retelling of the story "The Enchanted Place" by Gogol N.V. Composition Real and fantastic in Gogol's story “The Enchanted Place Heroes of the story an enchanted place

When the narrator, old Thomas, was still small, an unusual story happened to his grandfather. He claims that evil spirits will faint anyone. Here's how it happened.

My father went to the Crimea to sell tobacco. Grandfather and Foma moved to live on a bashtan (plot of land), where watermelons, melons and various vegetables grew. Bashtan was located near the road. Chumaks passed by (the so-called wagonmen traveling to the Crimea for fish and salt).

One day, among the passing Chumaks, grandfather met his acquaintances. They settled down at the kuren (straw hut). There were conversations, memories of the past. Then the grandfather made Foma and his brother Ostap dance. Yes, and he could not stand it and started dancing. He danced well. But this time, having reached half of the smooth place, I already wanted to show my thing with my legs, when suddenly I could not move them properly.

Grandfather began to scold Satan, as this is his obsession. And he sees that he is standing in some unfamiliar place. He began to take a closer look and recognized the dovecote in the garden of the priest and the threshing floor of the volost clerk. Coming out onto the path, grandfather went to his chestnut tree. But at the side of the road on the grave, he saw the light of a candle. Treasure! And he doesn't have a spade or a shovel with him. He decided to take a look. He put a branch on the grave and went home.

The next day, as soon as it was getting dark, my grandfather went to the mark. But, having come to the priest's garden, he saw a dovecote, but did not see a threshing floor. He stepped a little to the side - the dovecote was gone. Again, the devil began to joke with him. Then it began to rain, and grandfather returned to his hut.

The next day he went out into the field with a spade to dig a new bed. Passing by the enchanted place where he could not dance, the grandfather could not resist and hit him with a spade. He looks - again he is at the place where he put the mark. And the grave is here, and his mark lies. Grandfather was delighted that now he has a spade. He went to the grave, and there was a huge stone. The old man turned him off and decided to sniff tobacco.

But before he had time to bring it to his nose, someone sneezed next to him. Sprayed him all over. Grandfather thought that the devil did not like tobacco. And he began to dig. Soon came across the boiler. "Where are you!" he said happily. These words, like an echo, were repeated by the bird's nose, the ram's head and the bear. The old man was frightened, and said that it was scary here. And again the bird's nose, the ram's head and the bear repeated everything after him. And then the stump turned into a terrible mug. The nose is huge, like blacksmith fur, lips are like decks, and the eyes are red, burning with fire. Erysipelas tongue stuck out and teases grandfather. He decided to get out of this place as soon as possible. He grabbed a bowler hat and started running.

And Foma and Ostap lost their grandfather. Their mother had already brought them supper, they had already had time to party, but he was still gone. Mother washed the dishes and began to look for where to pour the slop. He looks, and a tub is moving towards the kuren, as if someone hid behind it and pushes it forward. She decided to pour slop there.

It turned out that the grandfather brought the boiler. He began to swear at his mother, to wipe his face. And then happily and tells the guys that soon they will eat bagels, walk in golden zhupans (old outerwear). And opened the cauldron. And there is no gold at all. Only dirt and rubbish. Grandfather spat, washed his hands. From that time on, he himself did not believe the devil, and the guys always taught him not to believe. Grandfather said that the devil is the enemy of man, he will deceive. He doesn't have any truth. And every time he meets a troubled place, he begins to baptize him.

And the area where he did not dance, grandfather decided not to cultivate anymore. He fenced it off and ordered all rubbish to be thrown there. Others then sowed both watermelons and melons in this place. But nothing good grew there.

enchanted place in class 5th grade. This work is the final story of the second part of the famous Evenings on a farm near Dikanka. This story is told by deacon Foma, and the story is about how a diabolical force that can easily fool anyone, as it fooled his grandfather. Let's get acquainted with the retelling of the Enchanted Place in order to get acquainted with the essence of the work.

Enchanted place summary

The sexton's story takes us back to his childhood. He was then about eleven years old. His grandfather was still alive, he was strong and could do household chores. And so, when Foma's father left with his younger brother for the Crimea to sell tobacco, his grandfather and mother and he and his two brothers remained at home. At this time, grandfather plants a chestnut tree by the road, where there was everything that your heart desires. Here are cucumbers, and peas, and melons, and turnips, and watermelons. He himself built a hut near the chestnut tree to be able to guard it. It was a fun time then. A lot of chumaks passed along the road during the day, who shared stories. You will listen. It was especially interesting to listen to grandfather's acquaintances, who, when they remember the past, how they spill.

Somehow, acquaintances of the old man drove past the tower. They stopped at our place, sat down near the hut and, having lit their cradles, let's tell stories, do not stop them. The afternoon tea has already arrived. The grandfather treats everyone with melons, and the Cossack girl tells his grandchildren to dance, but he could not resist and went to dance himself. He danced in front of his friends in such a way that only the smoke stood, only in one place the legs became wooden. And no matter how my grandfather tried to dance some kind of his thing, it didn’t work out. It will reach an enchanted place and everything, as if rooted to the spot, but you didn’t want to disgrace yourself in front of your friends. The old man began to curse Satan. Grandfather even heard laughter, he thought that one of the Chumaks was laughing. I turned around, and he was in a different place altogether. There is no one and not a day at all, but evening already. He began to examine the district, it turned out that he was at the other end of the village. Grandfather found a path and went home. On the way I saw some kind of grave where a candle lit up, and then a second one. According to legend, a treasure is buried in such a place. So the old man noticed the place, throwing a branch on the grave in order to return again. Grandfather came to the hut and without even eating, went to bed.

Already early in the morning grandfather went in search of the very place where he was yesterday, but did not find it. And then it started to rain. In a word, the old man returned to the hut, angry and wet, and for a long time spoke unflattering words in the direction of the evil spirit, which laughed at him. On a new day, grandfather woke up, as if nothing had happened, wandered around the tower, doing business.

In the evening, grandfather wanted to dig a new place for a pumpkin. However, passing by the enchanted place, he could not resist, went to the middle and stamped his foot. And again, I ended up in the same place where I got yesterday. Here is the grave, and the dovecote, and the threshing floor. The old man began to dig, dug to the pot. At the same time, strange things seemed to him all the time, now a ram's head, now a bear, then some kind of bird, or even some kind of unclean monster. And the night turned out to be without stars and a month. In a word, it became terrible, the old man wanted to leave the boiler, but suddenly everything was the same, and it seemed like there was nothing strange around. The grandfather thought that the evil spirit was having fun with him like that. The grandfather grabbed the boiler and let's run, only in the garden the priest was able to take a breath.

At this time, the mother came to the children, brought dinner, but the grandfather is still not there. I had to eat without it. The woman cleaned up after dinner, and there was nowhere to pour the slop. Then he sees a barrel approaching, apparently, the guys are naughty and pushing it. The woman poured slop into this barrel. It turned out that it was the grandfather, who was now standing all drenched. He himself decided to show off the treasure and gave a cauldron, in which there was rubbish and squabbles.

People are said to be able to deal with an unclean spirit. You shouldn't say that. If the evil spirit wants to deceive, so be it.

The narrator was 11 years old. In total, the father had 4 children. Father went to the Crimea in early spring and brought tobacco for sale. He took his 3-year-old brother with him, and the narrator stayed at home with his mother and 2 brothers. Grandfather sowed a garden right by the road and went to live in a hut.

Grandfather liked the fact that about 50 carts passed by him a day, and everyone could tell him something.

Once, 6 wagons drove past Maxim's grandfather, they were grandfather's old comrades. They sat in a circle, ate and talked. Grandfather took the narrator and brother to play the pipe and dance. Unable to resist, the grandfather himself started dancing right on the path between the cucumber beds. It was here that something unclean happened: as soon as grandfather reached the middle of the path, his legs immediately stopped rising. He started again from the beginning of the track, danced to the middle and again his legs became stiff. It was some sort of haunted place. Grandfather immediately began to swear and called this place devilish.

Immediately behind the grandfather, someone laughed. Grandfather turned around, looks - but the place is unknown, around the field is unfamiliar. He took a closer look, and recognized the threshing floor of one volost clerk. That's where the unclean force brought the grandfather.

Then the grandfather decided to go out onto the road, and on the side of one of the graves he saw a flaring candle. Soon it went out and a second one lit up, a little further away. Grandfather thought that a treasure was hidden in this place. I thought to immediately dig it out, but I didn’t have a shovel with me. Then he decided to remember the place and come back here later. With these thoughts he walked home.

Toward evening the next day, grandfather took a shovel and a spade, and went to the place of the treasure. But, having reached the place, he was surprised - if there is a threshing floor, then there is no dovecote, but if a dovecote is visible, then there is no threshing floor. Suddenly a heavy downpour began, and grandfather wandered back home.

The next day, grandfather went through his garden to the enchanted place with a spade in his hands. Striking with a spade at the place where his legs were stiff, he immediately found himself on the field where he saw the candles. Only now he had a spade.

He reached the place indicated by the candles and began to dig. Soon he dug out the cauldron. While digging, grandfather talked to himself, and someone repeated his words several times. Grandfather thought that this was a devil who did not want to give the treasure. Then he left the treasure and ran to the house, and around - silence. Then he returned, took the bowler hat and ran as fast as he could. So he got to the priest's garden.

Mother waited until evening for grandfather. We've already had dinner, but you can't see him. Mother washed the pot and began to look for where to drain the slop. Suddenly she saw a kuhlya* floating through the air in the darkness. Mother took and poured hot slops into it. Immediately there was a loud cry of the grandfather. Grandfather told about the found treasure and hoped that now all the children would have bagels and bagels.

Hoping for gold, grandfather opened the bowler hat, and there was something that is even embarrassing to say.

After this incident, my grandfather lost confidence in the devil. And he often told his grandchildren that they would never believe the devil - he would definitely deceive. And if he heard somewhere, something unsettling was going on, he immediately began to be baptized and shouted to his grandchildren to be baptized.

That enchanted place on the path, where his legs became stiff, the grandfather protected with wattle, and dumped all the garbage and weeds there.

Kukhlya* - a vessel for transporting liquids over short distances.

The story "The Enchanted Place" N.V. Gogol is included in the cycle of stories "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka". At the beginning of the whole cycle, N.V. Gogol says that he did not invent these stories himself. The beekeeper Panko told him about them. And the beekeeper heard these stories from different people. It turns out that the true narrator of the story about the enchanted place is the beekeeper. But when you start reading the story, you will find out that this was told to the beekeeper Panko by one deacon. Himself
the clerk was also not a participant in the events. Everything that happens in the story was told to him by his grandfather. After all, when all this happened, the deacon was only eleven years old. The story is about an enchanted place. One day, grandfather Maxim was dancing and accidentally ended up in an enchanted place. He immediately thought that there was a treasure. Several times he tried to dig it out. When he managed to do this, grandfather Maxim ran home. He climbed over the wattle fence, and they doused him with slop. But he was still pleased. After all, he found a treasure. But when the boiler was opened, there was all sorts of nonsense. Grandfather Maxim has since bequeathed to everyone not to play with the devil. I think that if there were no hero-narrator-grandfather Maxim in this story, then it would turn out that all events are true. And so it turns out that the author talks about them as if in a third person. First, grandfather Maxim told the deacon, then the deacon told the beekeeper Panko, and only then Gogol wrote a story about it. It seems to me that the author does not believe in the truth of this story. But he shows us the thoughts of the heroes of the story, what they believe in. That's why he came up with the figure of the beekeeper Panko. The fact that the story "The Enchanted Place" is built as a "story within a story" allows not only to convey the thoughts and feelings of the characters, but also to recreate the atmosphere in which such stories were invented and told. It seems as if you hear the voice of the narrator and plunge into the world of the heroes of the story by N.V. Gogol.

The story "The Enchanted Place" is one of the stories of N.V. Gogol from the cycle "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka". Two main motives are intertwined in it: hooliganism of devils and getting treasure. This article provides a summary of it. Gogol, "The Enchanted Place" is a book that was first published in 1832. But the time of its creation is not known for certain. It is believed that this is one of the earliest works of the great master. Let's refresh our memory of all its main points.

N. V. Gogol, "The Enchanted Place". The main characters of the work

Chumaki (traders).

Grandfather's grandchildren.

Grandfather's fiancee.

Summary: Gogol, "The Enchanted Place" (introduction)

This story happened a long time ago, when the narrator was still a child. His father, taking one of his four sons, left to trade tobacco in the Crimea. Three children remained on the farm, their mother and grandfather, who guarded the bashtan (a vegetable garden sown with watermelons and melons) from uninvited guests. One evening a cart with merchants drove past them. Among them were many of my grandfather's acquaintances. Having met, they rushed to kiss and remember the past. Then the guests lit their pipes, and the refreshments began. It became fun, let's dance. Grandfather also decided to shake the old days and show the Chumaks that he still has no equal in dancing. Then something unusual began to happen to the old man. But the next chapter (its summary) will tell about this.

Gogol, "The Enchanted Place". Development of events

Grandfather broke up, but as soon as he reached the cucumber patch, his legs suddenly stopped obeying. He scolded, but there was no point. Laughter was heard from behind. He looked around, but there was no one behind him. And the place around is unfamiliar. In front of him lies a bare field, and on the side is a forest, from which some kind of long pole sticks out. For a moment it seemed to him that the clerk, and the pole, visible from behind the trees, was a dovecote in the garden of a local priest. Around it is darkness, the sky is black, there is no moon. Grandfather went across the field and soon came across a small path. Suddenly, a light on one of the graves lit up ahead, then went out. Then a light flashed in another place. Our hero was delighted, deciding that this was a treasure. He only regretted that he did not have a shovel now. “But that’s not a problem,” thought the grandfather. “After all, you can notice this place with something.” He found a large branch and threw it on the grave, on which a light was burning. Having done this, he returned to his tower. Only it was already late, the children were sleeping. The next day, without saying a word to anyone and taking with him a spade, the restless old man went to the priest's garden. But the trouble is - now he did not recognize these places. There is a dovecote, but there is no threshing floor. The grandfather will turn: there is a field, but the dovecote is gone. He returned home with nothing. And the next day, when the old man, having decided to dig a new ridge on the tower, struck with a shovel in the place where he did not dance, suddenly the pictures in front of him changed, and he found himself in the very field where he saw the lights. Our hero was delighted, ran to the grave, which he had noticed earlier. On it lay a large stone. Throwing it away, grandfather decided to sniff tobacco. Suddenly, someone sneezed heavily over him. The old man looked around, but no one was there. He began to dig the earth on the grave and dug out a cauldron. He was delighted and exclaimed: “Ah, there you are, my dear!” The same words were squeaked from a branch by a bird's head. Behind her, a ram's head bleated from a tree. A bear looked out of the forest and roared the same phrase. Before the grandfather had time to say new words, the same faces began to echo him. The old man was frightened, grabbed the cauldron and rushed to his heels. About what happened to the unlucky hero next, the next chapter below (its summary) will tell.

Gogol, "The Enchanted Place". ending

And grandfather's houses were already missed. Sat down for dinner, but he's still gone. After the meal, the hostess went into the garden to pour out the slop. Suddenly she saw a barrel climb towards her. She decided that this was someone's joke, and poured slop directly on her. But it turned out that it was the grandfather. In the cauldron that he brought with him, there were only squabbles and rubbish. Since then, the old man swore not to believe the devil anymore, and he surrounded the accursed place in his garden with wattle. They said that when this field was hired for local chumak melons, God knows what grew on this piece of land, it was even impossible to make out.

More than a century and a half ago, N.V. Gogol wrote The Enchanted Place. Summary it is outlined in this article. It is no less popular now than it was many years ago.