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How to work with numbers using a pendulum. Pendulum

A pendulum is a small weight attached to a chain, thread or cord. Many people use a wedding ring tied to a string as a pendulum. This is exactly the type of pendulum my mother used. A pendulum made from thread and a paper clip also works well. When I talk about these topics with different groups of people, I often resort to using this homemade pendulum to give everyone present an opportunity to experiment with it.

But you can buy a ready-made pendulum in the store. Their range is currently striking in the variety of shapes and sizes. I already have quite a few pendulums in my house, as my loved ones love to give me these intricately decorated little things for birthdays and Christmas. And they all work great.

However, I would like to add that most of all I use the so-called Merme pendulum (also bought in a store).

Pendulum selection

The best pendulum for you will be the one that is easy to use and you like in appearance. Ideally, the pendulum should weigh about 100 g and have a round shape. When you start choosing a pendulum for yourself, you will be surprised at how many different items you can use for this purpose. A lead weight purchased from a hardware store works well. An equally successful solution would be to tie a simple button to a thread. A crystal attached to a chain will be a very good pendulum. Most people prefer to use quartz crystals because they retain natural energy. For the same purpose, you can use a pendant that you usually wear as jewelry. Crystal pendulums are very good for healing and wellness.

Some of the pendulums sold in stores have a hollow space inside. This is done so that you, before starting work, put a small sample of what you intend to find inside the pendulum. If you are looking for water, drop a few drops of water inside this hollow part. Or place a drop of oil there if you are looking for oil, or a grain of gold if the object of your search is gold. Such a hollow space also exists in the Merme pendulum. This is far from being a necessary part of the pendulum in general, but sometimes it can be very useful to you.

Many objects can play the role of a pendulum, but it would be nice to have a special tool for dowsing or magical experiments. In some cases, I had to use car keys, jewelry and other things that could be hung on a thread or chain as a pendulum. Still, I usually try to work with special pendulums, since they are very convenient to use and are designed specifically for this job.

When choosing a pendulum for myself, I take it in my hand and ask: “Is this pendulum in harmony with me?” - and I only buy it if I receive a positive response.

How to make your own pendulum

Many people prefer to work with a pendulum that they have made themselves. By creating such a pendulum, you invest part of your own energy into it.

Special attention requires in this case the choice of material. Some people prefer natural materials such as wood or crystal. One woman who attends the same dowsing society as me made herself a very beautiful pendulum from a seashell. You can cut your pendulum from some soft material or adapt for this purpose any object that suits you in shape and weight. Perhaps it will be a float or a spool of thread. Some prefer something unusual and exotic, while others pay attention primarily to the purpose of the item. As a rule, the chosen object either attracts you in some way externally, or has some special meaning for you.

Great care should be taken when choosing a metal pendulum. Metal usually acts as a conductor, and this can negatively affect the results of your research. Copper and aluminum rarely make good pendulums. If possible, try to choose materials that are not conductors, such as wood, glass, plastic.

Ideally, the load should be symmetrical. This creates a good balance and makes the pendulum more responsive and easy to handle. It is best to choose round, spherical or cylindrical pendulums (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1.Types of pendulums: a - classic drop; b - Merme pendulum; c - glass pendulum with a hollow compartment; g - crystal pendulum

Once you have chosen the weight, you need to find something to hang it on. Typically, cotton or silk thread, various cords, ropes and chains are used for this purpose. I have also seen pendulums attached to leather straps, macramé and woven plastic.

Thread, cord and rope are good because they can be easily replaced if necessary. The load must hang freely on the thread, and the thread or cord must in no way interfere with the movements of the pendulum. Tie your weight to the cord and you can start working with the pendulum.

You may want to buy or make a small bag in which to store your pendulum. This way it is easier to carry with you, and there is less chance that the thread or cord will get tangled. A pendulum protected in this way is less susceptible to negative energies. If you made your own pendulum, you can also make a bag for it. Otherwise, you can easily buy it in the same store that sells pendulums,

How to work with a pendulum

It is best to start experimenting with the pendulum alone. Even if your friends share your interest in this issue, the presence of strangers in the very first classes can negatively affect your results. By starting to experiment alone, you will achieve success faster. You will have plenty of time later to demonstrate your abilities to others after you have practiced with the pendulum for a number of weeks and acquired some skill in handling it.

Most people prefer to hold the pendulum in the same hand they write with. Experiment with both hands, but start with your right hand if you are right-handed, and your left if you are left-handed. If you are sitting, place your elbow on the table, and hold the chain or thread of the pendulum between your big and index fingers, trying to squeeze it very weakly. Make sure that your stomach or other hand does not inadvertently touch the table. The palm of the hand holding the pendulum should be facing down, and the pendulum itself should hang 30 cm from you.

If you are standing, it is best to bend your elbow at an angle of 90 degrees - in this case, your forearm will be parallel to the ground.

Also make sure that your arms and legs do not cross. If you unconsciously protect yourself in this way, you will unwittingly exert a certain influence on the pendulum, thereby reducing its effectiveness.

You can check this fact yourself. Hold the pendulum straight in front of you, allowing it to swing freely. Then cross your legs or press your feet together tightly. And you will see that the pendulum will stop its movement.

Gently swing the pendulum back and forth to get comfortable with this tool. Let it swing in different directions. Intentionally move his movements into a circular motion. You can also experiment with the thread, releasing it at different lengths and watching at what moment the pendulum moves freely. For most people, the optimal thread length is 10–12 cm. But it is better for you to determine for yourself what length will be ideal for you. So, one of my friends works with a pendulum only while standing, since the length of the cord to which the weight is attached is about 120 cm (it would be nice if you tied a knot at the place where the length of the thread is most suitable for you).

Once you get used to the movements of the pendulum, stop it with your free hand. After the pendulum freezes in place, ask it to indicate what movement the answer “yes” represents. It makes no difference whether you say your question out loud or mentally. For most people, the pendulum will immediately begin to answer the question asked. But if you've never used a pendulum before, it may take you a while to get the answer you want. Be patient. It may move almost imperceptibly at first, but if you continue to focus on the positive response, the range of motion of your pendulum will gradually increase.

In the end, it doesn't matter whether your first experiment takes 5 seconds, half an hour, or even a week. Once you become accustomed to working with a pendulum, it will begin to move immediately after you hang it over the table. Over the years I have taught many people how to use a pendulum. If they have some difficulty at first, I encourage them to concentrate on the weight and imagine it moving back and forth. And as a rule, the pendulum really begins to swing.

There is another way to help people who have difficulty in the first stages of working with a pendulum. Ask a specialist in this field to place his hand on the beginner’s shoulder (on the right shoulder if the person is holding a pendulum in his right hand).

Thanks to this simple action, the pendulum will immediately begin to move. If there is no one nearby who can help you with this, put the pendulum aside for a few minutes and then try again.

From my own experience I know that anyone can work with a pendulum. So you don't have to worry about how long it will take you to get it moving. To do this, you don’t need to be particularly gifted or a genius. The pendulum will begin to work faster in the hands of someone who has a good imagination and is receptive to new ideas. A person of a logical mind, a methodical person or a pedant will experience much more difficulties in this case. And yet, hard work and a sincere desire to overcome his own mistrust will eventually make him a true professional in working with a pendulum.

Experiment for 5 minutes each time until your pendulum starts to move. And once this happens, know that you will no longer have problems with this.

Your pendulum will move in one of four ways; forward and backward, side to side, or in circles - clockwise and counterclockwise.

Remember what movement indicates the answer “yes”. Then ask the pendulum what will correspond to such values ​​as “no”, “I don’t know” and “I don’t want to answer”.

Most likely, these answers will remain unchanged. Still, it makes sense to recheck them regularly. I know people who have experienced changes in their pendulum responses. It is best to recheck such conditioned movements after you have not touched your pendulum for some time. If you use it every day, then its answers are unlikely to change. But if you haven't worked with him for a month or two, you will need to find out if his movements have changed to correspond to a particular answer.

Now you are ready to ask your pendulum questions that can be answered in one of the four ways above.

Start with questions to which you already know the answers. You may ask, "Am I a man?" And if so, your pendulum should answer yes. Of course, if you are a woman, the answer is no. You can ask similar questions about your name, age, marital status, number of children, etc.

The purpose of such a survey is to thoroughly study the movements of the pendulum and ensure the validity of its answers. You'll likely find that it makes no difference whether you ask your questions out loud or just think about them. Personally, I only say my questions out loud when I want my client to get the gist of what is happening. One day my friend felt awkward in a bookstore. He brought his pendulum to the book and asked loudly whether he should buy it. And suddenly he felt that all the people around were looking at his pendulum, hoping to find out the answer.

After the pendulum answers questions like these, you can start asking it about what really interests you. The pendulum is able to answer more complex questions, since it can “read” the necessary information from your subconscious, then transmitting it to your consciousness. Consciousness can only accommodate a certain, limited amount of information, while the resources of your subconscious are much greater. The mind can be compared to an iceberg. Consciousness is limited to that small part that is visible above the water, and the much larger part of it, the unconscious, is hidden from view.

Be especially careful with your choice of questions in the beginning. Do not forget that you are able to influence the movements of the pendulum with your own will. Let's say you want to find out the gender of your unborn child. If you secretly hope it will be a girl, the pendulum may reflect your inner desire and tell you that it will be a girl, even if this is not actually the case.

Here's another example: one of my friends asked the pendulum who would win the presidential election in 1996. He himself had been a lifelong Republican, and the pendulum gave him the answer he had been hoping to hear. But the pendulum was wrong (that time Bill Clinton was re-elected) - he reacted to a strong desire to see a Republican in the presidential seat.

Therefore, if you are very interested in the results of a particular event, ask someone you know to ask these questions for you. This will help you maintain the necessary neutrality.

There is a simple way to make sure that we are really able to influence the pendulum with the power of our thoughts. Take the pendulum in your hand and stop its vibrations. Now that he is completely motionless, mentally ask him to swing in a certain direction. After a few seconds, it will actually start moving in the direction you thought it would. Now mentally imagine a different direction, and the pendulum will immediately begin to follow your thoughts, changing its vibrations.

You can influence the pendulum in another way. If you ask him: “Can I be considered God's gift for women?”, then the pendulum will either answer you honestly (maybe “yes”, maybe “no”), or give an evasive answer (“I don’t know” or “I don’t want to answer”), or he will answer following your inner desire. Keep this in mind when asking questions of the pendulum.

The pendulum is not a toy, and therefore should not be addressed to it with frivolous questions. If you ask seriously, you will surely get an honest and truthful answer. If you simply play with the pendulum, it will answer you what you want to hear from it.

Coue's experiment

French psychologist Emile Coue, who lived in the first half of the 20th century, gained fame thanks to his life-affirming formula: “Every day my life is getting better and better.” These simple words have helped so many people. And when Coue once visited New York, thousands of people greeted him at the port. The French psychologist liked to demonstrate the following experiment to test concentration. First of all, you will need a circle with a diameter of about 15 cm, divided into four parts by two intersecting lines (Fig. 2). Hang the pendulum over the center of the circle and watch it begin to move along one of the two lines. Watch his movements, which will become more and more intense.

Then imagine how the movements of the pendulum gradually slow down and it stops completely, after which it begins to move along another straight line.

Rice. 2. Circle used in Coue's experiment

If you wish, you can repeat this experiment with your eyes closed.

When you open your eyes, you will find that the result will be the same: the pendulum will swing in exactly the direction you imagined. This experiment will not only test your concentration, but will also clearly demonstrate your power over the pendulum.

You can make it move in any direction you want. There is no need to move the pendulum by hand. Your mind is quite capable of handling this task.

Another experiment involves using a pendulum with your eyes closed.

Mentally command him to move clockwise. Wait 15 seconds, then open your eyes. You will find that the pendulum actually moves clockwise.

Stop it and close your eyes again. This time ask him to move counterclockwise or side to side. And when you open your eyes after some time, you will find that he has followed your mental request, despite the fact that you did nothing to consciously set him in motion.

How to ask questions

Many people tend to ask the pendulum questions that it is not able to answer due to completely natural limitations. For example, a pendulum cannot answer your question: “Should I spend my summer vacation in New Orleans or San Francisco?” In this case, you should split the question into two parts and ask about each city in turn.

You could also rephrase your question as follows: “Will I enjoy my vacation if I spend it in New Orleans?” Then ask the same about San Francisco.

It is possible that in both cases you will receive a positive answer. Then you should ask a more specific question: "Will my vacation be more fulfilling if I spend it in New Orleans rather than San Francisco?" No matter what answer you get, it's a good idea to follow up by asking the same question about another city to see what happens.

When holding the pendulum, concentrate on the question. Repeat it to yourself over and over again. If an extraneous thought comes into your head, throw it away and concentrate on the question again. This is necessary because the pendulum can answer a random thought, and not the originally posed question.

The pendulum can bring you considerable benefits when it comes to your work and career. Eat good way save time by asking the pendulum questions that include expressions such as “instead”, “better” or “preferably”, for example; “Should I go back to college and finish my education, or should I continue working and be content with my current salary?” If the pendulum gives a positive answer, you will know what to do. If the answer is no, you can ask another question: "Should I continue working at my corporation instead of going back to college?"

In general, it is better to ask a whole series of simple questions than to formulate one complex one that includes all aspects of the problem that interests you. The time difference will be quite insignificant, but the answer in the first case will be much clearer.

Sometimes the pendulum will convey to you with its movement: “I don’t want to answer.” If this happens, look at the form in which you asked him your question and see if you could phrase it differently. It is possible that by dividing your initial question into two or three simpler ones, you will eventually achieve the desired answer.

Possible uses of the pendulum

The possibilities of the pendulum are almost limitless. I sometimes like to ask him questions about the earliest days of my childhood. And the pendulum is able to tell me a lot of things that I have long forgotten. By doing this, I found out what my first words were, at what age I took my first steps, and many other things that were interesting to me. If your parents are still alive, you can easily check the accuracy of this information. And over time, when you become convinced of the reliability of the information received, your faith in the capabilities of the pendulum will certainly increase. You can also ask the pendulum other questions that concern you personally: “Am I afraid of being too frank?” or “Am I worthy of the respect of others?” Of course, you need to evaluate each of the answers you receive to such questions. As you already know, your desires can influence the movements of the pendulum. Accordingly, we cannot exclude the possibility that you will not receive a truthful answer, but the one you hope to hear. It is no less interesting to ask the pendulum about your loved ones. Not long ago, my distant relatives decided to spend their vacation in our city. Before they came to visit me, I asked the pendulum a variety of questions, not forgetting to ask about what they like and what they don’t. As a result, my relatives were quite impressed by the fact that when I served them tea at the table, I already knew in advance which of them liked black tea and which preferred to drink it with milk.

A few months ago, a friend of mine was recovering from a long illness. We both went on a short trip, giving his family a chance to get some rest. Before the trip, I used my pendulum to find out what movies he liked to watch and what tourist activities might attract his attention.

If my wife and I are planning to go to the cinema, but we don’t know which movie is worth watching, I also turn to the pendulum for advice. I hang him above the poster in the daily newspaper or ask him questions about each movie.

All these experiments are very simple and unpretentious, but they help make your life more rich and interesting. And the more often you use the pendulum, the more possibilities for its use you will discover.

Questions about the future

Nothing can stop you from asking the pendulum about your future. But if you start asking it questions about yourself, the pendulum will most likely tell you what you want to hear. This answer can be either correct or incorrect.

Let's say you want to know what the weather will be next Thursday. Ask the pendulum if it will be a sunny day. Once you know this, ask about temperature, wind, etc.

As soon as you learn how to work with a pendulum, your friends will want to find out with your help the outcome of certain events. They will not ignore various competitions and gambling. Based on my own experience, I can say that the pendulum does not like these kinds of questions and prefers not to answer them (or else it will give you incorrect information).

I know a man who used a pendulum to determine the winner of a horse race. At first everything went well, and he made larger and larger bets. But then the pendulum began to give him incorrect information, and he lost the money he initially earned. Finally he realized what was happening and stopped playing at the races. And in the end he found himself in the same financial situation as before the race.

When can you use a pendulum?

There is no “schedule” for working with a pendulum. You can contact him at any time when the need arises. I usually carry a pendulum with me, but I may go weeks without using it. And sometimes I turn to him for help up to three times a day.

I know people who ask the pendulum about almost everything that happens in their lives. These people can use the pendulum several times a day. I also know people who set aside time each week to ask the pendulum questions about the next seven days. I prefer to use my pendulum only when the need arises.

So, you can work with your pendulum whenever you want. Usually people use this tool very often at the beginning of their work with it, but gradually their interest in it wanes, and in the end they turn to it only in extremely important cases. Some people consult the pendulum constantly. It makes no difference how often you use your pendulum. It is just a tool and you can work with it whenever the need arises.

How does he work

For at least the last two centuries, people have known that the pendulum is powered by unconscious movements of the hand. Our subconscious influences the muscles of the hand, forcing them to react to received impulses. This is called the “ideomotor reaction” (“ideo” means “idea, thought”, and “motor” means “movement”). The pendulum amplifies the reaction, which would otherwise be almost imperceptible. Consequently, the answers come to us from the depths of our subconscious.

Michel-Eugene Chevreul studied the pendulum for twenty years, and one of his experiments convincingly proves the above. He supported his arm with a wooden block in different places - from the shoulder to the hand. And the closer this block was to the hand, the weaker the pendulum’s oscillations became. They stopped completely when the fingers holding the pendulum rested on a wooden support.

Chevreul also discovered that when he contemplated a pendulum, he entered a trance-like state. This allowed him to conclude that there was a certain connection between his thoughts and the movements of the pendulum. The experiments made a colossal impression and had a huge resonance in society, and even today they often talk about the “Chevreil pendulum”.

The pendulum opens access to our subconscious. We can say that it is a continuation of our central nervous system. Consequently, it is not the pendulum that supplies us with information. This information is extracted from our subconscious and enters consciousness through the central nervous system. The pendulum “manifests” these messages from our subconscious.

You can often hear the following criticism of the pendulum: if we are able to influence this instrument with our consciousness, then the information obtained with its help must be extremely dubious. In reality, something completely different happens. The pendulum allows us to come into contact with our subconscious whenever we wish.

The subconscious of every person is connected with the cosmic consciousness, to which any information is available. This is why we sometimes go to bed with an unsolved problem and wake up in the morning with a ready-made solution. While we were sleeping, our subconscious became active and turned to the cosmic consciousness for help, and in the morning it gave us the correct answer.

Consequently, we can ask the pendulum any question and receive an answer from the “database” of cosmic consciousness.

The best results are obtained when we really need an answer. It is not at all necessary that your questions relate to life and death, but they should touch upon subjects that are absolutely important to you.

You can hone your abilities by sometimes conducting not too serious experiments with the pendulum. Still, you'll probably have more success finding lost car keys than trying to figure out which of the seven coins your friend touched. The pendulum will give you the answer to both questions, but will be more willing to provide information in serious cases.

The art of using a pendulum

The pendulum is deceptively easy to use. But if you want to become a real professional, you need to practice a lot. You will inevitably make mistakes at first, but as your skills improve, they will become fewer and fewer.

You can achieve great success if you follow these simple rules,

1. Never use a pendulum unless absolutely necessary. If you can make the decision yourself, do it.

2. Don't ask the same question twice during a lesson. This creates doubts. You must trust the answers that the pendulum gives you.

3. Never boast about your skills in handling a pendulum.

4. Ask someone else to work with the pendulum if you are emotionally interested in the answer.

5. Use the pendulum only for good purposes.

Don't let other people use your pendulum. He is tuned exclusively to you, so you should not allow other people's energy to mix with yours. I have several pendulums that I allow other people to use, but there are also those that only I touch. Store your pendulum in your purse or pouch, keep it close to you. This will help you protect it from dangerous influences.

By doing this, you will successfully master the art of working with a pendulum. You will soon find that using a pendulum makes you more perceptive, insightful and confident. In accordance with this, your ability to handle the pendulum will increase.

The possibilities of a pendulum are truly endless. If you handle it wisely, you will achieve real success in various areas of your life.

Using a pendulum for fortune telling is called radiesthesia. There are references to the fact that the oldest form of radiesthesia was fortune telling on a sieve. Then they told fortunes using a key suspended on a cord (this is called cleidomancy) or a ring suspended on a thread (dactylomancy). By the way, all these methods are still used today.

At the same time, fortune telling using a pendulum also appeared. Thanks to its simplicity and numerous possibilities of use, this method of fortune telling has become a very common predictive practice. Moreover, the pendulum itself does not have any special power, it is just a tool, exactly the same as a crystal ball, dice, etc. This is a simple means of sharpening intuition, which only connects the unconscious with the conscious. Through his movements you can also get answers to questions.

How to use a pendulum

The pendulum has found numerous applications as a method of divination. With its help, you can diagnose diseases, find water, lost things, people, identify and mark various types of home energies, assess the state of each of the chakras of the human body... This list goes on and on, although some complex definitions are intended only for the hands of specialists. In this sense, a pendulum is akin to a dowsers frame. The ease of use of a pendulum as a diagnostic tool should not be misleading.

The pendulum requires minimal concentration from a person, but forces one to keep an open mind. In other words, you should not try to control the oscillations - you should allow the pendulum to swing freely. Once the Questioner reaches the necessary state of impartiality, it should be borne in mind: the pendulum is held completely still, in order to then mentally concentrate on the disturbing question. Theoretically, the pendulum should begin to move, and depending on the type of movement and direction, the answer to the question can be read;

if the pendulum rotates clockwise, the answer to the question is positive, if counterclockwise, the answer is negative; another type of pendulum movement is swinging. Vertical means yes, and horizontal means no. But this method is not so widespread.

Hold the pendulum calmly, do not try to consciously control its movements.

The best way to get used to a pendulum is to walk around your home with it. ; watch how it moves over a vase of water, an alarm clock or a TV. The pendulum will quickly make it clear how it reacts to the various radiations and energies that exist in our environment.

It is also interesting to observe how a pendulum behaves over an animal or a person. For example, ask someone close to you to lie down and move a pendulum over him, without touching the body, from head to toe, crossing the areas of action of the corresponding chakras. You will notice that the pendulum will indicate through its various vibrations where the energy fields of the human body are located. This way a person will be able to understand the condition of various organs.
In order to determine the energy charge of a person’s body, you just need to place a pendulum over his palm and find out its energy characteristics by the speed of rotation. Once a person has made contact with the pendulum and tried the easy exercises already described, he can begin to practice other techniques, such as searching for missing objects.

Using a pendulum, you can find ancient coins or jewelry, search for underground sources and water streams. There are many other possibilities.

Finding lost items

If you've lost your keys or watch, can't find your earring or... mobile phone, an important paper or an equally important trifle, you just need to ask the pendulum a question - and it will answer. First, concentrate on the question, take the pendulum and close your eyes. Ask if the lost item is in a specific location. If the answer is no, continue asking, walking around the home step by step.

For example, if it happened that the keys fell on the bed or behind the closet, the pendulum will make a sharp movement and it will be possible to determine their location. If a person diligently experiments with a pendulum, he will understand the form of its application. It recognizes the correspondence between movements and their meanings.

The pendulum and its perception of love

A pendulum can describe many subtleties in the relationship between a man and a woman.

You should relax and concentrate on the question. Then write on a piece of paper the names of people whose relationships you would like to know about. Questions should be short and clear, for example:

  • Will your physical relationship with this person be joyful?
  • Are we emotionally compatible?
  • Are we suitable for each other on an intellectual level?
  • Are our spiritual aspirations similar?

The pendulum's responses are expressed in its oscillations:

Yes, if the pendulum rotates clockwise.
Not if the pendulum rotates counterclockwise.

Large circles when rotated indicate a high degree of evaluation, both positive and negative. Conversely, small circles during rotation indicate a low rating.

Having analyzed the result, you will have a fairly clear and clear idea of ​​what, in general, are the relationships that were guessed about.

Search for missing people.

The pendulum can also be used in cases where it is necessary to find a missing person. To do this, you need to lay out a map of the region or country on the table, then divide this map into squares and number each of them.

Then you should hold the pendulum over each of the squares for some time, thinking only about this person.

The question must be asked clearly and clearly: Is this person here - in square number...? Wait for a clear response from the pendulum. The options are similar: yes, if the pendulum rotates clockwise, and no, if counterclockwise.

Finding a suitable home.

Another option for using a pendulum is to search for a new home.

On the table you need to lay out a map of the city, region or country where, as you think, your future home should be located. Then divide this map into squares, numbering each of them.
It is necessary to define as clearly as possible what characteristics the new home should have. Having relaxed and concentrated, you need to repeat the question over each square on the plan: Is there a number in the square... a house that will suit me? The pendulum's answers are: yes if the pendulum rotates clockwise, and no if it rotates counterclockwise. It is also necessary to note the amplitude of rotation. This will help clarify the area or part of the map where positive answers were given.

Then all the results are compared. Of course, then you need to repeat the operation on the selected areas of the map until only one square remains.

Where to go to study?

Choose from a large number educational institutions and existing objects is a very difficult task. A pendulum can help in this matter as well. On paper you need to write the names of those educational institutions that you want to learn about - one sheet for each topic. The next step is to relax and ask the question clearly and clearly: Is... my best choice? - above each piece of paper, repeating the name of the educational institution of interest.

We must wait for a clear answer from the pendulum and write down all the answers. The answer will be positive if the pendulum rotates clockwise, and negative if it rotates counterclockwise.

All that remains is to compare the results.

Will the job change be positive?

Of course, you don’t want to make a mistake when choosing a place to work. You can also ask the pendulum about this.

You should proceed similarly to the already described fortune-telling options: write the name of each enterprise you want to know about (one enterprise on one sheet). Then, under each company name, write the following questions:

  • What is the salary at this company?
  • What is the future of this enterprise?
  • Will the team at the new job be good?

It is necessary to write down all the answers of the pendulum: if the pendulum rotates clockwise, then the answer is yes, but if it rotates counterclockwise, then no. All that remains is to compare the results.


This method of fortune telling using a pendulum is very convenient in cases where the question cannot be answered unambiguously and there may be several satisfactory answer options.

It is necessary to draw a semicircle and divide it into as many sectors as will correspond to the number of answer options to the question. In this case, the pendulum, answering the question, uses oscillatory movements: it will move vertically, horizontally or diagonally. You can use fortune telling in a semicircle to identify sore spots in the body. In each sector, the names of vital organs or main parts of the body are written down. Another option: it is necessary to enter certain character traits into the circle, and the pendulum, by oscillations, will answer which qualities a person has and which he lacks.

The possibilities of fortune telling on a semicircle are varied: how many children there will be, what profession to choose, etc.

Once the semicircle is ready, the pendulum is placed directly above the center. Next, you should concentrate on the question, repeating it to yourself.

The pendulum will oscillate to certain sectors of the semi-circle. This is how the answer can be obtained.

Type of pendulum and working with it.

A pendulum can be made from anything you can get your hands on. You can take a crystal, a heavy bead made of natural stone, a regular needle, a nail, or a ready-made pendulum purchased in a store. The string or chain should be approximately the length from your elbow to your wrist.

We also tuned in to the question, asked the keyword “we are working!”, picked up the thread or chain on which the pendulum hangs and look in which direction the pendulum will swing:

  • right - left - "yes"
  • clockwise - "yes"
  • up and down - "no"
  • counterclockwise - "no".

You also check the positivity/negativity of the energy.
Horizontal and clockwise oscillation is positive energy; vertical oscillation and counterclockwise are negative.

Working with chakras

You can also look at the characteristics of the chakras. We place the person on a horizontal plane and look at each chakra.

If the circle is described incorrectly (counterclockwise, oval or erratic vibrations) - damage to the chakra.

The correct circle in a clockwise direction is good chakra work.

The stronger the pendulum describes the circle, the larger its radius, the stronger the chakra works.
If you need to view a photograph, image or something written on paper, then the principle of answers will be as described above.

They put down some pieces of paper, a photograph or something else, and tuned in to the question. They asked the key word “we are working!”, picked up the thread or chain on which the pendulum hangs, put their elbow on the table, stopped the pendulum, asked the question again and looked: in which direction the pendulum will swing.

If you have several answer options, then write the options on identical pieces of paper, place the pieces of paper face down and check the answer on each one. Where there is “yes” or “this option”, the pendulum will give a “yes” movement.

It's that simple. The main thing is to get the hang of it and focus on the question. Be in a calm state. Good luck!

There are no people incapable of intuitive perception. But some have more developed these abilities, others less. You can conduct very simple experiments to understand to what extent you have such abilities.

Take some kind of metal chain from jewelry with links that are not very large. Place it between your middle and index fingers so that it hangs freely by 15-16 centimeters, and squeeze lightly. Place your hand on any reliable support. This is done so that it does not tremble in weight and cannot force the chain to move. The end of the chain should not touch the table.

Now concentrate, calm down and just wait without thinking about anything. You can put a needle, a coin, or any large metal object on the table, but this is not necessary, and is simply done to improve concentration on the behavior of the chain.

After a few minutes, you will feel that its end begins to swing and describe circular movements or walk back and forth. Then place the palm of your other hand on top of the hand with the chain. The movement of the chain will slow down, stop and start at opposite direction. Of course, not everyone will have this experience and not right away, because we are endowed with abilities different strengths. But absolutely all people will experience, albeit barely noticeable, vibrations in the chain. The greater the amplitude of oscillations, the higher the ability to work with a pendulum and dowsing.

Try another experiment. Rub your palm against your palm vigorously for a minute until you feel it getting hot. Then spread them apart and begin to slowly bring them closer to each other. What's between your palms? Emptiness? Or is there something causing resistance? People who are capable of dowsing have the feeling that between their palms there is an elastic object, like a rubber ball. For some, this sensation occurs earlier, and their “ball” is larger, for others - later. And some don't feel anything.

Even if you are among the last and have no abilities, do not despair. If you do this exercise every day for a week, the feeling of emptiness will disappear, and you will also feel the resistance of space.

Now take a strip of paper about 1 centimeter wide and 2 centimeters long, secure it carefully on the tip of the fixed object, just do not pierce the paper with the tip. At a short distance, wrap your palms around your strip of paper balanced on the needle and imagine that it begins to move clockwise. Just do not touch the paper with your hands and do not interfere with its movement with your breath.

Usually there are no people for whom a strip of paper will remain in place. After a couple of minutes it should definitely move. Well-trained people have experience with a magnetic needle, which, instead of a strip of paper, is attached to the point of a needle. It is much more difficult to move the arrow than the paper. But at the request of a gifted person, she will also move as she is mentally ordered.

What do these experiments say? That we are able to influence the movement of objects with our will, to subordinate them to our mental orders. And you don’t even need to touch them with your hands. However, people working with the frame and pendulum do not require adjustable movement of the indicators. Their task is simply to turn off consciousness and give the indicator complete freedom of action. Of course, it's not very easy at first. After all, our thoughts are always busy with something. And our main task is to learn to think “on a given topic.” Meditation will help you achieve what you want.

How to negotiate with a pendulum

Usually people who start working with a frame or a pendulum believe that the main thing is to ask a question, and they will be able to understand the answer. Yes, asking questions correctly is a great art, we will devote enough time to this. But it is equally important to be able to understand your indicator.

A friend of mine once complained to me that she was receiving strange answers from a pendulum. If he asks him once, he will answer positively. If someone else asks, he will answer in the negative. I asked her to perform her operations in front of me. And so Marina sat down at the table, picked up a pendulum made from a piece of amber, and began asking him questions out loud.

Strange. She actually received two different answers to the same question. At first I thought Marina was asking the question poorly. But she told me a situation about which she wanted to get advice from the pendulum, and the question, in my opinion, was posed correctly. Then I thought about it.

Marina, do you imagine anything when you ask?

Yes, Marina absolutely clearly evoked the necessary picture before her eyes, and this picture, according to her description, was also what it should be. This has me stumped. I didn't know what to think.

Marina, can I talk to him?

I took the same pendulum and started asking questions. I received the same answer several times to a question formulated in exactly the same way. It hasn't changed for me! I began to think that Marina herself was “pushing” the pendulum, causing it to oscillate incorrectly. I began to monitor the slightest movements of her hand, but did not notice any “treacherous” push of the pendulum. Now I no longer understood anything.

And then a strange thought came to my mind.

Marina,” I asked carefully, “did you ask your pendulum which answer is positive and which is negative?”

That's when everything became clear.

For what? - she was surprised.

Many people are convinced that a pendulum says “yes” if it swings clockwise and “no” if it swings back and forth. But that's not true. The version of these “yes” and “no” depends on how you decide with the pendulum yourself.

It is very important at the beginning of working with the indicator not only to establish contact with it, that is, to understand that it hears you and is ready to work for you, but also to establish once and for all what will be considered a positive and what a negative answer.

This is usually done like this. You take your pendulum in your right (if you are right-handed) hand, concentrate and tell it like this: “My dear pendulum, from this day on you and I will work together, so I want your answers to be easy for me to read.” After this, be sure to check how your pendulum understands you.

Ask him a series of simple questions that can only be interpreted unambiguously.

I am a woman?
- Am I... years old?
- Is it winter outside now?
- Is it... o'clock in the afternoon?
- Can you hear me?
- Will you and I work well together?
- Do you promise to always help me in everything?

As you can see, there is no ambiguous answer to such a list of questions. Therefore, the pendulum will answer “yes” or “no”. And you will check how accurately he follows your instructions. But remember:

If you don't know which answer the pendulum considers positive and which negative, you will never be able to understand it. And without this you can’t work.

There is a variant of answers when the pendulum cannot give them at all or does not understand the question. Be sure to agree on this possibility. Say, for example, this: “If my question cannot be answered either positively or negatively, then show such an answer by moving counterclockwise. If my question is posed incorrectly, then show it by being still.”

Better yet, just ask your pendulum how it wants to answer.

Show me how you will answer me “yes”?
- Show me how you will answer me “no”?
- Show me how you answer me “neither yes nor no” or “I don’t know”?
- Show me how you answer me “I didn’t understand the question”?

At first, each time you work with a plumb line, you need to start by testing it: ask it a series of these simple questions and get answers. If your agreement is valid, the answers will always be the same, if your relationship with the pendulum has not yet been established and you do not feel it, then sometimes you will achieve contact easily, and sometimes you will have to try. That is why it is necessary to conduct such a test before starting work.

And further. Don't forget that the real indicator is you, and the pendulum is just your working tool. Don't make something mystical out of your pendulum. So whenever you pick up an indicator, do this.

5-10 minutes before work, take a warm shower, knead your body with a towel or a special massager, breathe properly to clear your lungs and improve blood supply to the brain, sit quietly with your eyes closed and only when you feel that your physical and mental condition at altitude, you can start your studies.

Remember: the quality and accuracy of the answers depends on your condition. Therefore, if you are not confident in yourself, reschedule classes for another day.

The art of asking questions

And now you have a pendulum in your hands. You're ready to get started. Where do we start? First, as I already said, you need to establish a constant and full connection with him, that is, through simple questions and answers, find out which movements of the plumb line will be positive and which will be negative. After which we will try to talk to the pendulum.

When using a plumb line to get definitive answers, you will have to learn to formulate your question accurately. You can’t ask in detailed sentences, it’s pointless. You can't frame the question very vaguely. Here's a small example.

The young man wants to get married. He has three girls in mind, each of whom can apply for the vacant position of his future wife. He asks:

Will Julia be a good wife? And the answer is “yes”.
- Will Masha be a good wife? And he also gets the answer “yes”.
- Will Natasha be a good wife? Yes again.

From which he concludes that the plumb line cannot be trusted.

But in fact, only the questioner is to blame for the pendulum’s incorrect answers. He asked abstract questions. All three girls are probably drawn to family life, they really are capable of becoming great wives. But... for whom? He didn't ask the most important thing: which of these girls he was most compatible with. He didn’t ask another thing, if he still didn’t understand: which of them does he love? And further: should he marry right now and exactly one of these girls?

Another example. One day a neighbor came running to me in tears:

Listen, I'm terminally ill, the pendulum said I'm going to die.

This response of the pendulum, of course, almost brought her to a heart attack. And why? It turns out that the unfortunate woman asked: am I going to die? All people are mortal, so the plumb line answered her positively. This doesn't mean that my neighbor will go to bed and not wake up. The pendulum answered the abstract question about the mortality of any person, including this woman.

So the question needs to be formulated in such a way as to obtain a very clear and unambiguous answer. And don’t forget that this should be the answer to your question, that is, to what worries you now, and not the answer to “the question in general.”

My sister, getting ready to go to Sochi, asked the pendulum if she would have a good vacation there. She received a negative answer and went to a dacha near Moscow. There she became very ill. And if she continued to question the pendulum, she would find out that the weather in Sochi would be rainy and she would not have to swim in the sea, so she could go to Crimea, where it would be sunny. This common mistake all beginners: for some reason, when they receive a negative answer that cancels out their plans, they simply change their mind and believe that now they can ask the pendulum nothing, because they will receive a positive answer. And... they are wrong.

Remember: having received a negative answer, you must find out why it is negative, that is, ask a series of questions that will outline your situation and clarify it.

Asking the right questions is a huge art, it is very difficult to master right away, so you will go through a period of misunderstandings between you and the pendulum before it begins to give you the right advice.

Another mistake and another way of obtaining incorrect answers is in the technique of working with a plumb line. Beginners hold it very stiffly, afraid to move; their hand is in an unnatural position, so the muscles get tired very quickly. And when the muscles become numb, those very wrong impulses arise that are transmitted to the plumb line. Trying to restore proper blood circulation, the brain sends impulses to your shackled hand that have nothing to do with the responses of your subconscious. And then the pendulum behaves strangely, it begins to “lie.”

That’s why, to avoid such mistakes, learn to hold the plumb line very lightly, don’t make an effort, don’t clench it in your fist, don’t be afraid to interrupt your “conversation” for a minute. If you feel that your fingers are going numb, immediately stop what you are doing, stand up, walk around a little, stretch your hand. Don’t be afraid, with new strength you will calmly enter the same rhythm, the quality of your answers will only improve. And in general, at first, don’t overwork yourself. It is impossible to conduct a dialogue with a plumb line for more than half an hour. Once you have rested for about fifteen minutes, you can continue. And in order not to forget what was discussed, be sure to write down your last question and the answer of the pendulum.

(A. Semenova “Working with a pendulum and feng shui”)

A few words before work

About working with tables The concept “table” allows you to denote in one word various diagrams, diagrams, tables and scales. If you take a closer look at them, you can see that we are talking about complex, i.e., multifaceted, thorough, detailed tables. Even with a very good memory, it is not always possible to remember the necessary data, present it in all details and have it at hand. Without appropriate detailed tables, which give confidence that nothing important will be forgotten, things will not go well. When solving complex problems that we are approaching, they are simply irreplaceable. You will soon understand this yourself. Some of them will no longer be necessary over time, after you have established a “complete rapport” with them through continued work. Although this does not in any way detract from their importance. When solving many essentially simple, everyday problems, it is not at all necessary and even undesirable to make yourself dependent on tables memorized by heart. The radioesthetist should not refuse inner freedom without any particular reason. Also, handle your charts with care! They serve us in their own way and at the same time are friends on whom we depend in a certain sense. They also spread special vibes, if you like: the aura you know becomes denser the more we work with the tables. Our pendulum, through which this happens, thanks us for giving it the opportunity to respond quickly and easily. Working with records With simple, uncomplicated relationships that are easy to understand, there is, of course, no need to resort to detailed records. They can only tire you. In such cases, laconic, very brief notes are sufficient. The practitioner will very soon not need to make extensive notes and sketches: he holds the pendulum centered over rationally placed words and simply moves with his pendulum-holding hand as the indicator swings in a certain direction, after which new possibilities open up for him. So again and again you get the starting point for the next step. Another way: if out of five options you have to choose one, the optimal one, then you can write on a piece of paper the keywords related to these five options, then hold the pendulum over each word and ask a question about the best solution. The pendulum above it will answer “Yes!” The second option following the optimal one is installed in a similar way. In general, this simple course of action is less difficult and does not require much time. Working “in the mind” and without tables Even simpler and always accessible is to use the method of working “in the mind”, of course, with complete composure, when a clear and precise question is mentally asked of the pendulum and an answer is expected from it. With the correct technique for posing a question, a number of new possibilities also open up, which, according to the principle “from general to specific,” are consistently worked out and lead to an unambiguous result. When working with a number of tables interrogated one after another, intermediate questions arise that clarify the previous result; based on this, the question is again posed and an answer is received. You do the same thing when you don’t have tables at hand, but have a fairly good understanding of the topic. For a conscientious radioesthetist, asking control questions is an integral part of his research: “Is the result achieved correct...?” Or: “Is this really the best solution...?” Or: “Is there another, better way to achieve. ..?” Etc. Not every step must be rechecked by asking whether the result is correct. After a number of steps have been taken, you can summarize the overall result by clarifying whether the last result is correct or not. If the pendulum answers “no” to this control question, it means a mistake was made. In addition, it is wise to ask or repeat control questions after a few hours or even the next day, which has a very calming effect on important things. One of the most common methods of “communicating” with the subtle world is the use of a pendulum. There is quite a lot of literature in bookstores on the principles of working with magic pendulums. We'll tell you a little in this article. A pendulum can be built from the most ordinary objects. To make it you will need a piece of thread and a weight. A ring, a nut or some small pebble can be used as a load. Very detailed information about manufacturing methods and materials for the pendulum is written in the books of Anton Stangl. Moreover, he writes not only about the pendulum itself, but also about how a person should behave when handling it. That is, how he should eat, how to breathe, what to think, how to be dressed, and so on. In his book, he writes that the result that a pendulum gives in response to an answer comes not from some external forces, but from the very soul of the questioner. He recommends using a pendulum first when solving health-related issues. Also, some recommend using a pendulum when searching for energetically dirty places in space, when searching for objects and diagnosing the condition of people. As you can see, all of the above believe that the pendulum can be used to obtain objective information. Although there are those who express the opinion that from a pendulum you can find out a variety of answers to questions, including the weather after a certain period of time or the winning numbers of a lottery ticket. Now let's move on to actually making the magic pendulum. Any object can be used as a load, although some recommend using only a stone that suits the person’s horoscope. It is best for the load to be spherical in shape. Pendulums in the shape of a cone and others are also suitable. You can choose any thread. A very important condition is the need not to give your pendulum to someone else. It should be filled with your energy. After all, you have to work with him. It is also very useful to carry it with you so that it constantly has contact with your energy, thoughts, emotions. To work with a pendulum at home, a small weight is suitable, but if you need a pendulum to search for something on the street, then of course you need more weight. Now let's move on to how to use the pendulum. The pendulum is quite easy to use. For example, while sitting at a table, you need to take the pendulum in your hand by the string so that the weight hangs above the table at a height of five to ten millimeters. In this case, your hand should lean on the table with your elbow, otherwise, holding your hand suspended, you will create unnecessary vibrations, and the pendulum will not provide accurate information. The pendulum thread is passed between the index finger and thumb. You should calm the pendulum and start asking your question. Nothing should distract you from the question. It should not be that you ask about health, and at this moment you yourself are thinking about work or food. Also, the question should be asked in such a way that it can be answered “Yes” or “No”. After asking the pendulum a question, you should look at its oscillations. If the pendulum oscillates back and forth relative to the human body, then this means the answer is “Yes”. On the contrary, when the pendulum moves left and right, it means “No”. If the magic pendulum begins to spin, it means that there is no answer. At least at the moment it is not clear what to answer. The pendulum seems to say: “I don’t know.” However, the direction of the circular motion indicates which answer is closer. If it moves clockwise, then it is closer to the answer “Yes”; if it moves counterclockwise, then it is closer to negative. Also sometimes you should take into account the strength of vibrations, but here it is better to rely on your experience. To begin with, you should ask the pendulum simple questions to which you know the answers. For example, “Am I wearing a white shirt?”, “Is it true that I have a dog?” If the answers are correct, then you can move on to the questions that interest you. After working with the pendulum, you should thank the person who gave you the information depending on your views. For example, if you believe that spirits are giving it to you, thank them. With constant practice, working with a magic pendulum can bring good results. Do not “communicate” with the pendulum out of idle curiosity or out of nothing to do. You cannot pursue selfish interests with the aim of harming someone or taking revenge, even if this person, as you think, deserves it. You should only work with a pendulum in complete solitude and silence. You must learn to formulate a question so that the answer is either “yes” or “no.” For example, asking: “How should I spend my money?” it will be wrong. But if you decide, say, to go on a tour or buy a car, consistently ask questions: “Should I buy a car? ", "Should I go on a Mediterranean cruise?" Did the pendulum answer the first question positively, and negatively the second? Wonderful! If you haven’t decided on a brand yet, write down a few models that you like on a piece of paper and ask the pendulum: “Should I choose this car?” Make a choice in favor of the brand over which the adviser gave a positive answer. What if you are going on vacation and can’t choose a region? The pendulum will help here too. Spread a map on the floor or table and mark the places you are interested in visiting. Consistently moving the pendulum over each of them, keep track of the answers. Are you an avid gardener? With the help of an advisor, you can choose the most suitable plot of land or variety for a particular crop, determine the quality of seeds or the effectiveness of pesticides. Do you understand the principle? You can find out many other questions in the same way. But don’t forget the old proverb “Trust in God, but don’t make a mistake yourself.” That is, in serious matters, use your own intuition and common sense, consult with your family. The advice of the pendulum can be the decisive impetus for the final decision. The simplest pendulum is a weight made of any metal or stone, suspended on a silk thread. In ancient times it was believed that the material from which the plumb line was made should correspond to a metal or stone astrologically sympathetic to the magician. Thus, a resonance is created (planet - constellation - layers of the sphere - metal or mineral) with the owner of the pendulum. Depending on the purpose of use, pendulums were different in shape (ball, cone, cylinder, ring, etc.). Pendulums can be made of wood, ivory, plastic, metal or alloys. The weight can vary from 10 to 120 g. For office research, it is better to use a pendulum weighing 10-30 g and a suspension length of 10-30 cm, and on the ground - up to 80-120 g and a cord up to a meter long. * “If the pendulum wants to answer my question “Yes!”, what movement does it then make?” * “If the pendulum wants to answer my question “No!”, what movement does it then make?” * “If the pendulum wants to say that it cannot answer (because the question is not clearly stated or repeats the meaning of the previous one), what kind of movement does it then make?” You can also turn to the pendulum with a request (“I ask that ...”) to always answer you in a strictly defined way, in the way that suits you most. For example, when answering “yes” - an oscillatory connecting movement, when “no” - an oscillatory separating movement, when “I can’t answer” - a circular left-rotatory movement, when “I don’t want to answer” (because, from higher considerations, he thinks that it’s better for me to do not know) - circular dextrorotatory. I have revealed to you my personal answer figures. They may be different for you. For many, turning to the right means “yes”, turning to the left means “no”. What other figures express, you must find out together with your pendulum yourself, while through questions like “Does this figure mean this and that?” you will not receive confirmation of what you established using security questions (more on them later). By communicating with the pendulum in one way or another about the meaning of the figures, you are simultaneously reaching an agreement with your subconscious and what lies behind it. Remember the absolute unity of the soul-spirit and body and their control through the smallest vibrations coming from the subconscious depths. Over time, you will probably find out that the amplitude of the pendulum’s oscillations has its own meaning: the more intensely it oscillates, the more convincing and firm the answer “yes” or “no”, and vice versa. With a weak “yes” or “no,” the pendulum moves to the side by only a few millimeters. But pay attention to whether we are talking about a genuine vibration, whether it is caused by a simple trembling of the hand! The amplitude of intense vibrations (with a thread length of about 14 cm) can reach 5 centimeters or more. In these cases, I never cease to be amazed at the force that “accelerates” the pendulum to such an extent. If intensity plays a role when the pendulum answers a question, then it is much easier to set its indicator using a 100% scale.

Psychological attitude when working with a pendulum

Psychological attitude is of paramount importance. Most of the difficulties come with it. This applies not only to beginners, but also to advanced and even very experienced radiosthetists. Since it is not immediately that a person guided by feelings and emotions is given internal composure and due calm. It's actually about three things.

1. No bias! No preconceived thoughts or opinions, no expectations regarding the reaction or response of the pendulum, i.e. complete neutrality, a kind of “inner emptiness” (in my opinion, in this case this is the best figurative comparison). Act as if the result does not concern you at all, as if you are an outside observer of the process of the pendulum’s movements. Body and spirit must be completely calm. And this always presupposes mental balance, a harmonious state of mind. No haste or hasty “Come on, come on!” When even weak expectations creep into the brain, they immediately cause microelectric fluctuations associated with certain reflexes of the nervous system; these oscillations try to bring the pendulum instrument into the expected movement, which happens quite often. The results of brain research leave no doubt about this.

2. No interfering side thoughts, i.e. complete internal concentration on what is happening, and nothing more! It is characteristic of the nature of our brain and way of thinking that with the said expectations, thoughts flash at lightning speed in the subconscious, which staunchly oppose us or truly bother us. It is very difficult to disable these ever-present sources of disruption. To points 1 and 2. The requirement to have no prejudice and no extraneous thoughts ideally presupposes what I recently designated as complete inner emptiness. In terms of practicing with a pendulum, I would like to recommend one of two types of self-help that personally bring me great benefit. Of course, you can choose your own, perhaps much more suitable for you. So, the first way. After asking the question (more on this below) and directing my gaze to the tip of the pendulum, I mentally imagine a simple cross like the well-known “red cross” or the one depicted on the Swiss flag, its center located under the tip of the pendulum. Along the lines of this cross, the pendulum can now make its movements, so I avoid thinking about them later. Second way. Earlier, I already pointed out that when working with a pendulum, I hold my relaxed left hand, lying on the table and with the palm facing slightly to the side, “at a distance of 10-20 cm to the left of the pendulum. This makes sense: at critical working moments I imagine to myself, as vibrations emanate from the energy centers or chakras located on the rich nerves of both palms, helping the pendulum to begin the correct movement in order to provide an answer. Each of these auxiliary methods easily helps me to gather my courage, so that no extraneous desires arise and thoughts that can interfere. With such deep concentration, the posed question with a request for an answer prevails over everything and everyone. If any disturbing thought appears again, I immediately (as in tsazen) get rid of it thanks to the spiritual lasso. And one more instruction: if you not only think about the question, but, having formulated it in detail, slowly and quietly speak or whisper your phrase, even if again only mentally, then this, as all my experience testifies, is extremely helpful in maintaining internal concentration.

3. Know how to wait! You completely calmly hold the pendulum over the central point of the table or over the object under study, your gaze is fixed on the tip of the pendulum. Put a question and wait for the answer in the form of pendulum movements. Sometimes it takes a while before it starts. It seems to you that time is dragging on for an unusually long time. Especially with complex questions, where many aspects play a role, the pendulum is late in answering. Be patient! Spiritual forces and your own vibrations also need time to “play together.” Trust them: the process is already underway! Fear that you will not achieve anything or even lack of faith, as well as hasty conclusions like “I must achieve results now!” - all this can destroy internal concentration and spiritual connection with the active forces, and then there will be no result at all. Another caution regarding this stage of waiting for the result: do not amplify the initial vibrations by any movement of the hand, which, however, can easily happen unconsciously and sometimes happens even with experienced radiosthesists. In this phase of initial excitement and search, the pendulum often makes hesitant swings (this is especially the case when working with large tables), but then the situation changes and stabilizes. And then you can be sure of receiving the correct answer. Along with these three most important points, I would like to emphasize the following: at first, work in complete solitude, that is, without witnesses, not to mention a large number of people present. This eliminates the possibility of direct or indirect influence from outsiders. When many people come together, the various vibrations emanating from them spread in all directions, which can lead to false, false results. (This is almost typical of the situation with radioesthesia courses, when students do not achieve positive results in the presence of fellow students, while at home, when working with the pendulum one on one, without witnesses, they make amazing progress!) If ever later you, having already had sufficient experience, you will, as an exception, work in pairs with another person, acting in relation to him as an assistant, then explain to him that he must focus on his problem entirely and completely, as if no one was nearby, and not The more I didn’t think about anything else, the more about a certain result. And don’t forget: working with a pendulum at first and not only may seem extremely tedious to some people. Later, thanks to exercises and training, the situation will change for the better. Rule without exception: if you feel tired, stop working! In such cases, one cannot expect the correct result.

Cleansing before working with a pendulum

How to cut off the “jokers” In this paragraph we would like to consider in more detail the question of how you can more accurately tune in to the “interlocutor” you need from the Subtle World. And how to drive away the “jokers” who will try to get in touch with you - instead of the one you need. This matter, as you understand, is far from simple. Therefore, we will give some purely practical recommendations. Decide who you need First of all, you need to decide who you will turn to for information. And to do this you need to understand what exactly interests you. Because quite often there are situations when a person who doubts his abilities tries, by one method or another, to make contact with the entities of the Subtle World. Since he has strong internal doubts, the matter is delayed. But if he is more persistent, he will definitely succeed. And this is where many people find themselves unprepared for the meeting. They have nothing to ask from the Higher Powers, especially if they are pure spirits and the dialogue is conducted with restraint and respectability. More precisely, there seem to be a lot of small questions. But they immediately lose their significance in the face of the Unknown, who suddenly revealed his secrets. It turns out that there are no global issues, and it seems awkward to deal with all sorts of trifles. And the person gets lost, breaks out in a cold sweat and mumbles something inarticulately in response to a very specific question: “What do you need?” So, so that you don’t have such a situation, think in advance what information you need. Do you really need it? What answer do you expect to receive and what will you do with it? What forces of the Subtle World can possess this information, that is, who will you call “in touch”? Overall, take this seriously. If you bother your High interlocutors over trifles, and especially if you do not “pay” for your questions with appropriate energies, then the “pure” ones may stop answering you. And their place will not be empty, as you probably already understand. So take this seriously and understand what information you need - that's our first recommendation. Clear the room of low entities The next step is to clear the room of “unclean” ones if possible, especially if you are not going to turn to them for assistance. This is done in well-known ways. One of them is to fill the air of the room with microparticles of incense. This is done by vaporizing incense, burning incense sticks, or vaporizing aromatic oils. Such drugs are now sold in large quantities in specialized stores and church shops. Microparticles of incense create an uncomfortable environment for entities of the etheric plane and the lower astral plane. This does not mean that they will necessarily leave the premises - and there are demons in the church. But they will feel uncomfortable there and may linger in such an environment only to implement their plans. And the loitering “jokers” will probably not tolerate the inconvenience idle and will move to another place. The same functions of clearing a room of low entities are performed by open fire (candle flame) and ringing bells. Therefore, when church bells ring, they actually cleanse their surroundings of low entities. The same functions are performed in India by numerous bells that are hung on ropes outside the house. The breeze moves these bells, they ring and cleanse the atmosphere in and around the house. Likewise, if conditions permit, you can ring the bell and light a candle; fortunately, many candle lamps are sold today that burn for several tens of hours. However, ordinary candles are no worse, but they will have to be replaced more often. Isolation of pure energies The next step in preparing for contact is the allocation of a portion of reference energies to pure spirits. That is, reading a prayer, to put it simply. You can read specialized prayers that suit your needs - if you know them. If not, then read the prayer that you know. For example, “Our Father” - this also helps (for Christians, naturally). It is recommended to read the prayer not only in preparation for contact, but also in the very process of obtaining the information you need. It is clear that such a procedure must be carried out if you are going to contact pure spirits or your own subconscious (that is, your subtle bodies). If you need production or technological information, you can skip the cleaning step. Although you don’t have to skip it, it won’t get any worse. The same applies to the situation when you decide to turn to the brownie for help. For example, to find something lost in the house. Sometimes there are interesting incidents with them. For example, you have lost your keys and really ask the brownie to return them to you. He would be happy to help you, but you lost your keys not at home, but in another place. And he, naturally, does not have this information and cannot return it to you in any way. So, if he is imbued with your grief, he can bring and throw you the keys. Very similar to the ones you need. Similar, but not the same. In this case, thank him for his help (he tried so hard! ) and look for your loss elsewhere. And then move on to the next stage - tuning in to the desired “interlocutor”. Tuning in to the desired “interlocutor” The next step is to select the “invisible interlocutor” you need and call him “in touch”. Which communication channel you use is up to you. This could be fortune telling, automatic writing, a pendulum, an altered state of consciousness, an intuitive guess, and so on. Depending on the type of information you need, try to choose a possible “responder” and mentally call him. You can call out loud, but the situation must be suitable, otherwise completely earthly problems will arise. You need to contact the entity you need and keep it in your field of vision the entire time of contact. You cannot disconnect from mental contact with her for a long time, no matter how unexpected the information you receive may be. If you forget about your “interlocutor” for more than 30 seconds, he may go “out of touch” - he may simply be crowded out by others who want to talk with you. Moreover, they will do this unnoticed, without announcing the replacement of the interlocutor. And he will have nothing to confirm his rights to “communicate” with you - you have forgotten about him. If you do not detect the substitution, then you will continue to talk with someone completely different from the one you planned with. And you will get completely different information than you could. And who will be to blame for this besides you? Nobody. Check your interlocutor Therefore, the next step is to make sure that it is the entity you called that “gets in touch” with you. How to do it? This is not difficult if you have a two-way stable connection. That is, if you use a pendulum, a frame, the automatic writing method, or are in direct mental contact with an “invisible interlocutor.” If you receive information using the fortune-telling method, where two-way communication is not provided, then it is impossible to check who answered you. If they answer you one way or another, then go ahead! Ask who exactly contacted you. If you ask a direct question, no one can lie to you - there are rules for the interaction of people and beings of the Subtle World, established by the Creator. Avoid answering, pretend to be someone or dissemble - as much as you like. Lying directly is not allowed. So if your interlocutor begins to avoid direct answers or comes up with loud names for himself like the Universal Mind or the Messenger of the Intergalactic Council, then politely say goodbye to him and again call on the entity that you need. If she answers that she is “in touch” with you, interrogate her with passion. Make her swear that it's her. Threaten that if she breaks her oath, she will roast in the Underworld forever. Usually, such a prospect tempts few people, and uninvited interlocutors quickly leave the connection. And the one you really called will give positive answers to such questions and calmly swear to what you ask. And don't be shy! Perhaps pure spirits are not very pleased to answer your verification questions. But it’s better for them to experience discomfort for a minute (they still belong to the service staff of our hotel) than for you to be deceived and become a victim of sinful spirits. An approximate dialogue when working with a pendulum. A mental dialogue when receiving information using a pendulum and tuning into a Guardian Angel may look something like this: “I call my Guardian Angel from the Divine Plan to communicate. Is this a Guardian Angel? Yes (corresponding movement of the pendulum) . Are you a pure spirit from the Divine plane? Yes. Are you a sinful spirit? No. Are you a demon? No. Are you the soul of a person? No. Are you some other entity of the Subtle World? No. Do you swear that you are a pure spirit? Yes. You know , that if you break your oath, you will go to the Underworld? Yes. May I have information on the following question...." This dialogue in italics contains questions that you can ask your Guardian Angel every time you call him or interrupt him contact with him for more than 30 seconds. The answers that the Guardian Angel should give are given in regular font (in our example, with the help of a pendulum). If you receive different answers, say goodbye to this entity and again mentally (or out loud) call your Guardian Angel. Farewell to an uninvited interlocutor must be decisive and final. You can mentally tell your uninvited guest something like: “I ask you to leave the connection and never go to my channel again. I invite you to contact...”. With this verification procedure, you can, with a high degree of certainty, tune in to exactly who you need. Although there are other ways to evaluate “invisible interlocutors,” which we will talk about a little later. Calling a Guardian Angel in itself without further checking its ownership can lead to an error. The author of this book encountered a situation where the Guardian Angel seemed to answer a call. But then the information he gave began to raise doubts (it contradicted what was received earlier). Therefore, the question was asked: “Are you a Guardian Angel from the Divine Plan?”, to which, after some hesitation, the answer was received: “No.” That is, a sinful spirit “got in touch”, also, apparently, relating itself to the Guardian Angel. Only from the demonic plane (although, as you understand, there is no such thing as a sinful Guardian Angel). Therefore, our next recommendation is this: if possible, check who exactly contacted you. Otherwise, a situation may arise when you are proud of your direct contact with God the Father and thereby greatly amuse the “jokers” from the demonic plane. This, in principle, ends our recommendations for tuning in to the interlocutor you need. There are a few other comments related to these activities. Some more recommendations To make contact, it is better to use night time - then the atmosphere is less saturated with the thoughts and emotions of people who are awake and preoccupied with their problems. It will be easier for you to tune in, and you will listen better or otherwise perceive your invisible interlocutors. It's best to do this alone, especially if you've just started making contact. The channel between you and your interlocutor is still unstable and may be interfered with by the thoughts and experiences of other people. Reading information in the presence of other people, especially skeptical ones, can only be done by contactees with a stable communication channel that has been developed over time. It is strictly not recommended for novice contactees to do this. It is advisable that the room you will use to receive information is not contaminated by strong emotions, especially negative ones. That is, it is very difficult to call the Guardian Angel from a room where the political council of a party periodically meets, or from prison. There are no positive vibrations there, and your lonely prayers will not be able to clear the atmosphere to a level comfortable for pure spirit. And there will be an abundance of sinful spirits in such a room. The same thing, in principle, applies to housing. If you like to have family squabbles in the kitchen, then you shouldn’t call your Guardian Angel from here. But there are as many demons as you like. Rooms used for spiritual practices, meditation, prayer, etc. are best suited for this purpose. It is well known that the effectiveness of appealing to Higher powers in the church is much higher than from any other place. A church is a “prayerful” place from which a direct and stable channel is cut to one’s religious egregor and the spirits accompanying it. From here they will hear you faster. But it is not a fact that they will come to help faster, since this is where the main flow of requests traditionally comes from. And your request may get lost in the stream of other requests and appeals. So decide for yourself whether you will use the already established channels of communication with the Subtle World, or whether you will begin to create your own. Of course, it’s more convenient with your own channel. But in order for it to become stable and not be afraid of the intervention of “jokers”, it will require quite a lot of effort and time. And the last recommendation - do not lose your vigilance and often check who is “in touch” with you, no matter how stable your channel is. Excessive confidence (in fact, idealization of one’s abilities) in one’s infallibility can be a disservice. Don't be lazy to check your connections, and everything will be fine. You will receive answers to your questions and take another step towards life in the Reasonable World. You already know that the subconscious is a collection of personalities from previous incarnations. At the same time, these individuals exist on their own even now, since all of them used to be people, and time is just one of the coordinates of multidimensional space. That. you have powerful allies in different periods of Earth's history. At the same time, they are all “inside” you, forming the subconscious - a kind of alternative to consciousness that has absorbed all the accumulated experience. Human life in multidimensional space can be represented as a more or less winding line leading from the maternity hospital to the cemetery. As a result of many incarnations, you (your mental body) accumulate karma - a set of deformations associated with gaining experience. There are more and more lines left by your incarnations in multidimensional space, they<вплетаются> into the history of the Earth as an organism, further becoming its integral part. When you end your life in this incarnation, at the time of death, your current personality will become part of the subconscious for the next incarnation. The subconscious represents: Experience accumulated in previous incarnations (it was these individuals who made your karma and it was they who became the result of the emergence of your current personality). Part of the history of the Earth as an organism or some base extended in time, relying on which and having thus. stability, it is possible to influence objects of this world. When practicing Magic, people recall their previous incarnations and can successfully use their experience for self-improvement and solving various kinds of problems. Previous incarnations often contain very valuable information. When the experience of previous incarnations becomes available to you, your personality will unite with those personalities into a single whole, you will acquire what is called in Magic full consciousness - consciousness extended over time, integral, but consisting of individual incarnations. The pendulum and frame of the device are interchangeable, so everything that will be said below is true for both one and the other instrument. A pendulum is a weight suspended on a thread or chain. When working with a pendulum, it is held in the hand, the elbow of which is placed on the table. The hand is slightly bent, relaxed, and the fingers hold the end of the thread on which the pendulum is suspended. The pendulum can swing freely, showing either the answer to the question or the direction. Sometimes the entire arm, bent at the elbow, is held suspended (if the right arm is with the elbow pointing to the right). The frame is an L-shaped metal knitting needle, which is held vertically by the short end in the hand. So that it can easily rotate - just hold it in your fist, suspended, without squeezing your fingers too much. The arm is usually bent at the elbow at a right angle. There are a huge number of manuals and manuals that supposedly teach the “correct” work with the pendulum and frame. The authors of such manuals, as a rule, are far from understanding the processes that make a pendulum oscillate or a frame turn. They present many theories of their own making - this is how numerous “spirits” and a mysterious “fluid” appear, allegedly participating in the process. In fact, everything is much simpler. Both the frame and the pendulum are set in motion not by mysterious spirits, fluids or fields, but by uncontrolled movements of the hand. Extend your relaxed left hand forward and spread your fingers, stop the internal dialogue and watch how the ends of your fingers tremble, remember this. Now, on the contrary, begin to relive the brightest moments of your life, and look at your hand - now it is trembling more strongly, the movements have become sharp and noticeably larger in amplitude. In the first case, you saw a natural shaking of the hand (tremor) caused by muscle activity. In the second case, it was supplemented by trembling associated with the attunement to some events. It is important to understand here that we saw a useful component only in the second experiment. That trembling of the hand, which was in the first experiment, is also associated with some processes in the body, but for our practice it is useless and should be eliminated by selecting a certain sensitivity when making or adjusting a frame or pendulum. We'll talk about setting the sensitivity of these tools later. Working with pendulums and frames can be divided into three main classes of practices, which, in turn, are divided according to the types of work performed. Three classes of practices - three degrees of involvement of the subconscious, correspond to the complexity of their development. Working with a frame and a pendulum at the body level, without involving the subconscious. Local search for underground water, minerals, minerals, treasures. The body serves as an indicator here. Your body is now balanced, but many external factors can disrupt this balance for a short period of time, causing major systems, such as the nervous or circulatory system, to become reconfigured. Next, the body will be balanced again - it has reconfigured and adapted to new conditions. What is important here is the moment of reconfiguration, some kind of material confirmation that something is present. Dowsing, or as it is also called, dowsing, is based precisely on this principle. The dowser works with a frame (or with a flyer made of willow twig), he tunes in to the water, imagines it. In this case, consciousness generates a thought form, and the body, being unable to distinguish a fake, perceives it as a sign that water is somewhere nearby. He is already ready to perceive it. Now the dowser walks through the area, holding his flyer and watching its end. The body, sensing even a weak sign of water (in the place where the dowser passes), adapts to new conditions, causing trembling of the hands and, accordingly, swaying of the flyer (or turning of the frame). Thus, they determine where to dig a well. Using the dowsing method, you can search for minerals or coins - the principle is the same. You can go with a pendulum - where it starts to swing from the vibrations of your hand, there is the thing you are looking for. But it is difficult to walk with a pendulum, since the steps themselves contribute to its swinging. Working with a frame and a pendulum using the surface levels of the subconscious. Getting answers to basic questions, yes or no. “Will it rain today?”, “Will I pass the exam?” Here it is important to choose a rule (agree with the subconscious about the interpretation of the movements of the pendulum and frame). I will give you a rule, but if you have already worked with a frame or a pendulum, don’t change anything, leave it as it is, otherwise you will get confused. Let the swing of the pendulum towards you - from you mean "yes", and to the left and right - mean "no" (as if a person is nodding at you or shaking his head). The same movements can indicate direction if the appropriate question is asked. Rotation around a point means that point (for example, on a map). When working with a frame, clockwise rotation is “yes”, counterclockwise is “no”. The number of revolutions shows the "intensity" of something (depending on the question). The subconscious is already at work here - it is it that produces the movement of the hand (which we deliberately placed in an unstable position) that causes the pendulum to swing or the frame to turn. We tune in to the question, and then, when the body begins to do something (without understanding what they want from it), an unstable state arises in which the subconscious can manifest itself, pushing the hand in the right direction. It hears and understands you perfectly now, but you don’t hear it. Working with a frame and a pendulum with full involvement of the subconscious. Searching for places on a map, searching on the ground and getting directions, getting answers to questions in alphanumeric form, getting magical names, linking an object to a volt. For example, here is a geographical map. You are looking for a place of Power to go there and practice. We tuned in for this. Removed unnecessary thoughts. Ask the subconscious<где оно?>. After a few seconds, the pendulum begins to swing, indicating where to move. We are moving in that direction, for example, the pendulum suddenly stops swinging. This means that in the opposite direction, we slowly move the hand with the pendulum there. The pendulum will begin to rotate above the desired location on the map. You found it. At the same time, the subconscious mind moved there in multidimensional space and identified a place on your map based on the real terrain in order to show it. The pendulum and frame can be used by everyone without exception, but only those who practice Magic know and can use them for more complex things than those indicated in the first class of practices. Making a pendulum and a frame It is absolutely not necessary to make both a frame and a pendulum. You can limit yourself to just a pendulum. But having these two tools is more convenient. Once you've made them, store them separately from other things. Find a suitable box, clean it thoroughly and place the tools there, wrapped in pieces of cloth. We will talk in detail about storing magical items, but for now the main thing is not to throw them anywhere and not to put them together with other things.


It is best to make the pendulum yourself. Usually it is a cone, at the base of which there is a loop for attaching a chain or thread. The material from which it is made is not very great importance, slightly affecting the sensitivity of the instrument. Usually the pendulum is made of bronze, brass, copper or silver, in the shape of a cone, the height of which is (approximately) 30 mm, the diameter of the base is 14 mm. A loop is soldered onto a flat base, or a separate part with a loop at the end is screwed into it. A chain, usually made of the same metal, is hooked onto this loop. You can use a simple thread, but it gets twisted, which interferes with the work. The length of the chain is selected based on the desired sensitivity; the smaller it is, the more sensitive the instrument. It is necessary to choose the length of the chain so that hand tremor does not affect it, and vibrations associated with attunement to the object are visible from the swinging of the pendulum (remember the experiment). The mass of the pendulum also affects sensitivity - the greater the mass of the pendulum, the more inertia it has and the less sensitive it is to hand tremors. A ring is often made at the end of the chain to be worn on the index or middle finger, but this is not necessary. If you cannot make such a pendulum, just find a suitable part. For example, a good pendulum is obtained from a rifle bullet. You can do it even simpler by purchasing a well-crafted and balanced pendulum from the nearest esoteric goods store. In any case, you need to start working with it right now. If making or purchasing takes time, just use a small nut suspended on a thread for now. This is not so convenient, but it does not require time to manufacture; over time, you will make or look for a more reliable option.


The frame is a piece of wire bent at a right angle in the shape of a letter<Г>. To make it, a metal knitting needle is suitable, which should be bent in a place somewhat distant from its middle. Approximately, the length of the short leg of the frame is about 10...15 cm, and the long one - 20...30 cm. The diameter of the wire is up to 3 mm. The frame is held in the hand by the smaller knee, the larger knee is a kind of arrow. The sensitivity of the frame depends on the length of the larger elbow, or more precisely, on its mass. Having made several frames from knitting needles with a deliberately longer measuring part, you can then, while conducting experiments, bite off small pieces with pliers, adjusting the sensitivity. The sensitivity of the frame can be increased by hanging a small weight at the end of the long knee (but in this case the frame acquires some inertia). Sometimes they make a more complex design in which the vertical part of the frame rotates on bearings in a tube (or metal cup), and the horizontal part has movable weights, or it can change the position of the center of gravity by moving horizontally in a hole drilled in the vertical part. In this hole it is fixed in the desired position with a screw. This frame is more convenient and stable in operation. Since it is held by a tube with bearings, its rotation does not depend on how tightly it is gripped in the hand. In addition, its sensitivity is easy to adjust, for example, by adjusting different people. Such a frame should not be made too heavy, otherwise the hand will quickly get tired when working. Assignment Your assignment is simple - make a pendulum, practice three classes of practices. Ask your subconscious questions that can be easily checked in terms of the correctness of the answers (it is better if you yourself do not yet know the correct answer). To reduce the level of external interference, you should stop the internal dialogue when asking a question. The third class of practices also involves working with alphabets marked on a special circle. This whole device is called a witches board. This activity comes with two professionally made witch boards - print them out, you'll need them later. You can already try to speak to the subconscious in the language of words. It only knows the alphabet it knew during its lifetime. They work with the witches board as with a map - hang the pendulum over the middle of the circle and move your hand along its swings. Above the desired letter it will spin. Typically, men hold the pendulum and frame in their right hand, and women in their left. In general, this is not so important - do as you feel comfortable.

Diagnostics using a pendulum

Adjusting the energy of the chakras using a pendulum Human subtle bodies can be damaged for various reasons, which inevitably leads along the chain to damage to the next higher and lower levels and, as a result, to disruptions in the functioning of organs and systems of the physical body and their diseases. Damage to the chakras and subtle bodies of a person can occur for several reasons: 1. Due to karmic diseases caused by the sins of past incarnations and not yet worked out by the soul in the present birth. 2. Blocking information in a child’s subconscious can cause mental and psychosomatic illnesses in an adult. The source of blocks is the mother’s problems during pregnancy and birth. 3. Psychological complexes based on childhood mental trauma. 4. Life shocks and emotional waste (envy, resentment, despondency, etc.), not displaced from the subconscious by understanding and forgiveness. 5. The presence of energy entities that were attracted by the person himself - by his passions (excitement, lust, greed, hatred, fear, etc.), by his obsessive negative thoughts or brought upon him by another person. Induced entities penetrate a person in the presence of injuries to the subtle bodies from tobacco and alcohol, as well as injuries associated with excitement and anger. 6. The presence of special programs that destroy the structure of a person’s personality (zombie) and take away energy from him (vampirism). Such programs can be introduced or created by the person himself by his constant negative thoughts about his failures in life. The listed causes of disturbances in the subtle bodies of a person entail psychological problems , and communication problems. To understand the causes of emerging problems and ailments, you need to diagnose the state of human energy centers. Diagnostics using a pendulum The easiest way to diagnose the state of the chakras is using a pendulum. The pendulum is an indicator that allows you to see the size and shape of the energy flow emerging from a person’s chakras. When a person stands, energy flows out either in a horizontal plane or up and down. Therefore, a person should lie down on a bed or ottoman, and then all energy flows will come out vertically. Another person, holding a pendulum in his right hand, stands facing the head of the person lying on his left side and in this position diagnoses the state of the chakras. Before conducting diagnostic practice, you must do the following: - The person must ask you to conduct a diagnosis. A request is permission to influence a person. Thus, a person allows you to enter his energy field and will not instinctively create protective barriers. If you forcefully diagnose, you can get a retaliatory energy strike. You cannot manipulate a sleeping person, since at this moment his protection may turn on automatically. Energy centers cannot be diagnosed for children under 12 years of age. When diagnosing a person’s chakras, we receive information about their condition only at the present moment. The readings may be different the next day - Both people (diagnosed and diagnosing) need to remove watches, metal objects and jewelry. The diagnosed person needs to lie down on the sofa without a pillow, loosen the belts or unbutton clothes for a greater feeling of comfort. - The person lying down needs to relax as much as possible, close his eyes. He needs to dive into himself and listen to his feelings. These internal sensations, which he will report on later, are very important for diagnosis: warmth, vibrations, tingling in certain centers, etc. - The diagnostician stands with his right side to the head of the lying person. He turns his left palm upward, tensing his bent elbow at the wrist. This position of the left hand is maintained throughout the practice. Hold the pendulum hanging in your right hand. - Having accepted the position necessary for the correct passage of energy, you must definitely seek permission, help and support from the religious egregor to which you belong, or to the egregor of the Earth, if you and your patient are unbaptized. If these are people of different faiths, in this case you should also turn to the egregor of the Earth. It is necessary to join the highest egregor that is possible. There is no need to feel unworthy of this work. Each of us has a spark of the Absolute, God is inside each of us. When addressing a Christian religious egregor, you should first read the prayer of permission, “Our Father.” When turning to the egregor of the Earth, you need to tune yourself to complete harmony. Say: “I turn to the higher powers of the Earth and ask for permission and an energy beam for diagnosis (state the patient’s name).” The sensation of the beam on the left palm of each person will be different: one will feel a heavy hot ball on the open palm, another will feel a vibration. If there is a feeling of an empty cold palm, this means that they are not giving you energy and now it is impossible to diagnose this person. To diagnose loved ones, as a rule, they always give a beam, so start with them. Having received permission to manipulate a person’s chakras, we begin the practice of diagnosing and correcting the state of his energy centers. When diagnosing each center, you need to bring the pendulum to it horizontally from the side. You cannot lower the pendulum from above to the center of the chakra. After each appeal to the chakra, the pendulum should be moved away from it, and then brought back again. Bring the pendulum to the center of the body no lower than 15-20 cm. Here it begins to make some movements. It is necessary to hold the pendulum on the center of the chakra until you determine exactly what kind of movement it is (circular, elliptical). Then you need to take the indicator over the edge of the sofa and make three movements up and down in order to reset the received information. Only after this, carefully bring the pendulum to the other chakra. Diagnostics begins from the upper center down the front channel of Sahasrara, then in order - Ajna, Vishuddha, Anahata, etc. During practice, the diagnostician gives himself mental settings. The first mental attitude: “I am diagnosing the state of the chakras of such and such a person.” The energy output through the front channel is diagnosed, starting from the upper chakra. If, as a result of the diagnosis, it turns out that all the chakras are working normally, that is, they have circular movements in a clockwise direction, then this person does not need to do anything else. If deviations in the functioning of the chakras are detected, then they should be cleared by opening all centers to the maximum and passing the maximum energy flow through them. Second mental attitude: “I pass his own energy through the person (name) to the maximum extent possible.” This installation turns on the patient’s energy system to the maximum, and the chakras open with his own energy. Then again you need to bring the pendulum to each chakra separately and check their condition. If it turns out that some chakra did not work well and remained in the same state, then it is necessary to perform an additional operation. But, as a rule, if a person does not have persistent disorders, this installation of transmitting his maximum energy and releasing his maximum energy gives a very strong general healing effect, and all centers begin to work normally. If the center is determined during diagnosis (the pendulum swings with a radius of at least 10-15 cm), then at the maximum it will open more and may even go beyond the body. Moreover, different centers are configured differently, and in this way you can see how developed a person’s chakras are. When all the chakras are open, then with the second mental attitude you can go through the entire channel from top to bottom, moving from one chakra to another through the natural circle of the pendulum. First, we bring the pendulum to the upper center and then smoothly move it to the next one. 3 or 7 circles are made over each chakra, and then the indicator smoothly moves to the next chakra until it passes through all seven centers.

So, let's summarize the actions. 1. Diagnose. 2. We pass the maximum flow. 3. Proportionally transfer the flow of energy from the first chakra to the next. 4. If one of the chakras does not work (stands still) or the pendulum moves counterclockwise, then separate work is required with this chakra. Having brought the pendulum to this chakra, you need to read the prayer several times (you can “Our Father”) until the chakra “unwinds” normally. Then you need to return to the upper center and again check the functionality of all chakras. If the lower center does not work, then, as a rule, the upper center does not work correctly, since the chakras are connected to each other in series. Therefore, if the lower center opens, then with its flow it will be able to open the upper center. It is impossible to transfer the flow of energy from one chakra, bypassing the next one, just as it is impossible to transfer the indicator against the flow. It is necessary to work only from top to bottom and only along the flow of the front channel. This practice restores human energy. 5. At the end of the procedure, the normal functioning of the chakras for a given person should be consolidated. Third mental attitude: “I give the attitude to the natural opening of the chakras to such and such a person.” To do this, you need to bring the pendulum to the upper Sahasrara chakra. You will notice that it is no longer the same size as at maximum opening. This will be the natural size for that person. All centers do not have to be large or the same size. Sequentially, lingering on each chakra, move the pendulum to the last chakra, Muladhara (seven circular movements over each chakra). In the process of fixation normal operation chakras of a person, the patient must be warned so that he remembers this internal state of harmony and peace. Later, having relaxed, a person can independently enter this state and make self-correction. You can diagnose chakras on the 12th and 16th lunar days, but the best lunar day is the 28th. On the 28th lunar day of any lunar month, you can harmonize the chakras for preventive purposes. But if a person has an urgent need for treatment, then this can be done even on Satanic days, although on these days it is more difficult to obtain permission. When working with a pendulum over a lying person, you cannot transfer energy from one place to another (along the chakras) as you please. Energy should be redistributed only along the front channel from top to bottom. After correcting the state of the chakras, it is necessary to immediately restore the shape of the subtle bodies, their synchronization and relationships. To do this, you need to mentally focus separately on each of the bodies and inspect it. If necessary, you need to cover holes and punctures with a substance similar to liquid honey. Make sure that the surface of the bodies becomes smooth and impenetrable to everything harmful and foreign. After harmony has been restored at all levels, you should confidently and joyfully say to yourself: “The structure of connections and synchronization between all my bodies has been restored! Protection has been created from everything that suppresses and destroys the structure of my essence! After energy correction, a person feels a sense of mental freedom, joy and extraordinary relief. A. Stangl

Pendulum movements

1. A clockwise circle is a normally working center.

2. Ellipse clockwise - the center is open.

3. Circle counterclockwise - the center is closed.

4. Ellipse counterclockwise - the center is closed.

5. The pendulum stands above the chakra - the center does not function, which leads to changes in the psyche, to pathology of the soul. If the chakra does not work for a long time, it can lead to death. It is especially dangerous when the upper centers are closed.

To get rid of energy blocks or entities, you should use the time of the waning moon. To strengthen a person’s energy and develop his centers, use the time of the waxing moon.

In the area of ​​energy centers - chakras, there are emissions of energy, which also have their own color: from muladhara to sahasrara, a rainbow spectrum can be traced (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet). Streams of energy are emitted from the palms, fingers and toes, as well as from the eyes. Often the energy flow extends over tens, hundreds or more meters.

Vishuddha chakra - Sodalite pendulum, the top part is made of turquoise and sodalite chips

Anahata chakra - Rose quartz pendulum, the upper part is made of quartz and pink chips.

Manipura chakra - Tiger eye pendulum, the upper part is made of citrine and tiger eye chips.

Svalhisthana chakra - "Goldstone" pendulum, the upper part is made of amber and carnelian chip beads.
Mulalhara chakra - Hematite pendulum, the upper part is made of hematite garnets and chip beads.

For chakras - Amethyst pendulum for 7 different chakras with stone chips from; quartz, amethyst, sodalite, citrine, carnelian and garnet.

Taken from the site: http://maitnik.net/
Operator safety

During dowsing work, the operator experiences
energy exhaustion. In addition, there are other unpleasant
moments. When setting up to work with frames, the operator presents
is an energy system open to all kinds of external
influences that are always present in environment. To
protect yourself from negative influences during setup and
the rest frames should be directed towards the ground. They are directed forward
should only be on during operation.

In addition, it is advisable to put spherical ends on the sharp ends of the frames.
or cylindrical nozzles (preferably made of plastic). This is done for
so as not to accidentally damage the frames flowing from the edge
bioenergy of the operator the main organs of the person nearby.
If there are no such protective devices, then the frames should never be
should not be directed towards a nearby operator.

For more successful operation, the operator must comply with certain
recommendations, specific advice:

1. Remember that best time for work - from 5 to 6
o'clock in the morning, from 16 to 17 in the afternoon and from 20 to 21 and from 24 to 01 pm,
undesirable hours for work are 18-19 and 22-23 hours.

2. After eating, digestion occurs in the human body
and it is not recommended to work. The body needs energy for
digestion of food. You should not drink coffee or tea before work. They
cause subsequent weakness. It's good to use an infusion instead
rosehip, cranberry and lingonberry juice.

3. During work, it is necessary to take a break. After
After an hour and a half of work, you need to take a break of 2-5 minutes.

4. Complex work should not be carried out alone. This
refers to work related to staying in areas with
unfavorable energy (UFO landing sites and other anomalous
zones). When working in such places, the operator must warn how
help him if necessary.

5. Before starting work, it is very important to determine
operator compatibility. This is often the key to success.
This is determined by a question to the frame.

The work of the dowsing operator is also affected by the ambient temperature.
The most optimal temperature is from +30 to -30°C. At low
at sub-zero temperatures it is recommended to keep catalytic batteries in your pockets
heating pads used by fishermen. The use of gloves reduces
operator efficiency. When working in heavy rain or rain
wind causes mechanical interference to the frames.

The stressful state of the operator himself does the operator's job
impossible. Under severe stress, a person’s ability to dows
may practically disappear.

Working with the alphabet
This method is also often called spiritualistic, working with a witch’s board. In this case, working with the alphabet makes a significant difference. You do not call or disturb anyone, you work only with yourself and the information field. This method is not as simple as it might seem. It requires quite strong concentration on the issue. At first, the pendulum may produce just a set of letters instead of words, or the same letters will be repeated twice, the pendulum may stop halfway through a word or switch from one to another. In this case, only constant practice or practice of concentration helps.
You can make such a board from anything: on paper, from wood (cut out letters or burn them), or you can draw it on your witchcraft table.
My first witch board was painted on a piece of plywood. It was a semicircle with divisions; all the letters of the Russian alphabet, numbers from 0 to 9 and the words YES-NO were written in the divisions. The main thing is that the letters and lines are clear and understandable so that you don’t have to look at them, because... it will only be distracting. Remember that when working with the alphabet you must be calm and focused on the question, and the question must be clear and precise.

Some people achieve good results using a circular alphabet when working with a pendulum, that is, they simply interrogate all the letters from A to Z when they are looking for a certain concept or know that the answer will contain a word they do not know. They work as usual: having internally focused extremely hard on the question posed and having recalled everything you know about it in your memory, you hold the pendulum over the center of the circle. Then, when the pendulum begins to respond, you should carefully monitor its rapidly alternating swings from one letter to another and register them. The answer is thus given letter by letter. For example, to the question “Where is my daughter now?” the pendulum answers in letters: “B-R-I-G-I-T-T-A,” i.e. the daughter is with Brigitte, her friend.
Anton Stangl

Hello my dear.

I present to you the long-promised “device” for working with the Higher Self.
In fact, these are just tips on how to use the most advanced of all existing devices - your own body.

Wizard's tutorial
or how to use a pendulum to establish facts

Official science speaks harshly about dowsing, the use of a pendulum and a vine as research tools. This, they say, is pseudoscience, an esoteric practice that declares the dependence of the results on the personality of the operator and the irreproducibility of the effect by instrumental means (Wikipedia). Everything here is correct, except for the “pseudoscience”.

The personality of the operator is indeed very important. After all, it is precisely this that is the “tool”, and such technical “tools” have modern science really not. But the scientific officialdom is not telling the truth about the impossibility of checking the results: dowsers find water perfectly well, and not only that.

The authors of Agni Yoga have a completely different attitude towards the pendulum. For those who do not know - reference: “Agni Yoga” - information from the Great Teachers of Shambhala, comprising several volumes, accepted Elena Ivanovna Roerich through channeling (http://www.roerich.com/7_18.htm). It was Elena Ivanovna Roerich, in the most difficult conditions of the mid-20th century, under the guidance of the Great Teachers, who walked the path of fiery transformation and paved the way for humanity to Ascension.

“The pendulum of life, by its movement, shows a change in psychic energy” (“Agni Yoga. Aum”, §333).
“Some of the apparatuses that We (the Great Teachers) have adopted show an indescribable variety of energies and substances of matter. The pendulum of life belongs to such devices. It can be used to indicate the qualities of psychic energy (synonymous with Primary Energy), to study the soil and to transmit thoughts.” (“Agni Yoga. Brotherhood. Supermundane, § 547).

While studying Agni Yoga, I could not miss the instructions about the wonderful capabilities of the pendulum. I started trying and... it worked! Not everything, but a lot. Perhaps because this tool has found a useful application - checking food products. And most importantly, it was possible to obtain completely objective and logical confirmation of the truth of the measurements. This is how faith in this instrument, or more precisely, in one’s own strength, appeared.

And then such opportunities for creativity appeared that it was simply breathtaking. With the help of a pendulum, as it turns out, you can get an answer to almost any question. The restrictions are minimal: the question must concern a fait accompli. There are a few other minor exceptions. In particular, there will be no answer if it interferes with the passage of your personal lessons in this incarnation.

Principle of operation

You ask questions to your Higher Self, receiving answers to them with the help of a pendulum. The secret is not in the material of the pendulum, but in the fact that your Higher Self can give you the answer, using your body as a “conductor”. The signal to your muscles comes directly from your Higher Self, bypassing consciousness.

As I have seen, working with a pendulum is a type of meditation. It requires some knowledge, practice and, of course, faith. We often have problems with faith. I propose a scientific approach. In order to explore the unknown, scientists use a certain hypothesis. For the purpose of research, they assume on faith that a hypothesis is true and then test it for consistency with already known data and theories.
So, let's assume that the Pendulum of Life really works.


You need a small weight made of any material and a thread 20-30 cm long tied to it. It is convenient to use a keychain made of natural stone, a metal cone, etc. The shape is better oval - so that you are not distracted by the rotation of the load on the thread.

Preparing for work

Physical, emotional and mental calm is necessary. Sit comfortably, back straight. You can stand, but then you need to lean against something or hold on to something with your hand so that your body does not sway.

Hold the pendulum in front of you. The arm is bent at the elbow and does not touch other objects.

First you need to set the “conditions of the game”. You say (out loud or mentally):
The answer is “yes” - back and forth movement.
The answer is “no” - movement “left-right”.
The answer “I don’t know” is a clockwise movement.
The answer “I can’t tell” is a counterclockwise movement.

Check the accepted “conditions of the game”. Make sure that the pendulum hangs vertically and does not move. Then ask the question: “What is the meaning of “yes”? The pendulum should begin to move back and forth. Check the other settings in the same way. This preparation is carried out once, and subsequently there is, as a rule, no need to repeat it. But to calm the mind, it is useful to repeat these conditions - already like a “mantra”: “Yes: back and forth. No: left and right."

Operating procedure

Ask (aloud or mentally) a clearly formulated question that can only be answered with “yes” or “no.”

To get the answer you need to “turn off your mind”, i.e. exclude the influence of your own opinion on the answer. If you do not do this, the pendulum will show you the answer that you, voluntarily or unwittingly, keep in your mind.

This point is very important. To “turn off the mind” you can use the following technique: after asking a question, repeat mentally: “I don’t know, yes or no.”
The pendulum will begin to swing one way or another. The amplitude is small at first, then increases. It is important here not to get caught in the first movement and not to replace the answer of your Higher Self with your first guess. Continue repeating, “I don’t know, yes or no,” until the pendulum’s movement stabilizes.

To check the result obtained, it is useful to ask a security question. For example, if you are guessing whether a checker is white or black, first ask: “Is this checker black?”, and to control, “Is this checker white?”

You can, of course, practice guessing checkers. But I recommend using the Pendulum of Life for serious issues. In my experience, with a frivolous approach, in those cases when I wanted to prove to someone that it works, the pendulum went on strike. I concluded: don’t show off and try to clearly prove it to someone. Perhaps the strike is due to the fact that everyone must come to their faith through their own experience.

Food Measurement

Many people know the method of checking food quality using a pendulum. The simplest thing is to ask: “Is this product good for me?”
The research can be made more accurate if you ask the pendulum to evaluate the quality of a certain product in the form of a number.

I recommend using a scale of 1000 units, where 1000 will mean the highest possible natural quality of this product. Having mentally established this rule, conduct a study, for example, of chicken eggs. In the supermarket, for example, I discovered that the pendulum gave eggs a score of between 700 and 950. Moreover, more expensive eggs have more high level grades (usually, but not always). But if you go to the market and can do some research there, you will see that the eggs here are of higher quality (950 - 990). And, by the way, cheaper.

Freshly baked bread can be more than 800, but above 950 is extremely rare. Interestingly, not the best bread becomes very good after the pieces have passed the “fire test” in the toaster - above 950. Apparently, yeast is actually not useful. But almost all waffle breads are above 980, or even 1000.

Interesting story with butter. In a Moscow store I checked everything that was on the shelf. Among the leaders are imported packs of butter (910-920), which, as it turns out, were made more than a year ago. And only one or two types of Russian ones are higher in quality. I won’t say which ones, lest they be accused of advertising. And it will be more interesting for you to do this yourself.

Sunflower oil is also very different. There are 1000 visiting farmers at the market. There are 800-900 in the store. It's better with the addition of olive oil.

Check the quality of honey. Honey in factory jars - 500-600 (apparently diluted by half with syrup). Natural honey on the market has 950 units and above. There was even a case of 1000 - when honey was brought in a huge can directly from an apiary near Moscow.

My next discovery is connected with honey. I bought some to try and liked it. I return the next day with a large jar. I'm going home happy. I'm measuring. It’s no longer 1000, but 995. What’s the matter? The honey is the same. The saleswoman, however, was different, rude. When she poured me honey, she kept grumbling something unkindly. Does contact with people who emit negative emotions really cause the quality of products to deteriorate? As it turns out, that’s exactly it!

The easiest way to make sure is to check the quality (energy level) of the soup you prepare at home. If you cook with soul, it will be 950 or more. Now remember the measurement when the cook was out of sorts or, even worse, experienced a flash of anger. You will see: the level will drop sharply, perhaps even below 300.

As for the lower acceptable level of product quality, it is apparently individual for everyone. It is better if the level is not lower than 500 or, in extreme cases, 450. And when you have a choice, nothing will stop you from finding the highest quality products.

How to make your food extremely healthy

Many peoples and many religions have a tradition of reading a prayer before eating. As it turns out, the simplest prayer or mantra, during which you think about the food in front of you and which you dedicate to God, makes the food extremely beneficial for your body.

The mechanism is very simple: with such prayer, the subtle vibrations of food increase almost to your own energy level. In this way, harmony is created between your body and those elements that are to become part of your body. And harmony is the ultimate efficiency.
You just need to remember that raising the vibrations of food does not happen instantly, it takes some time. Within seconds the water is “charged”. More dense products - longer, up to 1-3 minutes - depending on the density of the substance.

It is also important to know that products whose quality is below a certain limit cannot be “charged” at all. In my opinion, this lower level is 290, but it is better for everyone to check for themselves.

The prayer can be anything: even “Our Father”, even “Allah Akbar”, even just “Om”. The main thing is that it is pronounced (aloud or mentally) from the heart, and is aimed at a specific product or products. I will give an example of a prayer and its reading.

“Beloved Lord!
You give food, You take food, You Yourself are food.
I dedicate this food to Your lotus feet,
Like everything else I will do throughout the day.”

After the words “this food”, point to each food with your hand or mentally, repeating the words “this food”. After you have thought about each food item, complete the prayer (“Like everything else I will do throughout the day.”).
After completing the prayer, you may (but not necessarily) feel a shiver down your spine, as if from a cold breeze - a characteristic sign of the passage of high energies.

Measure your level

After prayer, the level of food will increase and will be almost the same as what you personally have. But to do this, you must first measure your level.
It is useful to use the Consciousness Measurement Scale, which was developed by a psychologist David Hawkins(David R. Hawkins). This Scale (from 0 to 1 thousand) shows the relationship between the prevailing emotional state of a person and his level of spiritual development. . Briefly it can be described as follows: up to 200 - serious condition, lack of growth; 200-310 - transition state; above 310 - awakening and accelerating growth; 700-1000 - stages of ascension.

Many people who own a pendulum or another way of communicating with their Higher Self have successfully used this Scale. She worked! But only until the beginning of 2008. Using the 1000th Hawkins gradation, I also observed the growth of energy (for myself and my loved ones). In April 2008, the indicators were within this coordinate system. Intensive growth began in May. The indicators went off scale well beyond 1000.

There was a need for a new coordinate system. Began to determine. The result was a new coordinate system, the Hawkins-Slavny Scale. It describes the growth of energy from one dimension to another. . Using this Scale today, you can determine both your own energy level and the level of entire communities, up to humanity as a whole.

Proof of the truth of measurements

So now you know your own energy level. Measure the level of, for example, your bread - before and after prayer. The result will be impressive. The “natural” energy level of the product will most likely increase thousands of times. I say this because today more than 2/3 of humanity have a level above 666 million radions.

I recommend periodically checking your energy level. This is useful as a way of self-diagnosis. Unfortunately, it happens that the level begins to decrease, and you need to take a closer look at your own thoughts and emotions.

Synchronously with the changes in your own energy, the energy of the products “consecrated” by you will also change.

The consistent practice of praying over food is beneficial in many ways. You provide yourself with the best quality food, and, therefore, health. In addition, you will see from your own experience that measurement with a pendulum gives a completely objective, experimentally verifiable result. You will truly believe that the Pendulum of Life truly helps you connect with your Higher Self and receive invaluable information from it. Finally, you will find that regular pendulum “meditations” will help your energy levels increase.

Other ways to communicate with VY

It is possible to carry out measurements in other ways besides the pendulum. I'll tell you about two that I tried myself. They can be used by those people who have already mastered the pendulum. The fact is that you can only work with the Higher Self in a state of complete balance, which I already wrote about. And practice with a pendulum (let's call it “method one”) gives the necessary skill.

Method two "Fists". Set a rule. For example: “yes” - right fist, “no” - left fist. Extend two tightly clenched fists forward and close your eyes. Before you have time to ask the question, one of the fists, regardless of your will, will go down a little.

Method three “Mental question”. Mentally check whether you are in a state of complete balance. Mentally ask God or your Higher Self a question that can be answered “yes” or “no.” The answer, as a rule, comes before you have time to fully formulate the thought or immediately after the question.
Methods two and three can be used for “express analysis”. You may get an answer close to the truth (when you work with numbers). But I strongly recommend that you then double-check the readings using a pendulum. Errors are possible due to many reasons. A pendulum, when used correctly, allows you to obtain an absolutely accurate result.

Rule of Pralaya

Before you start working with a pendulum or working with a VY in any other way, I recommend asking the question of whether it is advisable to do this now. The answer can be either positive or negative. If the answer is no, postpone working with the VY. If you haven’t done this, and the time is unfavorable, then the pendulum itself can remind you of this. For me, for example, this manifests itself in the fact that the pendulum swings over a very small amplitude, as if through force. The change of periods of wakefulness and sleep, activity and passivity is natural and ubiquitous in nature - both above and below. The cosmic “day” also consists of “day” and “night”. The period of cosmic manifestation is followed by pralaya. So your break from working with the VY can be considered a small pralaya.

According to my observations, the time is unfavorable when:

Bad weather: the sky is overcast, it is snowing or raining;

There is a strong flow of energy (apparently from space), which leads to a significant increase in your energy potential;

You are not in balance. The reasons may be different - both excitement and malaise.

If I remember something else, I will definitely add it. But what definitely does not happen is the influence of dark forces. During wakefulness, a person has a force that is irresistible to the dark ones: it is enough just to believe in it, and if you want, then repeat it.

Practical advice

In order to get a certain assessment, you must establish a logical “coordinate system” and its gradation. The Hawkins Thousands Scale is one such possible coordinate system. Remember that during your measurements you established this coordinate system for yourself. In the same way, by creatively using the ability to independently establish a “coordinate system”, you can explore the most unexpected areas.
. In order to determine a number, you do not need to go through all existing numbers. It is useful to use the “half and half” method. It consists of taking the entire series under study, for example, 1000 units, and asking about half of it: “More than 500?” Or “less than 500?” Having received the answer “yes”, you ask: more than 750? “In half,” of course, is a convention: you just clarify each time on a smaller and smaller segment. With some practice, this allows you to get a specific number quite quickly. Although you will have to work.
. The “half and half” method can be successfully used to search for a specific place on the map. Use a grid or symbol for the horizontal and vertical “stripes” of a map or plan. And when you find a specific square, divide it with imaginary lines (vertical and horizontal) into four smaller squares. And so on - until any landmark is found. Then you can clarify the distance from this landmark to the desired point and the direction of movement.

About the measurement of information by the Pendulum of life for its truth or falsity

100% lies are relatively rare in life: they are easy to recognize. Those who use lies try to season the lie with some amount of truth, and then the people swallow the “half-truth.” It turned out that the degree of truth of a statement can be measured. It is noteworthy that the thousandth Hawkins Scale is applicable here, and with the same “characteristic points”.

0-200 - absolute predominance of lies;

200-310 - a skillful cocktail of lies and truth. Such a lie (and that’s all it is, dear) is especially difficult to discern, especially where the liar demonstrates aerobatics. I recently dealt with one chen - 309! Why can’t our hierarchs of Darkness exceed the 310 level? I think because the predominance of truth will not nullify their efforts to zombify clients;

310-700 - truth expressed less or more clearly;

700 - 100 truth in its ever better expression.


With the help of a pendulum you will learn a lot of new things. Before disseminating this information, ask your Higher Self if it is appropriate to do so.
Information you receive about other people, in particular their energy level, is personal information. Dissemination of this information without the consent of the person himself is a violation of the Supreme Law. Such a violation will entail corresponding karmic consequences.

I wish you all success in mastering the skill of a wizard. You can do it if you have the desire.
There is no difference between God and you.
Between you there is only the mirror of maya-illusion,
distorted by human consciousness.
Remove the mirror - what remains?