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English-Russian dictionary of general vocabulary. Get translation and transcription, pronunciation, phrases and sentences Set expressions, phrases, idioms with the verb Get


  • Get example in a phrase

    • Brad and Ange got hitched in an elaborate ceremony.

      Brad and Ange got hitched in an elaborate ceremony. pronunciation said by ibasquerice (male, UK)
    • I"ll be late. I got tied up in a problem at work.

      I"ll be late. I got tied up in a problem at work. pronunciation
    • Stop chatting, girls. You have homework to do. Get on with it!

      Stop chatting, girls. You have homework to do. Get on with it! pronunciation pronounced by Kochanyk (female, USA)
    • You need to get rid of all these old newspapers. They"re a fire hazard!

      You need to get rid of all these old newspapers. They"re a fire hazard! pronunciation said by MattAddis (male, UK)
    • You have to watch the kids at all times. You never know what they"ll get up to.

      You have to watch the kids at all times. You never know what they"ll get up to. pronunciation pronounced by user erusseestelinya (female, USA)
    • She keeps on tempting me. She is starting to get under my skin.

      She keeps on tempting me. She is starting to get under my skin. pronunciation pronounced by MengLing28 (female)
    • His finances suffered greatly in the crash, but he was able to get back on his feet quite quickly.

      His finances suffered greatly in the crash, but he was able to get back on his feet quite quickly. pronunciation pronounced by llcraft85 (female, USA)

The verb got has 3 translation options. In general, got is the past tense of the verb get, so to find out the translation, look in the dictionary for the article about the verb get.

How is GOT translated?

The most commonly used get values ​​are:

  • receive
  • accept
  • becomes

Respectively, GOT is translated into Russian as received, accepted, became.

Examples of sentences containing a verb got

I got a letter.
I received a letter.

She got angry.
She got angry (Literally: She became angry)

How is HAVE GOT translated?

In English, got is often used in combination with the verb have. Have got translated into Russian as have, possess.

Example sentences containing phrase have got, and their translation into Russian:

I have got a good job.
I have a good job. (Literally: I have a good job)

Have you got a car?
Do you have a car? (Literally: Do you have a car?

In general, in English they often use have got in cases where in Russian they would say the phrase “I have...”, “He has...”, “We have...”, etc. P. You can read more about the meanings of have got.

Set phrases with got.

There are many common expressions and phrases with got and get:

This is not a complete list. The meanings of the verb get are very diverse. It is even jokingly said that get can replace any English verb. Therefore, if you are translating a sentence containing got or get into Russian and the translation result turns out strange, do not be lazy and look into

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irregular verb

get - got - got

  1. get (purchase, earn)
  2. receive (acquire, acquire, buy)
  3. become
  4. hit
  5. get (get, get, get there)
  6. force (convince)
  7. understand (understand, comprehend)
  8. buy
  9. start off
  10. extract (produce)
  11. achieve (to achieve, to achieve, to achieve)
  12. get infected
  13. get out (get out)
  14. take (take, grab)
  15. get (get)
  16. stand up
  17. have (possess, possess)
  18. arrive
  19. bring (deliver)
  20. install
  21. calculate
  22. eat


  1. receiving
  2. offspring

Plural number: gets.

Verb forms


get a job
get a job

get furniture
buy furniture

get an answer
to receive an answer

get here
buy here

get the book
get a book

get grain
buy bread

get so
become so

get into trouble
get into trouble

get books
get books

get an appointment
get an appointment

get to America
get to America

get to places
get to the place

get the world
force the world

get the point
understand the idea

get coffee
buy coffee

get meat
get meat

get a conviction
get an indictment

get to China
reach China

get to sea
go to sea

get outside
get outside

get a car
take a car

get loans
take out loans

get the ticket
get a ticket

get up tomorrow
get up tomorrow

get money
receiving the money


It is too early to get up.
It's too early to get up.

I had to get it removed.
I had to remove it.

I saw her get hit by a car.
I saw her get hit by a car.

When he comes back, tell him I"m indisposed and shall get back at him tomorrow.
When he returns, tell him that I am not in the best mood and tomorrow I will repay him a hundredfold.

This room does not get much sun.
This room does not have enough sunlight.

She wanted to get a divorce.
She wanted a divorce.

It is time you should get up.
It's time for you to get up.

Don't get I'm wrong, Tom.
Tom, don't get me wrong.

What time do you usually get up?
What time do you usually wake up?

As long as it doesn't get cold, it's okay.
As long as it's not cold, I'm fine.

The way she talks gets on my nerves.
Her way of speaking makes me nervous.

Tom gets drunk almost every day.
Tom gets drunk almost every day.

I should wait until Tom gets here.
I have to wait for Tom's arrival.

This train gets to Chicago at 9 o"clock tonight.
This train arrives in Chicago at 9 pm.

Let's leave as soon as he gets back.
Let's leave as soon as he comes back.

My mother gets along with my aunt.
My mother gets along well with my aunt.

Tom gets drunk almost every evening.
Tom gets drunk almost every evening.

Tom gets on my nerves.
Tom gets on my nerves.

She frequently gets sugar and salt mixed up.
She often confuses sugar and salt.

People gather around here when it gets dark.
People gather here when it gets dark.

I got soaked boating down river.
I got wet rafting down the river.

He got hurt in the game yesterday.
He hurt himself during yesterday's game.

Tom got on the airplane.
Tom got on the plane.

It wasn't until I got home that I missed my umbrella.
Only when I returned home did I miss my umbrella.

After I got on board a train, I found I had left my wallet behind at home.
After I boarded the train, I noticed that I had left my wallet at home.

We"ve got to conserve water.
We need to save water.

She got angry.
She got angry.

I haven't got books.
I don't have any books.

I"ve got little time for reading these days.
I have little time to read these days.

We got on the bus at Shinjuku.
We took the bus to Shinjuku.

In English, constructions with the verb get are extremely common. This is a phrasal word that, when used skillfully, can replace a huge number of other verbs. Constructions with to get can be a salvation in the communication process for people whose communication is still small.

Use of the verb get in English

Get is translated into Russian as “to receive, to become the owner.” But this verb is used in various passages, replacing other verbs without losing the overall meaning.

Synonyms of the verb get:

  • procure– become the cause, provide, get;
  • gain– extract, earn, acquire, achieve;
  • obtain- to take place, to exist, to be recognized;
  • pocket– assign;
  • bring- brings;
  • arrive- abide.

Get with preposition

When combined with prepositions, get becomes a phrasal verb that denotes a specific directed action. In sentences and phrases with similar constructions, the combination cannot be translated literally.

For example, get after does not translate “will become later”; in this case, get after indicates that the action is performed after something:

She's always getting after the neighbors for one thing or another. “She will always find something to scold her neighbors for.”

The same principle applies to other combinations of get + preposition:

Get with past participle

is a part of speech that simultaneously has the characteristics of an adjective, verb and. In English, as in Russian, a participle can act as a modifier or a nominal part of a predicate.

The participle has temporary forms and can be specified using adverbs. When combined with some adjectives, the verb get takes on the past participle form.

  • What should I do to get on in translation? – What do I need to do to succeed in translation?
  • The pupils must get their hair cut. – Students need to have their hair cut;
  • Then he got impatient. “Then he lost his patience;
  • He has got an invitation to the wedding. – She received an invitation to the wedding;
  • We must get the car repaired. – We need to repair the car;
  • They got divorced. - They got divorced.

As can be seen from the examples, when forming a past participle, a suffix is ​​added to the verb –ed, and the particle to of the phrasal verb is omitted. In Russian, constructions with the past participle are most often translated as gerunds.