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The magic of the hat. Become a magician with a magic hat! Who is this method suitable for?

Everything in a person should be harmonious: the body, inner world, thinking. Unfortunately, sometimes one of these components fails, and then fatigue appears, and the surrounding world makes it impossible to concentrate on one activity for a long time and complete the task.

Outstanding psychologist of the 20th century Edward de Bono and his method

People in creative professions often face a similar problem. The solution to this problem was once taken seriously by the writer and psychologist, an Englishman by birth, Edward de Bono.

The future expert in the field of creative thinking was born in 1933. Studied at Oxford, Trinity College, Cambridge and the University of Dundee. He has a master's degree in psychology, a doctorate in medicine and a doctorate in law.

In the 80s, the book “Six Thinking Hats” was published. It very clearly describes the principles of thinking reflected in the human brain.

The 6 Hats method is one of the most productive ways to help organize your thinking. The book talks about auxiliary techniques that allow you to structure collective, personal mental activity and make it as productive as possible.

And lately, this method is very popular because with its help you can find new, original answers to problems.

The principle of the six hats method

The basis of the book’s author’s method is the principle of parallel thinking. As you know, this or that judgment arises from disputes and discussions. This approach does not guarantee the truthfulness and reliability of the statement that prevailed in the process of controversy. Usually the winner is the one who proves his opinion more eloquently.

With parallel (critical) thinking, methods of opposition are not used: ideas, judgments, and different approaches exist and are accepted, but do not collide or mutually exclude each other.

Critical judgment is a type of person that allows one to look at an existing problem from different angles to find the right solution. Characterized by a high degree of perception and an objective approach to the information at its disposal.

What influences decision making

Many factors influence a person in the process of making a decision. The “6 hats” method allows you to cope with the main factors that influence a person at the moment of choice.

  1. Emotions. Strong emotions can temporarily turn off sober thinking and determine all further actions of a person, following the emotional component.
  2. Confusion- an indispensable companion in solving any new problem that a person has not encountered before. It is also present when finding answers to multi-level problems.
  3. Confusion. Many conflicting opinions, a large amount of information, the desire to be logical and consistent, combining all this with a high degree of creativity causes nothing but confusion and confusion.

The Six Thinking Hats method allows you to overcome the above difficulties by dividing the thinking process into 6 different modes, each of which corresponds in this method to a hat of a certain color. This kind of thinking allows you to develop concentration and the ability to analyze a problem from different sides in turn.

Hats that think

Who is this method suitable for?

In a group, the method has a lot in common with brainstorming. It is also effective in resolving controversial and conflict situations.

The “6 hats” method has long been used by leading international companies.

The book "Six Thinking Hats" by Edward de Bono provides recommendations for turning the system into reality. When using the method collectively, it is necessary to have a moderator who will guide the entire process.

The presenter writes down the “readings” of each hat on paper, summing up all the results at the end.

Let's take a closer look at what the "6 thinking hats" method looks like.

Example situations:

  • The presenter briefly introduces all participants to the task of each hat, then the problem for the sake of which everything was started is voiced. For example: “A competing company has proposed cooperation in the field... What proposals?”
  • Next, all participants try on a white hat, and take turns sharing their reasoning, according to the concept of the hat.
  • It is not necessary to follow a precise sequence of hats, but some consistency is necessary.
  • You can use this order: the white hat collects all the data about the subject of discussion (numbers, statistics, conditions).
  • Next, you should try on the colors, and look at the situation from the pessimistic side, you should try to see the fly in the ointment, even if it seems that everything is fine.
  • Putting on yellow hat, adopt a positive mindset.
  • Wearing a green hat, each session participant puts forward new, alternative ideas. Creative thinking must work to its maximum. New ideas are again analyzed from positive and negative sides.
  • Don't forget to periodically let off steam with a red hat. This hat is worn rarely and for a short period of time, no more than 30 seconds.
  • At the end of the general work, the moderator sums up the results. It is also the responsibility of the moderator to ensure that during the discussion everyone wears the same hat and does not get confused in their judgments.

You can work according to a different scheme. Let each of the participants wear hats of different colors, but it is important that the color contradicts the person’s personal qualities. For example, a pessimist puts on a black hat, and vice versa, a silent person tries on a green one; a red hat will decorate the head of a balanced project participant. This way, everyone involved can reach their potential.

Advantage is given to the first method, as it avoids confusion among session participants.

Mind map as an addition to the six hats method

When working using the six hats method, it is advisable to use What is it? This is a presentation of any event or idea in a systematic, graphic form. It allows you to trace and identify all semantic and cause-and-effect relationships between the objects and concepts under consideration.

Such a map allows you to sort out all the information without wasting time on unnecessary, absolutely unnecessary information, as is often the case when presenting the essence of a task verbally.

Essentially, a mind map is a visual representation of the workings of the human brain. It consists of neurons and their processes, which are interconnected by neural processes. Each image and thought stimulates one or another neural segment. Maps are represented as images of complex mental connections that help the brain organize phenomena and objects.

The main goal of creating such maps is to put things in order in your head, structuring all the information known about this matter. This will allow you to create a complete picture and look at it from different angles. Mind maps allow you to better manage data and promote greater freedom of thought.

Edward de Bono's six hats method, complete with mind maps, is widely used by entrepreneurs, designers, scientists, teachers, and representatives of other professions. Many successful people Westerners admit that they often resort to this method.

Application of the method in the school curriculum

The de Bon method is used in schools, in particular in Europe, America, and some Asian countries, starting in primary school.

The 6 Thinking Hats Method primary school gives excellent results in the future. This technology is of interest to teaching staff due to the following results.

  1. Children quickly learn to think critically, which helps them become more self-sufficient and independent. There will be no unsolvable problems for them in the future.
  2. Information serves only as a starting point, but not as an end point. It is an auxiliary tool on the way to the emergence of a unique solution for both simple and difficult problems.
  3. Thanks to the method, a rather boring educational process turns into a real intellectual activity for the student, which produces real results and allows one to find alternative solutions to even very non-standard issues. Studying data, analyzing information, considering various points By participating in a group discussion, students learn to find answers to questions that concern them.
  4. Students learn to argue their arguments persuasively using reasonable evidence (informational text, personal experience, statistical data).

Students use critical thinking in many ways educational activities, including in written work. In this case, the teacher can read the student’s train of thought, his thinking process, and evaluate the correctness of his conclusions.

Children love to work using the 6 hats method, because it allows them not only to find answers to the questions posed, but also to have an interesting time.

Critical thinking is available to students in both high school and junior high. For young students, mastering it will be, in a sense, even easier. Parallel thinking involves a certain amount of skepticism and doubt in generally accepted truths. It also allows you to develop your own point of view and be able to defend it.

The technology of parallel (critical) thinking has many methods that are used in the sequential implementation of each stage of the educational process. The six hats method is one of the most effective ways to learn to think critically.

Hats are an important part of a woman's costume for all occasions.

She is loved, worn and taken off. This extremely important addition to the wardrobe has almost disappeared from our lives, because in Russia the 20th century tried to erase class differences, and the hat managed to become an attribute of the bourgeoisie. Meanwhile, the history of the hat in Russia goes back 300 years, and it is full of incredible events that tell both about the fads of fashion and the special role of this part of the costume. Whoever decided the fate of hats in Russian society - milliners and fashionistas, artists and poets, the church and even tsars. And all this is due to the fact that among fashionable and current accessories, the hat occupies a very high, dominant position.

The history of hats is eventful. Since ancient times, hats have been endowed with magical properties and taken for a kind of “double” of the head. The hat is not just an element of a costume, but also a unique cultural and artistic phenomenon.

Unfortunately, even archaeologists cannot say what the world’s first headdress was, the invention of which historians attribute to ancient Greek craftsmen. The main ancestor of all modern hats, caps and berets has long been considered to be the “pilos” - a sun cap that men and women often put on their heads during field work. As for hats...it is believed that their ancestor was a headdress made of ordinary straw, with a brim and crown. According to another version, the prototype of modern hats is nothing more than sharp-angled caps called “genin” - such as stargazers and sorcerers wore on their heads. In France, a country recognized as a trendsetter, similar headdresses appeared on the heads of Burgundian court ladies. Moreover, the more noble the lady was, the higher the genin was on her head. The noblest of the nobles sometimes did not even fit into standard doors (due to the height of their genin) and therefore special doors were cut for them..

During the Middle Ages, a headdress could tell a lot about its owner. As the famous 19th century German poet Christian Genter wrote:

“For reasons beyond my knowledge, in all regions, in all years

The significance of money, power, rank was only visible from the hat...”

Indeed, one could easily determine a person’s social position and status by looking at his headdress. The choice of hat could tell about the person’s belonging to high society, to bohemian society, as well as about his originality. In the Middle Ages, hats richly decorated with expensive furs or precious stones were considered a luxury item.

Rich women attached great importance to this wardrobe detail, because hats at that time were something of a business card. And the more original the hat, the better! For representatives of the poor classes, things were completely different with hats. They were only concerned about the functionality of the hat and its comfort. Sometimes the hat replaced an umbrella. Poor women rarely purchased new hats, as they were extremely expensive...

What hats were decorated with in those distant times! For this they used jewelry, fur, ribbons, feathers, embroidery, lace, buttons, cockades, fresh flowers... During the reign of King Charlemagne, decorating a headdress with rooster or pheasant feathers was considered almost the highest reward, but for caps and hats persons who were guilty in some way were attached to plucked stuffed animals of small birds that lived in the forests...

During the Renaissance, a fashion arose for silk and velvet berets, very graceful, sophisticated and elegant. Then, in the seventeenth century, they were replaced by cocked hats and wigs. A century later, low felt hats of black color and round shape appeared, which later became the progenitors of cylinders.

According to hatmakers, the 19th century was truly the golden age of hats, because at that time a huge variety of hats, their shapes and individual details appeared. A tiny women's hat with the funny name "bibi", a cap with an abundance of ribbons and lace, a hat with mantonnieres made of straw and bearing the name "jester's nest", a turban richly decorated with jewelry and bird feathers, an exquisite crimson beret - this is not yet full list...

Somewhere in the middle of the 19th century, satiety set in with the luxury of women's hats and women began to actively master the wardrobe of the opposite sex... Silk top hats, straw boaters, sports kipi and cowboy hats - all of this quickly caught the taste of the ladies.

In the next, twentieth century, women again played a fatal role in hat fashion! These were Coco Chanel and Elsa Schiaparelli. Chanel tried to give women's headdresses a laconic elegance, and Schiaparelli, inspired by the surreal works of Salvador Dali, created the famous slipper hats...

Popular at all times, felt hats are, one might say, the national headdress of the Russian people. Even ancient Russian peasants wore the so-called “buckwheat” - these are hats that had a triangular shape, they were felted in the same way as felt boots, from sheep’s wool, and molded on pots in which buckwheat porridge was cooked. Hence the name. Having come under the influence of European culture, this headdress began to gradually become ennobled. And during the reign of Queen Catherine, in the village of Klenovo, located next to Podolsk, they seriously and thoroughly began producing felt. Now it was made not from coarse sheep wool, but from the fluff of bunnies and rabbits, which was much softer and more delicate... By the way, the famous velor felt was made precisely from fluff cut from the dorsal part of the hare skin. And in those days the quality of a headdress was determined in this way: they took the hat by the sides and tried it by touch - if the headdress “moved” from under the fingers, it means the quality was excellent!

Until the thirties of the last millennium, felt hats were made by hand, and then industrial production of felt hats was established. The main advantage of felt hats and caps is that, regardless of weather conditions, they are able to quickly restore their original shape.

In Russia, the history of hats goes back three centuries. One of the most famous hats of the second half of the 18th century, richly decorated with ears of corn and wildflowers, bore the name “Pamela” - it was named after main character Samuel Richardson's novel Pamela or Virtue Rewarded.

At all times, the hat was considered a mysterious accessory. Once upon a time, it was an invariable attribute of magicians and witches, and magical properties were attributed to it... And now many claim that by putting on a hat, you can not only transform in appearance, but even change your sense of self. Indeed, every woman can easily feel like an ancient Greek beauty or a Mexican senorita...

The beginning of the twentieth century was Art Nouveau, and the road to the new century was paved with flowers. Flowers were everywhere: on the facades of houses, on furniture, on dishes, on dresses, in hairstyles and, of course, on hats. The woman resembled a beautiful flower: a wasp waist, a flowing narrow skirt, a high bust decorated with an abundance of lace and ribbons, and the composition was completed with a head - a lush bud, framed by a chic thick hairstyle using false hair and fresh flowers. Wide-brimmed hats came into fashion, which could accommodate flowers and flowers on their brims: Parma violets, camellias, pink bouquets. The hats resembled the flower beds of Pavlovsk Park, and sometimes even strange cages with birds of paradise, whose stuffed animals were used in decoration. Of course, this beauty was heavy, but fashion dictated its own laws. Supporters of a simpler, more practical fashion managed to get out of the situation in the following way - they decorated boater-type hats with a scattering of forget-me-nots or a rosebud, as well as everything that grows in meadows and fields near cities.

1909-1911. Oh times, oh morals! There is no more wasp waist, there is no waist as such. The skirt became straight and moderately narrow. Women's emancipation was gaining strength. The old canons were collapsing - the world was overwhelmed by tango. The brims of ladies' hats become much narrower and curve upward in a strange way; not a trace remains of the former flower beds, only the veil holds its position.

At this very time, in the 10-20s of the twentieth century, a new form timidly appeared - “current”. This hat resembles a box, it has no brim, it sits exactly on the head and is somewhat reminiscent of a modern bathing cap. The triumph of this form will occur in the 30s.

However, although fashion is a dictator, it allows some liberties, especially for practical women. They continue to wear soft, wide-brimmed hats that protect their delicate skin from sun rays and help maintain the ebony pallor. In winter, preference is given to small round hats made of fur or thick felt with or without a veil.

The War of 1914 mothballed fashion, and sometimes brought to naught attempts to update women's wardrobes. Everything gradually became simpler: hairstyles lost their false curls and were replaced by a straight or side parting that ended in a tight knot at the back of the head. Hats lost their pomp, flowers and birds became history, and their place was taken by modest ribbons and feathers.

The World War and Revolution contributed to certain changes in society, including in fashion. Women's rights are expanding, which immediately affects their appearance.

Now the woman looks businesslike and youthful, she does not need outside help, the help of a man. It does not need to be protected and cherished; it is no longer a greenhouse plant, a flower of paradise, but an independent energetic unit. Freedom is expensive, the most valuable things are sacrificed to it - golden, resin, flaxen locks and curls. For the first time in history, a woman refuses the symbol of femininity - she cuts her hair. The hat became tight-fitting with small brims or no brim at all.

The shape of the “current” hat is actively developing; it is ideal for a “boy” haircut. Until the mid-30s, any self-respecting young lady had several similar hats in her wardrobe, which were decorated modestly, but with amazing taste. The laconicism of the form was emphasized by small veils, elegant beaded decorations, colored feathers, and sometimes small artificial flowers.

The hair gradually grows back, you need to leave room for it, and the game with the margins begins. Small fields fall into bizarre shapes, gradually moving to one side - the right side.

But since the mid-30s, independence and emancipation have lost their relevance. Hair grew longer, skirts lengthened, the waist finally took its place - femininity and grace are back in fashion. But there is also room for sensations: in 1933, one Italian - oh horror! - pulled a woolen sock onto the model’s beautiful head! The reaction to this was the appearance of a huge number of all kinds of knitted caps and hats, with which the boater hats that had returned from history instantly began to compete with them. The usual shape of the boater changes, only the material remains - straw, from which amazing masterpieces are woven by the hands of real masters. Hats are knitted and woven from everything that can be knitted and woven from. Openwork horsehair hats are especially popular. Jewelry is again coming to the fore, but now it's veils, laces and pom-poms. Gradually, hats become narrow and straight, Tyrolean hats come into fashion, pillbox hats appear - very tiny, so they need to be secured with a dozen pins or, which is much more practical, put on an elastic band. Fashionistas, and especially sports-style young ladies, do not disdain hats with funny names - one of them, completely flat, is called a “dessert plate.” They wear everything: fantastic berets, “pots”, “pills”, jockey caps. Toilets are replaced with rapid speed, and each has its own headdress. Business hats, weekend hats, sports hats, cocktail hats, racing hats, visiting elderly relatives, weekend shopping. Hats for very tiny fashionistas, for serious young ladies, for respectable ladies. An example of a special headdress is a gymnasium hat, which, being an example of rigor, made it clear about the serious intentions of its owner. It is impossible to study science wearing a frivolous beret and a goose feather. Appearing in public without a headdress is the height of indecency.

At the very end of the 30s, hoods came into fashion; at first their function was simple, understandable and, of course, incredibly practical - protection from rain, but later they served as additional decoration for outfits, adding an element of mystery and oriental motifs. Further, which is completely logical, fashion turns to face the East, fashionistas flaunt in turbans made of a variety of materials, some, the most daring ones, refuse hats and tie an airy scarf around their heads.

If on the eve of the Second World War oriental carelessness reigns in fashion, then during the war years a “calm” period begins again. At this time, hats were characterized by two options: small hats pushed onto the forehead, which were worn even in extreme cold, with a scarf or warm scarf tied on top, or deep hats with overhanging wide brims; They were, as a rule, made from soft felt, sometimes this felt had a rather long pile; it was then called “shaggy”. The most common headdress at this time was the scarf. War is war.

In the 50s, the long-awaited revival of fashion began. A characteristic feature is the absence of grotesque, pretentious forms. The hat has lost its fantasy, but has not lost its grace. The favorite material remained in fashion - straw, which, using Newest technologies, painted in all sorts of colors. The straw was woven elegantly and whimsically, and the headdress was laconic, practical and, most importantly, trendy.

In the 60s there was a so-called “reworking” of the style of the 30s. Small hats with slanted brims are in fashion, usually decorated with soft bows made of the same material as the hat. The veil, which has long lost its direct purpose, now serves exclusively decorative purposes. Usually, due to its softness, it was velvet; fashionistas could decorate such hats with massive pins with semi-precious stones and brooches of various shapes.

Even at the end of the twentieth century, looking at hats, one could say that their heyday had passed: there were no more luxurious hats with feathers, the ingenious intricate designs of flowers had flown into the past, caught in the winds of history. But a new century has come, and interest in the hat is gradually returning. Even though this is a look into the past for now - vintage is in fashion, even if for now these are hats from a chest of drawers, but they have the charm and uniqueness of the era when the hat ruled the show, when because of this little thing ladies shed tears and swallowed deadly pills, and gentlemen, bordering on madness, they paid fortunes for the new Parisian chic!

Hat dictionary

Bolero is a small, round women's hat with a curved brim.

Borsalino hat - named after the Milanese hatmaker Giovanni Borsalino, an elegant men's hat made of soft felt; popular among women; fashionable headdress up to the 30s;

Chapter 9. Magic contract

They ran up the spiral staircase so quickly that they were in the headmaster's office before Sir Cadogan and his escort. From the faces turned towards them from all sides, Harry guessed that the brave knight had not yet appeared in the portrait of Vindictus Viridian. The seconds dragged on painfully, increasing the level of tension to the limit. Harry belatedly realized that someone should have remained on guard outside, in case Sir Cadogan could not overcome the empty picture and would return to the monks.

Suddenly, a noise was heard from the direction of Professor Viridian's portrait - crashing, cursing and exclamations. A pony appeared near a deep chair with carved arms, on which two wizards were sitting. Dumbledore breathed a sigh of relief, and Phyllida Spore applauded. Vindictus Viridian's always neatly styled hair, separated by a strict parting, now stuck out in different directions, as if the professor had suddenly become a fan of one of the newfangled youth trends. The pony looked no less picturesque - Harry had never seen such shaggy horses in his life. Sir Cadogan alone looked as usual. He calmly jumped off his pony and began to greet all the directors at once. After a small commotion caused by the appearance of the knight, Dumbledore managed to restore more or less sedate order. He thanked Vindictus Viridian for his help and suggested that he swap portraits. Vindictus nodded, stepped over the edge of his frame and a second later appeared in the large portrait above the table. He sat down in a chair kindly provided by the owner and asked:

Dumbledore, do you have anything to drink?

Dumbledore ducked behind the chair, pulled out a bottle of amber liquid from behind it, handed it to Professor Viridian and explained:

Excellent aged mead from Madame Rosmerta. It is unlikely that you have ever tried this.

Vindictus Viridian took a vessel from the folds of his robes that looked more like a test tube (Harry remembered that the professor used to teach potions), poured it from the bottle and drank with pleasure.

Oh, Dumbledore! I’m not a timid person, but I’ve never experienced such horror in my life. If it weren't for Sir Cadogan's pony, we would have remained there, between the paintings.

He saluted Sir Cadogan:

To your health!

Dumbledore addressed everyone present:

So far everything is going according to plan. Do you need rest, Sir Cadogan?

The knight adjusted his helmet and replied:

This is not the time to rest! Forward! Evil never sleeps! Let us draw our blades and boldly rush into battle!

He did not stand still for a minute - he jumped up, walked along the frame and threatened invisible opponents. Dumbledore nodded to Vindictus Viridian, walked up to the frame and disappeared, appearing a moment later next to Sir Cadogan. No one asked the pony if he needed rest, but apparently, having once unsuccessfully decided to get caught in the meadow, he signed a life sentence for himself - to be the horse of a brave knight. Sir Cadogan mounted the pony, inviting Dumbledore to take a seat at the back. Before leaving the office, Albus Dumbledore addressed Harry:

If everything goes well, wait for us downstairs. We meet near the picture of the monks.

The pony and its riders approached the edge of the portrait and carefully stepped into the void.

Harry and his friends hurriedly ran out of the office, promising Minerva McGonagall to report everything that would come of their dangerous undertaking.

This time the pony made it through the empty corridor of the gloomy portrait faster. Harry barely jumped out of the office, and the monks were already greeting Sir Cadagan and Albus Dumbledore.

Now the friends were left to monitor the movements of the former director to the sixth floor, to the prefects’ bathroom. Sir Cadogan galloped ahead on a pony, dispersing the respected wizards, and Albus Dumbledore walked behind him, apologizing to the owners of the portraits for the inconvenience caused. There was a slight hiccup on the sixth floor. Last in front of the empty painting was a portrait of Dammara Dodderidge. As it turned out, she loved not only delicious food. Apparently, the lady had long had the most tender feelings for Sir Cadogan. Dammara became terribly excited, constantly adjusting the frills on her outfits and throwing playful glances at Sir Cadogan. Sir Cadogan had completely forgotten where he was going. He got off his pony, put his hands on his hips, and began to walk around, flexing his muscles. Or rather, armor. The situation was too serious, but the situation, nevertheless, looked very comical. Dammara, meanwhile, began to praise Sir Cadogan:

Sir Bedivere and Sir Percival cannot compare with you in courage and daring! I am honored that you stopped by to visit me.

Dumbledore remained tactfully silent, but the pause dragged on, so he had to interrupt the romantic date:

Mrs Dodderidge. I promise to return Sir Cadogan to you safe and sound. I hope you still have time to talk.

Yes, of course, Professor Dumbledore. Sorry,” Dammara blushed and finally cleared the way.

Sir Cadogan climbed onto his pony, Dumbledore sat behind him - with the same precision as in the headmaster's office. Dammara looked worried. However, she was not the only one who was worried. Now Sir Cadogan had to overcome the empty picture of Idessa Sackndenberg and find himself in the prefects' bathroom. At that moment, when the pony, stretching his head, stepped outside the frame, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Neville hurried to the statue of Boris Clueless, who had almost forgotten his password “Forget-me-not”.

There was a click - the prefects' bathroom was open. The friends rushed through the door and immediately headed to the painting with the mermaid. Black waves angrily lashed the cliff, flooding the small pier - the only place in the picture where a pony could fit. Harry doubted that the pony could handle two riders in the water. All hope was on this rocky step. The mermaid was not visible, but now they were more worried about whether Sir Cadogan could overcome the drawing emptiness of the picture. Again, just like in the director's office, the seconds passed too slowly. Hermione squeezed Ron's hand and, without looking away, looked at the dark water of the lake.

There was a splash of water. Suddenly, a small whirlpool formed in the very center of the picture, from which a pony emerged. Sir Cadogan and Dumbledore, spitting, climbed out onto the rocky edge of the cliff. The pony trembled slightly, but stood still. Sir Cadogan began to calm his faithful assistant, and Dumbledore, without further ado, climbed higher onto the cliff. He shouted sharply. The mermaid's tongue was clearly not musical to the ear. I wanted to cover my ears, but Harry and his friends, without looking up, watched everything that was happening. Dumbledore waited a minute and shouted again. This time his address was longer - Harry inappropriately remembered the wonderful headphones they used to protect themselves from the screams of the mandrake during herbology lessons. A mermaid timidly peeked out from behind the cliff. She answered something to Dumbledore. Dumbledore squatted down to make it easier to talk, and again asked about something. Creaking and sharp sounds changed their tonality, sometimes reaching such heights that the numerous pendants of the massive chandelier decorating the bathroom trembled slightly. The pony flattened his ears and looked very unhappy. The mermaid was no longer afraid. She quickly and hurriedly explained something to Dumbledore, and he only occasionally inserted small remarks. This was a strange dialogue. Harry even began to get used to the cutting sounds, and the sight of the mermaid gave him hope. She probably told Dumbledore everything she knew, because former director stood up to his full height. The mermaid disappeared under the water, hitting her tail hard. Dumbledore, frowning and concentrated, crept closer to the pony. Sir Cadogan understood without further ado that it was time to head back. The pony waited until his companions sat down, shook his muzzle (Hermione thought he sighed), and decisively jumped off the cliff.

Harry exchanged glances with his friends and ran towards the exit first. Now they can find out everything from Dumbledore in his office. All that's left is to get there.

The return journey was almost silent. Even Sir Cadogan stopped shouting brave slogans. He concentratedly jumped from picture to picture, not noticing the wizards, who respectfully parted to let him through their portraits. In the picture with the monks, Sir Cadogan waited for Dumbledore and once again stepped into the void.

This time the friends ran into the office even faster than the first. They nodded affirmatively to Minerva McGonagall, making it clear that everything worked out. The directors and headmistresses sighed with relief in their portraits, only Vindictus Viridian dozed. Dumbledore appeared with Sir Cadogan three minutes after his friends arrived in the office - they were already starting to get a little worried. Albus Dumbledore was pale, it seemed that only with a huge effort of will he managed not to fall off the pony. After fuss, gasps and sighs, Sir Cadogan asked permission to leave the office:

Sir Dumbledore! I am eager to find out, among others, what the resident of the water people told you, but I am concerned about the condition of my friend. We need to return to our meadow as soon as possible - Camelot needs rest and fresh grass.

Harry realized that Camelot was the name of the pony. Sir Cadogan made Harry promise that he would definitely tell him everything when he was free, and, nodding to the portraits goodbye, he carefully led his pony to the edge of the picture - he had a great time today.

Neville volunteered to accompany Sir Cadogan - he wanted to make sure that the brave knight and his faithful pony would get to the place without incident.

After Sir Cadogan had left and emotions had subsided, Dumbledore sat down in Vindictus Viridian's deep chair and spoke:

Well, well... I expected something like that, but I didn’t imagine that everything was much more serious. Although there are now more questions than answers.

Dumbledore fell silent, and Professor Lymebert impatiently adjusted his pince-nez. Everyone waited for Dumbledore to continue.

“I think,” Albus Dumbledore finally spoke, “that we need to invite Professor Binns.”

Harry looked at Ron in confusion. Minerva McGonagall walked over to one of the things placed on the shelves in the cupboard next to the desk, which looked like an upside-down pipe, with the bell facing up, mounted on a wooden stand. Minerva leaned closer and said clearly:

Argus Filch is asked to immediately go up to the director's office.

Harry guessed that this device was the speakerphone that Dolores Umbridge loved to use. He must have been equipped with an enhanced Sonorus spell, because the words spoken in the office, as Harry remembered, were clearly audible throughout all the corridors of Hogwarts, as if the walls themselves were speaking. Harry also thought that Umbridge never gained access to the headmaster's office, which means that the old fraudster somehow managed to get a speakerphone during her tenure as head of the school. While Harry was thinking about all this, the office door opened and the caretaker appeared on the threshold.

They have always experienced mutual hostility - the students and Argus Filch. But during Great Battle Filch, along with other defenders, helped Hogwarts survive. They were on one side of the barricades. Not to say that Filch suddenly became nice and amiable, but Harry, Ron and Hermione did not feel hostility towards him now. Filch looked rather pathetic. His faded eyes were tired and lost. Filch bowed to Minerva McGonagall and said hello, awaiting instructions.

Mr Filch. I have to ask you. Please find Professor Binns and ask him to report to the Principal's office.

Filch did not show that he was surprised by the request - he was used to following the instructions of the management. He nodded in agreement and then said:

Director McGonagall. Since we're talking about Professor Binns. All the ghosts control the castle's borders, as far as I know. I will find him and pass on your instructions. But I'm worried about Peeves.

What is it this time? - Professor McGonagall looked questioningly at Filch.

The fact is that he disappeared. He has not been seen anywhere for several days. This is weird.

One of the headmistresses in the portrait exclaimed:

But this is impossible! After the crushing failure of our plan with Rancorus Carpe, no one in their right mind would undertake to expel the poltergeist from Hogwarts.

Yes, Mrs. Mole,” Filch bowed to the portrait, “I am familiar with the history of the trap into which you tried to lure Peeves. His disappearance looks all the more ominous.

Ron whispered to Harry that the woman in the portrait was Eupraxia Mole, who was forced to sign special privileges for Peeves after a shameful defeat in an attempt to expel the embodiment of chaos from Hogwarts. Hermione shushed her friends, and they fell silent in shame.

And Dumbledore said thoughtfully:

Poltergeists usually appear predictably in areas where young people live. Peeves' appearance at Hogwarts caused headaches for all the housekeepers, starting with Hunkerton Humble. But he always brought zest to the life of the school. More than one generation of teachers had to put up with his presence. His disappearance is a worrying sign. Mr. Filch, are you sure he's not lurking in some classroom, plotting another prank?

Filch shook his head sadly.

No sir. I walked around the entire castle - he was nowhere to be found. What does it mean? I do not understand. Not a single director managed to expel him, but here he disappeared of his own free will.

“Unfortunately, Peeves’ disappearance is just a continuation of the series of misfortunes at Hogwarts,” Dumbledore concluded. - If Hogwarts does not want to recruit more students, if the magic of the castle is melting, then the disappearance of the poltergeist is quite natural.

Dumbledore frowned. Then he said:

Mr. Filch, if you don't mind, please bring Professor Binns here.

Argus Filch left with a bow, and the directors and headmistresses in the portraits whispered anxiously, discussing the news. Even Eupraxia Mole, perhaps, was worried about Peeves, although he, at one time, caused her a lot of trouble.

A few minutes later Neville and Hagrid entered the office. Neville said that Sir Cadogan had safely reached his painting, and Hagrid, having said hello, explained that he had met Neville on the stairs and decided to go with him to find out what was happening.

The lake has become even more covered in ice, yes,” Hagrid sighed sadly. - On the way to the castle, I came closer to look, and now the ice crust near the shore is so strong that you can safely advance. And it became wider. Strange ice. How is it so strong near the shore, but the middle of the lake does not freeze?

Harry realized why Hagrid was so surprised. Not only did the ice appear in August, but it also covered the lake against all the laws of nature. The black water in the center resembled a funnel, the diameter of which narrowed every day. Apparently, they actually only have as long as this funnel lasts.

Hagrid tried to sit in the very corner so as not to interfere. His enormous height did not allow him to be invisible - Hagrid occupied almost a quarter of the office. While the giant was sitting down, a ghost leaked from the wall next to the door. It was Professor Binns, the History of Magic teacher. All whispering was immediately stopped. There was silence in the office. Everyone prepared to listen to what Dumbledore wanted to tell them.

Dumbledore nodded to Binns and spoke:

Well, now, perhaps, I’ll try, with your help and the knowledge of Professor Binns, to figure it all out. Cuthbert, what can you say about the Magic Contract?

Harry looked at Ron again in bewilderment and realized from his confused appearance that he, too, did not know that Professor Binns's name was Cuthbert. However, the question of the Magic Contract occupied him more, so he began to listen carefully.

Magic contract? Dumbledore, you know that I use only reliable facts. The story of the Magic Contract is more like the legend of the Chamber of Secrets,” Professor Binns winced in annoyance.

The existence of which has been proven by some present here,” Dumbledore looked at Harry.

Yes, sure. I agree, the Chamber of Secrets actually turned out to be a real place and not a myth. But the Magic Contract! - Binns continued to be angry.

Still, I insist that you tell us this story. To my shame, I am not familiar with this legend; today I heard it for the first time.

From whom, may I ask? - Cuthbert Binns, despite his displeasure, was intrigued.

From Atargatis.

Who is this? - asked Ron.

“A mermaid,” Hermione answered.

“That’s right,” said Dumbledore.

But professor! Is it really the same one? - Hermione asked worriedly.

I can't answer that question exactly, Miss Granger. - Although there is no reason to say that the mermaid in the prefects’ bathroom and the goddess Atargatis are not the same person.

Dumbledore looked around at the intrigued faces and explained:

Atargatis is the goddess of the Moon, who, according to legend, threw herself into the lake and turned into a fish. I'm not big on mythology, but I know that she was revered as the deity of fruitful water. Atargatis told me that she has served Hogwarts since the time of the creators, being the guardian of the Magic Contract. She gave me some details, but without Professor Binns' help I can't piece it all together. Please, Cuthbert, you must help us.

Professor Binns floated past Ron and Harry and sat down in one of the chairs. Then he said thoughtfully:

Well. I understand no more than anyone else what is happening and how the legend of the Magic Contract will help you, but I, too, am concerned about the affairs of Hogwarts. Who knows? Maybe any legend or myth is based on real events? So here it is. Magic contract. Or the Sorting Hat contract. Let me see. Everyone knows that Hogwarts was founded by four outstanding wizards - Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, Candida Ravenclaw and Penelope Hufflepuff. They created a school of magic and wizardry to transfer knowledge and carefully preserve the magical abilities of young children. The school accepted not only purebred wizards, but also half-bloods - those whose magical abilities had manifested themselves since childhood. The purpose of Hogwarts was to educate its young offspring and preserve knowledge passed on from generation to generation. Each of the founders selected students for their faculty with certain qualities that most impressed the professors. There were four faculties in total, as you know. Godric Gryffindor recruited the brave and noble, Candida Ravenclaw recruited the smart and quick-witted, stubborn and honest - Penelope Hufflepuff, and Salazar Slytherin took the cunning and resourceful under his wing. But soon the founders became worried that after their death, the distribution of students into faculties would become chaotic, and then Godric Gryffindor entrusted this important mission to the Sorting Hat, into which each of the four invested their knowledge. Now the hat could classify new students according to the character traits that the founders welcomed into their faculty.

All this was well known to those present, but the attention of those listening did not weaken - everyone understood that Professor Binns had gotten to the most interesting part.

So,” continued the teacher of the history of magic. - Shortly before the four founders left this mortal coil, a split occurred between them. Salazar Slytherin wanted to educate children from pureblood families, and the rest believed that blood status was not an indicator for selection into a magic school. In the end, proud Slytherin left the school. Initially, the idea of ​​distribution into faculties was, perhaps, somewhat erroneous. Because selection inevitably entailed rivalry between houses. If the Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws and Gryffindors still got along with each other, then the Slytherin students gradually moved away from the rest. There began to be cases of unclean play for points from the School Cup, which was held every year. Of course, there is nothing wrong with healthy competition. This distribution into faculties was conditional. After all, leaving the walls of Hogwarts, the matured young people did not quarrel in ordinary life. Many marriages took place between magicians from different houses, and it didn’t matter whether you were a Gryffindor or a Hufflepuff. The founders realized their mistake late. But they hoped that the next generations of teachers would be able to convey to students main idea- that the division into faculties actually carries the idea of ​​unification. That there is no need to quarrel. Now the three founders, after the departure of Salazar Slytherin, entered into a Magic Contract with the Sorting Hat. So says the legend! “I’m not saying that this actually happened,” Professor Binns looked at Dumbledore defiantly, but obediently began to explain further: “The Founders took the word from the Sorting Hat that selection for faculties would not harm Hogwarts.” That healthy rivalry between young wizards will never escalate into war. The hat will distribute only according to character traits, continuing to support the peaceful coexistence of all four houses. If Hogwarts is harmed, if evil and ambition cause strife, the magic of Hogwarts will dry up. The four founders left the school to create. Wars and innocent deaths are diametrically opposed processes. If Hogwarts feels there is no peace between houses, it will call the Sorting Hat to a secret location, giving the wizards time to think. After the probationary period, Hogwarts as a magical school will cease to exist. All. This is where the legend ends.

“So, the time for the probationary period has come,” Dumbledore said to the general noise of alarmed voices - everyone began to discuss what they had heard. - He always maintained that, perhaps, no one knows all the secrets of Hogwarts.

Dumbledore, do you believe that Hogwarts operates under the Magical Contract? - Minerva McGonagall looked at Albus in fear.

I think so. Professor Binns' story and Atargatis' warning confirm this. There is no need to guess what was the reason. The second war with Voldemort ended at Hogwarts. The school suffered damage far more severe than just destroyed walls. Hogwarts considered that friendship between faculties was no longer possible, which means that it deliberately gets rid of magic and does not want to recruit any more new students. Innocent victims, very young boys and girls. They suffered defending their school. But they suffered at the hands of those who once graduated from Hogwarts themselves. Alas. Who would have thought that the war with Tom Riddle did not end in the Great Hall.

Professor! Probation! What does it mean? Can we get the hat position back? Prove that assignment to faculties does not pose a threat? - Harry was so worried that his voice was shaking.

I don't know, Harry. Or rather, I don’t know more than you yet. I'm just guessing.

Well, guess what!

We have a chance. Small, tiny, but there. Secret place. I can't say that you just need to find the Sorting Hat. Perhaps such spells have been cast on her that we will not have time to remove them. But first you need to find her. Atargatis told me that the wizards had upset the balance of the balance, that the Magic Contract had come into force. I understood from her words that the cache, or something similar, is located in the lake - that is why she is called upon to serve as the Guardian of the Magic Contract. This explains why all the troubles began with the lake. And now it’s clear why empty paintings appeared in the first place near the director’s office and the prefects’ bathroom - so that we wouldn’t have time to get to the bottom of it. I agree that once the lake is completely covered with ice, all our attempts to restore the location of Hogwarts will be in vain. This means that we need to find the hat as quickly as possible and have time to remove spells from it, if they are cast on it. Incredible! All this is so incredible that it seems like a dream or a fairy tale.

Ron suggested immediately rushing to the lake, but Albus Dumbledore cooled his ardor:

It's not that simple, Mr. Weasley. Do not forget that we have come into contact with magic that has been dormant for hundreds of years. I guess the Sorting Hat doesn't lie quietly at the bottom of the lake. You need to figure out how to get it. Diving into the water will only give Madam Pomfrey new patients - as Hagrid told me, the water in the lake is terribly icy. Wait, I need to remember the words of Atargatis with precision. I did not understand their meaning there, in the prefects' bathroom, since I was not familiar with the Magic Contract. Now I understand what she wanted to tell me.

Dumbledore thought for a moment, and everyone else fell silent, trying not to disturb. Only Hagrid accidentally dropped the chair next to him while trying to sit more comfortably.

I'll try to reproduce her words verbatim. Atargatis said that the Magic Contract has been launched. The countdown has begun. What can be saved can be obtained by a faithful guardian. He is more warm-hearted than others, has an extraordinary mind for blue-bloods like him, and does not cause harm in vain. Oh, yes, one of his eyes is four times larger than the other, he has the ability to quickly overcome short distances and defends himself with a smokescreen when upset.

And who is this super hero? A wizard with a set of qualities from all four faculties is obtained. With a huge heart, smart, pure blood and soft, if not quiet, - Harry expressed his assumption out loud.

Do you think, Harry, this is about a person? - Dumbledore smiled slyly.

“And I imagined Professor Moody on a broomstick, who accidentally touched a cauldron with a potion in the dungeon,” Ron shared.

In any case, it is clear that what can be saved is the Sorting Hat. And with it comes the magic of Hogwarts. Well, our hike today turned out to be fruitful. Let's agree this way. If anyone comes up with any idea, he will immediately share the rest with it. We'll keep in touch. Hogwarts is in trouble. Professor Binns, thank you for the information. I advise you, young men and young lady, to take some rest. Unlike portraits and ghosts, you need rest.

Harry himself felt very tired. They said goodbye to the portraits, assured Minerva McGonagall that they would immediately inform them if they found out anything, and headed to the Great Hall - it was already late afternoon.

Hat magic

Headdresses protect the head from bad weather and bright sun, serve as decoration, and the headdresses of warriors - helmets, helmets - provide protection, insignia and intimidation. We say: “It’s not Senka’s hat,” “Erema’s cap is too,” - that is, to each according to his merits. “Give a hit”, “give a hit” - kick out. The Little Red Riding Hood from the fairy tale determines the character of the main character by its color. We say this because in symbolism a hat means a person’s head, his thoughts, his affairs, relationships and social status.

In the bag

Headdresses came from crowns, and they originated from wreaths used in wedding, funeral and other ceremonies and rituals.
In ancient times, a crown of thorns (crown) was placed on the head of people being sacrificed; it was a kind of packaging and gift decoration for the victim. The laurel wreath crowned the heads of Roman emperors and was a reward for the winners of sports competitions of the ancient Greeks. Crown, wreath, crown - symbols of spiritual or secular power, success, strength, rewards for achievements, a sign of high position, superiority. They served as an attribute of gods and kings, martyrs and poets, saints and heroes, allegorical figures.

The headdresses have absorbed symbolic meaning their predecessors. This is a sign of dignity, power, wisdom, distinction, superiority, respect, nobility, freedom, because slaves walked with their heads uncovered. The symbolism of headdresses was determined by their type and cost: simple headdresses symbolized nationality, equality, hats - aristocracy and intelligence.

Hats show social status or membership in certain groups. In the minds of people, the gods wore headdresses that determined their “specialization”: the goddess of fertility Demeter - a crown of ears of grain, the god of winemaking Bacchus - a wreath of vines. Thus, we recognize a cardinal by his miter, a sports fan by his cap, and a military man by his cap.

In addition, headdresses indicated and in some cases continue to indicate

Profession - takes an artist, a banker's bowler hat;
- titles - professor's cap with a square top;
- nationality - Sikh turban;
- religion - Yarmulka.

The colorful headdresses of sorcerers and wizards symbolized supernatural powers and the possession of secret knowledge.

Among other things, hats are an attempt by their owners to look taller and more significant. The men's headdress was higher than the women's, defining the superiority of a man over a woman. And the high cap in which the heretic was dressed before execution was a mockery of his conceit in the eyes of others.

A person wearing a headdress is a social person, following social guidelines. A headdress unsuitable for wearing indicated a person outside society or an apostate. Tearing off the headdress symbolized the rejection of the previous status; the refusal to wear a headdress is associated with a departure from traditions.

The magic of the headdress

The head is considered the most important part of the body, and the headdress symbolizes the head and the person and can stand in for the personality. Hiding your head means hiding a person, and the invisibility cap is such a magical protection.

A hat is associated with thoughts, hence the belief that changing your headdress changes your way of thinking. From this perception of the headdress came many instructions for handling it: you should not play with the hat or twirl it in your hands - your head will hurt.

A headdress allows you to appear taller and more significant. And the custom of taking off your hat in greeting is a sign of respect, deference, and recognition of superiority. Removing a hat at a funeral means showing respect for the deceased. And at the entrance to the house - to the owner and home.

A headdress, as a symbol of travel, is no longer relevant, but previously people did not go on a journey with their heads uncovered. It is believed that a man's headdress speaks of business, while a woman's headdress indicates relationships. Probably, such a statement was true a hundred years ago, but now, when men are more and more similar in character to women, and women - this cannot be said. In general, a hat on a woman is an indication of her ambition or insincerity.


Twisting the brim of a hat on the wrong side will bring trouble to the owner of this headdress. He will need to buy a new one. Here it is clearly visible that the hat symbolizes a person - by damaging it, they harm the owner of the headdress.
- Losing a hat means failure in business, competition for a position, intrigue, inconsistency with one’s position or position.
- Find - to promotion, overcoming problems in career and relationships.

Prophetic dreams

A hat in dreams symbolizes success and failure in business, relationships, and means the level of self-esteem.

A hat, being in a hat, putting on a hat, especially if it is new, fashionable, beautiful - all this indicates authority, achieving a goal, promotion, well-being, patrons. This is for honors, profit, luck, fame.
- Many hats - to a successful endeavor,
- The hat is old, bad, dirty, wrinkled, worn out, fell - in a dream this predicts damage, dishonor.
- The hat doesn’t fit - hurting pride, failure in business and relationships.
- Buying or receiving a hat as a gift is a new novel, fortunately.
- They put a hat on you - displeasure, sadness.
- Take off your hat - free yourself from worries.
- Raising your hat means joy.
- Losing a hat is a warning.
- To be wearing a crown is stupidity, a wreath on the head is joy, love.

And now a small selection of hats. Look how beautiful it is!

Are you a budding magician? Does your child dream of learning how to perform magic tricks? Surprise him with your own magic set! The Magic Hat Set from Thames and Cosmos is a set that provides children with everything they need to put on a wonderful show. This is a kind of board game that will help you gain new skills.

With Magic Hat, children can learn to perform up to 35 magic tricks. They will be able to make coins disappear, learn how to perform tricks with cards, pull rabbits out of hats, and use their x-ray vision to magically see symbols through a solid surface. Everyone will find their favorite magic trick here, which can be easily performed with this set, and no prior experience is required.

The Magic Hat includes a detailed manual that lists all 35 tricks and tells you how to perform them, along with color-coded diagrams for kids who prefer to learn visually. Also included in the set over 40 magician's props, including magic cards, rope, coins, magic coin box, various balls, colorful rings, paper cubes, Magic wand and much more!

You can also learn some interesting things about the world of magic tricks. Have you ever wondered how a wizard performs a certain trick? The Magic Hat allows children to learn all the tactics that magicians must use to perform a trick quickly and accurately.

So why is it called the Magic Hat? It’s just that a magician is a classic image with a black hat, from which a real magician pulls out everything you can imagine. And in this set the hat is the basis of everything. It looks like a regular hat, but it actually has a secret compartment that allows kids to hide certain elements (like a bunny) inside. To the audience, it will look like an empty hat until... Abra Kadabra!

A good magician's set is guaranteed to have longevity in your playroom, providing children with hours of play and magic lessons. And get ready to be amazed by the show your children will show you!

Pictured in the article is a Magic Hat set from THAMES & KOSMOS, age 6+, recommended price abroad: $29.95.