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Two Moons in the sky: why this phenomenon is searched for on the Internet every year. Will earthlings see two moons? The whole truth about the approach of Mars When 2 moons are visible a year

Astronomical events are always beautiful, but we are not always able to see them. Will two Moons be waiting for us in the sky on August 27, 2016 - astrologers will tell you.

This month we have already told you about such an astronomical phenomenon as the periodic Perseid starfall. The Perseids are absolutely real and are observed every year. Debris from the comet falls to Earth at tremendous speed, acquiring incredible brightness. As for the two Moons in the sky, this phenomenon, although very expected, can be challenged even at the theoretical level.

Astronomers' opinions on two moons

The August 27 anomaly took place in 2003, when Mars approached Earth by a record 50 million kilometers. It was very visible, but even a tenth of the size of the Moon was far from it. In 2016, on August 27, Mars will be visible as a star slightly brighter than usual. It will fly at a distance of 70 million kilometers from our planet.

Now we will destroy this myth of two moons for you once and for all. Everyone remembers from school what the diameter is - for the Moon it is 3400 km, and for Mars it is almost 6800. Speaking in simple language, The Moon is exactly half the size of Mars. The distance to the Moon is approximately 400,000 kilometers. It is not difficult to guess that for Mars to be the size of the Moon from the point of view of an observer on Earth, it would need to be twice as far away. Mars is 175 times further away. There is no way it could be bigger than a star to a person on the surface of the Earth, because the distance is incredibly vast. Yes, this is a rather unpleasant fact for those who dreamed of seeing a stunning spectacle, but physics and astronomy are stronger than people’s desires.

Astrological forecast for August 27

As we approach August 27 and directly on this day, when Mars is closest to us, astrologers note some anomalies and changes in the character of people. Mars is the masculine principle. Under the influence of the energy of Mars, a person becomes sharper, rude and assertive. You can get acquainted better with the intricacies of the energy of the red planet in our separate article.

People take more risks when Mars gets closer to Earth. Directly on August 27, you should avoid gambling, adventures and any dangers. The more careful you are, the better for you and for those around you. Of course, the urge to drive fast will be higher, along with the desire to experience risks, for example, from a parachute jump. The latter, by the way, will be safer than risky actions in Everyday life. Astrologers advise being more careful with sharp objects, driving a car or motorcycle more slowly, and also not walking in dangerous places in the evening, since the crime rate increases under the influence of Mars.

Many wars have started over Mars. Armed conflicts are also not uncommon at the end of August. On August 27, you should be wary of anything that could cause you harm. Find the strength to be more tolerant and calm in order to save yourself from unnecessary risks. All excess energy that wants to break out should be redirected into physical exercise. If you don’t play sports, you can either start or just go for a long walk that day or visit your summer cottage. In a word, let off steam.

We are talking not only about August 27, but also about a couple of days before and after this day. On the 27th you need to exercise maximum caution, and on adjacent days just be a little calmer.

Astrologers also recommend taking into account the behavior of the Moon during the approach of Mars. Read our. Perhaps the Moon will help you overcome the malefic influence of Mars, but there is a risk that it will only strengthen it, so be very careful about the forecast of astrologers regarding the Moon. Good luck in your business, and don’t forget to press the buttons and

16.08.2016 05:12

The destructive and assertive fiery energy of Mars - how often do we lack it for a breakthrough...

It’s high time to make the wonderful date of August 27 a red day on the calendar and celebrate it annually. I even propose to introduce the so-called “Mars Day” - “Mars Day”, because everyone has their own day, even the Elephant has “Elephant Day”. The red planet should have its day too.

On the night of August 27-28, 2003, the previous Great Confrontation of Mars occurred. Mars was then perfectly visible in the constellation Aquarius and in general - a significant amount of attention was focused on it as being involved in scientific world the public and all other people thanks to the abundance of publications in the media. And probably, by attracting people to this topic, it was possible to earn something on the Internet through banner displays or in some other way. It is possible that for these reasons, enterprising people unknown to the world posted on the Internet something like a “chain letter” stating that on August 27, Mars is expected to be in the sky the size of the full Moon. Only, they didn’t indicate the year. But you can’t just publish something stupid on the Internet, and then completely remove it from the Internet. The Internet remembers everything. And every year in the month of August this rubbish emerges, Along with it, the memory awakens in human memory that on August 27 something rare should happen in the sky, something that happens once every 5000 years, but every year... .

Let's find out how red Mars will be visible and what it will look like on August 27, 2016.

In 2016, the planet Mars went through its next opposition - not a Great one this time, but quite close to Earth. Visibility of the red planet was excellent for much of the year. But in the last summer month, the visibility conditions began to deteriorate sharply. This is due to the fact that Mars is getting closer to the Sun, and the fact that the height of Mars above the horizon continues to remain very small - Mars in August 2016 is located almost in the southernmost part of the ecliptic and sets very quickly below the horizon. And the maximum that a resident of the middle latitudes of Russia can count on is from 30 minutes to an hour - this is the time during which one can try to discern a reddish star-like body in the twilight glow low above the southwestern horizon.

Yes, Mars in the second half of August is visible only at dusk and for a very short time.

At the same time, it is quite bright - it has a “zero” magnitude and is located in the very stellar center of the constellation Scorpio - in its “Claws”. It is adjacent to the similar-colored Antares, the main star of Scorpius, and to the yellowish Saturn. This mutual arrangement three luminaries - Mars, Saturn and Antares - quite interesting, beautiful and truly rare. The next time the three of them will meet in the sky will not be soon - in 2044 and 2046 - under less favorable conditions - not as beautiful as this time.

A separate article is devoted to how the conditions for the joint visibility of Mars, Saturn, Antares and the Moon developed this year:

By the way, it is still relevant. Read its ending - it’s just about August and September.

Despite unsatisfactory visibility conditions in central Russia, Mars is still quite close to Earth. We are separated by only 120 million kilometers - on an interplanetary scale this is not very much. Copper most often Mars is located much longer from Earth. And all the other planets Solar System(except for Venus and Mercury) are always further from us than these 120 million kilometers.

The apparent size of the planet Mars does not allow it to be different from other stars in the sky. And even with a telescope, Mars will be visible at best as a small red-orange disk with barely visible lighter and darker spots. You won’t be able to see any channels or Martians there on August 27, even when observing Mars through the Edwin Hubble Telescope.

But you can enjoy the movement of Mars among the stars of the constellation Scorpio even with binoculars or a telescope. True, one evening on August 27, 2016 will not be enough for this. And you will have to observe Mars from evening to evening - only then will it clearly become noticeable that it is “swimming” among the stars.

That is why I decided to take a look at his movement through the constellations of Scorpio and Ophiuchus over the course of a month, starting right from this evening - from August 12, 2016.

On August 12, next to Mars, Saturn and Antares, the young Moon shone in a phase slightly larger than the first quarter (half).

Next, on the evening of August 19, Mars will pass very close to the 4.5 magnitude "omicron" star Scorpius, which will no doubt be worth viewing with binoculars or a spotting scope with low magnification. The distance between Mars and the star will be half the lunar disk.

On August 23 and 24, Mars will be between Antares and Saturn - at the shortest distance from both luminaries and - almost on the same straight line. This is also worth watching.

The position of Mars among the stars of the constellations Scorpio and Ophiuchus on August 27, 2016 is generally unremarkable.

On September 8 and 9, the Moon will again pass near Saturn and Mars. But it will not be located in the sky very close to both planets.

Here are all the key points about the visibility of Mars in the coming month from mid-August to mid-September.

But for real astronomers and real astronomy lovers there are no nights or evenings that are unsuitable for observations. The main thing is that there is suitable weather for observations, and there is always something to see in the sky. Therefore, at the end of this review, I leave pictures from the Stellarium program, which indicate the position of Mars among the stellar scatterings of Scorpio and Ophiuchus for a month in advance - the date August 27 is also among these pictures. But with their help you can find Mars on any fine evening.

The date is indicated at the bottom of each picture in small numbers.

This year too, Russians want to see “two moons” in the sky - a phenomenon that could be observed back in 2003. But, as Maxim Khovrichev, a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences and a senior researcher at the Laboratory of Astrometry and Stellar Astronomy at the Pulkovo Observatory, told Metro, “two Moons” will not appear in the sky either on May 27, 2016, or on August 27.

“These rumors most likely arose due to the fact that the following facts were mixed,” explains Metro’s interlocutor. “Traditionally, every year on August 27, we are promised Mars the size of the Moon. This happens for the following reason. People often assume that all phenomena are repeated annually. That is, the same location heavenly bodies must be repeated every year. This is wrong. And the myth about “two moons” in the sky has existed for many years. Back in 2003 there was a great Mars opposition. This phenomenon occurred on August 27th. One of the journalists, when translating a foreign text, did not take into account that their distances are written differently from ours. In a foreign article, commas separate the digits, but in our case the integer part is separated from the fractional part. Instead of 58 million kilometers, it became 58 thousand kilometers to Mars. And the “literate” journalist, recalculating, was surprised that the planet would seem three times larger than the Moon. And so everyone was invited to watch the “two moons” on August 27th. And so every year - first everyone writes, and then this rumor is persistently debunked, but it is persistently repeated. It’s like a meme on the Internet that lives on and on for decades.”

And “August 27” became “May 27,” most likely because on May 22 there was an opposition of Mars, not a great one, but before it. The Great Opposition of Mars will be in 2018, when this object will be at its brightest in the night sky. But on May 30, 2016, the minimum distance to Mars will be about 75 million km. That is, the planet can be observed as a bright star.

As the expert summed up, most likely the opposition of Mars in 2003 “migrated” to the current one. It is possible that such things are deliberately created to “entertain the public.”

“There is a lot of information on the Internet now, but there is not enough experience,” notes Maxim Khovrchiev. “But I want to try to see “something interesting.”

According to a senior researcher at the Planetarium, even without “far-fetched facts,” there is now something to rejoice at: Mars is paired with Saturn. If you find an area free of buildings, or climb onto the roof of a high-rise building, you will see this phenomenon in St. Petersburg.

“I remember we observed this phenomenon at the Planetarium - it was literally level with the spire of the Peter and Paul Fortress. From the Planetarium to the Peter and Paul Fortress is literally 600 meters. And so - all this week there are a lot of interesting daytime observations. Just recently we observed a sunspot almost as big as Neptune. A wonderful sight! With the help of black glass, anyone could see it."

Astronomical events are always beautiful, but we are not always able to see them. Will two Moons be waiting for us in the sky on August 27, 2016 - astrologers will tell you.

This month we have already talked about such an astronomical phenomenon as the periodic starfall of the Perseids. The Perseids are absolutely real and are observed every year. Debris from the comet falls to Earth at tremendous speed, acquiring incredible brightness. As for the two Moons in the sky, this phenomenon, although very expected, can be challenged even at the theoretical level.

Two Moons in the sky:
Astronomers' opinions on two moons

The August 27 anomaly took place in 2003, when Mars approached Earth by a record 50 million kilometers. It was very visible, but even a tenth of the size of the Moon was far from it. In 2016, on August 27, Mars will be visible as a star slightly brighter than usual. It will fly at a distance of 70 million kilometers from our planet.

Now we will destroy this myth of two moons for you once and for all. Everyone remembers from school what the diameter is - for the Moon it is 3400 km, and for Mars it is almost 6800. In simple terms, the Moon is exactly half the size of Mars. The distance to the Moon is approximately 400,000 kilometers. It is not difficult to guess that for Mars to be the size of the Moon from the point of view of an observer on Earth, it would need to be twice as far away. Mars is 175 times further away. There is no way it could be bigger than a star to a person on the surface of the Earth, because the distance is incredibly vast. Yes, this is a rather unpleasant fact for those who dreamed of seeing a stunning spectacle, but physics and astronomy are stronger than people’s desires.

Two moons in the sky: astrologers about the anomaly on August 27, 2016
Astrological forecast for August 27

As we approach August 27 and directly on this day, when Mars is closest to us, astrologers note some anomalies and changes in the character of people. Mars is the masculine principle. Under the influence of the energy of Mars, a person becomes sharper, rude and assertive. You can get acquainted better with the intricacies of the energy of the red planet in our separate article.

People take more risks when Mars gets closer to Earth. Directly on August 27, you should avoid gambling, adventures and any dangers. The more careful you are, the better for you and for those around you. Of course, the urge to drive fast will be higher, along with the desire to experience risks, for example, from a parachute jump. The latter, by the way, will be safer than risky actions in everyday life. Astrologers advise being more careful with sharp objects, driving a car or motorcycle more slowly, and also not walking in dangerous places in the evening, since the crime rate increases under the influence of Mars.

Two moons in the sky: astrologers about the anomaly on August 27, 2016 Many wars have started over Mars. Armed conflicts are also not uncommon at the end of August. On August 27, you should be wary of anything that could cause you harm. Find the strength to be more tolerant and calm in order to save yourself from unnecessary risks. All excess energy that wants to break out should be redirected into physical exercise. If you don’t play sports, you can either start or just go for a long walk that day or visit your summer cottage. In a word, let off steam.

We are talking not only about August 27, but also about a couple of days before and after this day. On the 27th you need to exercise maximum caution, and on adjacent days just be a little calmer.

TWO MOONS IN THE SKY AUGUST 27, 2016. TRUE OR FICTION? ===================================================== ======= According to a number of sources, on the night of August 27, Mars will approach the Earth at a record close distance, so its apparent size will become similar to the size of the Moon..

For several years now, there have been rumors all over the world that on August 27th every year a rather unusual phenomenon can be seen in the sky, these are two moons. Two Moons In fact, scientists have denied this statement and they are not advised to look into the night sky on the 27th in anticipation of miracles. Mars will not shine as well as the Moon, and all you will see in the sky this night is a small dot against the background of the Moon, since the brightness of the red planet will be 10 thousand weaker than the brightness of the full Moon. The Mars hoax took place in 2003, when a huge number of people around the world were notified via email that on August 27, the red planet, when viewed without special equipment, would appear larger than the full Moon. At the same time, we note that the distance from the Earth to the Moon is almost 384 thousand kilometers, which is seven times greater than the distance to Mars noted in the message, which should be on August 27. The minimum distance from Earth to Mars - the so-called Great Oppositions - is at least 50 million kilometers, which is thousands of times greater than the distance indicated in the newsletter. Every two years, Mars reaches a point in its orbit called “opposition.” At this moment, the Red Planet is located in the sky directly opposite the Sun, that is, from the point of view of an earthly observer, Mars is opposed to the Sun.

In April 2014, the distance between Mars and Earth became the minimum over the past six years (since December 2007) and amounted to 92 million kilometers. Our planets will approach approximately the same distance on May 22, 2016. The next approach will take place in 2018 and then Mars will approach Earth by 57 million kilometers. Could Mars Look Bigger Than the Moon? No, he can not. If Mars were to come close enough for such an event to occur, its gravity would have a catastrophic effect. The diameter of Mars is twice the diameter of the Moon. This means that in order to have the same apparent size, it must be at a distance twice as great from the Earth as the Moon. With nine times the mass, it would exert about twice as much gravity on the Earth as the Moon.

Sunset on Mars May 19, 2005. A photo of the Spirit rover, which was located in the Gusev crater. Photo: Commons.wikimedia.org/ NASA How does the distance between Mars and Earth change? The distance between Earth and Mars is constantly changing. The planets are located at the minimum distance from each other when the Earth is between the Sun and Mars. During this period, the distance between the planets is from 55 to 100 million km. The distance reaches its maximum value when the Sun is between the Earth and Mars. In this case, the planets are at the most distant points of their orbits and the distance between them is approximately 400 million km. If Mars and Earth approach at a distance of less than 60 million km, then such confrontations are called great. They happen every 15 or 17 years. The last “great” confrontation took place on August 27, 2003, and the next one is expected on July 27, 2018. These days, Mars will approach Earth at 58 million km. *Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun. In ancient times, the planet was named after the ancient Roman god of war for its blood-red color. Mars revolves around the Sun in 687 days, the period of rotation around its axis is 24 hours 37 minutes.