Abstracts Statements Story

Fable bubble straw and bast shoe. Outline of a lesson on speech development (middle group) on the topic: “Bubble, Straw and Lapot”

Once upon a time there lived Bubble, Straw and Lapot. Autumn came. It became cold in the house where they lived. One early morning, Straw began to wake up her friends: “Hey, Bubble! Hey Lapot! Get up! The bubble opened its eyes and asked: “Is the porridge ready yet?” Where's my big spoon? And Straw says: “We’ve run out of firewood, there’s nothing to cook porridge with. If you want to eat rolls, don’t sit on the stove.”
And the friends went into the forest to chop wood. The bubble walks ahead briskly. The bast shoe behind him rolls from side to side. The last straw, swaying as it goes.
They walked and walked and suddenly there was a river. How to cross the river? The bubble says: “Let the Straw drag itself from bank to bank, and we will cross it.” “No, really,” answers Straw, “I know what can come out of this: The bast will go over me, I’ll break. The bast shoe will fall into the water, and the Bubble will start laughing and burst.”
“Well, then let me transport you,” Lapot said. “I’m a healthy man, nothing will happen to me.”
When the friends moved to the other side, Lapot was so wet and cold that he began to sneeze and cough. I had to make a fire and hang Laptya to dry. While Straw was collecting brushwood for the fire, Bubble fell asleep, and Lapot almost burned out. It’s good that Straw arrived on time.
Lapot warmed up and dried out. And he and Straw got to work. By evening we had cut a lot of wood.
And the lazy Bubble chopped up one log, stacked the woodpile, sat down under a birch tree to rest and fell asleep again. And just as he began to have a good dream about delicious porridge, he heard Straw’s voice: “Get up, lazy person! It’s late, it’s time to go home.”
The way back was not easy. The weather turned bad. It's starting to get dark. It is snowing. My hands and feet were frozen, and it became difficult to carry firewood.
And Bubble, although he worked a little and had time to sleep, goes and throws logs out of his bundle, as if he were dropping them. He knows that Lapot will pick it up anyway.
And the Bubble became so light that the rushing wind picked it up and carried it high, high, to the very tops of the trees.
The wind of the Bubble carried for a long time. Finally he caught on a twig. The rope on the top of his head came undone. The air came out of the Bubble. The unfortunate man fell to the ground, spread out like a pancake. And Bubble would have died if Straw had not arrived in time. She quickly inflated Bubble, tied the string tightly on the top of his head, and he came to life again.
Bubble was lazy, but this time he took upon himself all the wood that his friends chopped. He even asked for a saw and an axe. He walks, groans, and presses himself to the ground. And Straw asks him:
“Aren't you tired, Bubbles? Let me help".
“No, thank you,” responds Bubble, “I don’t want to fly anymore.”
Friends approached the river. But the river is covered with ice, and there is no need to swim across. They glide joyfully towards their house. Only suddenly the thin ice cracked, and everyone found themselves under water. But the light Bubble immediately emerged from the water, puffed up as hard as he could and pulled his friends out of the water.
Late at night the woodcutters returned home. They burned out the stove. Straw made some porridge. The friends sat down at the table. And Straw says to Bubble: “Here’s your big spoon!” Eat to your health!”

Once upon a time there was a bubble, a straw and a bast shoe. They went into the forest to chop wood. They reached the river and don’t know how to cross the river. Lapota says to the bubble:

- Bubble, let's swim across it with you!
- No, bast shoes! It’s better if the straw drags itself from the shore rather than the shore, we’ll cross it.

The straw was pulled from bank to bank. The bast shoe went over the straw, and it broke.

The bast shoe fell into the water. And the bubble laughed and laughed and burst.

What does the fairy tale bubble straw and bast shoe teach?

This little fairy tale is very instructive and teaches children from childhood to understand the value of friendship. That in difficult times you always need to come to the aid of someone who needs it, to lend a shoulder to your friend.

Here everything happened quite the opposite - when the path of Bubble, Straw and Laptya, going into the forest to chop wood, was blocked by a river, this first difficulty showed that they were not friendly and did not help each other.

If Lapot had transported Straw and Bubble to the other side, then nothing would have happened to them. And so this fairy tale ended quickly, because Lapot fell into the water, the kind Straw broke, and the stupid Bubble burst.

This is what happens to those who do not appreciate true friendship. Is this what real friends do?

Plan outline.

Communication (speech development)

TOPIC: “Bubble, Straw and Bastfoot”

Educator: Kazakevich M.V.

Bubble, Straw and Lapota

Once upon a time there lived Bubble, Straw and Lapot; They went into the forest to chop wood, reached the river and did not know: how to cross the river? Lapot says to Bubble:

  • Bubble, let's swim across on you?
  • No, Lapot, it’s better to let the Straw drag itself from bank to bank, and we will cross along it.

The straw was pulled; The bast walked on it, and it broke. The bast fell into the water, and the Bubble laughed and laughed... And burst...

Lesson objectives

Educational - to develop in children the ability to listen carefully to an adult’s story, to follow the rules of a collective game; develop learning skills, the ability to answer an adult’s questions, listen to the answers of other children, and not interrupt the speaker; instill in children a sense of camaraderie and a desire to come to the aid of friends.

Educational - improve gross motor skills; expand lexicon children; introduce antonyms into children's active vocabulary (thin - fat, tall - short, heavy - light, brave - cowardly); develop phonemic hearing in children; teach children the ability to select the right word and finish a sentence started by an adult.

Developmental - develop visual and auditory attention in children - the ability to listen attentively to the speech of an adult, solve riddles, and look for a way out of problematic situations.

Materials and equipment:

Figures of characters from the fairy tale Bubble, Straw, Lapot (Appendix 1);

Scenery: forest, river (see insert).

Progress of the lesson

Educator: “We stood on the meadow and made a circle.”(Children and the teacher stand in a circle.)Invite children to remember what Russian folk tales they know. Children take turns naming fairy tales and sitting on chairs arranged in a semicircle near the table.

Educator: Today I will introduce you to a new fairy tale, it’s called “Bubble, Straw and Lapot”, at the same time I’m exhibiting scenery and character figures.

Educator: Did you hear carefully? Then answer a few questions.

Who went into the forest to chop wood?

What did Lapot say to Bubble?

Did the Bubble agree to transport his friends to the other side?

Why do you think Bubble didn't want to do this?

What did the Bubble offer?

Did Straw agree? Why do you think she agreed?

Who was the first to walk along the Straw?

What happened to Straw? Why did she break?

What did Bubbles do when his friends got into trouble?

What happened to Bubble when he laughed?

If your friends were in trouble, would you laugh at them?

What would you do?(Children's answers)

How would you advise travelers to get across the river?(Sail across the Lapta or cut down a tree and make a bridge.)

Educator: I want to tell you a few fabulous riddles.(Ask them to listen carefully, and when they recognize the hero of the fairy tale, name and point to the corresponding figure.)

Soap replacement

Whipped the foam fluffy.

How it blew - look:

Let's fly... (bubbles).

You ask anyone: In the summer I grew up in a pole-

“What did they wear in Rus'? “She carried the ear of corn to the sun.

Galoshkas were woven from the bark, and as soon as it turned yellow,

They put shoes on their feet. She found something else to do.
(bast shoes) (straw)

Educator: Let's play the active game "Bubble" (Show how it inflates soap bubble. To do this, stand with the children in a circle and hold hands, and say the words):

Blow up the bubble

Blow up big

Don't burst out.

At the same time, we move with our backs, diverging as widely as possible and forming a large circle. Then we stop and pronounce the sound [s] for a long time (the bubble is inflated). Then we converge to the center of the circle and say the words:

The bubble burst -

Oh oh oh,

But he was so big.Approaching the center of the circle, stop and pronounce the sound [w] for a long time (air comes out of the bubble).

(We play 2-3 times)

Educator: Game “Finish the phrase”I'll start talking, and you should continue.

The bubble is thick., and what about Straw? (Thin.)

The straw is high, and what kind of Lapot? (Short.)

The bubble is light, and Lapot... (heavy).

Oval bast shoe, and the Bubble... (round).

Brave straw, and Bubble... (cowardly, timid).

The bast shoes were woven, and the Bubble... (inflated, blown out).

The straw broke and the Bubble... (burst).

For repetition, you can slightly change the task, swap words.

The straw is thin, and Bubble... (thick).

The bast shoe is low, and Straw... (high).

The bast shoe is heavy, and Bubble... (light).

Bubble is cowardly and Straw... (brave).

The bubble was inflated and Lapot... (woven).

The bubble burst and the Straw... (broke).

Educator: We did a very good job today, but there is still a task for you! (Appendix 1, 2) at the children's choice.

Thanks for the activity!

Annex 1.

Drawing fairy-tale characters using cells. Connect the dots.

Well, there was a bubble, a straw and a bast shoe; They went into the forest to chop wood, reached the river, and didn’t know how to cross the river? Lapota says to the bubble:

Bubble, let's swim across you!

No, bast shoe, it’s better to let the straw stretch from bank to bank, and we will cross it.

The straw was pulled; the bast shoe went over it, and it broke. The bast fell into the water, and the bubble laughed and laughed and burst!

Brief summary of the fairy tale "Bubble, Straw and Bast Shot"

The bubble, the straw and the bast shoe went into the forest to get firewood. They needed to get across the river. We decided to cross the straw, but it couldn’t stand it and broke.

The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Bubble, Straw and Bast Shot"

Before you take on any business, you need to think carefully about all the actions. And you shouldn’t laugh at someone else’s misfortune, because it may not turn out in your favor.

Block of short questions

1. How should a bubble, a straw and a bast shoe get across the river?

2. Why does this fairy tale have a sad ending?

3. How can you characterize the heroes of the fairy tale?