Abstracts Statements Story

She opened the door and creaked loudly. A participle with dependent words is called an adverbial phrase

Monitoring 7th grade Russian language
Diagnostic work No. 1
Repetition of what was learned in grades 5–6
Option 2
Instructions for performing the work
40 minutes are given to complete parts I and II of the diagnostic work in the Russian language. The work includes 18 tasks. Positions 1
· 11 are multiple choice questions. Positions 12
· 18 include short answer questions.
For each task with a choice of answers (1
· 11) 4 answer options are given, of which only one is correct. When completing such a task, write down the number of the selected answer.
Answers to tasks 12
· 18 formulate it yourself. Write down the answers to them in words or numbers.
When performing work, it is not allowed to use a textbook, workbooks, grammar reference books, spelling dictionaries, or other reference materials.
We advise you to complete the tasks in the order in which they are given. To save time, skip a task that you cannot complete immediately and move on to the next one. If there is time left after completing all the work, you can return to the missed tasks. Try to complete as many tasks as possible.
Part III assignment is completed at home.
Part I
1. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound highlighted?
1) arrived.
2) started.
3) applied.
4) associate professor.
2. In which word is the letter u written in place of the gap?
1) racing...
2) breathable..
3) st..shy.
4) believer.
3. In which sentence does the participial phrase come before the word being defined? (No punctuation marks.)?
1) Coins minted in the ninth century are still found in the mounds.
2) A school was built next to the estate for peasant children who did not know how to read and write.
3) Dogs that did not belong to anyone found their protector in the writer.
4) The writer, who really did not like arrogance, was simple and polite with everyone.
4. In which sentence is it admitted? grammar mistake?
1) Opening the window, I admired the view of the city.
2) Opening the door, it creaked loudly.
3) The kid, having taken up drawing, did not want to go to lunch.
4) Having laid out the toys on the sofa, the children began some interesting game.
5. In which word is one letter n written in place of the gap?
1) twisted thread.
3) disheveled hair.
2) sowing with a seeder.
4) dried mushrooms.
6. In which word is the letter e written in place of the gap?
1) hanging laundry.
2) pumped out water.
3) shot cartridges.
4) pulled out tools.
7. Which sentence contains a grammatical error?
1) Pavel noticed a shadow on the wall from a familiar disheveled figure.
2) The rivers filled with melt water overflow widely.
3) The children returning from the camp were met by their parents.
4) Grandfather walked through the garden, overgrown with weeds.
8. Which word is missing the letter e?
1) beautiful..
2) confused..
3) moving..my.
4) washing..my.
9. Indicate which numbers in the sentence should be replaced by commas?
I walked through a field (1) spread out behind a forest (2) and (3) overgrown with some herbs (4) and by midnight I reached my goal.
1) 1, 3, 4.
2) 1.
3) 1, 2, 3, 4.
4) 1, 4.
10. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence?
After reading the story,
1) he seemed too sad to me.
2) my interest in prose has increased.
3) there was a desire to re-read it.
4) retell it.
11. Indicate a sentence that contains one comma? (There are no punctuation marks.)
1) The dog, constantly looking around, ran ahead of the hunter.
2) The bullet hit the stone and, squealing, bounced into the ditch.
3) Tonya hastened to break the awkward silence by inviting Pavel to enter the house.
4) The guys sat huddled close to each other by the fire.
Part II
Read the text and complete tasks 12 – 18. Write your answers in words or numbers
(1) A widespread phenomenon now is television films on literary works. (2) Nowadays such television films, in essence, replace reading. (3) Once a person watches such a film, there is no longer any need to read the work itself. (4) But the advantage of a book is that you can take it from the shelf at any convenient moment, open it to the desired page, and sit comfortably in a chair. (5) You can take your eyes off the text, think, and comprehend what you read. (6) When reading a work, the reader’s imagination involuntarily turns on. (7) The action of a novel, short story or tale unfolds in pictures before his mind’s eye. (8) Reading a book is a more active and creative process than sitting in front of the TV.
12. Which statement does not correspond to the content of the text? Write his number.
1) Many literary works have been made into films.
2) The book has an advantage over the film.
3) Reading is a creative process.
4) When reading a book, a person has no time to comprehend what he has read.
13. How many sounds are in the word film (sentence 3). Write your answer in numbers.
14. From sentences 3, write down a word consisting of one prefix, root and ending.
15. From sentence 8, write down the first declension noun.
16. Write the category of the adjective as needed (sentence 4).
17. Indicate the mood of the verb included (sentence 6).
18. From sentence 2, write out the subject.
Part III
Write an essay about whether you agree with the author that reading a book is “a more active and creative process than sitting in front of the TV.” The essay should be at least 50 words.

Attached files

Participial to the Verb (from it is formed) Verb (from it is formed) View View Question: what by doing? what did you do? Question: what to do? what did you do? Indicates an additional action Indicates an additional action Reflexivity Reflexivity Transitivity Transitivity Depends on the verb Depends on the verb Adverb: Adverb: Depends on the verb (“Add to the predicate”) Depends on the verb (“Add to the predicate”) Is a circumstance Is a circumstance Does not change in numbers, neither by gender nor by case Does it change neither by number, nor by gender, nor by case Answers the questions How? When? For what purpose? Answers the questions How? When? For what purpose?

Imperfect and perfect participles. Imperfect participles denote an unfinished action and answer the question: what are you doing? and are formed with the help suffixes a, z: working, hearing Imperfect participles denote an unfinished action, answer the question what are you doing? and are formed with the help of the suffixes a, z: working, hearing Perfect participles denote a completed action, answer the question what have you done? and are formed with the help of the suffixes in, lice, shi: understanding, laughing, bringing Perfect participles denote a completed action, answer the question what have you done? and are formed with the help of the suffixes in, lice, shi: having understood, having laughed, having brought

Use participles correctly. The main action, indicated by the predicate verb, and the additional action, indicated by the gerund, refer to the same person. The main action, indicated by the predicate verb, and the additional action, indicated by the gerund, refer to the same person.

Write it down, correcting mistakes if there are any. Opening the window, I admired the view of the city. Opening the window, I admired the view of the city. Opening the door, she creaked loudly. Opening the door, she creaked loudly. Mom sat leaning back in her chair. Mom sat leaning back in her chair. The brother tilted his head to the side and wrote something. The brother tilted his head to the side and wrote something. While finishing the drawing, my pencil broke. While finishing the drawing, my pencil broke. Returning home, it was raining. Returning home, it was raining. Having laid out the toys on the sofa, the children began some interesting game. Having laid out the toys on the sofa, the children began some interesting game. Some of the kids, busy drawing, did not want to go to lunch. Some of the kids, busy drawing, did not want to go to lunch. After reading the story, it seemed too sad to me. After reading the story, it seemed too sad to me.

NOT with participles. NOT with gerunds is written separately: without knowing, without doing, without understanding, without haste. NOT with gerunds is written separately: without knowing, without doing, without understanding, without haste. Some gerunds are not used without NOT: perplexed, indignant, unwell, disliked, hated. Some gerunds are not used without NOT: perplexed, indignant, unwell, disliked, hated.

Add NOT. ...having given your word, be strong, and having given, hold on. ...having given your word, be strong, and having given, hold on. ... knowing the ford, ... stick your nose into the water. ... knowing the ford, ... stick your nose into the water. ...after killing a bear, the skins...are sold. ...after killing a bear, the skins...are sold. ...looking at the pie, ...say you're full. ...looking at the pie, ...say you're full. ...bowing down to the ground, you will raise the fungus... ...bowing down to the ground, you will raise the fungus... ...having pulled out the net and caught the fish...they boasted. ...having pulled out the net and caught the fish...they boasted.

The concept of adverbial verbs. Participles with dependent words are called participial phrase. A participle with dependent words is called a participial phrase. A student, sick with the flu, did not come to school. A student, sick with the flu, did not come to school. Compare: A student with the flu did not come to school. (participial phrase) Compare: A student with the flu did not come to school. (participial phrase)

Replace the participial phrase with the participial phrase. The artist who painted the picture showed it to the audience. The artist who painted the picture showed it to the audience. Children swimming in the river were sunbathing. Children swimming in the river were sunbathing. The boy, carried away by reading, forgot about food. The boy, carried away by reading, forgot about food.

Punctuation marks for adverbial verbs. 1. The participial phrase and the single participle are separated by commas, regardless of the place they occupy in relation to the verb. 1. The participial phrase and the single participle are separated by commas, regardless of the place they occupy in relation to the verb. All the residents were there, waiting for the impostor. All the residents were there, waiting for the impostor. When he saw me, he stopped. When he saw me, he stopped. Returning, he ordered his carriage to arrive. Returning, he ordered his carriage to arrive.

2. Homogeneous participles and participial phrases are subject to the rule of homogeneous members. 2. Homogeneous participles and participial phrases are subject to the rule of homogeneous members. I eagerly awaited an answer to the letter, not daring to hope and trying to drown out sad forebodings. I eagerly awaited an answer to the letter, not daring to hope and trying to drown out sad forebodings.

Place punctuation marks. What will he learn while serving in St. Petersburg? What will he learn while serving in St. Petersburg? Having rested, we set off further. Having rested, we set off further. His comrades noticed his concern and left. His comrades noticed his concern and left. In the morning, driving past Kazbek, I saw a wonderful sight. In the morning, driving past Kazbek, I saw a wonderful sight. Returning home, he threw himself on the bed without undressing and fell fast asleep. Returning home, he threw himself on the bed without undressing and fell fast asleep. Grumbling and looking around, Kashtanka entered the room. Grumbling and looking around, Kashtanka entered the room. Walking through the noisy city and feeling happy, he hummed. Walking through the noisy city and feeling happy, he hummed. The steamer shouted and, splashing its wheels, dragged cargo barges past. The steamer shouted and, splashing its wheels, dragged cargo barges past.

5. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence. Having taught the horse all the intricacies of dressage, 1) the rider will receive a well-deserved reward; 2) it seems that it is not the rider who controls the horse, but the horse who controls the rider; 3) it was especially difficult to pirouette with a galloping horse; 4) it was possible to enter the competition.

Repetition of what was learned in the section “Communications”. Place punctuation marks in Bunin's poem: Place punctuation marks in Bunin's poem: Reflecting the stars in the hollows. Reflecting the stars in the hollows. The pits shine with quiet water. The pits shine with quiet water. Cranes calling to each other Cranes calling to each other Carefully stretch out in a crowd. They move cautiously in a crowd. And spring in the frozen grove And spring in the frozen grove Waiting for the dawn with bated breath. Waiting for dawn with bated breath.

Open the brackets and add punctuation. The thunder rumbled (non)stop. The thunder rumbled (non)stop. The rain drummed on the roof as if angry and (not) indignant at someone. The rain drummed on the roof as if angry and (not) indignant at someone. In the garden outside the windows, sparrows screamed (not) for a single minute. In the garden outside the windows, sparrows screamed (not) for a single minute. (Not) remembering myself with delight, I ran home. (Not) remembering myself with delight, I ran home.

Option 1

1) fooling around

2) briefly

3) kilometer

4) raised

2. In which sentence does the participial phrase come before the word being defined? (Punctuation marks are not included.)

1) Everything was covered with snow that had fallen recently.

2) I looked at the moonlit pond.

3) The foliage torn from the trees quickly swirled in the air.

4) The illuminated shore seemed mysterious from afar.

3. Which sentence contains a grammatical error?

1) The barking dog did not let anyone into the house.

2) The frost that hit at night immediately transformed everything.

3) I walked out into a sunlit clearing.

4) Encouraged by his comrades, the student quickly solved the problem.

4. In which word is one letter written in place of the gap? n ?

1) frozen vegetables

2) boiled in a pan

3) uninvited guests

4) pickled cucumbers

5. In which word is a letter written in place of the gap? e ?

1) deflated barrel

2) started a dispute

3) dependent on parents

4) restrained whisper

6. Which word contains two letters? n ?

1) distilled

2) freshly frozen

3) early

4) forged

7. Indicate which numbers in the sentence should be replaced by commas.

The moose ran out to the edge of (1) overgrown with bushes (2) and (3) without stopping
(4) headed towards the river shining (5) in the rays of the setting sun.
1)1,2 3)1,2,3,4

2)1,4 4)1,2,3,4,5,6

8. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.
Upon entering the assembly hall,

1) my eyes started to light up.

2) I was blinded by the spotlight.

3) I immediately approached my classmates.

4) everyone immediately paid attention to me.

9. Indicate a sentence that contains one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)

1) The tourists drank cold water from the spring and, after thanking the owner, set off on their way.

2) Having passed a narrow path, we came out onto a forest road.

3) Mitya worked tirelessly.

4) Sashenka looked at them smiling and began making tea.

10. In which line in all words is a letter written in place of the gap? O ?

1) dry..., left..., clean...

2) insinuating..., dry..., simply...

3) reference..., verbatim..., changeable...

4) red hot..., long ago..., intelligible...

11. Indicate the hyphen spelling of the word.

1) (by) write more

2) dress for winter

3) (more) better quality

4) do (a) little

12. In which word is there a gap? b not written?

1) hit backhand...

2) gallop...

3) completely overgrown...

4) get married...

13. In what example was there an error in the use of a preposition?

2) I miss my mother

3) upon receipt of the letter

4) according to the order

14. In which sentence is the highlighted word written together?

1) It’s already dawn, So) It was time for us to hit the road.

2) We Same) wanted to get home faster.

3) The boys hid but) tree.

4) Valya is sure that she is thinking Also), like mom.

15. In what sentence Not is it written separately with the word?

1) (Un)solved mysteries attract us.

2) I felt an almost (un)controllable desire to grab the beast.

3) There are many types of vulgarity that we (not) notice.

4) The (lack of) food supply forced them to hurry.

16. In which row are all words written with a hyphen?

1) far (very far), if (if), (more) softer

2) (something), as (as if), a little (slightly)

3) (in) a friendly way, someday, (barely)

4) somewhere, (in) distance, (in) mother’s way

17. Give a simple sentence.

1) For the hundredth time I regretted that I was not born an artist.

2) The thunderstorm has passed, and a branch of white roses breathes its aroma into my window.

3) We went along the shore to find a place even deeper.

4) Thanks to my father, my sisters and I know French well.

18. Indicate which numbers should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

The old man was sitting on a bench (1) basking in the sun (2) and (3) smiling serenely
(4) From time to time he glanced anxiously at the road.
1)1,2,3 3)1,2,3,4

Part 2

(1) Entering the courtyard, I looked around. (2) The picture, which reminded me of my childhood, was amazingly sweet and peaceful. (3) In the middle of the courtyard stood a large grandmother’s hut, taking up a lot of space and being the center of the entire household. (4) Behind it were located the towns going down to the river. (5) A shaggy dog ​​came out of the hut, came up to me, sniffed me and wagged his tail. (6) Not paying attention to me, they wandered around under the heels. (7) The piglet, grunting, was fiddling around in the barn. (8) Suddenly the door opened, and, frozen in surprise, I saw my grandmother on the threshold. (9) She hasn’t aged at all. (10) So many years have passed, but grandmother was still the same. (11) I rushed to her headlong, unable to remember my happiness. (12) A long-past childhood flashed before the house.

19.Which statement does not correspond to the content of the text? Write his number.

1) Grandma was very surprised to see me.

2) During this time, grandmother has not changed.

3) The dog was very good-natured.

4) Grandmother’s hut was located in the middle of the yard.

20. Write the way to form the word surprise (sentence 8).

21.From sentences 5-7, write down all the prepositions.

22From sentences 8-10, write down all the conjunctions.

23.Among sentences 8-12, find a sentence with a phraseological unit. Write the number.

24.How many grammatical bases are there in sentence 8? Write your answer in numbers.

25.How is sentence 1 complicated? Write the number of the correct answer.

1) isolated circumstance

3) separate definition

4) common appeal

Option 2

1. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound correctly highlighted?

1) arrived

2) started

3) applied

2. In which word is the letter written in place of the gap? Yu ?

1) racing

2) breathable

3) creeping

4) believer

3. In which sentence does the participial phrase come before the word being defined? (The kicking signs are not placed.)

1) Coins minted in the ninth century are still found in the mounds.

2) A school was built next to the estate for peasant children who did not know how to read and write.

3) Dogs that did not belong to anyone found their protector in the writer.

4) The writer, who really did not like arrogance, was simple and polite with everyone.

4.Which sentence contains a grammatical error?

1) Opening the window, I admired the view of the city.

2) Opening the door, it creaked loudly.

3) The kid, having taken up drawing, did not want to go to lunch.

4) Having laid out the toys on the sofa, the children began some interesting game.

5. In which word is one letter written in place of the gap? n ?

1) twisted thread

2) disheveled hair

3) sowing with a seeder

4) dried mushrooms

6. In which word is the letter written in place of the gap? e ?

1) hanging laundry

2) pumped out water

3) spent cartridges

4) tools pulled out

7.Which word is missing a letter? e ?

1) red

2) confused

3) movable..my

4) washed...my

8.Indicate which numbers in the sentence should be replaced by commas.

I walked through a field (1) spread out behind a forest (2) and (3) overgrown with some herbs (4) and by midnight I reached my goal.

1) 1, 3, 4 3) 1, 2, 3, 4

9. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

After reading the story,

1) he seemed too sad to me.

2) my interest in prose has increased.

4) retell it.

10.Indicate the sentence that contains one comma. (Punctuation marks are not placed.)

1) The dog, constantly looking around, ran ahead of the hunter.

2) The bullet hit the stone and, squealing, bounced into the ditch.

3) Tonya hastened to break the awkward silence by inviting Pavel to enter the house.

4) The guys sat huddled close to each other by the fire.

11. In which line in all words is a letter written instead of a blank? O ?

1) dark..., left..., first...

2) verbatim..., simply..., ahead of schedule...

3) completely..., sufficient..., trustworthy...

4) satiated..., intelligible..., correct...

12.Indicate the hyphen spelling of the word.

1) (wider) open

2) (like) summer hot

3) (in) third rows

4) (in) the winter garden

13. In which word in place of the gap b not written?

1) start galloping...

2) run away...

3) strewn all over...

4) it became unbearable...

14. In which version was there an error in the use of the preposition?

1) upon graduation

2) thanks to resourcefulness

3) contrary to opinion

4) for an hour

15. In which sentence is the highlighted word written together?

1) Hide (but tree.

2) And Also), like hundreds of years ago, not everyone comes back.

3) To) no matter what happens, you still need to do your job.

4) Our class prepared hard for the competition, (That's why we won.

16.In what sentence Not is it written separately with the word?

1) Your rashness led to (un)pleasant consequences.

2) (Despite) the good weather, we didn’t go on the excursion.

3) The thunderstorm left an (un)forgettable impression in the village.

4) Work (not) done on time accustoms one to idleness.

17. In which row are all words written with a hyphen?

1) barely, somewhere, (along) a new path

2) (in) fifth grade, far (very far), (in) comradely

4) (some) something, (in) English, (in) bearish

18.Indicate a simple sentence.

1) A girl called out to me, whose face seemed familiar to me.

2) Suok dropped the fourth cake, which was the most crumbly and with grapes.

3) Only the huts stoop weirdly, and the dew falls loudly from the roofs.

4) The bees, attracted by the sweet smell, circled over the bowl of jam.

19.Indicate which numbers should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

Hadji Murat stopped (1) throwing down the reins (2) and (3) unfastening the rifle case (4)

took it out.

Read the text and complete the tasks. Write down your answers in words or numbers.

(1) At night a storm broke out at sea, lasting for several hours in a row. (2) The waves, raging, strongly rocked the steamer. (3) The captain, worried about the lives of the passengers, ordered lifeboats to be prepared. (4) Heeling to the left side, the ship moved through the stormy sea. (5) Morning has come. (6) And suddenly a gap appeared in the clouds. (7) The crew perked up, and the passengers began to hope for salvation. (8) The waves gradually calmed down. (9) People, smiling faintly and not believing themselves, dared to leave the cabins and, standing on the deck, breathed the salty sea air. (10) The ship’s commander, standing on the captain’s bridge, directed the ship along the desired course, and, frozen at the helm, the experienced helmsman awaited further orders.

20.Which statement does not correspond to the content of the text? Write his number.

1) The captain was worried about the lives of the passengers.

2) In the morning, the passengers had hope of salvation.

3) The ship’s commander stood on the captain’s bridge, frozen at the helm.

4) The passengers, having left the cabins, stood on the deck.

21.What part of speech is the word some (sentence 1)?

22.Among sentences 7-10, find a sentence with three adverbial phrases. Write the number of this offer.

23.From sentence 9, write out the reflexive pronoun.

24. How many grammatical bases are there in sentence 10? Write your answer in numbers.

25. How is sentence 1 complicated? Write the number of the correct answer.

1) separate definition

2) homogeneous members of the sentence

3) isolated circumstance

4) common appeal

Russian language (olympiad tasks). 5th grade.

Task 1. Find words that have more letters than sounds.

Coach, result, fair, swimming pool, telegram, gun, luxury, admiration, more.

Task 2. Write down related words from a number of words and different shapes the same word.

Unit, unity, unique, unique, connection, united, unique, connections, unite, unit, units.

Task 3. For words with unstressed vowels at the root, select test words.

Sp...shi poems, don't sleep, don't rush; floor...rock the dog...ku; floor...drop linen; record a song; take the medicine; sit...on the porch; sit... out of grief.

Task 4. Explain the meaning of phrases.

We got a dog, started a household, started a song, started a conversation, started the engine.

The water boiled, the samovar boiled, the sea boiled.

Dark color, dark personality, dark night.

Task 5. Arrange the synonyms in order of increasing degree of attribute.

Big, huge, colossal.

Brilliant, capable, talented.

Dear, native, close, blood.

Nasty, disgusting, unpleasant.

rush, rush, rush, rush

Task 6 . What are the names of people living in St. Petersburg, Odessa, Tomsk, Kharkov, Pskov, Kursk, Yaroslavl.

Task 7. What parts of speech can the following words be? Make up phrases or sentences with them so that it is clear what part of speech they are.

Burn, verse, oven, chalk, roast.

Task 8. Determine what gender the words belong to.

Potatoes, coffee, last name, sheet, window, door, shampoo, computer, dictionary.

Task 9. Make sentence diagrams.

Fogs are creeping through the trees, the fountains have fallen silent in the garden.

The reeds rustled and rustled and listened to the water splashing in the river.

Why are you, willow tree, sad, and your thin branches drooping?

Task 10. Put emphasis on the highlighted words, explain the meaning of these words.

On the roads I see forty

Forty galloping briskly.

I really like this look roads

Among unknown roads.

(I. Sokolov-Mikitov.)

road road , but off-road is more expensive.


Task 11. Come up with words with the following composition:

¬∩ ^




Task 12. Highlight the suffix in the words.

Little bunny, girl, good-natured, rainy, deceitful, gullible.

Task 13. Add punctuation marks. Indicate graphically the spellings in place of the gaps. Parse the sentences.

Aspen is famous for its extraordinary wealth of autumn colors. The leaves...I of this humble tree...can be f...dirty scar...l...mon...s...rich...black black gray white.

Task 14. How to write correctly?

Fish have no teeth.

Fish don't have teeth.

Russian language (olympiad tasks). 7th grade.

Task 1. Place stress on the words.

Leisure, arrived, engraver, moved, raised, dabbling, rusty, glider, reached, briefly, begun, began, began.

Task 2. Sort out the words according to their composition.

Those who participated, proclaim, grow.

Task 3. How were words formed?

Moonlight, occasionally, upward, pentathlon.

Task 4. Select at least three synonyms for each word.

Brave, cold, home, talk, durable.

Task 5. Replace phraseological units with synonymous words.

A teaspoon per hour; close at hand; prevaricate; canny; skin to bone; the chickens don't peck; put a spoke in wheel; bite your tongue; stand with your left leg.

Task 6. Make a detailed answer plan on the topic: “Communion”


Task 7. From these verbs, form all possible participles and highlight the suffixes in them.

Task 8. In which sentences are there errors in the use of gerunds? Write down the sentences in corrected form.

Opening the window, I admired the view of the city. While finishing the drawing, my pencil broke. Approaching the house, a dog suddenly jumped out. Approaching the station, I was met by a friend. By repeating the old ones, you will better understand the new ones.

Exercise 9. Insert the missing letters, indicating the spelling patterns. Remove punctuation marks. Perform a full parse.

With….solid splashes…of huge waves…breaking against the…coastal rocks…they came to land…and the log house….made of thick logs shuddered n…sta…o.

Task 10. Replace adverbs with synonyms in which it is written nn or n.

To confess frankly; move quietly, act quickly, always perform, listen inattentively, answer unclearly, appear suddenly.

WORDS FOR REFERENCE: unexpectedly; slower….o; frankly...oh; standing...oh; instantly...oh; scattering...oh; puta….o.

Task 11. Determine which parts of speech the highlighted ones belong to


Length rulers 10 centimeters. This line is for me length.

Task 12. Write the adverbs correctly.

Rush (in) pursuit; disperse (alone); arrive (at) time; speak (in) a chant; play (in) a draw; work (without) fatigue; (during the lesson; look (at) focus.

Task 13. how to say:

Am I eating or eating?

Task 14. Explain the meaning of the words.

Ball – point; skillful - artificial.

Russian language (olympiad tasks). 8th grade.

Exercise 1. Place emphasis on words.

Provision, petition, glimpse, catalogue, calls, linguistic phenomenon, dispensary, bonus, chaos, aristocracy, gas pipeline, contract.

Task 2. Explain the meaning of each word and make a sentence with it.

Brochure, pitchforks - villas, without a hitch.

Task 3. Match the words sadness, darkness synonym and antonym and make a sentence with them.

Task 4. Replace the following borrowed words with Russian ones


industry, intermission, colossal.

Task 5. What parts of speech and what parts of the sentence are the highlighted words?

Defender of Liberty and right

In this case not at all right

The dining room is closed.

Give me a tablespoon.

What is this phenomenon called?

Task 6. Parse the words according to their composition.

Supporting, half-point, suburb, snowfall, lighting.

Task 7. Find the common root in the words.

Infantry - take aback; by heart - oral; trace – consequences; spring - elastic, gloomy - fainting.

Task 8. Determine the number of letters and sounds in words.

Uncomfortable, hostility, wish, excited, move away, January.

Task 9. Explain the meaning of the phraseological units given below.

Headlong; not a kick in the tooth; Tet-a-tet; talk teeth; go out into public; everything falls out of hand; keep a tight rein; come to a standstill.

Task 10. Indicate how the subjects and predicates are expressed in the sentences below. Fill in the missing punctuation marks.

Taman is the worst little town of all the coastal cities in Russia.

Egorovna saw the need to notify young Dubrovsky about everything.

I returned to Zurin sad and silent.

I didn’t consider it necessary to reproach him for his inability and, having gone to bed on the hay, I tried to fall asleep again.

Does anyone in Troyekurov’s house know you?

Task 11. Determine the type of one-part sentences. Highlight the grammatical basis.

Do not count your chickens before they are hatched. If you write it, you won’t erase it; if you release it, you won’t catch it. Think first, then speak. Nightingales are not fed fables. (proverbs)

Task 12. Make a detailed answer plan on the topic

"Functions of the Russian language in the modern world."

Task 13. Write words with the components bio -, biblio-, -graph(s). Make up phrases with these words and do a syntactic analysis.

Task 14. Write down the phonetic transcription of the sentence, indicate all the phonetic and graphic phenomena that you encountered.

A friend argues, and an enemy agrees.

Task 15. Indicate the meaning of outdated words.

Arshin, bast man, torch, clerk.

Task 16. Give examples of statements by great people about the wealth and beauty of the Russian language.

Russian language (olympiad tasks). 9th grade.

Task 1. Write down the phonetic transcription of this sentence. Indicate all phonetic and graphic phenomena that you encountered.

There are white doves near the hole.

Task 2. Place stress in the following words:

Mosaic, quarter, condolences, self-interest, pepper, industry, expert, dispensary, medicines, in-depth, regulate.

Task 3. Explain the lexical meaning of these borrowed words. Replace them with Russian synonyms.

Sentimental, rotational, commentary, compromise, privilege, triumph.

Task 4. Reveal the meaning of folk comparisons.

It fell out of the blue;

Spins like a squirrel in a wheel;

Packed like sardines in a barrel;

Writes like a chicken with its paw;

Like a cart, you need a fifth wheel;

As strong as a young oak tree.

Task 5.Find grammar basics these proposals. How is the subject expressed and how does the predicate agree with it?

Fenechka entered with Mitya in her arms (I. Turgenev). The wounded were being carried from the barge. Some moaned, but the majority remained silent (K. Simonov). Varenka's father was a very handsome, stately, tall and fresh old man (L. Tolstoy).

Task 6. How can we explain that one word goes out of use, while others appear in the language? Give examples of such words. What are the names of the branches of language science that study words and phraseological units?

Task 7. Compose and write down phrases with these nouns in which these nouns would be in the dative, prepositional and genitive singular cases.

Indicate the main and dependent word in each phrase. Name the method of their connection (coordination, control, adjacency).

Virtue, profession, team.

Task 8. Insert the missing letters, indicating the spelling. Place punctuation marks and explain them. Parse the last sentence.

Which artistic media does the author use? What style of speech can this text be classified as? Justify your choice.

The stars still sparkled sharply and coldly, but the sky to the east... had already begun to brighten. The trees (slightly) protruded from the darkness and suddenly such a strong and fresh evening passed along their tops that the forest immediately came to life and began to rustle completely... loudly and loudly.

A few minutes later, the wind died down and the trees froze again in the cold foam... There was such complete and solemn silence that (s)immediately all the (pre) morning forest sounds began to be heard, the greedy squabbling of wolves in the neighboring clearing, cautious yapping foxes and the first (un)confident blows of an awakened woodpecker.

Task 9. Determine the number of letters and sounds in these words:tradition, landmark, overcoat, giant, asphalt, piano, team.

Task 10. Explain the lexical meaning of these borrowed words and give their Russian equivalents.Inert, ecological, progressive, discussion, dialogue, debut, information.

Task 11. Choose examples for each pair of words so that these words are used correctly in speech.

illustration - illumination,

reject - refute

basis - justification,

skillful - artificial,

declaration - decoration,

intolerant - intolerable.

Task 12. How are phraseological units different?

Chinese letter, filkin letter.

Task 13. Place punctuation marks. Find synonyms in the poem.

Blizzards and blizzards

How much hassle with them

How much noise is there?

How tired I am of them!

So the gloomy frost grumbled

And the river was frozen in ice without noise

The trees were covered with gray hair

And it came

Silence. (V. Berestov).

Task 14. Indicate one-part sentences (including those in complex ones), name their type.

  1. I'm driving endlessly, but the weather doesn't calm down. Everything was flooded, the bridges were blown away.
  2. The water is cloudy. White waves lash the clay.
  3. Here comes the ferry. We need to cross to the other side.
  4. It's getting dark. The coachman is silent. (A. Chekhov).

Task 16. Compose an essay of 8-10 sentences.

When spring comes, every person is sure to be overwhelmed by


(Essay - a type of essay. The main role is played not by the reproduction of the fact, but by the depiction of impressions, thoughts and associations. The essayistic style is distinguished by its imagery, aphorism, and closeness to colloquial speech.)

Russian language (olympiad tasks). GRADE 10

Task 1. Write down words in which there are two vowel sounds nearby.

Scholarship, scholarship holder, heroism, future, active, silhouette, mosaic, ideal.

Task 2. Insert the necessary words from brackets.

1.K.D. Ushinsky is a famous Russian... A new... history teacher (educator, teacher) came to school.

2. The speakers criticized...in the work. For a long time the technician could not detect... the motor (flaws, defects).

3. The laboratory assistant carried out ... blood. When phonetically ... words, the student did not make a single mistake (analysis, parsing).

Task 3. Make a detailed plan for your answer on the topic: “The role of language in the life of society”

Task 4. Select the root in the words.

Click, exclaim; reproach immaculate; heavy duty, shortwave.

Task 5. Find words with the same root and different forms of the same word.

Boot, shoemaker, boot, shoemaker, shoemaker, boots, boots, shoemaker.

Task 6. Indicate the meaning of outdated words.

Arshin, altyn, cheeks, psalter, Gehenna, brow.

Task 7. Complete the phraseological units.


To pull…

Carry away...






Task 8. Think about the meaning of the word joke during the time of A.S. Pushkin?

But jokes of days gone by

From Romulus to the present day

He kept in his memory

(A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”).

Task 9. Place stress in words.

Litter, half an hour, put, driver, mindful, cement, partly, paralysis, bonus, petition, owners, gypsy, combine operator, scoop.

Task 10. Fill in the missing letters, indicating the spelling patterns. Place punctuation marks and explain them. Parse the second sentence.

What artistic means does the author use? Determine the style of the text, justify your choice.

It was such a night as I have never (n..) seen since. A full moon stood over the house behind them so that it was (not) visible and half the shadow of the roof of the pillars and the terrace lay diagonally on the sandy path and lawn circle. The rest was all light and doused with the sulphurous bromine of dew and monthly light. A wide flower path along which the shadows of dahlias and supports lay slantingly on one edge, all light and cold, shining with (un)even rubble, went into the fog and (into) the distance. The light roof of the greenhouse could be seen from (behind) the trees and a growing fog rose from (under) the ravine.(L.N. Tolstoy.)

Task 11. Place stress in past tense verbs, in short adjectives and participles.

Drive - drove, drove, drove;

Accept - accepted, accepted, accepted;

Rude - rude, rude, rude;

Rights - rights, rights, rights;

Close - close, close, close.

Sold - sold, sold, sold.

Task 12. Correct the mistakes in the sentences.

Prostakova intimidates Sophia in every possible way. First I will describe Mitrofan. Prince Igor escaped from captivity. It was difficult to find out what Plyushkin’s clothes consisted of.

Task 13. Make a detailed answer plan

  • Verb(formed from it)

  • Question: what to do? what did you do?

  • Indicates an additional action

  • Repayment

  • Transitivity

  • Depends on the verb

Imperfect and perfect participles.

  • Imperfect participles denote an unfinished action and answer the question: what are you doing? and are formed using the suffixes a, z: working, hearing

  • Perfect participles denote a completed action and answer the question: what have you done? and are formed using the suffixes in, lice, shi: understanding, laughing, bringing

Use participles correctly.

  • The main action, indicated by the predicate verb, and the additional action, indicated by the gerund, refer to the same person.

Write it down, correcting mistakes if there are any.

  • Opening the window, I admired the view of the city.

  • Opening the door, she creaked loudly.

  • Mom sat leaning back in her chair.

  • The brother tilted his head to the side and wrote something.

  • While finishing the drawing, my pencil broke.

  • Returning home, it was raining.

  • Having laid out the toys on the sofa, the children began some interesting game.

  • Some of the kids, busy drawing, did not want to go to lunch.

  • After reading the story, it seemed too sad to me.

NOT with participles.

  • NOT with gerunds is written separately: without knowing, without doing, without understanding, without haste.

  • Some gerunds are not used without NOT: perplexed, indignant, unwell, disliked, hating.

Add NOT.

  • ...having given your word, be strong, and having given, hold on.

  • ... knowing the ford, ... stick your nose into the water.

  • ...after killing a bear, the skins...are sold.

  • ...looking at the pie, ...say you're full.

  • ...bowing down to the ground, you will raise the fungus...

  • ...having pulled out the net and caught the fish...they boasted.

The concept of adverbial verbs.

  • A participle with dependent words is called a participial phrase.

  • A student, sick with the flu, did not come to school.

  • Compare: A student who was sick with the flu did not come to school. (participial phrase)

Replace the participial phrase with the participial phrase.

  • The artist who painted the picture showed it to the audience.

  • Children swimming in the river were sunbathing.

  • The boy, carried away by reading, forgot about food.

Punctuation marks for adverbial verbs.

  • 1. The participial phrase and the single participle are separated by commas, regardless of the place they occupy in relation to the verb.

  • All the residents were there, waiting for the impostor.

  • When he saw me, he stopped.

  • Returning, he ordered his carriage to be brought .

  • 2. Homogeneous participles and participial phrases are subject to the rule of homogeneous members.

  • I eagerly awaited an answer to the letter, not daring to hope and trying to drown out sad forebodings.

Note to the rule.

  • Phraseological Do not separate revolutions with commas:

  • Headlong

  • Rolling up my sleeves.

Place punctuation marks.

  • What will he learn while serving in St. Petersburg?

  • Having rested, we set off further.

  • His comrades noticed his concern and left.

  • In the morning, driving past Kazbek, I saw a wonderful sight.

  • Returning home, he threw himself on the bed without undressing and fell fast asleep.

  • Grumbling and looking around, Kashtanka entered the room.

  • Walking through the noisy city and feeling happy, he hummed.

  • The steamer shouted and, splashing its wheels, dragged cargo barges past.

1. Specify grammatically correct continuation of the sentence

  • Upon entering the audience,

  • 1) I made a mistake;

  • 2) the professor greeted the students;

  • 3) not everyone observes silence;

  • 4) we had a feeling of fear.

2. Specify grammatically correct continuation of the sentence

  • 1) my hands were shaking;

  • 2) I don’t want to believe that my friend did this;

  • 3) I couldn’t sleep for a long time;

  • 4) it’s better to immediately destroy this anonymous letter.

3. Specify grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

  • After resting for a few days,

  • 1) I returned to normal work;

  • 2) I read the book;

  • 3) all matters are often forgotten;

  • 4) we have new strength.

4. Specify grammatically correct continuation of the sentence

  • Raising my head proudly,

  • 1) no errors are visible;

  • 2) everyone felt offended;

  • 3) she left the room;

  • 4) no one noticed me.

5. Specify grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

  • Having taught the horse all the intricacies of dressage,

  • 1) a well-deserved reward awaits the rider;

  • 2) it seems that it is not the rider who controls the horse,

  • and the horse is the rider;

  • 3) it was especially difficult to pirouette with a galloping horse;

  • 4) it was possible to enter the competition.

Repetition of what was learned in the section “Communications”.

  • Place punctuation marks in Bunin's poem:

  • Reflecting stars through the valleys

  • The pits shine with quiet water.

  • Cranes calling to each other

  • They move cautiously in a crowd.

  • And spring in the frozen grove

  • Waiting for dawn with bated breath.

Open the brackets and add punctuation.

  • The thunder rumbled (non)stop.

  • The rain drummed on the roof as if angry and (not) indignant at someone.

  • In the garden outside the windows, sparrows screamed (not) for a single minute.

  • (Not) remembering myself with delight, I ran home.