Abstracts Statements Story

EGE and GIA traps. Traps of the exam and GIA Matgia open bank of GIA assignments

What is GIA (state final certification)

In 2009, everything was simple - graduates of the 9th grade took the State Examination, and graduates of the 11th grade, colleges and technical schools - the Unified State Exam.

With the adoption of the new Law "On Education in Russian Federation“everything has become more complicated and mixed up, because new concepts have been introduced - OGE, GVE and others.

    Graduates 9 classes undergo final certification (pass exams) according to the programs main general education(clause 5 of Article 59 of the Education Law);

    Graduates 11 classes and persons who have completed training in basic professional educational programs undergo final certification (pass exams) according to the programs average general education (clause 13 of Article 59 of the Education Law).

According to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 25, 2013 No. 1394 “On approval of the Procedure for conducting state final certification in educational programs basic general education" and Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 1512 dated November 07, 2018 "On approval of the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education":

What is the OGE (main state exam) and GVE (state final exam)

Main State Exam (OGE)- this is a form of state final certification (FCA) for educational programs of basic general education, i.e. - final exam for 9th grade graduates high school Russia.

With the entry into legal force on September 1, 2013 of the new Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the GIA for graduates of 9th grade in secondary schools in Russia began to be carried out in two forms:

    OGE- taken by persons who do not have health restrictions or do not study in special closed institutions, according to standard tests - KIMam;

    GVE (state final exam)- taken by persons with health limitations or studying in closed special institutions, in the form of written and oral exams using texts, topics, assignments, tickets.

By passing the final exams, the student confirms that he has mastered the basic general education program.

State (final) certification of graduates of grades IX (X) is carried out in the form of a state final exam, as well as in a new form of organizing exams using standardized tasks, the implementation of which makes it possible to establish the level of mastery of the federal state standard basic general education on the basis of the Law “On Education” and in accordance with the Regulations on the state (final) certification of graduates of grades IX and XI (XII).

Certification is required to move to 10th grade or enter colleges and technical schools.

Graduates of 9 classes take at least 4 final exams:

    2 4 compulsory (Russian language and mathematics + 2 subjects of the student’s choice).

    From the 2016/17 academic year, the basis for issuing a certificate of basic general education will be positive results of 4 exams: in Russian language and mathematics (compulsory subjects), as well as in 2 subjects of the student’s choice. They will be taken into account in the State Examination results.

    In 2015/16 academic year Due to the transition period, the results of 2 elective exams in the State Civil Academy are not taken into account. Minimal amount points for obtaining a satisfactory result are determined by the regional executive authority in the field of education, the founder, and the foreign institution.

    2 optional (from the list of items).

    Note: from September 1, 2015, the number of compulsory subjects at the state final certification for basic general education programs will increase from two to four (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated July 7, 2015 No. 692) - the choice of two more subjects from the list from September 1, 2015 is mandatory.

Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 2013 No. 1394 approved the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of basic general education, according to which:

In 2015, the State Examination is conducted in 14 subjects. The exam results are necessary for the formation of profile 10 - 11 classes. Primary points for completing the State Examination Work.

Schematically it looks like this:

Forms for conducting the OGE in 2020

Unlike the Unified State Exam, there are no uniform forms for the final certification of 9th grade graduates.

In 2018, each subject of the Russian Federation is developing its own types of forms depending on the technology for processing examination papers. This process is regulated by the regional regulatory legal framework.

Schedule for the state final certification of 9th grade graduates in 2020

Early OGE and GVE-9 in 2020 will be held from April 21 to May 16 in all academic subjects, namely:

  • April 21, 2020 - mathematics

  • April 24, 2020 - Russian language

  • April 27, 2020 - computer science, social studies, chemistry, literature

  • May 06, 2020 - history, biology, physics, geography, foreign languages

  • Reserve days:

    May 13 (Wednesday) – computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT), social studies, chemistry, literature;

    May 14 (Thursday) – history, biology, physics, geography, foreign languages(English, French, German, Spanish);

Main dates for the OGE and GVE-9 2020

Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 610, Rosobrnadzor No. 1560 dated November 14, 2019 approved the following deadlines for passing the State Examination Test:


GIA subject

22nd of May

foreign languages

May, 23rd

foreign languages

26 of May history, physics, biology, chemistry
May 29

social studies, computer science, geography, chemistry

May 30 social science
2 June Russian language
June 5 literature, physics, computer science, geography, foreign languages
the 9th of June mathematics
June 20 reserve for all subjects
22nd of June reserve: Russian language
June 23 reserve for all subjects
June 24 reserve: mathematics
June 25 reserve for all subjects
30 June reserve for all subjects

Information posted on June 12, 2012. Added and amended 04/04/2013, 06/10/2013, 12/28/2013, 06/04/2014, 09/12/2014, 10/11/2014, 10/29/2014, 02/17/2015, 08/03/2015, 09/04/201 5, 10/13/2015, 11/10/2015 , 11/27/2015, 02/20/2016, 05/11/2016, 03/03/2017, 08/23/2017, 12/08/2017, 09/17/2018, 10/31/2018, 12/19/2018, 12/24/2019

To provide information support for the general state exam OGE in grade 9, there are several official websites that provide data for teachers, graduates and their parents.

Official websites of the OGE 2019 - grade 9

www.fipi.ru - FIPI website (open task bank, CMM demo versions)

www.gia.edu.ru - official informational portal OGE (here you can find out OGE results, schedule, news)

www.obrnadzor.gov.ru - official website of Rosobrnadzor.

The results of the OGE (GIA 9) can be found on regional websites. You can find them on the official information support website www.gia.edu.ru by clicking on the link Your region (see picture)

The easiest way to get acquainted with the results of the OGE is to visit your own school, where the exam results are received.

Each student is required to sign at his school indicating that he is familiar with the exam results.

To prepare for the OGE, the main site is FIPI.

To understand how to perform exam paper, you should first familiarize yourself with the demo versions of the test measuring materials(KIM) OGE in this year's subjects. Demo versions will help you get an idea of ​​the structure of future CMMs, the number of tasks, their form and level of complexity.

Besides, in demo version criteria for assessing the completion of tasks with a detailed answer are given, which give an idea of ​​the requirements for the completeness and correctness of recording the answer. This information is useful to develop a strategy for preparing for the OGE.

Also on the FIPI website there is an invaluable thing - an open bank of OGE tasks. The bank contains a large number of tasks used in compiling versions of the OGE KIM for all academic subjects. It can be used for self-study to the OGE. This will greatly help students navigate the exam material and practice completing standard tasks.

Catalog of tasks.
Task 34. Conditional dialogue-questioning

Sorting Basic First simple First complex Popularity First new First old
Take tests on these tasks
Return to task catalog
Version for printing and copying in MS Word

Take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.


Let's give an example of a possible dialogue with a machine.

Electronic assistant: How old are you?

Student: I had a birthday yesterday so now I"m sixteen years old.

Electronic assistant: How many times a week do you do sports?

Student: I go to the gym twice a week because I believe that it"s very important to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Electronic assistant: What sport is the most popular with teenagers in your region?

Student: Well, in general I would say that children in my region prefer to play football because every school has its own playing field.

Electronic assistant: What sports facilities are available in the place where you live?

Student: Speaking about sports facilities I’d say that there is a wide choice of them in the place where I live. We have football pitches, ice hockey rinks, swimming pools, gyms and many others.

Electronic assistant: Why do you think it is important to keep fit?

Student: Firstly, it improves your health. Secondly, you become physically stronger and more attractive.

Electronic assistant: What would you advise a person who wants to keep fit?

Student: I’d say to him that he should always think about benefits which he will obtain in the process of keeping fit.

Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Source: Demo version of GIA-2016, Demo version of OGE-2018 English language., Demo version of the OGE-2020 in English., Demo version of the OGE-2017 in English., Demo version of the OGE-2019 in English.

Olezha Pavlov 27.05.2016 15:53

Hello, I would like to clarify why for all tasks open bank FIPI's explanation describes non-common complete answers, and the explanation to the task of the GIA-2016 demo version provides common complete answers. I would also like to know which option requires an exam (OGE) (common with introductory constructions etc.; or an uncommon version)

Alexander Rinkevich

The main thing is to give a complete answer to the question posed. It is not necessary to use introductory phrases.

You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give full answers to the questions.

Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Use the player to listen to the recording.


You could answer like this:

Electronic assistant: How many lessons do you usually have?

Student: I have six lessons four days a week.

Electronic assistant: What subject do you find the most difficult?

Student: It seems to me that literature is the most difficult subject for me because I don’t like writing essays.

Electronic assistant: What is your favorite week day? Why do you like it?

Student: My favorite week day is Friday, because we have only 4 lessons.

Electronic assistant: What sport facilites do you have in your school?

Student: In my school we have a gym and a football field.

Electronic assistant: Do you think school uniform is necessary or not? Why do you think so?

Student: In my opinion, school uniform shouldn’t be necessary because children should decide for themselves what they want to wear.

Electronic assistant: What would you recommend your friends do to improve their English?

Student: I would recommend them to hire a mentor because it’s the most effective way to improve English.

Source: Open Bank FIPI - 2016

You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Use the player to listen to the recording.


You could answer like this:

Electronic assistant: How often do you go to the cinema?

Student: I usually go to the cinema once a month.

Electronic assistant: What kinds of films do you like most?

Student: In fact I like different kinds of films but thrillers and dramas are my favorite.

Electronic assistant: Why do you think many people prefer watching films at home?

Student: As far as I can tell such people don’t like watching movies with strangers and that is why they prefer watching them at home.

Electronic assistant: What do you like to do in your free time?

Student: I like playing football in my free time.

Electronic assistant: How can films in English help students improve their English?

Student: Watching films in English helps students get used to a foreign speech.

Electronic assistant: What film would you recommend your friend see? And why?

Electronic assistant: How often do you borrow books from the library?

Student: I prefer to buy books but once a month I borrow one from the local library.

Electronic assistant: Why do you think teenagers are reading less and less now?

Student: It seems to me that teenagers read less because most of them spend time playing computer games.

Electronic assistant: How can reading English books help students improve their English?

Student: Reading English books can help students improve their English by increasing vocabulary.

Electronic assistant: What book would you recommend to your friend who wants to read something for pleasure? And why?

Student: I would recommend him to read a book called “Atlas Shrugged” which was written by Ayn Rand. It’s one of my favorite books and I’m sure that my friend will like it.

31.12.2020 “The work on writing essays 9.3 on the collection of tests for the OGE 2020, edited by I.P. Tsybulko, has been completed on the site’s forum.”

10.11.2019 - On the site forum, work on writing essays on the collection of tests for the Unified State Exam 2020, edited by I.P. Tsybulko, has ended.

20.10.2019 - On the site forum, work has begun on writing essays 9.3 on the collection of tests for the OGE 2020, edited by I.P. Tsybulko.

20.10.2019 - On the site forum, work has begun on writing essays on the collection of tests for the Unified State Exam 2020, edited by I.P. Tsybulko.

20.10.2019 - Friends, many materials on our website are borrowed from the books of Samara methodologist Svetlana Yuryevna Ivanova. Starting this year, all her books can be ordered and received by mail. She sends collections to all parts of the country. All you have to do is call 89198030991.

29.09.2019 - Over all the years of operation of our website, the most popular material from the Forum, dedicated to the essays based on the collection of I.P. Tsybulko 2019, has become the most popular. It was watched by more than 183 thousand people. Link >>

22.09.2019 - Friends, please note that the texts of presentations for the 2020 OGE will remain the same

15.09.2019 - A master class on preparing for the Final Essay in the direction of “Pride and Humility” has begun on the forum website.

10.03.2019 - On the site forum, work on writing essays on the collection of tests for the Unified State Exam by I.P. Tsybulko has been completed.

07.01.2019 - Dear visitors! In the VIP section of the site, we have opened a new subsection that will be of interest to those of you who are in a hurry to check (complete, clean up) your essay. We will try to check quickly (within 3-4 hours).

16.09.2017 - A collection of stories by I. Kuramshina “Filial Duty”, which also includes stories presented on the bookshelf of the Unified State Exam Traps website, can be purchased both electronically and in paper form via the link >>

09.05.2017 - Today Russia celebrates the 72nd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War! Personally, we have one more reason to be proud: it was on Victory Day, 5 years ago, that our website went live! And this is our first anniversary!

16.04.2017 - In the VIP section of the site, an experienced expert will check and correct your work: 1. All types of essays for the Unified State Exam in literature. 2. Essays on the Unified State Exam in Russian. P.S. The most profitable monthly subscription!

16.04.2017 - The work on writing a new block of essays based on the texts of the Obz has FINISHED on the site.

25.02 2017 - Work has begun on the site on writing essays based on the texts of OB Z. Essays on the topic “What is good?” You can already watch.

28.01.2017 - Ready-made condensed statements on the texts of the FIPI OBZ appeared on the website,

Let's prepare for the OGE together!

FIPI open task bank

Section 2 Reading Assignments

Assignment Format

Task 9– test to establish correspondence between headings and text

Maximum score – 7 points

Tasks 10 – 17– a test to establish the correspondence of the given statements to the text read ( True/ False/ Not stated)

Maximum score – 8 points

Maximum score for correctly completing all tasks in Section 2 (Reading) – 15 points

Task 9

Read the texts and establish a correspondence between the texts and their headings: for each text indicated by the letters A–G, select the corresponding heading indicated by numbers. Use every number just one time. The assignment contains one extra heading.

  1. The birthplace of the city
  2. Multifunctional construction
  3. The first traffic jams
  4. A perfect location
  5. Safety gates
  6. Defeating pollution
  7. Navigation season
  8. The royal birds

A. Almost 2,000 years ago, the army of Ancient Rome landed on the coast of Britain and headed north. Soon they came to a wide, deep river. The army could neither walk across it nor find an alternative route. The only solution was building a bridge. The Romans found a place where the river was relatively narrow and built a bridge. Then they founded a settlement, which they called Londinium. Today it is known as London.

B. The Romans soon discovered that Londinium was an ideal site for a port. Their bridge prevented large ships from going up the river, so all ships trading had to stop and unload at Londinium. It made Londinium an important trading center and stimulated the growth and development of the city.

C. The first London bridge over the Thames was built of wood – and then rebuilt time and time again. Later, a stone bridge was constructed. By the 1350s there were nearly 200 houses and shops on top of the bridge, and the road across it was very narrow. It was very difficult for carriages, horses and people to move across the bridge. They often couldn’t pass one another and had to spend hours on the bridge.

D. When the Thames flooded, it covered London with water. After a bad flood in 1953, people began to look for a way to control the river. In 1982 the Thames Barrier was opened. When its gates are raised, they form a steel wall more than half a kilometer long across the Thames. It prevents flood water from reaching London. More than 90 times, the Thames Barrier has saved the capital from flooding.

E. Nowadays, Tower Bridge is one of the most famous bridges in the world. The walkway between the two bridge towers provides a perfect sightseeing platform to enjoy a magnificent view over London. Inside the towers there is an exhibition, which tells the history of the bridge via photos, films, and other media. Tower Bridge also performs its original function of providing a road across the River Thames.

F. In Britain, swans have privileged status. Since the 1100s, all unmarked swans on any public lakes or rivers in the country have belonged to the Crown. The swans on the River Thames are called Mute Swans. They have a bright orange beak with a black spot on the top. Every July, a special ceremony called “Swan Upping” takes place on the Thames at Windsor. All the swans are caught and their markings are checked and recorded.

G. Nowadays, the River Thames is the cleanest river in the world that flows through a big city. This is a great achievement because only fifty years ago the river was so dirty and poisoned that it was declared biologically dead. Special plants to clean the water were built in the 1950s. Soon, special laws were issued to stop factories letting their dirty water go into the river. Strict government measures have saved the river.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Tasks 10 – 17

Read the text. Determine which of the following statements 10 17 correspond to the content of the text (1 True) which ones do not correspond (2 False) and what is not said in the text, that is, based on the text, neither a positive nor a negative answer can be given (3 Not stated). In the answer field, write down one number that corresponds to the number of the correct answer.

Sports in Great Britain

It is interesting how many of today’s sports games originated in Britain – football, rugby, tennis, boxing, rowing and horse racing among them. Of course, horse racing was popular with the Greeks and Arabs long before the British began to put them into practice; and people had been playing football in one form or another for thousands of years all over the world. But it was the British who created special rules for these sports and sports games.

Football is a good example. In the Middle Ages people in Europe, Japan and Asia all played some forms of the game. A sort of football was also very popular in England, especially as a contest between villages. But at that time there were very few rules. When the students of English schools started to play football, rules then became necessary. They were changed several times and by the middle of the 19th century football had become very much the game that we know and like today. By the way, the first serious football rules were written at Cambridge University.

A similar story can be told about some other sports. Why did this happen in Britain before other countries? There are some possible explanations: after the Norman invasion of 1066, Britain was quite a peaceful country. As a result people had time to develop sports. Later, after Britain’s industrial revolution, English factories were based on highly organized work and strict time keeping. The same discipline was applied to sport. So uniforms, referees and punishments were introduced to football and other games. British authorities thought that team games were good training for future military and industrial careers.

Every country has its own list of favorite sports. What is the British list? There are lots of games apart from football. Schoolgirls, for example, play a game which seems a lot like basketball. It is called netball. Netball is different from basketball in many details: for example, the ball is lighter, the court is bigger and netball has seven players in each team (not five). There is something very strange about netball – it is never played by boys. There is no biological reason for this, it is simply a tradition. It is popular throughout the English-speaking world, and the Australians and New Zealanders usually win the competitions.

But the most famous and popular British sport is cricket. Cricket is an important part of English summer life. You can watch it all day on TV or even listen to it on the radio. News programs keep you up-to-date with the score. Men, when they meet, always exchange a few words about the state of the game.

One of cricket's distinguishing features is that the games are very long. In an ordinary game at a boys’ school it takes up to a whole afternoon. But the big international games are up to five days long.

10. Football was the most popular game in the Ancient World.


11. The rules for modern football were created in Great Britain.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


12. Allthe students had to play football and other team games at British schools.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


13. Basketball and netball are the same game under different names.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


14. Netball was invented in a British boarding school for girls.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


15. Teams from Great Britain always win the international netball competitions.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


16. The British mass media pay lots of attention to cricket.

1) True2) False 3) Not stated


17. According to the rules, a game of cricket lasts no longer than an hour and a half.