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Adverbs of frequency in Spanish. Degrees of comparison of adverbs

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Detalles Category: Prepositions

In Spanish, prepositions express cases. In addition, many verbs are used only in combination with certain prepositions.

Basic prepositions:

V; on (when indicating the direction of movement, answering the question: where?)

with (who? what?)

indicates the ownership of an object or person, answering the questions: whose? whose?

from - when designating a place as the starting point of movement;

o - when designating a person, object, phenomenon that represents the object of conversation, reflection (to talk about something - hablar de algo)

s, from... (when indicating time and distance)

in, on (to indicate a place, answering the question: where?)

until (to indicate a limit of time or space)

for (who? what?)

by, through

on (who? what?)

after; behind (what? who?)

Merging articles and prepositions

In the Spanish language there is such a thing as the merging of masculine definite articles and prepositions.

This rule is correct only for definite articles and for prepositions a And de:

definite article el+ preposition A = al

Definite article el+ preposition de = del

Vuelven al trabajo a la una de la tarde. - They return to work at one o'clock in the afternoon.
Vamos al campo y volvemos a la ciudad mañana. – We are going to the village and returning to the city tomorrow.
El profesor no contesta a la pregunta del estudiante. – The teacher does not answer the student’s question.
Es uno de los mejores escritores del siglo XIX. – This is one of the best writers of the 19th century.

The preposition a is translated into Russian as “in, at, to, for, by” depending on the sentence and is used:

  1. After verbs of motion:

go, go somewhere

to come, to arrive somewhere

to come, to arrive somewhere

travel somewhere

go, go somewhere

Hoy vamos al cine. – Today we are going to the cinema.
Cada año viajo a Spain. – Every year I travel to Spain.
Vengo a Casa a las 11 de la mañana. – I come home at 11 am.

  1. When indicating time: when, what time:

Cada jueves cenamos a las 22 de la noche. – Every Thursday we have dinner at 10 pm.
Tengo clase a las 15 de la tarde. – I have classes at 3 pm.

  1. Placed before animate nouns when answering the question “Who?”, “To whom?”:

¿Invito a los chicos? – Should I invite the guys?
Veo a Pili todos los días. – I meet Pili every day.

¿Le doy el libro a Maria? – I give the book to Maria.
Debo contestar a Todos los usuarios. – I must respond to all users.

  1. When answering the questions “For what?”, “For what purpose?”:

Vengo a hablar de tu comportamiento. - I come (for what?) to talk about your behavior.

  1. In stable combinations that answer the question “How?”:

No soporto las citas a ciegas. – I can’t stand blind dates.
¿Vamos a casa a pie? - Shall we walk home?
Este chisme está hecho al tuntun. – This thing was made at random (at random).

The preposition de is translated into Russian as “from, with, in, from, about, by, because of” depending on the sentence and is used:

  1. When answering the questions “Who?”, “What?”, “Whose?”:

Tengo la guitarra de Pedro. – I have a guitar (who?) Pedro.
Son las cosas de Juan. – These are the things of (who?) Juan.

  1. When you want to indicate that a thing is made of something:

He comprado una nueva mesa de madera. – I bought a new wooden table (a table made of wood).
¿Me puedes dar aquella caja de plastic? -Can you give me that plastic box over there?

  1. Designation of the starting point of movement ("from", "where from?"):

Venimos de casa. - We come from home.
Salgo de Moscú manana. – I’m leaving Moscow tomorrow.

And with other verbs meaning “from”:

Soy de Madrid. - I'm from Madrid.

  1. The preposition de is often translated into Russian as “o”, i.e. talk about something, etc.:

Hablamos de nuestras aventuras. – We are talking about our adventures.
Estoy leyendo un libro de filosofía. – I’m reading a book about philosophy.

The preposition con is usually translated into Russian as “with”:

Vivo con mis amigos. – I live with my friends.
Hablamos con el director. - We are talking with the director.
Traigame, por favor, un café con helado. - Bring me some coffee and ice cream, please.

In phrases answering the question “How?”, “In what way?”, “With what?”:

Te ayudaré con placer. - I will help you with pleasure.
¿Siempre comes con apetito? – Do you always eat with appetite?

The preposition en is translated as “in, on, by, at” and is used:

1. When designating a place:

Mi amigo trabaja en la oficina. – My friend works in an office.
Quedamos en la cafetería de al lado. – We’ll meet at a cafe nearby.

2. When indicating time:

En dos horas estamos en casa. - We'll be home in two hours.
En agosto me voy a Italia a ver a mi novio. – In August I will go to Italy to visit my boyfriend.

3. When designating a vehicle:

Siempre viajo en avión porque los trenes me dan miedo. – I always travel by plane because I am afraid of trains.
¿Vamos en coche? - Shall we go by car?

The preposition hacia is translated as “to, around” and indicates approaching some place or time:

Siempre sale y va hacia el centro. “He always comes out and walks towards the center.
¿Nos vemos hacia las tres? – Meet around three?

The preposition sin is translated into Russian as “without”:

¿Esperamos un poco o vamos sin tus amigos? – Shall we wait a little or go without your friends?
Parece que viene sin ganas. “It seems like he came reluctantly.”

In phrases with an infinitive it is translated into Russian as a negative participial phrase:

Trabajo todo el día sin comer. – I work all day without eating.
Se ha ido sin mirarme siquiera. “He left without even looking at me.”

The preposition sobre translates as “on, above, about, about.”

1. Indicates the location - on or above any surface:

Las llaves están sobre la mesa. - The keys are on the table.
Estamos volando sobre Spain. - We are flying over Spain.

2. Indicates an approximate number, amount, measure of something:

Tellamo sobre las 7 de la tarde, ¿vale? – I’ll call you around 7 pm, okay?
Ghana sobre dos mil euros al mes. – He receives about 2 thousand euros a month.

3. Indicates what or regarding what we are talking about and is equal to the Russian “o”:

¿Me compras algún libro sobre economy? – Will you buy me some book about economics?
Cuentame algo sobre tu vida. – Tell me something about your life.

Translated as “until some place or time”:

La tienda está abierta hasta las 21 de la tarde. – The store is open until 9 pm.
¿Caminemos hasta la plaza? - Let's walk to the square?

Takes on the role of an intensifying particle and is translated into Russian by the word “even”:

Hasta Yo no aguanto tanta presión. “Even I can’t stand that kind of pressure.”
Hasta El Corte Inglés está cerrado hoy. – Even el Corte Inglés is closed today.

The preposition desde is translated as “from, from, with.”

1. Indicates the circumstance of the place:

Me saluda desde el train. – He greets me from the train.
Desde la ventana se ve el arcoiris. - You can see a rainbow from the window.

2. Used in combination with the preposition hasta and indicates a time period or distance:

Desde las 8 de la mañana hasta las 3 de la tarde estoy en la oficina. – From 8 am to 3 pm I am in the office.
Desde El mar hasta las montañas no hay nada. - There is nothing from the sea to the mountains.

3. In combination, desde hace indicates the duration of an action:

Vivo aquí desde hace un año. - I've been living here for a year.
Trabajo en esta empresa desde hace dos años. – I have been working in this company for 2 years.

The preposition ante is translated as “before, opposite” and indicates the location of something in front of something or someone:

Debes comparer ante tu jefe. “You must appear before your superior.”
Estamos ante la puerta. - We are in front of the door (opposite the door).

In the last section, in all examples and exercises, only one preposition was used - en, which is translated by Russian prepositions on or in:

El libro está en la mesa - The book is on the table
Madrid está en España - Madrid is located in Spain

The preposition en in such sentences can be replaced with other prepositions or adverbs - for example: under, above, next to, far and others - and thus we will change the position of one object in relation to another.

Now we will simply list various prepositions and adverbs indicating a place, accompanied by example sentences with them, plus we will make small comments in those cases that require it. Try to remember everything well.

debajo de - under

El libro está debajo de la mesa— The book is under the table

Debajo de is an adverb in Spanish and is used with the preposition de before a noun. Unlike the simple preposition en, this combination is double, where the preposition de indicates case (not “The book under the table”, but “The book under the table”). We will come across a sufficient number of similar cases in this topic.

Don't say: El libro está debajo la mesa

More examples:

What do you think? - Where is a cat?
El gato está debajo de la silla— The cat is under the chair

¿Está el periódico debajo de la tele?— Is the newspaper under the TV?

Say it yourself:

The phone is under the bed
The pencil lies under the magazine

delante de - before

El coche está delante de la casa— The car is parked in front of the house
La cortina está delante de la ventana— The curtain hangs in front of the window

Say it yourself:

Señor Gonzalez stands in front of the store
Is the sofa in front of the TV?

detrás de - behind, behind

La chaqueta está detrás de la puerta— The jacket is behind the door
¿Está el bolso detrás de la silla?— The bag behind the chair?

Say it yourself:

The garden is behind the house

a la derecha de - to the right of

El dormitorio está a la derecha de la cocina— The bedroom is to the right of the kitchen
Paula está a la derecha de Ricardo— Paula is to the right of Ricardo

The adverb a la derecha de consists of more elements than all previous ones, but the principle of use remains the same.

Say it yourself:

The painting hangs to the right of the window
Is the table to the right of the refrigerator?

a la izquierda de - to the left of

Las tiendas están a la izquierda de la escuela— Shops are located to the left of the school
El baño está a la izquierda de la puerta— The toilet is to the left of the door

Say it yourself:

Where is the cafe?
The cafe is located to the left of the beach

Silvia is to the left of Manuel

Please note that in all of the above examples we placed objects in relation to feminine objects: detrás de la puerta, debajo de la mesa etc. This is not accidental, because the preposition de has one peculiarity. If the preposition de comes before the article el, then they merge and get del. This merger occurs only with the article el. The remaining articles do not undergo such changes.

De + el = del

El perro está debajo del sillón— The dog is under the chair
Las fotos están a la derecha del reloj— Photos are to the right of the clock

Now you know this rule, and we can continue to list prepositions and adverbs of place, including in relation to the masculine gender.

Say it yourself:

A boy stands behind a tree
The painting is to the left of the shelf

cerca de - close to, from

La casa está cerca del río – The house is close to the river
Portugal está cerca de España— Portugal is close to Spain

Say it yourself:

The forest is close to the city
Miguel's work is close to home

lejos de - far from

La playa está lejos del hotel— The beach is far from the hotel
Francia está lejos de Rusia - France is far from Russia

Say it yourself:

Malaga is far from Barcelona
The plant is located far from the city
Are the shops far from the hotel?

encima de - above

El sol está encima de la montaña— The sun is above the mountain

Say it yourself:

The chandelier is above the chair
Moon in the sky over the city

There are also adverbs and prepositions that are somewhat similar in meaning to some of the above. We will now look at the difference between them.

sobre - on

This preposition is used when an object is on some horizontal surface. Most often this is a table.

El álbum está sobre la mesa - The album is on the table

In this case, this sentence will be equivalent in meaning to the phrase El álbum está en la mesa. Both options will be correct. However, if the object is not on a horizontal surface, but, for example, on a wall, then the preposition sobre will no longer be suitable.

El cuadro está en la pared – The painting is on the wall

Say it yourself:

Cups are on the table

enfrente de - opposite

La fuente está enfrente del museo— The fountain is located opposite the museum

There are people who confuse delante (in front) and enfrente (opposite). The meanings of these adverbs are indeed very similar, and you can often use any of them in a sentence according to their meaning.

Say it yourself:

The store is located opposite the house
The sofa is in front of the TV

al lado de - next to

The difference between al lado (near) and cerca (close) can also be easily seen through the translation into Russian. Their meanings overlap, but there are still cases when they are somewhat different. For example: Jose sitting next to Sofia is not quite the same as Jose sitting close to Sofia.

José está al lado de Sofía

Although in most cases you can use either of the two options.

El trabajo está cerca de la casa = El trabajo está al lado de la casa

Say it yourself:

The factory is located next to the river
The museum is located next to the hotel

Note: The preposition de is added to an adverb only to link it to the following noun. If there is no noun, then the preposition de is not needed.

El baño está a la derecha - Toilet to the right
El río está cerca - The river is close
El museo está detrás – The museum behind

Say it yourself:

Kitchen on the left
The beach is nearby
Shops are opposite

Don't say: El baño está a la derecha de

Be sure to learn all the adverbs and prepositions of place presented in this topic and practice them in the exercises.

Palabras nuevas
New words

un periódico - newspaper
un baño - bathroom, toilet
un río - river
un hotel - hotel
una araña - chandelier; spider
un album - album
un cuadro - picture
una fuente - fountain
una estrella - star
el metro - metro
los padres - parents
un puente - bridge


Ejercicio 1
Translate into Spanish

on, under, close to, to the left of, in front of, to the right of, behind, in, opposite, next to, above

Ejercicio 2
Combine adverbs with opposite meanings

a la izquierda
a la derecha

Ejercicio 3

Make one sentence with each adverb and preposition of place, describing the position of objects around you

Ejercicio 4
Give negative answers to the questions, specifying at your discretion where the object is located

¿Está el libro sobre la mesa? - No, el libro no está sobre la mesa. El libro está debajo de la cama

1. ¿Está la flor en el jarrón? 2. ¿Está el jardín delante de la casa? 3. ¿Está el telefono debajo de la toalla? 4. ¿Está Marcos detrás del árbol? 5. ¿Está el profesor al lado de la pizarra? 6. ¿Está Italia cerca de Rusia? 7. ¿Están las estrellas encima de las montañas? 8. ¿Están las habitaciones a la derecha de la sala? 9. ¿Están las señoras en el parque? 10. ¿Están las tiendas lejos del metro?

Ejercicio 5
Translate into Spanish

1. The lamp is on the table; 2. The book is under the bed; 3. The chair is opposite the desk; 4. The clock hangs above the door; 5. The wardrobe is located to the right of the sofa; 6. The river is far from the forest; 7. Children are close to their parents; 8. Museums are located far from the city center; 9. Where is Plaza Catalunya? — Plaza Catalunya is close to La Rambla; 10. Is the fountain to the left of the bridge? — No, the fountain is not to the left of the bridge. The fountain is located to the right of the bridge.

Adverbs in Spanish are used very widely both in spoken Spanish and in written language. Adverbs in the Spanish language are quite heterogeneous both in function and in structure and method of formation, so we will consider this part of speech in more detail.

An adverb in Spanish is a part of speech that denotes an action and characterizes a verb, adjective or other adverb.

All adverbs in the Spanish language are divided into 3 large groups according to their functions: qualitative, adverbial and modal. According to the structure, adverbs in Spanish are divided into simple (consisting of one word) and complex (consisting of several words).

Qualitative adverbs in Spanish

Qualitative adverbs in Spanish include adverbs of manner (the largest group of adverbs) and quantitative adverbs.

Adverbs of manner of action characterize the action itself in terms of quality and method of its implementation:

Don Corleone sabía perfectamente quiénes eran – Don Corleone knew perfectly well who they were

The most common adverbs of manner in Spanish: alto – high, loud

bajo – low, quiet

bien - good

mal – bad

despacio – slowly

pronto - quickly

In addition to the above adverbs in Spanish, this group includes many stable phrases, which we will consider below.

Quantitative adverbs in Spanish characterize the degree of action and answer the question “how much?”, “how much?”. The most commonly used quantitative adverbs in Spanish are:

algo - a little

casi - almost

bastante - enough

demasiado - too much

más - more

menos - less

muy - very

mucho - a lot

tan - so much

Adverbs in Spanish

The main function of adverbial adverbs in Spanish is inherent in the name itself - they express the circumstances under which an action occurs. This group includes all adverbs of place and time in Spanish.

Adverbs of place in Spanish indicate the place or direction of action and answer the question “where?”, “where to?”, “from where?”

Basic adverbs of place in Spanish:

abajo - below

arriba - above

delante - before

detrás - behind

cerca – around, near

lejos - far away

aqui - here

dentro - inside

fuera - outside, outside

enfrente - opposite

Adverbs of time in Spanish indicate the time during which the action takes place and answer the questions “when?”, “since when?” and “until when?”

The most common adverbs of time in Spanish are:

ahora - now

antes - before

luego - then, then

después - after

ayer - yesterday

hoy - today

mañana - tomorrow

en fin - finally

por fin - finally

en seguida - now

mientras - meanwhile

temprano - early

tarde - late

siempre - always

todavía - more

Modal adverbs in Spanish

Modal adverbs in Spanish express the possibility or likelihood of an action. In addition, these Spanish adverbs can affirm or deny an action.

The main modal adverbs in Spanish are as follows:

quizá (quizás) – maybe

tal vez – perhaps

acaso - perhaps

al seguro - true

ciertamente - of course

también - also

nunca - never

jamas - never

tampoco – also no

Note: the use of a combination of 2 negative adverbs nunca and jamás strengthens the negation:

Nunca jamás lo hare - I will never do this in my life

Methods of forming adverbs in Spanish

There are several ways to form adverbs in Spanish:

Direct conversion (transition from another part of speech without change):

alto, bajo, etc. Since in this case the form of the adverb and adjective are the same, they must be distinguished by function: an adverb characterizes a verb, adjective or other adverb, while an adjective of similar spelling characterizes a noun and agrees with it in gender and number.

Forming an adverb from another adverb using an affix:

debajo, anteayer, etc.;

Formation of adverbs in Spanish from adjectives using the suffix –mente: tranquilamente - calmly, efectivamente - really, etc. Quite a lot of adverbs in the Spanish language are formed in this way, but among them there are no adverbs of place and time;

Formation of complex adverbs in Spanish. Complex adverbs include stable adverbial phrases consisting of a preposition and another part of speech:

a diestro y siniestro – disorderly

de prisa - hastily

de repente - suddenly

de pronto - suddenly

en effecto - really

por desgracia – unfortunately, etc.

Degrees of comparison of adverbs in Spanish

Qualitative adverbs in Spanish can form 3 degrees of comparison: positive, comparative and superlative (similar to the degrees of comparison of adjectives in Spanish).

1. Positive degree of comparison– this is the basic form of the adverb from which other degrees of adverbs are formed.

2. comparative Adverbs in Spanish are formed using the quantitative adverb más, menos or tan and the main adverb:

mas tranquilamente - more calm

menos claramente - less clear

In most cases, que or como is added to this construction:

El vive tan pobremente como los otros - he lives as poorly as others

Some adverbs in Spanish have their own comparative forms:

bien – good, mejor – better

mal – bad, peor – worse

mucho – a lot, más – more

poco – few, menos – less

3. Superlative comparison Adverbs in Spanish have several ways of formation:

Adverb muy + main adverb: muy bien

Main adverb + ísimo: mucho – muchísimo

Neuter article lo + comparative adverbs: lo mas alto

Note: This way of forming the superlative degree of comparison in Spanish is more often used with the adjective posible:

lo mas pronto posible – as quickly as possible

Exceptions: The adverbs in Spanish bien and mal have the superlative forms óptimamente and pésimamente, respectively.

You will spend 30 minutes on this lesson. To listen to the word, please click on the Audio icon . If you have any questions regarding this course, please contact me by email: Learn Spanish.

Here's a short explanation: Adverbs

Adverbs are used very often, there are 4 types of adverbs: adverbs of time (today, yesterday...), adverbs of place (here, there...), adverbs of manner (quickly, easily...), and adverbs of frequency (usually, always, never...).

Below is a list of the most commonly used words, the scope of which is: Adverbs. The table below has 3 columns (Russian, Spanish and pronunciation). Try to repeat the words after listening. This will help you improve your pronunciation and also remember the word better.

List of adjectives

Russian language Adverbs Audio
last nightanoche
Latermas tarde
next weeksemana próxima
this morningesta mañana
tonightesta noche
still, neverthelesstodavia
everywhereen todas partes
by oneselfsolo
carefully, carefullycon cuidado
In factde verdad
rarelyrara vez
Sometimesa veces

Here is a list of sentences containing several vocabulary items shown in the above topic about: Adverbs. Sentences are added to help you understand how the structure of an entire sentence can affect the function and meaning of individual words.

Animals vocabulary

This is a list of animal vocabulary. If you learn the following words by heart, it will make your conversations with the natives much easier and more enjoyable.

Animals vocabulary

Russian language Animals Audio
animalel animal
bearel oso
birdel pájaro
butterflyla mariposa
cat Kittyel gato
cowla vaca
dogel perro
donkeyel burro
eagleel águila
elephantel elefante
farmla granja / la explotación agraria
forestel bosque
goatla cabra
horseel caballo
insectel insecto
a lionel leon
monkeyel mono
mosquitoel mosquito
mouseel raton
rabbitel conejo
sheeplas ovejas
snakela serpiente
spiderla araña
tigerEl Tigre

Daily Talk

Spanish phrases

Russian language Spanish Audio
Do you have animals?¿Tienes animales?
Do you sell dog food?¿Vendes comida para perros?
I have a dogTengo un perro
Monkeys are funnyLos monos son divertidos / graciosos
She loves catsA ella le gustan los gatos
Tigers are fastLos tigres son rapidos
bad, bad, bad, badMal
happy, happy, happy, happyFeliz
sad, sad, sad, sadTriste
Thank you!¡Gracias!
My pleasure!¡De nada!
Have a nice day!Que pases un buen día
Good night!Buenas nights
Have a nice trip!¡Buen viaje!
It was a pleasure talking to you!Me ha gustado hablar contigo

Benefits of learning a language

Those who can speak more than one language are able to understand a range of words more quickly, especially if the word means the same thing in English. different languages. For example " l"amour"in French and" el amor" in Spanish.

According to their meaning, adverbs are divided into five groups: adverbs of place, adverbs of time, adverbs of manner, quantitative adverbs and modal adverbs, which can be divided into three subgroups: adverbs of affirmation, negation and doubt.

Adverbs of place

Adverbs of place adverbios de lugar. Point out where the action is taking place and answer the question. What? Where? with verbs of location. Adverbs on -mente do not belong to this type of adverbs.

  • abajo at the bottom
  • adelante ahead
  • ahi here there
  • aquí Here
  • alli there
  • arriba upstairs
  • cerca close
  • dentro inside
  • detrás behind
  • donde Where
  • de donde where
  • encima above
  • lejos far
  • atras behind, behind
  • debajo below, under
  • fuera outside
  • junto near
  • enfrente against and etc.
  • El muchacho que va detrás, es mi amigo. - The young man walking behind is my friend.
  • Los vecinos que viven arriba siempre hacen mucho ruido y me molestan. - The neighbors who live upstairs are always very noisy and disturb me.

Some adverbial phrases with the meaning of adverbs of place:

  • a la derecha right
  • a la izquierda left
  • en todas partes everywhere
  • en ninguna parte nowhere and etc.
  • El estanco está a la derecha, tiene usted que doblar la esquina. - The kiosk is on the right, you need to turn the corner.
  • En ninguna parte puedo encontrar libro que necesito mucho. - I can't find the book I really need anywhere.

Adverbs aquí, ahí, allí have a certain lexical connection with demonstrative pronouns (see “ Demonstrative pronouns”):

  • aquí Here points to a place next to the speaker: en este lugar
  • ahi here there points to a place closer to the interlocutor: en ese lugar
  • alli there indicates a place distant from both speakers: en aquel lugar
  • Aquellas sillas están allí, en el jardín, aquí está solo está. - Those chairs are there in the garden, only this chair is here.

Adverbs of time

Adverbs of time Adverbios de tiempo. Indicate when an action occurred and answer questions What? When? ¿desde cuándo? From what time? What's wrong? until what time? Adverbs on -mente are very rare in this group.

The most common simple adverbs of this group are:

  • Ahora Now
  • antaño before
  • antes earlier
  • aun more
  • ayer yesterday
  • cuando When
  • después/luego Then
  • hogaño currently
  • hoy Today
  • mañana Tomorrow
  • mientras meanwhile
  • nunca never
  • recien just now
  • siempre Always
  • tarde late
  • temprano early
  • todavia more
  • ya already and etc.
  • El entrenador de nuestro equipo es siempre muy estricto con sus discípulos. - The coach of our team is always very strict with his players.
  • ¿Hasta cuándo vas a estar en Valencia? - Hasta mañana. - Until what day will you be in Valencia? - Till tomorrow.
  • Vive cerca de su oficina y por eso se levanta por la mañana bastante tarde. - He lives close to his office and therefore gets up quite late in the morning.

Adverb recien used in Spanish only with the past participle:

  • Los recién llegados pueden sentarse. - Those who just arrived can sit down.

Some adverbial phrases and expressions with the meaning of adverbs of time:

  • a menudo often
  • de día during the day
  • de noche at night
  • de vez en cuando/a veces Sometimes
  • en seguida now
  • pasado mañana day after tomorrow and etc.
  • Me gusta trabajar de noche. - I love working at night.
  • ¿Vas al teatro a menudo? - No, de vez en cuando, si tengo tiempo. - Do you often go to the theater? - No, sometimes, if I have time.

Adverbial turn en seguida now enseguida

  • Te prepararé el desayuno enseguida. - I'll cook breakfast for you right now.
  • El camarero dice que nos servirá enseguida. - The waiter says he will serve us right away.

Adverbs of manner

Adverbs of manner Adverbios de modo. They indicate how the action occurred, what its quality is and answer the question What? How? These include all adverbs in -mente.

The most commonly used simple adverbs are:

  • adrade on purpose
  • alto loud
  • asi So
  • bien Fine
  • bajo quiet, low
  • despacio slowly
  • duro hard, with difficulty
  • claro It's clear
  • como/cual How
  • mal Badly
  • pronto/rapido soon, quickly
  • salvo except, except

All adverbial phrases indicated at the end of the page “Formation of adverbs” refer to adverbs of manner of action.

  • ¿Por qué hablas tan alto? Te oigo muy bien. - Why are you talking so loud? I can hear you very well.
  • Lo ha hecho a propósito, para burlarse de mí. - He did this on purpose to make fun of me.
  • De repente se oyó un ruido extraño. - Suddenly a strange noise was heard.
  • ¿Por qué nos acompañas de mala gana? - Why are you so reluctant to come with us?
  • Miraba a su amigo atentamente (con atención). - He looked at his friend carefully.

Some grammarians classify the word as an adverb of manner tal such(see “Demonstrative pronouns” for more details). It indicates quality, can only be combined with nouns, and has a plural form. tales:

  • Tales novelas como “Cien años de soledad” de Gabriel García Marquéz enriquecen la literatura universal. - Novels such as One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez enrich world literature.

Adverbial turn de prize fast can be written either separately or together. There is a trend now continuous writing - deprisa. However, it is often found in the literature separate writing of this adverb:

  • Iba caminando muy deprisa, no podía alcanzarle. - He walked very fast, I could not catch up with him.
  • Vámonos más deprisa, el espectáculo empieza pronto. - Let's go quickly, the performance will start soon.

Quantitative adverbs

Quantitative adverbs adverbios de cantidad indicate the scope of action, the degree of its quality and answer the question What about? How many? Adverbs on -mente are rare in this category of adverbs.

The most commonly used quantitative adverbs are:

  • algo a little, a few
  • apenas barely
  • case almost
  • cuanto How many
  • bastante enough
  • demasiado too much
  • harto enough
  • poco few
  • más more
  • menos less
  • mucho a lot of
  • muy Very
  • solo only
  • tanto/tan so much, so much, so much
  • todo All
  • Nos queda poco tiempo. - We have little time left.
  • ¡Cuántos monumentos interesantes se puеde ver en ese país! - How many beautiful ancient monuments can be seen in this country!
  • Trabajas demasiado. No es necesario que trabajes tanto. - You work too much. You don't need to work so much.
  • Regresó a casa bastante tarde. - He returned home quite late.
  • Solo tú puedes entenderme. - Only you can understand me.

Adverb muy used only before adjectives and adverbs:

  • La dependente es muy amable. - The saleswoman is very kind.
  • Ya es muy tarde. - It's already very late.

Adverb mucho a lot of combined with adverbs major better, peor worse, más more, menos less has the meaning much:

  • El enfermo se siente mucho mejor. - The patient feels much better.
  • Hiciste mucho más de lo que yo esperaba. - You did much more than I expected.

Adverb tanto so much, so much defines verb:

  • ¿Por qué hablas tanto? - Why are you talking so much?

This adverb is also used as an adjective, combining with a noun and agreeing with it in gender and number:

  • María tiene tantos libros, que no le queda tiempo para leerlos. - Maria has so many books that she has no time to read them.

Adverb tan so, so defines adjectives and adverbs, indicates the degree of quality or quantity:

  • Esta novela es tan buena, que quiero volver a leerla. - This novel is so good that I want to reread it.
  • ¡Prometes tanto y haces tan poco! - You promise so much and deliver so little!

Modal adverbs (adverbios modales)

Adverbs of assertion

Adverbs of assertion adverbios de afirmación:

  • si Yes
  • también yeah too
  • cierto right
  • effectivamente really
  • claro Certainly
  • exactly exactly
  • obvio obviously
  • verdaderamente Truth
  • A lo cual ellos iban contestando que sí, que sí y que sí. - To which they replied that yes, yes and yes.
  • También soy hincha del equipo "Real Madrid". - I am also a fan of the Real Madrid team.
  • Efectivamente compramos un coche grande y potente. - We really bought a big and powerful car.

Adverbs of negation

Adverbs of negation adverbios de negación:

  • no No
  • jamas never
  • tampoco also no
  • nunca never
  • negativity negative
  • de ningún modo in no case

Modal adverbs with negative meaning nunca, jamas, tampoco can come before the verb, then the negative particle no not installed. If they come after the verb, the negative particle must come before the verb. Between a verb and a negative adverb there can only be a personal pronoun in the accusative or dative case:

  • Nunca me dices en lo que piensas. = No me dices nunca en lo que piensas. - You never tell me what you're thinking.
  • Tampoco estuvimos en este país. = No estuvimos tampoco en este país. - We have never been to this country either.
  • Más vale tarde que nunca./refran/ - Better late than never./proverb/

Adverbs of doubt

Adverbs of doubt adverbios de duda:

  • quiz(s) May be
  • acaso/tal vez perhaps, probably
  • probablemente/posiblemente Maybe
  • puede/puede ser May be
  • a lo major more likely
  • Quien Sabe who knows
  • Quizás me diga la verdad. - Maybe he'll tell me the truth.
  • Acaso se haya olvidado de ustedes. - Maybe she has forgotten you.
  • A lo mejor tienes razón. - Most likely you're right.
  • Tal vez ella conozca a Juan. - Perhaps she knows Juan.

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