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11th planet of the solar system name. Tenth planet of the solar system discovered

On ancient Sumerian tablets there is often a mention of the eleventh planet solar system. According to researchers Noah Kramer And George Smith (British museum), and later by the Russian archaeologist Zecharia Sitchin, the Sumerians called it Nibiru. Its orbital period in a very wide elliptical orbit is 3600 years. The planet, located on an inclined axis, moved in its orbit to the side, opposite movement other planets. Nibiru crossed the entire solar system and once came very close to Earth.

Let's leave astronomical inconsistencies to the ancients; now we need another part of the amazing legends. The Sumerians believed that Nibiru existed extraterrestrial civilization, the Anunnaki people live there, which translated from Sumerian means "descended from heaven". The tablets record that they are very tall, from three to four meters, and their lifespan is several centuries. But 400,000 years ago the Anunnaki felt approaching weather disaster threatening a terrible cold snap.

The Sumerians quite accurately not only describe the appearance of the solar system before the “cataclysm”, but also indicate the reasons for that dramatic period! True, it’s a small matter - deciphering figurative phrases and allegories! One thing is clear: the description of the solar system before the catastrophe, when it was still “young”, is information transmitted by someone! By whom?

Local scientists suggested spraying gold dust into the upper layers of their atmosphere to create a protective cloud, but Nibiru did not have enough of this metal.

When Nibiru came close enough to the Earth, the Anunnaki sat down in their spaceships, looking like long capsules tapering in front, spewing flames from the back, and under the command of Captain Enki landed in the Sumerian region. There they created an astroport called Eridu. The description of this astroport surprisingly resembles appearance Nazca plateau.

But not finding gold there, they began research throughout the planet and finally found what they were looking for in one valley on

southeast Africa, in the center of the region located opposite the island of Madagascar. At first, Anunnaki workers under the direction of Enlil, Enki's younger brother, built and developed mines.

Archaeological research confirms that in South Africa During the Stone Age, mining activities were carried out. Back in 1970, archaeologists discovered extensive gold mines in Swaziland, up to 20 meters deep. In 1988, an international group of physicists determined the age of the mines - from 80 to 100 thousand years. Zulu legends say that these mines were staffed by flesh-and-blood slaves, artificially created "the first people".

But soon they rebelled, and alien scientists led by Enki decided to create servants using genetic engineering using hybrids based on the primates of the Earth. So 300,000 years ago a man appeared whose only purpose was to serve the aliens.

According to the Old Testament, God created Eve in such a unique way, namely from the rib of Adam. God had plenty of clay from which he could mold a woman, just as he molded a man. Cuneiform tablets dug up from the ruins of Babylon provided a truly sensational explanation of this mystery. It turns out that this whole story is based on a very funny misunderstanding. Namely: in the Sumerian myth, the god Enki had a rib pain. In the Sumerian language, the word “rib” corresponds to the word “ti”. The goddess who was called to heal the rib of the god Enki is called Ninti, that is, "woman from the rib". But "ninti" also means "to give life." Thus, Ninti can equally mean "woman from the rib" and "woman who gives life." And this is where the source of the misunderstanding lies. The ancient Hebrew tribes replaced Ninti with Eve, since Eve was for them the legendary foremother of humanity, that is, the “woman who gives life.” However, the second meaning of Ninti (“woman from the rib”) was somehow preserved in the memory of the Jews. In this regard, there was confusion in folk tales. Since Mesopotamian times, it has been remembered that there is something in common between Eve and a rib, and thanks to this, a strange version was born that Eve was created from Adam’s rib.

The Sumerian texts say that the Anunnaki quickly made people respect themselves, for they had “an eye located very high, which sees through the entire Earth” (satellites?), and “a fiery ray that pierces through any substance” (laser?). Having mined the gold and completed the work, Enlil received orders to destroy the human race so that the genetic experiment would not disrupt the natural course of events on the planet. But Enki saved several people (Noah's Ark?) and said that man has earned the right to live on.

Enlil became angry with his brother (probably this is the story retold in Egyptian myth - the role of Enki went to Osiris, and Enlil became Set) and demanded to convene a council of the wisest, who decided to allow humanity to remain on Earth. And 100,000 years ago, the Anunnaki first began to marry human daughters. They began to transfer their knowledge to people drop by drop. To maintain communication between the two worlds, they created a kingdom on Earth, the ruler of which was a messenger from Nibiru. His duties included transmitting messages received from the Anunnaki. Many people consider pyramids to be energy relays; these buildings have too many amazing properties. To awaken the extraterrestrial component within themselves, the kings had to consume a sacred product, which seems to be the menstrual fluid of the Anunnaki queens, containing alien hormones. The symbolism of this strange rite is still found in the rituals of many religions.

The oldest joke of humanity that has come down to us in written form dates back to 1900 BC and again belongs to this people. The ancient Sumerians laughed at this: “But here’s what has never happened: a young wife should not fart on her husband’s lap.”.

Thus, the version that the Sumerian texts contain a description of history has a right to exist 4 billion years ago!


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On March 13, 1781, English astronomer William Herschel discovered the seventh planet of the solar system - Uranus. And on March 13, 1930, American astronomer Clyde Tombaugh discovered the ninth planet of the solar system - Pluto. By the beginning of the 21st century, it was believed that the solar system included nine planets. However, in 2006, the International Astronomical Union decided to strip Pluto of this status.

There are already 60 known natural satellites of Saturn, most of which were discovered using spacecraft. Most of the satellites consist of rocks and ice. The largest satellite, Titan, discovered in 1655 by Christiaan Huygens, is larger than the planet Mercury. The diameter of Titan is about 5200 km. Titan orbits Saturn every 16 days. Titan is the only moon to have a very dense atmosphere, 1.5 times larger than Earth's, consisting primarily of 90% nitrogen, with moderate methane content.

The International Astronomical Union officially recognized Pluto as a planet in May 1930. At that moment, it was assumed that its mass was comparable to the mass of the Earth, but later it was found that Pluto’s mass is almost 500 times less than the Earth’s, even less than the mass of the Moon. Pluto's mass is 1.2 x 10.22 kg (0.22 Earth's mass). Pluto's average distance from the Sun is 39.44 AU. (5.9 to 10 to 12 degrees km), radius is about 1.65 thousand km. The period of revolution around the Sun is 248.6 years, the period of rotation around its axis is 6.4 days. Pluto's composition is believed to include rock and ice; the planet has a thin atmosphere consisting of nitrogen, methane and carbon monoxide. Pluto has three moons: Charon, Hydra and Nix.

At the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries, many objects were discovered in the outer solar system. It has become obvious that Pluto is only one of the largest Kuiper Belt objects known to date. Moreover, at least one of the belt objects - Eris - is a larger body than Pluto and is 27% heavier. In this regard, the idea arose to no longer consider Pluto as a planet. On August 24, 2006, at the XXVI General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union (IAU), it was decided to henceforth call Pluto not a “planet”, but a “dwarf planet”.

At the conference, a new definition of a planet was developed, according to which planets are considered bodies that revolve around a star (and are not themselves a star), have a hydrostatically equilibrium shape and have “cleared” the area in the area of ​​their orbit from other, smaller objects. Dwarf planets will be considered objects that orbit a star, have a hydrostatically equilibrium shape, but have not “cleared” the nearby space and are not satellites. Planets and dwarf planets are two different classes of objects in the Solar System. All other objects orbiting the Sun that are not satellites will be called small bodies of the Solar System.

Thus, since 2006, there have been eight planets in the solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. The International Astronomical Union officially recognizes five dwarf planets: Ceres, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake, and Eris.

On June 11, 2008, the IAU announced the introduction of the concept of "plutoid". It was decided to call celestial bodies revolving around the Sun in an orbit whose radius is greater than the radius of Neptune’s orbit, whose mass is sufficient for gravitational forces to give them an almost spherical shape, and which do not clear the space around their orbit (that is, many small objects revolve around them) ).

Since it is still difficult to determine the shape and thus the relationship to the class of dwarf planets for such distant objects as plutoids, scientists recommended temporarily classifying all objects whose absolute asteroid magnitude (brilliance from a distance of one astronomical unit) is brighter than +1 as plutoids. If it later turns out that an object classified as a plutoid is not a dwarf planet, it will be deprived of this status, although the assigned name will be retained. The dwarf planets Pluto and Eris were classified as plutoids. In July 2008, Makemake was included in this category. On September 17, 2008, Haumea was added to the list.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

When will the 11th planet of the solar system be found? Its orbit has already been calculated! In terms of mass, it is like the planet Neptune! and got the best answer

Answer from Maxim[guru]
There are no such planets in the solar system and there cannot be.
If there was an object of such mass, it would have been calculated a long time ago, and would have been discovered in telescopes long ago. There are no such objects in the solar system.

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: When will the 11th planet of the solar system be found? Its orbit has already been calculated! In terms of mass, it is like the planet Neptune!

Answer from Uncle Fedya[guru]
The solar system has only 8 objects that have received official planet status. Perhaps you are either an amateur astronomer, or you have watched TV shows of dubious quality. Could you please clarify what the other 3 planets are?

Answer from Dragunov_andrey[guru]
Some time ago there were such rumors in the news. But the journalist whores got it all wrong again. Scientists simply observed the fluctuations in the orbits of the outer planets. One of the hypotheses explaining this phenomenon is the presence of a large planet beyond the Oort belt. Hypothesis. GI FOR TE FOR. And the journalists immediately said: “Synsociya! They discovered the planet! And they have already found Atlanteans and zombie lizards on it! Hurray!”

Answer from Alexander Kulikov[guru]
Soon! Only this will be the ninth planet.

Answer from Mikhail Levin[guru]
Pluto was also calculated at one time and was expected to have the same mass as Neptune. You guessed wrong. And they calculated it thousands of times and didn’t find it at all. When they find it, we'll talk

Answer from Alex S[guru]
Neptune is too big a planet to hide from modern telescopes. They might find something the size of a couple of Plutos, but something like Neptune is very unlikely. He would have been visible.

solar system- these are 8 planets and more than 63 of their satellites, which are being discovered more and more often, several dozen comets and a large number of asteroids. All cosmic bodies move along their own clearly directed trajectories around the Sun, which is 1000 times heavier than all the bodies in the solar system combined. The center of the solar system is the Sun, a star around which the planets orbit. They do not emit heat and do not glow, but only reflect the light of the Sun. There are now 8 officially recognized planets in the solar system. Let us briefly list them all in order of distance from the sun. And now a few definitions.

Planet is a celestial body that must satisfy four conditions:
1. the body must revolve around a star (for example, around the Sun);
2. the body must have sufficient gravity to have a spherical or close to it shape;
3. the body should not have other large bodies near its orbit;
4. the body should not be a star

Star is a cosmic body that emits light and is a powerful source of energy. This is explained, firstly, by the events occurring in it thermonuclear reactions, and secondly, by the processes of gravitational compression, as a result of which a huge amount of energy is released.

Satellites of the planets. The solar system also includes the Moon and the natural satellites of other planets, which they all have except Mercury and Venus. Over 60 satellites are known. Most of the satellites of the outer planets were discovered when they received photographs taken by robotic spacecraft. Jupiter's smallest satellite, Leda, is only 10 km across.

is a star without which life on Earth could not exist. It gives us energy and warmth. According to the classification of stars, the Sun is a yellow dwarf. Age about 5 billion years. It has a diameter at the equator of 1,392,000 km, 109 times larger than that of Earth. The rotation period at the equator is 25.4 days and 34 days at the poles. The mass of the Sun is 2x10 to the 27th power of tons, approximately 332,950 times the mass of the Earth. The temperature inside the core is approximately 15 million degrees Celsius. The surface temperature is about 5500 degrees Celsius. By chemical composition The sun is made up of 75% hydrogen, and the other 25% elements are mostly helium. Now let’s figure out in order how many planets revolve around the sun, in the solar system and the characteristics of the planets.
The four inner planets (closest to the Sun) - Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars - have a solid surface. They are smaller than the four giant planets. Mercury moves faster than other planets, getting burned sun rays during the day and freezing at night. Period of revolution around the Sun: 87.97 days.
Diameter at the equator: 4878 km.
Rotation period (rotation around an axis): 58 days.
Surface temperature: 350 during the day and -170 at night.
Atmosphere: very rarefied, helium.
How many satellites: 0.
The main satellites of the planet: 0.

More similar to Earth in size and brightness. Observing it is difficult due to the clouds enveloping it. The surface is a hot rocky desert. Period of revolution around the Sun: 224.7 days.
Diameter at the equator: 12104 km.
Rotation period (rotation around an axis): 243 days.
Surface temperature: 480 degrees (average).
Atmosphere: dense, mostly carbon dioxide.
How many satellites: 0.
The main satellites of the planet: 0.

Apparently, the Earth was formed from a gas and dust cloud, like other planets. Particles of gas and dust collided and gradually “grew” the planet. The temperature on the surface reached 5000 degrees Celsius. Then the Earth cooled and became covered with a hard rock crust. But the temperature in the depths is still quite high - 4500 degrees. Rocks in the depths are molten and during volcanic eruptions they flow to the surface. Only on earth there is water. That's why life exists here. It is located relatively close to the Sun in order to receive the necessary heat and light, but far enough so as not to burn out. Period of revolution around the Sun: 365.3 days.
Diameter at the equator: 12756 km.
Period of rotation of the planet (rotation around its axis): 23 hours 56 minutes.
Surface temperature: 22 degrees (average).
Atmosphere: Mainly nitrogen and oxygen.
Number of satellites: 1.
The main satellites of the planet: the Moon.

Because of its resemblance to Earth, it was believed that life existed here. But descended to the surface of Mars spacecraft I found no signs of life. This is the fourth planet in order. Period of revolution around the Sun: 687 days.
Diameter of the planet at the equator: 6794 km.
Rotation period (rotation around an axis): 24 hours 37 minutes.
Surface temperature: -23 degrees (average).
The planet's atmosphere: thin, mostly carbon dioxide.
How many satellites: 2.
The main satellites in order: Phobos, Deimos.

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are made of hydrogen and other gases. Jupiter exceeds Earth by more than 10 times in diameter, 300 times in mass and 1300 times in volume. It is more than twice as massive as all the planets in the solar system combined. How long does it take for planet Jupiter to become a star? We need to increase its mass by 75 times! Period of revolution around the Sun: 11 years 314 days.
Diameter of the planet at the equator: 143884 km.
Rotation period (rotation around an axis): 9 hours 55 minutes.
Planet surface temperature: –150 degrees (average).
Number of satellites: 16 (+ rings).
The main satellites of the planets in order: Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto.

It is number 2, the largest of the planets in the solar system. Saturn attracts attention thanks to its ring system formed of ice, rocks and dust that orbit the planet. There are three main rings with an outer diameter of 270,000 km, but their thickness is about 30 meters. Period of revolution around the Sun: 29 years 168 days.
Diameter of the planet at the equator: 120536 km.
Rotation period (rotation around an axis): 10 hours 14 minutes.
Surface temperature: –180 degrees (average).
Atmosphere: Mainly hydrogen and helium.
Number of satellites: 18 (+ rings).
Main satellites: Titan.

A unique planet in the solar system. Its peculiarity is that it rotates around the Sun not like everyone else, but “lying on its side.” Uranus also has rings, although they are harder to see. In 1986, Voyager 2 flew at a distance of 64,000 km, he had six hours to take photographs, which he successfully implemented. Orbital period: 84 years 4 days.
Diameter at the equator: 51118 km.
Period of rotation of the planet (rotation around its axis): 17 hours 14 minutes.
Surface temperature: -214 degrees (average).
Atmosphere: Mainly hydrogen and helium.
How many satellites: 15 (+ rings).
Main satellites: Titania, Oberon.

At the moment, Neptune is considered the last planet in the solar system. Its discovery took place through mathematical calculations, and then it was seen through a telescope. In 1989, Voyager 2 flew past. He took stunning photographs of the blue surface of Neptune and its largest moon, Triton. Period of revolution around the Sun: 164 years 292 days.
Diameter at the equator: 50538 km.
Rotation period (rotation around an axis): 16 hours 7 minutes.
Surface temperature: –220 degrees (average).
Atmosphere: Mainly hydrogen and helium.
Number of satellites: 8.
Main satellites: Triton.

On August 24, 2006, Pluto lost its planetary status. The International Astronomical Union has decided which celestial body should be considered a planet. Pluto does not meet the requirements of the new formulation and loses its “planetary status”, at the same time Pluto takes on a new quality and becomes the prototype of a separate class of dwarf planets.

How did the planets appear? Approximately 5–6 billion years ago, one of the disk-shaped gas and dust clouds of our large Galaxy (Milky Way) began to shrink toward the center, gradually forming the present Sun. Further, according to one theory, under the influence of powerful forces of attraction, a large number of dust and gas particles revolving around the Sun began to stick together into balls - forming future planets. As another theory says, the gas and dust cloud immediately broke up into separate clusters of particles, which compressed and became denser, forming the current planets. Now 8 planets revolve around the Sun constantly.

The solar system is a planetary system that includes the central star - the Sun - and all the natural objects of space revolving around it. It was formed by gravitational compression of a gas and dust cloud approximately 4.57 billion years ago. We will find out which planets are part of the solar system, how they are located in relation to the Sun and their brief characteristics.

Brief information about the planets of the solar system

The number of planets in the Solar System is 8, and they are classified in order of distance from the Sun:

  • Inner planets or planets terrestrial group - Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. They consist mainly of silicates and metals
  • Outer planets– Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are the so-called gas giants. They are much more massive than the terrestrial planets. The largest planets in the solar system, Jupiter and Saturn, consist mainly of hydrogen and helium; The smaller gas giants, Uranus and Neptune, contain methane and carbon monoxide in their atmospheres, in addition to hydrogen and helium.

Rice. 1. Planets of the Solar System.

The list of planets in the Solar System, in order from the Sun, looks like this: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. By listing the planets from largest to smallest, this order changes. The largest planet is Jupiter, followed by Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Earth, Venus, Mars and finally Mercury.

All planets orbit the Sun in the same direction as the Sun rotates (counterclockwise when viewed from the side north pole Sun).

Mercury has the highest angular velocity - it manages to make full turn around the Sun in just 88 Earth days. And for the most distant planet - Neptune - the orbital period is 165 Earth years.

Most of the planets rotate around their axis in the same direction as they revolve around the Sun. The exceptions are Venus and Uranus, with Uranus rotating almost “lying on its side” (axis tilt is about 90 degrees).

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Table. The sequence of planets in the solar system and their features.


Distance from the Sun

Circulation period

Rotation period

Diameter, km.

Number of satellites

Density g/cub. cm.


Terrestrial planets (inner planets)

The four planets closest to the Sun consist predominantly of heavy elements, have a small number of satellites, and have no rings. They are largely composed of refractory minerals such as silicates, which form their mantle and crust, and metals, such as iron and nickel, which form their core. Three of these planets—Venus, Earth, and Mars—have atmospheres.

  • Mercury- is the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest planet in the system. The planet has no satellites.
  • Venus- is close in size to the Earth and, like the Earth, has a thick silicate shell around an iron core and an atmosphere (because of this, Venus is often called the “sister” of the Earth). However, the amount of water on Venus is much less than on Earth, and its atmosphere is 90 times denser. Venus has no satellites.

Venus is the hottest planet in our system, its surface temperature exceeds 400 degrees Celsius. The most likely reason for such a high temperature is Greenhouse effect, arising from a dense atmosphere rich in carbon dioxide.

Rice. 2. Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system

  • Earth- is the largest and most dense of the terrestrial planets. The question of whether life exists anywhere other than Earth remains open. Among the terrestrial planets, the Earth is unique (primarily due to its hydrosphere). The Earth's atmosphere is radically different from the atmospheres of other planets - it contains free oxygen. Earth has one natural satellite— The Moon, the only large satellite of the terrestrial planets of the Solar System.
  • Mars– smaller than Earth and Venus. It has an atmosphere consisting mainly of carbon dioxide. There are volcanoes on its surface, the largest of which, Olympus, exceeds the size of all terrestrial volcanoes, reaching a height of 21.2 km.

Outer Solar System

The outer region of the Solar System is home to gas giants and their satellites.

  • Jupiter- has a mass 318 times that of Earth, and 2.5 times more massive than all other planets combined. It consists mainly of hydrogen and helium. Jupiter has 67 moons.
  • Saturn- Known for its extensive ring system, it is the least dense planet in the solar system (its average density is less than that of water). Saturn has 62 satellites.

Rice. 3. Planet Saturn.

  • Uranus- the seventh planet from the Sun is the lightest of the giant planets. What makes it unique among other planets is that it rotates “lying on its side”: the inclination of its rotation axis to the ecliptic plane is approximately 98 degrees. Uranus has 27 moons.
  • Neptune- the last planet in the solar system. Although slightly smaller than Uranus, it is more massive and therefore denser. Neptune has 14 known moons.

What have we learned?

One of the interesting topics in astronomy is the structure of the solar system. We learned what names the planets of the solar system are, in what sequence they are located in relation to the Sun, what are their distinctive features and brief characteristics. This information is so interesting and educational that it will be useful even for 4th grade children.

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