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Work experience “Use of ICT in the work of a kindergarten teacher. Consultation for educators “Use of ICT in the educational process in preschool educational institutions Use of ICT by kindergarten teachers

Tatiana Pysina
The use of ICT in the pedagogical activities of preschool teachers

Slide No. 1 If we teach today the way we taught yesterday, we will steal tomorrow from our children. John Dewey

At the present stage of development of information technology, the need for specialists of a higher level of professional skill is increasing. This means that modern the teacher must have“the ability and ability to independently search, analyze, select, process and transmit the necessary information using oral and written communication information technologies” in all areas of their work pedagogical activity, always be informed pedagogical innovations. Usage information and communication technologies in preschool education provides an opportunity to expand creative abilities teacher and has a positive impact on upbringing, training and development of preschool children.

Slide No. 2 ICT means usage not so much computers and their software, but also everything that can provide ample opportunities for communication. (Internet, TV, printer, tape recorder, camera, multimedia projector, DVD, CD) teacher must be able to combine traditional teaching methods and modern information technologies.

Slide No. 3 Where can ICT help modern teacher in his work? Interaction with children. Interaction with parents. Interaction with colleagues. Preparation of group documentation. Improving professional skills.

Let's look at each of them.

Slide No. 4 For it is important to remember the teacher that every child is an individual and his abilities develop in that activities, in which he engages at his own request and with interest. Make it directly educational activity more entertaining and dynamic, "immerse" child into the subject of study and create the illusion of co-presence, empathy with the object being studied, promote the formation of voluminous and vivid ideas Slide No. 5 presentations on different Topics: "Water cycle in nature", "Traffic Laws", "Secrets of Space", "Interesting about animals". Slide No. 6 With the help of multimedia presentations you can learn complexes of visual gymnastics and physical education exercises "Christmas tree", "Funny Frogs", "Gymnastics for the eyes". Slide No. 7 Select card files of finger games, games for speech development, observations, walks. Slide No. 8 The collection of discs with educational videos is a great success. "Lessons from Aunt Owl", where children become acquainted with the rules of behavior, as well as with the social and surrounding world. ( "Entertaining ABC", "Lessons in Kindness", "Fun Math", "The world"). Slide No. 9 as well as audio CDs allow children to hear perceive information. "The Adventures of Chevostik", "Educational stories about animals", "Fairy tales") Usage ICT helps to increase children’s motivation for educational activities, develops observation, attention, speech and thinking. Using technical means, it must be remembered that the computer should only complement teacher rather than replacing it. No computer technology, no matter how effective, can replace live communication with children.

Slide No. 10 One of the criteria for assessing professional teacher's activities, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, is a high degree of activity and involvement of parents in the educational process and life of the kindergarten. Finding new productive forms of interaction with parents allows parents to be more inclined to communicate.

Slide No. 11 A parent’s corner has been created for them, the materials of which are replenished and updated thanks to sites on the Internet. Slide No. 12 In order to help parents spend their leisure time with their children, methodological recommendations, booklets, reminders, card files of games, poems have been selected. Slide No. 13 Usage ICT at parent-teacher meetings always attracts the attention of parents and is concise and accessible. Parents are given the opportunity to observe first-hand the development of children in preschool educational institutions. Slide No. 14 They are happy to get acquainted with presentations on topics "Our daughters and sons", "Games and toys for children", "Family traditions".

Slide No. 15 Ours teachers actively use in working with parents, the institution’s website.

Slide No. 16 http: //edu.pkgo.ru /education/ children /ds52/. On this site, parents have the opportunity to obtain information about the institution, view the news feed and take part in a survey about the quality of educational services.

Slide No. 17 When preparing our speeches for teacher councils, seminars, methodological associations, we enliven them with multimedia accompaniment in the form of presentations.

Slide No. 18 At one of the meetings of the Ministry of Defense on the topic “ Usage ICT in a preschool educational institution" a survey was conducted teachers"What and why teachers use in their work Slide No. 19 from the survey results it is clearly visible that our teachers use the Internet every day to improve pedagogical excellence.

For what use ICT:

1. Preparation for class - 81%

2. Occupation – 54%

3. Self-education – 90%

4. Searching for information, working with parents - 54%

What ICT tools use:

1. Text editor – 54%

2. Spreadsheets – 36%

3. Electronic presentations – 54%

4. Multimedia discs – 36%

5. Specialized programs – 36%

6. Internet – 90%

How often use ICT:

1. Daily – 36%

2. 1 time per week – 9%

3. 1-2 times a month – 9%

4. Several times a week – 18%

5. If necessary – 36%

Along with this, many employees experience difficulties, errors when use of ICT:

1. Insufficient methodological preparedness teacher

2. Incorrect definition of the didactic role and place of ICT in the classroom

3. Unplanned, random use of ICT

4. Overload of demonstration classes.

But we have the opportunity to increase the level of ICT - the competence of our colleagues.

Slide No. 20 For this purpose, master classes were held at our educational institution under the guidance of computer science teacher Podlesnaya A.V. “Creating presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint 2010” and “Monitoring knowledge, skills and abilities pupils Preschool educational institution in Microsoft Excel 2010" Slide No. 21 Then still at the Institute for Advanced Studies (At the KGAOU DOV "Kamchatka IPKK") ours teachers completed courses on these topics “Electronic educational resources in activities educator" and "Modern approaches to developing presentations in practical teacher's activities" Slide No. 22 UIA "Resource Center of Petropavlovsk - Kamchatka Urban District" kindly provided the opportunity to attend a number of seminars, for which I thank them very much. Thanks to them our teachers learned to work with Excel and PowerPoint. (“Information technologies in professional activities employees of municipal institutions", "Creating graphs and tables in Microsoft Excel 2010. Editing and formatting charts and graphs", "Creating interactive presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint 2010", "Computer networks. Internet. Working with email", “Design of didactic materials pedagogical employees of preschool educational institutions in the program Paint v 6.1") Thus, usage ICT contributes to improving the quality of educational activities: teachers gain the opportunity for professional communication, and their social status increases.

Slide No. 23 In the process of educational activity teacher compiles and prepares basic documentation, both printed and electronic. These are the documents How: group passports (from this year, lists of children, information about parents, diagnostics of children’s development, monitoring of program implementation, reports. The computer allows you not to write reports and analyzes every time, but just type the diagram once and then only make the necessary changes, which significantly reduces the time for filling it out, facilitates storage and access to information. Slide No. 24 With the help of ICT, our teachers summarize their teaching experience, create their own portfolio, post abstracts of educational activities on the pages of online communities preschool teachers"Profi", on Maaam.ru, on the website of KSAOU DOV "Kamchatka IPKK", take part in remote competitions. Slide No. 25 publish their work experience in scientific journals. Slide No. 26 Our achievements in the field of information and computer technologies are ours teachers demonstrated during open classes, seminars and methodological associations. Slide No. 27 "Journey to the Bottom of the Sea", "The Adventure of the Merry Kolobok", "The wonderful world of fabric and paper", "Colorful Games", "Sound, sound wave" Slide No. 28 Access to news in education, the opportunity to present your methodological developments, use of website resources - all this helps teacher go beyond the institution and form your own rating. On the portal "MAAAM.ru" our colleagues create pages, communicate with colleagues, exchange experiences, and expand their horizons.

Slide No. 29 They also take part in the competition “The best lesson notes for children in preschool educational institutions”. This allows you to diversify your pedagogical activity, promotes the development of creative potential teachers, their communication skills and desire to improve pedagogical competence.

Slide No. 30 For posting materials that have been tested and approved by the site administration, our teachers receive diplomas, certificates and certificates.

One of the indicators of success teacher and the quality of its educational activities are achievements pupils.

Slide No. 31 Usage The Internet makes it possible for students in remote regions to participate in distance competitions in various areas of development. So ours pupils, are participants and winners of online competitions. The slide shows the results of competitions only for this academic year. all these competitions are organized by the system of voluntary certification of information technologies "Unicum": "New Year card", “Through the pages of your favorite books. Crocodile Gena and his friends"

Slide No. 32 "The world around us. Birds", participation in the All-Russian crafts competition "Magic colors of autumn".

Slide No. 33 "Favorite books. Through the pages of fairy tales by V. G. Suteev" For high professionalism and active participation in the organization of intellectual and creative activities and our teachers received thanks.

Slide No. 34 From all of the above, we can conclude that the use of ICT in educational activities: – helps improve professional level teacher. Activates professional level teacher to search for new non-traditional forms and methods of teaching, provides an incentive to demonstrate creative abilities.

Increases children's interest in learning. Activates cognitive children's activities, improves the quality of assimilation of program material. Usage multimedia presentations provide visibility that promotes perception and better memorization of material.

Raises the level pedagogical parental competence. Gives parents the opportunity to receive information about the life of the group and increases interest in events in kindergarten.

Slide No. 35 Each participant in the educational process decides for himself whether to keep up with the future or step backwards with his heels

Slide No. 36 And now I suggest you rest a little. Gymnastics for the eyes "Towards the Stars". Sit up straight, relax, follow the action on the screen with your eyes without turning your head. When an object blinks, blink.

Slide No. 37 Thank you.

Consultation for educators “The use of interactive technologies in the work of a preschool teacher”

ICT in kindergarten is a pressing problem of modern preschool education. The rapid development of ICT has led to the fact that a computer in kindergarten has become necessary.

The President of the Russian Federation has set a task for each institution: to have its own electronic representation on the Internet. The Government of the Russian Federation adopted a number of documents: Strategy for the Development of the Information Society, Concept of the Socio-Economic Development of the Country until 2020. Based on government documents, the Concept for the development of the preschool and general education system of Russian Railways JSC was developed and approved. One of its main directions is solving the problem of improving the quality of preschool education through the introduction into the educational process of effective technologies for developing imagination, literacy and other basic abilities of preschool children; as well as the introduction of programs to ensure continuity of preschool and primary general education.

The rapid growth of information flow, the development of new information technologies, their capabilities - all this places its demands on the younger generation. The current experience of informatization of the educational environment indicates that it makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the educational process.

Based on this, one of the most important directions of the priority national project “Education” aims the system at ensuring the accessibility and quality of education and the formation of a competitive graduate. In the conditions of modernization of education at the present stage, this goal cannot be achieved without relying on information and communication technologies (ICT).

ICT is a tool for improving the quality of educational services and a necessary condition for solving the problems of forming a general culture of the individual, adapting the individual to life in society.

In my work I use ICT in my work in the following:

    selection of illustrative and additional material for educational activities, design of stands, groups, offices, booklets;

    familiarity with the scenarios of holidays and other events;

    experience exchange;

    acquaintance with periodicals,

    use of digital photographic equipment and photo editing programs;

    using a computer in the office work of a preschool educational institution, creating various databases;

    creating email, maintaining a website;

    creating presentations in Power Point.

In my work I use multimedia technology. The use of multimedia presentations in working with children allows the educational process to be made more vivid, emotional, using large illustrative material, using sound effects and video recordings. Thus, we can highlight two main advantages of presentations - interactivity, that is, the ability to perform certain actions in response to the child’s actions, and multimedia (from the English “multimedia” - multi-component environment), that is, the ability to “present” both texts and images ( including moving ones), as well as play sound and music. Multimedia facilitates the process of memorization, makes educational activities more interesting and dynamic, “immerses” the child in a certain environment, creates the illusion of co-presence and empathy, and promotes the formation of three-dimensional and vivid ideas. However, it is important not to forget that the computer should only complement the teacher, and not replace him. You cannot use multimedia technologies too often, since with frequent use of ICT, children lose special interest in such activities.

The teacher must not only be able to use a computer and modern multimedia equipment, but also create his own educational resources and widely use them in his teaching activities.

In order to raise a physically developed, inquisitive, active, emotionally responsive child who has mastered the means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and peers, trained teaching staff are needed who are able to combine traditional teaching methods and modern information technologies.

We, educators, must keep up with the times and become a guide to the world of new technologies for the child. Preschool teachers are obliged to ensure a full transition of children to the next level of the continuous education system, to provide the opportunity to become participants in the unified educational space of the Russian Federation. This requires the introduction and use of information technologies in preschool educational institutions.

The goal of my work when using ICT in preschool educational institutions is to improve the quality of education through the active introduction of information technologies into the educational process.

The tasks were:

systematization, updating and replenishment of information resources of the educational process;

development and testing of technologies for multimedia support of the educational process;

expanding the use of information and computer technologies in the educational process;

creation of a bank of computer training programs, didactic and methodological materials on the use of information technologies in the work of preschool educational institutions;

creation of a comprehensive integrated model of information and methodological support for the educational process of preschool educational institutions.

The use of ICT takes preschoolers’ assimilation of acquired knowledge to a higher level.

The introduction of ICT in the educational process of kindergarten has many advantages that should be highlighted:

makes it possible to expand the use of electronic learning tools, since they transmit information faster than using traditional means;

allow you to increase the perception of the material by increasing the amount of illustrative material;

allow you to make adjustments during class, carry out joint work of children in interaction, and carry out an interactive relationship between child and teacher;

the use of multimedia presentations provides clarity, which contributes to the perception and better memorization of material, which is very important, given the visual-figurative thinking of preschool children;

graphic, textual, audiovisual information is used simultaneously;

using a computer, you can simulate life situations that are impossible or difficult to show in class or see in everyday life (for example, reproducing the sounds of animals, nature, the operation of transport, etc.);

classes using information and communication technologies encourage children to search and cognitive activities, including searching the Internet independently or together with their parents;

high dynamics of the lesson contributes to the effective assimilation of material, the development of memory, imagination, and creativity of children;

provides the opportunity to individualize training;

The use of computer technology in the educational process gives us the following opportunities:

The computer is a means of equalizing the capabilities of children.

The system itself provides control, correction, and allows self-checking.

Expanding professional contacts of teachers and improving the quality of children's education.

Improving the quality of demonstration materials, illustrations, and the ability to display video clips.

Close contact in the teacher-child-parent chain.

Individualization of the educational process by pace, speed, content.

The high speed of updating didactic material on the screen significantly saves time during the lesson.

An effective gaming tool for practicing reading, counting, etc. skills, and developing the creative abilities of preschoolers.

Efficiency of management and the ability to compactly store large amounts of information in text and figurative form.

The use of multimedia technologies in the teaching and educational process in a preschool educational institution is one of the newest and most pressing problems in domestic preschool pedagogy.

Tatyana Vozmishcheva
Work experience “Use of ICT in the work of a kindergarten teacher”


« The use of ICT in the work of a kindergarten teacher»

Vozmishcheva Tatyana Sergeevna

Teacher 1st quarter. To.

MBDOU « Children's combined garden No. 52" AGO

Usage information and communication technologies in educational- the educational process is one of the newest problems in domestic preschool pedagogy, since science and technology do not stand still. A a teacher can and should use new technologies in their work in all areas of their activities, to always be aware of pedagogical innovations. In his work I try to actively involve the possibilities of modern information and communication technologies (hereinafter I will abbreviate as ICT). Because, usage ICT allows, through multimedia, in the most accessible and attractive, playful form, to achieve a new quality of children’s knowledge, parental awareness, and teacher’s professional skills. Novelty of innovative experience is that direction along use ICT is beginning to be introduced into preschool education. This is due to the fact that this requires a good material and technical base and a sufficient level of ICT competence of the teacher. Realizing the goal of improving quality educational-educational process through use of ICT, I set myself the following tasks: 1. Improve professional skills through the use of information and communication technologies. 2. Introduce ICT into the joint activities of teachers and children. 3. Use ICT at work with parents to improve competence in issues raising children. One of the most important factors influencing professionalism teacher, is self-education. The search for new techniques, methods and technologies is especially relevant in our time. Connecting to the Internet allowed me to share my own work experience, adopt advanced experience colleagues from Russia and abroad. I also got the opportunity to create a library of electronic resources: multimedia presentations on various topics, methodological materials on educational activities (these include GCD scenarios, a selection of demonstration material on speech development and other educational areas). One of my directions work on the use ICT is the preparation of basic documentation in electronic form. On your own I'm convinced from experience that maintaining basic documentation in electronic format significantly reduces the time required to fill it out, makes it possible to quickly make changes and additions, and facilitates storage and access to information. These are the documents How: lists of children, information about parents, diagnostic cards, long-term and calendar plans in all areas group work. The Internet provides me with the opportunity to improve my teaching skills through participation in webinars, vibinars, and Internet conferences. Innovative activities for use information technology has had a positive impact on the level of my ICT competence. The next direction in my work became the use ICT as a means to improve the mastery of studied material by preschoolers. It is important for a teacher to remember that every child is an individual and his abilities develop in the activities in which he engages at his own request and with interest. Therefore, it is necessary to choose technologies that would make it possible to implement this. I believe that ICT is such a tool because it opens up teacher limitless possibilities for effective creative work.

This is exactly what helps me is the electronic library I created, which includes presentations on various topics, various physical education lessons, didactic, handouts for children, card files of games, observations, walks, plot pictures for writing stories on speech development. This media library takes up very little space. To transfer information I use flash cards, disks. I would like to note that the children really like it usage media technology in educational activities, but it is imperative to comply with the requirements of SanPiN when doing it use. Reasonable educational use-in the educational process, visual teaching aids develop children's observation, attention, speech and thinking. Properly selected video materials demonstrated using media technology can make educational activities more interesting and dynamic, help "immerse" child into the subject of study, create the illusion of co-presence, empathy with the object being studied, contribute to the formation of three-dimensional and vivid ideas. All this helps to increase children’s motivation for educational activities, activates cognitive activity, and improves the quality of assimilation of program material with children. One of the indicators of a teacher’s success and the quality of his educational activities is his achievements. pupils. So my children are participants in the Internet competitions: 1. Participation in the All-Russian competition children's creativity"Dear Mom", "Talent from the Cradle", "Step forward", "Talantokha" etc. It is very interesting for parents to go online and see the name of their child among the competition participants and receive a certificate of participation. An integral part The teacher's job is to work with parents. Use of ICT, in my opinion, significantly reduced the time required to prepare and conduct parent-teacher meetings and helped encourage parents to communicate more easily. Parents are given the opportunity to observe first-hand the development of children in preschool educational institutions. This form work has become a worthy alternative to oral reports and written reports at meetings. During morning and evening meetings with parents, the teacher is often busy with children and cannot always pay due attention to parents. It is necessary to search for new productive forms of interaction with parents. I designed a wonderful parent corner for them, the materials for which I found all on the same sites on the Internet. Such bright and colorful information always attracts attention and is concise and accessible to parents. In addition, parents have the opportunity to access the website kindergarten where they can obtain available information.

What benefits do parents get from a group site? Firstly, they have the opportunity to monitor the life of a group or kindergarten. Secondly, the site allows you to learn better kindergarten teachers and specialists, can get the necessary advice from them. And at home, together with your child, it is always interesting to look at the kindergarten’s website, look at new photographs together, and listen to the child’s message about past events. Using ICT in working with parents, I realized that it gives great advantages: 1. E-mail for exchanging opinions without wasting time; 2. Information is studied by parents at a time convenient for them; 3. Information flows are increasing; 4. Individual approach in presenting information. From all of the above, we can conclude that my use of ICT in educational-educational process: 1. Contributed to improving my professional level as a teacher, activated me to search for new non-traditional forms and methods of teaching, and gave an incentive to demonstrate my creative abilities. 2. Increased children’s interest in learning, intensified cognitive activity, and improved the quality of children’s assimilation of program material. 3. Raised the level of pedagogical competence of parents, their awareness of the life of the group and the results of each individual child, increased interest in events in kindergarten.

Work experience “Using TRIZ technology “Circles of Lull” in speech therapy work” Rukhlya N. With. :Circles of Lull in the work of a speech therapist Description of work experience in using TRIZ technology “Circles of Lull” in speech therapy.

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Title of the work: The use of ICT in the work of teachers of preschool educational institutions “An educated person is one who knows where to find what he does not know” Georg Simmel Information and communication technologies (ICT) are technologies for accessing various information sources and tools for joint activities, aimed at to obtain a specific result. Information is a collection of any data or knowledge. Communication is a way of communication, a form of communication, an act of communication, the communication of information by one person to another or a number of persons. Technology is a set of methods and tools to achieve the desired result, a method of transforming what is given into what is necessary. Information and communication technologies are actively entering our lives and the education system, including preschool. Already today they are used in working with children and parents, in methodological work and in the management of a preschool institution. Informatization of preschool education is an objective and inevitable process. A new educational environment is being formed in kindergartens, high-tech information tools for the education and development of preschoolers appear (digital cameras, video recorders, televisions, video cameras, computers, multimedia projectors, screens, touch-screen interactive boards, etc.). The production of developmental and educational multimedia products for preschool children (computer games, electronic encyclopedias, cartoons, educational videos and programs, websites, etc.) is expanding. The practical application of constantly changing information technologies in the life of society forces managers, educators, and specialists to change their attitude towards established forms and methods of work in preschool educational institutions. In order to raise a physically developed, inquisitive, active, emotionally responsive child who has mastered the means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and peers, trained teaching staff are needed who are able to combine traditional teaching methods and modern information technologies. The informatization of society has changed the practices of everyday life. We, teachers, must become a guide to the world of new technologies for the child. The introduction of ICT increases the requirements for the level of professionalism of teachers. Preschool teachers are obliged to ensure a full transition of children to the next level of the continuous education system, to provide the opportunity to become participants in the unified educational space of the Russian Federation. This requires the introduction and use of information technologies in preschool educational institutions. A teaching worker must be able to use the following ICT tools in everyday life and work: computer and peripheral equipment application software at the user level
communication means (e-mail, Internet) at the user level have an understanding of various media resources and be able to use them have an understanding of the standards for working with information apply sanitary standards and rules when working with a computer ICT competencies of a teacher. A pedagogical worker must be able to apply in his professional activities, subject to the availability of ICT resources in an educational institution, the following skills: selectively use ICT resources in professional activities (text, graphic, computing, multimedia environments, search engines) have a complete understanding of available media resources and educational resources on the Internet recommended for use in the educational process on the subject, be able to use them, place an order and subscribe; be able to evaluate the main pedagogical properties of electronic educational products; determine the pedagogical feasibility of their use in the educational process; be able to selectively apply various models of ICT use in professional activities; educational activities depending on the actual equipment of the educational institution ICT competencies of a preschool educational institution methodologist. A teaching worker must be able to apply in his professional activities, subject to the availability of ICT resources in an educational institution, the following skills:  be able to use telecommunications tools freely  know the basic principles of working with distance learning courses  have an understanding of the available distance learning courses on specific subjects that are included in the scope of activity specific specialist  be able to work in forum mode, video conference  be able to use ready-made and own multimedia objects for embedding in the course  master basic information security tools The use of computer technologies in an institution occurs gradually, but sometimes painfully: mandatory preparation of long-term work plans, notes of the educational course itself activities, results of pedagogical diagnostics, information stands, parent corners, certification materials, generalization of experience, etc. These requirements do not always correspond to the capabilities of teachers. Inability, and sometimes simply unwillingness, to use computers and computer programs deprive the process
initial training of children in brightness, and in working with parents - greater efficiency and visibility. To introduce ICT in kindergarten, a form of work in pairs is used: when one teacher is an active user of technical means, and the other is learning, and this opens up new opportunities in work. Using the Microsoft Power Point program, the following can be created: presentations to pedagogical councils, parent meetings, speeches on the unification method, speeches at master classes, summaries of current pedagogical experiences of preschool teachers, open events of preschool educational institutions (for children and parents). Long-term plans, documentation of teachers, notes of direct educational activities require the use of Microsoft Word. Digital cameras, printers, scanners, copiers, cameras, and mobile phones with Internet access have become common means of media devices. Teachers can also use a multimedia projector with a screen, as well as laptops in their work. The use of these multimedia devices allows the kindergarten to create routes, trajectories for studying traffic rules, conduct master classes, seminars, teacher councils, and regularly update information stands for parents and kindergarten staff. Kindergarten teachers who have mastered ICT have endless opportunities for effective creative work. The use of ICT helps to significantly change the subject-development environment of groups. The ability to use the Internet allows you to find out new events taking place in pedagogical communities, track announcements of events (holding International, All-Russian, regional, municipal competitions, seminars, conferences), receive advice on current issues, post your work on the websites of preschool educational institutions, Department of Education, “Everything for kindergarten”, Education Manager, where you can get acquainted with the developments of the activities of your fellow teachers. Communication on forums with colleagues from all over Russia helps to move forward in the work of a teacher. Much attention is paid to the use of information and communication technologies in methodological work and management of a preschool institution. The possibilities of an electronic portfolio (for teacher certification) and presentation of a teacher’s pedagogical achievements are analyzed. The use of information and communication technologies in preschool education makes it possible to expand the creative abilities of the teacher and has a positive impact on the upbringing, training and development of preschool children. When implementing an informatization program in a kindergarten, we can say with confidence that ICT is an effective technical tool with which one can significantly diversify the work of teachers with children in preschool educational institutions. Considering the problem of continuity between kindergarten and school, teacher-researchers consider the problem of using ICT in teaching as a holistic process that ensures the full development of the individual, the transfer of kindergarten students to school with a level of knowledge and skills that will become the basis for the further comprehensive development of the child’s personality.