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Energy saving. Energy saving in Ukraine Energy saving - implementation of a set of measures for the rational use of fuel

Adopted in 1994, it gives the following definition of the concept of “energy saving” - this is an activity aimed at the rational use and economical expenditure of primary and converted energy and natural energy resources in the national economy and which is implemented using technical, economic and legal methods. For some reason there is no definition of energy efficiency in this document, but there are references to energy efficient technologies, projects, etc. Therefore, we will try to independently determine energy efficiency as the main criterion for the efficiency of energy use in production. Typically, the main indicator of energy efficiency is energy intensity. Speaking even more generally, energy saving is an organizational process, and energy efficiency is a technical indicator.

The most important part of the EU energy policy is to increase the share of energy obtained from renewable sources (RES). The European Union has set a goal to obtain 20% of primary energy from renewable energy sources by 2020. Achievements and problems in this area deserve special attention.

“The economy should be economical”

Over the past decades, the Ukrainian economy has been a leader in energy consumption among European countries. For comparison, Germany’s GDP in 2013 exceeded the corresponding figure for Ukraine by almost 25 times, while the costs of primary energy resources were only 3.2 times higher than in Ukraine. The total energy consumption of our neighbor Poland was 96% of the Ukrainian one, and the GDP was 3.6 rubles. was bigger. The energy intensity of the Ukrainian economy exceeds that of Russia and Belarus, its closest competitors in the post-Soviet space. (see country data).

Ukraine was one of the first in the CIS to adopt a law on energy saving, which, with amendments, is still in force. The defining disadvantage of this law is the lack of clearly defined methods of legal regulation in the field of energy efficiency and means of its implementation. Many years of attempts to improve legislation in the field of energy saving have led to the creation of ineffective by-laws on energy saving issues and have given rise to a functionally unstructured, amorphous system of public administration in this area. For example, in the field of energy saving and energy efficiency there are more than 250 legal acts. At the same time, the volume of implemented successful energy efficient projects is so small that it does not correlate with the scale of irrational consumption of energy resources in Ukraine and does not affect the quality indicators of the state economy as a whole (see the thematic one, where this thesis is discussed in detail).

A certain reduction in the energy intensity of Ukraine's GDP in the late nineties - early 2000s was achieved not as a result of the implementation of state policy on energy efficiency, but was the result of an increase in industrial production volumes.

Over the next decade, there were no significant changes in the activities of government agencies on energy saving and energy efficiency. Thus, the start of work of the state Energy Efficiency Fund is planned only for April 2017. Before this, the Ukrainian parliament must adopt bills on the Fund itself, “On housing and communal services”, “On commercial accounting of housing and communal services” and “On energy efficiency of buildings”. For reference: such a state Fund for Energy Saving should have been created in accordance with the Law “On Energy Saving” (1994, Art. 13). However, for some reason, in twenty years it has not worked, and some of the listed bills were discussed and should have been adopted back in the mid-2000s. Does this mean that the new is the well-forgotten old?

Over the past twenty years, energy saving and energy efficiency have remained an elusive goal for the Ukrainian economy. In 2000 – 2013 The main consumers of primary energy resources in Ukraine were: industry (35-40%) and the housing and communal services sector (on average 33%). The most energy-consuming industries are metallurgy and the chemical industry. In 2010, they consumed about half of all gas imports, and metallurgy accounted for more than half of all energy resources of the industrial sector.

Ukraine is a leader in steel smelting in open-hearth furnaces (outdated technology): of all steel smelted in the world, only 2.2% is smelted in open-hearth furnaces, of which 40% is in Ukraine. At the same time, the energy intensity of open-hearth technology is more than three times higher than the energy intensity of steel smelting in electric arc furnaces (40% of global steel production). (see. . – p.99,100).

Most metallurgical enterprises in our country were built in Soviet times, which means that technologically, despite partial modernizations, they represent a downward trend in economic development (depreciation of production assets - 65%). Labor productivity at such enterprises is 200-250 tons of steel per year, and at modern metallurgical plants - 3000-4000 tons. In 2006, only a third of Ukrainian steel plants were close to world standards in energy consumption. At the same time, 80% of metallurgical products are export-oriented and remain one of the main sources of budget replenishment.

In recent years, there has been a forced reorientation of Ukrainian metallurgical exports to EU countries, and energy costs at metallurgical enterprises in our country exceed their German and Italian counterparts by 50-70%. Therefore, the products have a high cost, which foreign buyers are not interested in paying. The low competitiveness of the domestic metallurgical complex reduces its investment attractiveness, which means that owners will make maximum use of existing capacities, which have limited potential for increasing energy efficiency.

A similar situation has developed in the chemical industry, which uses about 10% of the primary energy resources of the industrial sector. Of the 1,300 enterprises in the industry, only 12 met global energy consumption standards (2006). In 2014, the energy efficiency of the Ukrainian chemical industry was 51% of the European average. Compared to mechanical engineering (22%) and construction (21%), the figure is not the worst. However, for the chemical industry, whose products are largely focused on foreign markets (8% of Ukraine’s total exports), energy consumption significantly reduces competitiveness. As in metallurgy, semi-finished products, rather than high-tech products, have prospects in European markets. Therefore, increasing the energy efficiency of the worn-out capacities of the Ukrainian chemical industry has its limits. Similar trends are inherent in almost all industrial sectors of Ukraine.

The real “black hole” in the use of primary energy resources remains the housing and communal services sector. According to the Minister of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services, gas losses in the country’s heat supply system and residential sector. This represents more than 70% of annual gas imports worth almost $2.3 billion. In general, losses in district heating systems reach 60%. (cm. )

Every year, a fifth of fuel resources and electricity and a third of thermal energy are spent on housing and domestic needs of the population of Ukraine. Approximately 1.3 tons of fuel equivalent per year is consumed per inhabitant, which is almost twice as much as in developed countries. The situation with energy consumption continues to worsen due to the natural aging of the country's housing stock.

According to experts, 90% of Ukrainian high-rise buildings need thermal modernization. Moreover, we are talking about a complex of works on insulating houses, and not about thermal insulation of individual apartments, as is currently done. Note that in order to thermally modernize 25% of existing buildings by 2020 in Ukraine, according to estimates by the State Energy Efficiency Agency, it is necessary to attract 8.2 billion euros.

The current work of government agencies in this direction looks approximately as follows: from 2014 to mid-2016, the so-called so-called certificates were issued to approximately 1% of Ukrainian households and less than 2% of condominiums, which were created in only a fifth of multi-storey buildings. You can count how many decades it will take to insulate our homes at this rate.

One of the main reasons for this situation is the lack of economic motivation to improve energy efficiency among a significant part of residents of apartment buildings. If the government plans to “bless” 60% of Ukrainian households with subsidies to pay for housing and communal services in 2016, then one can assume. that in most high-rise buildings in the country, up to half of the apartment owners are recipients of subsidies. This means that they do not need either condominiums or thermal modernization.

UAH 800 million has been allocated for energy efficiency measures, and more than UAH 50 billion for subsidies. This is how the government plans to improve the country's energy efficiency. For comparison, the EU plans to spend at least $100 billion on energy efficiency by 2020. annually.

Thus, today the struggle for energy saving and energy efficiency in Ukrainian is mainly focused on the fields of reports for the IMF to obtain the next tranches of loans. The real work is probably still ahead.

In addition to global trends, the relevance of introducing energy-saving technologies in Ukraine is primarily due to the significant dependence of the economy on the import of fuel and energy resources. This significantly slows down the process of establishing Ukraine as an economically independent state. This problem is further aggravated by several additional factors.

Today, most of the industrial equipment and technologies used in Ukraine are outdated and consume more energy compared to modern analogues. This leads to inefficient use of energy resources. Today in Ukraine, 2.6 times more energy resources are spent on creating a unit of production than in Europe.

Ukraine meets its needs for natural energy resources through its own production by approximately 45%. Most countries in the world have the same or even lower levels of energy self-sufficiency. At the same time, Ukraine is one of the countries in the world where the level of energy consumption is extremely high. Its share of global energy consumption is 1.9%, while its population accounts for less than 1% of the world's population. From an energy point of view, production inefficiency is caused by two main reasons: an unbalanced structure of energy consumption and irrational use of energy in all sectors of the economy.

For example, in 1995, the cost of used fuel and energy resources (FER) in our country was about 25% of GDP. In France, for example, this figure is less than 3%. In 1996, fuel was imported in the amount of more than 7.5 million US dollars, which was several times higher than the state budget expenditures on financing the social sphere, science and culture combined.

After Ukraine became an independent state, studies were carried out that identified the main problems of the energy sector:

· very high level of energy intensity;

· significant dependence on imports of gas, oil and nuclear fuel;

· low energy efficiency;

Thus, it has become urgent to solve a number of fundamental problems in the energy sector, taking into account a number of circumstances:

· local (own) natural energy sources are limited by reserves of coal, oil and gas, small reserves of hydro resources and significant reserves of low-quality uranium;

· the state is forced to purchase energy resources at prices close to world prices.

· lack of sufficient funds leads to the need for mutual settlements for energy resources through barter. This leads to an increase in the cost of energy resources, and, therefore, it is very difficult to establish the real cost of the resources purchased by Ukraine.

Today the most energy-intensive industries in Ukraine are:

· ferrous metallurgy – 22.5%;

· mechanical engineering and metalworking – 10%;

· petrochemical industry – 8%;

· fuel industry – 8%;

· non-ferrous metallurgy – 3.2%;

· production of building materials – 3%.

In Ukraine, the upward trend in energy consumption continues. The fuel and energy component in the total cost of production has increased in various industries from 5% to 50% and for every 1000 UAH. The total production in Ukraine is 1,626 tons of standard fuel, 1,549 thousand kWh of electricity and 1,942 Gcal of thermal energy.

Therefore, the need to increase the level of energy security is one of the main tasks of our state at the present stage of its socio-economic development, and energy saving in the national economy of Ukraine has been raised to the level of state policy.

The energy saving factor is one of the determining factors for the energy strategy of Ukraine. In accordance with the Main Directions of the Energy Strategy until 2030, due to energy saving, the energy intensity of GDP in 2030 should be halved - from the current level of 0.89 kg ce/dollar. up to 0.41 kg.t./dollar.

One of the most effective and large-scale areas of energy saving is sectoral energy saving in such main areas as the introduction of new energy-saving technologies and equipment; improvement of existing technologies and equipment; reduction of energy consumption.

Important events are the signing of the European Energy Charter, as well as the UN Convention on Climate Change, according to which Ukraine has the status of a country whose economy is in the process of transition to a market economy.

Each of the countries that signed the convention has committed to pursuing national policies and taking appropriate measures to prevent climate change. OECD countries are given some flexibility in implementing these obligations.

Therefore, energy conservation is considered as a long-term and planned program of action that meets national interests. The main directions of energy saving policy in Ukraine are:

· technological– implementation of energy metering, regulation and control systems, development of modern power electronics devices and reactive power compensation, modern lighting systems, methods for recycling heat flows, use of renewable energy sources;

· industry– covering energy-intensive industries and industries with export potential (ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, energy, petrochemical, cement, sugar industries, agro-industrial complex);

· social, communal and household spheres;

· usage industrial waste And secondary energy resources;

· formation of necessary information and methodological support;

· Creation preferential tax-methodological mechanism for producers and consumers of energy efficient technologies;

· formation standard indicators energy consumption per unit of production, for an increase in which economic and administrative sanctions may be applied;

In the next few years, energy saving in various industries is possible mainly due to reducing the irrational use of energy resources. This will be achieved in the following ways:

· control and accounting total energy costs;

· rationing energy consumption per unit of product or service;

· stimulation energy saving mechanisms.

Basic ways to save energy

Reducing energy costs for lighting industrial and residential premises, streets is carried out in the following ways:

· changing the production schedule to maximize the use of daylight;

· increasing the area and transparency of windows;

· increasing the reflectivity of walls and ceilings;

· the ability to regulate the number of lamps used;

· increasing the luminous flux of lamps by increasing the transparency of lampshades, using reflectors, and forming a directed flow;

· use of local lighting;

· use of energy-efficient lamps;

· use of automatic lighting control devices (motion sensors, light sensors, programmable timers);

· development and installation of intelligent lighting control systems.

Reduced heating costs industrial and residential premises is produced in the following ways:

· use of modern materials, window structures, doors with low thermal conductivity in the construction and modernization of buildings;

· increasing the efficiency of heat sources;

· optimization of the placement of heat sources, use of local heating;

· replacing electric heating with gas heating or connecting to a central heating system (if such a connection is economically justified);

· reduction of heat losses during heat transportation through the use of modern thermal insulation materials;

· optimization of hydraulic modes of heating networks;

· use of secondary energy resources;

· use of internal heat sources;

· accounting of the amount of heat generated and consumed.

Reducing energy costs for cooking:

· selection of optimal power and type of heating devices;

· increasing the efficiency of heating devices, using modern devices;

· use of temperature control devices, automatic switching on and off devices, power reduction depending on temperature, programmable timers;

· use of thermal accumulators;

· use of dishes with a wide and flat bottom.

For household and industrial refrigeration units and air conditioners The main ways to reduce power consumption are:

· optimal choice of installation power;

· use of modern equipment;

· optimal placement of the installation (away from heat sources);

· use of automatic modes to maintain a given temperature indoors or in a refrigerator.

Reduced power consumption household and industrial devices:

· use of modern devices with reduced energy consumption;

· use of devices with switching power supplies;

· use of sleep and standby modes of operation of devices.

Decline losses for transportation of electrical energy done using:

· increasing the cross-section of cable wires;

· use of cables with copper conductors;

· control over the amount of energy generated and consumed.

Energy saving

(Energy saving)

Energy saving - implementation of a set of measures for the rational use of fuel

Energy saving program, increasing energy efficiency, energy saving systems and technologies, energy saving

Energy saving is the definition

Energy saving is implementation of a set of organizational, legal, production, scientific, economic, technical and other measures aimed at the rational use and economical expenditure of fuel and energy resources. In addition, the system energy saving include measures to involve renewable energy sources in economic circulation.

Energy saving- This an important state task for the conservation of natural resources.

Energy saving is limiting the consumption of various types of energy, including the introduction of quotas for the supply of gas, heat, electricity, etc. with an increase in tariffs for them, control of energy metering devices.

In the Russian Federation and other countries of the former USSR, the most pressing issue at present is household energy saving in the home, as well as energy saving in the housing and communal services sector. An obstacle to its implementation is the containment of the growth of tariffs for the population for certain types of resources (electricity, gas), the lack of funds from housing and communal services enterprises to implement energy-saving programs, the low share of calculations for individual metering devices and the application of standards, as well as the lack of a mass household culture of energy saving. Ensuring energy savings in the agricultural sector is also relevant. For thousands of years, the main forms of energy used by humans have been the chemical energy of wood, the potential energy of water in dams, the kinetic energy of wind, and the radiant energy of sunlight. But in the 19th century. Fossil fuels have become the main sources of energy: , and . Due to the rapid increase in energy consumption, numerous problems have arisen and the question of future energy sources has arisen. Progress has been made in energy conservation. Recently, there has been a search for cleaner types of energy, such as solar, geothermal, wind and thermonuclear fusion energy. Energy consumption has always been directly related to the state of the economy.

Main directions of energy saving in everyday life

1. Behavioral energy saving.

This is the ingraining in people of the habit of minimizing the use of energy when they do not need it, which can be expressed by the familiar slogan “When leaving, turn off the light.” It is necessary for people to realize that energy saving is economically beneficial. This is achieved through information support, propaganda methods, and teaching energy conservation from school.

Those. Behavioral energy conservation involves meeting needs while consuming less energy resources, and this is mainly achieved without improving technology. Experience has shown that behavioral energy savings can account for up to 10% of total energy savings potential.

Energy saving is

2. Improvement of energy installations of consumers.

First of all, improving their designs. It is important to provide domestic developers and equipment manufacturers with information about the prospects for the energy-saving technologies market. For example, after the adoption of the Federal Law “On Energy Saving” in 1996, massive use of heat meters was expected, which resulted in the emergence of many domestic manufacturers of heat metering devices. Planning for future needs is extremely important for business development. There is also a need to raise awareness consumers about new technologies (developments).

3. Energy saving in buildings and structures, improvement of their designs.

Most of these measures are relevant in terms of thermal energy, as well as in saving electricity, used for thermal purposes and for lighting (not only more efficient light bulbs, but also certain requirements for the room, for example, up to the use of light or reflective colors).

All these three main groups are subject to a system of measures, both restrictive and stimulating. One of the main tasks is to make energy saving a profitable business both for organizations professionally involved in energy saving and for investors. On the other hand, energy saving should be converted to consumers energy resources into an affordable way to reduce costs. In a market economy, they produce those goods or services that they are ready to buy, so it is necessary to create market saving energy, through creating the need for energy-saving goods and services, and they will not be slow to appear if there is demand. The need for specific technologies, carrying out certain activities, the need to reduce certain indicators should arise with appropriate tariff regulation, environmental restrictions, restrictions on fuel use, etc. When a system of needs is created, energy service companies will quickly appear, creating their own business in this area, because This activity does not require significant financial investments, what is needed is experience, knowledge of economics and technology.

Energy saving is

Technologies and measures for energy saving

Below we will propose methods and measures, the implementation of which allows for more efficient use of fuel and energy resources and a significant reduction in monetary costs:

1. Saving thermal energy, electricity and water in production, transport and domestic consumption

2. Fuel savings in the production of electrical and thermal energy

3. Accounting for consumption of water, gas, heat and electricity

4. Energy surveys (energy audit), preparation of energy passports

5. Damage to renewable sources of heat and electricity

6. Promotion of eco-friendly modes of transport and alternative energy sources.

Energy saving is

1.1 Saving electrical energy

1.1.1 Lighting

1.1.2 Electric drive

1.1.3 Electric heating and electric stoves

1.1.4 Refrigeration and air conditioning units

1.1.5 Consumption of household and other devices

1.1.6 Reducing network losses

1.2 Heat saving

1.2.1 Reducing heat loss

1.2.2 Improving the efficiency of heating systems

1.3 Saving water

1.4 Gas savings

1.5 Motor fuel economy

2 Efficiency and economic calculation

3 and authorities

Energy saving is

Energy saving is

Energy saving is

Energy saving is

Energy saving is

Energy saving is

Energy saving is

Energy saving is

Energy saving is

Energy saving is

Energy saving is

see also

Sources for the article "Energy Saving"

ru.wikipedia.org - free encyclopedia Wikipedia

dic.academic.ru - Academician

energosovet.ru - energy saving portal

Investor Encyclopedia. 2013 .


See what “Energy saving” is in other dictionaries:

    energy saving- energy saving... Spelling dictionary-reference book

    energy saving- energy saving: Implementation of legal, organizational, scientific, production, technical and economic measures aimed at the efficient use of energy resources. Source … Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    Energy saving- implementation of legal, organizational, scientific, production, technical and economic measures aimed at involving renewable energy sources in economic circulation. See also: Energy Financial Dictionary Finam... Financial Dictionary

    energy saving- Implementation of legal, organizational, scientific, production, technical and economic measures aimed at the effective (rational) use (and economical expenditure) of fuel and energy resources and the involvement of renewable resources into economic circulation... ... Technical Translator's Guide

    energy saving- noun, number of synonyms: 1 savings (25) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

    energy saving- A system of measures designed to minimize energy consumption at work and at home... Dictionary of Geography

    Energy saving- - implementation of organizational, legal, technical, technological, economic and other measures aimed at reducing the volume of energy resources used while maintaining the corresponding beneficial effect from their use (in... ... Encyclopedia of terms, definitions and explanations of building materials

    Energy saving- (eng. power supply) in the Russian Federation, the implementation of legal, organizational, scientific, production, technical and economic measures aimed at the efficient use of energy resources and the involvement of renewable resources in economic circulation... ... Encyclopedia of Law

    Energy saving- This term has other meanings, see Energy saving (meanings). Energy saving (energy saving) implementation of legal, organizational, scientific, production, technical and economic measures aimed at effective ... Wikipedia

    Energy saving- 3) energy saving implementation of organizational, legal, technical, technological, economic and other measures aimed at reducing the volume of energy resources used while maintaining the corresponding beneficial effect from them... ... Official terminology


  • Energy saving in heat and gas supply systems, ventilation and air conditioning: Textbook. Protasevich A. M., Protasevich A. M.. Energy saving in heat and gas supply systems, ventilation and air conditioning: Textbook. Protasevich A. M. ISBN:978-5-16-005515-2…

“Save energy! Don’t burn pennies for nothing!”


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All things that can be done by the community to relieve the heavy burden of new minds can be divided into the following:

  1. Resource allocation: water, gas, heat or something. To do this, you just need to adjust the valves and do simple steps, for example, to adjust the taps and install heat-shield screens behind the radiators.
  2. Insulation of the premises. For example, replacing or gluing windows, insulating windows, upgrading the ventilation system, etc.
  3. Installation to suit the appearance. It is possible to pay more for common resources.
  4. Transition to more modern, energy-saving and alternative energy sources and communication systems. For example, the replacement of a gas boiler with a solid-fired one under additional government credit programs, and the installation of wind generators.

I prefer to heat the water

  1. Turn off the water because you are not drinking water here and now. There is nothing complicated about turning off the tap during the hour of washing, brushing teeth, skinning vegetables and fruits. It’s easier not to think about it - just install an electronic switch. Then the water only flows as long as you bring your hands or utensils.
  2. It is easier to handle the appearance of the handles, below the standard two taps. You can set a comfortable temperature, turn on the faucet with one hand, and not turn the faucet quickly, quickly draining the water and quickly draining it for an hour.
  3. It is necessary to keep an eye on plumbing fixtures and repair them regularly. Hundreds and thousands of liters of water flow from the faucet that is leaking. This is as old as many baths.
  4. If there is a central water supply in the cabin, then you should install the dispensers on the water, both hot and cold. Otherwise, people pay for a leak on the highway or for a drain that has not repaired their faucet.
  5. Take an economical shower and a lower bath. Through the nozzles that dispense water, you will dispense at least a few times less water.
  6. To protect water while washing dishes, place a sink in the sink. You can then wash the dishes in one part and rinse them in another.
  7. It is not recommended to defrost foods – meat, fish – under steam. This is not deprived of marne water and heat, but also the depletion of brown water products.
  8. Make sure to use common tools that will protect your resources. For example, automatic washing machines, dishwashing machines, etc.
  9. It is necessary to turn off the water valve if the container is left unused for several days.

We save electricity

We prefer heat and gas

  1. A heat treatment unit in the apartment, which is connected to the central heating, allows you to track how much heat you have consumed and pay only for that amount.
  2. The thermostatic valve on the radiator allows you to control the temperature in the cabin, apartment or other room.
  3. The size of the heating device depends on the size of the space that is being heated and its traces of moisture, since there is no one in the cabin.
  4. Burners and radiators will be more effective if they are not covered with furniture, curtains, clothes or decorative panels.
  5. The “underfloor heating” system is a way to supply heat where it is most needed. For example, there are sacks under the work table or on the plot.
  6. Before starting the skin peeling season, check the system. Varto remove damaged plugs, repair possible leaks, and pay special attention to connecting parts of the system. This should allow for leaks to occur during the operation of the system during cold periods.
  7. The gas water heater or boiler, which has been running for 15-20 years, must be replaced, because over time these devices will lose their effectiveness.
  8. Most of the heat from the house is lost in three ways: through the doors and windows, through the doors and through the external walls. Obviously, their tracks should be insulated. The best available option that can be used to repair the skin is to insulate the windows with foam rubber, tighten the door hinges and additionally pad the doors themselves, blow out the installation foot at the exit and entrance of the pipes from the axle.
  9. Windows with double or triple glazed windows will often reduce heat loss.
  10. It is necessary to add thermal insulation to the entrance doors, including the bottom, top and sides between the door and the wall.
  11. Thick curtains help keep the heat out and prevent the heat from radiators.
  12. This type of kilim reduces heat loss as it goes through the process.
  13. Modernization of the ventilation system, and heat recovery itself, is a real way to save money.

Change in heat consumption by way of insulation

Insulation of vegetable garden structures. Fencing structures – walls, foundations, steles, hills, basements, etc. Use such materials as polystyrene foam, extruded polystyrene foam, mineral wool slabs, basalt slabs, energy-saving panels for external insulation. The worst option is special calcaball insulation systems.

Insulation with a structure that opens up. All the windows, apartments, doors, balconies. Install double-chamber glazing units near the windows and on the balconies. If you replace the entrance doors, adjust them according to size and insulate the openings. Old doors can be replaced as additional doors (hinged doors), which is not structurally feasible.

Installation of individual (modular) heating points with regulation of the amount of heat transfer that is supplied. After clear insulation work, you may find that you simply do not need as much heat as the centralized heating system provides. And then again you will let the heat out again, but now not through the ducts, but through the open windows. This problem can be helped by installing a thermostatic valve on the radiator, which will allow you to control the temperature in the cabin, apartment or other room. How to install it - read in the corresponding section.

Read more on the following information resources:

Energy Research Center

Wired Galuzian Internet portal of Ukraine, which contains analytical materials, infographics, expert blogs, interviews with wired energy specialists

Portal zhytlo.in.ua

Information portal about the reform of the housing and communal services sector, analytical data and insights for energy conservation

Portal “Your warmth”

Practical advice for residents about energy saving in everyday life. Results for the highest power supply

Portal Ukraine communal

Information portal for housing and communal services

Energy Evolution UA

Practical reasons for the fact that it is necessary to save energy and heat from the electric power industry

Ecoclub Rivne

High-quality nutrition, defense, and energy

Eco town

Information resource for energy saving and energy efficiency. The latest news on the market and applications of implemented projects.
