Abstracts Statements Story

Wheeled tugboats. Old wheeled tug

Svobodnensky steamships - river minesweepers KAF

According to archival data (added, corrected) by V.G. Parshina

As is known, a number of Svobodnaya tugboats were temporarily mobilized into the KAF (Red Banner Amur Flotilla) before 1945, during the Great Patriotic War and the Soviet-Japanese War, and here they were converted into river minesweepers (RTSh).
Among such Svobodnensky (in the 1940-1970s) steamships were: “Kharkov”, “Chkalov”, “Zhuravlev” and “Chernenko”.
One Svobodnensky steamship was converted into a gunboat: “KL-32” - “Grodekovo”.

Below are brief information about these steamships - river minesweepers.
Brief general information:
Type "Leningrad". Displacement 293 tons. Dimensions 48.5 x 13.4 (wheel casings) x 1.5 m. Boiler-machine power plant, 300 hp. Speed ​​16.7/7.5 knots, range 950 miles. Armament: 1 x 45 mm, 2 x 4 x 7.62 mm machine guns, 50 mines of type "P" or 10 mines mod. 1908, lightweight Schultz and boat trawls. Crew 47 people.

RTSH-3 - steamship "KHARKOV"
(until September 25, 1940 and from November 6, 1943 “Kharkov”)
River wheeled tugboat.
Built in 1932 - 1934. ("Lenin's Forge", Kyiv).
Called up on March 5, 1935, converted into a minesweeper and included in the Amur Flotilla. Passed the cap. renovation in 1940
Disarmed on November 6, 1943 and converted into a tugboat.

RTSH-52 - steamship "CHKALOV"
(until 07/13/1941 and from 10/22/1945 "Chkalov")

RTSH-56 - steamship "ZHURAVLEV"
(until 08/15/1920 "Al. Bubnov", until 09/15/1922 "Pavel Zhuravlev", until 05/04/1923 "A. Bubnov", until 07/25/1929 "Pavel Zhuravlev", until December 1929 TZ-1, until 05/05/1932 "Pavel Zhuravlev", until 07/13/1941 and from 10/24/1945 "Zhuravlev")
Built in 1902
On August 15, 1920, she was included in the Amur Flotilla as an armed steamship. 09/15/1922 disarmed and transferred to Blagoveshchensk Rupvod. Called up on July 25, 1929, armed and included in the Far Eastern Flotilla as a minesweeper. In October - November 1929, he took part in hostilities (conflict on the Chinese Eastern Railway), after which he was disarmed and returned to the NKPS. In the period from 05/05/1932 to 05/24/1934. was part of the Amur flotilla. Mobilized on July 13, 1941, converted into a minesweeper and included in the Amur Flotilla. Participated in the Manchurian offensive in August 1945.

RTSH-57 – steamship “CHERNENKO”
(until 05/04/1923 "To Kovalevsky", until 07/25/1929 "G. Chernenko", until December 1929 TZ-2, until 07/13/1941 and from 10/24/1945 "G. Chernenko" ")
River wheeled tugboat.
Built in 1907
Called up on July 25, 1929, armed and included in the Far Eastern Flotilla as a minesweeper. In October - November 1929, he took part in hostilities (conflict on the Chinese Eastern Railway), after which he was disarmed and returned to the NKPS. In the period from 05/05/1932 to 05/24/1934. was part of the Amur flotilla. Mobilized on July 13, 1941, converted into a minesweeper and included in the Amur Flotilla. Participated in the Manchurian offensive in August 1945.
Disarmed on October 24, 1945 and converted into a tugboat.


KL- No. 32 – steamer “GRODEKOVO”
(until 07/28/1941 and from 10/13/1945 "Grodekovo", from 02/10/1944 "KL-32")
Laid down in 1936 ("Krasnoe Sormovo", Gorky), launched in June 1937, erection. commissioned in the fall of 1937
Mobilized on 07/22/1941 and on 07/28/1941 became part of the Amur Flotilla. Participated in the Manchurian offensive operation 9.08 - 1.09.1945.
10/13/1945 disarmed and returned to the river shipping company.
Decommissioned on December 23, 1968 and scrapped.

As TOZ wrote at one time: “The first captain of the ship was Afanasy Zinovievich Plaksin. During the war with Japan (1945), he carried out work transporting Soviet paratroopers. In 1955, he worked during the recovery of the Menzhinsky steamship and barge that sank in the Troitskoye area "Georgia" (near Komsomolsk-on-Amur). "Kema" was engaged in towing new ships into the open sea. In 1994, on the Day Navy took part in the parade. This was his last exit into the vastness of the Amur."

Here are some lifetime photos taken from the Tsushima Forums resource:

Tsushima forums
Here's something unique color photo, Kema is moored in the same place where it lies to this day...

There used to be more photos there, but they disappeared somewhere... so I’m posting previously saved copies:

Here are more photos from the Navy Day by user Ingvar7642:

" " on Yandex.Photos
The RFB inscription is covered with a poster "Sevruga"

This winter, the level of Amur was very low, so I simply could not refuse myself to go and see the ship in person...

Rumor has it that in the early 2000s it was still afloat, but sank in 2002-2004. I am tormented by doubts, but Google only produces historical photographs from 2005 where it was already sunk...

By the way, I note that the hull of the vessel is welded, although there are some riveting points...

The water around freezes late, due to the presence of a sewer nearby...

In the wheelhouse: the steering column has been removed, levers stick out in the middle, the purpose of which, alas, I don’t know, and the rods inside the body, alas, are twisted...

Talking pipes

A gutted engine telegraph, a screen tobus for a projector sticks out nearby... there is a lot of sediment on the ship, full of interesting artifacts...

A couple more photos from the outside and let's go down:

In 2000, after the ship was decommissioned, they tried to transfer the ship from the property of the maritime security authorities of the Federal Border Guard Service to the ownership of the Khabarovsk Territory. It seems that while they were calving, the ship sank, and about 400 kilograms of fuel oil floated from its tanks onto the water surface of the Amur. About 770 square meters were contaminated in this already not very clean place...

So, through the skylight we look into the boiler and engine room; on the right there are fuel oil tanks. By the way, it is said that initially the ship ran on coal, and after the war it was switched to fuel oil... In general, many sensible things indicate that the ship underwent major repairs... the lampshades date back to 1958...

The boiler itself, there are two of them...

About the museum. Right away. Why put it off?

The museum does not have a separate building. It is located under the very roof of the beautiful house of the Amur Shipping Company. This is not to say that the exhibition is overly rich and meaningful ( I always want more), but there is something to see. By the way, it’s tempting to combine this museum with the shipping department in Blagoveshchensk local history museum, but so far this is only possible in dreams. Well, on the Internet, of course ( I promise to post some photos from there, from those that I didn’t show).

Let me pass by the story about the history of the development of the Amur lands. This matter is long, branched and not always clear. Therefore, I will just go through the museum’s exhibits, occasionally inserting comments.

Let's start with a miracle. "Drawing of the land of the Nerchinsk city", 1701. Original? A copy?.. In higher resolution - .

The pioneering theme is completed by a wall with a map and portraits of you-know-who.

A short excursion. I quote. “The first steamships on the Amur were state-owned. In 1855, the 2nd state-owned steamship Nadezhda sailed up the Amur from the sea. Two years later there were five of them. The main point for the construction of wooden ships was Blagoveshchensk, steel steamships and barges were supplied by the factories of John Cockerill ( Belgium), a mechanical engineering company in Helsingfors (Finland) and Alain McLellan's plant (England).Ships and barges from abroad were delivered to the Amur by sea and assembled locally in Sofiysk and MAGO.

In 1860, the first trading and shipping enterprise on the Amur, the Amur Company, was created.

In 1872, the Amur Shipping Company Partnership was established. In 1892, it was absorbed by the more powerful Amur Society of Shipping and Trade (PAROTOR), which existed until the nationalization of the fleet and played a major role in the further development of shipping on the Amur.

The entire Amur fleet until 1918 consisted of 208 steamships and 296 barges with a capacity of 40,146 indicator forces with a total carrying capacity of 8,084,645 pounds.

Personnel for river transport were supplied by the Blagoveshchensk Special River School, opened on December 15, 1899. The first head of the school was Captain 2nd Rank Petrushevsky, the author of the first textbook on shipboard practice.

The earnings of ship employees on the Amur were very high compared to European Russia. On average they received: commander - 184.4 rubles, driver - 144.8 rubles, pilot - 137 rubles, fireman - 41.3 rubles, cook - 59.3 rubles, sailor - 30.2 rubles."

So that. It remains to find out who these “indicating forces” are.

Under the banner there is a table on which a retired typewriter resides ( O! This is exactly what I learned to type on!) and telegraph apparatus ST-2M. I quote: “This device, manufactured in 1961, worked on radio communication channels Khabarovsk-Moscow, Khabarovsk-Blagoveshchensk, Khabarovsk-Svobodny.”

In the corner of the hall is a beautiful semicircular panorama of Nikolaevsk, with the Amur, ships and the Columbus model.

If it works, I’ll glue together a full-fledged version.

20th century, beginning. The pre-revolutionary and early Soviet stages are represented mainly by photographs.

"... The leader of the Bolsheviks in the Amur region was a former mechanic and worker at ship repair shops, Fyodor Nikanorovich Mukhin.

After Lenin's decree on nationalization, in the spring of 1918, the nationalization of the fleet was carried out in Blagoveshchensk. Captain Afanasy Karpenko was elected the first commissioner of water transport. The people's shipping enterprise was given the name "Amur National Fleet". On May 10, 1918, the Amur National Fleet included 255 ships and 5 dredgers. To manage the nationalized fleet, an executive board of 21 people was created, headed by A.N. Karpenko...

During the Japanese occupation of the Amur, the Amur fleet suffered heavy damage. Thus, a significant part of the fleet was hijacked abroad, including such large ships as "V. Alekseev", "S. Dezhnev", "Nerchugan", "Neronov", "Nevelskoy", "Amgun", "Mercury", "Ivan Oparin" and others, in total more than four dozen different ships. The other part was sunk and burned: the steamships “Telegraph”, “Sage”, “Zheltuga”, “Lux”, “Kanavino” and others.

Be sure to read the photo captions. Below, for example, is a photograph of a steamship that previously flashed in the panorama of Nikolaevsk.

A little about people.

What men!

I also found an album there. Tourist. Those. filmed by tourists who were riding on the ship "Miklouho-Maclay". I don’t know yet what the trip was like, but it took several days ( or even weeks), provided for parking in all sorts of beautiful places ( not only in populated areas ), holding the Neptune holiday and other water-water joys.

And this is called "green parking". As I understand it, green - because in “green”, i.e. without any piers, just near the shore.

The oak trees there are beautiful.

Well, this is our dear Khabarovsk. The year is not identified. I hope it's spring.

There are tons of models in the museum. All sorts of different ones. At one time it was very popular to be known as a ship model maker. And to be known, and to be. Apparently, at that wonderful time, the museum stocked itself with all sorts of different models. For example, a Belgian ship called "Worker". Initially, of course, it was not a worker at all, but the Khabarovsk, but in 1930 the ship was renamed. It was built in 1897 in Belgium by the John Cockerill company. Power - 1000 hp, which at that time caused awe, delight and numbness. Almost 40 years later, the Astrakhan steamship was built in Russia using the same type; it turned out to be only 200 hp. The maximum that Russian industrialists reached in this type of ship is 400 hp.

P.S.: The curator of the museum is Anatoly Grigorievich Merezhko, military historian, member of the Khabarovsk Regional Council of Veterans. He said one interesting thing. That, they say, it’s not the right thing to change the names of ships. And if they change the name, then this dooms the ship to sorrow...
P.P.S.: I have no idea how to get to the museum :) I suppose you can call the shipping company and make an agreement.

There is a man in Khabarovsk who not only saw paddle steamers on the Amur in his lifetime, but also managed them. Georgy Tomovich Lapodush still does not forget his “Ilyich” - an old two-pipe and two-deck ship, the captain’s bridge of which he entered back in 1958. It was this very same ship that, half a century later, the writer Georgy Lapodush would include in the love-tragic story “Earthly Destiny.” His heroine Mia Vyashchina rode it. The prototype of the character was Khabarovsk resident Liya Kuzmitskaya-Knyazeva. However, that is an artistic narrative. And the captain prefers to talk about his life without embellishment. And he can’t tell everything - after all, he still remains the keeper of international state secrets.

Chinese letter

Ibu ibu de dao moodi,” Lapodush says. - Do you know what this means in Chinese? - he asks us.

We are embarrassed. What kind of half-matters is this writer suddenly planning to surprise us with?!

The Chinese have a saying. In Russian it sounds like this: “Step by step towards the intended goal,” answers Georgy Tomovich. - The first time I heard it was in 1973 at the negotiating table in Heihe (the Manchurian name for Sakhalin) in China, opposite Blagoveshchensk. And my ears turned red. This was at a time when river navigators were turned into diplomats. A total of 28 people took part in the negotiations, 14 from each side. The Soviet composition of the commission also included advisers from the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the KGB. This commission was formed in 1951 and worked under the auspices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

For thirteen years, from 1973 to 1986, Georgy Lapodush was part of the Soviet delegation of the Mixed Soviet-Chinese Commission on Navigation on Border Rivers.

I have been with the Amur Shipping Company since 1943,” Georgy Lapodush tells us without hiding. - A quarter of a century on board. After graduating from the Blagoveshchensk River School, he worked as a navigator, then as an assistant captain, and in 1958 he became a captain. For eight years - until 1968 - he worked as a captain (he was the first!) on the motor ship Vasily Poyarkov. He was also the head of the shipping inspection. And even after retiring, he held the position of captain-inspector for seven years. Then he switched to onshore work. I started writing.

Man's destiny

As Georgy Lapodush writes in his autobiographical narrative, he was born as the fifth child in a poor peasant family in the Barabinsky steppes Novosibirsk region. In early childhood he became blind from the then widespread disease scrofula. Doctors predicted lifelong blindness. Cured by a wandering saddler-shoemaker.

Father - Tom Vasilyevich LOpAdush (as the surname is written on the certificate of rehabilitation) was arrested in 1937, recognized as an “enemy of the people”, although he could not sign in Russian and school grade“satisfactorily” was pronounced as “satisfactorily.” He had been a prisoner of war since the First World War, was of Romanian nationality and did not even have Russian citizenship. Mother - Maria Innokentyevna Lapodush, by her first husband Bobrovskaya, was the daughter of a wealthy peasant - Innokenty Nikitich Grebenshchikov, who had his own mill, but, without sufficient education and any profession, could not support the family.

After my father’s arrest, our neighbor Spirka, taking advantage of the misfortune that had befallen our family, gave a deposit and persuaded my mother to sell him our only asset, our breadwinner, my beloved and devoted friend, the horse Igrenka (my father earned his living as a driver). Soon he managed to break his leg, brought a horse on three legs and demanded that the deposit be returned, recalls Georgy Lapodush. “I will remember for the rest of my life how my mother tore her hair out of repeated grief and despair.

My childhood heart was filled with hatred for this neighbor, and I did not know how to take revenge on him for deceiving my mother and the death of Igrenka. I started doing damage in his garden. And he set a trap: he filled the boards with nails and laid them out on potato tops along the fence. Jumping with both feet onto the nails, experiencing incredible pain, I freed myself from the board and made my way to the house on my knees. Following the trail of blood, Spirka’s wife came to gloat at the moment when my mother placed in front of me a blazing hot semolina porridge, which I threw at my neighbor’s aunt’s face. The burn began to form an eyesore on her, and Spirka vowed to kill me...

Either out of the mother’s fear for her son’s life, or from people’s hostility towards the family of the “enemy of the people,” the Lapodushis left for Transbaikalia, to the gold mines in the city of Baley (Transbaikal Territory).

Soon the Lapodush brothers were sent to the front one after another. George had to quit school and go to work in order to somehow feed himself and his mother, who had become disabled. He got a job in a topographical party, and then, at the end of the season, was transferred to a mine as a sampler.

When they began to call up young people born in the 25th year, Gosha Lapodush, together with his friend Sashka Gilev, scraped their passports, turning six into five, and managed to get red summons, for which they immediately received payment. But at the military registration and enlistment office the fake was exposed. We got a job again, but this time at a gold recovery factory (GRF) - as a mechanic's apprentice.

In 1943, Georgy Lapodush went to enroll in the Blagoveshchensk Mining College, but under more favorable conditions (without exams), lured by naval romance, he entered the water technical school, transformed in 1944 into a paramilitary-type river school, which trained specialists for river transport and reserve officers Navy.

Before the start of classes, I was sent to Khabarovsk, and the personnel department of the Nizhne-Amur Shipping Company appointed me as a sailor on the tugboat Arkhangelsk, commanded by Captain Prodanov,” recalls Georgy Lapodush. - Eight hundred grams of bread, forty grams of cereal and ten grams of fat made up the daily diet. This was not enough for a working person. And when these products ran out during a protracted voyage, people were swollen from hunger, but they worked with all their might for the sake of victory.

The main and most exhausting work on the ship was related to fuel (wood, coal). Bunkering - fuel intake - was emergency (universal) work. Firewood was carried on shoulder straps from the shore to the ship and they filled the bunker and all free places on the deck and in the passages. Coal was loaded in ports by wheelbarrows into bunkers and boxes constructed from gangways in the bow and stern parts of the deck. And they replenished the coal already on the way from the hold of the barge. Coolies weighing 60-80 kg had to be pulled out of the hold along a ladder, brought onto the ship and poured into a bunker or box. The slightest delay provoked the ire of the stokers, who threw coal into the furnace of the steam boilers. The steamship burned forty or more tons of coal per day.

In 1945, during the war with Japan, Lapodush, while in practice as a second mate, carried out assignments from the military command, towing landing craft and barges with military cargo along the Sungari, from the village of Nizhne-Leninskoye to Harbin. In 1947, Georgy Lapodush, having graduated from a river school with a degree in navigator, went again to the Amur. In 1957, he became the captain of the steamship "Kutuzov", and a year later he moved to the steamship "Ilyich".

Man and steamboat

The fate of a steamship, like that of a person, can be very interesting,” says Georgy Lapodush, an honorary worker of the river fleet of the RSFSR, an honored riverman of the Amur. - For example, in 1894, parts of three towing steamships manufactured in Belgium from the shipyards of the John Cockeril company were delivered to the Amur, the assembly of which was carried out in Sofiysk (later they received the names: “Ilyich”, “Sergey Lazo”, “Rosa Luxemburg” ). So, the steamship “Ilyich” was built by a Belgian company as a gift to the Amur Shipping Company with the condition that it would bear the name of the company. Before the revolution, it was called “John Cockerill” and was considered the flagship of the passenger fleet on the Amur. Then the comfortable “John Cockeril” became “Ilyich”, and another tug-and-cargo-passenger steamer “Baron Korf” - first “Leon Trotsky”, and then “Comintern”. It was on it that on May 10, 1932 the first volunteers arrived in the village. Perm, to build the city of Youth - Komsomolsk-on-Amur. These are the stories.

Georgy Lapodush became interested in the history of steamships, and then people, already in retirement. In 1999, his first book, “Amur Diplomats: Notes of an Amur Riverman,” was published. It is dedicated to the relationship between the two original neighbors on the Amur - Russia and China - in the most difficult times for the two countries, when a “mutual coldness” in relations led to acute border conflicts, including on the Damansky Islands (March 2–15, 1969) and Goldinsky - in the area of ​​direction sign No. 114 (July 8, 1969).

For this book, the writer was awarded personal gratitude from the governor of the region, Viktor Ishaev. Next, Lapodush presented new books to the audience. First, he wrote a memoir, “In the Name of What,” about river life. There, by the way, he told the little-known story of the friendship of the singer Kola Belda with the Amur captain Vasily Panyushev. Then the books “Dislocation of the Soul”, “Premise” and “Earthly Destiny” were published.

But, as Georgy Lapodush assures, he has not yet written the most important thing.

Konstantin Pronyakin, Irina Kharitonova,

"Khabarovsk Express", No. 47.

Chapter 12 Amur flotillas 1857–1917

As you know, Russian explorers first appeared on the Amur in the middle of the 17th century. These were separate detachments of Cossacks who collected tribute to the treasury. And only in the middle of the 19th century. economic life in Far Russia has significantly revived thanks to the energetic activities of the Governor General Eastern Siberia N. N. Muravyov-Amursky. In 1849–1855 The Amur expedition under the command of Captain 1st Rank G.I. Nevelsky (several officers and 60 sailors) began hydrographic descriptions of the river.

The spring of 1852 was marked by the beginning of steam navigation in the waters of Far Russia. The Argun steamship, built at the Shilkinsky plant, sailed to the Amur. On May 14, N.N. Muravyov-Amursky set off from Nerchinsk on 77 ships on his first military expedition. A month later, the caravan safely arrived at the Mariinsky post, not far from which a hundred cavalry Cossacks of the Transbaikal army founded the village of Suchi. The ships of the caravan also brought the necessary tools, materials, ammunition and food for two years.

In the spring of 1854, the second raft also transported a hundred horsemen with the necessary two-year supplies. The commander of the detachment, Yesaul Skobeltsyn, was supposed to examine the mouth of the Burey River in order to select a place for new settlements of a six-hundred-strong cavalry regiment and four foot Cossack battalions.

In the spring of 1857, the resettlement of the Cossacks became more intense, as the steamships of the Siberian flotilla “Amur” and “Lena” were assembled and launched in Nikolaevsk-on-Amur. By the end of the year, 17 villages were founded on the Amur, which housed 3 cavalry hundreds and two army battalions with a field artillery division. The number of Cossacks amounted to 1850 souls of both sexes. During the next 1858, the number of settlers amounted to 2,350 souls, and the number of villages - 32. The cavalry regiment was fully formed and the resettlement of foot Cossacks began, who founded, by the way, the village of Khabarovka (now Khabarovsk).

From 1857 to 1863 The flotilla of state-owned steamships and barges on the Amur River reached significant sizes and was mainly engaged in economic transportation to supply military posts and Cossack villages with everything necessary. The backbone of the flotilla consisted of steamships of the War Department, some of them could be armed with artillery. The personnel of all departmental ships was staffed by sailors of the Amur naval crew (Table 1).

In 1878, to strengthen the defense of the mouth of the Amur River, railway, torpedo boats were transported to Nikolaevsk-on-Amur and became part of the Siberian flotilla (Table 2).

In 1885, the commander of the troops of the Amur Military District first raised the question of creating the Amur River Flotilla. For economic reasons, the decision did not take place, but in 1897 the small Amur-Ussuri Cossack flotilla began to operate. However, burdened with servicing the villages, the two steamships of this flotilla could only in exceptional cases help protect the borders and fight Honghuz gangs. Therefore, in 1898–1900. The issue of creating a powerful river flotilla was considered in an interdepartmental commission that worked on the initiative of the War Ministry. The Amur River, due to its enormous length, before the construction of the Chinese Eastern Railway, was the only route of communication between Nikolaevsk, Khabarovsk and Blagoveshchensk - in the summer by ships, in the winter by sleighs. By the end of the century, 46 years after the start of steam navigation, 160 steam ships and 261 barges were already sailing on the waters of the Amur Basin. In addition, 1 steamship, 15 sailing ships and 20 barges sailed along the Selenga. This significance of the Amur River came into sharp relief in 1900, during the Boxer Rebellion, when the Chinese Eastern Railway (CER) was under construction and materials were delivered by rafting along the rivers. In addition, to pacify the uprising of the Boxer and Honghuz gangs, troops with military supplies had to be transported on commercial ships and barges, on which temporary protection was provided from bags of earth and sand.

The steamships of the Amur-Ussuri Cossack Flotilla and the Ministry of Railways: “Selenga”, “Sungari”, “Gazimur”, “Amazor”, “Khulok” and others were armed with light artillery and machine guns. The commander of the Vladivostok port allocated for this purpose ten 4-pound guns of the 1867 model, three 47 mm and one 37 mm five-barrel Hotchkiss gun. Hastily armed steamships were of great use as reconnaissance, escort and patrol vessels.

Table 1 Flotilla of state-owned steamships on the river. Cupid 1857–1867

Class and name Length, m Width, m Draft, m Displacement, t Machine power, hp Number of guns Construction plant Descent time Note
Steamships of the War Department
"Zeya" 38,40 4,88 0,31 - 40 - Beit & Co. Hamburg 07/10/1860 Swimming district - r. Shilka, travel speed 15–16 versts per hour
"Onon" 38,40 4,4 0,38 140 30 - Beit & Co. Hamburg 07/21/1860
"Ingado" 38,40 4,4 0,38 - 30 - Beit & Co. Homburg 08/03/1860 P-on swimming - r. Shilka, speed 13 versts per hour
"Chita" 36,62 3,81 0,61 - 40 - Beit & Co. Hamburg 08/13/1860 P-on swimming - r. Shilka, travel speed 16–17 versts per hour
"Konstantin" 45,72 8,23 0,61 - 100 - Cockerill Island 05/17/1864 P-on swimming - r. Amur
"General Korsakov" 39,62 7,62 0,96 - 70 - London 1860 Acquired from the Amur Company in 1863, navigation area - r. Amur
Cononer rowing boat 15,06 3,28 0,46/0,33 1 village Korsakovo r. Ussuri 06/11/1860 Shipbuilder - contractor Gredokin, armed in Art. Khoborovka, converted into a barge in 1865
Steamships of the Amur Telegraph Administration
"Telegraph" 36,58 3,66 0,31 - - - Beit & Co. Hamburg 05/14/1862
"Messenger" 25,91 3,35 0,31 - 15 - Beit & Co. Hamburg 05/16/1862
"Hourly" 25,91 3,35 0,31 - 15 - Beit & Co. Hamburg 05/30/1862
"Watchman" 25,91 3,35 0,31 - 15 - Beit & Co. Hamburg 10/16/1862
Steamships of the Siberian Flotilla
"Shilka" 30,56 6,22 1,22/1,07 90 60 - Nikolaevsk-on-Amur 03/20/1860 Builder-contractor Chikurov, navigation district - r. Amur
"Amur" 38,1 5,94 1,91 190 100 5 America 05/18/1857 In 1889 transferred to the port, p-on navigation-r. Amur
"Lena" 30,63 5,56 1,30/1,22 125 40 5 America 05/12/1857 P-on swimming - r. Amur
"Sungocha" 27.43 3,81 0,61 40 2 Beit & Co. Hamburg 05/11/1863 Based at the Nevelskogo and Kozonevich stations (Ussuri river)
"Ussuri" 27.43 3,81 0,61 - 40 2 Beit & Co. Hamburg 05/15/1863 Sailing destination: the Ussuri and Sungocha rivers and Lake Hanko
"Tow" 16,76 4,27 1,68/1,07 48 45 - America 05/22/1862
"Benefit" 16,76 4,27 1,68/1,07 48 45 - America 05/31/1862 Towing barges on the river. Amur and in the Amur Estuary
"Success" 16,76 4,27 1,68/1,07 48 45 - America 06/03/1862 Towing barges on the river. Amur and in the Amur Estuary
Screw longboats of the Siberian flotilla
"Mechanic" 15,52 3,05 - 16 6 - Car from the steamship "Malyutka", navigation area - r. Ussuri
"Chnyrrykh" 9,95 2,75 0,99/0,71 9,58 10 - NY 1857
"Benefit" 11,76 2,74 1,07/0,76 12,16 10 - Nikolaevsk 1862 At the port in Nikolaevsk-on-Amur
Barges of the Siberian flotilla
"Chum salmon" 48,77 6,71 0,61 116 - - Beit & Co. Hamburg 06/04/1863
"Pink salmon" 48,77 6,71 0,61 116 - - Beit & Co. Hamburg 12 June 1863 Swimming district - r. Amur, lifting capacity 65.6 t
"Taimen" 48,77 7,62 0,61 200 - - Belgium 1864 Load capacity - 91.84 t
Wooden No. 1 18,26 4,27 0,28 Nikolaevsk-on-Amur 05/15/1864 Load capacity - 17.79 tons, facing from a rowing gunboat. Navigation area - r. Seifun and Nikolaevsk-on-Amur

Steamship "Amur".

Steamship "Khilok".

Steamship "Blagoveshchensk".

Steamship "Amur".

Boats "Shilka" and "Argun".

Steamship "Khabarovsk".

Continuation of Table 1

Class and name Length, m Width, m Draft, m Displacement, t Machine power, hp Number of guns Construction plant Descent time Note
Wooden No. 2 15,06 3,28 0,96 - -
Cargo wooden boat No. 1 8,53 2,59 - Nikolaevsk-on-Amur 1864 R. Suifun and Nikolaevsk-on-Amur
Cargo wooden boat No. 2 9,72 1,83 - Nikolaevsk-on-Amur 1865 Swimming district - r. Suifun and R. Amur
Floshhout No. 1-4 15,24 4,09 Nikolaevsk-on-Amur 1860
junk boat 12,19 4,27 0,28 - - Nikolaevsk 05/15/1865 At the port in Nikolaevsk-no-Amur
dredging machine 20,12 7,32 0,28 76 25 - At the port in Nikolaevsk-no-Amur
Wooden No. 1, 2, 3, 4 13,72 3,96 0,61 16 - - At the port in Nikolaevsk-no-Amur

Table 2 Minor boats of the Siberian flotilla (built in 1878)

Name Construction plant Length, m Width, m Draft, m Displacement, t Machine power, hp Speed, knots Armament Crew, people Note
artillery mine
№ 91 Baltic 22,9 3,0 1,0/1,1 24,33 220 13 - 1 post Air 1/8
№ 92 Baltic 22,9 3,0 1,0/1,1 24,33 220 13 - 1 post Air 1/8 Removed from the lists on October 22, 1907.
№ 93 Baltic 21,8 2,7 1,0/1,7 23 220 - 1 post Air 1/8 Removed from the lists on October 22, 1907.
№ 95 Baltic 21.V 2,7 1,0/1,7 23 220 13 - 1 post Air 1/V Removed from the lists on October 22, 1907.
№ 96 Bellino-Fendrik Odessa 19,2 3,0 1,0/1,8 30,8 220 13 1 post Air 1/8 In 1896, delivered to the port, attached mine station
№ 97 Creighton and Co. 21,8 2,7 1,0/1,7 23 220 13 4-37 mm penta. - 1/V
№ 98 3D Birdo 21,8 2,7 0,9/1,6 23 220 13 4-37 mm penta. - 1/8 Excluded from the lists 02/07/1908
№ 126 Nevsky z. 21,8 2,7 1,0/1,7 23 220 13 - 1 post Air 1/V Excluded from the lists 04/08/1895

The civilian commander of the Selenga was awarded the Cross of St. George. Following the pacification of the uprising, the governor in the Far East raised the question of building several gunboats of various types for the Amur. At his request, 4 seaworthy gunboats of the “Gilyak” type were laid down to protect the mouth of the Amur and 10 boats with shallow draft of the “Buryat” and “Vogul” type (Fig. 12.2, 12.3).

During the Russo-Japanese War of 1904–1905. the need to defend the river increased, since the CER could not cope with the transportation of the necessary goods and a significant part of them was transported along the rivers of the Amur basin.

Due to the unavailability of gunboats, it was necessary to use wheeled steamers and screw boats of the Military Department and the Border Guard Corps, as well as barges of the Amur Shipping and Trade Society and the Ministry of Railways, hastily arm them with artillery and with these barges to strengthen several important strategic points along the Amur (Fig. 12.1). In addition, additional destroyers were transported from the Baltic Fleet by rail and launched into the water in the village of Kokuy (Tables 3, 4).

In 1905, the Portsmouth Peace Treaty cut off the South Ussuri theater from us, imposing a ban on the use of the Chinese Eastern Railway for strategic purposes. The importance of the Amur River as the only communication line at our disposal has increased even more. In view of this (Fig. 12.4), eight more powerful Shkval-class ships were assigned to the flotilla after the war. For the first time in the world, internal combustion engines were installed on them. Thanks to this, the range of the ships increased to 3000 miles. Among the river ships in the world, they had the most powerful artillery weapons and missile-proof armor. In addition, the flotilla included 10 messenger ships, essentially artillery armored boats of the “Bayonet” type (Fig. 12.5).

Rice. 12.1 Floating battery. From the author's collection.

Table 3 Minor boats sent by rail in 1904 to strengthen the defense of the river mouth. Amur

Name Construction plant Length, m Width, m Draft, m Displacement, t Machine power, hp Travel speed, knots Armament Crew, people Note
artillery mine
№ 3 St. Petersburg port 21,8 2,7 1,0/1,7 23 220 13 2-37 mm 1/8 Removed from the lists on October 22, 1907.
№ 6 3D Berda 21.V 2,7 1,0/1,7 23 220 13 2-37 mm 1/V
№ 7 3D Berda 21,8 2,7 1,0/1,7 23 220 13 2-37 mm 1/8 Removed from the lists on October 22, 1907.
№ 9 3D Berda 21, V 2,7 1,0/1,7 23 220 13 2-37 mm 1/8 Removed from the lists on October 22, 1907.
№ 18 Baltic 21,8 2,7 1,0/1,7 23 220 13 2-37 mm 1/8 Removed from the lists on October 22, 1907.
№ 47 Baltic 21,8 2,7 1,0/1,7 23 220 13 1-3 7 mm 1/8 Removed from the lists on October 22, 1907.
№ 48 Baltic 21,8 2,7 1,0/1,7 23 220 13 1 -37 mm 1/8 Removed from the lists on October 22, 1907.
№ 61 3D Berda 21,8 2,7 1,0/1,7 23 220 13 1-37 mm 1/V Removed from the lists on October 22, 1907.
№ 64 Baltic 21,8 2,7 1,0/1,7 23 220 13 1 -37 mm 1/8 Removed from the lists on October 22, 1907.

Table 4 Armed steamships and barges 1904–1905

Name, class of the vessel Length, m Width, m Draft, m Machine power, hp Speed, knots Artillery Crew, people
Paddle steamers of the War Department:
"Selenga" 47,24 9,75 0,76 60 7
"Hilak" 47,24 9,75 0,76 60 7 1-4 lb., but in a wooden frame
Paddle steamers of the border guard:
"Third" 47,55 7,92 0,81 400 8 2-37 mm 1/47
"Sixth" 47,55 7,92 0,81 400 8 2-37 mm 1/47
"Eighteenth" 29,26 3,96 0,61 2-37 mm 1/47
"Askold" 21,34 3,96 0,61 100
Border guard propeller boats:
"Arthur" 15,24 2,44 0,61 40 7
"Hourly" 10,67 2,44 0,61
Floating batteries:
"Golden eagle"
"Lungin" according to II-152 mm
"Lapwing" IV - navel. 1/70

On May 10, 1907, the first parade of ships and a parade review of the flotilla personnel took place. The flotilla had three coastal radio stations. Home base The flotilla was located in the Osipovskaya channel. Here were located: a coastal radio station, flotilla headquarters, barracks and houses for officers and their families, as well as mechanical, boiler and woodworking shops. The first commander of the flotilla was Captain 1st Rank A.A. Kononov. In 1910 he was replaced by Rear Admiral Bergel.

In the summer of 1910, the flotilla was fully equipped with ships and vessels. Total number warships and auxiliary vessels (Fig. 12.6) for various purposes reached 38.

The presence of the Amur River Flotilla was very helpful in 1910 when revising treaties with China on the conditions of navigation on the Amur River and its tributaries, since by that time it already constituted a significant force.

The flotilla existed until October 1917, then was recreated in 1922 after the end civil war(Table 5; 6; 7; 8; 9).

Table 5 Gunboats of the "Buryat" type

Ship name Construction plant Dates Length, m Width, m Draft, m Displacement, t
"Buryat" Sormovo plant April 14, 1905 April 1905 May 1907 May 10, 1907 54,5 8,2 0,61 193 t
"Mongol" Sormovo plant April 14, 1905 April 1905 April 1907 May 10, 1907 54,5 8,2 0,61 193t
"Orochanin" Sormovo plant November 14, 1905 April 1905 April 1907 May 10, 1907 54,5 8,2 0,61 193 t

Rice. 12.2. Gunboat of the "Buryat" type. From the author's collection.

Gunboats of the "Buryat" type

The project was developed by engineers from the Sormovo plant on the basis of technical documentation provided by the Maritime Department. Intended for operations on the waterways of the Amur Basin. Since the Sormovo plant had no experience in the design and construction of small-displacement artillery ships, an experimental ship was built (gunboat No. 11). Its tests were carried out in November 1905 after the launch of the 1st gunboat of the series. Disassembled ships were transported by rail to the village of Kokuy, where they were assembled, completed and armed. Based on the experience of the Russian-Japanese War, in August 1905 a demand was made to strengthen the armor and artillery armament of the gunboats under construction. The ships were already at a high level of readiness, and according to the original project, 3 ships had to be completed. In general, gunboats of the “Buryat” type were quite powerful artillery ships capable of sailing in the difficult conditions of the Amur and Ussuri. One of their main drawbacks was obsolete and heavy locomotive-type boilers.

The main mechanisms are 2 vertical triple expansion steam engines with a total capacity under the contract of 480 indicated hp. During acceptance tests, the vehicles developed power from 250 to 270 indicated hp. Two fire tube boilers and one steam dynamo machine. All main and auxiliary mechanisms, as well as steam boilers, are produced by the Sormovo plant.

The highest speed under the contract is 11.5 knots. During acceptance tests, the ships showed the following speed: “Orochanin” - 11.04 knots; "Mongol" - 11.09 knots; "Buryat" -11.28 knots, economic speed - 8 knots.

Normal fuel supply is 36 tons of oil. With an increased supply, an additional 45.9 tons were loaded.

Cruising range - 1100 miles at a speed of 10 knots.

Armor: elevators, ammunition magazines and gun shields -12 mm.

Personnel: officers - 3; conductors - 2 and sailors - 35 people.

Artillery weapons: two - 75-mm cannons with a barrel length of 50 calibers (firing range - 48 cables; rate of fire - 8 rounds per minute; ammunition - 318 unitary shots); four 7.62 mm machine guns, two 64 mm; two 64-mm Baranovsky landing guns; two 47-mm salute cannons; one spotlight with a diameter of 60 cm.

Radiotelegraph station with a power of 1.5 kW (“Telefunken”).

Table 6 Gunboats of the "Vogul" type

Ship name Construction plant Dates Length, m Width, m Draft, m Displacement, t
“Vogul” until 01.1 1.1905 “Zabaikalets” from 04/24/1922 “Bednota” from 01/02/1939 “Red Star” Sormovo plant 11/14/1905, 1905, March, 1907, 09/24/1909 54,5 8,2 And 244.5 t
“Votyak” until 11/01/1905 “Ussuriets” from 02/15/1927 “Proletarian” Sormovo plant 11/14/1905, 1905, March, 1907, 09/24/1909 54,5 8,2 And 244.5 t
"Kalmyk" from 05.1922 "Proletary" Sormovo plant 54,5 8,2 And 244.5 t
"Kyrgyz" Sormovo plant 11/14/1 905, 1905, July, 1907, 09/24/1909 54,5 8,2 And 244.5 t
"Corel" Sormovo plant 11/14/1905, 1905, July, 1907, 09/24/1909 54,5 8,2 And 244.5 t
"Sibiryak" from 04.24.1922 "Red Banner" Sormovo plant 11/14/1905, 1905, June, 1907, 09/24/1909 54,5 8,2 And 244.5 t
"Zyryanin" Sormovo plant 11/14/1905, 1905, 1907 09/24/1909 54,5 8,2 244.5 t

Was part of the Amur Flotilla. From September 1914 to 1918 was in the port for long-term storage. On December 6, 1917, she went over to the side of Soviet power. During the Civil War, she took part in battles on the river. Iman (summer 1918). On September 7, 1918, she was captured by Japanese invaders in Khabarovsk and in the fall of 1920 she was taken to the island. Sakhalin. On May 5, 1925, she was returned to the USSR and put into storage at the port. Since September 1926, it was part of the Far Eastern Armed Flotilla. In 1929, she took part in the Sino-Soviet conflict. From June 27, 1931 - as part of the Amur Red Banner Flotilla. Major repairs of the body and mechanisms - in 1932. In 1944–1945. the armament was supplemented with two 37-mm anti-aircraft guns and seven 12.7-mm machine guns. Participated in the war with Japan. Scrapped March 13, 1958


Was part of the Amur Flotilla. From September 1914 to 1918 was in the port for long-term storage. On December 6, 1917, she went over to the side of Soviet power. In June 1918, the guns and machine guns were removed and installed on armored trains. On September 7, 1918, she was captured by Japanese invaders in Khabarovsk and in the fall of 1920 she was taken to the island. Sakhalin. On May 5, 1925, she was returned to the USSR and put into storage at the port on August 14, 11926 and became part of the Far Eastern Military Fleet. Overhaul of the body and mechanisms - in 1937. In 1944–1945. The armament was supplemented with 2-37 mm anti-aircraft guns and 7-12.7 mm machine guns. Participated in the war with Japan. Scrapped on February 28, 1958.


Was part of the Amur Flotilla. From September 1914 to 1918 was in the port for long-term storage. On December 6, 1917, she went over to the side of Soviet power. Fighting off the Japanese invaders, at the end of September 1918 she reached the Belgorod Bridge along the Zeya, where she was blown up by the crew. After the war it was not restored and was dismantled on site in 1923.

Vogul type gunboats

They were originally built as gunboats of the Buryat type. Based on the experience of the Russian-Japanese War, the interdepartmental commission raised the question of strengthening the armor, artillery weapons and expanding the range of the gunboat built for the Amur by the Sormovo plant. The task was complicated by the high percentage of ships being ready. Based on the test results of the experimental gunboat No. 11, it was decided to sharply increase the firepower of production ships, anti-fragmentation armor for ammunition magazines, the engine and boiler room and the conning tower. The reconstruction was carried out in the village of Kokuy, Chita province. The completion of all ships was almost completed by March 1908, but due to the lack of artillery weapons, commissioning was delayed. Officially, the ships were included in the active fleet by order of the Naval Department on September 24, 1909 only after the 120-mm guns were installed and tested. They were one of the most powerful and advanced river ships in the world.

The main mechanisms are similar to the “Buryat” type. The highest speed during acceptance tests: “Vogul” - 9.7 knots; "Zyryanin" - 10.3 and "Sibiryak" - 10.1 knots. Economic speed is 8 knots.

The normal fuel supply is 102 tons of oil. Cruising range - 1700 miles (at speed - 8 knots).

Reservations: side belt and conning tower - 12.7 mm. Deck and traverses - 9.5 mm.

Personnel: officers - 4; conductors - 2; sailors - 57 people.

Artillery weapons: two 120-mm cannons with a barrel length of 45 calibers (firing range - 70 cables; rate of fire - 9 rounds per minute; ammunition 150 rounds per barrel); one 122-mm howitzer (ammunition - 200 rounds); four - 7.62 mm machine guns; one spotlight with a diameter of 60 cm.

Radiotelegraph station - power 1.5 kW (“Telefunken”).

Rice. 12.3. Vogul type gunboat. From the author's collection.

Was part of the Amur Flotilla. In the fall of 1914, she was disarmed and handed over to the port for long-term storage. On December 6, 1917, she went over to the side of Soviet power. On September 7, 1918, it was captured in Khabarovsk by Japanese invaders. Damaged and partially flooded in the Osipovsky backwater. In February 1921, after restoration and armament (three 76.2 mm field guns), it was included in the naval forces Far Eastern Republic. Carried out fire guard duty on the river. Sungari, being under the operational subordination of the OGPU Marine Border Guard. From September 1926 it became part of the Far Eastern Military Flotilla and from June 27, 1931 - in the Amur Red Banner Flotilla.

Participated in the Soviet-Chinese armed conflict in October - November 1929. In 1939–1941, major repairs of the hull and modernization of artillery weapons were installed (installed: two 100 mm cannons; a 122 mm howitzer). In 1942–1943 - repeated modernization of artillery weapons (three 100-mm universal cannons; one 37-mm anti-aircraft machine gun; four 20-mm anti-aircraft machine guns. Took part in the Manchurian offensive operation. Since September 1945 - guards. On August 9, 1955 it was disarmed and converted into a training station.

Was part of the Amur Flotilla. In the fall of 1914, she was disarmed and handed over to the port for long-term storage. On December 6, 1917, she went over to the side of Soviet power. On September 7, 1918, it was captured in Khabarovsk by Japanese invaders. In the fall of 1920, she was taken by the Japanese to Sakhalin. On May 1, 1927, it was returned to the USSR and put into storage at the port. On February 15, 1927, it was restored and put into operation (two 120 mm guns; one 40 mm anti-aircraft machine gun). From September 1926 - as part of the Far Eastern Military Flotilla, from June 27, 1931 - in the Amur Red Banner Flotilla. Participated in the Soviet-Chinese conflict on the river. Sungari in October - November 1929. In 1937 - major overhaul of the hull and mechanisms with rearmament (installed: two 100-mm universal guns and a 122-mm howitzer). In 1942, three 37-mm anti-aircraft guns and four 12.7-mm DShK machine guns were installed. She took part in the Manchurian landing operation. Provided promotion Soviet troops along the river Cupid and shelled Fuyuan. Scrapped May 25, 1949


Was part of the Amur Flotilla. On August 3, 1914, on the outer roadstead of Nikolaevsk, she captured the German agricultural farm Dortmund. In the fall of 1914, it was delivered to the port for long-term storage. On December 6, 1917, she went over to the side of Soviet power. On August 7, 1918, it was captured in Khabarovsk by Japanese invaders. Damaged and partially flooded in the Osipovsky backwater. In the spring of 1921, it was restored, put into operation and included in the naval forces of the Far Eastern Republic (three 76.2 mm field guns were installed). Carried a fire guard on the river. Sungari. In December 1921, she was disarmed and scuttled by her crew in Khabarovsk to avoid capture by the Japanese. In April 1922, it was raised, repaired and put back into service. In September 1923 it was scrapped and dismantled in Khabarovsk.


Was part of the Amur Flotilla. In the fall of 1914, she was disarmed and handed over to the port for long-term storage. On December 6, 1917, she went over to the side of Soviet power. On August 7, 1918, it was captured in Khabarovsk by Japanese invaders. Damaged and partially flooded in the Osipovsky backwater. In 1924 it was dismantled for metal.


Was part of the Amur Flotilla. In the fall of 1914, she was disarmed and handed over to the port for long-term storage. On December 6, 1917, she went over to the side of Soviet power. On August 7, 1918, it was captured in Khabarovsk by Japanese invaders. Damaged and partially flooded in the Osipovsky backwater. On February 7, 1920, after restoration, it was introduced into the naval forces of the Far Eastern Republic (one 120-mm Japanese gun; two 76.2-mm field guns on naval mountings). Carried out fire guard duty on the river. Sungari. Participated in the civil war. From January 1922 it was part of the people's river fleet of the Far Eastern Republic, from November 1922 - in the naval forces Far East. In 1924, it was operationally subordinate to the OGPU Marine Border Guard and served on the state border. Since September 1926 - as part of the Far Eastern military flotilla. In 1927 - re-equipped with two standard 120 mm and two 76.2 mm guns. Participated in the Soviet-Chinese conflict in October - November 1929. From June 27, 1931 - as part of the Amur Red Banner Flotilla. In 1935–1936 - overhaul of the hull and rearmament (installed: two 100-mm universal guns and a 122-mm howitzer). In 1944, major overhaul and rearmament (three 100-mm universal guns; two 37-mm anti-aircraft guns; four 20-mm Oerlicon automatic guns). In March 1958 it was dismantled for metal.


Was part of the Amur Flotilla. In the fall of 1914, she was disarmed and handed over to the port for long-term storage. On December 6, 1917, she went over to the side of Soviet power. On August 7, 1918, it was captured in Khabarovsk by Japanese invaders. Damaged and partially flooded in the Osipovsky backwater. In 1923 it was dismantled for metal.

Shkval type river turret gunboats

Specially designed for operations on the waterways of the Amur Basin, where there was no dense network of coal stations, and the only base was in Khabarovsk. This circumstance predetermined, for the first time in world practice, the use of a diesel power plant. The project was developed by specialists from the Putilov plant based on the experience of the Russian-Japanese war and the requirements of the Main Naval Headquarters. Subsequently, it was significantly improved by the designers of the Baltic Plant. They were distinguished by powerful artillery, great hull strength and good seaworthiness. The hulls were built at the Baltic Shipyard. The lead gunboat "Uragan" was assembled in St. Petersburg and tested in Gulf of Finland. The remaining ships, disassembled, were transported by rail to Far Russia. The assembly was carried out in the village of Kukuy on the river. Shilka, and completion - in Khabarovsk. During the First World War, gunboats did not take part in hostilities. At the end of August 1914 and beginning of 1915, engines and weapons were removed from some of them and sent to the North and Baltic.

The main mechanisms are four four-stroke four-cylinder diesel engines: “Groza”, “Storm”, “Whirlwind” and “Typhoon” produced by the St. Petersburg plant “Ludwig Nobel” with a capacity of 250 hp each. With. “Hurricane”, “Blizzard”, “Smerch” and “Shkval” - produced by the Kolomna plant with a capacity of 260 hp each. Each ship had 3 diesel generators 320 A, 105 V.

The highest contract speed is 11 knots. During acceptance tests, the tower boats showed speed: “Hurricane” - 11.5; “Blizzard”, “Thunderstorm”, “Storm”, “Twister” and “Squall” -

11.3 knots; "Whirlwind" - 11.9 knots. Economic speed is 8 knots.

The normal fuel supply is 112.5 tons of diesel fuel.

Cruising range - 3726 miles (at speed - 8 knots).

Reservation. Side belt. 38, 1; 76.2 and 38.1 mm. Artillery turrets - 76.2 and 25.4 mm, engine room casing - 31.8 mm, deck - 19 mm, conning tower - 50.8 and 19 mm.

Artillery weapons: two 152-mm cannons with a barrel length of 50 calibers (firing range - 95 cable; rate of fire - 5 rounds per minute; ammunition - 40 rounds); four 120-mm cannons with a barrel length of 50 calibers (firing range - 82 cable; rate of fire - 6 rounds per minute; ammunition - 50 rounds); six - 7.62 mm machine guns; spotlight - diameter 60 cm.

Radiotelegraph of the Maritime Department, model 1909, power - 2 kW.

Rice. 12.4. Shkval type turret gunboat. From the author's collection.

Table 7 Turret gunboats of the Shkval type

Ship name Construction plant Dates Length, M Width, m Draft, m Displacement, t
"Hurricane", from 12/16/1927 "Red East" Baltic. Final assembly of pass. Kakuy on Shilka 04/28/1908, 1907, 06/1909, 08/20/1910 70,9 12.V 1,41 976.5 t (n.g.)
"Blizzard", from 04/24/1922 "Sverdlov" 70,9 12,8 976.5 t
"Storm" 04/28/1908, 07/14/1907, 07/29/1909, 09/14/1910 70,9 12,8 976.5 t
"Storm", from 04/24/1922 "Lenin" 28 04/1908, 1907, 06/1909, 07/15/1910 70,9 12,8 976.5 t
"Smerch", from 07/14/1932 "Triandafilov", from 01/02/1939 "Kirov" 04/28/1908, 07/14/1907, 06/1909, 08/20/1910 70,9 12,8 1,41 976.5 t
“Shkval”, from 02.15.1927 “Sun Yat Sen” 04/28/1908, 07/14/1907, 06/1909, 10/03/1910 70,9 12.V 976.5 t
“Whirlwind”, from 10/15/1923 “Amur”, from 06/1933 “Whirlwind”, from 07/24/1934 “Far Eastern Komsomolets” 70,9 12,8 976.5 t
"Typhoon", from 08/14/1923 "Vastretsav", from 01/02/1939 "Dzerzhinsky" 04/28/1908, 07/14/1907, 06/29/1909, 08/20/1910 70,9 12,8 976.5 t


Was part of the Amur Flotilla. In August 1914, the boat was disarmed and put into storage at the port. On December 6, 1917, she went over to the side of Soviet power. On September 7, 1918, it was captured in Khabarovsk by Japanese invaders. Damaged and partially flooded in the Osipovsky backwater. On February 17, 1920, it was included in the Soviet naval forces of the Far Eastern Republic (without 120 mm guns). Since January 1922 - as part of the people's river fleet of the Far Eastern Republic. From November 1922 - in the naval forces of the Far East, from September 1926 - in the Far Eastern military flotilla. Overhaul of the hull and rearmament in 1926–1927. with the installation of 120 mm guns in all turrets. November 6, 1928 reclassified to monitor. Participated in the Sino-Soviet armed conflict in October - November 1929. Overhaul in 1931. In 1940, overhaul of the hull and mechanisms with modernization of artillery weapons (installed: new fire control devices; four 152-mm guns in turrets; two - 37-mm and six - 12.7-mm bullet DShK - in 1943 were replaced by six 20-mm autocannons from the company "OegIsop"), During the Manchurian operation, it ensured the advance of Soviet troops along the river. Amur. Dismantled in March 1958

Was part of the Amur Flotilla. In August 1914 she was disarmed and handed over to the port for storage. On December 6, 1917, she went over to the side of Soviet power. On August 7, 1918, it was captured in Khabarovsk by Japanese invaders. Damaged and partially flooded in the Osipovsky backwater. On February 17, 1920, it became part of the Soviet naval forces of the Far Eastern Republic. In the summer of 1921, it was converted into a floating battery (four 120 mm and two 76.2 mm field guns). Since January 1922 it was part of the people's river fleet.

Far Eastern Republic, from November 1922 - to the naval forces of the Far East, from September 1926 - to the Far Eastern Military Flotilla. In 1927 - a major overhaul of the hull and mechanisms with rearmament (four 152-mm guns in turrets and six 7.62-mm bullets). Participated in the Soviet-Chinese armed conflict in October - November 1929. In 1934–1935. - major overhaul of the hull and mechanisms with the modernization of artillery weapons (installed: two - 37-mm anti-aircraft guns; four - 12.7-mm machine guns. DShK - 1944 were replaced by six - 20-mm automatic guns from the company "OegPsop" ), During the Manchurian operation, it ensured the advance of Soviet troops along the river. Amur. Dismantled in March 1958

Was part of the Amur Flotilla. In August 1914 she was disarmed and handed over to the port for storage. On December 6, 1917, she went over to the side of Soviet power. On August 7, 1918, it was captured in Khabarovsk by Japanese invaders. Damaged and partially flooded in the Osipovsky backwater. On February 17, 1920, it was included in the Soviet naval forces of the Far Eastern Republic (without 120 mm guns). Since January 1922 - as part of the people's river fleet of the Far Eastern Republic. From November 1922 - in the naval forces of the Far East, from September 1926 - in the Far Eastern military flotilla. In 1926–1927 - major overhaul of the hull and mechanisms with rearmament (six 120 mm guns were installed in the turrets). November 6, 1928 reclassified to monitor. Participated in the Soviet-Chinese armed conflict in November - October 1929. In 1940, a major overhaul of the hull and mechanisms with the modernization of artillery weapons (installed: new fire control devices; four 152-mm guns in the towers; two - 37-mm and six - 12.7-mm machine gun. DShK - in 1943 they were replaced by six - 20-mm autocannons from the company "Oerpson"), During the Manchurian operation, it ensured the advance of Soviet troops along the river. Amur. Dismantled in March 1958

Was part of the Amur Flotilla. In August 1914 she was disarmed and handed over to the port for storage. On December 6, 1917, she went over to the side of Soviet power. On August 7, 1918, it was captured in Khabarovsk by Japanese invaders. Reduced to a dilapidated state and sunk in the Osipovsky backwater. In February 1920, she was raised, disarmed and put into storage at the port. On December 23, 1921, it was blown up by the crew in Khabarovsk to avoid capture by the Japanese and White Guards. On July 24, 1932, it was restored and on August 14, 1932, it was reclassified as a monitor (six 120 mm guns). In 1936–1937 - major overhaul of the hull and mechanisms with rearmament (installed: four 130-mm guns; two - 37-mm anti-aircraft machine guns; four - 12.7-mm anti-aircraft machine guns. DShK and five 7.62-mm machine guns). In 1944–1945 The 12.7 mm and 7.62 mm machine guns were replaced by six 20 mm Oerlicon automatic guns. In 1949 it was put into storage. Dismantled in 1951

Was part of the Amur Flotilla. In August 1914, she was partially disarmed and put into storage at the port. On December 6, 1917, she went over to the side of Soviet power. On September 7, 1918, it was captured in Khabarovsk by Japanese invaders. In the fall of 1920, she was taken by the Japanese to Sakhalin. On May 1, 1927, it was returned to the USSR and put into storage at the port. On June 16, 1927 it was repaired and armed with eight 120 mm guns; four 12.7 mm and six 7.62 mm machine guns. Became part of the Far Eastern military flotilla. November 6, 1928 reclassified to monitor. Participated in the Soviet-Chinese armed conflict in October - November 1929. From June 27, 1931 - as part of the Amur Red Banner Flotilla. In 1937–1938 - major overhaul of the hull and mechanisms with modernization of artillery weapons (installed: two 85-mm guns; two 37-mm anti-aircraft machine guns; six 12.7-mm DShK machine guns). In 1944, the anti-aircraft guns were replaced with six-20-mm automatic guns from Oregon. Awarded the rank of guards. During the Manchurian operation, it ensured the advance of Soviet troops along the river. Amur. Dismantled in March 1958

Rice. 12.5. "Bayonet" type messenger ship. Based on materials from the RGAVMF.

Table 8 Messenger ships of the Amur flotilla

Name Faulty Lowered Length, m Width, m Draft, m Displacement, t Engine power, hp Travel speed, knots Armament Crew Note
"Bayonet" 1908 1910 22,0 3,1 0,5 23,5 2x200 14,5 1 -76.2-MM machine gun Until 1913 it was in the Baltic Sea for testing. In 1915 it was transferred to the Black Sea.
“Broadsword”, “Pistol”, “Bullet”, “Checker” 1908 1910 22,0 3,1 0,5 23,5 2x200 14,5 1 -76.2 mm machine gun In 1915 they were transferred to the Baltic Sea. Captured by Finland in 1918
"Dagger", "Rapier", "Sabre" 1908 1910 22,0 3,1 0,5 23,5 2x200 14,5 1 -76.2 mm machine gun
"Pike", "Spear" 1908 1910 22,0 3,1 0,5 23,5 2x200 14,5 1 -76.2 mm machine gun They were part of the flotilla until 1947.

Was part of the Amur Flotilla. In August 1914, she was partially disarmed and put into storage at the port. On December 6, 1917, she went over to the side of Soviet power. On September 7, 1918, she was captured in Khabarovsk by Japanese invaders and put out of action. On February 17, 1920, she was repaired and reincorporated into the Soviet fleet. On December 21, 1921, in order to avoid capture by the Japanese, it was blown up by the crew in Khabarovsk. On October 15, 1923, it was restored and included in the naval forces of the Far East (there were no weapons). Since September 1926 - as part of the Far Eastern military flotilla. In 1928, it was converted into a floating base for seaplanes (14 seaplanes of the "MR-1" type). Participated in the Soviet-Chinese armed conflict in October - November 1929. From June 27, 1931 - as part of the Amur Red Banner Flotilla. In 1934, it was overhauled and converted into a monitor (four 130 mm guns; two 85 mm guns; four 37 mm anti-aircraft machine guns; six 12.7 mm DShK machine guns).

From 1936 to 1939 - major repairs of the hull. In 1944, the 12.7-mm machine guns were replaced by six 30-mm automatic guns from the Oregon company. During the Manchurian operation, it ensured the advance of Soviet troops along the river. Amur. Dismantled in March 1958


Was part of the Amur Flotilla. In August 1914, she was partially disarmed and put into storage at the port. On December 6, 1917, she went over to the side of Soviet power. On September 7, 1918, it was captured in Khabarovsk by Japanese invaders. On February 17, 1920, she again became part of the Soviet fleet. Due to the lack of weapons and mechanisms, it was mothballed. In the spring of 1921, it was reactivated, armed with field guns and reclassified as a floating battery. In July 1921, it was handed over to the Khabarovsk port for long-term storage. In October 1921, due to the threat of capture by the Japanese, she was evacuated to the village of Ekaterino-Nikolskaya. After the civil war it was in Khabarovsk for long-term storage. On July 24, 1932, she was introduced into the Amur Red Banner Flotilla and reclassified as a monitor.

In 1936–1937 - major repairs of the body and mechanisms. She was used as a training ship and in 1958 was handed over to the stock property department for dismantling for metal.

Was part of the Amur Flotilla. In August 1914, she was partially disarmed and put into storage at the port. On December 6, 1917, she went over to the side of Soviet power. On September 7, 1918, she was captured in Khabarovsk by Japanese invaders and was used for guard duty. On February 17, 1920, she again became part of the Soviet fleet. On December 23, 1921, it was blown up by the crew in Khabarovsk to avoid capture by the Japanese. In the spring of 1922, it sank during ice drift.

Rice. 12.6. Gasoline-oil-coal barge. Based on materials from the RGAVMF.

Table 9 Auxiliary vessels of the Amur flotilla

October 15, 1917 – Resolution of the crew of the battleship "Zarya Svoboda" approving the decisions of the regional congress of Soviets of the Northern region and demanding the convening All-Russian Congress Soviets. We, the team of the battleship "Zarya Svoboda", having gathered at the general meeting on October 15 and

From the book Domestic automatic rifles author Gazenko Vladimir Nikolaevich

From the first samples to 1917 Automatic and self-loading rifles are individual weapons for hitting single and group targets. In a self-loading rifle, using the energy of powder gases, the spent cartridge case is extracted and the next one is sent

From the book Russian River Flotillas for 1000 Years author Chernikov Ivan

Chapter 4 Don Flotillas 1695–1774 The ships of the Don Flotillas were built on the river. Don for action against Turkish armed forces off the coast Sea of ​​Azov and in Crimea. The beginning of the Don flotillas should be attributed to the first Azov campaign of Peter I in 1695. To deliver troops to Azov

From the author's book

Chapter 5 Dnieper flotillas 1696–1791 The ships of the Dnieper flotillas operated in the river estuary in different times, up to the establishment of Russia in the Black Sea and the creation of a fleet base in Sevastopol. The beginning of imperial shipbuilding on the Dnieper dates back to the second Azov

From the author's book

Chapter 6 Danube flotillas 1768–1917 The beginning of the organization of the first Danube flotilla should be attributed to the Russian-Turkish war of 1768–1774. Back in the fall of 1770, when our army, having occupied Moldavia and Wallachia, approached the banks of the Danube, hydrographic parties were sent to describe

From the author's book

Chapter 8 Lake flotillas in Finland 1808–1917 In 1808, during the war with Sweden, on Lake Kolovesi, the gunboats and battery rafts of the Saimaa flotilla provided significant assistance to the Russian detachment of Barclay de Tolly. 5 July 15 gunboats commanded

From the author's book

Chapter 9 Vistula flotillas 1831–1914 The first appearance of Russian sailors on the Vistula should be dated back to 1813, when the Russian army drove the troops of a united Europe from the borders of Russia. On the Vistula, sailors of the Guards Fleet Crew were engaged in protecting bridges and crossings. In 1831, during

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Chapter 13 Amudarya Flotilla 1886–1917 Soon after the abolition of the Aral Flotilla, Russian river shipping company Central Asia revived in the form of the Amu Darya flotilla. In 1886, tug-passenger steamships “Tsar” and “Tsarina”, barges “Petersburg” and

From the author's book

Chapter 14 Amur-Ussuri Cossack Flotilla 1897–1917 The flotilla was created at the beginning of 1897 in order to ensure the safety of Cossack villages located along the banks of the Amur and its tributaries Ussuri and Shilka and to protect our state border on the rivers of Far Russia from

From the author's book

Chapter 15 River ships of the Military Department 1915–1917 The question of creating three river armored detachments for action on the river systems: Neman, Dobro-Narevskaya and Vistula was raised by Colonel I. I. Negovsky on January 17, 1915. In addition, it was supposed to add to

From the author's book

Chapter 16 Riga River Flotilla 1915–1917 Established in May 1915 on the initiative of the commander of the 5th Army with the aim of assisting Russian troops operating in the Riga fortified area along the river. Western Dvina and river Aa Courland province. They were placed in front of the flotilla

From the author's book

Chapter 17 Peipsi Lake Flotilla 1915–1917 The flotilla was created in August 1915 on the initiative of the Military Department to strengthen the positions of the 6th Army on the distant approaches to Petrograd. Work on armament and armoring of five mobilized ships was carried out

From the author's book

Chapter 18 Urmia and Van lake flotillas 1916–1917 On January 31, 1916, by order O I of the Chief of Staff of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief on the Caucasian Front, the Urmia-Van lake flotilla was formed. The main purpose of the flotilla on Lake Urmia is the delivery of fodder and

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Chapter 20 Flotilla of Lake Myastra 1916–1917 The flotilla was created on October 9, 1916 on the initiative of the 1st Army. It was equipped with a special purpose naval regiment. The head of the flotilla is Lieutenant Olshevsky. Ship composition: 2 motor boats (Fig. 20.1) (one 37 mm gun each, motors and

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Chapter 21 Prut Flotilla 1917 The Prut Flotilla was created on February 12, 1917 on the initiative of the Military Department. It included Russian and Romanian floating craft. The head of the flotilla was Senior Lieutenant Azarov. Vessel composition of the flotilla: 4 steamships, 26 large barges and 6

From the author's book

Chapter 22 Flotillas of imperial yachts and service ships 1688–1917 It is known that Peter I with youth was fond of a peculiar game of naval battles. For this purpose, a whole fleet of small ships was built for him - “amusing” warships. By actively participating in the creation of this flotilla and

Name Length, m Width, m Draft, m Engine power, hp. Travel speed, knots Note
Wheel steamers: "Selenga" 47,24 9,75 0,76 60 7
"Khilok" 47,24 9,75 0,76 60 7
Tugboat "Strong" 55,6 7,9 1,2 600 10 Construction of the Sormovo plant, commissioned in 1910. Displacement - 300 tons.
Floating dock 70,1 22,86 3,65 60 Construction of the Sormovo plant, commissioned in 1910. Displacement - 1100 tons.